Share MSDE Sherver With Other User?

Apr 1, 2004

I have installed MSDE sql server in my system and it stored as my system name.
I careated a user and try to register in his Enterprise Manager and it is not connecting.
Can you give me some input for this issue?.

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Network Share/Multi User Deployment

Dec 12, 2006

Can a SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition database file be deployed on a file share and be accessed by multiple (5-10) concurrent users? This is a current scenario being implemented at several sites using MS Access databases.

Each client would have the SQLce engine installed on it and would only access the database via a managed C# application.

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How To Share User-defined Data Type In Different Database?

Nov 6, 2006


I have defined a data type "OC_BUN_NAME" in database "CVPRO". I want to create a table tempdb.dbo.CVPRO in SQL SERVER 2005 system Database tempdb. But SQL SERVER 2005 DBMS gives a Error Messages:"Can not find the data type OC_BUN_NAME".

How can I do? How to use data types in the other database?

Please give me some advice. Thank you in advance.

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Share A RSS File For Applying AD-USER To Folder SECURITY?

Mar 19, 2008

Has anyone written a RSS file that is used to add new Active Directory User/Group to SSRS, and applying security ROLES such as BROWSER?

I have new IT AD group that I need to apply to ALL folders on my PROD, QA and DEV servers. Way too many folders to do via SSMS or Web interface.

Would you be willing to share the RSS file?

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Feb 18, 2005


I am using MSDE in an ASP .NET application using forms authentication in order to the user can visit my website anonymously but have to authenticate in some pages.

Web server and MSDE server are in the same computer.

I would like to know how role I should set for the ASPNET sql server user. I am using Microsoft SQL Web Data Administrator and when I am creating the ASPNET user, then a page with some roles is shown.

Roles like public (default), db_owner, db_accessadmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter...

I had applied db_datareader and db_datawriter but now, when I use store procedures in my code, an error is made so I have applied db_owner role for the ASPNET user.

Is this correct or db_owner is a excessive privileged role for the ASPNET user?

Thank you and sorry for my English.

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Making A User In MSDE

Jul 20, 2005

I want to make a user ho have the same rights as the SA user.I have tried to useSp_addloginand sp_grantdbaccessI have got a new user but i have only access to master DB. I can usesp_grantdbaccess to every database.Inn this case i have about 100 different databases i need to haveaccess to. is't a way to give a user "administrator" rights to everydatabase?

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C# MSDE: Wrong Syntax Near The User Keyword

Apr 11, 2004

************* Edited by moderator Adec ***************
Inserted missing < code></ code> tags. Always include such
tags when including code in your postings. Many readers
disregard postings without the code tags.


I have a big problem with some piece of code. I am new to C# and
My MSDE 2000 is set up and running. But the following code produces the error
(translated from german) like "wrong syntax near the user keyword"

The connection to the database works fine. But trying to create a table or to drop
a table alwas leads to the error. Whats wrong with it?

SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection( "server=(local);" +
"Trusted_Connection=yes;" +
"database=ergofun; " +
"connection timeout=10");
SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

sqlCommand.Connection = myConnection;
sqlCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE user ( userid INT," +
"nickname CHAR(20),"+
"password CHAR(20),"+
"birthday DATETIME,"+
"weight INT,"+
"size INT,"+
"puls INT,"+
"name CHAR(20),"+
"surname CHAR(20))";

catch (Exception ex)

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MSDE Text Datatype - Unable To Store More Than 900 Characters. (msde + Visual Studio 2003)

Jun 6, 2005


I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters. 
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid.  To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui.  I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:

"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."

I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column.  As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.

I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.

Thanks a lot.

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How Do I Change The Name Of A Computer Running MSDE With Out Reinstalling MSDE

May 27, 2000

I am trying to change the computer name of a machine running MSDE but I get an error when SQL Server starts. With regular SQL when I change the name of a computer I re-run setup and setup fixes this problem. MSDE can only be installed from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem.

My question is "How do I change the name of a computer running MSDE with out reinstalling MSDE"

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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MSDE: Renaming Machine Without Reinstall Of MSDE

Mar 27, 2001

We currently have the problem, that all our machines are produced with the
same name and afterwards the name is changed. So we have the problem that
the checksum key for the MSDE isn't valid anymore. As MSDE can only be installed
from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem. Does anyone
know a solution for this problem ?? A program recalculating the cheksum ??



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MSDE Worth Using Or Should I Invest In MySQL? (was MSDE)

Mar 9, 2005

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this this question but I'll give it a shot.

The only db development that I have ever done is in MS Access. I have a project at work that is being accomplished in VB and I need a db engine to use as the back end. Visual studio came with a copy of MSDE. Is this tool worth using or should I invest in mySQL? Are there any advantages to using MSDE over mySQL?

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Where Do You Put A Share?

