Showing List Of Reports In A Grid

Feb 2, 2006

Hi friends
can i access report server database ?I've C# application and i want to
develop a screen with a grid that loads all reports created on report

am using sql server 2005 standard edition and VS 2005 standard edi.

can someone point me to some sample examples?
Thanks for your help

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Grid And Details View Not Showing Remote Database Data

Oct 27, 2006

hi,i have an sql database on my server on the world wide web.i can make a connection  to the database in visual web developer and all the tables etc are shown in the 'database explorer' of visual web developerwhen i make the query in visual web developer it does retrieve the data froom the remote server database when i 'test query'.... so looking great!the connection string in the webconfig file is left as the default when i run the prgram on my LOCAL HOST with the inbult server that comes with visual web developer it runs on my local pc it will connect to the database on my www host server and does display the data from that database.i need to change the webconfig files path to the connection  by default it is |DataDirectory|if i change this to the path i suspect is correct as this is the connection i use to the database  C:Inetpubvhostsarcvillage.comhttpdocsApp_DataTestdatabase.mdfwhen i change the path in webconfig then it stops working on my localhost and the error when i ftp it to my host is:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed. any ideas? 

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JPEG Not Showing Up In Export List

Feb 6, 2008

I am trying to get JPG to show up in the Export list I have added another instance of the image renderer with a default to jpg. I also have added the following code to rsreportserver.config under Configuration/Extensions/Render:

<Extension Name="JPG" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.ImageReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering">
<Name Language="en-us">JPG</Name>

I have restarted the service and tried everything else I can thing of with no luck, it's just not showing up. Does anyone have suggestions?
Here is the version of my server. 9.00.3161.00 SP2 Standard Edition (64-bit)



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Adventureworks Db And Dw Not Showing Up In Management Studio Database List

Jul 23, 2007

I've installed both the AW db and dw off the MS download. I see the db in the directory I use for other databases, the dw doesnt seem to want to go where I tell it. Anyway, when I connect to my instance of sql (developer's) I dont see the AW db.

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List Groups That Have Access To Application And Use Grid Format To Show Access To Specific Tables

Jun 23, 2014

i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo
Internal Auditor S S S S S S
Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S
Tellers S S S S SU
Customers U

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SQL Server 2000 - View Showing The List Of Database Tables

Dec 3, 2007

 When using Sql Server Enterprise Manager and viewing a Database / Tables section, most of the tables if not all have a create date of 11/5/2004.Except for one, DNN_Users, has a creation date of 7/10/2007What factor could have caused that create date to have changed?What factors go into the date being set on that column in the database design? Does the date get updated say if I were go go in and change a datatype in a table? 

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Reporting Services :: Reports Not Showing When Connected By Cisco VPN Client?

Jul 29, 2015

we have an isseu with 2 reports the are not showing in internet explorer when the client is connected by VPN Cisco Client.   The same reports work fine when they are at the office not using the VPN.  We have this error in the report server log.

y!ReportServer_0-744!2e80!07/29/2015-07:16:59:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Ventes - Sales/Rapport des directeurs - Directors' report (Last Period)')
webserver!ReportServer_0-744!2e80!07/29/2015-07:18:15:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/Ventes - Sales/Rapport des directeurs - Directors' report (Last Period)', Stream=''
rshost!rshost!73c!07/29/2015-07:18:15:: e ERROR: WriteCallback(): failed to write in write callback.
rshost!rshost!73c!07/29/2015-07:18:15:: e ERROR: Failed with win32 error 0x03E3, pipeline=0x00000000036EA760.


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ROLLUP - Retrieve A List Showing Total Repair Cost Per Year

Mar 1, 2014

I have a question regarding ROLLUP and how to use the operator.

I've been asked to retrieve a list showing the total repair cost per year displaying Transport Type, Manufacturer and Transport. The query I used is:

SELECT ty.Description AS TransportDescription,
t.SerialNumber AS Transport,
SUM (r.RepairCost) AS RepairCost,
YEAR(r.EndWorkDate) AS [Year]

[Code] .....

How could I use the rollup function to display subtotals per Transport Type, Manufacturer and Transport?

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Interactively Showing Reports Detailing Results/stats Of Executing A Package?

Jun 3, 2006


I'm just starting out with SSIS and I'm currently looking to migrate some non-SSIS ETL processes to SSIS. Some of these processes are run manually depending on the results from a previous step. In these processes a user remotely executes an individual ETL program and is shown reports detailing the result of the program and various statistics about the data involved.

Is it possible to replicate this behaviour with SSIS / SSRS, or would the user have to execute a package and then manually find and bring up each of the relevant reports?

I'm new to SSIS and I'm still struggling to find out SSIS's capabilities, so I'd be really grateful if anyone could shed some light on this...

