Simple Sql Question

Mar 11, 2008

I am trying to use the line :
SELECT @USERNAME2 = UserName From #TempTable where AccessID=@CNT
But it says "Invalid column name @CNT"
@CNT is my TSQL variable, not the name of the column, how do I let it know this?
Also, does anyone know how I could add 2 seconds to a DateTime variable in SQL? 

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Simple Simple Linking Tables & Perform Calculation

Mar 22, 2007

found it

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Simple Question (Hope Simple Answer Too)

May 26, 2004


I have MS SQL database.
I have procedure:

@ModuleId varchar(10)
declare @TableName varchar, @kiek numeric
set @TableName = 'reg_'+@ModuleId


I got error when using variable with tables names.
How to do this?

Ps. Number is send to this function and it must drop table with name Reg_[That number]

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Simple Join Not So Simple

Feb 21, 2007

I am receiving funny results from a query. To simplify, I have 2 tables (todayyesterday). Each tbl has the same 8 columns. My query joins the two tables then looks where either of two columns has changed. What is happening is that when checking one of the columns it seems as though sql is flipping the column, causing it to be returned in error.

result set

colA colB colC colD colE colF colG colG (from yesterday)
1 1 a b c d e m
1 1 a b c d m e

So what's happening is that the record above is actually the same record and should not be returned. There is a daily pmt column that changes but I am not using that in the query. Aside from that the two records are identicle.

Any help is appreciated.

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Simple Join Not So Simple

Aug 19, 2006


I have the following situation (with a site that already works and i cannot modify the database architecture and following CrossRef tables -- you will see what i mean by CrossRef tables below)

I have:

Master table Hotel

table AddressCrossRef (with: RefID = Hotel.ID, RefType = 'Hotel', AddrID)
table Address (key = AddrID)

table MediaCrossRef (with RefID = Hotel.ID, RefType= 'Hotel', MediaID)
table Media (with MediaID,mediaType = 'thumbnail')

foreach hotel, there definitely is a crossRef entry in AddressCrossRef and Address tables respectively (since every hotel has an address)

however not all hotels have thumbnail image

hence i have hotel inner join AddressXReff inner join Address ..... however i must have
left outer join mediaXref left outer join media

the problem is that if there is no entry in Media or mediaXref, I don't get any results

i tried to get over it by using
where (media.mediaTyple like 'thumbnail' or media.mediaType is null)
but then i started getting multiple results for each hotel because media's of type movie or full_image or etc... all got returned

any clue?


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This All Seemed Simple Enough...

Mar 24, 2007

...when I started this endeavor.
I have a previously developed Lotus Notes App. The idea was simple; as
I am sefl taught on Lotus Script, I figured I'd be able to stumble my
way through VB.Well,
it started OK. I used VB Express to get familiar with the stuff, but
decided to go with a full version of VS 2005 and try and get this thing
properly developed as a web app. I purchased several reference books
etc., and have become relatively familiar with the forums here.First
issue I have is that I simply want to use code to update or add records
to an SQL DB. I know about datagridview etc., but I want to update the
DB using forms, not the tabular view those controls provide. I thought
it would be relatively straight forward, but found my ignorance runs
deeper than I thought. When I tried to do so I am finding I am not
really clear on where to make declarations etc. in the web app.  If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. The
issue with searching these forums is most posts deal with datagridview
or something similar.I have spent a ton of time trying to find relevant
posts or articles, but have had no luck yet.Again, all Ireally
need is a nudge in the right direction. I am more than willing to plod
through reference materials or articles/posts to find what I need to
know, I just can't find where to even start on the info I need. Regards, Joe

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Its Got To Be Simple....

Feb 24, 2008

I have a problem with my sql WHERE query, if i manually type ([Area] = 'The First Area')  then it is okay but if i try and pass the variable 'The First Area' using the

([Area] = @Area) it doesnt work. 
 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1(@oby nvarchar,@Area char,@Startrow INT,@Maxrow INT, @Minp INT,@Maxp INT,@Bed INT)ASSELECT * FROM(SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY @oby DESC) AS rownum,Ref,Price,Area,Town,BedFROM [Houses] WHERE ([Price] >= @Minp) AND ([Price] <= @Maxp) AND ([Bed] >= @Bed) AND ([Area] = @Area)) AS AWHERE A.rownum BETWEEN (@Startrow) AND (@Startrow + @Maxrow) Please Help I know it must be something simple as the sql works but not when i pass the variable.... Thanks In Advance  

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Simple SQL

Dec 30, 2004

How can i get an output like this from this sql??

