After the amount i need some space can i know how to do this:
Sample data which i tried for string is:
declare @str varchar(10)
set @str='testing'
select space(10) +@str as 'Display'
--How this can be done for int data type and the space should come at right-hand side
declare @i int
set @i=1000
select @i+space(10) as 'disp'
Just a quick one - I swear I've seen a function before that was like Len() but it counted the white spaces too. I have a feeling it was something along the lines of "data_length" but I can't for the life of me find it!
Hi, I am trying to do this: UPDATE Users SET uniqueurl = replaceAllEmptySpacesInUniqueURL('uniqueurl') What would be the syntax. Any help appreciated. Thanks
I am generating a Report from Sql Data Source in Sql Server 2005 and viewing the Report in Report viewer control of Visual Studio 2005. The data in the Data Source contains string with multiple spaces (for example €œ Test String €œ) but when they get rendered in Report viewer control, multiple spaces gets converted to single space €? Test String €œ.
I tried following solutions 1) Replacing spaces with €œ €? 2) Inserting <pre> tag before the string and </pre> tag after the string (Also tried <Pre> instead of <pre>)
But in all the cases result is same. The Report Viewer control is showing €œ €? instead of space and €œ<Pre>€? tag instead of preserving spaces.
Please provide me a solution so that spaces can be preserved in Report Viewer.
I am using the below script to get space alerts  and now i am interested in sending alerts  if for any drive space available is Less than 10% or 15%.. how to convert beelow code to find in %Â
Hi.. I was doing a good maintenance on my DB and my trans log LDF keep growing until 30GB but my DB data file MDF is only 2GB. I found the two following method to reduce my log size.
Method 1: I used veritas to backup log file with truncate Method 2: I used the shrink database option in Enterprises manager to shrink it (file chosen=log , use default option)
After doing that, I found my LDF log file is still about the same size=27GB but when I see clearly, from the shrink database windows, the log spaced used reduced to only 100MB, the allocation log space is still 27GB. Why? How to make the LDF smaller to be the around the same size as the space used 100MB?
This is driving me bananas. Can't find any info on this anywhere....SQL 2000 seems to replace double space with a single space when I seta varchar field to " " (2spaces), it only stores " " (1space). Whyon earth would microsoft do this? If I save 2 spaces - I WANT TO SEE2 SPACES!!!!Can anyone help? Is this a database setting? Is this due to usingvarchar?Any help appreciated.Colin Hale
I made some copy of table and I have this error but on my hard disk i have 4 gig of empty space.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not allocate space for object 'Backup_Date_11_24_00_Time_9_08_34_AM' in database 'LogActiviteIntramedia' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.
/Intranet_API/Forms/videTableLog.asp, line 16
My question is how can I increase the space of primary filegroup?
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
I need to be able to pass the output of a function to another function as input, where all functions involved are user-defined in-line table-valued functions. I already posted this on Stack Exchange, so here is a link to the relevant code: [URL] ...
I am fairly certain OUTER APPLY is the core answer here; there's *clearly* some way in which does *not* do what I need, or I would not get the null output you see in the link, but it seems clear that there should be a way to fool it into working.
Can anybody know ,how can we add builtin functions(ROW_NUMBER()) of Sql Server 2005 into database library. I get this error when i used into storeprocedure : ROW_NUMBER() function is not recognized in store procedure. i used MS SQL SERVER 2005 , so i think "ROW_FUNCTION()" is not in MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library. I need to add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library. Can anbody know how we can add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library?
