Simple? Multple ID Matching Varied Content Query.

Feb 23, 2006

this shoud be simple, but my brain's hurting.

I have a table with 3 fields...



I need to know All those unique IDs that have "start" against them, but have not got "stop" against them, I'm not interested in the other content strings.

I need to query it based on a specific application ID.

there will be many records from each IDnum, but only one start for each. I need to know all those IDnums that have "started" and not "stopped"



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Simple Group By And Count With Join Not Matching Between Sql Server And Sql CE

Apr 2, 2007

In Sql Server

Code Snippet

CREATE TABLE t_contact


Id uniqueidentifier,

FirstName nvarchar(50),

LastName nvarchar(50),

TaskId uniqueidentifier





Id uniqueidentifier,

Start datetime



INSERT INTO t_task (Start, Id) VALUES ('3/25/2007 12:00:00 AM', '5949b899-3230-4d30-b210-9903015b2c6b')

INSERT INTO t_contact (FirstName, LastName, TaskId, Id) VALUES ('Adam', 'Tybor', '5949b899-3230-4d30-b210-9903015b2c6b', '304fc653-d366-404b-878d-9903015b2c6f');

INSERT INTO t_task (Start, Id) VALUES ('4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM', '4bd2df60-ca6c-493d-8824-9903015b2c6f')

INSERT INTO t_contact (FirstName, LastName, TaskId, Id) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', '4bd2df60-ca6c-493d-8824-9903015b2c6f', '7b91f7d6-d71e-47b4-a7ec-9903015b2c6f')

INSERT INTO t_task (Start, Id) VALUES ('3/29/2007 12:00:00 AM', '05167e74-cf63-452a-8f25-9903015b2c6f')

INSERT INTO t_contact (FirstName, LastName, TaskId, Id) VALUES ('Jane', 'Doe', '05167e74-cf63-452a-8f25-9903015b2c6f', '6871ee8d-bc83-478c-8a7c-9903015b2c6f')


SELECT task1_.Start as y0_, count(this_.FirstName) as y1_ FROM t_contact this_ inner join t_task task1_ on this_.TaskId=task1_.Id GROUP BY task1_.Start


Result (Expected)

2007-03-25 00:00:00.000 1
2007-03-29 00:00:00.000 1
2007-04-01 00:00:00.000 1

Result In Sql CE (UnExpected)

2007-03-25 00:00:00.000 3
2007-03-29 00:00:00.000 3
2007-04-01 00:00:00.000 3

Can SQL CE not count with a join? Seems like this a bug with aggregates or joins. I tried everything to try and get the correct result but no luck.

Thanks Adam

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Very Simple Question Regarding A DATETIME Field; Select Fields Matching Month/day/year

Jan 12, 2006

Hello All,I've got a DATETIME field, and it includes hour:minutes:second data.  I want to do selects where I can simply match on the month, day and year.  For instance, something like this:SELECT * FROM QuizAttempts WHERE DateTimeTaken = '1/12/2006'And have it match anything that was taken that day, regardless of *when* it was taken.  Any suggestions?Thanks!  -Josh

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Error In Using Multi Varied Parameters!

Dec 7, 2005


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Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Selecting Multple Columns From Multiple Tables

Mar 23, 2008

Im just curious how i would take multiple columns from multiple tables.... would it be something like this ???
table: Products COLUMNS ProductName, ProductID
table: Categorys COLUMNS CategoryName, CategoryID,ProductID
SELECT Products.ProductName, Categorys.CategoryName,Products.ProductID,Categorys.CategoryID,Categorys.ProductID
FROM Categorys, Tables
WHERE Products.ProductID = Categorys.ProductID

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Create View, Varied Results Depending On Row Size

Mar 11, 2004

This is the same issue as deinfed in

I've done some additional testing and got it down to the below

SQL2000 DB
Linked Server to DB2 using client access odbc, and MS OLE DB for ODBC

Varied results depending on the row size of the views.

See the below examples.





