Select Rows With Datetime Field By Year

Jan 21, 2008


I have rows with a datetime column which spans many years. I am wondering is there a more simple way to select those rows where the datetime column is in a particular year. For example...
where datetime_column.year = '2007'

I know i can use the 'between' sql etc...but am wondering if theres something more straightforward im not aware of.


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Very Simple Question Regarding A DATETIME Field; Select Fields Matching Month/day/year

Jan 12, 2006

Hello All,I've got a DATETIME field, and it includes hour:minutes:second data.  I want to do selects where I can simply match on the month, day and year.  For instance, something like this:SELECT * FROM QuizAttempts WHERE DateTimeTaken = '1/12/2006'And have it match anything that was taken that day, regardless of *when* it was taken.  Any suggestions?Thanks!  -Josh

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Select Where Datetime Field Is Over 1hr Old

Jun 13, 2008

How would I go about selecting records where a datetime field is >= 1hr? 

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Select Datetime Field With

Apr 15, 2008

Hello to all.

I try to get record count on a sql 2005 table between two date.
My Sql string is

Select * from TableName where data between '2008-03-01' and '2008-03-31'

but vb returna conversion error
: the conversion fromchar data type to a datetime have created a datetime value not valid.

someone can help me ???

thank you in advance !!!!

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Select All Dates From SQL Datetime Field

Aug 3, 2007

I have a form that's filtering search results and porting to a gridview. The drop down is selecting from the date column of SQL, but i want it the default value to show all dates in the gridview. In a normal string field, you can just use "%", but a datetime field won't take this. What can i use to show all dates?

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Select Only Date From Datetime Field

Mar 10, 2004

I know there must be a way to do this....

I want to select only the date portion of a datetime field. the date normally shows as similar to '2004-01-01 09:39:52.000'

I need to return just '2004-01-01'. using convert and cast returns the dates as 'JAN 01 2004' - this won't sort correctly, so it is of no use. any suggestions?


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Select All Rows With Certain Day In Datetime Column

Jun 29, 2005

I have a datetime column that holds dates and times like
30/06/2005 1:31:00 PM
How would I find all rows that match a certain date regardless of the time, (IE, select all rows with a date of 30/06/2005 with any time)


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Sql SELECT Returning NULL On DateTime Field

Aug 8, 2006

Hi there ;
This Problem is goin to make me crazy!
I've got a table with couple of fields, 2 of them are DateTime, in Sql Express 05 .
I used 2.0 to insert datetime values, directly,  using sth like DateTime.Now.ToString() .
i use 2 selects as follows :
1)select * from X where  Date1='8/9/2006 11:17:41 AM'
2)select * from X where  Date2='8/9/2006 11:17:41 AM'
#1 is OK, but the second one returns a row with all columns set to NULL .
(X is the name of the table)
Thanks in advance

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How Do I Select Data Using A Datetime Field In The Where Clause?

Oct 15, 1998

I would like to do something like this, but it does not work.


*Note AUDIT_STAMP is a Datetime field

Does anyone have any ideas why this will not work?



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No Results Returned By SELECT Against Datetime Field

Jan 8, 2004

I am trying to pull results from an SQL Server DB into an dataset where a particular field (SMALLDATETIME) is within a particular date range. The code I was using worked fine when the database was in Access. I have made several changes already but am still getting 0 results returned when there is data that should be returned.

I was using in Access:
Dim StrSQL = "SELECT ID FROM myTable WHERE myDateField>=#" & startDate & "# AND myDateField<=#" & stopDate & "# ORDER BY ID"
I have changed this for SQL Server to:
Dim StrSQL = "SELECT ID FROM myTable WHERE myDateField>='01/01/2003 00:00:01' AND myDateField<='01/01/2004 23:59:59' ORDER BY ID"
But I am always returned 0 results even if the date range should return plenty of data. I have also tried using the BETWEEN structure with the same result.

Is there a particular format for the date I am comparing with?
Am I missing something else in my query?

The connection / permissions and everything else are correct as I can read and write data to the database in numerous other pages. It is just this date comparison that is not working.

Many thanks for any help or comments you can provide.

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SELECT From DateTime Field Based On Current Date

Feb 5, 2008

I am trying to match records that are >= the current date. I have tried using:
FROM table
WHERE datefield >= DATEPART(month, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(day, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(year, GETDATE())
but this is not giving me the result that I am looking for. What is the best way to match a DateTime field type using the current date without the time?

