Send Mail Variable Attachment

Jul 16, 2007

I am able to use a variable filename in my send mail task as the message source when I specify variable as the message source type. But I would rather use the variable in the attachment e.g. @[User::filename].

When I do that, I get the message that the file doen't exist. How is it possible to specify a variable as the attachment?


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How To Send A Dynamic Files Attachment By Send Mail Task?

Jan 19, 2007

Hello All,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this is driving me nuts.

I want to send a dynamic files in attachment files ny send mail task that file name has change follow datetime.

I try to use the expression but I can't use it.

please tell me for this problem.

Any suggestions appreciated,


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Mar 3, 2008

HI !

I need help to fix SSIS Send Mail Task Error.
I have a

Data Flow
Read from Sql Data base and then put the query result into excel file
(OLE DB Source --> Excel Destination)

Send Mail Task
Email excel file from the data flow

Control Flow :
Data Flow --> Send Mail Task

The package throws an error below. I tried to disable my antivirus because i thought it's throwing an error because of the antivirus.
But, it's still throwing the same error. If i tried to send email without attachment, it works just fine.
Is there anybody know how to fix this?

Progress: The SendMail task is initiated. - 0 percent complete
[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The operation has timed out.".
Progress: The SendMail task is completed. - 100 percent complete
Task Send Mail Task failed

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DB Engine :: Send Query Result As Excel Attachment With Database Mail?

Aug 12, 2015

I have below table in the snapshot, My task is to send the same output as a attachment in Excel to email. i used the below procedure
EXEC [msdb]..sp_send_dbmail 
@subject='DB Mail',
@body='HI Team',
@execute_query_database = 'DbName',
@query = 'EXEC J16ReimbursementFortnightly1TO15 1',
@query_attachment_filename = 'SummaryReimbursement.xls'

But I am not getting Proper Output, is seems like CSV Format, but i want it proper tabular format in Excel.

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Can I Use A Variable In The Attachments Field On A Send Mail Task?

Dec 12, 2007

I need to email a report that contains a date in the report name. Can I build the file name with script and use a variable in the attachments field on the send mail task. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Send Mail Task Message Source Type Variable

Jun 13, 2007


I am trying something very simple but cannot see why it is failing.

I am trying to add a filename to the message source of a mail task from a variable.

I have Variable 1 User::CurrentFilePath, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type = String

and Variable 2 User::mailSource, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type = String

Variable 2 EvaluateAsExpression is set to True and the Expression for now is simply "Processing of File " + [User::CurrentFilePath] + "has Begun"

However when i enter this i get

The expression for variable "Test2" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.

In the Value and Value type boxes of the variable property.

Any advice greatly received



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Send Mail Task - Succeeds But Does Not Send Mail

Nov 28, 2007

I have attempted to report out errors at the end of an ETL process by alerting supporting DBAs of errors using the SSIS "Send Mail Task". Task completes along with the sequenced packages, but does not mail anything out. No logic at this time for trigger, just success from the previous task triggering the task to send mail. I also get no errors in the output, and I get no output indicating the send mail task fired, but it does go "green". Do I have to enable database mail and have privileges?

Component Configuration:

SMTP Connection Manager - SMTP Server: arsocex02

Send Mail Editor -

MessageSourceType: Direct Input
Expression: MessageSource = "Package>>> " + @[System:ackageName] +" was executed at>>> " + (DT_WSTR, 40) @[System:tartTime] + " by user>>> " + @[System::UserName] + " on Machine>>> " + @[System::MachineName] + " Errors reported to ERRORS_COURSE_CLASS_STATUS_T: " + (DT_WSTR, 50) @[User::ErrorCourseClassStatus]


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Can't Send Attachment With CDO

