Sp Hold

Aug 23, 2005

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone could help...

I have a usertable which adds anyone whom is new to the records. However the site has had quite an increase in traffic and the stored procedure (SP) The problem is that if two new users call the SP with say a second of each other the sp tries to enter the same user key.

The sp basically checks the last id and add 1 on to it.. Simple but inbetween checking and interest someone else is doing the same creating a violation ...

Basically ineed to put a hold on the select and intert until complete... A sort of que up ...

Sorry if it a dumb question...

ps i've read about changing the entire conection but i only need it for this SP...


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Does SqlDataSource Hold The Connection ?

Mar 9, 2006

If we bind a GridView to a SQLDataSource, is it not a connected usage, which locks up one connection thread ?

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How Long Declare @ Can Hold On?

Dec 20, 2006

Currently i have a long long query may run 10 hours
but i wonder if i declare :
DECLARE @rows int

how long it will hold on its value??

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How Many Tables A Database Can Hold?

Jun 19, 2008

Hi everybody,

Generally, How many tables a database can hold?


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@local_var Really Cannot Hold Table Name ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have tables named like ag97a027, ag98a027, ... where 97 and 98 isfrom year 1997, 1998 and a027 is just specification of product type. Ineed carry out repeated operataions over these tables. To generatetheir names is easy, for exampleuse [P5-01]declare @Yint int, @Y char(2), @tabName char(8)set @Yint = 1997while @Yint < 2002beginset @tabName = 'ag' + substring(convert(char(4),@Yint),3,2)+'a027'print @tabNameset @Yint = @Yint + 1/*select *from @tabName*/endprints properlyag97a027ag98a027ag99a027ag00a027ag01a027but when I uncomment the select statement, MS-SQL server responds:Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 11Must declare the variable '@tabName'.How to use @local_variable for browsing through tables in abovedescribed way?thanksMartin

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Variables To Hold Filenames

Feb 8, 2007

I was wondering if it is possible to create a variable that holds the filename as an expression. I am using a For each loop to pick up files and i want to insert the 'Filename' as a colum in to the destination Table so that i can differentiate among the rows in my destination Table.

Using the 'Derived Colum' in DTS I can link the colum to a variable. However i do not know how to create the variable which will dynamically store the filename for each file....

Any Clues...
Would really appreciate the help.....

Or is anyone knows any other simple way of inserting the filename as a column in the destination Table ...Been stuck on this for a while...

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How Do You Hold The Value Of A CASE Statement For Further Use In The Query??

Feb 18, 2007

I have a select statement and I would like to know which when clause(1st set of whens) was fired and the value of the then for further use in my query.  I am wondering if this is possibly, and how it would be done.  If i try and set a @variable at the beginning of the case statament i get an error, here is my query         SELECT PIE.productID, PIE.quantity, CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5 as width, CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5 as length,                 ***throws an error**** @sqft = CASE  --- but the then clause of this CASE is the value i want for later use in this same query                                 WHEN CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5 > (2.0 * (CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5)) THEN CEILING((((CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * 1.5) *                                     CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0                                 WHEN CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5 > (2.0 * (CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)) THEN CEILING((((CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * 1.5) *                                     CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0                                 ELSE CEILING((CEILING((PIE.length/12.0)/0.5)*.5) * (CEILING((PIE.width/12.0)/0.5)*.5)/1.0)*1.0                         END AS sqft,                         CASE                                 WHEN @custMarkup = 1 THEN (SELECT PML1 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID)                                 WHEN @custMarkup = 2 THEN (SELECT PML2 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID)                                 WHEN @custMarkup = 3 THEN (SELECT PML3 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID)                                 WHEN @custMarkup = 4 THEN (SELECT PML4 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID)                                 WHEN @custMarkup = 5 THEN (SELECT PML5 FROM ProductMarkup PM WHERE PIE.productID = PM.productID)                         END AS markup         FROM ProductsInEstimate PIE         WHERE estID = @estid

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How To Get Hold Of Data From Web Provider Using SQL Server?

Feb 16, 2006

I am new to SQL server so apologies if this is a stupid question.

I have a website built and hosted by another company, with SQL server
back end data. They don't want to analyse the data but I do. I am
familiar with SQL and have SQL server express running on my laptop.

So I was thinking I could get them to send me the data from the server
(it will be less than 1GB I imagine), and I could analyse it myself.

So my questions are:

will this work?

and what do I ask them to send me? Is it just a couple of files they
have to copy and send me? Or is it more complicated than that?

Many thanks for any advice you can offer.


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Can I Use A Variable To Hold The Target Table Name.

Apr 11, 2007

We need to pull from a table that is named tablename_mmddyy and populate a table with the same format tablename_mmddyy. The date will be different every month so I want to be able to build the tablenames every month. Is there a way to do this in SSIS? Thank you.

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Retrieve Only Strings That Hold Sub-string In Middle

Nov 24, 2013

I need retrieve only strings that hold the sub-string in middle. no first no last just middle.

