Is an index based on a smallint (16 bit) really faster than an index based on an int (32 bit)
If so, how much...
Four tables
Table A: ID smallint (PK)
Text varchar(50)
Table B:ForeginID smallint (indexed - non unique)
Text varchar(50)
rowID int (PK)
Table C: ID int (PK)
Text varchar(50)
Table D:ForeginID int (indexed - non unique)
Text varchar(50)
rowID int (PK)
Table A and C contain identical data
Table B and D contain identical data
(Tables A and B were filled and then copied to Tables C and D)
Tables A/C are loaded with 64,000 records (-32,000 to 32,000)
Tables B/D are loaded with 6,400,000 records ForeginID loaded randomly with values between -32,000 and 32,000
The purpose of this test is to find out if identical queries joined on a smallint are actually faster than int based.
I ran 3 queries on each set:
- Full select
- Select on ID/Foregin ID
- Select on Table2 RowID joined to table 1
Here are the queries:
#1. Full select (smallint) - grouped to limit result set
#2. Select on ID/Foregin ID (smallint)
WHERE intAID = 29120
#3. Select on Table2 RowID joined to table 1 (smallint)
WHERE intPK = 1050
#4. Full select (int) - grouped to limit result set
#5. Select on ID/Foregin ID (int)
WHERE lngCID = 29120
#6. Select on Table2 RowID joined to table 1 (int)
ON lngCID = lngDID
WHERE intPK = 1050
Here are the results: (run multiple times to verify)
#1. Full select (smallint) - grouped to limit result set
(8 seconds) - before computing statistics on table
(13 seconds) - after computing statistics on table
#2. Select on ID/Foregin ID (smallint)
(0 seconds)
#3. Select on Table2 RowID joined to table 1 (smallint)
(0 seconds)
#4. Full select (int) - grouped to limit result set
(8 seconds) - before computing statistics on table
(7 seconds) - after computing statistics on table
#5. Select on ID/Foregin ID (int)
(0 seconds)
#6. Select on Table2 RowID joined to table 1 (int)
(0 seconds)
Conclusion: Not only is there a negligible difference in select performance, generating stats on the smallint actually makes it slower.
(perhaps there is some kind of conversion going on here behind the scenes?)
In what kind of data can I inject in a smallInt lenght 2 Data Type? Right now I am trying to pass an integer to my SP and it gives me the error "Error converting data type nvarchar to smallint" So I guess that I am not passing the right type of data or I have to cast it? Thanks
I have a dbfield which holds a smallint value for the time eg. 1406 . I have to add this value to a datetime value in another field but need the result as a datetime value. The result would be time(int) + date(datetime) = datetime(datetime). I need this to compare the hours between delivery and dispatch. Thanks for your help P
For a SQL statement in an Alias column I am am combing severalcolumns.But I am having problems with one column as it is a smallint.I get this errorSyntax error converting the nvarchar value to a column of data typesmallintMy Sql statement "Select Stilngcol1 + stringcol2 + intcol1 + stringcol3 As NewColNamefrom Table1I was wondering is there anyway to format/convert the smallint tonvarchar, without changing the database.
Newbie question regarding a db I have inherited. A table FullDocuments has a DocNo column with smallint data type and a SequenceNo column also with smallint data type.DocNo has numbers that represent persons. SequenceNo has numbers that represent specific documents associated with each person (DocNo).So DocNo 5 and Sequence 3 represents the 3rd document associated with person 5.My SELECT statement looks like this:SELECT ReadingNo, SequenceNoThis returns data like this: 5 3I would like to concatenate the SELECT statement to return like this: 5-3So I made Sql like this:SELECT ReadingNo + '-" + SequenceNo Which returns a alias ('No Column Named') result value of 8 which is an arithmetic result instead of a string concatination that I want.So my questions are:1. Should the original database designer have used string data types for these columns since they will never be used for math purposes?2. Do I need to cast them to string data type (like nchar(4) - since neither column will ever exceed 4 digits) to get the result I desire?3. Or can I keep them as smallint and modify my SELECT statement to allow concatination yielding a string result?