Returns 20971 rows * 25 = 524,725





Returns 14169 rows * 37 = 524,253





Returns 6808 rows * 77 = 524,216





Returns 5140 rows * 102 = 524,280

Test #1 Returns 20971 rows * 25 = 524,725
Test #2 Returns 14169 rows * 37 = 524,253
Test #3 Returns 6808 rows * 77 = 524,216
Test #4 Returns 5140 rows * 102 = 524,280

With the similarity of the total byte count returned, I would assume that a buffer or something is being overrun, is this a configuration parameter possibly.

If I perform the select against the linked table as such

Select * (for fields list)

I get all rows returned. The issue only exist when accessing the views that are created against the linked server.

Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.

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SQL Query For Matching

Jul 26, 2007

Okay I've posted something like this in another area but it doesn't seem to be focused towards the right people.  I need ya'll SQL experts!
 I have a database table that has 5 columns:  Time  Status  Message  Source  IP
The Status column has only two choices "up" or "down"
 I'm looking for some kind of advanced query that will do the following:
 I need the query in my application to pull the table and then match up IP, Status, and Message columns.  It should only find One match and then once it has found a match it needs to recognize that one is an "up" status and one is a "down" status and then remove them from the database.
 Does that make sense?  Is it impossible?

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Need Help With SQL Query. Keyword Matching.

Jul 27, 2005

Hi all,I have two tables:workgroups (wg_id, wg_name)workgroups_keywords (wgk_wg_id, wgk_keyword)Each workgroup has an associated list of one or more keywords.What I want do to at first was given a particular list of keywordsbring back a list of workgroups that have at least one matching keywordassociated with it.I have the following query:select distinct(wg_id), wg_namefrom workgroups, workgroups_keywordswherewgk_keyword in (#QuotedValueList(Keywords.wgk_keyword)#)andwg_id = wgk_wg_idorder by wg_nameThis works great.However, is there a way in a single query to order the returned rows bythe number of keywords that are found to be matching (in other words anorder by relevancy, the more keywords that match the more relevant thereturned row)?Thanks in advance.David

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Query For Content In Varchar(2000)

Nov 12, 2007

I have a column with datatype varchar(2000). When I use the select statement to query for this column I only can see the content up 256 characters. How can I query to view the entire string above 256 characters?


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A Query That Chooses Non-matching Items

Jul 23, 2005

I've never been the most articulate person in the world, so i thoughthe best way to illustrate the script I am looking for help with, is toprovide you with two tables and the results I require.Table 1ProductName1ProductName2QtyAAAA-12BBBB-13CCCC-14Table2ProductNameQtyAA2BB-13DD6Desired ResultsProductNameQtyDD6Regards,Ciarán

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Query To Find Matching Result?

Aug 10, 2015

I have two tables in my database. Some matching rules are associated with these tables and I want a query which will retrieve those data based on the matching rules provided below:


Table 1 & Table 2 contains the following data:


First Name
Last Name
Start Date
End Date


I want this output by writing a single query.

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Text Box Content As Select Query Parameter

May 17, 2008

Hello, I'm learning about asp .net and I've created a simple application with SQLServer integration. I have 3 text boxes where I can insert text and then use them as parameters for the Select query string of a SqlDataSource which is then bound to a DataGrid.My question is: Is there any default configuration I can use with the SqlDataSource which do not add a given field as a parameter to the WHERE clause if the text box content is empty ? Sure I can sweep through all my text boxes, check if they're empty and dynamically build the WHERE clause with correct parameters, but is theres a built-in, more elegant way to solve this ?Thanks in advance.Arashikage  

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Pattern Matching Or Find And Replace In SQL Query

Oct 29, 2007

I have a table called MessageBoard.  It has a column called Messages.
A user can type text including any html tags through a text area ans when he saves it by clicking a button, the content typed by the user is saved in the MessageBoard Table (in the Messages) column.  So once saved, the html tags are kept intact.  If I have to find and replace certain html tags, what kind of SQL Query I have to write?
For example I want to find all the <pre> </pre> tags and replace it with <p> </p> tags.  How do I do this?

