Select Statement Based On A Date
Feb 19, 2004
i am not getting a result back when i run the query below.
select * from users where DateCreated = '2004-02-19'
so i went into the table and looked at the record. for DateCreated field i have both date and time. ex: 2004-02-19 08:40:00
how can i select this record with out using the time in the select statement. what i want to see is how many users signed up for a day. any ideas?
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Jan 9, 2015
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
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Sep 12, 2012
I have the following table:
Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-2-2012 Water
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-2-2012 Other
123 2 1-13-2012 Other
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind
I want to select each Occ_Num, Feature_NUM, Trans_Date, and PERIL_Desc but with only the Peril that was part of the max trans_date.
So i would want the following from above:
Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind
I'm having trouble with the syntax need to accomplish this.
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Sep 23, 2012
Product Date
pd0 2012-08-11 18:45:55.780
Pd1 2012-08-11 18:55:17.020
pd2 2012-08-11 19:06:58.623
pd3 2012-08-18 12:00:01.193
pd4 2012-08-25 12:13:04.077
pd5 2012-08-25 17:28:30.347
pd6 2012-08-25 18:23:16.473
pd7 2012-09-18 18:29:58.360
I want select the product based on from date and to date.
For Example
I want the select the product date in between 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-18
Note:dont check the time.
I want the query for select product based on only date not depend upon time
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Dec 3, 2012
I want to select the latest single value based on ProductID. The value should be the last value inserted from the Date column.
I want to use this as part of a query to delete this value when a button is slected in ASP.Net C#.
Here is my code which does not work
select basketID, SessionID, UserID, MAX(Date), productID from ShoppingBasket
where userID = '1'
group by productID, basketID, SessionID, UserID
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Apr 23, 2008
I have built an Advanced Search page which allows users to select which columns to return (via checkbox) and to enter search criteria for any of the selected columns (into textboxes). I build the SQL statement from the properties of the controls. Works great.
My problem is getting my gridview control to play nicely. At first I used a SqlDataReader and bound the gridview to it, thus giving me the ability to run new SQL statements through it (with different columns each time). Worked nicely. But, per Microsoft, sorting can only be done if the gridview is bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. So I wrote the code to handle sorting. No big deal; worked nicely. But I could not adjust the column widths programmatically unless bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. And could not figure out a work around.
So, I decided to use the SqlDataSource. Works great. Except, I cannot figure out how to run a new SELECT statement through the SQLDataSource and have the gridview respond accordingly. If I try to return anything other than the exact same columns defined declaratively in the html, it pukes. But I need to be able to return a new selection of columns each time. For example, first time through the user selects columns 1,2,3,4 – the gridview should show those 4 columns. The second time the user selects columns 2,5,7 – the gridview should those 3 columns (and ONLY those 3 columns). Plus support selection and sorting.
I am desperate on this. I've burned 2.5 days researching and testing. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Jul 9, 2015
I basically want to select all GRNID's from one table but they have to be between dates in another table.So I want all GRN's between two dates found in the ABSPeriodEndDate table. To find out the start date for the between clause I need to find the MAX Period then minus 1 and the max year. To find the end date of the between clause I want I need to find both the max period and year. But I want the DateStamp column to return the results for the between clause. My query is below:
INNER JOIN ABSPeriodEndDates ON tblGRNItem.DateCreated = ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp
WHERE tblGRNItem.DateCreated BETWEEN
(SELECT ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp FROM ABSPeriodEndDates WHERE ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp = (SELECT
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Jul 30, 2007
1 01/01/2007 PURCHASE 10 1000
2 01/01/2007 PURCHAES 5 1100
3 01/01/2007 SALES -5 *TobeCalculated
4 02/01/2007 Purchase 20 9000
5 02/01/2007 SALES -10 *TobeCalculated
5 02/01/2007 purchase 50 8000
6 03/01/2007 Sales -10 *TobeCalculate
7 01/01/2007 Purchase 20 12000
I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here)
In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly.
When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly.
The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated.
Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time.
Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?
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Jun 2, 2008
I'm very green with SQL so I could do with some advice please.
I need to pull some data from a table based on the year portion of a datetime field, so far I've got this...
USE MfgSys803
SELECT orderdate, ordernum FROM orderhed
... the field 'orderdate' is the datetime. The purpose of the WHERE statement is to get the current year fromt he system and then compare this to the current year of the field 'orderdate'.
Unfortunately I get the error...