Sep 24, 2001

<FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color=midnightblue size=2>For some reason
this proc doesn't send attachment. Please advise.
<P><PRE id=code><FONT id=code face=courier size=2></pre>
<P></P><P>CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SendCDONTSMail]<BR>@Help [BIT] = 0,<BR>@From [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@To [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Cc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Bcc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Subject [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Body [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Filename [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Importance int = 0,<BR>@MailFormat [BIT] = 0,<BR>@BodyFormat [BIT] = 0<BR>AS<BR>DECLARE<BR>@Error [VARCHAR](150),<BR>@object [INT],<BR>@hr [INT]</P><P>IF @Help = 1<BR>BEGIN<BR>PRINT '<BR>Purpose:<BR>This porcedure will send an email using CDONTS.dll.<BR>Use as a replacement to xp_sendmail. It will allow you<BR>to send HTML emails from SQL<BR>'<BR>RETURN 1<BR>END</P><P>IF ((@From IS NULL OR @From = '') OR (@To IS NULL OR @To = '') OR (@Subject IS NULL OR @Subject = '') OR (@Body IS NULL OR @Body = '')) AND @Help = 0<BR>BEGIN<BR>SET @Error = 'sp_SendCDONTSMail requires parameters @From, @To, @Subject, and @Body.' + CHAR(13) + 'Please execute ''sp_SendCDONTSMail 1'' for syntax assistance.'<BR>RAISERROR(@Error, 16, 1)<BR>RETURN -1<BR>END</P><P>EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @object OUT<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'From', @From<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'To', @To<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'CC', @Cc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Bcc', @Bcc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Subject', @Subject<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Body', @Body<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'MailFormat', @MailFormat<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'BodyFormat', @BodyFormat<BR>exec @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Importance', @Importance<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'AttachFile', @FileName <BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'Send'<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object</P></FONT></FONT>

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Sql Mail W/attachment

Sep 19, 2001

I'm trying to use the xp_sendmail and include a txt file as an attachment.
I can't get the procedure to work with the attachment.....any help would be greatly appreciated. this is what I have been trying to get to work.....Thanks!! Scott

exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = '',
@query = 'SELECT * FROM ape_pt_temp',
@subject = 'SQL Server Report',
@message = 'file attached',
@attach_results = 'true', @width = 250

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E-Mail Attachment

Mar 27, 2007

I wrote a procedure in Sql Server 2000 which sends an E-Mail to any E-Mail account. But I not able to send an attachment with the E-Mail. I dont have the code for attachment in the same procedure, as I searched on Google I not able to find out. Please help me for the same.
Waiting for your reply.

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How To Send Query Result As Attachment With EXCEL Format

Feb 17, 2012

i am using sp_send_dbmail to send to send query result as an attachment with EXCEL Format.

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SQL 2012 :: Send Emails With Query Results As Attachment?

Jul 16, 2014

What is the best way to send emails with query results as attachment?

There is a stored proc sp_send_dbmail but the formatting is not very good.

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Mail Attachment With CDOSYS

Feb 27, 2006

I am using the following stored procedure to send a mail with attachment. But the mail is sent without the attachment. Can anyone help me?

@p_From as nvarchar(50),
@p_To as nvarchar(50),
@p_Subject as nvarchar(255),
@p_Body as varchar(1000),
@p_CC as text = null,
@p_BCC as text = null,
@p_Attachment varchar(500)=null
Declare @Message int
Declare @hr int
Declare @source varchar(255)
Declare @description varchar(500)

EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @Message OUT

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'From',@p_From

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'To', @p_To

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'Subject', @p_Subject

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'TextBody', @p_Body

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @Message, 'CDO.Message.Attachment.Update', Default, @p_Attachment

If @p_CC is not null
EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'CC',@p_CC

If @p_BCC is not null
EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Message, 'BCC',@p_BCC

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @Message, 'Send', NULL

EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @source OUT, @description out

EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @Message
IF @hr <> 0
SELECT hr=convert(varbinary(4),@hr), Source=@source, Description=@description

Bharathram G

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SQL Mail With Attachment Not Working

Apr 22, 2004


I am able to send normal mails from SQL Server with no attachments.

But when i am trying to send mail with an attachment i get following error.

Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80004005

I am running SQL Server 2000 , SP3.

select @@version
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86) Dec 17 2002 14:22:05 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

exec master..xp_msver
Index Name Internal_Value Character_Value
------ -------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 ProductName NULL Microsoft SQL Server
2 ProductVersion 524288 8.00.760
3 Language 1033 English (United States)
4 Platform NULL NT INTEL X86
5 Comments NULL NT INTEL X86
6 CompanyName NULL Microsoft Corporation
7 FileDescription NULL SQL Server Windows NT
8 FileVersion NULL 2000.080.0760.00
9 InternalName NULL SQLSERVR
10 LegalCopyright NULL © 1988-2003 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
11 LegalTrademarks NULL Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
12 OriginalFilename NULL SQLSERVR.EXE
13 PrivateBuild NULL NULL
14 SpecialBuild 49807360 NULL
15 WindowsVersion 143851525 5.0 (2195)
16 ProcessorCount 1 1
17 ProcessorActiveMask 1 00000001
19 PhysicalMemory 254 254 (266850304)
20 Product ID NULL NULL

(20 row(s) affected)

Any help would be helpful.


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Sending Mail With Attachment

Mar 27, 2008

Dear Gurus

I have got a requirement.

I need to send mail with an attachment.

for eg.