Thanks in advance,

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Showing Empty Cells From OLAP Cube In Report Builder Reports

Nov 5, 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to get empty cells from an OLAP cube to display in a report designed using the Report Builder. Of the three report types, only the Table report shows the empty cells. Is there any option/setting that I need to enable to get this to work for the Matrix or Chart reports? Something like the "Show Empty Cells" option that is available in the pivot table used by BI Dev Studio?

Any help appreciated.

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Reports Using List

Mar 6, 2008

When you create reports using lists, why do we need to use First(Fields!customer.value) instead of Fields!customer.Value?
Where and when we should use First? I'm always confused with this thing.
Can anyone explain me how to use this correctly?


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List Of Reports

Jun 27, 2007

I have created an application that uses reports published via SQL reporting services. I have a form with a report viewer control on it and above that I have a drop down list box. I want to fill the list box with available reports from the server and allow the user to select the report they wish to see. The report list could change so I don't want to hard code any report names in the list The problem I am having is that I can't figure out how to get a list of available reports from the server.

Thanks for any help offered.

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List Reports

Feb 20, 2008

I'm trying to get a list of reports. I see that I must use a web reference for the report server I need to connect to. I haven't worked with web references enough to know how to have one reference for production and on for debug. How would I do that?

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List Available Reports For A User

Feb 11, 2008

Hi there,

Don't know if anyone has done this before -and I would really be wondered if not-:
I want to show a list of available reports to a user. Since we are working with SharePoint Portal Server 2003 the webparts can't be used (need MOSS 2007 or WSS 3.0), but I really need to be able to build a dynamically generated list and show it on a sharepoint page.

My first idea is to build a report (kind of menu). I am already this far:

to get a list of reports with the active directory groups and their mapped roles:
select u.UserName, c.Path, r.RoleName

from PolicyUserRole pur

left join Users u on pur.userID=u.userID

left join Roles r on pur.roleID=r.roleID

left join Catalog c on pur.policyID=c.policyID

order by u.UserName, c.Path, r.RoleName

I managed to link active directory via LDAP - linked server.
I even managed to get a list of users and groups. Unfortunately I cannot check whether a user belongs to a group (any idea?), since all of our security (on sql server) is managed by active directory groups this really is a problem.

Or am I completely wrong and is there another way to fetch a list of reports for a user?

Any help would be great!


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Export List Of Reports

Feb 14, 2007

is there a way to export the names (titles) of all the reports that exist on a particluar SRS server?


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How To Design Reports Using List Control

Oct 28, 2007


I am new to SSRS.
I have created simple report using reporting services, In which i am using one List element and inside that 8 text boxes and a table, in which 4 texboxes is used as lable and remain 4 textbos is value from dataset and table displays details as below for each unquie call number with table header marked in red color. When i click preview i get below report(Report 1) for call number 4 and 10 records in table which is under list. But for call number 4 still 6 records as to be display in next page with text boxe element which marked in Green color in Report 1. Now i am getting report with out List element i.e (Report 2 given below )

Report generated for Call numnber 4 (on click of preview ) (Report 1)

Generated Report

Call No


Customer Name


SL Number







(Report 2)
Report generated for Same Call number 4 in next page with out List element, In this page i want display the same textboes and values which are marked in green color.(This 6 records alos belongs to same call Number 4 )

SL Number







Can any one please guide me how to do this kind of desing.

Thanks and regards

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[Reports Builder] Operator * In A Prompt List

Jul 25, 2007

Hi all, when i create a reports deploy on the Report server, i usually choose a filter prompted on Run. The lsit containt for example the list of my customers, but the list in empty like i want (like that, user can put a list from excel by copy-paste). But ... , if the want all the customers, what is the " * " operator to select all my records ?

Thanks for help

Erwan, France

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Generating Reports From SharePoint List Using Reporting Service

Feb 29, 2008

Hello Everybody,

I am presently working on a project which handles much larger amount of data. The application demands extensive reporting from the SharePoint data. I'd like to know how I can generate reports from the SharePoint lists using Reporting Services.

Planning to install in SQL Server Integrated mode

Thank you,


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SQL Server 2008 :: Find List Of Stored Procedure Used By Crystal Reports

Jul 1, 2015

We have more that 500 crystal reports and we would like to find out list of stored procedure used by crystal reports. Can we find out ?

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Matrix Reports Spawn Extra Page - Enclosing In List Fixes This.

Apr 20, 2007

We really like using the Matrix reports, but we were finding that every Matrix report that we created would spawn an extraneous blank page. We tried putting the matrix in a rectangle, which works well for positioning other items on reports, but this had no effect on the problem.

Then we tried placing the matrix in a list with the list group details set to "=Nothing". It worked great - no more extra pages. Looked and didn't see this tip mentioned elsewhere so thought it might be worth sharing.

