Sp_helpdb Not Working Plz Help

Feb 18, 2005

Well i have been using sp_helpdb 'mydatabasename' to get the info for 3 consecutive days now and it returns the same result every day in KB for data files and in MB overall database size. Wich is kinda impossible since this is a warehouse and there are about 30000 records insert every night what is going on. plz help

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Jul 9, 2002

Has anyone every seen this error message? If so, what caused it?

Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_helpdb, Line 53
Cannot insert the value NULL into column '', table ''; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.


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Sp_helpdb Problem Plz Help

Feb 16, 2005

i use sp_helpdb on one of my databases everyday to estimate growth.
3 days in a row now i get the same results how could this be every day there are about 30000 record that gets inserted to my tables inside the db. should the information changed since it is growing in size ?

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Sp_helpdb Error

Dec 6, 2005

I have MOM 2005 installed to monitor all our sql servers. In one of the sql server on a specific db, I get error alerts when running the sp_helpdb error.

The error output is

"Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_helpdb, Line 53
Cannot insert the value NULL into column '', table ''; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated."

I checked the sp_helpdb stored procedure and here is where it fails:

insert into #spdbdesc (dbname, owner, created, dbid, cmptlevel)
select name, suser_sname(sid), convert(nvarchar(11), crdate), dbid, cmptlevel from master.dbo.sysdatabases
where (@dbname is null or name = @dbname)

I understand this is a temporary table created by the stored procedure to insert all the db info.

I ran a query as follows:

select name, suser_sname(sid), crdate, dbid, cmptlevel
from master.dbo.sysdatabases

The output is

DB Name User Name Cr date db id cmpt
master sa2000-08-06 01:29:12.250180
model sa2000-08-06 01:40:52.437380
msdb sa2000-08-06 01:40:56.810480
RMSummaryNULL2002-06-13 16:40:32.203880
tempdb sa2005-11-29 19:10:48.450280

The problem is in RMSummary database and the "dbo" login does not
have a username.

How do I add a User Name "sa" to the DB Owner "dbo" for the RMSummary database?

I did try the following things with no success:

1. Try to delete the 'dbo' user in 'RMSummary' database so that
I can add a new login name as 'dbo' and username is 'sa'.
Error message is 'dbo' owns some objects and does not get deleted.
2. I tried sp_changedbowner but it does not work either.

Any help on this quickly is much appreciated.


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Why Is Sp_helpdb And Sysdatabases Different

Jul 23, 2005

I have a strange question and hope someone can shed some light on theproblem.First let me give you my scenario. We are using doubletake to replicate ourdatabase server files between the local site and off site. I will namethese servers srv1a (local) and srv1b (remote). It now time to move to newservers. These servers will be srv2a (local) and 2b (remote).Currently srv1a replicates to srv1b. The sqlserver service is off on srv1b.It is only replicating the database files. Works great.Now the problem. srv1a and srv1b have all the logs and data files on thed: drive. On the new servers (2a and 2b) we will place the log files one: and the data files on f:. This is the case for all databases exceptthe system databases, which will reside all ldf and mdf on f:.In order to move to the new servers, as a test we began replicating to srv1ato svr2a. It placed all the system dbs on srv2a d: drive and all otherfiles in the new structure (e: and f:). There is some work that you mustdo to move the master, msdb, model, and temp to the new location (change thestartup parameters and detaching and reattaching some other databases). Allthis works great and we have everything up and running.As part of a sanity check, I ran the following statementsselect name, filename from master..sysdatabases where name = 'master'GOexec sp_helpdb master.GOresults arename filenamemaster d:Microsoft SQLServerMSSQLdatamaster.mdf(1 row(s) affected)name db_size owner dbid createdmaster 22.00 MB sa 1 Aug 6 2000 Status=ONLINE,name fileid filenamefilegroup size maxsize growth usagemaster 1 F:Microsoft SQL Server DataMSSQLDatamaster.mdfPrimary 19072 KB Unlimited 10% data onlymastlog 2 F:Microsoft SQL Server DataMSSQLDatamastlog.ldfNULL 3456 KB Unlimited 10% log onlyIf you notice that sysdatabases table is showing the master files on D: butsp_help is showing on F: F: is the correct location. Also my startparameters is-dF:Microsoft SQL Server DataMSSQLDatamaster.mdf-lF:Microsoft SQL Server DataMSSQLDatamastlog.ldf-eF:Microsoft SQL Server DataMSSQLDataERRORLOGAny ideas why the two are not showing the same thing? Everything is workingfine and all other databases (sp_helpdb) is correct and sp_helpfile masteris showing the same thing as sp_helpdb master. Since I though sp_helpdb wasquerying sysdatabases, I am confused as to why this is happening.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.