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Select Rows With Datetime Column Ealier Than 2 Hours Ago?

Apr 5, 2007


I have a table with a datetime column.

I need to select rows with a NULL or a datetime earlier than 2 hours
ago if getdate() time is currently between 6am and 7pm.

Thanks for any help or information!

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Select Month/year When Range Spans Year

Feb 25, 2004

I'm using PHP with SQLServer2k to create a page containing monthly counts of episodes at a facility occurring between two user selected month/year combinations. For instance, the user could select 10/2003 and 2/2004 and facility X and get a line for each month showing the count of episodes occuring in that month.

The problem is that the episode date is stored in three integer fields (epiday, epimonth, epiyear) and I'm having a terrible time getting them into a format where I can use them in a between statement.

I've tried evaluating the parts of the episode date seperately like:

(epimonth>=10 and epiyear=2003)
(epimonth<=2 and epiyear=2004)

and that works, but what happens when someone wants to see from 10/2002 to 2/2004?

Any suggestions on the best way to do this?

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SELECT All Rows With Max Field1 For Field 2

Mar 19, 2008

I have a Log table which records items found on library shelves during a shelf scanning process. Each time a shelf is scanned all the items found are recorded in the log table and the ScanCount value is incremented (per shelf). This means that if I get the records with the highest available ScanCount value for each ShelfID, then I would have the most up to date picture of my library.

From this sample data I would like to return the latest rows (max scan count) for all shelves (which would be LogID: 7,8 (shelf A) 3,4 (Shelf B) 5,6 (Shelf C):

LogID ShelfID ScanCount ItemName
1 A 1 Dave
2 A 1 Alan
3 B 1 Mike
4 B 1 Andy
5 C 1 Mary
6 C 1 Mark
7 A 2 Sam
8 A 2 Will

I'm not sure how to do this - presumably with an inner select? Could someone help? thanks

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Can A Select Be Done On A Varchar Field For Only The Rows That Are Numeric?

Jan 4, 2000

I am not sure if this is the right place, but here's my question:

with a field being varchar, can only the rows that are numeric be selected? For example-

ID Data1
1 don
2 jerry
3 3030
4 1234
5 susan
6 4321

Does SQL have an IsNumeric type function that can be used in the where clause?


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Won't Select Rows With Null Field Values

Aug 29, 2006

I cannot in the life of me understand what goes wrong here... In a webapplication (C#.NET) I traced an inability to retrieve existing records to SQL Server, where I cannot do the same either. The problem is that in the parameterized query, some fields can be null, and thus when the corresponding fields in the database record are null also, they should be selected. But this won't happen for some reason.

I wrote a test SQL statement that gives me the same bogus:

DECLARE @institution int, @collection int, @serialnr int, @subnr nvarchar(50)SET @institution = 1 SET @collection = 1SET @serialnr = 240 SET @subnr = NULLSELECT ID, Institution, Collection, SerialNumber, SubNumber, AccessionYear, Sagsnummer, DanekraeNr, TaxonIdentified, Stratigraphy, TypeStatus, PlacementRoom, PlacementCabinet, PlacementDrawer, UnitNotesFROM SpecimensWHERE (Institution = @institution) AND (Collection = @collection) AND (SerialNumber = @serialnr) AND (SubNumber = @subnr)
Now there is at least one row with corresponding fields values (1, 1, 240, null), but it won't be selected! What is wrong!?

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Year Only From Datetime

Oct 24, 2014

I have a column with datetime datatype and I need to create another column in the same table with only the year and another with year-month. How do I write this query

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Convert DateTime To Month/Year

Jul 17, 2001

Hi.. can you please supply a SQL statement which will convert a datetime value to a Month Year format?

2001-07-17 14:32:20.763 ---> July 2001

thankyou !

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Update Day,month And Year Of A Datetime

Feb 8, 2006

using MS SQL Server, I want to update only the day,month and year portion of a Datetime field.

So, i want to create an update query to set the day, month and year the same in each record but leave the datepart unchanged.

This gives me an error message:
SET DATEPART(dd, MeetingTimeNEW) = 1, DATEPART(mm, MeetingTimeNEW) = 1, DATEPART(yy, MeetingTimeNEW) = 2006

In my mind, an electrician, it make sense to only update each part of the whole. However.........