I modified it to accept NULL values and conform more closely to INT specification. Here is my modified function:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfIsValidINT] ( @Number VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS BIT BEGIN DECLARE @Ret BIT, @ShiftByOne INT; IF LEFT(@Number, 1) = '-' SELECT @Number = SUBSTRING(@Number, 2, LEN(@Number)), @ShiftByOne=1; SELECT @Number = COALESCE(@Number,'0'), @ShiftByOne = COALESCE(@ShiftByOne,0) IF (PATINDEX('%[^0-9-]%', @Number) = 0 AND CHARINDEX('-', @Number) <= 1 AND @Number NOT IN ('.', '-', '+', '^') AND LEN(@Number)>0 AND LEN(@Number)<11 AND @Number NOT LIKE '%-%') SELECT @Ret = CASE WHEN CONVERT(BIGINT,@Number) - @ShiftByOne <= 2147483647 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE SET @Ret = 0 RETURN @Ret END GO SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('2147483648') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('2147483647') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('-200') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('-2147483649') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('32900') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidINT('1.79E+308') GO
I also have a separate function for SMALLINT:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfIsValidSMALLINT] ( @Number VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS BIT BEGIN DECLARE @Ret BIT, @ShiftByOne INT; IF LEFT(@Number, 1) = '-' SELECT @Number = SUBSTRING(@Number, 2, LEN(@Number)), @ShiftByOne=1; SELECT @Number = COALESCE(@Number,'0'), @ShiftByOne = COALESCE(@ShiftByOne,0) IF (PATINDEX('%[^0-9-]%', @Number) = 0 AND CHARINDEX('-', @Number) <= 1 AND @Number NOT IN ('.', '-', '+', '^') AND LEN(@Number)>0 AND LEN(@Number)<6 AND @Number NOT LIKE '%-%') SELECT @Ret = CASE WHEN CONVERT(INT,@Number) - @ShiftByOne <= 32677 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE SET @Ret = 0 RETURN @Ret END GO SELECT dbo.udfIsValidSMALLINT('589') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidSMALLINT('-200') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidSMALLINT('-32900') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidSMALLINT('32900') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidSMALLINT('1.79E+308')
and one for TINYINT:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfIsValidTINYINT] ( @Number VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS BIT BEGIN DECLARE @Ret BIT, @L TINYINT; SET @L = LEN(@Number); SET @Number = COALESCE(@Number,'0'); IF (PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @Number) = 0 AND @L>0 AND @L<4) SELECT @Ret = CASE WHEN CONVERT(SMALLINT,@Number) < 256 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE SET @Ret = 0 RETURN @Ret END GO SELECT dbo.udfIsValidTINYINT('256') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidTINYINT('-1') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidTINYINT('0') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidTINYINT('255') SELECT dbo.udfIsValidTINYINT('1.79E+308')
And, finally, a separate function for DECIMAL validation:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfIsValidDECIMAL] ( @Number VARCHAR(100), @Scale TINYINT, @Precision TINYINT ) RETURNS BIT BEGIN DECLARE @Ret BIT, @L TINYINT, @DSI TINYINT; SET @Number = COALESCE(@Number,'0'); IF LEFT(@Number, 1) = '-' SELECT@Number = SUBSTRING(@Number, 2, LEN(@Number)); SET @L = LEN(@Number); SET @DSI = @L - LEN(REPLACE(@Number,'.','')) IF( PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', @Number) = 0 ANDCHARINDEX('-', @Number) = 0 AND@DSI <= 1 AND@L>0 AND@L<=@Scale+@DSI+ CASE @DSI WHEN 1 THEN @L-CHARINDEX('.', @Number) ELSE 0 END AND @Scale - @Precision >= CASE @DSI WHEN 1 THEN CHARINDEX('.', @Number) - 1 ELSE @L END ) SELECT @Ret = 1 ELSE SET @Ret = 0 RETURN @Ret END GO SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('256',2,0) SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('-1',1,0) SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('10.123456789123456789',18,17) SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('10.123456789123456789',18,16) SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('-255.0000000000000001',3,0) SELECT dbo.udfIsValidDECIMAL('1.79E+308',9,2)
Node that the DECIMAL validation function specifically tests whether the input number can legally convert to a given decimal scale and precision. Converting a value of 0.234234 over to DECIMAL(1,0) will work, but SQL will truncate the actual decimals to fit it in that space. However, it will throw an error if you have too many whole digits.