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Select Db_size From Sp_helpdb ?

Apr 16, 2004


I want to do a 'select db_size from sp_helpdb where name = @DB;'
The problem is that SQL doesn't interpret sp_helpdb as a table :-(
How can I query the result of this stored procedure?


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How To Do A Select From Sp_helpdb's Output ?

Sep 25, 2005

Hi friends,
I want to select only filename column of sp_helpdb's output.But I don't know how should I do this? Other way is doing a direct select from sysfiles or sysdatabases but as you know microsoft doesn't recommand this way. Also I can select that filed in my application level but it is strange for me: Of course sql server should has a proper way to do a select from output curosr of this procedure,Doesn't it?
-Thanks in advance

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Error Running Sp_helpdb

Nov 15, 2005

When I run sp_helpdb against the master (or any other DB for that matter) I get the following error:

Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_helpdb, Line 53
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'owner', table 'tempdb.dbo.#spdbdesc_ 0010001A6EF'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.

I have about 20 DBs on a SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Instance with sp3a .

There have been no changes made to the Server or the SQL Server Instance in quite some time. Can anyone tell me how I should proceed??????

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Format Result Of Sp_helpdb

Jul 23, 2005

Hello.How to format field "create" (Jan 12 2005) in sp_helpdbprocedure to sth like yyyy-mm-dd (2005-01-12) in SQL?bye...--__ __|__\ | || |_// / \ \_// FreeBSD: The Power To Serve|__// |__|| | \ \__// / \ +------------------------------++[ http://bukox.prv.pl ][ http://total.bukox.dmkproject.pl ]+

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Problems With 'sp_helpdb' Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,One of our customers claims that the sp_helpdb truncates database namelarger than 24 characters, the release is 7.00.1094, did any oneencounter such a problem ???

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Some Things Not Working In 2005 And Working In 2000

Mar 3, 2006


I had a view in which I did something like this
isnull(fld,val) as 'alias'

when I assign a value to this in the client (vb 6.0) it works ok in sql2000 but fails in 2005.
When I change the query to fld as 'alias' then it works ok in sql 2005 .
why ?? I still have sql 2000 (8.0) compatability.

Also some queries which are pretty badly written run on sql 2000 but dont run at all in sql 2005 ???

any clues or answers ?? it is some configuration issue ?

Thanks in advance.

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ExecuteNonQuery - Add Working/Update Not Working

Jan 7, 2004

I am writing a pgm that attaches to a SQL Server database. I have an Add stored procedure and an Update stored procedure. The two are almost identical, except for a couple parameters. However, the Add function works and the Update does not. Can anyone see why? I can't seem to find what the problem is...

This was my test:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Update", cn)
'Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Add", cn)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox1.Text
[...etc more parameters...]
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ContactId


Label1.Text = "done"

Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try

When I use the Add procedure, a record is added correctly and I receive the "done" message. When I use the Update procedure, the record is not updated, but I still receive the "done" message.

I have looked at the stored procedures and the syntax is correct according to SQL Server.

Please I would appreciate any advice...

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WHERE NOT IN Not Working

Feb 23, 2008

Original suggestion for my problem was -  Select * from TableA where ID not in ( Select ID from TableB)
When I run the query below using the IN operator I get 227 records returned but when I use NOT IN I get zero records when I expect well over 10,000.  What am I missing?
using SQL 2000 server 
 SELECT    LinksInfo.L_ID, LinksInfo.C_ID, Companies.C_CompanyName, Companies.C_Email, Companies.C_CompanyEmailFROM         LinksInfo INNER JOIN Companies ON LinksInfo.C_ID = Companies.C_IDWHERE     (LinksInfo.L_ID IN           (SELECT ZL_ID FROM Location_Zip))
ZL_ID is not a primary key in Location_Zip