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SQL Server 2012 :: List Catalog Reports With No Execution History Returns 0 Rows

Feb 13, 2015

comparing UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns..This query returns several rows where the [ReportId] and [LastRunDate] columns are both NULL:

SELECT [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
, MAX([TimeStart]) [LastRunDate]
FROM [dbo].[Catalog] [c]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] [xl] on [c].[ItemID] = [xl].[ReportID]
WHERE [c].[Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
group by [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
order by 4

However, trying to just list catalog reports with no execution history returns 0 rows, but I'm expecting it to return a row for every NULL [ReportId] from the above query:

FROM [dbo].[Catalog]
WHERE [Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
AND [ItemID] NOT IN (SELECT [ReportID] FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage])

I even tried casting [ItemId] and [ReportId] columns in the 2nd query to VARCHAR(255), and still got no rows, but the following queries return 0 rows and 1 row (respectively).

select * from [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] where [ReportID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'
select * from [dbo].[Catalog] where [ItemID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'

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Regarding Data Grid

Oct 23, 2006

what datafield shoud i put in my database if its a checkbox option? coz in my datagrid i added a checkedbox so that i can easily manipulate it.but when i run it. it produces error. and doesnt recognize the checkbox said that there none in the datasource.but i dont know what should i put in the database! pls help!thanks

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Only When I Use A Grid View!!

Feb 9, 2007

hi, i have done some testing and its only when i put a grid view or any other type of data viewer on the page, and then connect it to the sql datasource that i get an error
 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
now i really cant figure out what it is, here is the code i am using
SQL data source code :
asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLDS_view_one_wish" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:wishbank_DBCS %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [msg], [Date_Time] FROM [tbl_MSG] WHERE (([Activated] = @Activated) AND ([msgID = @msgID]) )ORDER BY [Date_Time] DESC">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="Y" Name="Activated" Type="String" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="msgID" SessionField="sWV" Type="String" />
session variable code which sends it to this page
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = GridView1.SelectedRow;
Session["sWV"] = row.Cells[1].Text;
if you have an idea please let me know as im stuck!

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Grid And Textboxes

Jun 17, 2007

now theres something i want to achieve but, again dont know how :-(
In a grid of my site  it needs to be able to select an item, ( not with  checkboxes) but maybe when you click on the item in the FromName column then
the data in the column in my database messageTEXT needs to be able to show in a textbox.( textbox is outside of grid)
now i was thinking that maybe it is need to be done with datareaders or something?

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SQL Query Grid

Nov 24, 2006

Is it possible to have a design grid in SQL server like the one you have in Access when you create a query ?

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Grid Computing

Jul 20, 2005

Has anyone here heard or come across an article or write up about GridComputing in SQL Server 2000?Bharathi

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Designer Grid

Aug 15, 2007

Can you turn on a grid in the designer to assist you with aligning tasks, etc. I've trie all kinds of things, but can't get a grid. Or even maybe rules? I'm probably missing something real simple, but can't find.

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Key In New Recird With Grid View

Jan 28, 2007

Inside my gridview, the user can key in new record, delete record and update record. but dont know why my insert function cant work out and i dunno why this is happen? Can somebody help me out with this?Thanks
My Code:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [rest_info] ([resname], [menu], [price], [date]) VALUES (@resname, @menu, @date, @price)"<InsertParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="resname" Type="Char" />                <asp:Parameter Name="menu" Type="char" />                <asp:Parameter Name="price" Type="Decimal" />                <asp:Parameter Name="date" Type="datetime" />            </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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SQL Statements For A Data Grid

Apr 4, 2007

I've created a Data Set with a connection string to my sql database however when i go to create queries and select 'generate update, delete and insert statements' it doesn't do it.  I'm wondering why and how do i get this fixed since i don't know how to code it myself.
Thank you.

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Problem With Grid View

Jun 21, 2007

 i seem to have problems with my grid view not displaying anything when if i test my SQLDataSource, it shows me rows of data.i seem to have this problem only with my Stored procedure, or when i change my Database structure, like add fieldsHere is my procedure: can i do this? select a row and also return a varchar?ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SelectUpload
@FileName varchar(50),
@Return varchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT
WHERE FileName = @FileName

SELECT WebPath FROM Uploads
WHERE FileName = @FileName

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ASP Data Grid Needed

Aug 12, 2004

I need to display data from a sql server 2000 db on an asp web page and I need a vertical split. Does anyone have any solutions? I really can't afford to spend much/any money so freeware/shareware or coding suggestions is what I am interested in.


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SP To Populate Immunization Into A Grid

Mar 4, 2015

I have below SP that populates immunization into a grid. I need to add last_name, first_name from person table.

Each record in dB is tied to a patient by their person_id and Person table has this as well.

All I need to tie this grid and add last_name, first_name into this grid. I added 2 lines but its not working for me?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ngkbm_unmapped_vaccines]

[Code] ....

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DB Grid And Stored Procedure

Aug 23, 2005


I would like to create and run a stored procedure from VB. I will pass a variable to the stored procedure and after that according to the parameter, records are selected and shown in the DB grid on the form.. I'm using VB 5 and mssql 2000. I have to show selective data in the DB Grid.

Any suggestions and help are welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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