See: the sub-string is "test"

Yes: test test test
Yes: take test test
Yes: test test take
Yes: take test take
No: test test
No: test take take
No: take take test
No: test

I prepare sample data...

declare @sample table(s varchar(50));
insert @sample values
('test test test'),
('test test'),
('test take test'),
('test take take'),
('take test test'),
('take test take');

View 4 Replies View Related

Many Data Entry Tables - Which Ones Hold Records?

Oct 23, 2005

We have an asp.net app with about 200 data entry forms. Customers mayenter data into any number of forms. Each form's data is persisted ina corresponding sql table. When data entry is complete, it needs to beprocessed. Here's where the questions start.How can we easily determine in which tables a customer has data and howbest to select that data?We're not opposed to putting all the data in a single table. Thistable would wind up having ~15 million records and constantly have CRUDoperations performed against it by up to 5000 users simultaneously.With sufficient hardware, is this too much to ask of the db?

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Variable To Hold Two Digit Month In A Expression

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using a file Task to rename files to include a Month and Year in the FIle. Part of the requirement in the file name is a two digit month. I have the following query built which will return a two digit month regardless if it's a one or two digit month.


This works perfect when running in T-SQL, but when attempting to define a variable in the expression

REPLACE(STR(MONTH(DATEADD("Month", -1,GETDATE())), 2), ' ', '0') expression keeps failing the evaluation?

Anyone run into a simliar issue or have a suggested work around?

View 7 Replies View Related

Which System Tables Hold SSIS Pkg Information

Apr 4, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I need to know which system tables hold the pkg information when you import a pkg into SQL Server 2005.



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.NET Class To Hold Single Disconnected Record? Nothing Smaller Than DataSet?

Jul 9, 2007

What is the most efficient standalone .NET class that can hold a single disconnected record?  The class must also retain column names, but other schema is not relevant (.NET data type is sufficient).If I understand System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord, it provides an interface on a DbDataReader, and has no storage of its own.I'm familiar with DataSet, is that the only .NET-standard class to do this? Thank you,Shannon 

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How Do I Use A @variable To Hold On Value Return From An Exec (&#39;string Command&#39;) Statement.

Sep 19, 2000

How do I use a @variable to hold on value return from an exec ('string command') statement.

Example for:

declare @OldID int
declare @cmd varchar(255)
declare @db varchar(25)
declare @OldOwner varchar(25)

set @db = 'DBNAME'
set @OldOwner = 'USERNAME'

select @cmd = 'select uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
exec (@cmd)

How can I use @OldID to hold on UID return from this statement.

When I try use:
select @cmd = 'select @OldID = uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
then I'm getting a error message: @OldID not declare.


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SQL 2012 :: Design A Table To Hold Filters For Selection Criteria?

May 5, 2014

I have an ordering database with several tables that store data of orders belonging to a wide variety of clients. There is a generic report that I need to run which outputs the same data elements. However the criteria to select these orders will vary widely between each client. For e.g.

i) for client# 1 it could be all orders that are still open after 30 days of placing an order

OrderStatus = 'Open'
GetDate() - OrderCreationDate >= 30

ii) for client# 2 it could be all orders that have been completed 60 days or earlier

OrderStatus = 'Completed'
GetDate() - OrderCompletedDate >= 60

iii) for client# 3 it could be a combination of different things (all orders in West Region that are in hold status for more than 10 days + all orders in Eastern Region that are in shipping and are expected to be delivered in the next 2 days + all completed orders for the rest of the regions).

OrderRegion = 'West'
OrderStatus = 'Hold'
GetDate() - OrderHoldDate >= 10


I want to have a stored procedure that selects all data and dynamically attach the where condition at the end for filtering. This way I wouldn't have to worry about any additions/changes that are made to the selection criteria. I can build an interface for admins who can use the UI to maintain the selection criteria and not worry about any code changes to accommodate it. I would like to design a table that holds this criteria. At this point in time, I am thinking of using key value pairs (Column Name, Column Value) but I am not sure how to implement multiple logical operators.

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Is There A Way To Hold The Results Of A Select Query Then Operate On The Results And Changes Will Be Reflected On The Actual Data?

Apr 1, 2007

hi,  like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right?  so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records  and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance! 

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INSTEAD OF UPDATE Trigger To Hold Update

Apr 3, 2008


i have a database with about 20 tables. i appended to each table a column "UpdatedOn", and i want to write a trigger to set the date of the update date in that column, using a trigger.

i want to avoid the trigger launching for the last column (UpdatedOn).

how can i detect the rows that changed, and modify only the update date/time?
i read something about TableName_Inserted and TableName_Deleted, but i would prefer to copy as generic as possible the data from there, meaning, not to write column names in my script.

another idea i thought about was to prevent the trigger executing if no other column except for UpdatedOn changed, but... i encounter some trouble, when i try to pass column name (as string) to UPDATE() function.(Error: Expecting ID or QUOTED_ID)

thank you in advance.

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