On the whole, I was rather rushed to get these created, so there may be some errors I didn't notice. I'm interested in any improvements you guys can make to improve performance or make them cleaner.
I need to insert rows into a table which contains a smallint field for time. The times are stored in that colum as integers (898, 11345, 1259, etc.) How can I enter a time like 9:15 AM into this field? I know how to display integer data in hh:mm format but I'm stumped on how I can do the reverse.
Sql Server has many data types. For Example: smallint Integer data from -2^15 (-32,768) through 2^15 - 1 (32,767). Storage size is 2 bytes. I want to know that If it contains like 0 or 100 or 1000 or -200 or -2000 or more or less. What will its actual size? 2 bytes or change with the value. Please also mention the reference with your answer. if available.
A SQL Server 2005 db has three date related-columns (MonthGiven, DayGiven, YearGiven) each as smallint datatype. I would like to create a DocDate column (datetime datatype) that combines the data from the three existing date-related columns. I have tried casting and simple concatentation without success. ALTER TABLE Details ADD DocDate DateTime NULL
UPDATE Details SET DocDate = CAST(MonthGiven AS DateTime)+ '/' + CAST(DayGiven AS DateTime) + "/" Cast(YearGiven As DateTime) I think I need to be doing a Conversion instead of casting but have been unable to implement info I have found in the SQL Server Developer Center in my situation.
I need to change the datatype of a very large table from smallint to int... What would be an ideal solution to get this done in least amount of time. May be I can try with ALTER but , I am not sure about the time it would take ...and the page splits etc..
UPDATE P SET P.IsError=1 ,P.IsDrawingRevNo=1 ,ErrorMessage=ISNULL(ErrorMessage,'')+'| DrawingRevisionNumber DataType Is Not Valid, smallint expected(-32768 AND 32767)' FROM ZPTSMGR.ProjectDrawingRaw P WHERE P.LogId=@LogId AND P.ProjectId=@ProjectId AND P.Revision > 32767 (P.Revision NOT BETWEEN -32768 AND 32767) --SMALLINT RANGE -32768 to 32767.
--DataType Range --tinyint DataType (MinVal: 0, MaxVal: 255). Its storage size is 1 byte. --smallint DataType from -2^15 (-32,768) through 2^15 - 1 (32,767) and its storage size is 2 bytes. --int DataType -2^31(-2,147,483,648) to 2 ^31-1(2,147,483,647). Its storage size is 4 bytes. --Bigint DataType -- from -2^63 (-9223372036854775808) through 2^63-1 (9223372036854775807). Its storage size is 8 bytes.
The SQl statement fails, and not able to update it. The IsError flag need to set since the value does not lies in given range of smallint.--------say 457896523 which is not a small int value
Does anyone know of a tried and tested method for collating stats from SQL Server databases. I have a no. of databases hosted on a single server, servicing a no. of applications. I need to find out the following: CPU usage of each application on the server Memory usage of each application etc
Has anyone noticed a performance improvement during trading hours when they replaced sp_updatestats with UPDATE STATISTICS FULLSCAN in their nightly maintenance? Or is it negligible?
Basically i am from Oracle background. I need some help. In oracle we gather the statistics of a table as SQL> analyze table <tname> compute statistics for all indexes;
or SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_schema_stats('SCOTT')
I want to gather statistics for a particular database say."pubs" for example.
Hi there...How do I get to extract info like, current Database logged in user orgeneral stats like, ram usage... etc etc etc into a form if I use MicrosoftAccess 2002 for my forms application?Thanks in advanceRudi
COuld someone tell me if its possible to get hold of stats about allDatabases on a SQL Server.The sort of things I would like areName of DBLocation of DBSize of DBLocation of LogfileSize of DBOwnerUsers Authorised to access the DBIs there something that can do thisThanksDerrick
Hello all- Is it possible to reset the values of DMV stats/counters without restarting the SQL service? I'm looking for something more than dbcc freeproccache...more along the lines of index_usage and some of the OS DMVs.
