When I open QA on my development machine, I almost always go to the same db.Is it possible to create a shortcut for QA which tells it to go to that db,and also provides the login and password? Thanks,Neil
I have downloaded and installed this program, trying to get into programming, and i cannot find a shortcut to lauch it... Is there even a shortcut... all i get when i go to Start > All programs is configuration changes... Please help
Hello, i have installed sql 2005. i dont see enterprise shortcut anywhere. i even went to mmc console but could not see under 'add..' i could only see SQL configuration shortcut. what am i doing wrong? :(
I was searching the group for posts on the subject of format files andI came across a message by Erland Sommarskog dated 2003-07-07 withsubject line "Re: BCP Format File". In this example, he used aFORMATFILE where the "prefix length" and "host file data length"fields were both zero for all columns.This convention seems to simplify the task of creating format files.Is this shortcut generally applicable or was it a special case? Doesthis mean that SQL Server can always establish the actual lengths inthe data file by looking up the destination table's schemainformation?
Hello, i have installed sql 2005. i dont see enterprise shortcut anywhere. i even went to mmc console but could not see under 'add..' i could only see SQL configuration shortcut. what am i doing wrong?
I created a template that I use all the time. Normally I just drag-n-drop from the Template Explorer menu, however I'm wondering if I can assign a shortcut key to have it open? I see you can assign stored procedures and other items, but I can't find where/if I can do this for a template.
I have installed in my machine SQL 2005 with SSIS components, and the Visual studio 2005. The installation process was successfully and all components seem to be on the machine, but I did not find the shortcut to allow me running SSIS environment. When I re-run the SQL setup the SSIS components is there but is unable to be used. Any idea how to solve this issue?
Is there a simple way to avoid having to use a data conversion task to convert Unicode data (from DB2) to ANSI format (for insert to Oracle)?
I'm hoping that there is a way to set the code page property on the OLEDB driver so that it implicitly converts to the format I want instead of having to explicitly force the conversion in the package.
any shortcut strategies for table variables similar to shortcut strategies for temp tables? For example, the following SQL will create a temp table named #MyTable with all of the columns from student and then select the top 10 rows of student data into #MyTable:
select top 10 * into #MyTable from Student
Is there any type of similar or equivalent shortcut for table variables like:
select top 10 * into @MyTable from Student
if I want to select rows from Student into a @MyTable table variable then I need to create the @MyTable table variable with a column structure like a normal table which is more time-consuming than using the temp table approach.
Anyone know if there is one and if so what it is? I know I can type directly into a text box in a table, but what if I want to edit the contents? Equivalent of F2 in Excel...
I have a simple WSS 2.0 SharePoint site for my SSRS deployment which I would like to link my users to from the SSRS home page. Is it possible to add a link or shortcut to my SSRS home page without embedding it inside of a document or report?
anyone knows if there's an easy way to insert new GUIDs into uniqueidentifier cells when editing data in table on Management Studio Express? or Visual Studio 2005 Server Explorer? I can't find a shortcut, and copying from external tools is pain..
I suppose it's possible to build a VB macro in Visual Studio, would it work when editing table data?
My error is that 'Name tr is not declared' tr.Rollback() I tried moving the 'Dim tr As SqlTransaction' outside the try but then I get 'Variable tr is used before it si assinged a value'. What is the correct way? Try conn.Open() Dim tr As SqlTransaction tr = conn.BeginTransaction() cmdInsert1.Transaction = tr cmdInsert1.ExecuteNonQuery() cmdInsert2.Transaction = tr cmdInsert2.ExecuteNonQuery() cmdInsert3.Transaction = tr cmdInsert3.ExecuteNonQuery() tr.Commit() Catch objException As SqlException tr.Rollback() Dim objError As SqlError For Each objError In objException.Errors Response.Write(objError.Message) Next Finally conn.Close() End Try
I have the below procedure that will not work- I must be losing my mind, this is not that difficult - mental roadblock for me. Using SQL Server 2000 to create SP being called by ASP.Net with C# code behind stored procedure only returns if input exactly matches L_Name PROCEDURE newdawn.LinkNameLIKESearch @L_Name nvarchar(100)AS SELECT [L_Name], [L_ID], [C_ID], [L_Enabled], [L_Rank], [L_URL] FROM tblContractorLinkInfo WHERE L_Name LIKE @L_Name RETURN I tried: WHERE L_Name LIKE ' % L_Name % ' no luck. What am I missing? Thank you
SELECT H.id, H.CategoryID ,H.Image ,H.StoryId ,H.Publish, H.PublishDate, H.Date ,H.Deleted ,SL.ListTitle,C.CategoryTitle FROM HomePageImage H JOIN shortlist SL on H.StoryId = SL.id (INNER JOIN category C on H.CategoryId = C.CategoryId) order by date DESC
I have a textbox and a checkbox on a form and I'd like to add both values to a db. The textbox value gets inserted fine but I'm having trouble with the checkbox. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Beside working right from the server how else someone can perform the SQL admistration job, I guess my question is how do most SQL DBA perform their administration without going to the server directly. Anyone --- can help please??