HEM_PATIENT_ID is primary key...

First row: initial values of the fields
Second row: average of the same fields

Please help me...

select * from (
where HEM_PATIENT_ID = 33
where HEM_PATIENT_ID = 33)
order by HEM_LOKOSIT desc nulls last;

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Simple Help

May 20, 2001

Am new to SQL Server , can any1 tell me is there anyway to display date in this format month and year like Apr 2000 ,excluding the day.

eg: 01/28/2000 should b displayed like Jan 2000

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Should Be Simple !!!!

Jan 25, 2001


I'm relatively new to SQL7 but I did use 6.5 a fair bit.
I'm trying to test the restore of the Transaction log backup and having a bit of difficulty. The idea is that I make a complete database backup at 1am backup the transaction log every 30 minutes between 7am and 7pm. I need to be able to restore the database to a known state between 7am and 7pm with a max data loss of 30 minutes.

What I am trying to achieve is (as a test):

1)Create a small test database with a test table
2)Add some data to the test table
3)Back up the transaction log
4)Restore the transaction log to 'undo' the data added in step 2

Should be simple I think !!! The problem I am encountering is that in step 4 it won't let me restore only the transaction log (a tick automatically appears in the database backup as well). Bah !

Can someone please tell me what simple steps are required to get this to work. I need specifically on what options to chose during the backup and restore processes.



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Simple SQL

Nov 8, 1999

Given one table with one column and two rows, one containing the string 'Bill', one containing the string 'Gates'.

Write a select statement which gives you the result 'Bill Gates'.


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Simple SQL

Apr 2, 2003

Hi All,

I have a table with 2 columns which looks like the following.


Each ID can have multiple texts associated with it. I want to write a query that gives me the following output.


I appreciate your help


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Simple SQL

Apr 2, 2003

Hi All,

I have a table with 2 columns which looks like the following.


Each ID can have multiple texts associated with it. I want to write a query that gives me the following output.


I appreciate your help


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Looks Simple But ...

Jan 11, 2007

I have a table with two columns. I need to find distinct value of col1 and the correspondin repeated value of col2 for that col1 value with comma seperated list. Is there any function
for this in MS SQL?
I need somethgn like
a 1,2,3
b 4,5
c 7
d 5,55,5

I can do that with creating 2 cursors but looking for some easy way around.

Any suggestion and help highly appretiate.


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Simple Sql ?

Jan 20, 2006

incorrect syntax near #
how do i fix this and did i make any other errors?

SELECT Master.CheckNum, Master.CheckDate, Master.ExpenseType, Deal.Alias, Detail.InvoiceDate, Detail.InvoiceAmount, Detail.Person, Detail.Deal, Detail.InvoiceNum, Detail.Reference, Detail.idDetial
FROM Master INNER JOIN (Deal INNER JOIN Detail ON Deal.Deal = Detail.Deal) ON Master.CheckNum = Detail.CheckNum
WHERE (((Master.CheckDate)>#12/5/2005#) AND ((Deal.Alias)="aic"));

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Using And In Simple Sql

Apr 15, 2008

Originally i had:

DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE StructureType <> @StructureType
AND #RptDetails WHERE #RptDetails.TraderId <> @TraderId OR #RptDetails.TraderId is null

But it didnt delete the structure types i changed to :
DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE StructureType <> @StructureType --AND
DELETE FROM #RptDetails WHERE #RptDetails.TraderId <> @TraderId OR #RptDetails.TraderId is null

and it did, how do i format the 2nd sql into 1 statement and what was i doing wrong?

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Simple SUM

Apr 5, 2006


How do I sum all of the returned values into my output param ? This returns multiple rows, all data is oftype decimal.


