Spooky Semi-dynamic Sql Update Statement

Nov 9, 2006


I rewrote my working Sql statement to prevent Sql Injections. I copied some code I used in another project but this time I can't get it to work, possibly because it's an update statement and not an Insert one, which I used before.

Sorry for the boring question, but does anyone have a clue what's wrong with the syntax?

Here's the original code (I changed the parameter names for clarity and security):

    Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ConnectionString)
    Dim strSQL As String = "Update MyTable Set " & typ & num & " = '" & pname & "' WHERE personID = " & fid
    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, conn)

Here's the code from codebehind:

    Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ConnectionString)
    Dim strSQL As String = "Update MyTable Set (" & typ & num & ") Values (@" & typ & num & ") WHERE personID = " & fid
    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, conn)
    With cmd.Parameters
       .Add(New SqlParameter("@" & typ & num, pname))
    End With
    TestLabel.Text = strSQL & "        " & pname

Here's my test message; first the sql, then the new string to be inserted:

Update MyTable Set (picturename) Values (@pname) WHERE personID = 2       2_adin.jpg  

Here's my error code:

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('.

Source Error:

Line 489:            TestLabel.Text = strSQL & "  " & pname
Line 490:            cmd.Connection.Open()
Line 491:            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 492:            cmd.Connection.Close()
Line 493:        End If

I could understand it if I'd get an error in VWD Express for using dynamic variables, but they work correctly in the text message so I'm clueless. Any help is deeply appreciated!

Pettrer (VB, Sql Server 2000)



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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Dynamic Update Statement Based On Return Values In Select Statement

Jan 9, 2015

Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".

Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.

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Dynamic Select/Update Statement Possible?

Dec 3, 2004

Would it be possible to retrieve a "dynamically" named field from a table by using an input parameter?

For example, if a table has fields named Semester1, Semester2, Semester3, Semester4, and I was lazy and only wanted to create one stored procedure for all semesters could I do the following...

@semester int
Select Semester@semester
From ThisTable

Just curious.

Steve Hanzelman

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Best Way To Create Dynamic Update Statement

Jul 23, 2005

In general, What is the best approach in creating a dynamic updatestored procedure, that can handle recieving varying input paramters andupdate the approporiate columns.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Dynamic Update Statement

Aug 14, 2014

I'm trying to generate an update statement based off select statement results. A very basic example,

SELECT ListID FROM DListing WHERE Status = 2Results return 3 rows.

How can I take those results and turn them into WHERE criteria for UPDATE statement?

Generated UPDATE statement should look like this.

UPDATE DListing SET Status = 1 WHERE ListID IN (1234,2345,3456)

I have started by creating a temp table to hold my SELECT results, but I don't know how to get those results into format for IN condition. Right now I get 3 UPDATE statements with 1 ListID in each IN condition.

CREATE TABLE #TempStatusUpdate(ListID INT)
INSERT INTO #TempStatusUpdate
SELECT ListID FROM DListing WHERE Status = 2
SELECT 'UPDATE DListing SET Status = 1 WHERE ListID IN (' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),ListID) + ') AND Status = 2'
DROP TABLE #TempStatusUpdate

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Dynamic Cursor/ Dynamic SQL Statement

Oct 24, 2004

I've looked up Books Online on Dynamic Cursor/ Dynamic SQL Statement.

Using the examples given in Books Online returns compilation errors. See below.

Does anyone know how to use Dynamic Cursor/ Dynamic SQL Statement?


-- SQL ---------------

char szCommand[] = "SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ?";
char szLastName[] = "White";
char szFirstName[30];

DECLARE author_cursor CURSOR FOR select_statement;

PREPARE select_statement FROM :szCommand;

EXEC SQL OPEN author_cursor USING :szLastName;
EXEC SQL FETCH author_cursor INTO :szFirstName;

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 23
Line 23: Incorrect syntax near ';'.
Server: Msg 1038, Level 15, State 1, Line 24
Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.
Server: Msg 1038, Level 15, State 1, Line 25
Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 27
Line 27: Incorrect syntax near ';'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 30
Line 30: Incorrect syntax near 'select_statement'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 33
Line 33: Incorrect syntax near 'select_statement'.
Server: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 35
Incorrect syntax near 'author_cursor'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 36
Line 36: Incorrect syntax near ':'.