I want to write function to call another function which name isparameter to first function. Other parameters should be passed tocalled function.If I call it function('f1',10) it should call f1(10). If I call itfunction('f2',5) it should call f2(5).So far i tried something likeCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func] (@f varchar(50),@m money)RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINreturn(select 'dbo.'+@f+'('+convert(varchar(50),@m)+')')ENDWhen I call it select dbo.formuła('f_test',1000) it returns'select f_test(1000)', but not value of f_test(1000).What's wrong?Mariusz
Ok, I'm pretty knowledgable about T-SQL, but I've hit something that seems should work, but just doesn't... I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to use the primary key fields of a table that is being passed to me so that I can generate what will most likely be a dynamically generated SQL statement and then execute it. So the first thing I do, is I need to grab the primary key fields of the table. I'd rather not go down to the base system tables since we may (hopefully) upgrade this one SQL 2000 machine to 2005 fairly soon, so I poke around, and find sp_pkeys in the master table. Great. I pass in the table name, and sure enough, it comes back with a record set, 1 row per column. That's exactly what I need. Umm... This is the part where I'm at a loss. The stored procedure outputs the resultset as a resultset (Not as an output param). Now I want to use that list in my stored procedure, thinking that if the base tables change, Microsoft will change the stored procedure accordingly, so even after a version upgrade my stuff SHOULD still work. But... How do I use the resultset from the stored procedure? You can't reference it like a table-valued function, nor can you 'capture' the resultset for use using the syntax like: DECLARE @table table@table=EXEC sp_pkeys MyTable That of course just returns you the RETURN_VALUE instead of the resultset it output. Ugh. Ok, so I finally decide to just bite the bullet, and I grab the code from sp_pkeys and make my own little function called fn_pkeys. Since I might also want to be able to 'force' the primary keys (Maybe the table doesn't really have one, but logically it does), I decide it'll pass back a comma-delimited varchar of columns that make up the primary key. Ok, I test it and it works great. Now, I'm happily going along and building my routine, and realize, hey, I don't really want that in a comma-delimited varchar, I want to use it in one of my queries, and I have this nice little table-valued function I call split, that takes a comma-delimited varchar, and returns a table... So I preceed to try it out... SELECT *FROM Split(fn_pkeys('MyTable'),DEFAULT) Syntax Error. Ugh. Eventually, I even try: SELECT *FROM Split(substring('abc,def',2,6),DEFAULT) Syntax Error. Hmm...What am I doing wrong here, or can't you use a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function? SELECT *FROM Split('bc,def',DEFAULT) works just fine. So my questions are: Is there any way to programmatically capture a resultset that is being output from a stored procedure for use in the stored procedure that called it? Is there any way to pass a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function? Oh, this works as well as a work around, but I'm more interested in if there is a way without having to workaround: DECLARE @tmp varchar(8000) SET @tmp=(SELECT dbo.fn_pkeys('MyTable')) SELECT * FROM Split(@tmp,DEFAULT)
I need to create a proc. which would send a warning via xp_sendmail when the database space gets within 10% of allocated space. I have written one which uses sp_spaceused however this proc requires DBCC udateusage to be run in order to get accurate results. This would work but i don't know how quickly the data returned by sp_spaceused becomes corrupt therefore how often DBCC should be run. I ran DBCC on our main production server and it took a considerable amount of time. Basically I am looking for another way to do this without using sp_spaceused. Any ideas
Does anyone have any knowledge on how to find out the log space left in a database? I've tried to use the DBCC sqlperf (logspace) and it gave me the numbers but I only need one of the numbers. How can I retrieve it? Someone please let me know if you have any info. Thanks a million.
The command sp_spaceused @updateusage = true returns following result. How do I have to calculate the single values that it gives me an equation: database size = data size plus reserved space minus etc. Somehow it is not clear to me how it is split up.
Thank you
database_namedatabase_sizeunallocated space ------------------- ----------------------------------- opms 3498.88 MB807.41 MB
I have a 12 GB database growing at 25 MB daily. The server will soon run out of space, 3 GB left. I cannot buy a new server or new RAID subsystems at once, and want to prevent the server being filled up fast.
What are the best ways? Can you share with me some of your thougts or comment on the following: 1) Archive old data in many tables across servers - Can SQL Server do it directly across server or we need to select into temp database and back it up to tape or using bcp out and in? 2) Put the >9Gb disk dump to another server. The daily disk dump takes up a lot of space. 3) Dump to the tape directly, saving 9 GB disk space of dump device. 4) ? ?
Which table in the master database has the information about free space available for a particular database? I am trying to find the information that is displayed under the general tab in EM when you look at the database properties.
I have a database with almost 3 tables each contains atleast 1 million Rows, and My hard disk space is 14G.
I want to insert another table some queries i have selected from different tables.
I got this Error:
(254118 row(s) affected)
(935885 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Procedure sp_ProcessRowData, Line 68 Could not allocate space for object 'Processed_Data' in database 'Mydb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.
Hope this question is not too dumb for this forum.. but here goes.
I have a DB on SQL Server 2K which is the backend for our Great Plains System.
When I look at the properties of the Database from Enterprise Manager, It shows Size: 1370.57mb and space available: 0.00 The ZERO space available is what I'm concerned about. The DB is in FULL recovery mode with a nighly Full backup and transaction log backups throught the day. The DB is set to autogrow and the file growth is set at 20 percent.
My question is.. should I be worried about the ZERO space available and if so, how do I correct this??
Hi, Needs helps. I have a name filed in my table in sql. My name field combines first name middle name(initial) and last name. I need to combine the name into one string. Example if the name is John K Smith - I need to be JohnKSmith. I try to use replace function which I thought could be best, but is not working- may be I'm missing something. Please, I need your help!