Hi all, I have an dtsx (SSIS) for "clone" manually Sql server database to another.
How I copy all stats from one database to another ? I have problem with "auto stats".
When I try DROP statitics for auto stats I get this error:
No se puede DROP el índice 'dbo.ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR.PK_ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR'. No es una colección de estadísticas.
Cannot DROP index 'dbo.ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR.PK_ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR'. Not statitics collection.
What can I do ??
-- Get Stats list SELECT '[' + SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) + '].[' + + ']' AS [Table_Name_With_Schema], '[' + + ']' AS [Name], '' + SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) + '.' + + '' + '.' + + '' AS [Estadistica] FROM sys.tables AS tbl INNER JOIN sys.stats st ON st.object_id=tbl.object_id ORDER BY [Table_Name_With_Schema] ASC,[Name] ASC
Thanks in advance, any help will be appreciated, regards, greetings
Hi all, I have an dtsx (SSIS) for "clone" manually Sql server database to another.
How I copy all stats from one database to another ? I have problem with "auto stats".
When I try DROP statitics for auto stats I get this error:
No se puede DROP el índice 'dbo.ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR.PK_ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR'. No es una colección de estadísticas.
Cannot DROP index 'dbo.ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR.PK_ACTIVIDAD_PROVEEDOR'. Not statitics collection.
What can I do ??
-- Get Stats list SELECT '[' + SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) + '].[' + + ']' AS [Table_Name_With_Schema], '[' + + ']' AS [Name], '' + SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id) + '.' + + '' + '.' + + '' AS [Estadistica] FROM sys.tables AS tbl INNER JOIN sys.stats st ON st.object_id=tbl.object_id ORDER BY [Table_Name_With_Schema] ASC,[Name] ASC
Thanks in advance, any help will be appreciated, regards, greetings
I'm fairly new to SQL Server and I'm just wondering if it's possible to Update Statistice for all indexes somehow? I'm looking at the Update Statistics command and it doesn't seem to be possible.
The situation we have is a reporting DB that basically has all it's tables truncated and remade every night by some DTS jobs that import from another datasource and change the data and build some denormalzed tables etc. Some of the large Insert operations go from taking 8 mins to taking several hours sometimes and updating the stats seems to fix the problem for a while. So I'd like to make sure the optimizer has all the latest stats for all tables.
I have client tools installed on a server and I have registered our 30+ instances hosted on various servers to this one MS SQL 2005 Management Studios.
How can I use this set up to send an e-mail distribution list a nice monthly chat showing the sizes of the database, memory, cpu utilization of all the registered databases?
reindex just ran on friday... how is it possible to have a logical scan fragmentation of 97% ... is it because fillfactor is set to 100 and pages cannot be reorganized any better with this arrangement? thanks
Hi chapsJust been having my head messed with...I was running a trace capturing all errors and SQL. Had a bucket oferror 208's (invalid object name). Found the SQL that caused it - anSP.Ran the sp by hand, no messages come up - error 208 logged in thetrace.Couldn't work it out. Then noticed stats missing on one column.Created the stats manually - and suddenly the 208 error stops. Wtf?Is this predicted/expected behaviour? Just me being a noob?Thought I'd just share that. ta ;)SQL2k, sp3a, w2k server.
Does anyone have any reports built that show the usage of the reports based off the ExecutionLog table, or how you would get the "ReportID" to refer back to human readable report name?
I find it hard to believe others have not wanted to see how many reports were ran yesterday, what reports are not being used anymore, and which ones we may need to cache because they are over used throughout the day.
When I look at the list of publications I can see the status of the last time the replication ran. Where in the database is that information being pulled from?
We recently upgraded to Version 7.0 and the Enterprise Manager on the client is not showing the database size or the information in regards to the last backups. Has anyone else experienced this that can offer a solution?
Does anyone know how to tell how long it took for an auto update statistics to run? I looked under DBCC Show_Statistics and it shows the time the stats were last updated, but not how long it took to update them. Thanks.