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SQL Query - DateTime - Percentage Between Two Dates For A Year (Jan. 01 - Dec. 31)

Jan 14, 2008

Hello, I need to find the percentage of a a given contract start and end date for the year given.For example, the contract_start date is 05/08/2000 and the contract_end date is 04/30/2010, of course this will be 100% if you want to find the percentage for year 2008    but if you wanted to find the percentage for year  2010, then the percentage would be something like 42% (appr. 5 months) (b/c it would for year 2010, the contract would be from 01/01/2010 thru 04/30/2010)I need to find the percent from the beginning of the year, to the end.a few examples:    start: 01/01/2007   end: 05/01/2007   if for year: 2007; this is 4 months @33.33%    start: 05/01/ 2006   end: 06/01/2007  if for year: 2007, then 6 months @ 50% (01/01/2007 - 06/01/2007); but if it was for year 2006 then it would be 7 months @ 58% (05/01/2006 thru 12/31/2006)     start: 01/01/2000   end: 03/01/2010 for year: 2008 then 12 months @ 100% Any help would be valued. Thank you! 

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DateTime Unable To Save In Datetime Field Of SQL Database

Mar 14, 2007

 Hi all, having a little problem with saving dates to sql databaseI've got the CreatedOn field in the table set to datetime type, but every time i try and run it i get an error kicked up  Error "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated."I've tried researching it but not been able to find something similar.  Heres the code: DateTime createOn = DateTime.Now;string sSQLStatement = "INSERT INTO Index (Name, Description, Creator,CreatedOn) values ('" + name + "','" + description + "','" + userName + "','" + createOn + "')"; Any help would be much appreciated 

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How To Add Date Field And Time Field (not Datetime Field )

May 4, 2006

Good morning...

I begin with SQL, I would like to add a field that will be date like 21/01/2000.

Actually i find just "datetime" format but give me the format 21/01/2000 01:01:20.

How to do for having date and time in two different field.

Sorry for my english....


A newbie

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Compare Only Month And Year Part In Datetime Type

May 19, 2008

hai friends,
iam doing a project in .net and using sql server.
i need to compare only month and year part in datetime type to retrive data.
1)retrive unique year and its months available in the database.
like may 2008
apr 2008
mar 2007

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Converting String Date To Datetime - Missing 0 In Year

Nov 25, 2014

I have a table with a 25,000 records with fields like this:

Jan 1 196
Jun 29 195
Jan 22 196
Sep 17 195
Mar 22 193
Nov 3 197

Is there a quick way to add the zero onto the year, before I convert them into datetime format?

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How To Convert Datetime Field To A Date Field So Excel Recognize It As Data Type

May 17, 2015

I embedded a SQL query in excel that gets some datetime fields like "TASK_FINISH_DATE" .

How can I convert a datetime field to a date field in SQL in a way that excel will recognize it as a date type and not a text type?

I tried:

**all of the above returned text objectes in excel and not date objects.

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Informix Date Type Field To SQL Server Datetime Field Error

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to drag data from Informix to Sql Server. When I kick off the package
using an OLE DB Source and a SQL Server Destination, I get DT_DBDATE to DT_DBTIMESTAMP
errors on two fields from Informix which are date data timestamp part

I tried a couple of things:

Created a view of the Informix table where I cast the date fields as datetime year to fraction(5), which failed.

Altered the view to convert the date fields to char(10) with the hopes that SQL Server would implicitly cast them
as datetime but it failed.

What options do I have that will work?

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Converting Datetimeoffset Field To Datetime Field / Why Milliseconds Value Is Incorrect

Nov 17, 2012

DECLARE @datetimeoffset datetimeoffset(3)
DECLARE @datetime datetime
SELECT @datetimeoffset = '2012-11-08T17:22:13.575+00:00'
SELECT @datetime = @datetimeoffset
SELECT @datetimeoffset AS '@datetimeoffset ', @datetime AS 'datetime'
__________________________________________________ ___________
Result of above SQL is
@datetimeoffset datetime
2012-11-08 17:22:13.575 +00:002012-11-08 17:22:13.577
__________________________________________________ ____________

The result should be '2012-11-08 17:22:13.575', why the milliseconds value is incorrect

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Updating Datetime Data Types In A Table To Show Just Day, Month, Year

Apr 2, 2008

I have a table with a datetime field 'TheDate'. Currently dates are stored as 'mm-dd-yyyy 00:00:00'. Is there a way to get just the month, day and year parts, '01/01/2008' into the field without changing the field data type to varchar? I'm asking because when I do this:

declare @MyDate as datetime

set @MyDate = '04/02/2008 18:00:00'

select substring(convert(varchar,@MyDate,101),1,10)

I get '04/02/2008', but when I do this:

update TheTable
set TheDate = substring(convert(varchar,TheDate,101),1,10)

I'm still getting a date in the format 'mm-dd-yyyy 00:00:00' stored in the table. I'd like to be able to lose the time portion, but I'd like to be able to keep the datetime datatype for date math purposes. Can it be done?