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Why Is This Not Working

Mar 25, 2008

Hello again,
I think im missing something here, i just cant find out what it is.
I have a temp table:
CREATE TABLE #tempSearch(tempID BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,username NVARCHAR(20) COLLATE Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS,lastlogin DATETIME,signupdate DATETIME)
Now i am trying to retrieve some data for each user that is inside this tempSearch list and have an id over xxx (xxx = the value of the parameter @first_id):
SELECT @sql = 'SELECT profile_publicinfo.username, profile_publicinfo.gender, profile_publicinfo.signupdate, profile_profilephoto.imageurl, profile_profilephoto.alttext, settings_username.color, profile_publicinfo.lastloginFROM #tempSearch INNER JOIN dbo.profile_publicinfo ON profile_publicinfo.username = #tempSearch.usernameINNER JOIN dbo.settings_privateinfo ON settings_privateinfo.username = profile_publicinfo.usernameFULL OUTER JOIN dbo.profile_coolfacts ON profile_coolfacts.username = profile_publicinfo.username FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.profile_profilephoto ON profile_profilephoto.username = profile_publicinfo.usernameFULL OUTER JOIN dbo.settings_username ON settings_username.username = profile_publicinfo.usernameWHERE (profile_publicinfo.username IN (SELECT username FROM #tempSearch))AND #tempSearch.tempID >= @first_id'
SELECT @paramlist = '@first_id int'EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @first_id
I need to get the tempID from the tempSearch table in order to compare it with @first_id
When i run this i get the same username repeated like 30 times then it moves over to the next, when i debug the #tempSearch it looks fine, just the users that are suppose to be there.

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How Do I Know If It Is Working?

Jun 17, 2004

I think I have installed MSDE sucessfully. The new servie is running, but how can I test ifit is working? Can I place my files anywhere on the system?
All help appreciated

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Anyone Know Why This Isn't Working...?

Apr 25, 2006

I am using the following C#...

loader.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB; Server=(local); database=TestDB; user id=test; password=password";
loader.ErrorLogFile = "C:log.txt";
loader.SchemaGen = true;
loader.SGDropTables = true;
loader.CheckConstraints = true;
"C:xsd.xsd"/* this file below */,

To generate tables in the database using the following xml schema...
(file: xsd.xsd...)

My problems is that it doesn't generate the tables and I am following the SQLXML2.0 documentation as closely as possible.

Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to generate the tables? Running it doesn't even produce an error.



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SPs Not Quite Working

May 3, 2002

OK so I'm using dynamic sql to enable me to have a variable for the order by, but now it's giving me the following error

Syntax error converting character string to smalldatetime data type.

Any help is very much appreciated

Code follows

@cid datetime,
@cid1 datetime,
@sid nvarchar(10)

DECLARE @query nvarchar(4000)

SET @query = 'SELECT MAX(t_batting.runs) AS BestRuns,
COUNT(t_batting.dnb) AS DidNotBat, t_player.surname, t_player.firstname,
Sum(t_batting.runs) as SumOfruns, COUNT (*) AS Games,
COUNT (t_batting.notout) as nout,
(Sum(runs)/(COUNT(*)-(COUNT(notout)+COUNT(dnb)))) as AverageRun,
(COUNT(*)-COUNT(dnb)) AS Innings,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_batting inner join t_game on t_batting.game_id = t_game.game_id WHERE (t_batting.player_id = t_player.player_id) AND runs >= 50 AND runs <100 and t_game.date >= '+@cid+' And t_game.date <= '+@cid1+' GROUP BY t_batting.player_id) AS Overfifty,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_batting inner join t_game on t_batting.game_id = t_game.game_id WHERE (t_batting.player_id = t_player.player_id) AND runs >= 100 and t_game.date >= '+@cid+' And t_game.date <= '+@cid1+' GROUP BY t_batting.player_id) AS Overton
FROM t_batting
INNER JOIN t_game ON t_batting.game_id = t_game.game_id
INNER JOIN t_player ON t_batting.player_id = t_player.player_id
WHERE t_batting.player_id = t_player.player_id
AND t_game.date >= '+@cid+' And t_game.date <= '+@cid1+'

GROUP BY t_batting.player_id, t_player.surname, t_player.firstname, t_player.player_id
HAVING (COUNT(*)-(COUNT(notout)+COUNT(dnb))) <> 0
order by '+@sid+'

exec (@query)

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How Come This Not Working?

Jun 21, 2001

In SQL 7.0, when i use the below query in query analyzer, I got an error message. why?

Set Identity_insert on

SET no = 3
WHERE no = 4

Set Identity_insert off

Error message
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'on'.
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'off'.

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/3GB Not Working

May 1, 2006


I am on a box with 4 GB of memory that only runs SQL Server. SQL Server is using 1.7 GB as per task manager. There are a lot of databases on this box. I looked at the boot.ini and /3GB was not set. I have done this at least 50 times before: turn on the /3GB switch and SQL Server will use up to 2.7 GB per task manager. (I know it is actually 2GB and 3GB but it seems that in task manager it shows up as 1.7-1.8 and 2.7-2.8)

Anyway back to the story. So I set /3GB, rebooted the server and SQL Server still only consumes up to 1.7GB. I realize that SQL Server might not actually need more memory, but I have a distinct feeling that it wants more but is being constrained; that is, the the /3GB switch is not working. More relevant information:

1) the boot.ini line:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" /fastdetect /3GB

2) max server memory (MB) = 3000

3) min server memory (MB) = 3000

4) awe enabled = 0

5) @@version = 8.00.2039 which is SQL Server 2000 SP4

Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

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Min Not Working

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all:
Because me not this functioning the following one query.

simply me not the function respects min, because?, that I am doing badly?

