I have this SP that works, except I need to add another field value for the WHERE clause. As you can see I have "WM" but I need to add "PR", and those two are definitely in the table field. I've tried a variety of syntax arrangements using the AND operator, the OR operator, the & operator, just a comma between the two, nothing between the two. Can someone please show me what I'm doing wrong. It fileters for "WM" fine, but I also need it to filter in the WHERE clause for "PR". Here is the SP:
CREATE procedure spDemoSchedule (@beginDate varchar(10), @endDate varchar(10), @storeNum int) AS
SELECT Progstats.[Program#], Progstats.KCKOFF, Progstats.ProgramName, Progstats.Parent, Store.[Str#], Store.Status, Progstats.Dept, Store.[Program#], Product.[Item#], Product.[Item] FROM Progstats INNER JOIN Product ON Progstats.[Program#] = Product.[Program#] INNER JOIN Store ON Progstats.[Program#] = Store.[Program#] WHERE Progstats.KCKOFF BETWEEN @beginDate AND @endDate AND Store.[Str#]=@storeNum AND Progstats.CLASS="WM" GO
I am trying to set up a query that will allow the user to input a string, and the search will match ANY word in that string. Currently, I have it configured so that the search will only match the exact string that the user inputs. I have google searched for the answer, but no luck yet. Any ideas?
I know only enough SQL to be dangerous, but I'm stumped by this general task.
I need to know the method for selecting info from several fields of the records that satisfy a group function criteria on one of the fields. Example: Table contains Employees, products, amounts. If I group on Employee, and product, I can find the total amount of each product's sales for that employee.
create view prod_sales_by_emplyoee select employee product SUM(amount) as empl_prod_total from sales group by employee, product
But if I want to know which product made each employee the most money, I don't know how to do that, because the MAX function works on each field individually, not by row. From the above view, (or a table created from it) I want to know how to identify, for each employee, the product they made the most money selling, and what proportion of their total sales that product accounted for. Then, I'd like to use those results to eliminate the top tier, and find their second place product, etc.
I can do this in Access by sorting the table produced from the above view by empl_prod_total in decending order, joining that to a view that groups by employee only and provides a total, then using a grouped query on the joined data, I can use the "FIRST" function to find the values in each field of the record with the highest sales for that employee. However SQL doesn't have the FIRST function in its aggregate functions.
I suspect there's a standard way SQL does this, but it wasn't in my class. HELP!
In Access, I use [Enter Date] in the Criteria field of the Query. I tried the same thing in SQL Server in the Criteria field of the View and it does not recognize this. Is there a comparable command in SQL to get user input into the Criteria field of a view?
When querying a bit field, I am encountering a problem with MS SQLServer returning a larger number of records for a table than theactual number of records that exist within that table.For example, my customer table has 1 million unique records, so theresults of the following query are as such:select count(customer_nbr) from customer = 1,000,000There is bit field in the customer table that denotes whether acustomer has placed an order with us called. That flag is calledorder_flagIf I run the following query:select count(customer_nbr) from customer where order_flag = 1The result is 3,000,000 records.There is no logical way that this is possible, as my table onlycontains 1,000,000 unique records and the number of customers with anorder should be a subset of this.If a run the above query with a distinct before customer number, I getthe results I want:select count(distinct customer_nbr) from customer where order_flag = 1600,000 records.So while I can get to the answer I want, I have no idea why I amreturning incorrect values if I don't select distinct.Can anyone help? I checked microsoft support and message boards buthaven't seen anything.I should note that the bit field is indexed.I am not sure if that isthe problem or not.
I have the following Select SQL Statement in which I get the count of the 'Code' column based upon a criteria and Group By clause:BEGIN SELECT Code, COUNT(Code)as exprCount1a FROM dbo.[Test] WHERE Section = '1' and Item = 'a' GROUP BY Code ORDER BY Code END The results of the statement: Code | exprCount1a 1 22 44 1 I would like the following results: Code | exprCount1a 1 22 4 3 04 1 Note: Code ' 3 ' doesn't have any rows that meet the select count statement criteria but I still need to populate ' 0 ' in the results. Thank you in advance
I am trying to create a SELECT statement that would allow my users to type in a date parameter like 6/25/04. My SELECT statement would then pull all entries for that date. The problem I am running into is that it seems SQL wants the date to be parameterized as between 6/25/04 and 6/25/04 11:59:30 PM. Is there any way around that? Again I would like my users to simply enter 6/25/04 and have all entries pulled. Thanks for any help.
I have the following query that should return the most recent FormNote entry for a work order where the note begins with "KPI". However if someone decides to a more recent note, it selects that one, even if it doesn't begin with "KPI".
I would like it to return the most recent record that ALSO begins with "KPI". How can I correct this?