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Changing Year In Field

Jan 15, 2007

Hi all:
I need to change the year to many records that, by mistake, were put with a 2007 date, but they should be still with 2006, can anyone help me ?

I use Sql Server 2000 and the field is of type datetime


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ERROR: Year, Month, And Day Parameters Describe An Un-representable DateTime In Oracle Provider For OLE DB

May 8, 2008

In my SSIS package I am trying to connect to a database in Oracle using an Oracle Provider for OLE DB.
I get the following error:
at System.DateTime.DateToTicks(Int32 year, Int32 month, Int32 day)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbBuffer.ReadDateTime(Int32 offset)
at System.Data.OleDb.ColumnBinding.Value_DBTIMESTAMP()
at System.Data.OleDb.ColumnBinding.Value()
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetValues(Object[] values)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DataReaderContainer.CommonLanguageSubsetDataReader.GetValues(Object[] values)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.SchemaMapping.LoadDataRow()
at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillLoadDataRow(SchemaMapping mapping)
at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillFromReader(DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, String srcTable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, Object parentChapterValue)
at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, IDataReader dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal.GetSchemaRowset(Guid schema, Object[] restrictions)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(Guid schema, Object[] restrictions)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataFactory.PrepareCollection(String collectionName, String[] restrictions, DbConnection connection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbMetaDataFactory.GetSchema(DbConnection connection, String collectionName, String[] restrictions)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.GetSchema(DbConnectionFactory factory, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup, DbConnection outerConnection, String collectionName, String[] restrictions)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetSchema(String collectionName, String[] restrictionValues)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.OleDbSchema.GetSchema(String collectionName, String[] restrictionValues)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.DataSourceConnection.GetSchemaTable(DataTable& dataTable, String collectionName, String[] restrictions)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.DataSourceConnection.ConvertGetSchema(DataTable& dataTable, Guid schemaEnum, Object[] restrictions)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.DataSourceConnection.GetSchemaTable(DataTable& dataTable, Guid schemaEnum, Object[] restrictions)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ComboBoxWithTables.GetTableInfos(DataSourceConnection dataSourceConnection, String connectionName)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ComboBoxWithTables.FillTableOrViewComboBox()

Why this is not working for 10.2?
The same package works fine for Oracle 8.1.7

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Making The Year Field 2007 To A 07 Instead?

Aug 13, 2007


In my matrix cell I have a cell with the following Expression:

=Fields!monthname.Value & " " & Fields!Year.Value

In one of my datasets I have a SELECT CAST(FCYB.cyb_yearname AS int) AS 'Year' ... amongst other things.

Now, how do I make 'Year' to say 07 instead of 2007? What is the proper way to do it? In the expression or in the SQL code?

Thanks in advanced as always


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Char(4) Or Integer For Year / Quarter Field

Sep 3, 2007


what's best for year resp. quarter Field, char(4) resp. char(1), integer or other?

Both are part of a composite index.


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Transact SQL :: Get Rows Not Matching Prior Year

Apr 25, 2015

We were asked to fix a query to get rows from a prior year history table that did not match to rows in the current year to show a variance from one year to the next. Rows must match on [corpnbr],[plincd],[pgrpcd] and [pitmcd].  If the combination has rows in the current and prior year ([hstyr]) then everything is fine. However, if they have rows in the prior year (e.g. [hstyr]='2014') but not in the current year (e.g. [hstyr]='2015') then they do not show in the result.  Below is how they designed the table and below that is the stored procedure to pull the records. 

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BillingHistory](
[BillingHistoryID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[entity] [varchar](4) NULL,
[plincd] [varchar](3) NULL,
[pgrpcd] [varchar](4) NULL,
[pitmcd] [varchar](4) NULL,
[newplincd] [varchar](2) NULL,

[Code] ....

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