Select Query On Table Unify

Oct 21, 2015

I have a select query on table unify, here i want to display the "Desc" value from JKS table instead of "u.code" field


+ISNULL(u.desc,'')+' '
+ISNULL(u.code,'')+' '
from Unify u

another table 'JKS'

code | Desc
001 | LCC
002 | HHT
003 | ICH
004 | Unify

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Declaring A Table Variable Within A Select Table Joined To Other Select Tables In Query

Oct 15, 2007


I hope someone can answer this, I'm not even sure where to start looking for documentation on this. The SQL query I'm referencing is included at the bottom of this post.

I have a query with 3 select statements joined together like tables. It works great, except for the fact that I need to declare a variable and make it a table within two of those 3. The example is below. You'll see that I have three select statements made into tables A, B, and C, and that table A has a variable @years, which is a table.

This works when I just run table A by itself, but when I execute the entire query, I get an error about the "declare" keyword, and then some other errors near the word "as" and the ")" character. These are some of those errors that I find pretty meaningless that just mean I've really thrown something off.

So, am I not allowed to declare a variable within these SELECT tables that I'm creating and joining?

Thanks in advance,

Select * from


declare @years table (years int);

insert into @years



WHEN month(getdate()) in (1) THEN year(getdate())-1

WHEN month(getdate()) in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) THEN year(getdate())




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) LastMonthBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) lasmosbillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-1


year(dm_date) = (select years from @years)

and tx.dm_billable = 1

group by u.fullname

) as A

left outer join



, sum(tx.Dm_Time) Billhours

, ((sum(tx.Dm_Time))


((day(getdate()) * ((5.0)/(7.0))) * 8)) perc


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


tx.Dm_Billable = '1'


month(tx.Dm_Date) = month(GetDate())


year(tx.Dm_Date) = year(GetDate())

group by u.fullname) as B


A.Fullname = B.Fullname

Left Outer Join




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) TwomosagoBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) twomosagobillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-2

group by u.fullname

) as C


A.Fullname = C.Fullname

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SQL 2000 Connect To UNIFY Database

Oct 17, 2006

any idea When try to retrieve record from UNIFY database thru ODBC i received below error message

Server: Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not obtain the schema rowset for OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset returned 0x80040e21: ].

and the command I use is as follow in SQL Query Analyzer.
select * from OpenDataSource( 'MSDASQL',
'Data Source="DEVSVR_DSN";DRIVER={Unify DBIntegrator Client};UID=XXXXX;PWD=XXXX')...dnation


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Pull Value Of Query And Not Value Of Variable When Query Using Select Top 1 Value From Table

Jun 26, 2015

how do I get the variables in the cursor, set statement, to NOT update the temp table with the value of the variable ? I want it to pull a date, not the column name stored in the variable...

create table #temptable (columname varchar(150), columnheader varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))
insert into #temptable
SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10
--column name
declare @cname varchar(30)


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Need Help W/ Postback To 'Customers' Table On Form Using Select Query From 'Parameters' Table

Dec 20, 2007

I have set up a 'Parameters' table that solely stores all pre-assigned selection values for a webform. I customized a stored query to Select the values from the Parameters table. I set up the webform. The result is that the form1.apsx automatically populates each DropDownList task with the pre-assigned values from the 'Parameters' table (for example, the stored values in the 'Parameters' table 'Home', 'Business', and 'Other'  populate the drop down list for 'Type').
The programming to move the selected data from form1.aspx to a new table in the SQL database perplexes me. If possible, I would like to use the form1.aspx to Postback (or Insert) the "selected" data to a *new* column in a *new* table (such as writing the data to the 'CustomerType' column in the 'Customers' table; I clearly do not want to write back to the 'Parameters' table). Any help to get over this hurdle would be deeply appreciated.

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Create Table From Select Query

Jan 31, 2006

I'm currently working on a web frontend which was designed for mysql but is being moved over to mssql.

The current system uses a select query to create a table:


CREATE TABLE newtable AS SELECT afield FROM atable

This doesn't seem to work in mssql.

Is there an equivilant in mssql which can be used?