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Need A Query To Return Rows Containing ALL Matching Fields

Sep 9, 2004

I have three tables X,Y,Z. Table 'Y' is having foreign key constraints on tables 'X' and 'Z' (which happen to be primary key tables).
I would like to run a query in which I can retrieve rows from Table 'X' only if the matching rows in Table 'Y' have "ALL" their matching rows available in a simple query being run on Table "Z".
The "All" part is very important.

For more clarification, let me give you an example. Table "X" is equivalent to a mathematical "Equation" table which consists of an equation made up of several "Fields". These fields are stored in Table "Z". Table "Y" contains the primary keys from Tables "X" and "Z". i.e. Table "Y" determines what fields are required for an equation to be complete.

I am having a query "Q" on Table "Z" (Fields table) which returns me a bunch of Fields. Now, on the basis of these fields, I want to retrieve only those Equations (Table "X") which have "ALL" their required Fields present in the bunch retrieved by the Query "Q".

I hope I am clear enough.
Does anyone have any solutions???

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Transact SQL :: How To Return Content Of Table As Columns In Query

Oct 1, 2015

I have

Customer table, tblCust: ID; Name

1 Peter2 Mary
Product table, tblProduct: ID; Name

1 Banana2 Orange3 Apple
Order tblOrder, tblOrder: CustID; ProductID; Amount

1 ;2 ;$20 – means Peter ordered $20 oranges

How do I write the SQL query so that the values in tblProduct become column, currently I have 20 items in that table. So, it will return something like this according to the information that I provide above?

Name Banana Orange Apple 

Peter 0 20 0

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VS Built-in Query Builder - Not Possible To Save Diagram Pane Content

Feb 18, 2008

I have VS2008 Express and I am using Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 which is distributed with it.

As I experienced, there is no possibility to use this database from Sql Server Management Studio (because it is version 3.5 and Management Studio demands version 3.1).

So, the only possibility to design a query is to use the built in Query Builder in Visual Studio Express. This query builder does not save the Diagram Pane content layout. I mean, when a query has 10 tables, I place these tables in the Diagram Pane in some order that makes sense (e.g. to make all relations visible). After saving and reopening the query in Query Builder, all tables are on the left side, in a complete disorder.

Is it possible to somehow save the Diagram Pane content along with the SQL ??

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Returning Matching/Non Matching Records

Feb 4, 2007

Hi All

I have a strange request that might not be possible based on the laws of relational databases but I thought I'd give it a try.

I have three tables which for simplicity I will call A, B and C. Table A contains my master records, Table B contains user details and the final table contains some extra data

In my initial search when joining A and B, I return 100 records. I then need to search in table C for these 100 records based on a criteria. the expected result should return all 100 rows for the ones that match and also the ones that do not match. The problem is that in Table C, not all the 100 IDs exist, so there will not be a corresponding record. Unfortunately, our users still want to see all 100 records in the output. Is this possible

As always any help or direction would be appreciated.

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Help With A Simple Query

Oct 1, 2007

I am trying to make a single display page for an author's books.the books page only displays books of a type "type" (novels, non-fiction, etc)I would like to make it so that it can also show all books if "type" isn't selected.  I THOUGHT the string would look like this: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDSBooks" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csK2Reader %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Books] ( If @Type <> "" then WHERE ([Type] = @Type)) ORDER BY [SortDate] DESC"> But it doesn't seem to want to work.  I get a "server tag is not well formed" error. 

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I Need Help With A Simple Query

Jan 7, 2008

I have a table called "member" that has two fields (amongst others) called "firstname" and "city"I want to return a list that sorts people who live in the same city, but does not return people who do not have a city in common.For example if this is my data:Karen - ParisMike - RomeTim - Dallas

Jim - ParisChris - DallasJohn - ManhattanSarah - OrlandoDavid - DallasThe query would return this:Dallas - ChrisDallas - DavidDallas - TimParis - JimParis - KarenI have this SQL so far:  Select city, firstname From member Order By city, firstnamebut it includes all the cities including those that only have 1 resident.Can someone tell me how to do this?Thanks a lot,Chris

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Simple Sql Query

Mar 18, 2008

hi,i have three fields in the database tablep1                    p2       rank10%               20%          3                        21%                40%          2now i am passing the input as 15%...this 15% is related to 3rd rank.. so i need the o/p rank as 3..if the p1 and p2 datatypes are varchar..then how we can we write the query for that one tgo get the rank as 3.Ramesh

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Help With Simple SQL Query

Apr 21, 2005

Hi All
Can anyone tell me what this simple SQL query would be: 
Find all the words "black", "dvd" and "player" from any of the fields "Product", "Brand" or "Description".
Many thanks

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Simple Query Help...

