Simultaneous Updations And Deletions Between Databases

Jul 20, 2005

hello to all,

there are two databases named A and B.
One database contains employee id as primary
I have another project database which includes that employee id as
foreign key. How can I reflect my updations,deletions

thank you in advance,

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Data Deletions

Jul 23, 2005

Quick question about deleting data from SQL Server.We have a table that gets quite a bit of activity with an attribute oftype text (inserts that store new text entries of 50-200k apiece).Older rows aren't needed so we have a process that deletes rows morethan 30 days old (using delete statements).When these rows are deleted, is the memory consumed by theseautomatically recovered? Or is there some process that must beperformed to recover the space? What about the transaction log? Doesthat grow with each deletion? When do transaction logs get reset?Thanks,John

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Does An Incremental Backup Include Deletions?

Jun 25, 2002

Does an Differential Backup contain all the changes since the last full backup, including Inserts, Updates, and Deletions. Our DB has "Truncate on Checkpoint" = True, so Log backups are non-sensical. I want to apply the Differentials to an archive, offline DB.

"one pebble does not fill the void, but it is a start."
"Dedicated to only creating original mistakes."

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Cascade Deletions Of Children When FKs Present

Dec 8, 1999

Guys, could anyone tell me if MSSQL Server 7 has 'on delete cascade' option when creating a foreign key constraint or something similar to it. I'd really like MSSQL to remove all dependent records (child records) automatically from one table when I'm deleting a parent record from another record. I know that I can do it via trigger, but the FK constraint should be removed or disabled. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

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Multiple Deletions From Different Tables In SQL Server Trigger

Jul 23, 2005

I have written a trigger that's supposed to go out and deletecorresponding records from multiple tables once I delete a specificrecord from a table called tblAdmissions.This does not work and I'm not sure why...Here's the code that's supposed to run, let's say, if a user (via a VB6.0 interface) decides to delete a record. If the record in thetblAdmissions table has the primary key (AdmissionID) of "123", thenthe code below is supposed to search other tables that have relatedinformation in them and also have an AdmissionID of "123" and deletethat information as well.Any ideas? Here's the code:CREATE TRIGGER tr_DeleteAdmissionRelatedInfo-- and here is the table nameON tblAdmissions-- the operation type goes hereFOR DELETEAS-- I just need one variable this timeDECLARE @AdmissionID int-- Now I'll make use of the deleted virtual tableSELECT @AdmissionID = (SELECT @AdmissionID FROM Deleted)-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblASIFollowUp TableDELETE FROM tblASIFollowUpWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblProgramDischarge TableDELETE FROM tblProgramDischargeWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblRoomAssignment TableDELETE FROM tblRoomAssignmentWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblTOADS TableDELETE FROM tblTOADSWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblUnitedWaySurvey TableDELETE FROM tblUnitedWaySurveyWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID-- And now I'll use that value to delete the data in-- the tblWFGMSurvey TableDELETE FROM tblWFGMSurveyWHERE AdmissionID = @AdmissionID

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Do Pre-defined Joins In SQL Server Slown Down Inserts/deletions?

Sep 1, 2005

I wanted to know if SQL Server 2000 does something behind the scenes in a transparent manner whenever records are inserted/deleted from two tables between which a join is defined based on a primary key to foreign key relationship. So I have already defined a parent-child relationship through the 'Database Diagram' between these 2 tables. I know when a table is indexed then SQL Server will perform some actions behind the scenes in a transparent manner.The reason I am asking this question is to know if its bad to define parent-child relatioship between 2 tables that will each contain thousands or millions of records.

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Simultaneous Snapshots?

May 2, 2006

If multiple snapshots for the same report attempt to generate at the same second, is there something in place to prevent them from conflicting with each other?

Our SSRS 2005 application will use a console app that we are writing to change the default parameters on each report and call the CreateReportHistorySnapshot method. This application will be multi-threaded, so there is a possibility that multiple versions of the same report with different parameters will attempt to run at the same time. We need to be sure that these snapshots will not conflict and return the appropriate SnapshotHistoryID for that report run.

From looking at the History table in the ReportServer database it looks like there are uniqueIDs and other keys that would prevent duplicates, but what if the requests come in at the same time? Is SSRS 2005 smart enough to delay for a second so that there is not a duplicate? Since the way you reference these snapshots in your URL is with the Snapshot Time in UTC format, that only goes out to full seconds (2006-05-02T00:00:00).

Sorry for the length, but I could not think of how to condense this.



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Simultaneous DB Access

Mar 12, 2006

I have C# Express and the SQL Express Management Studio CTP installed. So far, I've been forced to disconnect from the server in one app to connect to it in the other. I understand there is something around a 4 connection limit in SQLServer Express, so I don't see the problem.

