Selecting Columns From Different Tables Into A Single Table
Jan 5, 2008
I want to select columns from different tables into a single table...
Not sure if a temp table is suited for this and if so how I should implement it (NOTE: this query will be executed many times by different users at the same time, so I'd rather avoid temp tables!)
I have:
Now, I want a resultset that has the columns (columns from other tables from which the values should be retreived are behind the desired columns):
id (,
title (TABLE1.firstname , TABLE2.carname)
description (TABLE1.description , TABLE2.sepcifications)
date (TABLE1.createdate , TABLE2.importdate)
Im just curious how i would take multiple columns from multiple tables.... would it be something like this ??? table: Products COLUMNS ProductName, ProductID table: Categorys COLUMNS CategoryName, CategoryID,ProductID SELECT Products.ProductName, Categorys.CategoryName,Products.ProductID,Categorys.CategoryID,Categorys.ProductID FROM Categorys, Tables WHERE Products.ProductID = Categorys.ProductID
I have two tables that have no relation. However, both have a column which has a field of nvarchar(50) that I want to retrieve together in one operation and bind to a DropDownList in a sorted fashion. So, what I'm trying to achieve is this: 1. SELECT name FROM table1 2. SELECT name FROM table2 3. Join the two results together and order them alphabetically 4. Return the result set I'm not sure how to do this or even if it's possible. Ideally I'm hoping it can be done in a stored proc.
I have table 1 from which I select some values belonging to users.In table 2 I store tips a user might give: tipid, tiptitle, tiptext,tipcreatedateA user may give more than one tip.But now I want a query that selects the info of a SINGLE user and the LATEST tip he created, so resultset might look like:username lastname sex tiptitle tiptext tipcreatedateSo even though a user might have given more tips, only the latest will be retreived...and thus 1 row for a particular user is returned...How would I construct such a query? The problem is that I want to get exactly 1 row but more than 1 column from the table 2, so I think I cannot use the SQL Server "TOP" command...
i want to write a stored procedure where i pass column names a parameters and i want to get result based on that For ex:- if i pass the parameters as col3 and col5 where id =1 then i should the result as
id col3 col4 col5 1 3 4 5
and if i pass input as col2and col6 where id =3, the result should be id col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 3 4 8 2 6 9
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
I'm trying to insert data into a table from two tables into a single table along with a hard coded value.
insert into TABLE1 (THING,PERSONORGROUP,ACCESSRIGHTS) VALUES ((select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where AUTHOR IN (select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where USER_ID =('USER1'))),(select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where USER_ID =('USER2')),255)
I get the following-
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
I am trying to insert values in a single table with four columns from 4 different sources. is it possible to run these 4 insertions in parallel. all these insertion are independent of each other
I have a data flow task in which there is a OLEDB source, derived column item, and a oledb destination. My source is a SQL command, that returns some values. I have some values, that I define in the derived columns, and set default values under the expression column. My question is, I also have some destination columns which in my OLEDB destination need another SQL command. How would I do that? Can I attach two or more OLEDB sources to one destination? How would I accomplish that? Thanks
I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.
What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.
1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains" 2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.
The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.
After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.
Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!