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Multiple Tables Used In Select Statement Makes My Update Statement Not Work?

Aug 29, 2006

I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly.  My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys.  So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys.  I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit.  I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it.  I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates.  When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template.  This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value.  So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors.  I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode.  I make my changes and then select "update."  When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing.  The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work.  When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again.  Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People].  My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list.  If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database.  It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed.  If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can.  This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go.  I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement With CASE Statement?

Aug 13, 2014

i was tasked to created an UPDATE statement for 6 tables , i would like to update 4 columns within the 6 tables , they all contains the same column names. the table gets its information from the source table, however the data that is transferd to the 6 tables are sometimes incorrect , i need to write a UPDATE statement that will automatically correct the data. the Update statement should also contact a where clause

the columns are [No] , [Salesperson Code], [Country Code] and [Country Name]

i was thinking of doing

Update [tablename]
SET [No] =
WHEN [No] ='AF01' THEN 'Country Code' = 'ZA7' AND 'Country Name' = 'South Africa'
ELSE 'Null'

What is the best way to script this

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Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Select Case Statement

May 5, 2015

I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.

Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x

I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.

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UPDATE SQL Statement In Excel VBA Editor To Update Access Database - ADO - SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono

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JDBC 2005 Update Statement - Failing Multi Row Update.

Nov 9, 2007

It appears to update only the first qualifying row. The trace shows a row count of one when there are multiple qualifying rows in the table. This problem does not exist in JDBC 2000.

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Insert Semi-colon

Feb 22, 2007

Hi. I need to insert a semicolon into one of my fields in a sql server 2000 database. I have a height column and i was trying to insert height. i know i can't insert 4'5" b/c of the apostrophe and double quote, so i was trying to insert it like: 4'7"now i'm running into a problem with the semicolons. how can i insert the semicolons? thanks!edit:aparently this is removing the same things: here's what i'm talking about:http://www.thoughtreactor.com/img-0009.png

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Semi-complex Query

Sep 6, 2007

Hi. I'm trying to figure out this query and I'm just having the hardest time with it. I've gotten my entire query figured out except for this last part. Basically, I have an events table (ClientEvents) which has events listed for clients. I'm trying to find out which clients have not completed their service. The begin service event is EventID=27 and the end service event is EventID=28. I'm trying to find the clients who are "missing" (well, not really missing b/c they are technically in the process of their service) EventID=28. This events table keeps a record of service so I can't really use the NOT EXISTS b/c a lot of clients have been serviced before. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

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Deleting Semi Duplicates

Jul 20, 2005

Suppose that I have a table that contains a lot of records that areidentical except for an id field and a date-time-stamp field. ForexampleId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 12 A 1.00 Date 23 A 1.00 Date 34 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 56 B 1.50 Date 67 C 2.75 Date 78 C 2.75 Date 89 C 2.75 Date 910 C 3.00 Date 10I want to cull out records that are duplicates in the units and pricefields. I want to use the max DTS as the criteria for which record ina set of "duplicates" will remain. So, If I get the right query, Ishould return withId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 14 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 57 C 2.75 Date 710 C 3.00 Date 10Is this possible using a single query? If so, how? I am sure that Ican do this using code, but it will involve a bunch of loops andprocess time. I would prefer a cleaner, more elegant way. Thanks forany help.Jerry

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Stored Procedure - Update Statement Does Not Seem To Update Straight Away

Jul 30, 2007


I'm writing a fairly involved stored procedure. In this Stored Procedure, I have an update statement, followed by a select statement. The results of the select statement should be effected by the previous update statement, but its not. When the stored procedure is finish, the update statement seemed to have worked though, so it is working.

