Space Requirements For Mirrored Server In A Terabyte Environment

Dec 13, 2006


We are migrating all dbs to SQL2005 one by one and now planning for a database mirroring. I would like to know the following:

1. My database(one main production) size on the primary is around 1TB. So having said that we are goin to have a db mirroring, do i need to have the same hardware requirements on the mirror also?? do i need 1TB space on the mirror server also? is there anyway it can use the same hardware that primary is using?

2. For the high availability configuration in mirroring, we are prefering to have a witness server too. Does the mirror server need to have same h/w configuration as the primary(64 bit, AWE, etc). Can the witness be a 32bit, 4 Gigs RAM?

Could anyone please answer the above and that will be very helpful. This is a bit urgent.



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Upgrade Tp 7.0 Disk Space Requirements

Mar 30, 1999

I am trying to upgrade our 6.5 server (which approx takes up 18GIG of data/log) to failed since I only have 7GIG space left.

Do I realy need to come up with an additional 18GIG to accomodate the upgrade?
Thanks. Bob

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How To Connect To A Mirrored SQL Server?

Jan 30, 2006

SQL Configuration:  Two 2003 Servers (OS Std ver) with SQL 2005 (Std ver) configured for db mirroring.  (The servers aren't clustered.)
Web.config configuration string is using "ServerA".
If we fail Server A, then Server B will change roles to "primary" in about 20 seconds (we have confirmed this via SQL Mgt Console).  BUT...our web app is still pointing to Server A and doesn't seem to know there is a fail over.  SO - how can I make the web app aware of the failure?
Server A and Server B aren't in a cluster - and I understand a cluster's virtual server would be referenced in the connection string.  Is there a way to make the web app automatically switch to Server B (without a cluster configuration)?
From what I understand, the cluster configuration would require Ent Ed. of OS and SQL and a big fat check!! 

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ADODB And Mirrored SQL-Server

Aug 24, 2006

I did setup a Mirrored Database. Connecting from it using ADO.NET works well. It goes to the Mirror if the Principal fails.

But ADODB does not work. I get the error following error:
80004005 Invalid connection string attribute

When trying to connect to the DB in case the principal failed and the mirror is active. (MyProductiveDB is in failover state)

What do I do wrong?

Here is the code:

ADOConn = New ADODB.Connection

CS is my Connections-String:
"Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=MyProductiveDB;Failover Partner=MyMirror;Initial Catalog=MyCat;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUser;Password=xxxxxx;Pooling=True;Connect Timeout=5;Application Name=MyApplic"

Remark: When I try to add "Network Library=dbmssocn" to the connection String, I get the same error, even if the Principal is active.

Your help is very much appreciated.

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Mirrored Linked Server Failover.

Sep 18, 2006

We have a mirror setup, with a third server that needs to be linked to this mirrored setup. The link server setup only allows you to specify the primary server. How will the linked server setup know what the secondary server is? Thanks

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The Mirrored Server Is Always In The State Of Restoring Only

Jun 6, 2006

The database in Mirrored server is always in the state of restoring only.

the database in mirrored server is restored with norecovery

then we started mirroring.

the status of mirroring is successfull and is synchronized.

but the Mirrored server is always in the state of restoting

not allowing use to open the database.

could any one know why this problem is comming and give some solution for this problem so that the mirrored database can be accessible opened and queryed to really verfiy that the changes made in principal database is mirrored to Mirrored database.

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Mirrored Linked Server Failover.

Sep 18, 2006

We have a mirrored db setup, with a third server that needs to be linked to this mirrored setup as a linked server. The link server setup only allows you to specify the primary server. How will the linked server setup know what the secondary server is? Thanks

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Add Datafile To Mirrored Database In Primary Server

Aug 5, 2015

I need some clarification about adding file in to mirrored dataabse in primary server without downtime and breaking the mirror server.

In our environment we are using monutdisks in both the servers. in primary for ex we have F drive for data files under mount disk 3 in mirror server also we have same drive but in mount drive2.

As per my knowledge if it is same drives we can add the ndf files in the primary that will reflect on mirror. but in current situation i am confusing about mount points with different names.

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How To Deploy Updated Database From Development Environment To Live Environment?

Nov 16, 2005

I have finished a change request from our client. I need to update clients' database with the one in developments.Here is the changes i made to database:Added/Changed some tablesAdded/Changed some stored proceduresAdded data to some dictionary tableThe data in clients' current database MUST be kept. So how can I merge the changed information to clients' database?