Select Distinct(Min(c.gentime)),
b.RecordId,b.FirstName,b.LastName,b.Deleted,b.Note 4,
c.param3,c.param2,c.param1,c.recvtime,c.gentime,c. link1,c.link2,c.link3,c.deleted,c.recordid,c.seqid
From Card a,
CardHolder b,
History c
Where ((a.cardholderid = b.recordid)And(b.recordid=c.link3))
And(a.Deleted = 0)And (b.Deleted = 0)And(c.deleted = 0)
And(a.cardnumber Between 1500 And 1600)
And(b.note4 <> 'Mantenimiento')
And(c.RecvTime >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2006-10-01 00:00:00', 102))And(c.RecvTime <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2006-10-12 23:59:59', 102))
Group By a.CardNumber, a.CardHolderID, a.Deleted,
b.RecordID, b.Deleted, b.FirstName, b.LastName, b.Note4,
c.Deleted, c.RecvTime, c.GenTime, c.Param1, c.Param2, c.Param3, c.Link1, c.Link2, c.Link3, c.Link4,c.recordid,c.seqid
Order By a.CardNumber,c.recvtime


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Why This SP Is Not Working??????????

Mar 2, 2006

hi..why this SP is not working that giving me error like

Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_E, Line 12
There is already an object named '#emp' in the database.

my one of the developer used this every where... what should i do if i dont wanna to change any of the code...i wanna some how work this SP...

create proc test_E

select * into #emp
from (select * from emp) p

select * from #emp

drop table #emp

select * into #emp
from (select * from dept) p

select * from #emp

drop table #emp



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Not Working ......

Apr 11, 2006

select replace(local_notes,char(13),' ') from locals

Not Working ......

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If...else Not Working

Sep 20, 2006

declare @table table(ad_num varchar(20), ad_str1 varchar(20))

insert @table
select '20', '20 apple avenue' union all
select '20', 'apple avenue'

select * from @table

if (select * from @table where substring(ad_str1, 1, 1) like '[0-9]'))

print 'address starts with a number'
print 'address starts with a letter'

i want to write a code that prints a msg if the string starts with a number else print another msg.

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How Do I Know What I'm Working IN

Sep 26, 2007

In SQL2000 Enterprise manager, there is always an indication of WHICH server & database an object is opened from when it has focus.

So when I'm working on the same table in test and production servers I can tell at a glance what it belongs to.

I cannot seem to duplicate this in any way in SQL Manager 2005 Express which could lead to all sorts of trouble and really slows me down.

Have I missed something really simple in setup or use of the product?


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How It Is Working

Nov 20, 2007

Dear All,
please explain me what is going inside with this query....

selectchar(94 * RAND() + 33)

i saw this in FAQ, combining several same queries to generate random passwords.

i didn't get what is char(94* rand()+33)

thank you very much for your valuble time

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Between Not Working

Feb 28, 2008

can i anybody help the below query for the o/p

function:date_format(getdate(),'mmm-yy') which will return FEB-08

when iam querying the below statement data is not getting fetching .can anybody correcy it??

select * from
where dbo.Date_Format(fb_voucher_date,'MMM-YY') between NOV-07' and 'DEC-07'

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AVG Not Working

Mar 28, 2008

I would like to get the average of a field but I am not sure if I am doing it correctly.

SELECT dbo.VIEW2.Den AS Den2, CASE WHEN VIEW1.Den = VIEW2.Den THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Den3, dbo.VIEW2.ID, AVG(dbo.VIEW2.Den) AS Den4
WHERE (dbo.VIEW2.ID = '1')

Here is the error I am getting: Column dbo.View2.Den is invalid in the SELECT list because it is not an aggregate function and there is no Group BY CLause.

Thanks for the help

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How To Tell If AWE Is Actually Working?