Select wh.worknumber, wh.date_created, wh.itemcode, wn.TextEntry as [Notes] from worksorderhdr wh left join
(select ID, WorksOrder,[CreationDate], TextEntry from ( select ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by worksorder order by [CreationDate] desc) OID,* from FormNotes )orders where orders.OID=1 ) wn on wn.WorksOrder = wh.worknumber where TextEntry like 'KPI%'
Sample results below, see line 5 - this record should not have been selected as there is a record beginning with "KPI" for that work order, but it is dated before this one.
worknumber date_created itemcode Notes -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HU-DN-004385 2014-07-21 16:15:00 4261 KPI Hyd oil leak repaired HU-DN-004707 2014-08-06 11:39:00 8005 KPI Valve replaced on day 2. HU-DN-004889 2014-08-19 15:44:00 9275A KPI Repaired in 2 days - m/c working HU-DN-004923 2014-08-22 14:23:00 4261 KPI New tracks fitted HU-DN-005162 2014-09-12 15:04:00 9360A Mechlock key delivered to site - m/c working HU-DN-005170 2014-09-15 12:07:00 2130A KPI 28.10.14 Metlock fitted
I would like to get records from a table and present a result set based upon the search fields
the search fields could be any of the following: PNo, Year, JNo, C1No6, C2No3, C3No3, C4No3,
they could enter any combination of these however if they dont enter any of the above then the search should not retrieve any thing. the table colunms are listed below and asample data set is also shown below.
Currently the only way i think it can be done is by writing multiple queries with different queries to be executed based upon the search field that have been filled? can it be done in a stored prcedure? and can it be done using non-dynamic sql?
I would like to write 1 proc that can take additional criteria if its sent in. An example is:
select HA.PriceId, HA.VendorPackageId from Criteria HA Inner Join ( select VendorPackageId from ValidVendorPackages where Vendor = @VENDOR and Sitecode = @SITECODE and PackageType = @PACKAGETYPE )HB on HA.VendorPackageId = HB.VendorPackageId and CriteriaId in ( select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria where Destination = @DESTINATION and LengthOfStay = @LENGTHOFSTAY and Ages = @AGE and ComponentType = @COMPONENTTYPE_1 and ValidItemType = @VALIDITEMTYPE_1 and ItemValue = @ITEMVALUE_1 )
Multiple @COMPONENTTYPE, @VALIDITEMTYPE,@ITEMVALUE can be sent in. Instead of making multiple procs or copying the proc multiple times with an if statement at the top checking the number of parameters that aren't =''. Is there a way to exectue:
and CriteriaId in ( select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria where Destination = @DESTINATION and LengthOfStay = @LENGTHOFSTAY and Ages = @AGE and ComponentType = @COMPONENTTYPE_1 and ValidItemType = @VALIDITEMTYPE_1 and ItemValue = @ITEMVALUE_1 ) and CriteriaId in ( select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria where Destination = @DESTINATION and LengthOfStay = @LENGTHOFSTAY and Ages = @AGE and ComponentType = @COMPONENTTYPE_2 and ValidItemType = @VALIDITEMTYPE_2 and ItemValue = @ITEMVALUE_2 ) and CriteriaId in ( select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria where Destination = @DESTINATION and LengthOfStay = @LENGTHOFSTAY and Ages = @AGE and ComponentType = @COMPONENTTYPE_3 and ValidItemType = @VALIDITEMTYPE_3 and ItemValue = @ITEMVALUE_3 )
I need to calculate MEAN (average), Standard Deviation, Variance, Range, Span & Median for each data column (Cost, Schedule in the test data), where each data column has different selection criteria. I have the calculations working for each column individually (e.g. funcCalcCost, funcCalcSchedule), but I need to return the calculated values as a single data set:
SELECT Dept, Project, AVG(Cost) as Cost_Mean, MAX(Cost) - MIN(Cost) as Cost_Range, .......
WHERE CostFlag = @InputParameter
GROUP BY Dept, Project
The code above works great - but only for a single column. I need to return a dataset like this: Dept Project Cost_Mean Cost_Range D1 D1P1 495 135 D1 D1P2 960 70 D1 D1P3 1375 105
I need to sum these amounts running from July to the month prior to whatever the current month is. So if it was August, it would only be
Is there a cleaner (shorter) way to iterate through the twelve months than either writing the query 12 times in an IF statement, or 12 CASE statements? This is only part of a query that joins several tables (not shown).
Any suggestions on the best way to write this would be valued.
I have a dataset where i want to select the records that matches my input values. But i only want to try macthing a field in my dataset aginst the input value, if the dataset value is not NULL.
I always submit all 4 input values.
@Tyreid, @CarId,@RegionId,@CarAgeGroup
So for the first record in the dataset i get a succesfull output if my input values matches RegionId and CarAgeGroup.
I cant figure out how to create the SQl script for this SELECT?