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Help With A Query- Select A Top Field And Join It With Another Table

Feb 1, 2008

 hi, i need help with a query:SELECT Headshot, UserName, HeadshotId FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN Headshots ON Headshots.ProfileId=tblProfile.ProfileId WHERE (UserName= @UserName) this query will select what I want from the database, but the problem is that I have multiple HeadshotIds for each profile, and I only want to select the TOP/highest HeadshotId and get one row foreach headshotId. Is there a way to do that in 1 SQL query? I know how to do it with multiple queries, but im using SqlDataSource and it only permits one. Thanks!

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Select Query - How To Get Result Based On Given Table

Sep 14, 2014

Till now I get data form multiple table using join, but unable to understand how can i get the this result based on given table -

Result should be -

PRO00001;PRO00002Product Test SearchedPromotion One;Promotion Two
PRO00001;PRO00002;PRO00002Product Final SearchedPromotion One;Promotion Two;Promotion Three
PRO00002TestingPromotion Two

Tables -
select * from ProMaster
PRO00001Promotion One
PRO00002Promotion Two
PRO00003Promotion Three

select * from ProDetail
1PRO00001;PRO00002Product Test Searched
2PRO00001;PRO00002;PRO00002Product Final Searched

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Very Slow Query (select Count(*) From Table)

Feb 15, 2006

Dear MS SQL Experts,I have to get the number of datasets within several tables in my MSSQL2000 SP4 database.Beyond these tables is one table with about 13 million entries.If I perform a "select count(*) from table" it takes about 1-2 min toperform that task.Since I know other databases like MySQL which take less than 1 sec forthe same taskI'm wondering whether I have a bug in my software or whether there areother mechanisms to get the number of datasets for tables or the numberof datasets within the whole database.Can you give me some hints ?Best regards,Daniel Wetzler

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SQL Query (SELECT Statement) And Table Design

Aug 19, 2007

I am wondering if there is a direct query in this case:

I am developing a program to a company which simply sells services
One service may have different prices for different types of clients
The price of any service for any client can change at any time, and I should be able to trace these changes at any time

I made the following tables (simplified): (asterisk for primary key)

(Table) (Fields)

CLIENT_TYPES : ID*, ClientTypeName
SERVICES : ID*, ServiceName
PRICES : ServiceID*, ClientTypeID*, Price, Date*
ORDERS : ID*, Date, ClientTypeID

The field in bold is the area of the question

This is a sample data in the PRICES table:

ServiceID ClientTypeID Price Date1 1 100 1/1/20072 1 150 1/1/20071 2 90 1/1/20072 2 135 1/1/2007

Now if I want to update a price of service 1 for clienttype 1, I add the following row:

1 1 100 1/1/2008

So one product for one client can have any number of prices with different dates

The following query:


will retrieve all prices with repeats for a specific client (#1 here)

What I want is a query to retrieve the most recent prices for specific client for all products, even if a query on query

If there is commemts on table design please tell me

thanks for any one who provides help

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Select Table In Query?

May 18, 2015

How  Can I select  Table Dynamically from in Side SQL Query

Select * from (Here I want Select the Dynamically from other Query)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Select Within A Table Field In 2nd Query

Aug 27, 2015

I have a table (ScriptTable) which holds a groupID Nvarchar(10) ,SQLStatement Nvarchar (150)

Table Fields =
GroupID SQLStatement
1234 Select CUSTNO, CUSTNAME,CUSTADDRESS from custtable where customerNo = 'AB123'
9876 Select CUSTNO, CUSTNAME,CUSTADDRESS from custtable where customerNo = 'XY*'

What I need is to take each select statement in turn and add the data into a temp table. I can use any method but it needs to be the most efficient. There can also be a varying number of select statements to run through each time my job is run.

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Insert Record In Table - Select Output Of Query

Oct 14, 2013

I had a query and i need to insert record in table and also want to select output of query.

Actually I need to insert and show data in same query.

;with cte as (
select id , status
from tbl_main
where id = 15555
insert into testinsert (id , status)
select * from cte

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Convert XML Data With Select Query And Insert Into Table?

Jun 19, 2014

I want to convert xml data with select query and insert into table.

Xml sample like this :



And data should be like this with select query :


I want simple query in form of above format.

