Selecting Records In One Table But Not In Another 2

Dec 13, 2004

Hi, my sql is not too hot so i hope someone can help me. I need to select all the records from one table that do not exist in 2 other tables. I know it sounds simple enough but for some reason i can not get it working. It may have something to do with the fact that the field i am searching on are datetime fields. Here is a shortened version of my code.

SELECT DateOfStats

FROM table1


(SELECT dateofstats

FROM table2)) and (DateOfStats NOT IN

(SELECT dateofstats

FROM table3))

Thanks for the help in advance.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Selecting Records From Table 2 While Counting Records In Table 1

Aug 11, 2015

Table1 contains fields Groupid, UserName,Category, Dimension

Table2 contains fields Group, Name,Category, Dimension (Group and Name are not in Table1)

So basically I need to read the records in Table1 using Groupid and each time there is a Groupid then select records from Table2 where Table2.Category in (Select Catergory from Table1)
and Table2.Dimension in (Select Dimension from Table1)

In Table1 There might be 10 Groupid records all of which are different.

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Selecting Only Those Records Which Are In Another Table

May 25, 2005

i need to select records from table "A" if only the "PK" of "A" exists in table "B". I need to return a resultset not just a single record. The problem is table "B" is not a table in database instead a user supplied table which can be a datatable in memory.

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Selecting Last 'n' Records From Table.

Nov 17, 2005

I was given this query but could not build it successfully.
can anybody help me out.

Consider the following scenario:

we have a table with single field of type Varchar(100).
we have few hundred records in it.
we want to retrieve last 'n' records from table.

i know this is bad idea but we need to have some solution to work it out.
i'm breaking my head but to no use.

Please help

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Selecting ONLY Records From One Table Having ALL Data Contained In Other Table (GROUP BY?)

Jul 20, 2005

Hello everyone,Small and (I think) very simple quesiton;-) which makes me creazy.Let's say I have two tables listed below:T1====IDX====134T2===============IDD fk_IDX===============A1A2A4B1B3B4C4D1D2D3D4I would like to select from table T2 all distinct records IDD whichhave all of fk_IDX containded in T1.The select statement should return in this case ONLY:B and Dbecasue:B has 1,3,4andD has 1,2,3,4 so it has this combination 1,3,4 contained in the T1also.I've tried to do that with group by, with having, in and it neverworks (I always became all records which one of them is in this T1table).Maybe some one from you did try something like that, and can give afast answer.I will be very greatfullGreatingsMateusz

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Selecting Records From One Column In A Table And Inserting..

Feb 16, 2006

Godwin writes "Hello,
Heres my question..
I have 2 tables.2 paticular columns exist in both the tables.
I want to be able to select those 2 columns on the 1st table and insert them on to the same 2 columns on the 2nd table.

Now,this 2nd table has another 3 columns that exist in another table.I would like to take those 3 column values from that 3rd table and insert it into the 2nd table by modifying those existing records in the 2nd table.In the 3rd table,there will be around 5 records...I want to copy the existing records 5 times in the 2nd table and insert the 3rd tables rows inside the 2nd table in that respective column for 5 rows.

I hope you understand what I mean...Im sorry for really confusing..
Please help me

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Selecting X Records From Table N Times According To Variable Criteria?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,Sorry if the subject line is too obscure -- I couldn't think of a wayof describing this request.I have a table that contains approximately 1 million records.I want to be able to be able to select the top x records out of thistable matching variable criteria.Pseudo table records:custid, category, segment1,1,12,1,13,1,14,1,15,1,26,1,27,1,28,1,29,2,110,2,111,2,112,2,113,2,214,2,215,2,216,2,217,2,318,2,319,2,320,2,3So, what I'm trying to do is return a recordset, for example, thatcontains the top 2 of each variation of category and,1,12,1,15,1,26,1,29,2,110,2,113,2,214,2,217,2,318,2,3The only way I can think to achieve this is in a while statement,performing individual selects against each combination, feeding thewhere criteria by variables that I automatically increment.I can't help thinking there's a much more graceful way of achievingthis?If anyone can give me any insight into this I'd be incrediblyappreciative!Many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray

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Selecting 5 Records

Jan 25, 2002

I have a database which has a field called fldTimes. basically this field records the number of hits a file gets. How can I choose the most 5 popular files with the greatest hits. Thanks

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Selecting Next 50 Records

Sep 11, 2007

Is it possible to use a SELECT to retrieve a Next 50 set of records?