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
... the 'SELECT CONVERT' portions of the WHERE work fine on thier own but I can't use them together.
Hopefully this makes sense, thanks :)
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Sep 2, 2015
Below is the SQL Query i am currently having
SELECT IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.ClaimNum,IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.TransactionCode,
[Code] ....
And here is the result dataset
ClaimNumTransactionDateUsername ClaimNum TransactionAmountUserName
2000074 20150209jerry.witt 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL
2000074 20150626DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL 2000074 -10000DATAFIX INSERTED ON 20150626 AT 162152493 LOCAL
[Code] .....
So,if we look at the result set, we notice 2 conditions where the IG_FinancialTransactionSummary.Username is like 'Data' and if we see the transaction date then sometimes that is the max transaction date or sometimes there are transactions that happened after but that doesn't have like '%data%' in username . So, i need to add a new column to my sql query which should basically verify if the username is like '%data%' and if that is the max(transaction date) or even if there are any transactions after that doesn't have like '%data%' then YES else No.
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Oct 21, 2015
I have the below script to create directories based on my select statement.
create table students
f_name varchar(100),
l_name varchar(100)
insert into students values ('John','Smith'),
[Code] ...
The result I am getting is truncating the directory names as in the below:
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Feb 5, 2008
I am trying to match records that are >= the current date. I have tried using:
FROM table
WHERE datefield >= DATEPART(month, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(day, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(year, GETDATE())
but this is not giving me the result that I am looking for. What is the best way to match a DateTime field type using the current date without the time?
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Sep 7, 2005
I need to sum these amounts running from July to the month prior to whatever the current month is. So if it was August, it would only be
Is there a cleaner (shorter) way to iterate through the twelve months than either writing the query 12 times in an IF statement, or 12 CASE statements? This is only part of a query that joins several tables (not shown).
Any suggestions on the best way to write this would be valued.
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Jun 5, 2008
I have 1 table with 5 rows. One of the rows has dateTime values. I want to know how many rows there are with a value in that column < today AND how many rows there are with a value in that column > today.
I'm not sure how to do this.
SELECT Count(*) WHERE dateColumn <= today AND dateColumn > today gives me everything.
I like to end up with a column containing the count of rows <= today
and a column with rows where date > today.
Is this possible in SQL or do I have to retrieve all rows and then loop over the resultset and check each row?
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Jan 5, 2015
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date. I have tried to explain below.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name
user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff
within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days
PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days
PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days
Total days 53 Days
For this :
I calculated datediff + 1 and got sub jobs days BUT
say financial director wants to see Title of 'Sub Jobs' with 'Days' from 1st Dec to 31st Dec
so on paper I calulated as :
1-31 Dec 2014
PhaniMarketing NULL (Do not fall in Req Dt)
PhaniAdmin 20 (Deduct 2 days of Nov & calculated 20 days of Dec)
PhaniCRM 11 (Deduct 20 days of Nov and deduct 11 days of Jan so for Dec , we got 11 days)
Total days 31
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
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Jul 14, 2014
I have a table that holds notes for item's. I'm want to do a select statement where one of my columns assigns a sequential value to each row based on the item number. Would like data to look like this where doc_no would be my row_number function:
item_no seq_no note doc_no
ABC 1 blah 1
ABC 2 blahh 1
ABC 3 bla3 1
XYZ 1 more n 2
XYZ 2 another 2
EFG 1 blahhh 3
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Sep 6, 2015
I have a table like the following (with much more data, but the concept is the same) with Dates and Actions for People and a column called Action with beginning Dates and end dates.
(I attached a picture because I could not figure out how to Format it)
begin Date end Date Name
begin 2014-10-15 end 2014-10-31 phil
begin 2014-09-18 end 2014-09-30 phil
begin 2014-08-21 end 2014-08-23 John
I need the query to be like this. The idea is to have the query grab the next 'END' not all Ends, which my attempts have done i.e. I get not just the closest end to the begin date, but ALL Ends with the same Person.
I Need it to look like this:
begin Date end Date Name
begin 2014-10-15 end 2014-10-31 phil
begin 2014-09-18 end 2014-09-30 phil
begin 2014-08-21 end 2014-08-23 John
There can be different People so the query Needs to return the beginning and end rows for the Person in sequential order.I can't figure out how to select only the 'next' end. My query always gets 'end' values that have a 'begin'. I
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Apr 7, 2015
I have a table in which each record has a initial date and a final date. I would like to create I query that gives me one row for each month between the initial date and the final date. It would be something like this:
Resulting view:
I would like to do that, because these dates correspond to the time in which the products are in possession of sellers, so I would to use this resulting query to generate a pivot chart in Excel to illustrate the value of the goods that are with our sellers in each month.