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64bit Mirrored SQL Server Std With 32bit Witness?

Mar 30, 2007

I have two 64bit SQL Server Std servers that will be principal and mirror. I also need to stand up a witness. I already understand that the witness can be any version of SQL Server, but can the witness server be 32bit given the principal and mirror are 64bit?

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SQL Server Requirements - Can I Get Away With Using SQL2000?

Feb 13, 2007

I recently was moved into an applications developers position here at the lawfirm I work at.
Thusfar, its been alot of straight ASP, SQL2000, and Access.
I know the need for me to know .Net is coming, and Ive decided to start playing with so I can look a bit proactive..
Ive looked over what I need to get started, in liu of Visual Studio I know of the VS Express options. However, I currently have SQL Server 2000 installed locally on my machine along with IIS 5.1.   All the VS Express information Ive found keeps referencing SQL2005 express.  Can I get away with using what I already have with 2000? Or if not, can SQL2005 express be run alongside with SQL2000?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL-Server Hardware Requirements

Nov 21, 2000


Does anyone know where can i find an information about hardware requirements for SQL-Server 2000. I mean information of different kind of cases (amount of users and transactions etc).


Juise K.

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SQL Server Login Requirements

Dec 26, 2006

We need to create a SQL server login that should not be having permissions to do any changes (CREATE/ALTER/DROP) on database objects like (Tables, views).But should be able to (CREATE/ALTER/DROP) stored procedures. Also using this login they should not be able to (CREATE/ALTER/DROP) databases.

Please let me if this is feasible in SQL Server 2005.

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Accesssing Mirrored Databases Via SQLNCLI Linked Server?

Aug 3, 2006

Does anyone know how to configure a mirrored pair as a linked server on a 3rd instance?

Say I have a mirrored database on two servers: PRIMARY and SECONDARY.

I want to create a linked server on a 3rd machine that allows me to access the database on the mirrored pair.

This is what I'm using:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = N'MIRROR',

select count (*) from mirror.pubs.dbo.authors

and it works fine if the database on PRIMARY is alive. however when the mirror has failed over to SECONDARY and PRIMARY is no longer available, I get the following when I try to query the database via the linked server:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MIRROR" returned message "Login timeout expired".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MIRROR" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When
connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.".
Msg 10061, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't try to contact SECONDARY at all. It seems like SQL Server is ignoring the FailoverPartner attribute.

If I switch PRIMARY and SECONDARY in the connection string (ie @provstr=N'Server=SECONDARY;FailoverPartner=PRIMARY;') then it works when SECONDARY is online, but not when the mirror has failed back to PRIMARY.

Any ideas?


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Accesssing Mirrored Databases Via SQLNCLI Linked Server?

Aug 3, 2006

Does anyone know how to configure a mirrored pair as a linked server on a 3rd instance?

Say I have a mirrored database on two servers: PRIMARY and SECONDARY.

I want to create a linked server on a 3rd machine that allows me to access the database on the mirrored pair.

This is what I'm using:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = N'MIRROR',

select count (*) from mirror.pubs.dbo.authors

and it works fine if the database on PRIMARY is alive. however when the mirror has failed over to SECONDARY and PRIMARY is no longer available, I get the following when I try to query the database via the linked server:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MIRROR" returned message "Login timeout expired".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MIRROR" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When
connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.".
Msg 10061, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't try to contact SECONDARY at all. If I switch PRIMARY and SECONDARY in the connection string (ie @provstr=N'Server=SECONDARY;FailoverPartner=PRIMARY;') then it works when SECONDARY is online, but not when the mirror has failed back to PRIMARY.

Any ideas?


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Sql Server Password Policy Requirements

May 30, 2007


I am installing SQL Server 2005 Express as part of my setup. On Windows 2003 Servers with password policy enabled, the SQL Server 2005 Express installation fails. Here is the error I am getting - "the sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.". If I disable the password policy, the SQL Server 2005 Express installation is OK.

Is there a parameter that I can pass to the command line to get around this?


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Server Side Requirements For SSIS

Jul 20, 2006

Is it necessary to have SSIS installed on the Server (SQL Server) in order to run SSIS programs? Or is SSIS just a client-side, developer tool that can create and test programs against various remote data sources (SQL, Oracle, flat files, etc.)?

What must be installed on the server in order to run SSIS programs?

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SQL 2012 :: Restoring Mirrored Database To Different Server Occasionally Fail?

Oct 19, 2015

Every once in a while a scheduled restore of a production database backup to a development server will fail with the following error.