I suspect I need something, like a GO statement, but that doesnt seem to work for a stored procedure. Can anyone offer some assistance?

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How To Insert A Semi Colon Into A Table

Mar 15, 2004

How to insert a semi colon into a table is this possible

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What Is Purpose Of Semi Colon After Procedure Name

Jul 23, 2005

I've seen some system sp's that have a semi colon and number after thethe name such ascreate procedure sp_procedure_params_rowset;2what does this do?

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Left Anti Semi Join

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!Whether there is an example where is used "Left Anti Semi Join"?Join Bytes!

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Semi-additive Measure In Report

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, there,

I have a semi-additive measure in the report. This measure is additive across product groups (row) but not across the period (column). The period (column) can be drilled up to 1st Half (from Jan to June) and 2nd Half (from July to Dec).

How do I make the subtotal for 1st Half to retrieve from mth June and 2nd Half to retrieve from mth Dec?

Thank you.

Yong Hwee

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Dynamic SQL Statement

Apr 14, 2008

 I am trying to write a dynamic sql insert statement in c#, but given this is my first run at creating sql statements dynamically I am having issues.  My reason for creating the sql statement dynamically is because I do not want to insert any items that are null.  Will I have to have a separate string for each section of the statement?  For example:sql1 = "Insert Into Table [test]";sql += "(Column1, Column2, Column3," ;sql2 = "Values" ;sql2 += "(field1, field2, field3";  and then a third section if I were to use parameters.  My thinking here is how do you append to a string in numerous locations?  I will populate the sql strings first with those columns and fields that I know will not be null, and then use if statements to add to each sql string if the field in question != null.  in other words, little help.

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Dynamic Sql Statement

Sep 30, 2003

I need to create a where clause dynamically reading the values from a temp table.


select * from #tmp_keyword

k_id keyword
1 like "%DBA%"
2 like "%MSSQL%"
3 like

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Dynamic SQL Statement Help

Apr 25, 2005

Hi, I try to get the dynamic insert statement script.

See the below statement I'm getting syntax error. How can change this right way script?.

select * into pubs.dbo.employee_temp
from pubs.dbo.employee
where emP_id<>emP_id

Declare @cmd varchar(8000)

set @cmd =N'insert into employee_temp(emp_id,fname,minit,lname)'+char(13)+ 'values '+'('+select ''''+emp_id+''''+','+''''+fname+''''+','+''''+mini t+''''+','+''''+lname+''''+')' from pubs.dbo.employee
EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd

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Dynamic Sql Statement

Nov 27, 2007

I would like to know if it is possible to pass a table name to the from section of a sql select statement?
Something like:
Declare @paramTable as nvarchar(10)
Set @paramTable = TableName
Select firstname, surname from @paramTable

Is this possible?

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Semi-Additive Measures Not Supported In MS SQL Standard Edition SKU

Feb 16, 2007

The Semi-Additive Measures feature of MS SQL Server 2005 is not supported in its Standard Edition SKU. How do solve this issue? What editions support the feature?

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How Do You Build A Dynamic WHERE Statement?

Mar 9, 2006

I have 5 drop down lists and 1 text box, and I need to build the WHERE portion of my SELECT statment (stored procedure). the drop down lists are named client, ptype, apptdate, inspdate, state, and the textbox is named text. they all need to be this=something AND that=another AND...AND text LIKE mytext.
How would I go about building this efficiently?
Would I Declare a bit value in the sp called WhereSet = 0
IF @client IS NOT NULL     IF @WhereSet = 0          SET @Where = 'WHERE ClientID=@client'          SET @SetWhere = 1    ELSE          SET @Where = @Where + ' AND CleintID=@client'    .    .    ....
Or would this be a lot easier using adhoc SQL instead of a Stored Procedure?
(note: I am using a SQL DataSource)
Please help, I am going bald from pulling my hair our...