Is it possible to do it? I think I could do that direct in VBA, but I think that maybe it would be faster if I could do it directly in SQL.
By the way, I am using MS SQL Server and SQL Server Manegement Studio 2012.
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Jan 3, 2006
I have a GridView dispalying from a SQLServerDataSource that is using a SQL Select Union statement (like the following):
SELECT FirstName, LastNameFROM MasterUNION ALLSELECT FirstName, LastNameFROM CustomORDER BY LastName, FirstName
I am wondering how to create Update and Insert statements for this SQLServerDataSource since the select is actually driving from two different tables (Master and Custom). Any ideas if or how this can be done? Specifically, I want the Custom table to be editable, but not the Master table. Any examples or ideas would be very much appreciated!
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Jan 5, 2004
I'm trying to write a select statement that will show me the total payments, last payment date, and last payment amount for each client. I get results but it is all payments. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you,
Here is what I have tried:
SELECT dbo.tblClients.Client_ID, Sum(dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid]) AS SumOfAmtPaid, MAX(dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Date]) AS LastPaymentDate, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid] INTO #temp_UNPaymentsA
FROM dbo.tblPayments INNER JOIN dbo.tblPaymentReceipts ON dbo.tblPayment.Pay_ID = dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.Pay_ID
WHERE (dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Date] BETWEEN '1/1/2001' AND '12/31/2003')
GROUP BY dbo.tblPayments.Pay_ID, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.[Amount Paid]
Select * FROM #temp_UNPaymentsA
GROUP BY Client_ID, SumOfAmtPaid, LastPaymentDate, [Amount Paid]
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Jun 25, 2004
I am trying to create a SELECT statement that would allow my users to type in a date parameter like 6/25/04. My SELECT statement would then pull all entries for that date. The problem I am running into is that it seems SQL wants the date to be parameterized as between 6/25/04 and 6/25/04 11:59:30 PM. Is there any way around that? Again I would like my users to simply enter 6/25/04 and have all entries pulled. Thanks for any help.
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Oct 26, 2005
In the following simple select statement:
SELECT Selskabsnummer, Plademærkenummer, [Fra dato], isnull([Til dato], getdate()) as [Til dato], Bemærkning
FROM Gramex_DW.dbo.Plademærkelinie WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE convert(int, Plademærkenummer) = 1
ORDER BY isnull([Til dato], getdate()) ASC
I'm looking for a way to replace the [Fra dato] field with '1900-01-01' if the date earlier than this date. E.g. instances of 1800-01-01 exist.
I'm not looking for an update to the table, but merely a way to manipulate the output, as the front-end I'm developing can't handle pre 1900-01-01 date formats, and I would prefer formatting the data before it reaches he front-end as it would be easier to handle.
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Oct 7, 2007
Hello Guys,
Please could you help me formulate a SELECT statement to output a date in the format (Month, Date Year), eg
October, 07 2007. Thanks.
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May 7, 2008
select ID,MODIFIED_DT from sample WHERE convert(varchar,MODIFIED_DT,111) like '%2008/04/28%'
My output is
id modifieddate
8 2008-04-28 08:24:10.000
4 2008-04-28 08:25:53.000
7 2008-04-28 08:28:33.000
8 2008-04-28 08:42:25.000
now my query is like this
select ID,MODIFIED_DT from sample WHERE ID = 8 OR ID = 7 or = 6 or ID = 5 or ID = 4 and convert(varchar,MODIFIED_DT,111) like '%2008/04/28%'
my output is like this
id modifieddate
8 2008-04-28 08:24:10.000
4 2008-04-28 08:25:53.000
7 2008-04-28 08:28:33.000
8 2008-04-28 08:42:25.000
5 2008-04-29 09:41:01.000
5 2008-04-29 16:34:52.000
7 2008-04-29 16:47:20.000
8 2008-04-30 10:11:02.000
Why do the values with date 2008-04-29 and 30 are coming .
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Dec 1, 2006
when i use this command in a aspx file
"SELECT DISTINCT Format$([dbo.classgiven.classdate], 'mm/yyyy') AS monthyear,{..............................