RESTORE cannot operate on database 'XXX' because it is configured for database mirroring or has joined an availability group

While it is true the production database is involved in database mirroring, the development server does not have database mirroring enabled. This error tells me something within the backup is telling the development server the database is configured for database mirroring.

However the perplexing part for me is that we only receive this error maybe 5% of the time, if that, and only on a couple of our databases. We have numerous other restores of mirrored production databases to development servers that have never produced this error. So my question is what is causing this error to occur, and why is it not happening all of the time? We get around this error by deleting the DEV database and re-running the restore job.

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SQL Server Sizing - Hardware Requirements For SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2006

Hi allI am having a SQL Server database of arround 110GB and 250 Users. Whatis best suited hardware requirements for handling of such a database. Iam having following requirements from the server:1. Feeding purpose : On which continously feeding is done by average200 users.2. Reporting purpose : on which average hundred of repords are runningat a time.Right now i am having two servers for both of the above said purposeswith the following configuration.Feeding ServerHPSERVER 370G43.2 Xeon Single processor3GB RAM1 SCSI 73GB 15000 RPM(OS & Transaction Log), 4 SCSI * 73GB with RAID 0(Data Files) and 2 IDE * 300GB (Backups)Reporting ServerBoard SE7520BD2V2 x XEON 3.2 GHz CPU 800 FSB with 2MB Cache4GB RAM3 SCSI * 73GB with RAID 0 (Data Files and Transaction Log), 2 SATA *300GB (Backups) , 1 80GB IDE(OS)I want to fullfill both of my requirements from a single . I want toknow what upgrades or changes I need to do in the configurationaccording to the load and performence on existing servers. Here is thetable of performence counters along with their values to show the loadand performence for both of the servers.ReportServer ValueFeedingServer ValueCounter Instance Avg. Min. Max. Avg.Min. Max.Pages/sec 0.081 0 8.001 0.020 1.993Avg. Disc Queue length _Total 18.658 13.592 51.89634.421 0 175.783% Processor Time _Total 36.841 5.469 64.45379.837 54.688 100Buffer Cache hit ratio 97.702 93.595 99.46397.41 77.261 99.989Checkpoint pages/sec 0 0 00 0 0Lazy writes/sec 1.243 0 30.003 14.2630 97.194Page life expectancy 17 4 8110 6 14Avg. DiskBytes/transfer _Total 37934.133 7903.004128427.747 53806.538 8025.801 141750.562Avg. DiskBytes/Read _Total 16737.419 8192 42895.86254228.822 8170.499 143489.965Avg. Disk Bytes/Write _Total 12298.494 0 6553611708.014 0 92842.667% Disk Time _Total 77.555 49.976 261.966 760.35612.534 4890.383Users Connections 17 17 18195 185 212Batch Requests/sec 0.859 0 2373.215 0 205.009Transactions/sec _Total 1.768 0 18.00159.314 3 241.814Page splits/sec 0 0 0 1.030 5.007Please suggest what should be the configuration for my new server.Should I consider buying an Dual Itanium Processor based system with 16Gigs of Ram and 8 Hard Disks in Raid 0. Or Should I consider buying aQuad Xeon Dual Core Processor based system. Or may be my existing HPserver can be upgraded to dual processor and 8 Gigs of Ram and 2-3 morehard disks? Pls recommend what should be the factors that sould beconsidered, guiding priciples and my approact to reach a decision.With Best RegardsParveen Beniwal

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SQL Server 2008 :: Test If Each Subset Meets Requirements

Feb 25, 2015

CREATE TABLE #tblTemplateBlocks
TemplateID int,
BlockID int,
OrderID int

[Code] ....

I have a table called TemplateBlocks which contains which Blocks are on a Template. In this example - just one template - with three Blocks.

Table tblFields contains a list of Fields that are on each TemplateID/BlockID. In this example there are 3 fields on each TemplateID/BlockID pair.

Before I can use a template, I have to check that, in tblFields, for each Template/BlockID pairing - one of the fields must be set as the Stage Base (I cannot have 2 fields as StageBase or no fields as StageBase). In the example data above, the data would be okay as each Template/BlockID pairing has one row where StageBase is true.

Having checked that each Template/BlockID pairing has a StageBase, I need to check that each row where StageBase is true has a value for the WeekStart column and that, taking into account the order of the Blocks in tblTemplateBlocks, the values in WeekStart for each TemplateID/BlockID pairing are getting progressively bigger.