May 24, 2004

Windows Server 2003.
2 node Cluster single instance of SQL Server 2K sp3a.
1 SAN.

Cluster groups are:
- Cluster group with its own default resources.
- Oracle group with its own resources.
- SQL Server group with its own resources (Server,services,disks,ip address....)
Disk v: is for SQL Server databases
Disk w: is for SQL Server logs
Disk x: is for SQL Server backups.

SO now I have to create a shared folder where the clients need to connect in order to launch the program (executable file *.exe) and maybe tomorrow I will also need to create others shared folders where to put others executable.
1)Is it correct to create theses shared folders in the SQL Server group?
2) In wich one of the tree disks?
3) If I have 20 differents programs with differents security will I end up in having a SQL Server group with 20 different resources (file shares)?
Please advise.
Kind regards.

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Pls Share Your Experience With SAN&#39;s

Jan 26, 2001

Is anyone using sql server 70 or 2000 and a EMC or LSI Metastore SAN? If so, I would like to know how things are going for you. We are currently evaluating both of these products and will be making a decision as to which we will purchase in February. Please advise if you have anything positive or negative to offer.
Gail Wade

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Cluster Share

Aug 21, 2000

I have setup a Microsoft SQL 7.0 cluster as Actice/Passive configuration on NT 4.0 Enterprise. The problem I am having is that when I create a shared folder on Node B on a shared drive then I reboot Nobe B, the cluster fails over to Node A, but the shared dispeares.

Does anyone have any idea why would this happend.

Thank You,
Piyush Patel

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Backup To UNC Or Share?

May 24, 2004

Hi All,

Hopefully a painless and quick question to answer:

Am backing up the SQL2000 database(s) using the maintenance plan's under management in the Enterprise Manager.
All is fine however, we are running out of diskspace as the database grows, which is causing the backup to fail if I don't manually remove the nights before.

I have selected to delete old backup files however these files are deleted after the new file is generated and due to the lack of space the new one is not being in effect the older ones never get a chance to be deleted.

So I was wanting to know if it is at all possible to backup to a UNC path or share . I have tried however it raises an error saying it is not a valid path.

Any assistance here is hugly appreciated (asides from getting new disk - as this isn't a short term option at the moment)...

Cheers all

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File Share

Feb 25, 2007

Can someone please tell me what is meant by a file share?I'm doing a little reading on MS Sql Server and they talk about howyou can connect to the sql server through a named pipe.I'm guessing that a file share means a specific service running on aserver. Is this correct?The book says the following:When you connect to a file share you use a Universal Naming Conventionpath to a file server: \FILESERVERSharename.To connect to a named pipe, you connect to a share of the form:\COMPUTERpipesqlqueryThanks Hope you can clear this up for me.

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Share Report

Jan 30, 2007

I got the following in my report server log:

w3wp!library!1!01/29/2007-17:15:39:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information., SharePoint content service is null. Report Server may not have joined the SharePoint farm, or Report Server service account may not have been granted access to farm.;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information.

I tried to make the report server integrate with share point 2007. all services account are the domain account and local admin, including the applicaiton pool in IIS.

thanks for your help.


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Create A UNC Share

Sep 21, 2007

hi all,

i'm trying to write a script just like "copy database wizard" operation, for detaching, copy and ataching a database from a remote sql server to a local server.

Now the problem is when i try to copy the mdf file from the sql remote server to my local server.

Is it possible to create a UNC share in the remote sql server and delete after with t-sql like the Copy Database wizard does?

hope i made my self clear enought.


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Backup To Network Share

Nov 27, 2005

I would like to backup my databases to a network share (NAS) instead of local disk using Maintenance Plans created by Enterprise Manager. I have successfully used a UNC path to target the destination network share but have not been to figure out how to submit a logon to the network share before the backup is executed.

The SQL Server instance is running in the context of the local system account.

Can I insert a step in the SQL SQL job that is created by the Maintenance Plans that changes the Windows account that the backup runs under? If yes what command syntax would I use in the inserted step or is there another way to accomplish that I'm attempting to do?


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Backup On A Network Share

May 6, 2008


I am trying to backup a database with a command like:

BACKUP DATABASE my DataBase TO DISK = '\bkSystemkDiskBackup1.bak'

but I get the error 'Cannot open backup device '\bkSystemkDiskBackup1.bak'. Device error or device off-line.
The bkDisk folder is shared, with Everyone full-control access (it's a test environment)

MS SQL 2000.

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Backup SQL 2K5 To A Network Share

Apr 5, 2007

I attempted to backup my database to a shared drive using the UNC path and it gave me access denied. Any thoughts?