ALTER proc

@iReturn int output,
@Contract varchar (8)



SiteDiary sd
sd.Contract = @Contract

"I dislilke 7am. If &am were a person, I would kick 7am in the biscuits." - Paul Ryan,

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Simple AND OR

Apr 5, 2006


I need to return all records where ..
Contract = @Contract


CrossReference is null or ""

I have this but I dont think its right..


a.Contract = @Contract AND a.crossreference is null OR a.crossreference = ""

"I dislilke 7am. If &am were a person, I would kick 7am in the biscuits." - Paul Ryan,

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Simple SQL Help

Mar 7, 2007

I think it's simple, but I can't get it to work.In English its: find records in TableA where the field [Field1] hasmore than one unique value in Field2sample records in TableAField1 Field22241 123452241 123452242 123452242 99856desired return (2 records)2242 123452242 99856thank you for your helpPaul

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Simple I Think

Jul 20, 2005

I have a form that after being filled out has its contents written to adatabase and then goes to confirmation .asp page. I want the confirmationpage to be personalized but I am not sure how to pass the "name" parameterto the confirmation.asp page. I know I am going to kick myself whrn I seethis.Thanks, Houston

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Simple ?

Feb 11, 2008


I'm trying to find out if a particular column in a table has more than 10 digits. for example: the TN column.
How can I write this query? The data type for this column is bigint. Also, would it be better to change this data type to char(10) instead as it's used primarily for phone # lookups? Thanks in advance!

1 7132483234

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Simple SQL Search

Jul 11, 2006

Hi, Im trying to create a simple search page to return a list of products from a table in a sql database. Id like to be able to search a product description column in a table I have called products using the contents of a text box. I was wondering how i can go about getting the search to check for all words the user types in rather than just a single word or an exact phrase. Im currently using the following sql query
SELECT [product_title], [product_description] FROM [products] WHERE ([product_description] LIKE '%' + @product_search + '%')
this works fine for single words and exact phrases but if i had product called 'fred w bloggs' and i enter 'fred bloggs' it will not return anything.
Please could anyone suggest how i shoud go about this?
Im not sure if my web hosting company will enable full text search or will this be required?
Thanks for any help!
pete_ (very new to!)

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Very Simple Confusion

Nov 7, 2006

hay friends
scene is that i wana read single multiple rows of a single column from a sql database and then want to shows those values in text box,,,
so plz tell me ho to do it.
 By using data set ,,data table or what to use for this and how....
wll be waiting for ur coordination

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Just A Simple COUNT But HOW??

Jun 23, 2007

I know it must be really easy but I couldn't somehow figure it out:
3 columns: pms_ID, pms_UserID, pms_FlagSeen                          1                ab1                True                          2                ab1                True                          3                ab1                True                          4                ab1                False                          5                ab2                True                          6                ab2                False
All I want is to count number of Falses and Total (Trues and Falses) belonging to Users (I mean by pms_UserID)
Any help would be appreciated..

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A Very Simple SQL Question...

Jul 1, 2007

I don't want to use any of the big fancy Data presentation controls like GridView, Datalist, etc.  I just want to do a programmatic reading of a SQL DB field and then post its contents to a label's text property.  I have programmatic connection and select statements that seem to work okay.  The code I have written so far is shown below.  I just need to know what code should go in place of the long underlined portion...(oh, and pardon my newbie ignorance)...
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Web" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<script runat="server">
    Sub Page_Load()        If Not IsPostBack Then
            Dim PreviousContent As ContentPlaceHolder            PreviousContent = CType(PreviousPage.Controls(0).FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder_Main"), ContentPlaceHolder)                    Dim PassedUserName As Label            PassedUserName = CType(PreviousContent.FindControl("lblPassedUserName"), Label)            lblPassedUserName.Text = PassedUserName.Text                        Dim ASPNETDB As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource()            ASPNETDB.ConnectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDB").ConnectionString            ASPNETDB.SelectCommand = "SELECT [UserName], [LastActivityDate] FROM [vw_aspnet_Users] WHERE ([UserName] = @UserName)"                        lblUserName.Text = _____________________________________________________                    End If    End Sub    </script>

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Simple But Not Working!!!!

Sep 24, 2007

 I have a trigger that is supposed to run a stored procedure. The stored procedure runs great. but when I put it in the trigger it doesn't run and the table does not insert. Why?
Here is the trigger.USE [Ciena_new]
exec sp_send_cdosysmail '','','Test of CDOSYS', 'Test'
 Please help me!!

