Server.Databases.Count=0 Although There Is A Database
Oct 14, 2007
Hi, everyone!
I have the following problem:
I want to process a cube daily via remote connection (http://cubeserver/olap/msmdpump.dll), using a Script Task in a SSIS package.
1. Running the package with the Execute Package Utility works fine, the cube will be processed.
2. With this SSIS package I created a job that runs daily and everything was fine until 3 weeks ago. Since than I have the following problem:
SSAS Server is connected:
,but further I find no database:
although there is at least one database.
Of course, running the package with the Execute Package Utility:
and I can go on with the processing.
I used in both cases the same Package and the same configuration file, the connection string is the same.
Both computers run SQL Server 2005 SP2.
I truly appreciate your help,
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Jan 11, 2007
Hey all,
I want to run a query that returns the count of records returned by two other queries. Having much trouble with this... I'm sure it's just a triviality. Thanks in advance...
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May 30, 2006
I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.
this are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production
principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.
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Jun 1, 2006
I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.
these are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production
principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.
All of the databases are critical and all must be included in the Database Mirroring.
so, after that I tried to implement database mirroring again......
System has 3 GB of RAM, SQL SERVER (Mirror) using 85 MB of RAM but still
giving this error while trying to enable database mirroring for 37th
"There is insufficient system Memory to run this query"
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Jan 7, 2008
I have two databases lets say DB1 and DB2.
Schemas for both databases is same.
In both database schemas there are tables which has identity columns as primary key.
Now i want to merge these two databases in a single database say DB3.
It may also possible that some master records in both databases are common so they should not repeat in DB3
Is there any way so that i can do it quickly and as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance
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May 19, 2014
i have database which has 25 tables. all tables have productid column. i need to find total records for product id = 20003 from all the tables in database.
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Nov 11, 2014
I need only the count of databases that last fullbackup was older then 24 hours or null. and status is online. I have tried
SELECT Count(DISTINCT msdb.dbo.backupset.database_name)
From msdb.dbo.backupset
where datediff(day,backup_finish_date,GETDATE()) > 1 -- or is null
and Database_Name not in ('tempdb','ReportServerTempDB','AdventureWorksDW','AdventureWorks') --online also
group by Database_name, backup_finish_date
Tried using where max(backup_finish_date) < datediff(day,backup_finish_date,GETDATE()) .But get the aggregate in where clause error. get a count of databases with backups older than 24 hours not including the samples, report service, and tempdb. I would also want to put status is online but havent gotten the above to work so havent tried to add that yet.
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Oct 27, 2015
I have a 2 node cluster having 4 cores each wherein having 3 instances of SQL 2008 R2 enterprise comprising of 60 databases, 20 on each instance. I need to setup mirroring for each of the databases to a secondary server having 4 cores and 3 instances. What i understand is that in this case the mirror server will be providing max of 512 worker threads and the 60 mirror databases would consume 240 threads.what all needs to be checked for looking into the feasabilty of going ahead with a async mirror setup as mentioned above.
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Oct 19, 2015
script to get the list of views in a database, involving tables from other databases?I AM using SQL server 2014
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Oct 18, 2013
I have system database and user database file are present in G,H and W drive.The process is going to be - copy data from G to S, H to T, W to U. Rename G to X, H to Y and W to Z. Rename S to G, T to H and U to W. Reboot the servers. The original G, H and W will then be X, Y and Z. The old S will be the new G, old T will be H and old U will be W. My question is that after doing this whether my SQL server will start or not
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Aug 6, 2006
With the function below, I receive this error:Error:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.Function:Public Shared Function DeleteMesssages(ByVal UserID As String, ByVal MessageIDs As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim bSuccess As Boolean Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", MyConnection) Dim i As Integer Dim fBeginTransCalled As Boolean = False
'messagetype 1 =internal messages Try ' ' Start transaction ' MyConnection.Open() cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() fBeginTransCalled = True Dim obj As Object For i = 0 To MessageIDs.Count - 1 bSuccess = False 'delete userid-message reference cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID AND UserID=@UserID" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() 'then delete the message itself if no other user has a reference cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID1" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID1", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar If ((Not (obj) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso ((TypeOf (obj) Is Integer) _ AndAlso (CType(obj, Integer) > 0))) Then 'more references exist so do not delete message Else 'this is the only reference to the message so delete it permanently cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID2" cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID2", MessageIDs(i).ToString)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Next i
