Sql Job Steps Warnings.

Apr 22, 2008

i have setup a sql job with 4 steps
4-email notification.

if 1,2 success go next step
if 1,2,3 fails go step 4
if 3, 4 success quit with success
if 4 fails quit with failure

i created a script and pasted it in production server and i get this msg:

Warning: Non-existent step referenced by @on_fail_step_id.

Warning: Non-existent step referenced by @on_fail_step_id.

Warning: Non-existent step referenced by @on_fail_step_id.

how can i fix it? I think the error is due to step 4 not executing before calling it from stepe 1,2,3

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How Do You Add A Job(multiple Steps) To Be One Of The Steps Of Another Job

Jun 6, 2001

I have two job J1 and J2, each one has 10 steps. Now I want J2 to be the 11th step of J1 and I did not want manually type all the steps of J2 to be 11-20 step of J2. Is there an easy way through TSQL to do this ?
sp_add_jobstep only works when the step is OS command or a script but not a job

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How To Remove Warnings???

May 8, 2008

I have so many warnings in the package which i create and to open a package to takes a very long time..

How do i get rid of the warnings

Warning 2 Validation warning. Tablw1: OLE DB Destination 8 [61186]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "MEMNO" with a length of 255 to database column "MEMNO" with a length of 50. Membership 90-98 Access 2000.dtsx 0 0

In the final oledb dectination of the package i dont connect the error output to error table because they don't have errors

How to proceed with it???

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SQL Browser Warnings In A Cluster

Nov 23, 2007

We have a 6 node cluster with 4 SQL Server named instances in the cluster. I am noticing a lot of warnings in the event log with the following information:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: SQLBrowser
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3
The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance
<instance name> is not valid.
The event occurs for all four instances.
Additional Information:
* OS is Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition w/SP2
* SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition w/SP1, hot fix level 2221
* All SQL services runs under the same domain user account

I did some internet searches and found several others who have had this problem. However, I didn't see any solutions. There also seems to be a similar problem with SQL Express but that is not what I am using.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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SQL Server&#39;s Latest Security Warnings

Jul 26, 2002

Hi. I'm Sara Cushman, a reporter for SearchDatabase. We're doing a story about the latest round of SQL server security warnings and patches.

How did you handle the situation? Did you drop everything else and deal with it? How did it compare with other SQL Server problems you have had? Were you able to handle it in a way that you feel left you without any vulnerabilities? If you haven't dealt with it, what are you waiting for?

We're looking for DBAs to share their stories. If you have some, reply here or email me at scushman@techtarget.com so that I can get in touch with you.


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Capturing WARNINGS To Write To Error Log?

Jul 23, 2004

Hey y'all...

Anyone know how to capture SQL Warnings so I can write them to an error log? I can't seem to find any info on it in Books Online...

I can capture the errors just fine by using @@ERROR after a select, but what about warnings such as "Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation."


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SQL 2012 :: Hide Warnings In SSIS

Sep 11, 2014

Is there a way to disable warnings in ssis? I'm using a third part tool to call an ssis and when the ssis give a warning the tool is showing failure.

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Adding An Identity Column With Out Warnings

Jan 25, 2006

Rao Aregaddan writes "Hi All,

Here is my Query.....

While executing the following code,it is showing some warnings.

Drop procedure [DBO].[Usp_Extract_OLAP_Data_1]

Create Procedure [DBO].[Usp_Extract_OLAP_Data_1] as


DROP TABLE [DBO].[processed_olap_data_1]
select * into dbo.processed_olap_data_1 from pubs.dbo.processed_olap_data_1
EXEC ('ALTER TABLE dbo.processed_olap_data_1 ADD generatedid INT IDENTITY')

select * from processed_olap_data_1 order by generatedid



Out Put is as follows

(141 row(s) affected)

(141 row(s) affected)

Warning: The table 'processed_olap_data_1' has been created but its maximum row size (3873071) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds 8060 bytes.

(141 row(s) affected)

Please guide me on this issue that why iam getting this warning even i set the ansi null and ansi warnings off.
one more thing is that is there any other way to add an
identity column with out using alter statement.and is there any problem with front end guys if it shows like this warnings..."

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How Can I Make A SQL Agent Job To Ignore Warnings?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi! guys,I have a SQL agent job fails because it gets 10 warnings when it runsa stored procedure. These warnings are trivial and can be ignored. CanI make it ignore these warnings and proceed? I think there is somesetting I can do to change the default behavour of an agent jobregarding warnings but I just don't know how to do it.Any idea?Thanks,Gary

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How To Get A List Of All Unused Columns Warnings

Feb 4, 2008


I would like to get a list of all the unused columns, I have tons of files and fields in the package probably in the hundreds and I need to know which fields I am not using to see which fields are important not to miss out, so is there any way I can get them in a text file or any other format?