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Help With A Simple Query

Oct 1, 2007

I am trying to make a single display page for an author's books.the books page only displays books of a type "type" (novels, non-fiction, etc)I would like to make it so that it can also show all books if "type" isn't selected.  I THOUGHT the string would look like this: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDSBooks" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csK2Reader %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Books] ( If @Type <> "" then WHERE ([Type] = @Type)) ORDER BY [SortDate] DESC"> But it doesn't seem to want to work.  I get a "server tag is not well formed" error. 

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Simple SQL Questions

Oct 18, 2007

HELP PLEASE! 1) Is it true that INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries can be carried out on only ONE table at a time?2) I have a newly created database which is empty, and has four tables related with FK's. How can I begin to enter data, if i can only do an INSERT or UPDATE on one table.  When i do a SELECT query, i don't even get an empty results set to modify.  But i think that's an old fashion technique anyway. And if i can only INSERT VALUES into one table at a time, that violates the relational integrity.  PLEASE HELP!DanThe only thing I can think of is the de-enforce the Relationships Constraint... Then, one at a time, fill each table's 1st record with fictious data, and then enforce the Relationships again, hoping that the identity columns will match up.    

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I Need Help With A Simple Query

Jan 7, 2008

I have a table called "member" that has two fields (amongst others) called "firstname" and "city"I want to return a list that sorts people who live in the same city, but does not return people who do not have a city in common.For example if this is my data:Karen - ParisMike - RomeTim - Dallas

Jim - ParisChris - DallasJohn - ManhattanSarah - OrlandoDavid - DallasThe query would return this:Dallas - ChrisDallas - DavidDallas - TimParis - JimParis - KarenI have this SQL so far:  Select city, firstname From member Order By city, firstnamebut it includes all the cities including those that only have 1 resident.Can someone tell me how to do this?Thanks a lot,Chris

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Simple DB Relationship

Feb 2, 2008

hi there, after a lot of fussing about i found it would be a lot easier to use an SQLDS and a gridview to display my data rather than code it. However i cant for the life of me work out how to replace some of the numbers (IDs) with their accompanying names. so i have a QTY which is an INT and a Location1 which is an INT in tbl_stock_location and in tbl_locations i have the appropiate 1 = shop etc this is what i came up with for my string
SELECT tbl_stock_part_multi_location.stock_part_multi_location_ID, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.stock_ID, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Description, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Qty1, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location1, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Qty2, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location2, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Qty3, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location3, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Qty4, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location4, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Qty5, tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location5 FROM tbl_stock_part_multi_location INNER JOIN tbl_location ON tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location1 = tbl_location.Location_ID AND tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location2 = tbl_location.Location_ID AND tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location3 = tbl_location.Location_ID AND tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location4 = tbl_location.Location_ID AND tbl_stock_part_multi_location.Location5 = tbl_location.Location_ID WHERE (tbl_stock_part_multi_location.stock_ID = @stock_ID)"
I used the query builder for this but it just dosnt seem to work and throws an error at me. Any help would be great!

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Simple Sql Question

Feb 4, 2008

Hello, I'm kinda new to the TSQL thing, just have a quick question.
I would like to prepend some text to a column in a database. Basically right now I have a bunch of rawurl entries, like /default.aspx, /page1.aspx being logged.
I just want to run a simple query that takes each entry in this column and appends to it, that way it will appear as
I could create a loop or something of that nature in C#, but I'm sure theres an easy way to do it in TSQL.

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A Simple Search

Feb 10, 2008

Hi all I need to implement a search function in Its nothing complicated, just find out whether a value exists in a particular table and return a boolean accordingly. However, the table has about 300,000 records. Is simply querying the table from the web (SELECT barcode FROM tblProducts where ID=123) the best way considering the releant column has been indexed.Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks   

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Simple Search Help

Mar 16, 2008

Hello new in sql and here.I have this Select * from InvoiceHeader where TransactionDate > '03/16/2008' That code isn't working instead of returning a row with a transaction date that is greater than 3/16/2008 what it return is all the row. How can  fix this? Thanks! 

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