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Writing Query To Dynamically Select A Database Table

Sep 24, 2006

Is there a way I can write a query to dynamically select a database table. That is, instead of having a variable for a certain column like customerId which would be €œcustomerID = @customerID€? I want to use the variable to select the table. I assume I may have to use a stored procedure but I am unclear as to how this would be coded.


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Nested SELECT Query That Also Returns COUNT From Related Table

Mar 4, 2005

OK heres the situation, I have a Categories table and a Products table, each Category can have one or many Products, but a product can only belong to one Category hence one-to-many relationship.

Now I want to do a SELECT query that outputs all of the Categories onto an ASP page, but also displays how many Products are in each category eg.

CatID | Name | Description | No. Products

0001 | Cars | Blah blah blah | 5

etc etc

At the moment I'm doing nesting in my application logic so that for each category that is displayed, another query is run that returns the number of products for that particular category. It works ok!

However, is there a way to write a SQL Statement that returns all the Categories AND number products from just the one SELECT statement, rather than with the method I'm using outlined above? The reason I'm asking is that I want to be able to order by the number of products for each category and my method doesn't allow me to do this.

Many thanks!

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SQL Search :: 2012 / How To Update The Results Into Select Query Table

Oct 28, 2015

I have  created a table(T1) from select query result, that Select query is parameterised. Now I need to update the select query table(T1) based on the result every time.

Below is my Query:

 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RPT_Cost_copy]
(SELECT a.meu, a.mep2, SUM(a.mest) as excst                
FROM mei as A WHERE a.myar=@yr and a.mprd=@mth AND LTRIM(A.MCU) <> '' AND LTRIM(A.MRP2) <> ''      


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Newbie Question: Table Polling And Select Query In A Loop

May 2, 2007


I am a newbie in SSIS.

Can anybody please help me in the following.

Here is the task that I want to achieve:

1. continously poll a db table every 1 minute,

if the value of a paticular cell in the table has changed since last poll,

then initiate the second task

2. do a select query that picks about 10,000 new rows off another db table,

the 10,000 rows should then be stored in a in-memory dataset.

Every time the poll initiates a new select query, it should insert the new rows to the existing in-memory dataset.

thus if the select runs for 2 times in 2 minutes, the the in-memory dataset would contain a maximum of 20,000 rows.

3. Then I want to apply a set of transformations on the dataset and then finally update some db tables, push some records to the ssas database. (push mode incremental processing)

which sub tasks can be achieved and which cannot.

if not, Is there a workaround?

Please do provide some specific links that accomplish some of these similar tasks.

I have tested some functionality, like

doing a full processing of a ssas database.

reading from a database table and inserting into a flat file.

I tired to use the ExecuteSQLTask, and i also assigned the resultant to an user:variable. the execution completed succesfully but I am not able to see the value of the variable change. also I am not able to use the variable to figure out a change in previous value and thus initiate a sql select. or use the variable to do anything.


Vijay R

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Invalid Results For Order By On Select Query Against Table Variable

Jan 21, 2008

I am attempting to sort the results of a query executed against a table variable in descending order. The data is being inserted into the table variable as expected, however when I attempt to order the results in descending order, the results are incorrect. I have included the code as well as the result set.

DECLARE @tblCustomRange AS TABLE



RangeMonth INTEGER,





-- Initialize month and day variables.

SET @Month = 8

SET @Day = 11

-- Insert records into the table variable.
INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange

(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (1,2)

INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange

(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (1,27)

INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange

(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (6,10)

INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange

(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (9,22)

INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange

(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (12,16)

-- Select everything from the table variable ordering the results by month, day in
-- descending order

SELECT * FROM @tblCustomRange

WHERE (RangeMonth < @Month) OR

(RangeMonth = @Month AND RangeDay <= @Day)

ORDER BY RangeMonth, RangeDay DESC

I am getting the following resultset:

RecordID RangeMonth RangeDay

----------- ----------- -----------

2 1 27

1 1 2

3 6 10

I am expecting the following resultset:

RecordID RangeMonth RangeDay

----------- ----------- -----------

3 6 10

2 1 27

1 1 2

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Add Other Table Fields To An Existing ROW_NUMBER Partition By Select Query

Feb 5, 2008

I have the following insert query which works great. The purpose of this query was to flatten out the Diagnosis codes (ex: SecDx1, SecDx2, etc.) [DX_Code field] in a table.