'Format$' is not a recognized function name.
so how do i change date from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/yyyy
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Jan 17, 2007
I need to convert a date like 08/1/2009 to 0809
I also need to show currency as 100.00 and not 100.0000
How can I do these in a select statement?
SELECT CONVERT(Varchar(20),ExpirationDate,10) AS ExpirationDate, Amount FROM tblPayment
I appreciate any help!
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Apr 6, 2015
Select '"' + CAST( GETDATE() as varchar(100) ) + '"' as Obs_dt_1
I get this output---> "Apr 6 2015 4:07PM"
But what I really need is for it to show in this format---> "2015-04-06 16:08:05.317" .... How do I do the select ?
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Oct 9, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I have a line of VB / SQL Server code as follows:
My problem here is how to code today's date in a format like this - October, 09 2007. The MT_DATE column on the database table has Varchar datatype - Varchar(21).
Your help highly appreciated. Thanks.
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Aug 25, 2007
Hello! I have a field "End" in my database that is mapped as DateTime and allows nulls. Now I want to do a SQL-Select (in a SqlDataSource) like SELECT * FROM My_Table Where (([End] = @EndDate) OR ([End] = null)) @EndDate is a valid DateTime, but the second OR condition doesn't work. What is the best way to check if the [End]-field is empty or null? Thank you very much!
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Jun 29, 2006
I have a db that has duplicate customer records.
If I run the following select statment against the appropriate table it returns the duplilcate records in the result set. However, from this list I want to add an additional select statement embedded into the query that will actually return only those records with the most current syscreated date.
Example of script I'm using---
select cmp_fadd1, syscreated, cmp_name, cmp_code
from cicmpy
where cmp_fadd1 in (select cmp_fadd1
from cicmpy
group by cmp_fadd1
having count(1) = 2)
order by cmp_fadd1,syscreated desc
The results is:
Address Syscreated date Customer
1622 ONTARIO AVENUE 2005-06-15 22:19:45.000 RELIABLE PARTSLTD
1622 ONTARIO AVENUE 2004-01-22 18:10:05.000 RELIABLE PARTS LTD
PEI CENTER 2006-01-05 22:03:50.000 P.G. ENERGY
PEI CENTER 2004-01-22 17:57:56.000 P.G. ENERGY
From this I want to be able to select ONLY those records with the most current syscreated date or those records with 2005-06-15 and 2006-01-05
Can anyone help me with creating this?
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Jun 3, 2015
Here's my statement below. What I'm trying to get is joining the name column in master.sys.databases with a sub query for the database name, file location and backup start date from the MSDB database. The reason for this, if a new database has never been backed up, It should be returning as a NULL value, which is my goal. However, I'm getting multiple results for the backups.
select CONVERT(CHAR(100), SERVERPROPERTY('Servername')) AS Server,,File_Location=b.physical_device_name,backup_start_date=max(backup_start_date)
from master.sys.databases a
left join(select c.database_name,backup_start_date=max(backup_start_date),b.physical_device_name
from msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily b join msdb.dbo.backupset c on c.media_set_id=c.backup_set_id
where c.type='D'
[Code] .....
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Sep 3, 2007
Hello... im having a problem with my query optimization....
I have a query that looks like this:
SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE location_id IN (SELECT location_id from location_table WHERE account_id = 998)
it produces my desired data but it takes 3 minutes to run the query... is there any way to make this faster?... thank you so much...
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Sep 21, 2006
HiI am using SQL 2005, VB 2005I am trying to insert a record using parameters using the following code as per MotLey suggestion and it works finestring insertSQL; insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Issue(ProjectID, TypeofEntryID, PriorityID ,Title, Area) VALUES (@ProjectID, @TypeofEntryID, @PriorityID ,@Title, @Area)"; cmdInsert SqlCommand; cmdInsert=new SqlCommand(insertSQL,conn); cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@ProjectID",SqlDbType.Varchar).Value=ProjectID.Text; My query is how to detail with dates my previous code wasinsertSQL += "convert(datetime,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy") + "',3), '";I tried the code below but the record doesn't save?string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); insertSQL = "INSERT INTO WorkFlow(IssueID, TaskID, TaskDone, Date ,StaffID) VALUES (@IDIssue, @IDTask, @TaskDone, convert(DateTime,@Date,3),@IDStaff)"; cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDIssue", SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDIssue.ToString();cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDTask",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDTask.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("TaskDone",SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TaskDoneTxtbox.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("Date",SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = date;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDStaff",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDStaff.Text;Could someone point to me in the right direction?Thanks in advance
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