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Need Help With Large Dynamic Sql Statement

Mar 16, 2006

Is there a better way to do this? or is basically how you would write a dynamic SQL Stored Procedure? Also, is this code vulnerable to SQL injection? All of the Parameters are being passed in by a SQL DataSource.
-- =============================================-- Author: <Author,,Name>-- Create date: <Create Date,,>-- Description: <Description,,>-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_getAppraisals]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@PType nvarChar(50),@Client nvarChar(50),@City nvarChar(50),@ApptDate nvarChar(50),@OrderDate nvarChar(50),@Status nvarChar(50),@AType nvarChar(50),@Text nvarChar(50),@OrderBy nvarChar(50),@SortDir nvarChar(4),@PageSize INT,@PageNum INT
@l_Select nvarChar(4000),@l_From nvarChar(4000),@l_SetWhere bit,@l_PType nvarChar(100),@l_Client nvarChar(100),@l_City nvarChar(100),@l_ApptDate nvarChar(100),@l_OrderDate nvarChar(100),@l_Status nvarChar(100),@l_AType nvarChar(100),@l_Text nvarChar(4000),@l_SortDir nvarChar(4),@l_TotalRecords INT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.
IF @OrderBy IS NULL     SET @OrderBy = 'OrderDate'
IF @SortDir IS NULL     SET @SortDir = 'DESC'
IF @SortDir = 'DESC'     SET @l_SortDir = 'ASC'ELSE SET @l_SortDir = 'DESC'
--Initialize SetWhere to test if a parameter has Added the keyword WHERE
SET @l_SetWhere = 0
--Create WHERE portion of the SQL SELECT Statement
IF (@PType IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   SET @l_PType = ' WHERE o.PropertyTypeID=' + @PType   SET @l_SetWhere = 1EndELSE SET @PType = ''
IF (@Client IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   IF @l_SetWhere = 0     BEGIN        SET @l_Client = ' WHERE o.ClientID=' + @Client       SET @l_SetWhere = 1       END      ELSE SET @l_Client = ' AND o.ClientID=' + @Client    ENDELSE SET @l_Client = ''
IF (@City IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   IF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN    SET @l_City = ' WHERE o.City=''' + @City + ''''    SET @l_SetWhere = 1   END   ELSE SET @l_City = ' AND o.City=''' + @City + ''''ENDELSE SET @l_City = ''IF (@ApptDate IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   IF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN     SET @l_ApptDate = ' WHERE o.ApptDate= ''' + @ApptDate + ''''     SET @l_SetWhere = 1   END   ELSE SET @l_ApptDate = ' AND o.ApptDate= ''' + @ApptDate + ''''ENDELSE SET @l_ApptDate = ''
IF (@OrderDate IS NOT NULL)BEGINIF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN     SET @l_OrderDate = ' WHERE o.OrderDate=''' + @OrderDate + ''''     SET @l_SetWhere = 1   END   ELSE SET @l_OrderDate = ' AND o.OrderDate=''' + @OrderDate + ''''ENDELSE SET @l_OrderDate = ''
IF (@Status IS NOT NULL)BEGINIF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN     SET @l_Status = ' WHERE o.StatusID=' + @Status     SET @l_SetWhere = 1   END   ELSE SET @l_Status = ' AND o.StatusID=' + @Status  ENDELSE SET @l_Status = ''
IF (@AType IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   IF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN     SET @l_AType = ' WHERE o.ReportID=' + @AType     SET @l_SetWhere = 1   END  ELSE SET @l_AType = ' AND o.ReportID=' + @ATypeENDELSE SET @l_AType = ''