Initial Query
Select top 50 email from table

What would the Query look like to retrieve the Next 50 records?

Thanks in advance.

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Selecting Like Records

Aug 31, 2006

This might be a simple question. I have a LIKE statement that is working fine, however I am not sure if something else is possible.

I can pull all records on a query for a person's name with a parameter value of "MARTIN". It will also pull records for "LYNN MARTIN". However, what if I would like to have that search also pull "LYNN M MARTIN"? Currently "LYNN MARTIN" is not finding "LYNN M MARTIN".

When the end user wants to search on LYNN MARTIN and that is what they input, I want SQL to find all records that match LYNN MARTIN and also find records that HAVE LYNN % MARTIN.

I hope this make sense? I guess I need to build my select statement using a WHERE LIKE statement, but I am not sure of the syntax.

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Selecting Distinct Records

Sep 1, 2007

 I'm just wondering if someone can help me with some SQL syntax stuff.I want to take this sql statement: 
"SELECT TOP 50 tblProfile.chName, tblProfile.intCount FROM tblProfile, tblLinks WHERE (tblLinks.MemberID = tblProfile.MemberID) ORDER BY tblLinks.dtDateAdded DESC;"
 and select only unique "chName's" records 

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Selecting Unique Records

Sep 17, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I have a SQL Server Table wtih approximately 100,000 records.  I need to determine if there are duplicate records in this table.  My probelm is that there is a unique ID column that was added for each row, so I'm not exactly sure how to filter the rows.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Selecting Records Randomly With SQL

Jan 29, 2008

I'm looking for a bit of SQL code that will select some entries randomly from an SQL table.

For instance I'd like to feed a parameter in that contains the number
20, and the returned record contains 20 randomly and distinct selected

Anyone know how this can be done? (never came across randomly select records) Appreciate any help  

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Selecting Random Records

May 11, 2008

hi again,
i just want to ask if how can i randomly select 5 distinct records from a table w/ a hundreds of records everytime i exec a stored procedure??

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Selecting Most Frequent Records

Jul 26, 2004

I have a reviews table where all reviews are submitted. On the main page I want to display the 10 most reviewed products. I have a Product_ID column in this table which identifys the product. How can i write a query which will select the product_ID of records which have the most frequent product_ID's?

I came up with something like this:
"Select Top 10 Product_ID, COUNT(*) AS Occurances FROM reviews GROUP BY Product_ID ORDER BY occurances DESC"

But it does not work.?? It says "Declaration expected" as error

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Question About Selecting Records

Jan 12, 2005

I have a mssql database like this:

ID GuestName Agent CheckInDate OtherColumn
1 Guest 1 Peter 1/11/2005 whatever
2 Guest 2 Peter 1/11/2005 whatever
3 Guest 3 John 1/11/2005 whatever
4 Guest 4 John 1/13/2005 whatever
5 Guest 5 Peter 1/11/2005 whatever

I want to display it group by same Agent and CheckInDate. Like this:

Agent CheckInDate Records
Peter 1/11/2005 3
John 1/11/2005 1
John 1/13/2005 1

How can I do this? Please help, thank you.

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Selecting 10 Random Records

Mar 1, 2004

How would I create a statement that would select 10 random records from the SQL DB?

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Selecting A Certain Number Of Records?