' ' End transaction ' cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION" cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() bSuccess = True fBeginTransCalled = False Catch ex As Exception 'LOG ERROR GlobalFunctions.ReportError("MessageDAL:DeleteMessages", ex.Message) Finally If fBeginTransCalled Then Try cmd = New SqlCommand("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", MyConnection) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch e As System.Exception End Try End If MyConnection.Close() End Try Return bSuccess End Function
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Apr 1, 2008
I'm in the middle of developing a Database for a hospital that measures its audits, inhouse operations, and finance. What we currently have and do everyday is collect data from a large database that is real time with patient data, progess, infomation, etc and dump it into a data warehouse that runs on TSI/Eclipsys. We run reports using a number of programs and dump it into Excel sheets that have charts, reports, etc. This Database for which I'm developing won't come soley from the TSI/Eclypsys source, but this is the only source thats updated regularly. I don't want to have in sync with TSI/Eclipysys in fear that every day when it updates data may be lost, not read, or worse won't be up date if there is a problem. My question is is it possible to run a query from Sequel Server 2005 that will take that data upon request using the reporing features on Sequel Server 2005. i.e. What if I need to run a report on measure B in department 12 from Jan 1-Feb 1, instead of being in sync, can I just write queries to take that information rather than double the data and take up twice the space and trouble. FYI, these datatypes rarely change in the TSI/Eclipsys data warehouse. This sure was long question and didn't intended it to be . Thanks for listening and hope to hear back.
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May 11, 2007
Hi all,
Im working under sql server 2000 and im trying to acess to some informations to make some report.
Im trying to acess to the list of each table in the database, and for each table i would need to know its size.
I can get acess to the different table in a single database but i cant get its row count. Is there a way for me to obtain that information or to dynamicaly set a table name in a query ? (exemple : Select name, (Select count(*) from sys2 where = from Sysobjects sys1 )
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I am trying to determine what the overhead is per database in SQLServer 2000 Standard. I have the option to put several customers in onedatabase, or give each customer their own database. I would like to puteach customer in their own database to simplify maintenance andstrengthen security.I have found the following document which shows the memory used byvarious objects in SQL Server: on this info I get the following *additional* memory requirementsper database:Open Database (1 file, 1 filegroup): 6kOpen Objects (250 objects, 30 indexes): 692kTotal: 698kIs this an accurate calculation of the overhead? Is there somethingelse that would affect the overhead that I am overlooking? Are thereany other downsides to having many databases versus a few databases?Thanks,Mike
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Apr 10, 2008
I would like to know the best way to count and display the number of rows in a given database table called memberinfo.
This should tell me how many members I have right?
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Feb 19, 2012
I have a distribution database that has grown over 50g. Distribution cleanup takes over 15 hours to run and there are always very few rows in msrepl_Commands. Usually only a few hundred. Everything is being replicated fine, but I fear a storm coming. why distribution would be so large with so few rows? Also, Ghost Cleanup has been running all week, so I'm thinking maybe the records marked for deletion aren't being deleted?
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Sep 26, 2007
How can I get a quick count of all tables in a database? Is there a way to do this? Can the table count exclude system tables?
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Oct 26, 2007
I want to share knowledge that we have the abality to merge the two databases in one database. As if your site is already working with data base with out login page. And you are using built in funtion to create login page there will be a new database will automatically generated with the name of "ASPNETDB.MDF". you will check it in machine.config. If you want to get its data in old one database you only open sdk dos promt and write aspnet_regsql.exe and press enter. A wizard will open for you. in first two wizard you click next without changing it. and in the 3rd page you will enter the database name in which you want to write this ASPNETDB.MDF data. and in the final page you click finished button and close the sdk dos promt.
You should go on web. config file and modify the code for example.<connectionStrings>
<add name="wordexpress" connectionString="server= localhostsqlExpress;Database=wordexpress;Integrated Security=True"providerName="System.Data.sqlClient" />
<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="server= localhostsqlExpress;Database=wordexpress;Integrated Security=True"providerName="System.Data.sqlClient" />
And then check your old database you will see that there is new 11 table added.
My question is that I cannot get these table in my old database. I have working with the same procedure. Can any one tell me if there is any mistake from my side.