May 15, 2005

I am trying to select players from a database based on the userid not having any user's name in it with an order by ASC. I basically want all the players that haven't been taken. Here is what I came up with and it gives me empty.
strSQLA="SELECT UserID, playerName from Allplayers WHERE UserID = '' ORDER BY playername ASC"

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Simple SQL Query -- Perhaps You Can Help

May 28, 2006

I hope it's considered appropriate to post a SQL query question here; it's not I'll gladly post this question elsewhere.  That having been said, I've run into a simple but quite tricky SQL query and was wondering if the community might be able to help.  Here's what's going on:
I have a "Documents" table.  Let's call it DI have a "Benefits" table.  Let's call it B.There is a many-to-many relationship between D and B so I have a third table to store the relationships.  Let's call that table BD.
When I create a document it creates a row in D.  Let's call that D1, D2...DN.  When I create a benefit it creates a row in B.  Let's call that B1, B2...BN
When I associate a document to a paritcular benefit, let's say that if D1 and B2 are associated, that I created row B2-D1 in my BD table.  Now here's what my challenge is.  Suppose I have these entries in my tables:
D: D1, D2, D3B: B1, B2, B3
Table BD:B1-D1B2-D1B2-D2
When the user goes to add documents to benefit B1, I want to show the user only documents that are not yet added to B1.  In this case, I want to show the user D2 and D3 but not D1 since that one's already added.  How do I write a SQL query to do this?
Here's what I've been using, but it shows too many results (e.g. included D1, D2, D3)
SELECT D.*, BD.*FROM Documents AS d LEFT JOIN rel_BenefitsDocuments AS bd ON d.doc_id = bd.doc_idWHERE (benefit_id <> @benefit_id OR benefit_id IS NULL)
Any thoughts?

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Simple Query Help

Mar 7, 2003


I want to write a sql query for an asp page which will display only unique rows from the specified column along with the number of count for each unique row.


Table that I want to query

Last Name || First Name
Gates || Bill
Boyce || Mike
Gates || Bill
Gates || Phil

Results I want:

Last Name || First Name || Count
Gates || Bill || 2
Boyce || Mike || 1
Gates || Phil || 1

Thanks a lot,

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Simple Query

Aug 21, 2004


I have a very simple question:

declare @treshold int
set @treshold = 10

dbo.fn_Calc(t.column1) as calc,
mytable t
dbo.fn_Calc(t.column1) > @treshold

I can't think of a way to get rid of the function call in the WHERE clause.
Is this actualy a problem ?

I mean does realy the function fn_Calc execute 2 times in this statement and isn't this a performance issue then?


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Simple Query

Jan 17, 2002


I am new to SQL and this question may be most easiest to many of you. Here is what I need.

I have two identical tables (exactly the same in structure) having a compound primary key with a combination of 3 columns. Can someone give me the most efficient query that fetches all the rows from table1 that are not in table2.

Thanks in advance for your help

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Query Help Please Max() Simple?

Oct 21, 2006

This is my query...I am attempting to only return the records for each
sales_contact with the greatest issue_id

, idd.issue_id
, sr.code

sales_contact sc
, invoice i
, invoice_line_item il
, sales_region_special_section srss
, sales_region sr
, issue_date idd

sc.sales_contact_id = i.sales_contact
and i.invoice_id = il.invoice
and srss.sales_region = sr.sales_region_id
and il.issue_date = idd.issue_date_id
and srss.invoice_line_item = il.invoice_line_item_id

order by


heres some of the result set I want only the records with the greatest id
for each unique sales contact...

AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 41, N
AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 42, N
5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 77, N
5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 70, N
5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 34, BC
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 25, NW
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 26, NW
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 24, NW
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, HC
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45 , 28, NW

this would be an ideal result set using the data above...note there are
situtations where there are n* for a greatest issue id.

AF85F32E-8E34-4C40-9468-00148A34E903, 42, N
5D26328A-192B-4E4E-9B34-010C4E077CF8, 77, N
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, HC
B44C914E-6001-40CE-8AB6-0126BD572D45, 28, NW

thanks in advance for your help.

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Simple Query

Jan 7, 2005

This should be easy, I'm just having a brainfart at the moment, can't remember how to do this:

Say I have a bunch of records in a table, with an ID field as Key. I want to return the count of times each ID shows up, so for the following example data:


| ID |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 1 |
| 4 |
| 1 |
| 4 |

Would return something like:


| ID | Count |
| 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 4 | 2 |

This should be obvious but for some reason I can't see it.

When this is done I'm going to join in another table to get a name based on the ID with the highest count. I believe it's faster to do a TOP 1 here rather than after the join, but I want to verify that while I'm at it also.

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Simple Query

Sep 26, 2006



(end result)
I have two tables ... I am trying to get only the rows that are different.

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Simple SQL Query

Sep 19, 2005

Hi folks,

I am a complete newbie to SQL. I have a simple query to make in SQL, but I'm not being able to construct the statement properly. I've already tried googling this info, but with little luck. If someone could help me here, I'd be very thankful.

The problem:

I have a table with a list of questions. All questions have a serial number. The query has to return whether a particular question is the last one in the table or not (according to serial no.)

Logically, this is the query -


select islast = 0
if count(*) from question where serialno > $serial != 0
select islast = 1;

The '$serial' part will get replaced dynamically before query execution through another program.

Any idea how to code this in valid SQL? I would like to make it a simple statement and not a stored procedure. Thanks.

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Simple SQL Query Help

Sep 1, 2006


This is probably a simple SQL statement question, so please bear with me.

Basically I have a CustomerMaster with the following fileds

1) CustomerID
2) CustName
3) Address
4) ResTelNo

I want retreive the CustName,Address and ResTelNo if the ResTelNo has occured in the table more than twice.

Could someone please help with this. I would like to use the same query in MS Access as well.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Simple Sql Please

Sep 17, 2004

Hey.. hope someone can help, i desperatly need some assistance. I have a few query issues but first things first.. one is that i have a table of messages and users having an online conversation, so fields are msg id, subject, topic, message, user, reply to and time it was sent. Im trying to do a query that will tell me which user sent the most messages, ive tried using count and stuff like that but not really getting anywhere. It will basically have to count each time a user has spoken and then give me the name of the user that has sent the most messages, ive been playing around with stuff like
SELECT Count(*) AS Expr1
FROM Table1
WHERE User='andro8472' OR User='bumies';

That will count the times those users have spoken but cant get further

any help would be greatly appreciated really stuck at the mo..


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What Should Be A Simple Query

Feb 29, 2008

I'm having a bad day as I just cannot get a query to work and its doing my head in and it should be a simple query.

I'll try and explain what I need.

Have a simple query with one join, this is it so far:

SELECT DISTINCT Replace(StaffName,'''''',' ') AS StaffName,OutReason,OutStartDate
FROM vwOutOfOffice
LEFT OUTER JOIN vwStaffList ON OutUser=StaffID
WHERE OutComplete=0

What I'm having trouble with adding to the WHERE is as follows, I need a list of Staff who are out of the office based on the various criteria:

Current date=29/02/2008
Current time=14:00

Start date---End Date----Start Time--End Time--Should Appear
27/02/2008--28/02/2008--09:00------17:00-----No (because of date)
29/02/2008--29/02/2008--14:30------17:00-----No (because of time)
02/03/2008--02/03/2008--08:00------10:00-----No (because of date)

There may be others I've missed but as long as the dates combined with the times match correctly I need the records to appear.

Please help before I end up putting my head through the monitor.

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