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XML Source And Remove Column Warnings

Dec 19, 2007


I am creating a 2005 SSIS Package with multiple data flows with source data based on the XML Source and a XSD Schema that we have created. These data flows load data from XML into different tables in our data warehouse for order data so the XSD Schema has several hierarchies. Because each data flow loads data into one table (I broke it out this way to make the package easier for readability and maintance) and the source for each is based on the XSD hierarchies I receive numerous warnings similar to the following; "Warning: 0x80047076....Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance." that I would like to remove. However, when I un-check the box to remove those output columns (which leaves several hierarchies without output columns) I then receive a error similar to the following; "Error: 0xC00470B9 at ....contains no output columns. An asynchronous output must contain output columns."

So the question is how to remove the numerous remove column warnings? I have thought about creating one XML schema for each dataflow, breaking the data flows into different packages, etc. but I am still not exaclty sure how to remove the warnings which should increase the speed of the package overall. Thank you!

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Default Trace File - Sort Warnings

Mar 13, 2015

I was just going through the default trace files and see full of sort warnings, missing join predicates and hash warnings. The server behaved weirdly last night with queries longer than usual time and the server started choking. I didn't find any info from error logs or event viewer.

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Import From Flat File Warnings And Errors

Feb 7, 2008

I am trying to import from Excel file. So In between Excel file source and OLEDB destination I am using One Data Transformations to convert excel unicode characters to Sqlserver varchar.

Iam getting this following errors:

Error: 0xC020901C at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [382]: There was an error with input column "Copy of Zip" (615) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (395). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

Copy of zip is the Data Transformation column mapped Sqlserver Varcahr(200) column of Zipcode.
In excel file the Zip codes are like this:


The column "State" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection.
This is warning. This type of warnings are for all columns in excel file.

3) Intially I declared the Sqlserver table columns like this Varchar(100), then SSIS showing some warning like truncation of column State 255 characters to .. So I changed columns datatype from Varchar(100) to Varchar(500)? Why we need to change like this.

Thanks in advance

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How To Suppress Warnings From A Data Flow Task

Jul 6, 2007


I am getting unusable warnings from dataflow task while running. Say for example I am getting column A, B, C from source and I am using only column C in destination. Whenever I run the package, I am getting a warning saying that

"The output column "A" (67) on output "Output0" (5) and component "Data Flow Task" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance."

Can any one help me how to resolve these warnings?

Thanks in advance.

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Dealing With Truncation Warnings (Excel Source)

Oct 30, 2006


Is there a way of stopping truncation warnings due to the fact the the XL driver assumings BSTR(255) columns. I'm loading data from excel to SQL Server, the SQL Server columns are nvarchar(50) but the Excel source has assumed 255.

I can change the Excel Source using the 'Advanced Editor' and change the meta-data of the 'Output Column', but then there's a mismatch between the External Column and Output Column collection - so a warning is displayed.

The External Column meta-data can be changed, but then it's out of sync with the 'Error Output' meta-data (and the Error Output meta-data is read only).

I'm sure I've missed a step, can anyone enlighten me


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Warnings That I Don't Understand When Building A Custom Component

Oct 24, 2005

I have a custom component that compiles just fine on one environment. I copied and pasted the code to another environment and now I'm getting compilation warnings:

Warning 1 CA1014 : Microsoft.Design : '*******.Seer.Ssis.Common' should be marked with CLSCompliantAttribute and its value should be true. *******.Seer.Ssis.Common

Warning 2 CA1705 : Microsoft.Naming : Correct the capitalization of type name 'PPDMDataLineageComponent'. C:PROJECTSSeerCode*******.Seer.Ssis.CommonPPDMDataLineageComponent.cs 13 Chevron.Seer.Ssis.Common

Warning 3 CA1062 : Microsoft.Design : Validate parameter 'buffer' passed to externally visible method PPDMDataLineageComponent.ProcessInput(Int32, PipelineBuffer):Void. C:PROJECTSSeerCode*******.Seer.Ssis.CommonPPDMDataLineageComponent.cs 99 Chevron.Seer.Ssis.Common

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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Gettings Warnings Sent From A Stored Procedure Called With Jdbc

Dec 6, 2007

When running a stored procedure, how can i retrieve the warnings that are issued within the stored procedure?

the code used is below,

the jdbc is connecting fine, it is running the stored procedure, but when an error is raised in the stored procedure, it is not coming back into s.getwarnings()
warning raised in stored proc with