During one of these episodes, SQL Mgmt Studio hung while opening DB properties, then the SQLServer service couldn't be stopped. Now the DB can't be opened even after a reboot.


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Simulate 1,000 Simultaneous Users

Mar 29, 2000

How can I simulate 1,000 simultaneous users in my database?

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Simultaneous Task Limit.

Mar 22, 1999

Is there a limit to the # of tasks ( Dumps) to a HD device ,which SQL 6.5 can perform simultaneously?

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How Are Simultaneous Queries Handled?

Oct 22, 2007


I have an application resource that is accessible from multiple clients applications that all have access to a common SQL Server db. By this, I mean, multiple clients can potentially connect to this resource at any given time. I want to limit the usage of this resource to one client at a time and was thinking about simply using SQL to maintain the name of the client that currently has "control" of the resource.

My question pertains to the case where two clients are executing a SQL query, simultaneously, to check whether someone has control of the resource or not. If two users were to simultaneously execute this query, do i have to lock the table in order to ensure that both users are not viewing data in an incorrect state? Or, does SQL Server ultimately execute the queries in a specific order? Meaning, the requests are simultaneous from a human standpoint but one request may have actually come in a millisecond before the other one and SQL server executes that query first, and then the second query. Is this how it works?



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Maximum Simultaneous Connections

Feb 14, 2008

Hi All,

I have a Windows 2003 Server. Planning to use SQL Server to act as the main Database Server which needs to cater to over 100's of simultaneous connections.

Can anyone share with me the default maximum simultaneous connections and the maximum allowed simultaneous connections for the following versions:

- 2000
- 2005 Express
- 2005

Hope I can get more professional advice from you guys.


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SSIS Simultaneous Connections

Jul 11, 2006

Using the Import/Export Wizard, it is easy to set up SSIS jobs to import multiple tables in one task. However, SSIS appears to grab a connection to the source database and the destination database for each table indicated in the task sometime prior to doing the actual data transfer. Even though the transfer seems to be done a few tables at a time, all the connections are held throughout the execution of the task.

This has two effects:

1. The task may fail if the number of connections exceeds the limit of user connections set for the database

2. There is a severe impact on the other users of the databases (in my case, the source is a production system)

Is there any way to control the number of simultaneous connections that SSIS data transfer packages initiate?

I can, of course, define the package to have a small number of tables (thus limiting the connections), but in real life I need to transfer almost 700 tables, so limiting the number of tables per task to 20 or 25 produces an awkwardly large, and error prone, number of tasks. And since this definition must be done for multiple (not quite identical) databases, the extra effort of defining small collections of tables is signifcant.

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SQL Express And Simultaneous Users

Aug 14, 2007


Are there any limit of simultaneous users and/or connections when running SQL Express? The free license of SQL Express, does that include use by any number of users/devices?


Harald Hedlund

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Simultaneous Entry In Both Master & Detail

Apr 7, 2008

Hi, can anyone help me? I want to know whether is it possible to insert records simultaneously in both master & detail tables?
For elaboration, say there is a master table contains (orderid,orderdate,amount) and details table contains (orderid, productid,qty,price). 1 record of master table associated with n records of details table. Can it be possible to insert both the 1 record at master table with n records in details table in a single sql statement?

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Executing Multiple Simultaneous Reports

Oct 15, 2007

Is there a way to get the Report Manager to allow a single user to
execute more than 1 report at a time? Currently, each user can only
have a single report being executed at a time. It looks like any
other reports are being queued and executed serially.

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Prevent Simultaneous Package Executions

Oct 23, 2007

How can I prevent a package, or a section of a package, from being run more than once simultaneously? The package makes use of a staging database table, and if two copies of this package are run at the same time, there will be a race condition and possible corruption of the data in the database table. I have also noticed that the SSIS logging gets messed up and starts overwriting itself if I have more than one of these packages run at the same time.

What I am thinking of should work the same way as a serializable transaction lock on a normal query, where one query has to wait if another query has a lock on the table. I don't want the package to throw an error, I want it to wait until the other one is done.

I have been trying to use transactions in a test SSIS package, but they are not quite doing what I want them to do. I put various SSIS steps in a sequence container and require a serializable transaction. I have also tried putting the transaction at the package level, but that is not preventing simultaneous package runs.

Is there a built-in way to do this that is easy to implement? Otherwise, what I could do is insert a flag into the database indicating that a package is running, then make sure to reset the flag on any error or on completion. It seems like this alternate method could be error-prone though.

I am using SP2.