Jul 23, 2005

How can I verify that AWE is actually working? The server is SQL 2000EE on W2KAS with the /pae switch.I've allocated 5000Mb (5Gb) for SQL but Performance monitor says theworking set for the sqlservr process is only 91Mb (it started out ataround 87Mb a couple of days ago and seems to be creeping up)."committed bytes" for the server is about 5.6 Gb out of ~6Gb so there'sa whole pile of memory going somewhere.The error log says "Address Windowing Extensions enabled" (sp_configindicates a "1" for this as well). The "max server memory" item says5000 Mb for its "running" value so within the SQL Server things appearto be correct.The server does seem to be performing better but it's hard to decide ifthat's because of AWE or just the fact that it was rebooted (it hadn'tbeen in a while).- Martin

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Working Wth XML

Jul 20, 2005

I've built an application that relies pretty heavily on XML to enableflexible creation of data entry forms and storage of the data enteredinto those forms. Currently, it stores data as an XML document in anntext field. This is great because it allows me a great deal offlexibility in creating fields. However, I need to implement searchingand sorting of that data and I don't know how to do this in an efficientmanner.Currently the data is stored in a format similar to this:<form><fieldname>fieldvalue</fieldname><listfieldname><items><item><label>displaytext</label><value>itemvalue</label></item></items></listfieldname></form>Is there any way to perform searches on data like this, i.e. to searchthe "fieldvalue" in <fieldname> or "itemvalue" in <value>?If there isn't a way to do this, I'm willing to re-structure thedatabast architecture, though the solution would still need to allow thesame kind of flexibility that the XML solution does.Any ideas?Thanks,Kelly

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AWE Working?

Apr 9, 2007

Hi all,

This is a question related to AWE settings. I am on windows 2003 ent version with SQL Server 2005 std version. I have configured SQL Server to use AWE and min memery as 22G and max as 26G (I have 32G in total as physical memory). I do see the message in log as "Windows Address ... Enabled", but when I am using performance monitor to view total memory in kb for SQL Server, it never starts at 22G (usually at 1G). And I doubt why? The account I am running SQL Server is an admin account, so it can definitely locked down the pages in memory. Also, I do think AWE is working somehow, after several hours in running, the total memory will up to 8, 9 or 11G. So, apparently, it is over 2G per process limitation. I still want to know.

1. Is my AWE setting working?

2. If not, how to fix that?

3. How to confirm how many memory is actaully using by SQL Server?



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Look Up Not Working

Apr 24, 2008

I have a source table in which one of column is numeric data type. I have to do a lookup for this column to a table column which is float data type. So I change this float data type to numeric by convert function. You when I execute the package, if I use data viewer I always see that look up column value is always null. Can any one give me some suggestion please?


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EXCEPT Not Working

Aug 7, 2006

TIA. Here is my situation: I have two tables that I need to find the perform an EXCEPT op on.

Table1: ToBeAddedCodes
CodeID - varchar(14)

Table2: ExistingCodes
ExistingCodeID - varchar(14)
DateIssued - datetime
Active - bit

I perform the following command, to no avail:

select CodeID
from ToBeAddedCodes
select ExistingCodeID
from ExistingCodes

Specifically, the following error appears:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 40
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'intersect'.

I don't understand what the issue is... Please help. Thanks.

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Query Not Working Right!

Jul 15, 2006

Hello All, I am probably doing something small with my query that is causing me pain, but somehow the query is acting funky. What I am trying to do is do a search statement to find documents from a table. But the catch is it is taking three parameters. The searchString, Type and the Location (where the user who is searching belongs to). When I run my query I get all documents where the location and type is correct. But the searchstring does not even work.For example: Lets say I have 3 documents for a LocationID of '2' and the Type for all documents is '0'. Now imagine that the name of the documents as follow: Doc1 = a , Doc2 = b, Doc3 = c. So now a user wants to search for all docs that starts with 'a'. Remember, Loc ID = '2' and Type = '0'. The result of the query should be Doc1 and only Doc1. But somehow I am getting all three Docs b/c they belong and are the type of the give parameters. Any help would be greatfull. Query:
SELECT Client.FirstName, Client.LastName, Client.MiddleName, Client.LocID, ClientDocuments.DocID, ClientDocuments.DirName, ClientDocuments.LeafName, ClientDocuments.Type, ClientDocuments.CreatedByUser, ClientDocuments.CreatedDate FROM Client INNER JOIN ClientDocuments ON Client.ClientID = ClientDocuments.ClientID WHERE ClientDocuments.Type = '0' AND Client.LocID = '3' AND ([ClientDocuments.LeafName] LIKE '%' + @SR + '%' OR [Client.SSN] LIKE '%' + @SR + '%' OR [Client.LastName] LIKE '%' + @SR + '%' OR [Client.FirstName] LIKE '%' + @SR + '%' OR [Client.MiddleName] LIKE '%' + @SR + '%' )

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