Select * From Mytable For Xml Raw - Can't Send To Sql Server Destination

Jul 17, 2006

Good evening,

I want to use ssis to export data from relational tables in sql server 2005 and import them into an xml column in sql server 2005.

Any suggestions for the best way to do this.

I created an datareader source using adventure works with the sql command "SELECT * FROM purchasing.vendor FOR XML RAW"

I then created a sql server destination with and mapped the output from above to an xml column.

I get the following error

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, SQL Server Destination [596]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "XML parsing: line 1, character 2033, unexpected end of input".

Is there a better way to attack this? I'd prefer not to need to send to the file system, etc.



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SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Dbo.myTable WHERE MyName ='Bill'

Aug 25, 2006

Hi.Am struggling when trying to convert an old CMS from ASP 3 to ASP.NET 2.0How can I use a SELECT COUNT (*) statement as described in the heading using SQL connection to a MS SQL Server 2005What I want to do is to return the occurencies of a name in a table field programatically for further processing.So...when I have discovered that I had one or more occurencies, I will create a new query to get other data from the table.Would appreciate an answer fast as I can't seem to find info in the documentation on MSDN (hard to find a tree in the forest) 

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A Performance Question: SELECT ID As SubID FROM MyTable AS MyTable1

Sep 13, 2005

For some reasons I need to access the same field of the same table twice in a query, and each give out a diferrent valueLike this:"SELECT, as subID FROM myTable INNER JOIN ...  INNER JOIN myTable as myTable1 ..."The question is, when I write it as myTable as myTable1 will it affect the query performance if myTable is a large table? will it create another so big copy of myTable? or I should create a view like "CREATE VIEW myTable1 AS SELECT id FROM myTable" to reduce the side of myTable1?Thank you.

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How To Define Programatically TO Destination On Send Mail Task

Oct 23, 2007

Hi everyone,

I've used "ToLine" property but it seems is not related at all with that field.

Does anyone knows how to do such thing?

My goal is to load a table and by using For Each Loop task send emails...

It seems easy...

Thanks in advance,

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Transact SQL :: How To INSERT Column Into MyTable

Jun 8, 2015

How to INSERT new column(Field) into MyTable

1. FirstName nvarchar(50)
2. LastName nvarchar(100)
3. Student bit Checked
4. CreateDate datetime
5. HwoOld float Checked

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SQL Server 2008 :: 2 Emails Being Send From Job When Only 1 Should Send?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a job that emails out shipment notifications at the end of the day to our customers. The problem I have is I don't understand why the same email is sending out twice within a minute of each other when the job is only scheduled to run once. If I take the code out of the step and run it in management studio it only emails once. I attached the code for one customer for reference. We are running SQL 2008 on a VM sending to an exchange 2010 server.

SET @tableHTML =N'<H1>XYZ Company ASN For ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) + ' </H1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Vendor</th><th>Delivery Date</th>' +
N'<th>Purchase Order Number</th><th>Item Number</th><th>Item Description</th>' +
N'<th>Quantity Shipped</th><th>UOM</th><th>BOL Number</th>'


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Invalid Object Name MyTable Error For A StoredProcedure OleDbCommand

Oct 18, 2007

 What does Invalid object name "MyTable" mean?
 I checked the table and column names.  They are both correct. 
Will the error mean something else, e.g. wrong data type, or no data?
Dim strConn As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectString").ConnectionStringDim oConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn)Dim oDBCommand As New OleDbCommand("MyStoredProceduret", oConn)oDBCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedureoDBCommand.Connection.Open()Dim rtnValue As String = oDBCommand.ExecuteScalar()   This is the error source file
This is the SPCREATE PROCEDURE MyStoredProcedure ASSELECT SettingsReqSchdTimeout FROM SettingsGO

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Send Mail Task Problem Using A Combination Of ForEach Loop, Recordset Destination, Execute SQL Task And Script Task

Jun 21, 2007

OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...

I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.

I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.

I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.

I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).

The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)

My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.

part number leadtime

x 5

y 9


Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?



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Select Top 15 And Send Top 5 , 5, 5

Jul 24, 2006

I have a requirement to select top 15 from a table

select top 15 from students
now , i want to send first 5 to Class A , Next 5 to Class B , Next 5 to Class C

how can i
select top 5 to 10 from top 15 from table students

select top 10 to 15 from top 15 from table students

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Send Per Email SELECT Results With More Than 1 Row

Nov 20, 2014

"Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression"..It is about a Stored Procedure, which not only should output the number of opportunities with status "Pending" or "Accepted" but also the name of the opportunities with these statuses. Following points:

1. The SELECT that outputs the names of the opportunities may in some cases return more than one value. I created then the CURSOR CUR_TEST.

2. The code should return the names of Opportunities, namely after "The opportunities are:" and these must be sent to the recipients of an email. How can I do this, so the Names of the Opportunities and the rest of the email can be sent by email?. I mean, the concatenation with SET or SELECT doesn't work. I get as email only the output of the last row of the SELECT with cursor CUR_TEST.