Naveed Baig.
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Jun 20, 2006
I need to design a system which represents multiple "projects" in SQLServer. Each project has the same data model, but is independent of allothers. My inclination is to use one database to store all projects.Looking at the numbers involved, however, I wonder if I would getbetter performance by storing each project in its own database.Suppose I have 50 projects, each with two users and 10,000 rows; itseems to me I'd rather have 50 x 2 users working in a table with 10,000rows than 1 x 100 users working in a table with 500,000 rows.On the other hand, the single database approach seems more elegant froma design perspective. I wouldn't be creating multiple copies of anidentical data model, and I wouldn't be creating new databases as abusiness procedure, every time a new project is required.Here are my questions:1. For the scenario described above, am I correct to assume I will getbetter performance by using multiple databases, or does SQL Server havesome clever way of achieving the same performance in a single database?2. Is the multiple database approach common? If anyone has tried it,please tell me about how it works in practice.-TC
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Nov 20, 2006
Hi friends,
I have problem when retrieving a result from SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] from an Oracle database.
When I try to put the result (single row) in a variable I get the following error message.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowsSource": "Unsupported data type on result set binding RowsSource.".
Pls help me
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Nov 8, 2006
Hi ...
I have two separete databases, what Ineed is that I want to make a single database of the two. Although all the table definitions of both the database are same.
I will be glad to know "how to make a single database from two" and i will be happy to see the query to insert the values from one database to another one.
Abdul Ghaffar
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Nov 2, 2015
How do I get an accurate count of workstations connected to a database?
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Jan 14, 2004
I'm trying to list all database locations with SQL command, but getting lost here :(
So, anyone any idea how to get databasefile locations from server?
All I need is like: 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatamaster.mdf' and others.
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May 25, 2015
below data,
in my count function,my code look like,
set buyerset as exists(dimcustomer.leval02.allmembers,custoertypeisRetailers,"Sales")
set saleset(buyerset)
set custdimensionfilter as {custdimensionmemb1,custdimensionmemb2,custdimensionmemb3,custdimensionmemb4}
set finalset as exists(salest,custdimensionfilter,"Sales")
Set ProdIP as dimproduct.dimproduct.prod1
set Othersset as (cyears,ProdIP)
(exists(([FINALSET],Othersset,dimension2.dimension2.item3),[DimCustomerBuyer].[ParentPostalCode].currentmember, "factsales")).count
it will take 12 to 15 min to execute.
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Jun 5, 2015
Script only displays the result for 'Master' database.
What changes are required for script to display result for all databases on the instance?
SELECT DB_Name() AS DatabaseName, OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstats
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_id
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_id
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 and indexstats.page_count >1000
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC
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Aug 8, 2006
Hi all,
I am new in SSIS. Anyone know how to valify number of record that I load from csv file to SQL database table?
For example, the source file call product.csv and target table in database named DSS table name PRODUCT. I load data from flat file to table then I need verification if count between source and target not match send e-mail to me.
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Oct 30, 2014
I just finished installing SQL Server 2012 with the SQL Server Replication feature component checked. On configuring transaction replication, i notice the distribution database wasn't there. I ran the below query
EXEC sp_get_distributor And the value for distribution_db_installed is 0 as shown below
installed distribution server distribution db installed is distribution publisher has remote distribution publisher
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Aug 13, 2015
We have our replication environment with a separate SQL 2014 publisher, distributor and subscriber. We have a table named DPSP on 14 databases which is to be published via transactional replication to 1 subscription database.
The source tables are identical in name, schema and clustered index. We have created 14 tables in the subscription database with a suffix to the name (see below):
Each table in the subscription database has its own uniquely named primary key and clustered index:
Below are the settings for one of the published article:
The same process is repeated for each DPSP table created in 14 separate publications. Snapshots are generated and subscriptions created successfully. After some time, the log reader starts to show the following errors in replication monitor:
2015-08-12 21:48:24.156 7 transaction(s) with 11 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:49:04.233 5 transaction(s) with 7 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:50:04.355 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:50:09.378 13 transaction(s) with 17 command(s) were delivered.
2015-08-12 21:51:12.168 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:52:12.306 No replicated transactions are available.
2015-08-12 21:52:32.337
[Code] ....