An employee has requested leave a mail should go to the person he is reporting to as a mail and with this mail
an attachment of the leave request should be sent.

When the person who recevies mail he opens the attahcment and apporves the leave request or rejects a return mail to go to all concerned.

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Write Logg To A Textfile And Send That File As Attachment - Problem

Jul 5, 2006

I would like to use logging to be able to view information about the package execution afterwards, especially to be able to find out which task that failed and why it failed.

Something similar to this:

The execution of the following DTS Package succeeded:

Package Name: XXX
Package Description: YYY
Package ID: {5ADDA98B-1F27-404B-8EC4-3568FA4523F6}
Package Version: {0DAA5592-D123-4936-94FC-717DDC581866}
Package Execution Lineage: {4D353C5F-444E-4870-8A4F-B35B635F3646}
Executed On: ServerName
Executed By: XXX
Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:14:27
Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:40:17
Total Execution Time: 1550,422 seconds

Package Steps execution information:

Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' succeeded
Step Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:18:30
Step Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:18:31
Total Step Execution Time: 0,031 seconds
Progress count in Step: 37

Step 'DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_2' was not executed

Step 'DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_33' failed

Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Step Error Description:The statement has been terminated. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80040e2f): Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID_adress', table 'VPKBA.dbo.aktAdress'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.)
Step Error code: 80040E2F
Step Error Help File:
Step Error Help Context ID:0

Step Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:40:14
Step Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:40:17
Total Step Execution Time: 3,672 seconds
Progress count in Step: 0

I have tried different events to be logged on the Details-tab on Configure SSIS Logs, but I don't get the information that I want.

I also want to send this log-file as an attachment in a couple of Send Mail task in the same package. But then I get this error:

Error at Mail Error [Send Mail Task]: Either the file "filename.txt" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access the file.

The file does exist and there is no permission problem because I don't get this error when I remove logging.

Isn't it possible to do this in SSIS-packages?
It works in DTS-packages.


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E-mail In SSRS Reports With Attachment

Mar 13, 2007

Hi All,

In my SSRS report there is a column with email field, when the user clicks on it -- it should open the outlook and in the attachment field there should be a screenshot of that report

i think anything i could do is only in the jump to url in the navigation tab......Please suggest me the solution or any other alternatives.

Thanks in advance for help

Warm Regards,


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Integration Services :: Sending Mail With HTML Format In Send Mail Task

Aug 18, 2015

I have to send mail with HTML format  and attaching multiple files dynamically via send mail task.

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How Can I Send Many Mail In Send Mail Task ?

Feb 27, 2007

Hello All,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this isdriving me nuts

I have some sample problem.I want to send many email in one send mail task, how can i do it?

what is a signal for separate between email address in send mail task.

please tell me for this event.

any suggesstion appreciated

Thanks you very much.


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SSIS Send Mail Task - Failure Sending Mail

Dec 13, 2007

Dear all,
I have switched off the firewall settings on my system and as suggested im entering the minimal information and data to send the mail.
but still the Mail Task is failing..
plz suggest.

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SSIS Send Mail Task - Failure Sending Mail

Jun 8, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this is driving me nuts.

I've setup a task to email on success/failure and keep receiving the following message when executed:

Progress: The SendMail task is initiated. - 0 percent complete
[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.".
Progress: The SendMail task is completed. - 100 percent complete
Task Send Mail Task failed

When I configure Outlook Express on the same machine with the same settings it works.

On the SMTP Connection Manager I have left the default name, tested with both an IP address and Server Name, and no authentication or SSL.

On the Send Mail Task, it uses the above connection. The To: , From: , Subject fields are populated. Message SourceType is DirectInput, MessageSource is Test, Priority is Normal and no attachments or expressions etc.

Nothing useful is logged in the Event Viewer even with full logging turned on.

Any suggestions appreciated,


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SQL 2012 :: Send Binary File Stored In Server As Email Attachment?

Apr 26, 2014

Is there a way to send binary file stored in SQL Server as email attachment without downloading it to the file system?

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Best Way To Send Email From A Stored Procedure (dynamically Changing Paramenters And Attachment)

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everyone,I need advice of how to accomplish the following:Loop though records in a table and send an email per record. Emailrecipient, message text and attachment file name - that's all changesrecord by record.Is it doable from a stored procedure (easily I mean, or am I better offwriting a VB app)? There are so many options of sending mail from SQLserver - CDONTS, SQL MAIL TASK, xp_sendmail. What's easier to implementand set up?Thanks a lot!!!(links and fragments of sample code would be greatlyappreciated)Larisa

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SQL Mail Sending Attachment Of Data From A Table!