Apr 16, 2008


Here is a basic example of the issue I am having:

Table 1 columns - name, address, zipcode, favorite food

For table 2 I want to find how many zipcodes exists and also take 20% of the count

Table 2 columns - based off Table 1 contains zipcode, count(zipcode) as ct, count(zipcode) * .20 as perc_ct

For example:

zipcode ct perc_ct
83746 10 2
93847 20 4

I want to run a query that will pull any 2 records for 83746 and any 4 records for 93847 from Table 1.

Is this possible?

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Selecting Min And Max Of Multiple Records?

Sep 27, 2013

What I need is the start and end time of each task, but the issue is there is no unique task number to bind them together.. So for instance the task starts with 'Open-Submitted' and ends with 'Task Approved'. The issue is there can be multiple occurrences in the same file number. I need to be able to split these into multiple tasks with the associated start and stop times.

File IDDatetimesTask Event StatusTask Event NameTask IDEvent ID
File 16/3/13 16:33Open-SubmittedTask is retrievedTSK-12345612345
File 16/3/13 16:44Open-ApprovedTask ApprovedTSK-12345623456
File 16/20/13 18:11Open-SubmittedTask is retrievedTSK-12345634567
File 16/21/13 14:42Open-ApprovedTask ApprovedTSK-12345645678

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Selecting Unique Records

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to create a select query similar to the following but the problem I am having is that I want to only select one record where there may be several with the same dw_order_no. I have tried various ways using SQL developer but without success



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Selecting Max Records With A Sequence

Jan 30, 2006

I am having trouble selecting only one record in a list with a sequence, example:

name addseq address
bob, doe 1 123 str.
bob, doe 2 456 ave.
jane, doe 1 789 blvd.

What I want to do is select the records that are current which would be:

name addseq address
bob, doe 2 456 ave.
jane, doe 1 789 blvd.

Please help with some ideas.


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Selecting Duplicate Records

Jun 28, 2007

Is there a way to see a list of duplicate records??
EG There is a field named "Invoice" in a table named "Orders" and I want to see only records where the same invoice shows more than once.

Sample output:




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Selecting Records By Date - Need A Little Help

Mar 15, 2006

Good Morning,I have a view that contains rate information, contractIDs, and effectivedates.I need to select the rate info based on contractID and date.I can provide a date and contractID, and I need to select the rate info forthat contract where the effective date is <= dateprovided.I need the 1 record that is closest to that date.I am thinking something with max() perhaps. Any ideas? The <= effectivedate will return several rows, I just need the one closest to the date Iprovide.Thanks for any advice,CK

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Selecting Distinct Records Through CTE

Jan 11, 2013

I have a table contains information related to sales:

SO number Order Date     Customer SellingPerson
1001          2012/07/02     ABC          Andy
1002          2012/07/02     XYZ           Alan
1003          2012/07/02     EFG          Almelia
1004          2012/07/02     ABC         John
1005          2012/07/02     XYZ          Oliver
1006          2012/07/02     HIJ           Dorthy
1007          2012/07/02     KLM          Andy
1008          2012/07/02     NOP         Rowan
1009          2012/07/02     QRS          David
1010          2012/07/02     ABC          Joey

Now, i want to write a query using CTE that gives me first five distinct customer in result set:

SO number Order Date     Customer SellingPerson
1001          2012/07/02     ABC          Andy
1002          2012/07/02     XYZ           Alan
1003          2012/07/02     EFG          Almelia
1006          2012/07/02     HIJ           Dorthy
1007          2012/07/02     KLM          Andy

I wrote this query :

With t(so_number,order date,customer, SellingPerson)
  (select top 5 so_number,order date,customer, SellingPerson from t)
 select distinct billingcontactperson from t order by so_id

And getting this error:

Msg 252, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Recursive common table expression 't' does not contain a top-level UNION ALL operator.

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Selecting Records Using Cursor ???