Code Snippet
INSERT INTO reports.Cardiology_Age55_Gender_ACUTEMI_ICD9
SecDX1 = [1],
SecDX2 = [2],
SecDX3 = [3],
SecDX4 = [4],
SecDX5 = [5],
SecDX6 = [6],
SecDX7 = [7],
SecDX8 = [8],
SecDX9 = [9],
SecDX10 = [10],
SecDX11 = [11],
SecDX12 = [12],
SecDX13 = [13],
SecDX14 = [14],
SecDX15 = [15]
Episode_Key, DX_Key,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Episode_Key ORDER BY DX_Key ) AS 'RowNumber', DX_Code
FROM srm.cdmab_dx_other
WHERE Episode_key is not null
) data
( max( DX_Code ) FOR RowNumber IN ( [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] )) pvt
ORDER BY Episode_Key

The query below also works fine by itself. You may notice that the Episode_Key field appears in both the query above and below therefore providing a primary key / foreign key relationship. The srm.cdmab_dx_other table also appears in both queries. I would like to add the fields in the select statement below to the select statement above. Using the relationships in my FROM statements, can anyone help me figure this one out?

Code Snippet
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_lname)) + ', ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_fname)) + ' ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_mname)) + ' ','')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_sname)), '') AS PatientName,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.admission_date, 112) as Admit_Date,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.episode_date, 112) as Disch_Date,
e.episode_type as VisitTypeCode,
convert(int, pm.PatientAge) as PatientAge,
FROM srm.episodes e inner join
srm.cdmab_dx_other dxo on dxo.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.cdmab_base_info cbi on cbi.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.item_header ih on ih.item_key = e.episode_key inner join
srm.patients p on p.patient_key = ih.logical_parent_key inner join
ampfm.dct_VisitType d on d.VisitTypeCode=e.episode_type inner join
dbo.PtMstr pm on pm.AccountNumber = e.Account_Number

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How To Perform SELECT Query With Multiple Parameters In A Single Field In A Table

Sep 13, 2006

i just can't find a way to perform this Select Query in my ASP.Net page. I just want to find out the sales for a certain period[startDate - endDate] for each Region that will be selected in the checkbox. Table Sales Fields:       SalesID | RegionID | Date | Amount   This is how the interface looks like.Thank You.

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How To Write A Select Query To Return Records In A Many-to-Many Relationship - Junction Table???

Oct 26, 2006

Can Somebody please show me how to acheive this, using the order details in Northwinddatabase or any other good example. as much details as possible. Many Thanks!  

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Select Parent Details From Child Table

Mar 3, 2015

I have a scenario,

We have equipment table which stores Equipment_ID,Code,Parent_Id etc..for each Equipment_ID there is a Parent_Id. The PK is Equipment_ID Now i want to select the Code for the Parent_Id which also sits in the same table. All the Parent_Id's also are Equipment_ID's.

Equipment table looks like :

Equipment_ID Code DescriptionTreeLevelParent_Id
6132 S2611aaa 4 6130
11165 V2546bbb 3 1022
15211 PF_EUccc 5 15192
39539 VP266ddd 4 35200
5696 KA273eee 3 3215
39307 VM2611fff 4 35163
39398 IK264ggg 4 35177

There is another table for Equipment_Tree which has got Equipment_Tree_ID,Parent_Id and Equipment_ID does not has the Code here.

Select query where i need to select the Code for all Parent_Id's.

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Select Query Results In Multiple Columns Based On Type From Another Table

Apr 6, 2008

Using SQL Server 2005 Express:
I'd like to know how to do a SELECT Query using the following tables:

Miles Table:
(some date)/Ford/20/1
(some date)Ford/20/2
(some date)Chevy/30/1
(some date)Toyota/50/3
(some date)Ford/30/3

Miles Type Table

I'd like the results to be like this:

Date/Car/City Miles/Highway Miles/Off-Road Miles

Anyone? Thanks in advance!

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Is There A Method To Convert Select * From Table To Select Field1,field2,...fieldn From Table ?

Nov 29, 2007

Is there a method to convert "Select * From Table" to "Select field1,field2,...fieldn From Table" ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Statement That Take Upper Table And Select Lower Table

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a select statement that take the upper table and select the lower table.