IF (@Text IS NOT NULL)BEGIN   IF @l_SetWhere = 0   BEGIN   SET @l_Text = ' WHERE (o.FileNumber LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.LoanOfficer LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.Borrower LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.StreetAddrA LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.State LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.ContactName LIKE ''' + @Text + '%'')'   SET @l_SetWhere = 1ENDELSE SET @l_Text = ' AND (o.FileNumber LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.LoanOfficer LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.Borrower LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.StreetAddrA LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.State LIKE ''' + @Text + '%''' +   ' OR o.ContactName LIKE ''' + @Text + '%'')'ENDELSE SET @l_Text = ''
--Build the SQL SELECT Statement
SET @l_Select = 'o.OrderID AS OrderID, o.FileNumber AS FileNumber, o.OrderDate AS OrderDate, o.ClientID AS ClientID, o.ClientFileNumber AS ClientFileNumber, o.PropertyTypeID AS PropertyTypeID, o.EstimatedValue AS EstimatedValue, o.PurchaseValue AS PurchaseValue, o.LoanOfficer AS LoanOfficer, o.ReportFee AS ReportFee, o.FeeBillInd AS FeeBillInd, o.FeeCollectInd AS FeeCollectInd, o.CollectAmt AS CollectAmt, o.Borrower AS Borrower, o.StreetAddrA AS StreetAddrA, o.StreetAddrB AS StreetAddrB, o.City AS City, o.State AS State, o.Zip AS Zip, o.ContactName AS ContactName, o.PhoneA AS PhoneA, o.PhoneB AS PhoneB, o.ApptDate AS ApptDate, o.ApptTime AS ApptTime, o.AppraiserID AS AppraiserID, o.InspectionDate AS InspectionDate, o.DateMailed AS DateMailed, o.TrackingInfo AS TrackingInfo, o.ReviewedBy AS ReviewedBy, o.StatusID AS StatusID, o.Comments AS Comments, o.SpecialNotes AS SpecialNotes, o.EmailInd AS EmailInd, o.MgmtName AS MgmtName, o.MgmtContactName AS MgmtContactName, o.MgmtAddress AS MgmtAddress, o.MgmtPhone AS MgmtPhone, o.MgmtFax AS MgmtFax, o.MgmtFee AS MgmtFee, o.MgmtNotes AS MgmtNotes, o.LoginName AS LoginName, on1.NotesDesc AS PreNotesDesc, on2.NotesDesc AS PostNotesDesc, os.StatusDesc AS StatusDesc, ot.ReportDesc AS ReportDesc, ot.ReportFee AS ReportPrice, ot.ReportSeq AS ReportSeq, pc.PriceDesc AS PriceDesc, pt.PropertyTypeDesc AS PropertyTypeDesc, l.LoginName AS AppraiserName, l2.LoginName As ClientName'
SET @l_From = 'Orders AS o LEFT OUTER JOINOrderNotes AS on1 ON o.PreNotesID = on1.NotesID LEFT OUTER JOINOrderNotes AS on2 ON o.PostNotesID = on2.NotesID LEFT OUTER JOINOrderStatus AS os ON o.StatusID = os.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOINOrderTypes AS ot ON o.ReportID = ot.ReportID LEFT OUTER JOINPriceCodes AS pc ON ot.PriceID = pc.PriceID LEFT OUTER JOINPropertyTypes AS pt ON o.PropertyTypeID = pt.PropertyTypeID LEFT OUTER JOINLogins AS l ON o.AppraiserID = l.LoginID LEFT OUTER JOINLogins AS l2 ON o.ClientID = l.LoginID'
SET @l_TotalRecords = @PageSize * @PageNum
PRINT ' ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ' ' + @l_SortDir + ') ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ' ' + @SortDir
Execute('SELECT TOP(' + @PageSize + ') * FROM (SELECT TOP(' + @l_TotalRecords + ') ' + @l_Select + ' FROM ' + @l_From + @l_PType + @l_Client + @l_City + @l_ApptDate + @l_OrderDate + @l_Status + @l_AType + @l_Text + ' ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ' ' + @l_SortDir + ') AS rsltTbl ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ' ' + @SortDir)
Thank You,

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Cannot Run Dynamic Sql Using &#39;USE DB_Name&#39; Statement