So, for example, the example data above would fail because the third TemplateID/BlockID pairing has no value for the WeekStart column in the row where StageBase is true.

If I added a value of 2 for WeekStart in the row for the third TemplateID/Block that has a StageBase of true - again the data would fail because, taking into account the order of the Blocks - the values for WeekStart would be 0,3,2 and these numbers need to increase.

0,3,4 would be fine.
0,3,10 would be fine.
0,3,3 would fail.

I can do this easily using a cursor or two - but how to do this without cursors.

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Estimating Hardware Requirements For A SQL Server 2005 Installation

Jun 21, 2007

Is there any good online documentation describing rules of thumb for estimating and planning a SQL Server 2005 deployment in support of a Windows rich client/WCF services architecture?



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SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Failure - Password Requirements

Oct 20, 2006

I am trying to do an upgrade in place from SQL Server 2000 SP3a to SQL Server 2005. I am encountering the following error. SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem:[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server] Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short...To continue, correct the problem and then SQL Server setup again. I read the other posting and it mentioned that the sa account needs to be changed. I have changed the sa account to meet the passowrd requirements for our system and have changed the following services I could find over to my domain account which I know meets the password restrictions. If I do a new install, everything seems to load correctly. What options do I have to do this upgrade in place?

Thanks for your help,


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Cannot Install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition - Minimum Requirements

Jul 13, 2006

I do get the warning about Minimum Hardware Requirement, but can
find nothing in the detail requirements to exclude my PCs configuration.

I have installed:

IE 6.0 sp1

IIS as a part of Win 2000 Professional Edition SP4

I have also used ..aspnet_regiis -r to register ASP.NET 2.0

.NET Framework 2.0

SQL Server Native Client

SQL Server Setup support files

PC includes:

Pentium III 800 MHz

512 MB memory

HardDrive C: 5.92 GB (1.37 GB free)

HardDrive D: 13.1 GB (9.11 GB free)

I have tried several times to install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition
(most recently from MSDN Disk 3097.1) I have tried to
complete an uninstall before each attempt.

I am, successfully, running Visual Studio 2005.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Programming SSIS - Minimum Runtime Requirements On The Application Server

Dec 21, 2007


I have a VB.NET program which creates a Job (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.Job) and schedules it, to load and run a existing SSIS package, which is on a different server.

I'm using the following assemblies for this purpose.


To make this application run in my application server, do i have to install any SQL server components or SSIS rumtime components? Or Is it enough if i copy only the above mentioned dlls to my applications bin directory, in my application?

Note: I have the enterprise edition of SQL Server 2005 installed on my database server.

Thanks in advance.


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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT Qualified Employees Based On Program Requirements

Jul 31, 2015

Basically I'm trying to produce a report that shows qualified employees for each program. Each employee can possess many qualifications. There will be no programID parameter submitted by the user. I just want to produce the report which shows the programs and the qualified employees for each. I thought I had a query that was working but once I added a different ProgramID into the ProgramModules table things went south.

Here are my tables:

tblEmployees (table of employees)
- EmployeeID
- EmployeeName

tblQualifications (table of qualifications)
- Qualification_ID
- QualificationTitle

tblEmployeeQualification (table of all employees qualifications)
-EmployeeID (fk for tblEmployees)
-QualificationID (fk for tblQualifications)

tblPrograms (table of programs)

tblProgramModules (table of qualifications required by each program)
-ProgramID (fk for tblPrograms)
-QualificationID (fk for tblQualifications)

Here is the query I was working with that works when there are only records in the ProgramModules table that use the same ProgramID



[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2005 Incorrectly Claims I Don't Meet Minimum Service Pack Level Requirements?

Feb 10, 2006

This doesn't make any sense. I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 on SBS 2003 with Service Pack 1. According to Windows Update, there is nothing left for me to install. However, I am getting this error (while installing SQL Server Express and the Developer Edition):

"Your operating system does not meet Service Pack level requirements for this SQL Server release. Install the Service Pack from the Microsoft Download Center at, and then run SQL Server setup again."

When I go to the link, there is nothing there to download (it takes me to the main Microsoft download page). I meet all the requirements that I have found. What gives?



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Not All Database Failover To Mirrored Database Server When MSSQL Service Stopped

Sep 4, 2007

We have a Prinicipal, a Mirror and a Witness server. We have automatic failover configured between the Prinicipal and Mirrored server. When we stop MMSQL service on Prinicipal, not all the databases failover to the Mirrored instance.
Any suggestions would be welcomed as we have a tight deadline to get this in Production.