3. I add an example how the output should be.

The following is the code:




An example how the Output in the email body should be:

Dear MyName,
You have 47 Opportunities with status Pending.
The Opportunities are:

Name of Opportunity 1
Name of Opportunity 2
Name of Opportunity 3

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Send Mail Using Variables From Select Statement

Jan 5, 2007

I'm getting the error "No recepient is specified".

I have set up a dataflow from a select statement into a record set, then have that dataflow point to a ForEach group with a mail task in it. I have set up variables for the username and subjectline. So in the mail task I have no value in the To: line because I specify an ""> exactly.

I couldn't figure out how to included screen shots.

Any ideas?

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Send Results Of SELECT FOR XML Query To A File

Feb 9, 2008

I have posted this on previous forums, but the below code is a CLR stored proc that will accepts two parameters, a SELECT.... FOR XML query and a file path, and saves the resulting xml result into a file specified by the parameter. After compiling the VB code into a .dll than the T-SQL code to import the assembly, create the CLR proc and test it is included underneath. Hope some will find this useful

Code Snippet
'Requires the Trial or Release version of Visual Studio .NET 2005 Professional (or greater).
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Xml

Partial Public Class outputxml
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub outputxml(ByVal XmlData As SqlXml, ByVal Filename As SqlString)
'Create the variables to hold the values that are supplied by the parameters
'input by the stored procedure
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
Dim output As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe()
'Load the result set into the XmlDoc Variable and then save the results in the
'path provided by the stored procedure. The values are provided by the
'input parameters of the stored procedure
Catch ex As Exception
'If an error occurs catch the message and pipe it back to SQL
End Try
End Sub
End Class


/*Alter the database to set trustworthy on in order

to allow the ability to set the assembly to external


ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks SET trustworthy ON

--Import the assembly into SQL


from 'C:outputxml.dll'


-- Create the proc from the imported dll


@xmldata XML,

@filename nvarchar(1024)


EXTERNAL NAME outputxml.[outputxml.outputxml]


-- Test managed stored procedure

DECLARE @output xml

SET @output = (SELECT ProductID, Name, ListPrice

FROM Production.Product Product


EXEC dbo.outputxml @output, 'c:Output.xml'


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OLE DB Problems - Can SELECT, INSERT But Not UPDATE Or DELETE From The OLE DB Destination

May 16, 2008

Greetings. I have been trying to develop an SSIS package that updates external data (Visual FoxPro tables) from SQL Server 2005. I have tried this various ways: using various Data Flow task components that flow to an OLEB Destination; using an Execute T-SQL Task; and even trying Management Studio interactively with the OpenDataSource('vfpoledb', etc.) statement. For each of these techniques, I have no problem performing a SELECT from the VFP data. Also, I have no problems performing an INSERT of new records using any of these techniques. However, both UPDATE and DELETE of existing records fail.

Is it possible the the OLE DB driver doesn't support UPDATE and DELETE operations? It appears that I'm not allowed to change or delete existing records, only add new ones. Or, are there other techniques I can be trying?

I am aware that updating FoxPro data can be performed by pulling the data from SQL Server into FoxPro. For our purposes, it would be more convenient if the processes could be initiated and managed from the SQL Server side of things instead.

Thanks much,
Randy Witt

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OLE DB DESTINATION And SQL Server Destination

Jul 4, 2007

Hey All:

I was totally confused.

When designing the SSIS dataflow part, firstly , i tried SQL Server Destination because my target server is a sql server.

then execute the task with failure.

Then i tried to use OLE DB DESTINATION instead of SQL Server Destination.

This Dataflow worked.

i can not figour out why.

By the way , i used the connection is OLE DB.And i choosed OLE DB source as the datasource cuz i can not find SQL server datasource.

Who can tell me some reasons for this?

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How To Send Long String Using SqlContext.pipe.send(strString)?

Aug 15, 2006


I have a string almost 11006 length.. when i try to send back from SQLCLR procedure

it says cannot send ..

here is Exception Text "Message length 11060 exceeds maximum length supported of 4000."

Max limit to send a string using pipe is 4000

How I can send a string which is large in size than 4000.


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How To Send A Dynamic Files Attachment By Send Mail Task?

Jan 19, 2007

Hello All,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this is driving me nuts.

I want to send a dynamic files in attachment files ny send mail task that file name has change follow datetime.

I try to use the expression but I can't use it.

please tell me for this problem.

Any suggestions appreciated,


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Send Mail From SQL Server 2000 Running On Small Business Server 2003

Nov 5, 2007

I'm trying to configure SQL server 2000 (standard edition) to send e-mail on a Small Business Server 2003. There's a great article on how to do this on a SBS 2000 server (KB304967), but it does not apply to SBS 2003. Can anyone point me to a article or white paper on how to configure SQL on a SBS 2003 server to send e-mail. Thanks.

David Neahusan

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Reporting Services :: How To Check Report Server Windows Service Has Send As Permissions On The SMTP Server

Sep 3, 2015

i want to check.. Report Server Windows service has Send As permissions on the SMTP server.

how can i do this..

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Send Email From Sql Server

Oct 25, 2004

How can I send an email from sql server.