Feb 4, 2002

For whatever reason, the following when executed does not take the context of the supplied Database name. Any ideas as to why? More importantly is there a work around. I am trying to create a database level batch job.

declare @sql nvarchar(100)
set @sql = 'USE Northwind'
print @sql
EXEC sp_executesql @sql



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Dynamic Statement Needed?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a stored procedure that populates a table. I want to query the table using column names as variables, however the data is in decimal format so I am getting errors converting varchar to numeric. My table consists of columns labeled D1, D2, etc. for every possible day of any month, DOW1, DOW2, etc. for every day of the week. I also have values labeled midDpct and midDOWpct. My query is as follows:

select *
from Table
where D10 > midDaypct * 2 and DOW6 > 0
select *
from Table
where DOW6 >midDOWpct * 2 and D10 > 0

We are targeting a specific day of the month and a specific day of week, day 10 and day of week 6 in this example. I want to make these variables so we can easily change out the target day and dow.

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Using A Dynamic Top Statement With A Cursor

Jul 20, 2005

Help please,Have a situation when converting from Oracle SP's to SQL SP's. The oldoracle cursor was roughly as followsCURSOR cur_rsStock ISselect*from(select StockRowId, CategoryIdfromSTOCKDISPOSABLEwhereSTOCKDEFID=numDefIdORDER BYSTOCKROWID)whereROWNUM <= numQuantity;The closest I can get in MS SQL is as follows :declare cur_rsStockCURSOR forselect top @numQuantityStockRowId, CategoryIdfromSTOCKDISPOSABLEwhereSTOCKDEFID=numDefIdORDER BYSTOCKROWIDBut, SQL doesn't allow variables next to top. I know I can assign the wholeselect statement to a string and use exec to exec the string to get arecordset but how can I point a cursor to receive its output?i.e.set @strSQl = select top ' + @numQuantity + ' StockRowId, CategoryId.......exec @strSQLbut how do I dodeclare cur_rsStockset cur_rsStock = ( exec @strSQL)Flapper

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View SQL Statement For Dynamic SQL

Oct 9, 2007

I am using dynamic sql in my report. I cannot see the sql the report is generating in sql profiler. Is there somewhere else I can view it?

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Dynamic Update

Jul 30, 2007

i have a table with the following values

iden nam status
----------- -------- --------------------
1 pp NULL
1 kk NULL
2 rr NULL
2 nn NULL
2 jj NULL
3 hh NULL

now i want to update the status cloumn in this table in such a way that the status colum = 'Status is' + iden + nam for all distinct values of iden from the table

how can we do this without using a cursor?

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Pass Semi Colon Delimited Parameter To Stored Procedure

Sep 16, 2013

I have a table with the following structure:

[tabid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[tabname] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[description] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[url] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[parent] [int] NULL,

[Code] ....

I wrote a stored procedure that takes a string of values, seperated by semicolon as parameter. The procedure is below;

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[selectUserTabsByRoles]
@var varchar(max)
SELECT distinct * from tbl_tabs
where ( PATINDEX('%'+left(@var,1)+'%', roles) > 0
or PATINDEX('%'+right(@var,1)+'%', roles) > 0 ) AND parent is null and tabstatus =1
ORDER BY tabposition

My problem is, when I pass a parameter like 1; it fetches all rows with roles having 1. But I realised that the last row in the sample data does not have 1 as roles, but rather 11.

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Dynamic Statement In Variable - Parseerror

May 8, 2006

I am trying to use this statement in a variable, including another variable:

"SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE CAST([timestamp] AS INT) > " + @[User::LastTimestamp]

But the variable value insists on giving me this error:

The expression for variable "VariableName" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.

I cast the columntype "timestamp" to int, and the variable "LastTimestamp is stored as int32, and has a default value of 0. I simply can't grasp what it is I am missing.

Is it because the expression is part string and part integer? If so, how is that avoided?

Thanks in advance

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