Declare @StartDate datetime Declare @EndDate Datetime Set @StartDate = dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, getdate()), 0) Set @EndDate = getdate()
The job runs at 11:30 pm so I want the start date to be the same but the time to be equal to 00:00:00.0 When I run the getdate does it also return a time stamp?
I had a problem where some users were experiencing timeouts when trying to add a single record to a table with 2.3 million records. It's not a very wide table; only 10 columns and the biggest column in varchar 500. The rest are guid, datetime, tinyint...
There is also an old VB app that inserts about 3000 records a day into this table during office hours while users occasionally try and insert a record into this table.
Something said to me that the problem could be indexes but I wasn't quite sure because I though indexes only have an impact on select, delete & update. And not particulary on insert. But I checked it out anyway and noticed that the 3 indexes (1 column PK, 1 column Clustered & 1 column non-clustered) weren't padded. So I changed that (Fill Factor 95) and the problem has gone away. But why? I thought the insert would just have appended it to the end of the index before I made this change? Why would that time out?
I have the following queries. The first returns the 'Unknown' row, the second works the way I would expect. Are my expectations wrong? Can someone describe for me what is going on?
Code Snippet select * FROM SynonymComFinancialCategory b LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a ON a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode AND a.Finance = b.Finance AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown' WHERE a.FinanceGroup IS NULL AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL AND a.Finance IS NULL
Code Snippet select * FROM SynonymComFinancialCategory b LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a ON a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode AND a.Finance = b.Finance WHERE a.FinanceGroup IS NULL AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL AND a.Finance IS NULL AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown'
Hi,I have the following table with some sample values, I want to return the first non null value in that order. COALESCE does not seem to work for me, it does not return the 3rd record. I need to include this in my select statement. Any urgent help please.Mobile Business PrivateNULL 345 NULL4646 65464 65765NULL 564654654 564 6546I want the following as my results:Number3454646564654654Select COALESCE(Mobile,Business,Private) as Number from Table returns:3454646654654 (this is a test to see if private returns & it did with is not null but then how do i include in my select statement to show any one of the 3 fields)select mobile,business,private where private is not null returns:657655646546thanks
Hello,I created a formview in a web page. The data are in a sql server express database.With this form, I can to create a new data, I delete it but I can't to modify the data.The app_data folder is ready to write data; the datakeynames element in formview web control declared. I replace the automated query created by VS 2005 by a strored procedure to see if the problem solved.The problem is the same with an update query or a update stored procedure...Have you an idea, please.Than you for your help.Regards.
Im working with a detailsview and when I try to edit something and then update, the changes are not saved. I have 2 tables ("[etpi.admin].Ocorrencias" and "[etpi.admin].SMS") that store the data that Im trying to change. Since Im having problems with the name of tables, Im coding it manually, using SQL server management studio and VWD. I believe my code can be wrong (Im new to vwd and C# world), so here it is: UpdateCommand="UPDATE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias SET [Status_Ocor] = @Status_Ocor, [Percentual] = @Percentual, [IDPriori] = @IDPriori, [Abertura] = @Abertura, [IDTecRes] = @IDTecRes, [Area] = @Area, [CodEquip] = @CodEquip, [Descricao] = @Descricao, [Destinatario] = @Destinatario, [Data_Implanta] = @Data_Implanta WHERE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre UPDATE [etpi.admin].SMS SET [idSMS] = @idSMSWHERE [etpi.admin].SMS.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre"> <UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="idSMS" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Status_Ocor" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Percentual" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDPriori" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Abertura" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDTecRes" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Area" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="CodEquip" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Descricao" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Destinatario" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Data_Implanta" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDOcorre" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters> Thx.
My rollback does not work In my SP I want any of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 produces error Rollback must be executed for all of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 . I tested for error producing situation but no rollbak occured. How can I solve this problem. Thanks. Below is my SP . .......... .......... .......... begin transaction .......... ..........If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 execute(@cmdS) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 execute(@cmdS2) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 execute(@cmdS3) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0 execute(@cmdS4) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0 Beginif @@ERROR <>0 begin rollback transaction set @Hata = 'Error !' end Else Beginset @Hata = 'Sucessfully executed :)' End End commit transaction RETURN
I can test it in query builder but when i preview the page and go to do the search i get nothing Here is my statement SELECT Employees.Last_Name, Employees.First_Name, Job_Transaction.Name, Seq_Descript.Seq_DescriptionFROM Call_List INNER JOIN Call_Group ON Call_List.Group_ID = Call_Group.Group_ID AND Call_List.Group_ID = Call_Group.Group_ID INNER JOIN Employees ON Call_List.Clock = Employees.Clock INNER JOIN Job_Transaction ON Call_Group.Group_ID = Job_Transaction.Group_ID INNER JOIN Seq_Descript ON Call_List.Sequence = Seq_Descript.SequenceWHERE (Call_List.Clock = @Clock) Mike
Hi all.I have used a SqlDataSource in my page with this delete command:DELETE FROM tblPersonnel WHERE (ID = @original_ID)and the "OldValueParameterFormatSring" property of the datasource is "original_{0}".and i also have a GridView and a button for delete in rows.(it's CommandName is "Delete"). But when i try to delete a record, the record does not get deleted and this button only makes a PostBack on the page! Why doesn't it work? Thanks in advance.