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Inserting Simultaneous Tables Using Stored Procedure

Feb 8, 2007

I am trying to insert into two tables simultaneously from a formview. I read a few posts regarding this, and that is how I've gotten this far. But VWD 2005 won't let me save the following stored procedure. The error I get says “Incorrect syntax near ‘@WIP’. Must declare the scalar variable “@ECReasonâ€? and “@WIPâ€?.â€? I'm probably doing something stupid, but hopefully someone else will be able to save me the days of frustration in finding it. Thanks, the tables and procedures are below.

I made up the two tables just for testing, they are:

ECID – int (PK)

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Number Of Simultaneous Users/connections On SQL Server

Mar 30, 2001


could somebody please let me know what is the maximum number of simultaneous users/connection per single SQL Server 7.0 box? Licenses are not the issue here, rather the number of physical connections supported before another server needs to be purchased.

Another variation of this question would be what's the highest number of databases that 7can be created on SQL 7.0 server and what is the highest number of physical connections supported per database? Again, licenses are not the issue. Thanks a lot in advance.

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SQL Express, Operating Systems, Simultaneous Connections

Sep 28, 2007

I was going over this article , and was intrigued by this statement "If SQL Server 2005 Express is running on Windows XP Home, it is limited to five simultaneous connections. If it is running on Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, it is limited to 10 simultaneous connections. However, these are limitations of the operating system and not of SQL Server 2005 Express."

What are simultaneous connections? Is this related to Max worker threads defined as 255 on other editions? How does underlying OS impose how many connections can be done to SQL server. And finally how many simultaneous connections can be done in Windows Server 2003?

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Simultaneous Execution Of The Same SSIS Package From Code

Jul 26, 2007


I am trying to call the same package with different starting parameters using asynchronous method calls.

My code is

namespace ReconHost


public partial class HostContainer : Form


public delegate void InvokePackageHandler(

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app,
int var

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app;

public HostContainer()



for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

InvokePackageHandler asyncInvokePackageHandler = InvokePackage;

asyncInvokePackageHandler.BeginInvoke(app, i, null, null);



public void InvokePackage(Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app, int var)


Package pkg = app.LoadPackage(@"c:GRSGRSGRSTest_Async.dtsx", null);

pkg.Variables["intVar"].Value = var;


pkg = null;




If I set the for loop to loop just once, the package is executed fine. Any more than once and only one instance of the package is executed.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I know it is possible to execute the two package instances simultaneously because you can use DTexecUI.exe on two clients to do this.

Thanks in advance

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User Login - How To Control Number Of Simultaneous Connections

Jul 30, 1998

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to control the number of simultaneous connections one login id can have?
I`d like to avoid my users to share their login ids and passwords to help them enter data into the system.


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HELP: Strange Blocking Performance Problem With Simultaneous Queries

Dec 1, 2005

Hello everyone, I am hoping someone can help me with this problem. Iwill say up front that I am not a SQL Server DBA, I am a developer. Ihave an application that sends about 25 simultaneous queries to a SQLServer 2000 Standard Edition SP4 running on Windows 2000 Server with2.5 GB of memory. About 11 of these queries are over views (all overthe same table) and these queries are all done from JDBC but I am notsure that matters. Anyway, initially I had no problem with thesequeries on the tables and the views with about 4 years of information(I don't know how many rows off hand). Then we changed the tables toreplicated tables from another server and that increased the amount ofdata to 15 years worth and also required a simple inner join on 2columns to another table for those views.Now here is the issue. After times of inactivity or other times duringthe day with enough time between my test query run I get what lookslike blocking behavior on the queries to the views (remember these allgo to the same tables). I run my 25 queries and the 11 view queriesall take about 120 seconds each to return (they all are withinmilliseconds of each other like they all sat there and then werereleased for processing at the same time). The rest of the queries arefine. Now if I turn around and immediately run the 25 queries again,they all come back in a few seconds which is the normal amount of time.Also, if I run a query on one of views first (just one) and then runthe 25 queries they all come back in a few seconds as well.This tells me that some caching must be involved since the times are sodifferent between identical queries but I would expect that one of thequeries would cache and thus take longer but the other 10 would befast, not all block for 2 minutes. What is more puzzling is that thisbehavior didn't occur before where now the only differences are:1) 3 times more data (but that shouldn't cause a difference from 3seconds to 120 and all tables have been through the index wizard with aSQL trace file to recommend indexes)2) There is now a join between 2 tables where there wasn't before3) The tables are replicated throughout the day.I would appreciate any insight into this problem as 120 seconds is waytoo long to wait. Thanks in Advance.Chris

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How Do I Scale A Database To Handle A Billion Simultaneous Users?

Mar 30, 2007

Hi everyone. I hope that my question isn't too broad, but here it goes...

I am trying to figure out the best way to scale a SQL Server database so that it can handle a billion simultaneous users querying the same tables, and can easily scale to handle many billions of simultaneous users. The database must also have 999.99% availability. The number of licences and amount of hardware needed is not an issue.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Express, Simultaneous ,Multiple Application Access?