Code Block

RAISERROR ('Error', 16, 1)with nowait;

there are no results for the stored procedure, I am just wanting to get the warnings

Code Block


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localh...........);

CallableStatement s = con.prepareCall("{call procedure_name}");


//running in seprate thread

SQLWarning warn = s.getWarnings();
while (m.running) {
if(warn == null) {
warn = s.getWarnings();
if(warn != null)
warn = warn.getNextWarning();

}the code is not complete, but should show what is happening

it is continually outputting null for the warning, though the strored proc is definately raising errors, which is proven by running it in a query window in sql server.

it is retreiving warning if the statement is a raiseerror instead of a call to the proc

Code Block

CallableStatement s = con.prepareCall("RAISERROR ('Error', 1, 1)with nowait;");

this thread is quite related, but doesnt offer a working solution
Getting messages sent while JDBC Driver calls stored procedure

any help much appreciated,


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DTExec: The Package Execution Returned SUCCESS But Had Warnings

Jun 23, 2006


i am trying to execute through command line the following:


I am actaully creating an archiving package.

1. All it does is get some data from the Table.

2. creating directory and set usedirectoryifexist = true

shows some warning when i run that directory already exists cos i don't want to create new one i want to use the existing one.

3. actual archiving to get call to another package for archiving - warning while running the package that parent variable is missing

The pacakge seems to run while i execute it thorugh command prompt but i get this message

DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0) but had warnings, with
warnings being treated as errors!



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Execute Process Task - Warnings When Running DTExec

Jun 22, 2007

I have a manager SSIS package that calls a generic loader SSIS package, via the 'Execute Process Task'. The manger package (amongst other things) creates a config file and and then executes DTExec passing the config specification in the Arguments property, i.e. '

'/FILE "D:AudiencePackagesUKDW_Core_Loader_Persist.dtsx" /CONFIGFILE "D:AudienceDataSCPmystery.dtsconfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF"

It works as expected, but, I always get the warning message 'File/Process "DTExec" is not in path.', I know that it is because the exe runs and loads the correct package which then performs the correct actions.

Have I dropped the ball here? I cannot see any reason for the warning as DelayValidation==True, I could set RequireFullFileName==True, but I do not know where SQL is installed on the various nodes.

Any input would be warmly received


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Errors / Warnings After Deleting Variables &&amp; Connection Manager Objects

Aug 3, 2006


As I was developing my SSIS package, I created several variables and tasks ( FTP, WMI Reader Task ). I am now cleaning up, deleting unwanted variables and connections in the design window. I save and build the package and when I load the package, I get warnings that these variables are referenced but can't find them and errors that the WMI connection is not found.

When a package calls a sub-package, it stores the absolute path of the child package in its dtsx xml file in a Connection String property. How annoying !!! . When I deploy this to another machine with a different file structure, it becomes a problem. Why can't it store the path relative to the parent package, which would be typically in a sub-directory under the parent ?

These last 2 days have been nothing but frustration and my deadline is slipping. Any help is appreciated.



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SSIS Warnings On Build 3159: Precompiled Script Failed To Load. Attempting To Recompile.

Aug 20, 2007


I've implemented a variation of the Custom Logging provided in this post by Jamie Thomson.


Everything seems to work well on my desktop during development, but when I deployed the packages to our DEV environment the packages still execute, but I'm now receiving warning messages in the sysdtslog90 log table...

Precompiled script failed to load. Attempting to recompile. For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, KB931846 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=81885).

My log table (SSISLog) looks OK, with only OnPostExecute messages that include the package / task information and rowcounts.

The KB article suggests upgrading to SP2, but I'm well past SP2, using Build 3159 on both machines.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the warnings?


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Configuracion De RS Para Emitir Alertas: Envio De Emails Y/o Warnings Cuando Se Emita Un Reporte

Apr 4, 2008

Hola chicos!!!
Estoy empezando a ver sobre la opcion que maneja el RS de envio de emails...podrian apoyarme con un manual o indicandome como o que configurar para que esto fuciones pliz!... o es con el manejo del Sql , crear un procedure y programar una tarea que se ejecute cada cierto tiempo para que se ejecute el proc ????


Karla Ramos

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Job Steps...

Jul 24, 2000


I'm using SQL Server 7.0. I have a job which runs DTS packages (1 package per step). When a task fails within my DTS package, I'd like an error returned for that step in the job thus stopping the job and not starting up the next step (DTS package) in the job. As it stands right now, if a task fails within the DTS package, that step in the job still returns a successful completion. Has anyone seen this before and is there something I can do to get the DTS to send a failure for that step in the job?