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Assistance In Connecting A SQL Server Client To SQL Server Sitting In A Shared Environment

Dec 5, 2006


I need to connect to a SQL server thats running in say and also sits in a shared environment..

I have couple of questions

1) That SQL server is accessible from my network, yet when I swtich on my enterprise manager I am unable to view that in the list of running SQL servers in the populated list.

Is it because its sitting in a shared environment I am unable to view that?

2) What is the connection striing I should use to connect to the server..When I try to configure a SQL server registrations it normally asks for SQL Server name along with the user authentication

Should I mention fill the Server: field as



to connect to the clustered server.

Can some one tell me the proper connection string if both aforementioned ones are incorrect?

Thanks in Advance





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SQL Server Express In A Lab Environment

Aug 18, 2005

I'd like to allow students in a lab to use the Express Manager and T-SQL to create their own databases. I think I've figured out just about everything - but the last step. Here's my thinking on how to do this:

1. Students are power users, not local admin
2. Created a login for the builtinpower users group as follows:
create login [BUILTINPower Users] from windows with default_database=[master]
exec master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'BUILTINPower Users', @rolename = N'dbcreator'
3. Now students can start the Express Manager and connect to:
localhostsqlexpress using Windows Authentication
4. After they do, they can open and run a script creating a database and populating it with tables and records.
5. All good up to here... but when trying to access the new database using VB Express (file based, not a remote connection) access is denied.

The problem is in the NTFS file permissions being assigned to the new database mdf and ldf files. Local administrators and the builtin Network Service accounts have permissions, but the student who created the database gets nothing... So the student is denied access to the mdf and ldf files when trying to make a connection to them using VB Express.

I can go in with a different account having admin privileges are assign privileges to power users for the mdf/ldf files after they're created but this isn't what I need (students need to work whenever they want without waiting for an admin to fix the file permissions).

Maybe I'm going about this all wrong? If I have to I can insist on students always using VS 2005 instead of VB Express and use connections to a remote database (no problems doing this), but I'm still hoping for an express solution.

I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this is a dumb question (but even if it is - can anyone point me in the right direction?)


Mike Morrison

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Multi-server Environment

Oct 1, 2007

We are currently managing about 75 SQL Server instances. Each instance contains jobs (backups, index work, admin, etc) which report back to a central instance for monitoring. This is working well, but each time I need to change one of the jobs, I am having to log into each instance to do so.

I have recently played with Multi-server Environment, using a master and target, to see if this might help. There is relatively little written about Multi-server in books-online, and I am left with a question.

All jobs appear to be exact duplicates. But I don't want exact duplicates. For example, on the various target servers, I would like for the backup jobs to run at different times, and write to different directories. How are the rest of you working around this situation, if you are using Multi-server Environment?

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Migrating To A New Server In A SAN Environment

Jan 18, 2008


We currently have a SQL 2000 server setup with the data and log files (including those for the system) placed on a SAN. Our current server is old and starting to have problems so we are transitioning to a new server. I just wanted to see if anyone has done this before or if my plan makes sense.

1) Hook the new server into the the SAN Arrays holding the data and log files.

2) Take the old Server off-line, and bring the new one up.

3) Point the Master db to the location of its data and log files.

4) Restart the server.

In theroy, since the master "knows" where all of the other databases are located when the it starts the recovery process it should bring up all of the other databases on that server. Does this make sense or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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How To Replace Empty Space Or White Space In A String In A Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2007

 I am trying to do this:
UPDATE Users SET  uniqueurl = replaceAllEmptySpacesInUniqueURL('uniqueurl')
What would be the syntax.
Any help appreciated.

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Mutilple Space Gets Converted To Single Space In Report Viewer Control

Feb 23, 2007

I am generating a Report from Sql Data Source in Sql Server 2005 and viewing the Report in Report viewer control of Visual Studio 2005.
The data in the Data Source contains string with multiple spaces (for example €œ Test String €œ) but when they get rendered in Report viewer control, multiple spaces gets converted to single space €? Test String €œ.

I tried following solutions
1) Replacing spaces with €œ €?
2) Inserting <pre> tag before the string and </pre> tag after the string (Also tried &lt;Pre&gt; instead of <pre>)

But in all the cases result is same. The Report Viewer control is showing €œ&nbsp€? instead of space and €œ<Pre>€? tag instead of preserving spaces.

Please provide me a solution so that spaces can be preserved in Report Viewer.

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