Hi, We are building an application for online system for people to place ADs for selling various used items like Car, Electronics, Houses, Books etc. If someone selling a car then he can fill out headline, year, make, model, mileage, transmission, condition, color, price, description, contact etc. Similarly if someone selling a digital camera he will fillout headline, memory, zoom, megapixel, maker, model, color, batter, description etc. Option 1: I can have a main table to hold the common attributes of all different types of ADs (headline, images, contact, price, color, condition, description) + 1 table to store string values of all ADs (car: maker, model, square feet (if house), memory, megapixel (camera) etc) + 1 table to store the droplist select values(car: transmission, door, seat etc; house: year_built) pros: single table for all ADs. unique IDs for all ADs, easy to extend as new attributes can be dropped easily. cons: lot of physical reads of 2nd and 3rd table from join. 10 times physical reads compared to option 2 when reading 5000 records. Option 2: have different set of table for each AD type. Car will have its own main table + 1 table to store multiselect list box values. Similarly housing will have its own set of tables pros: 10% less physical read than option 1. cons: hard to add new attributes. We have to modify the main table by adding one column. Query will go to different table based on the category. Do you have any suggestions on which way to go?Thanks
I have 3 tables with the follwing schema Table <Category> {
UniqueID, LastDate DateTime }
Assume the follwing tables with data following the above schema
Table Cat1 {
1, D1 2, D2 3, D3 } Table Cat2 {
2, D4 3,D5 4, D6 } Table Cat3 {
1, D7 3,D8 5,D9 }
I have a Master and the schema is as follows Table master {
UniqueId, Cat1 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name Cat2 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name Cat3 DateTime -- This is same as the Table name }
After inserting the data from all these 3 tables, I want the my master table to look like this Table Master {
I am facing a problem in writing the stored procedure for multiple search criteria.
I am trying to write the query in the Procedure as follows
Select * from Car where Price=@Price1 or Price=@price2 or Price=@price=3 and where Manufacture=@Manufacture1 or Manufacture=@Manufacture2 or Manufacture=@Manufacture3 and where Model=@Model1 or Model=@Model2 or Model=@Model3 and where City=@City1 or City=@City2 or City=@City3
I am Not sure of the query but am trying to get the list of cars that are to be filtered based on the user input.
Here with the below query iam binding my gridview with industry name,company name,Plant Name,Group Name related to the IDs in Audit table.Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Gr.Groups_Name,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, Groups Gr, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Gr.G_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Group and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Audits) Now i want to edit these names. when i click on edit in gridview these names will be filled into textboxes and when i change the names it should compare the name with particular tables and should get the Id of that and store in Audits table. For example: i have this data in my audits table:
2 2 2 1 Here Commercial83312 is ID of that Audit and 2,2,2,1 are the Industry,Company,Plant and group Ids for that particular audit.In the front end i can see the names of this particular IDs. when i edit the industry name in the UI it must check the name with industry table and get the ID of the changed name and store it in audit table. so the data may be changed in audits table as :
4 2 2 1
so here the industry ID is changed I need the stored procedure for this. please help me,its very urgent...
What I need to do is merge the two tables into a single table based on the matching timestamp:
timestamp, servername1, servername2 as headers then values under "1/1/1-1:10:1" , "10" , "10" - as an example "1/1/1-1:20:1" , "20" , "21" - as an example "1/1/1-1:30:1" , "1" , "5" - as an example
Powershell or MSSQL 2008 queries work.
I have a powershell script atm that can create the table and then throw it back into the database but its very slow because of the amount of records.
The table is for some performance stat collection app.
Table #1 records a timestamp, the servername (which is the same over and over in the table) and the value of the performance object. Table #2 is the same collection but for a different server.
The layout in the database is terrible but this is what I get to work with.
I have a query that returns a certain amount of results. How do I select the last row??? I know I can do the top row by doing (top 1). Basically I need the complete opposite. Please help...
