Sercurity And Dtproperties

Mar 18, 2008

I recently Aquired a SQL 2005 standard x64 edition, I attached a table from sql 2000, there is a system table in this database called dtproperties and it has a public role. Now, I setup a limited user and that user can see this table and query it, etc. I removed this table from the public role so this user does not have access to it.

My questions are,
how does removing the public role from dtproperties affect users?

if it has to be public role, then does it need to insert, update, or delete?

if it does need insert update or delete, what happens if a user does delete insert etc.

I guess looking for an all around answer to why public on dtproperties


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SQL Server Sercurity Outside The Firewall ...

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,We use Informix and MySQL on linux/unix to drive our web application.SQL*Server is used only for backend enterprise applications within thefirewall. I am trying to get the management to use SQL*Server outside thefirewall. They tell me there are security issues with Microsoft products,including SQL*Server, that make it vulnerable to attacks outside thefirewall. Can someone please point me to white papers/documentation thatsuggests how SQL*Server can be used securely outside the firewall? I thinkif I put SQL*server on it's own box and open it up only to the applicationson our web servers, we should be secure. However, I need hard evidence.Thanks.- Rajesh

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Table Dtproperties ??

Aug 29, 2000

Hello, On a base in sql 7, the table dtproperties appears it type=systeme, however it appears in the resultat of a select * from sysobjects where type = 'U'.
Which is the explanation?
Thank you beforehand. Pascal

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What For Dtproperties Table Is?

Sep 24, 2004

Hello Members

Under Systen tables for every databases there is dtproperties table, what is the puprose of this table?

Praveen Kumar Pandey

CoVisible Soultions (I) Pvt. Ltd. - Offshore Outsourcing Service Provider (

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Dbo.dtproperties Information

Aug 9, 2005

Hi AllI understand the dbo.dtproperties tables is a system table, but it appearsunder "User Tables" in my Query Analyzer.Is this normal , or does it signify a problem ? I have never seen it therebefore.In the sysobjects table, the xtype field and type field for dtpropertiestable, have been set to 'U', which I thought meant User.Perhaps I should just set them back to 'S' ?All sugestions welcomedCheersRay

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Purpose Of Dtproperties Table

Feb 4, 2002

What is the purpose of the dtproperties table? I looked in BOL and the references are pretty thin.

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