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Please Share Your Valuable Experience

Nov 21, 2007

I have SQL Server 2000 database involving voluminous data spread across different locations in a state. The database involves lot of transactions. The database involves tables storing photo images and thumb impressions along with the textual data and other needed information in a single table. I have a application accessing and updating about 5 tables and reading most of the master tables. I need a strategy to design the database such that performance improves. Once the photo and thumb are inserted for a particular party it is not required for retrieval immediately at any circumstance. In this scenario how should I design the database and keep data volume in check. Can I archive photo and thumb impressions in CDs. Will it be reliable and feasible. Please clarify on this issue. Please share your valuable experience. Only insertions involved in the partyinfo table having Photo and Thumb impressions. Later the table is only used to fetch the data of party other than Photo and thumb.

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OPENROWSET And Network Share

Dec 15, 2006

Hi,I am not able to execute following command from computers other than the SQLserver * from openrowset(bulk N'\ImageServerModelCam_05.dwg',SINGLE_BLOB) as docI get following error message:Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot bulk load because the file "\ImageServerModelCam_05.dwg " couldnot be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).If I use local file path and keep the file on the SQL server then it worksfine from any * from openrowset(bulk N'D:ModelCam_05.dwg', SINGLE_BLOB) as docThe network share has read access for everyone.What should I do to make it work? I am not allowed to move the files and theapplication which loads them to the SQL server.ThanksSachin G

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How To Share Variables Across Packages?

Sep 6, 2006

I'm working on a solution in Visual Studio that has 3 SSIS packages, and now I want to add a 4th that needs access to variables defined in one of the other packages. How can I do that?

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Project In Share Point

Aug 27, 2007


I have got a project where I am asked to utilize SharePoint features as much as possible. This project is earlier developed in .Net using Sharepoint Object Model. But now .Net should be eliminated as much as possible.

The requirements are :
Display a list of projects for the logged in user (windows logged in user). The list should have search criteria: project name, customer, project manager, project period.

On click of a project in the list, project details should be displayed Details like customer, team, start date, highlights, news. On click of a team member's name, Details of the team member (Name, office location, project joining, releaving dates, photo ) should be displayed.

To do this in Sharepoint my major hurdle is to display project list for windows logged in user. How do I do this in Sharepoint???

Expecting ideas/workarounds from all... Please be kind enough for that.

Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How To Share Read Only Data

Jun 15, 2007


I'm new to replication. Can anyone help with the following?

I want to publish the specific rows of data that are created on the publisher without accepting changes to those rows from subscribers, but do accept new rows (and changes to those rows) from subscribers.

EG. publisher creates rows 1 and 2 which are published to the subscriber

subscriber creates rows 3 and 4 which are merged back to the publisher

subscriber's updates (or delets) to rows 1 and 2 are not merged back to the publisher

So basically I want the publisher created rows to be published but remain as is whilst allowing subscriber created rows to be merged back to the publisher.

Hope is makes sense.

Thanks in advance,


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Share Variable With Child

Feb 22, 2007

How a parent package can share its variables with child when calling it using Execute Package Task ?

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Moved App To Network Share, Can't Access SQL

Jan 19, 2007

I've recently moved an website from my PC to a network share because another tech it going to be working on it.  I finally got the correct permissions on the network share and the correct .NET Framework settings on my PC to be able to run the app.  Now I can't access the SQL server which is on a different server.  Getting the following error:
Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
How to I setup access to my SQL server for the app from any given PC on my LAN?

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Is It Possible To Share One SqlConnection Object By A Whole Site?

Jun 11, 2007

I make code like this:
In Application_Start,Create a SqlConnection and store it into HttpApplication:HttpContext.Current.Application["SQLCONN"] = new SqlConnection("XXXXConnectionString");

While using this connection , use it as Sqlconnection(what is already opened), and do not close it:
SqlCommand db_comm = new SqlCommand("dbo.abcd",(SqlConnection)HttpContext.Current.Application["SQLCONN"]);
After Application_End,Close this Sqlconnection:
This can save a lot of trouble to manage connections,i think.
but i don't know whether it will cause connection pool errors.

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Share May Sqlexpress 2005 On Network

Apr 1, 2008

how can Share may sqlexpress 2005 on network   that other can access my databasess on their pc and edit update and insert recored into my table
please tell me how can do this ?

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6.5 To 7.0 Upgrade Wizard, ADMIN$ Share

Sep 28, 2001

I'm trying to run a two-computer upgrade from 6.5 to 7.0. In the Upgrade Wizard I receive the message "The Wizard was unable to connect to the ADMIN$ share on your remote 6.x SQL Server. Please verify that this share exists and that you have sufficient permissions to access it." The share does exist and the login should have sufficient permissions. To which login is this message referring? Is it the NT domain login on the import machine or is it one of the services on the export machine?

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Hosting An SQL Database On Remote Share

Apr 27, 2006

I would really appreciate help with this query.

I have an SQL 2000 server setup with 2 databases. My boss would like to setup another database but wants the actual database to reside on a different server share.

Is is possible for one database on an SQL server to be hosted on a remote share ?

appreicate any info

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