Jul 27, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I have a software solution that consists of two separate applications that share a SQL Server Express database on a single computer. Everything is working great, except when both of the applications want to access the database at the same time. All I can find is information on configuring multi-user access in a distributed system. I'd appreciate any information on configuring multi-application access on a single computer.



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Store Procedure LOCK. How To Solve The Problem Of Simultaneous Call?

Mar 20, 2007

Hello, I have one store procedure that writes something data to one physical sql table 'MyTable' and on beginning I first call:DELETE FROM MyTableProcedure returns at the end data from 'MyTable' as on SELECT. PROBLEM:I started SQL Manager on my Laptop and on Computer near me and all pointed to same database (on Server) and I run that procedure simultaneously on Laptop and Computer at the same time (two hands on F5 button on these computers). Occasionally when clicking with both hands at the same time I got no records at the end of execution (on both computers), otherwise I got the results.WHAT I THINK IS PROBLEM:Somhow one SP start working and it did not come to the end and another computer called this SP and execute first command (DELETE FROM MyTable) and I got empty records at the end..WHAT I NEED:I need to prevent this situation to get empty records. All computers must get these records always. How I can use some sort of LOCKs to do this?Or to do that on C# application level using LOCK command? Thanks in advanceAleksandar 

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Linking Tables From Different Databases Or Querying From Multiple Databases

Dec 10, 2007

Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query. 

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Service Broker Not Working For Restored Databases (SQL 2000 Databases Restored On 2005)

Jan 24, 2006

I just restored my SQL server 2000 database on the SQL server 2005. after this i ran the Service broker sample ("Hello World") on this database by changing the AdventureWorks name to the new database name. The "setup.sql" runs fine. When i run the "SendMessage.sql" i was not getting any rows in the output (The message was not getting inserted into the queue). I checked the Service broker is enabled on this databased using the query "select is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name = 'newdbname' " It was 1. I even tried the ALTER DATABASE SET ENABLE_BROKER. but it didnt work.

When i tried the sample on a newly created database it worked fine.

Is there any solution to make the restored database to work for service broker.



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Copying Databases Between Databases

Feb 8, 2000

hi from France !!!

i would like how to duplicate a database to another server with all datas, constraints, keys, indexes...
should i use sp_attach_db, dts, backup/restore, sql scripts... ???

thanks to all, nico

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Connect From Databases In 1st Instance To Databases In 2nd Instance

Mar 13, 2007

This is the scenario. Is it possible to create views or something (like Oracle DB Links) in a database in Instance 1 which can show data from another database in 2nd Instance ?

I want to do this to create reports.

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Two Databases

Sep 24, 2006

I have created a site which now has two databases. Firstly is the ASPNETDB.MDF which I beleives get set to manage the security, logon/Roles that I have on my site. The second dataabase "MyDatabase" is one that I have created for all my data withing the site. I would like to combine this to one Database for simplicity and cost. Now I can't see the  ASPNETDB.MDF when I use SQL Manager 2005 and I can't see how to change the set up of ASP.Net Configuration if I was to just use mydatabase. Any suggestions

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Two Databases?

Sep 25, 2006

Hi, I have my site set up, but have had difficulty using the data gathered by the aspnet.mdf. I wanted to use the email and username columns from the membership table to send newsletters automatically from the database(but that's a whole other post)I also have my own databse, which will be populated by information gathered from the website, so is currently empty. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that i don't think there's enough information given on how to populate a blank database from a website application. Most tuorials etc are concentrated on retrieving and displaying data, which is all well and good, once you actually have data to play with!I don't need two databases, so can I add tables to the aspnet.mdf ? But then what about relationships etc? I won't damage the current relationships by adding new ones? On the other hand can i copy the aspnet.mdf into my own database, and then assign the relevant permissions to that db? Any help would be greatly appreciated-in language for newbies please! I am relatively new to Basic/ and SQL. It's a steep learning curve!Also....I have used create user wizard, login, password recovery etc within my site, the data is inserted into the correct db tables-without using an sql datasource for some reason...? is that right?I have also created a wizard to collect some more data (because i couldn't work out how to insert the data from the extra steps in create user wizard, into my own database)  but when i click submit the data is not inserting into the specified table - (yes the connection string is fine, insert and update has been selected from the advance tab in connections wizard). Would this/could this be because i have assigned a 'finishbutton url'? should i use a Response.Redirect("blahblah.aspx") instead? 

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Nov 16, 2004

I am very new to, but am having trouble trying to link the page that i have created to an sql database that has been set up on a local system. Am actually trying to use the sql control to extract info from the database. Would appreciate any ideas.

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