Apr 2, 2008

hi ,
how can i have a stored procedure that selects records using cursor
and returns the cursor ?

thanx in advance

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Selecting Records Based On Two Conditions

Oct 25, 2007

Hi! I have a table Tbl1 has to columns:
A          B
Ibm       Me
Sony     Me
Me        Bob
Me        Frank
I'd like to select all rows where B=ME and A=Me Thanks for the help

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Selecting Records By Random Order

Sep 22, 2000


I need to select records by random order everytime user go to that page. QuestionID is the uniq field in this table.

SELECT * FROM QuestionMaster.

I tried to use the following statement to get the random records but I can't get the value in the variable out of this statement that I can use in my above select statement. Please HELP.

SELECT Convert(int,RAND()*97)

Thanks in a million.


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Selecting A Range Of Records In A SQL Statement

Feb 12, 2005

I want to run a query that returns say 100 records...but I only want to return first 10 for first page on a web page, then on page 2 the webpage will return rows 11 to 20 of the same SQL 3 returns rows 21 to 30 rows etc....(eg. like Google or bulletin boards, browsing auctions in ebay etc.).

I could probably get my application logic to handle this (, for instance I could possibly get a datareader to skip the first 10, output the next 10 then stop for page 2 (records between 11 amnd 20) but is there way to do this in SQL Server at the database level using an SQL Statement?

I can use TOP 10 to get the first set of records for the first page eg.

SELECT TOP 10* FROM Suppliers

...but how do I get between 11 and 20, 21 and 30 and so on?

I've already mentioned I could handle this in my application logic, but then each time the same SQL Statement is fetching all 100 records, even though the web page will only display a certain range. I'm building an intranet website that can potentially run queries that return 100'000s records, even though initially only top 20 or so records are display, each page they subsequently go to will rerun that same query that returns all 100'000 records. So handling this as part of the query would be better for performancr I reckon.

Someone gave me the syntax..

FROM employees
LIMIT 10,10;

..but it didn't seem to work.

Thanks for any help!!

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Selecting Distinct Records Quickly

Mar 26, 2007

Good day,

I have a table of approximately 10 million rows. The table has 3 field making up the key, namely:
ID, Date, Program

I need to extract all the distinct Program's from the table.
I have don so with:
Select distinct Program from table
This unfortunately takes roughly 2 minutes which is far to long. Is there something I can do to help speed this process up?

Thanks in advance.

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Selecting The Records In The Present Week

Dec 3, 2007

Dear All,

I want to retrive the records if are created in a particular week.
if i pass 03/12/2007 , i want get records which are created in that week

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Selecting Only Records With Most Recent Date

Dec 15, 2007

Using MS SQL 2005, how can I SELECT only the records whos date field is equal to the most recent date held in that field?

For example:

date item colour
---- ---- ------
12/15/2007 shirt red
12/13/2007 shirt black
12/15/2007 shirt blue

result(s) expected:

12/15/2007 shirt red
12/15/2007 shirt blue

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Selecting Records Based On Date

Mar 15, 2007

I have a table that has a DateTime column which uses a DataTimedatatype. How do I retrieve a range of records based on the month andyear using ms sql?Eugene Anthony*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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SELECTing Records That Fall Between Two Dates

May 19, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me write a SELECT statement to return all records (rows) based on whether they fall within two dates. For example, consider this table:

Code Snippet
--DROP TABLE #Records
(1, '2008-05-01', '2008-05-12')
(2, '2008-05-08', '2008-05-12')
(3, '2008-05-19', '2008-05-22')
(4, '2008-05-22', '2008-05-23')
(5, '2008-05-26', '2008-06-01')
(6, '2008-05-28', '2008-06-01')
SELECT * FROM #Records

I want to return the RecordID for any row which span this week. I've tried the simple approach of using WHERE GETDATE() BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate but this doesn't produce the desired results. For example, RecordID 4 spans this current week but is not returned (obviously) with this approach.

The idea is to show which events (rows) are coming up this week and next week. Eventually the data will be used to populate an SSRS report.

Hope that makes sense, can anyone help?


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