I tried the following code which gives me no errors but doesn't send the email.


CREATE Procedure sp_SMTPMail@SenderName varchar(100),@SenderAddress varchar(100),@RecipientName varchar(100),@RecipientAddress varchar(100),@Subject varchar(200),@Body varchar(8000)ASSET nocount ondeclare @oMail int --Object referencedeclare @resultcode intEXEC @resultcode = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @oMail OUTif @resultcode = 0BEGINEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'From', @SenderAddressEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'To', @RecipientAddressEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Subject', @SubjectEXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Body', @BodyEXEC @resultcode = sp_OAMethod @oMail, 'Send', NULLEXEC sp_OADestroy @oMailENDSET nocount off GO

Can anyone recommend a solution to send email from sql server?

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How To Send Mail Through SQL Server...

Oct 6, 2004


I have a requirement of sending mail through SQL Server through SMTP port... But, I dont want to configure my database server as e-mail client...

Is there any way to do it...

Thanks in advance...

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How To Send File To Different Server Using FTP

May 4, 2015

I found following script but getting invalid command error.

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[FtpPutFile] Script Date: 03/25/2014 10:07:58 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:<Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>


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How Can I Send Mail By Using Sql Server

Aug 24, 2007

hi allmy query is how can i send mail by using sql server, i think by unsingxp_sendmail store procedure we can do this but my problem is whatparamater to be pass to this store procedure if i want to send mailfrom my local machine to another user, bcos i am geeting this errormsg in query analyzer...query:-EXEC master..xp_sendmail 'ss35934' (ss35934 is valid user namepresent into my local nerwork)getting error msg :- xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80040111from:- sachin shah

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Send E-Mail TO SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have a SQL Server 2000 application that send's e-mail to users usingthe xp_smtp_sendmail procedure. That works fine. What I would liketo do is RECIEVE e-mail with SQL Server.Example: I text message an alert to a user. They reply with somekeyword in the subject of their reply e-mail, such as 'ACKNOWLEDGED'or 'ACK' for short. SQL Server recieves this and then acts upon itwith a stored procedure, etc.Anyone know if this is possible and with what tool?TIA,Lindsey

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Error At Transfer Objects Task: The Source Server Can Not Be The Same As The Destination Server.

Jul 4, 2005

SQL Server 2005 - June CTP

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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SQL Server Destination [16]

Jan 15, 2006

[SQL Server Destination [16]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT              ' could not be opened. Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.). Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security.".

I'm trying to do a simple upload to a production server from an Access mdb of the kind I used to do routinely in DTS.  Any ideas?



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SQL Server Destination

Sep 11, 2007

I have created a data flow with 2 target components ( SQL Server destination )
I ran the package and everything went fine.
Unfortunatelly when I changed TransactionOption in the package properties to Required. It got stuck in the very beggining.
The service DTC is working.
Does someone know why I can't load 2 targets in one transaction ?

Thanks ahead

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DB Engine :: Copy Files From Source Server On Destination Server

Sep 25, 2015

I want to schedule a job which pulls files from a non SQL server (Sybase) which later needs to have a step 2 kicking the ssis package. Problem is that, on the source a batch file will run every 4 hours and outputs total of 10 text files. (takes 5 minutes complete). Now, on destination i want to pull these files via SQL job but while scheduling;

1. I don't see any option saying like 4 hours 10 minutes or so
2. If its out there, then i believe this might be a problem as this time would be an increment one e.g next run would be 4 hours 20 minutes in that case.

How should i achieve pulling these files up because we have an SSIS package on destination that needs those text files to be used as soon as they arrive on SQL server(destination)

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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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How Can Send Mail Using Proxy Server?

Jun 13, 2008

 How can send mail using proxy server?

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Possible To Send Parameter To Excel (via Web) To Pas Along Through To SQL Server?

Sep 14, 2004

Is there anyway to pass a parameter to an Excel spreadsheet (loaded in a browser) to use as a parameter in SQL statement?

I know that the Microsoft Technologies can write Excel files and then load them, but I'm looking to take an existing workbook, parameterize the SQL statement and pass parameters via the Querystring/Form Post to it.

Why you may ask? For existing PivotTables/Charts that can be filtered BEFORE they are run.

Any/all thoughts appreciated.


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How To Send A Flat File To Sql Server 7 Using DTS

Feb 17, 2002

I have a flat file which contains like:
MEPMD01,19970819,test/ts1,35100,EASTERN,35100,200202140818,50767210,OK,E ,KHREG,1,00010014,02,200202130801,,00002651.556,20 0202140815,,00002668.860,

I want to transfer this file to a sql server database table.

My problem is how to send the above string to a table by formating like removing commas.

Can I do that using DTS. I need the answer very quickly.

Any help would be appreciated.

Or there is any better way to transfer the content to the table.

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How Send Data To Another Remote SQL Server

Oct 3, 2006

I want to post all the data in my company branch office in Lahore to the Head office in Peshawar. This will be done at the end of the day and the two SQL SERVERs synchronize data between both points over internet. what procedure should i use? and how the two computers will know the ip addresses of each other while connecting?

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