Mar 29, 2001

Ok i have a programmer who wants to send out the data from a table as an email attachment via sql mail without having to write a com component. Does any one know the procedures on how to do this (i.e stored procedures and triggers ect and anything else i need or should know).

Please dont answer this unless you have some genuine help as I dont want to post this every time someone comes up with a smart ass comment!
Thanks guys

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Configure SMTP Server Mail To Send Mail

Feb 10, 2008

The Database Mail feature is already enabled on the server, also I have a mail account on the other server.
The problem I faced is that I need to send mail from my SQL Server using a created email account on the other server. How should I configure my email to do that ?
Should I use a sysmail_add_account procedure to enable account, also set profile and profile account ? Does this way creates server mail account that is binded with other email account?
The mail should be sent from my SQL Server.
Thank You.

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Error Sending Mail With Send Mail Task

Feb 6, 2008

I keep getting a generic "Error Sending Mail" error. For testing purposes I am just trying to send using my own email account. What goes in the SMTP Server box in the connection manager? I have tried:

A - the exchange server address (
B - The SMTP properties I see when I look at the properties of my email address: (
C - Just the end portion of the SMTP properties: (
D - My email address (

I don't know what to enter, or what is giving me such a generic error message.

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Help With Mail That Send Mail When Database Bakcup Fails

Sep 1, 2006


I have got a script which gives the mail to the dba mail box when database backup fails.

In the script I want to make a change so that I get the particular database name , on what ever database i implement.

Can you tell me some suggestions.

The script I am using is :

use master
alter PROCEDURE dbo.SendMail
@to VARCHAR(255),
@subject VARCHAR(255),
@message VARCHAR(8000)
@rv INT,
@from VARCHAR(64),
@server VARCHAR(255);
@from = '',
@server = '';

select @message = @message + char(13) + Char(13) + @@servername + '-'+ db_name()+ '-' + 'Backup Status Failed' + Char(13)

EXEC @rv = dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@to = @to,
@from = @from,
@message = @message,
@subject = @subject,
@server = @server;

--- After the above script is run the following should be given in the 2nd step when
--- the backup jobs are scheduled ------

exec master.dbo.sendmail
@to = '',
@subject =' Test sqlserver 2000',
@message = '' ;


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Sending Mail To Several Users With Send Mail Task ?

Nov 10, 2006

I know you can specify additional recipients in the To column by sepperating them with a semicolon. But whats the easiest way to send to several users, when the email address must be retrieved from a table with a query like this:

select email from problem_subscribers

where project = 'project1'

and statusmail = 'OnError'

So when the eventhandler gets an OnError i want the mail task to be sent to each problemsubscriber.

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VS 2003 - Count Rows In Excel E-mail Attachment?

Jan 4, 2007

I have a C# program that sends an e-mail with an Excel attachment. The Excel file is populated with the results of a SQL stored procedure before the e-mail program is executed. The entire process is in a DTS package (populate a temporary table, export the table to Excel, then send the e-mail). It is possible that the stored procedure will return no results, in which case the Excel file will not be populated.I'd like to know whether it is possible (and if so, how) to add some code to my e-mail program that will count the number of populated rows in the Excel file and if that number is <2 (the header row will always be populated), to quit and not send the e-mail.

An alternative would be for the DTS package to terminate if the stored procedure returns 0 records.


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Unable To Send Test Mail From DB Mail

Jul 29, 2013

NOT ABLE TO SEND TEST MAIL FROM DB MAIL...The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. . Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).

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Transact SQL :: Convert Output Into Excel And Schedule Automate Job That Runs Every Friday And Send Email With Attachment

Nov 3, 2015

Here below is the perfect query i made which is working fine and giving me the sql output but just only need is how to convert to excel and automate the job scheduling so that it run on everyday and send the mail with attachment .

SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn
SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn, 1 [ordering] FROM alpha.dbo.DCADFeed
where sAMAccountName collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS in

[Code] ....

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Permission To Send Mail Mail From Dts

Oct 2, 2002

hello everybody.

I have server server1
sql server and agent and mail profiler
running using mydomainsvcsql

dts (test_dts)created by user domainalex
with "use windows athentication"

dts steps
1. exe sp_who2
2. send mail to joe

user domainjoe run
DTSRun /S server1 /E /N test_dts
with error
Error: -2147220352 (80040480); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Logon failed: MapiLogonEx Failed due to MAPI error 273: MAPI Logon failed

what permisissions should be granted to
in order to run dts from DTSRun ?

Thank you

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Not Able To Send Test Mail From DB Mail

Jul 29, 2013

NOT ABLE TO SEND TEST MAIL FROM DB MAIL///The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. . Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Failure sending mail.).

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