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Return The Results Of A Select Query In A Column Of Another Select Query.

Feb 8, 2008

Not sure if this is possible, but maybe. I have a table that contains a bunch of logs.
I'm doing something like SELECT * FROM LOGS. The primary key in this table is LogID.
I have another table that contains error messages. Each LogID could have multiple error messages associated with it. To get the error messages.
When I perform my first select query listed above, I would like one of the columns to be populated with ALL the error messages for that particular LogID (SELECT * FROM ERRORS WHERE LogID = MyLogID).
Any thoughts as to how I could accomplish such a daring feat?

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Select * From Table Is Processed Much Faster Than Select MyField From Table ¿?¿?

Oct 1, 2007

I have a query that has the following structure

Select *
From Table
Where Condition And ... (some 'Exists' conditions)

When I run the query using field names the query gets much slower, and I cannot understand Why!

Select MyField
From Table
Where Condition And ... (some 'Exists' conditions)

I'm talking about three times slower using the Select MyField sintax.

Any ideas???

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Select Query Based Upon Results Of Another Select Query??

Sep 6, 2006

Hi, not exactly too sure if this can be done but I have a need to run a query which will return a list of values from 1 column. Then I need to iterate this list to produce the resultset for return.
This is implemented as a stored procedure

declare @OwnerIdent varchar(7)
set @OwnerIdent='A12345B'

SELECT table1.val1 FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2
ON table1. Ident = table2.Ident
WHERE table2.Ident = @OwnerIdent

'Now for each result of the above I need to run the below query

SELECT Clients.Name , Clients.Address1 ,
FROM Clients INNER JOIN Growers ON Clients.ClientKey = Growers.ClientKey
WHERE Growers.PIN = @newpin)

'@newpin being the result from first query

Any help appreciated

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Can I Access MS Access Table In A Select Query Of SQL Server

Nov 29, 2006

Is there a way to specify a MS Access table (or query object) in the select query of SQL Server.


MSAccessTable (in file.mdb)




SQL query in SQL Server:

SELECT col1, col2 into SqlTable from [file.mdb].MSAccessTable;


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Result Sets Using Select In Query Anlyzer Vs BCP Vs Select Into

Jul 9, 2002

When I run simple select against my view in Query Analyzer, I get result set in one sort order. The sort order differs, when I BCP the same view. Using third technique i.e. Select Into, I have observed the sort order is again different in the resulting table. My question is what is the difference in mechanisim of query analyzer, bcp, and select into.

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DB Engine :: Unable To Select Data From A Table Even After Providing Select Access

Aug 28, 2015

I am unable to the access on table even after providing the SELECT permission on table.

Used Query by me :

Here Test is schema ; Card is table ; User is Satish

To grant select on Table

Even after this it is not working, So provided select on schema also.
used query : GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::TEST  TO Satish.

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Nov 21, 2006

For reasons that are not relevant (though I explain them below *), Iwant, for all my users whatever privelige level, an SP which createsand inserts into a temporary table and then another SP which reads anddrops the same temporary table.My users are not able to create dbo tables (eg dbo.tblTest), but arepermitted to create tables under their own user (eg MyUser.tblTest). Ihave found that I can achieve my aim by using code like this . . .SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstIDDATETIME)'EXEC (@SQL)SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())'EXEC (@SQL)This becomes exceptionally cumbersome for the complex INSERT & SELECTcode. I'm looking for a simpler way.Simplified down, I am looking for something like this . . .CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestInsert ASCREATE TABLE tblTest(tstID DATETIME)INSERT INTO tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())GOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestSelect ASSELECT * FROM tblTestDROP TABLE tblTestIn the above example, if the SPs are owned by dbo (as above), CREATETABLE & DROP TABLE use MyUser.tblTest while INSERT & SELECT usedbo.tblTest.If the SPs are owned by the user (eg MyUser.TestInsert), it workscorrectly (MyUser.tblTest is used throughout) but I would have to havea pair of SPs for each user.* I have MS Access ADP front end linked to a SQL Server database. Forreports with complex datasets, it times out. Therefore it suit mypurposes to create a temporary table first and then to open the reportbased on that temporary table.

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