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Aug 3, 2007
Currently we have a variety of SQL 2000 (and 2005) database servers, we are having issues with the maintenance plan of a few SQL2000 boxes where they no longer have enough hard disk space to do a full index-rebuild on the system.
Now we want to re-build the databases indexes approximately once a week, or maybe a little less often, in the past this has worked fine with maintenance plans.
However, we now have issues because we have some databases in offline mode, and we are quite low on disk space with no plans for hardware upgrades anytime soon.
The temporary solution is to turn the index rebuilds off.
I have been working on a script that will:
Cycle through each database and within that database:
Go through each table
Run a DBCC DBREINDEX on the table
Move on to the next table
Once the reindexing of one database is complete
IF the database is not in simple mode
Backup the transaction log
Run a DBCC SHRINKDATABASE with the required amount of free space
Go to the next database until all are complete.The logic is quite simple but so far this has not worked, it would appear something is locking the transaction log until the script exits.
Now the script works fine excluding the shrinkdatabase, I always get:
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Shrinking database: inf_dev target percentage: 10 at: Aug 2 2007 5:33PM [SQLSTATE 01000]
Cannot shrink log file 2 (INF_PROD_Log) because all logical log files are in use. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Where I'm indexing the INF_Prod database.
A DBCC LOGINFO shows something along the lines of:
Code Snippet
BACKUP LOG successfully processed 45162 pages in 152.607 seconds (2.424 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000]
FileId FileSize StartOffset FSeqNo Status Parity CreateLSN
----------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------- ----------- ------ ---------------------------
2 253952 8192 29618 0 128 0
2 253952 262144 29621 0 64 0
2 253952 516096 29620 0 64 0
2 278528 770048 29619 0 64 0
<cut cut>
2 9043968 370737152 0 0 0 29800000001528500007
2 9043968 379781120 29802 2 64 29800000001528500007
2 9043968 388825088 29801 0 64 29800000001528500007
Clearly there is something in the log file towards the end.
However, I don't know why this is happening as I'm running the script in the master database and I've backed up the transaction log of the database I'm working on.
I've tried doing Full backup + Transaction log + Shrink, it fails.
I've tried waiting 10minutes in the script + shrink, it also fails.
However, if I open a query analyzer and do a backup log, then a shrink it works perfectly every time.
However in the script it always fails no matter what I do.
Where am I going wrong here?
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Aug 13, 2015
In our production we have a database by name MyDb.The application team wanted another database by the name MyDbOld which contains the data of Mydb 1 month old. So I created a database MyDbOld in other instance(test) and restored MyDbOld from the one month backup of MyDb in production server. In test instance I backed MyDbOld as MyDbOld.bak...
In the production instance I created a new DB by the name MyDbOld and restored the MyDbOld in the production from the backup of MyDbold.bak in the test instance. Now I have 2 databases in the production instance ie MyDb and 2)MyDbOld. However I find the logical names of both the databases to be the same although the database name and the physical file name to be different.My questions are-:
1) Does it in any manner affect the integrity of the 2 databases if the 2 databases are in the same instance and have the same logical name?
2) Would the dml or data retrieval operations in the 2 databases have any conflict in any manner what so ever?
3) Having a unique database name, and unique file names for the physical files for any database in an instance what is the purpose and significance of additionally having a logical name for a database?
4) Which I could restore a database from the backup of another database in the same instance and at the same time change the logical and physical name of the files to correspond to the new database.
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Jul 31, 2007
I accidentally populate tables into System databases/master database. What should I do? Should I delete all the tables I populate in mster database?
Thank you very much!
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Feb 13, 2008
When I proposed start to use SQL Server 2005 for new VS 2005 web sites, one of my co-workers responded that
we will update the old SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 when we are ready to use 2005 SQL Server.
1. Any expected problems to upgrade old 2000 databases to new 2005 SQL Server?
2. I have installed both 2005/Management Studio Express and 2000/Enterprise Manager in my PC. Any expected
problems when running both 2000 and 2005 SQL Server at the same database server?
3. What is the best configuration for running SQL Server 2005 when we have old 2000 databases? Upgade or not upgrade?
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Jan 31, 2008
How would I set permission for SQL Server 2005 "User A" to prevent access to System and other user databases, also How to hide the databases that "User A" has no rights to. I mean, when User A logs in, All other user databases are not visible to him/her.
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