HiBeen at this for 2 days now.Each business has several packages which they can sort usingsort_order.I'm trying to get one package for each business(that I can do), howeverI want it to be the one with the lowest sort_order valueAs you can see below the first record has sort_order=5 when it shouldbe 1.Most of the sort_order columns will be zero by defaultAny help so i can get on with my life!CheersGary------------Current select-------------------SELECT *FROM dbo.testAccommodation_Packages T1WHERE (NOT EXISTS(SELECT *FROM testAccommodation_PackagesWHERE business_id = T1.business_id AND Package_ID < T1.Package_ID))--------------results:-----------------------Package_IDbusiness_iditem_namesort_order123rd Night FREE ...5113Donegal Town ... 0204Executive ...0--------------To recreate----------------------CREATE TABLE [testAccommodation_Packages] ([Package_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[business_id] [int] NULL ,[Item_Name] [nvarchar] (300) NOT NULL ,[sort_order] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Accommodation_Packages_sort_order] DEFAULT (0),)-------------------------------------------------INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('1','2','3rd Night FREE when you stay 2 nights MIDWEEK (129 EuroPPS)','5')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('2','2','Selected Donegal Town Hotel Weekend Sale - 2 B&B and 1Dinner Only € 129 PPS','4')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('3','2','2 Night Specials -Jan, Feb & Mar 2 B&B and 1 Dinner 149Euro PPS','3')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('4','2','Easter Hotel Breaks in Donegal Town - 2 B&B + 1 D€169pps','2')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('5','2','2005 Bluestack Hillwalking, 2 nights B&B, 1 Dinner, 5course Lunch 159 Euros PPS (~109 Stg)','1')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('6','2','April Pamper Package - 2 Night Special ONLY€195pps','10')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('7','2','Discount Hotel Prices for 8th & 9th April Only € 119PPS','7')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('8','2','Golden Year Breaks in Donegal - 4B&B + 2 Dinner€229pps','8')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('9','2','Hotel Summer Breaks Sale in Donegal - 2B&B + 1 Dinner€169pps','9')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('10','2','STAY SUNDAY NIGHTS FOR €25PPS','6')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('11','3','Donegal Town Midweek Special 99 Euro PPS 3 Nights B&B','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('12','3','Bridge Weekend 2 nights B&B 79 Euro PPS (approx 55Stg) Double Room','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('13','3','Donegal Spring Weekend Specials 2 B&B 1 Dinner109.00euros pps','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('14','3','Valentines Weekend 2 nights B&B and 1 four coursegourmet dinner 99Euro PPS','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('19','3','Golden Years Break.40% OFF 4 nights B&B€129.00p.p.s.','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('20','4','Executive Celebration Offer 1 night B&B + Dinner €139 PPS','0')INSERTtestAccommodation_Packages(Package_ID,business_id, Item_Name,sort_order)VALUES('21','4','Watercolour Painting Break 3 B&B Full Board andTuition € 335 PPS','0')
I have a Problem with my SQL Statement.I try to insert different Columns from different Tables into one new Table. Unfortunately my Statement doesn't do this.
If object_ID(N'Bezeichnungen') is not NULL Â Â Drop table Bezeichnungen; GO create table Bezeichnungen ( Â Artikelnummer nvarchar(18), Â Artikelbezeichnung nvarchar(80), Â Artikelgruppe nvarchar(13), Â [code]...
Table A has columns CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation
Table B in a differnt database has columns ID, Product, Tool Operation
I cannot edit table A. I can select records from A and insert into B. And I can select only the records that are in both tables.
But I want to be able to select any records that are in table A but not in Table B.
ie. I want to select records from A where the combination of Product, Tool and Operaton does not appear in Table B, even if all 3 on their own do appear.
This code return all the records from A. I need to filter out the records found in Table B.
SELECT ID, CompressedProduct, oq.Tool, oq.Operation FROM OPENQUERY (Lisa_Link, 'SELECT DISTINCT CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation FROM tblToolStatus ts JOIN tblProduct p ON ts.ProductID = p.ProductID JOIN tblTool t ON ts.ToolID = t.ToolID JOIN tblOperation o ON ts.OperationID = o.OperationID WHERE ts.ToolID=66 ') oq LEFT JOIN Family f on oq.CompressedProduct = f.Product and oq.Tool = f.Tool and oq.Operation = f.Operation
I have a table that has 3 different types of dates (date1, date2, date3), and they represent the edit times of the 3 different sections on the website. How do I select only one of those three that's the most recent? (It would represent the most recent edit on the website overall). It would be an easy task if it was only one column - I would simply select the MAX, but I have to be selective between 3 different columns and pick the one I "like".