I'm writing a script that gathers a few variables from an outside source, then queries a table and looks for a record that has the exact values of those variables. If the record is not found, a new record is added. If the record is found, nothing happens.
Basically my SELECT statement looks something like this, then is followed by an If... Else statement
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE LastName = varLastName AND FirstName = varFirstName AND Address = varAddress
If RecordSet.EOF = True Then 'Item Not Found, add new record 'code to add new record...... Else 'Item Found, do nothing End If
RecordSet.Update RecordSet.Close
Even when I try to delete the If.. statement and simply display the records, it comes up as blank. Is the syntax correct for my SELECT statement??
Hello: I need assistance writing a SELECT statement. I need data from a table that matches one (or more) of multiple criteria, and I need to know which of those criteria it matched. For instance, looking at the Orders table in the Northwind database, I might want all the rows with an OrderDate after Jan 1, 1997 and all the rows with a ShippedDate after June 1, 1997. Depending on which of those criteria the row matches, it should include a field stating whether it is in the result set because of its OrderDate, or its ShippedDate. One way of doing this that I've already tried is: SELECT 'OrderDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE OrderDate > '1-1-1997'UNIONSELECT 'ShippedDate' AS [ChosenReason], Orders.*FROM OrdersWHERE ShippedDate > '6-1-1997' In my application, scanning a table with thousands of records for five sets of criteria takes a few seconds to run, which is not acceptable to my boss. Is there a better way of doing this than with the UNION operator? Thank you
Criteria Retrieve records with independent price and its total volume per minute
SELECT SUBSTRING(st,1,4) AS Ttime,d_price AS Price,SUM(l_cum) AS Volume FROM cmd4 WHERE sd='20060717' AND serial='0455' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(st,1,4),d_price,l_cum
SELECT * FROM TableA A JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID WHERE B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam
SELECT * FROM TableA A JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID AND B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam
Both of these queries return the same result set, but the first query filters the results in the WHERE clause whereas the the second query filters the results in the JOIN criteria. Once upon a time a DBA told me that I should always use the syntax of the first query (WHERE clause). Is there any truth to this, and if so, why?
I have a query that performs a comparison between 2 different databases and returns the results of the comparison. It returns 2 columns. The 1st column is the value of the object being compared, and the 2nd column is a number representing any discrepancies.What I would like to do is use the results from this 1st query in the where clause of another separate query so that this 2nd query will only run for any primary values from the 1st query where a secondary value in the 1st query is not equal to zero.I was thinking of using an "IN" function in the 2nd query to pull data from the 1st column in the 1st query where the 2nd column in the 1st query != 0, but I'm having trouble ironing out the correct syntax, and conceptualizing this optimally.
While I would prefer to only return values from the 1st query where the comparison value != 0 in order to have a concise list to work with, I am having difficulty in that the comparison value is a mathematical calculation of 2 different tables in 2 different databases, and so far I've been forced to include it in the select criteria because the where clause does not accept it.Also, I am not a DBA by trade. I am a system administrator writing SQL code for reporting data from an application I support.
I need some help.I am trying to write a query which does the followingSELECT * from table1 where field1=(SELECT distinct field1 FROM table1WHERE field2='2005' or field2='2010')I need all the values from table1 which match any value from field 1from the subquery.Any help is appreciated.thanks
I would like to query a table for a max value of one field for a distinct combination of two other fields. Let's call these fields RowID, ObjectID, and ObjectType. RowID is an auto-increment field, so for each distinct combination of ObjectID and ObjectType, there will be many values of RowID. To visualize an example:
Of these rows, I would only want 4, 5, and 6 (max values for distinct combination of ObjectID and ObjectType).
I hope I explained this clearly. I would imagine I'd need to use some form of nested query, but nothing I have tried so far has worked. I am using SQL 2005.
Hi, I've got a question! In a database I have a field interest-target with values like 8,15,115,3 and 18,13,15,6 and 51,6,7,118 etc. Now I like to select from these fields the value 8. I tried the following: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE FIELD LIKE '%8,%' OR FIELD LIKE '%,8,%' OR FIELD LIKE '%,8%' I will the also get the value 18 wich I don't like :-( Any solutions here? Thanks! Roel
Is there a way in SQL Server to query for a character that is in a field? ... I have this old table before there was form validation, and I want to get the addresses out of the column that actually have an @.
I want to do something like this.
SELECT email FROM xyz WHERE email contains '@' AND email contains '.'
Hi, Can someone tell me if it is possible to do an SQL insert with a select (to copy specific records) query and specify the value for a specific field to insert in the new records instead of using the value in the field in the select statement. If so can you provide me with a simple example. Cheers Mark :)
I've a select SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Tablethe problem is that I can have filled Field1 OR Field2 ... I would like to create a new column in the result for see only the filled field if Field1 is = null or = ' ' I want to see Field2 if Field2 is = null or = ' ' I want to see Field1