Thanks in advance,

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DTS Steps

Jan 12, 2007

I am going to be moving multiple databases to a new server. Everything should go smooth, but I need to change a lot of the DTS packages that reference the old servername and replace it with the databases DNS record.

Is there an easy way to get a list of which dts reference the old server explicitly (not using database DNS)?


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Installation Steps

Jun 23, 2005

hi !!!i try to connect to my sql server local instance but it is always failed ..... can you please tell me the step by steps and options to use to install sql server on my machine and i think i need to use he personal copy rather than the standard as it will be on my machne not in the server??? please help

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Max Number Of Steps In SQl Job

Jun 20, 2002


Can anybody tell me how many steps it's possible to put in one job.
The reason I ask is that we have a job that has over 500 steps (import data from Excel file into SQl table) and every time it runs we have different steps failures.

Does fact, that excel file was dropped and recreated, change DTS Id ?

Thank you in advance

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Steps For Replication

Apr 27, 2001

I am new to replication.
I have to replicate a db on SQL7.0 sp5 .
It's going to be transactionol.
Is there any article which explains everything - where to start from and where to end?
I mean everything step by step.....

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Scheduling Of Job Steps

Apr 20, 2000


A job as a whole can be scheduled.But can a individual job step be scheduled?

thankfully in advance,

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Jobs And Steps

Apr 27, 2006

Here is an interesting problem I can't figure out. I have a job with 6 steps as follows:

Step 1 - Import text file 1
Step 2 - Import text file 2
Step 3 - Delete all data from address tables 1 and 2
Step 4 - Copy data from imported table 1 to address table 1
Step 5 - Copy data from imported table 2 to address table 2
Step 6 - Delete imported taxt file table 1 and 2

Now when I run each of these steps individually, like running the dts packages and stored procedures my self it all works fine and the data in my tables appears to update. Then, when I set the job to run automatically, it says completed and no errors but my data hasn't updated. The job must be doing what it is meant to as it took about 40 seconds which is normal.

Ever seen this problem before?

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Steps Before Migration

Jul 2, 2007

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise and new hardware have been ordered for our department. We currently run SQL Server 2000 (sp4). We have almost 500 DTS packages, 293 Jobs, and 14 user databases with hundreds of objects within.

Is there any documentation out there on how to scrutenize a current system? I have searched, and most of what I can find addresses migration planning with the assumption that the databases, packages, jobs, security, etc are ready to move over. We have a lot to think about before we can do that. We know we have redundancy problems (like View proliferation), table schema issues, obsolete DTS packages and Jobs, and otherwise a host of opportunities to 'clean house' and/or improve. We would really like to get a handle on what we are migrating before we migrate.

If you have any ideas or resources to you feel would be worth looking at, please share.

Thank you for your help!


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Optimization Steps

Mar 30, 2008

Generally speaking when you want to optimise an application that relies on a database which is the order of the following optimization techniques

a) optimizing the spread of the pysichal elements of the database on different disks of the server
b) optimizing the use ot the RAM
c) optimizing the SQL
d) opimizing the OS

Thank you,

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Can't See Job Steps In 2005.

Apr 15, 2008

I've created SQL Server Agent jobs through management studio on SQL Server 2005. I can view and edit these jobs when I am logged into the server via remote desktop, but when trying to administer these jobs through Management Studio on a different machine, the steps do not appear in the job properties window.
Anybody else see this behavior? Know why it occurs? Is it a bug, or another wonderful "feature" of Manglement Studio?

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What Is Wrong In My Steps

Nov 14, 2007

welcome everybody
i want to publish my sql2005 server through my isa2004
so i do the following steps and i want to know if there is wrong in it or if
there is another step is missing or not?

1-i make editing in router configuration file to natting requests on my real
ip to the external interface of my isa

2-at isa i make sql publishing rule to forword requests to the ip of sql
(from:anywhere to: ip of sql server listner:external protocol:microsoft
sql server requests:appear from isa not original client ports:default

3-at sql server i enable allow remote and local connection over tcp only
4-at sql server i enable allow remote desktop
5-at sql server i enable firewall and in exception tab i add remotedesktop
and 1433 port

but still when i try to connect from internet using the studio managment
express tool using the real ip address(tcp:{my real ip address}) and login information of sql still
error occure and no connection opened....
note:scw was installed and i uninstall it

so what is the problem
why sql can't published
also i make at isa another rule to allow remote desktop to my sql server using rdp protocol but when i try to connect using remote connection to sql server it failed but when connect to any other internal server it work succesfully

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