Hi, I have a dbf file and that file has around 154 columns and in that i want to pull just 88 columns to my sql server database... I am using a OLedb connection and a data reader to read the data from the DBF file and then using a sqlbulcopy to insert the data into SQL server 2005 database. I have created a destination table for the 88 columns. This is my select statement for the dbf file. I have also used a Rownumber which is Int identity so i am using a 0 in the first column. Dim command As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand = New Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select 0,* from FUND.DBF", connection) Now my question is Since i want to pull 88 columns instead of 154 column, I was thinking to give a select statement like ("Select, 0,Column1,.....Column88 From Fund.DBF", connection) SO instead of doing this is there is a way that i can specify in the sql statement that will tell it not to pull the rows after the 88th column.
I have 3 tables. They are inner joined. When I choose to select from all three tables I get a cartesian product.I've used distinct and I've tried cross apply with top 1. Top 1 brings back the right amount of records but it repeats the fields used in that select top N.
Basic question. Can you select from 3 different tables and avoid a cartesian result? I can have all three tables joined and with distinct I can get records from two of the tables without a cartesian. It is when I choose to select from a third is where the cartesian appears.If this is possible, what other tsql commands/constructs should I be experimenting with? URL....
I have a product table that has a productID column and a productName column. Then I have a productCategory table that associates productIDs with categoryIDs. And lastly I have a category table containing a categoryID and categoryName. I want to write a query that will return a table with three columns...productID, productName, and and calculated column containing the categories the product belongs to separated by a comma. A sample output would be...
If any of this isn't clear please feel free to write with questions. So far I have this query - SELECT Products.ProductID, ProductName, CategoryName FROM Products, ProductCategory, Categories WHERE Product.ProductID = ProductCategory.ProductID AND Categories.CategoryID = ProductCategory.CategoryID
For our ETL process, we maintain a TransformationList table that has the source view and the destination table. Data is copied from the view into the table (INSERT INTO). I am trying to find column names in the Views that are not column names in the associated Table.
In the below example, want to end up with three records:
 1, View1, Column4  2, View2, Column4  2, View2, Column5
I have it almost working, except that there is a table, ChangeColPrefix table, that is used by the ETL process to change some of the view's column name prefixes. Some of the source views have column names with prefixes that do not match the destination table column names. Say view SouthBase has all the column names prefixed with SB - like SBAcct, SBName. And the Destination table of Area District has ADAcct, ADName. There would be a row in the ChangeColPrefix for SouthBase, SB, AD, 1, 2 that would be used by the ETL process to create the INSERT INTO Area District From SouthBase.
I need to use this ChangeColPreifx to find my unmatching columns between my source views and destination tables. With out that table SBAcct and SBName from SouthBase will not appear to match the columns of ADAcct and ADName, but they do match.
I want to end up with these three records as non-matching:
View1, Column4 View2, Column4 View2, Column5
View1 has Salumn2 and View2 has Salumn5, and they must be changed to Column2 and Column5 as per the ChangeColPrefix table before running the Select from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS EXCEPT Select from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS looking for unmatched columns.
/***** Set Up Test Data *****/ -- Create 2 test views IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[View1]')) DROP VIEW dbo.[View1] GO CREATE VIEW View1 AS SELECT '1' AS Column1 , '2' AS Salumn2 , '4' AS Column4;
I want to run a query that selects rows from the table where a datetime column has null values; select * from Orders where IsNull(dClosedDate,'Null') = 'Null' However i get this error: Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string. Any help appreciated
Hi, I think you can do this in oracle but I'm trying to figure a way to do it in ms sql.. I need to select a distinct combination of columns, like so...
select distinct(ItemName,ItemData,FID) from tblSIFups
Does anyone know how to achieve that? I have multiple data where I shouldn't and I don't have any control over the application so I need to clean it this way.
I have table1 and table2.In table1 I have a column of numbers, numbers1.In table2 I have a column of numbers, numbers2.I'd like to select the highest number represented in either column.Example:table1:column1--------------345565643656555676table2:column2--------------3456564556456456456456The number I would want would be 56456 since it's the largest numberout of all combined.How can I get that number with one select statement?--[ Sugapablo ][ <--music ][ <--personal ][ Join Bytes! <--jabber IM ]