Sql Query String In VS2005 Help Needed. Involves AVG, 2 Tables, And URL Querystrings!
Jan 25, 2008
hey everyone,
I'm having trouble cranking out an appropriate SQL query for what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to add a ratings system into a website, I have 2 relevant tables.
Files = table listing all uploaded files
Ratings = table listing all ratings for files
The two DB's are theoretically linked by the fact that the ratings table has a field for "fileID" which matches up to "fileID" in the files table. The way the page works, is that there is a querystring in the URL "filename" where "filename" is a field within the files table. So basically I'm looking for the AVG rating.ratings, where rating.fileID = files.fileID, and the appropriate files.fileID is gained from files.fileID WHERE files.filename = request.querystring["filename"]
holy crap, i hope that made sense to someone here. i'm not great at explaining this.
My problem is I want the AVG ratings.rating from the table ratings.... where ratings.fileID = files.fildID
What I have so far, that works except for the AVG part is below. This code will pull only the ratings for the appropriate file, the problem is whenever I try to add "AVG(something)" to it, the query fails.
SELECT files.FID AS Expr1, files.filename, ratings.FID, ratings.rating
ratings ON files.FID = ratings.FID
WHERE (files.filename = @filename)
@filename value is gained from the URL querystring
I am trying to run an update statement against a vendor's database that houses HR information. If I run a regular select statement against the database with the following query, it returns without error:
[Code] ....
I am assuming I am receiving this error because it doesn't know where to find QUDDAT-INT? How can I fix that?
The "QUDDAT-INT" column houses the employee number. So in the case of the SELECT query above, I am testing against a specific employee number.
Trying to add some security to what I'm learning I realized my querystring was vulnerable so I started looking through the threads on how to secure it. I've seen a few things, but in general the folks working on it are too advanced for me and are doing more with their query than my simple query. I'm looking for a little help of course :-)
So, my original querystring was pretty basic of course Dim querystring1 As String = Request.QueryString("topic_id")SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "select * from msg_msgs INNER JOIN users on msg_id_user = users.user_ID where msg_topic_id = " & querystring1 And my first attempt at securing it didn't wind up having the @ sign, so I don't think it secured it. It also brought back every record in the DB Dim querystring1 As Parameter = New Parameter("mylink", TypeCode.String, Request.QueryString("topic_id"))SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add(querystring1) And finally, after reading a bit I wound up with this Dim queryStringId As String = Request.QueryString("topic_id")Dim id As IntegerIf Int32.TryParse(queryStringId, id) = True Then Dim idParam As New SqlParameter("@id", id) Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM msg_msgs where msg_topic_id = @id") objCmd.Parameters.Add(idParam) SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = (objCmd.ToString)Else Response.Redirect("./threads.aspx")End If I guess the worst part is that I know I need the @variable piece, though not why nor how to add it, and all my searches on parameterized queries are loosing me because the folks writting are so far beyond where I am at this time. I would really appreciate it if someone could not only help me get the code working, but also understand the parts of it. More often than not I find myself mimicking someone elses code and then knowing how to do it, but not why it works. Thanks
hiam working with asp.net2.0,c#.net i am sending a link to user email to activate his registration in our site. am sending like this msg.Body = "Welcome " + txtuser.Text + " , <br> Thank You for your Registration <br>Please Click on this link for activating your account : http://www.seafarerjobs.com/activate.aspx?user='" + txtuser.Text + "'&acc_status=0. <br><a href="CLICK'>http://www.seafarerjobs.com/login.aspx">CLICK HERE TO LOGIN</a><br><br><br><br><b>Regards , <br>www.seafarerjobs.com </b>";
cn.Open();string sq = "update userdetails set acc_status=1 where username='" + Request.QueryString["user"].ToString() + "'and acc_status=" +Convert.ToInt32( Request.QueryString["acc_status"].ToString()) + "";SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(sq, cn); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
when i clik on activationlink it will hit page_load of activate.aspx. but it is displaying error:Incorrect syntax near 'kk1234'. what changes i have to make in my update query ?pla its urgent..
I have a problem creating a SELECT query which involves getting the FIRST occurrence, the SUMS and the LAST occurrence of a selected row. I have two tables A and B which has the following data:
Table A
---------------------------------------------------------------- |Item ID | Item Name | Item Description | Current Quantity | ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----1------------Bolts-------------35"----------------20 ----2-----------Paint----------GOLD Paint------------30 ----3-----------Screws------------30"----------------40 ----------------------------------------------------------------
and Table B
-------------------------------------------------------------- |Log ID | Item ID | Beginning | Add | Less | Ending | Date | -------------------------------------------------------------- ---1---------1----------30-------0-----10------20------04-04 ---2---------2----------40-------10----10------40------04-04 ---3---------3----------50-------5-----10------45------04-04 ---4---------1----------20-------0-----0-------20------04-05 ---5---------2----------40-------0-----10------30------04-04 ---6---------3----------45-------0-----5-------40------04-04 -------------------------------------------------------------
and I have two datetime pickers, one FROM date picker and a TO date picker If a user selects FROM 04-04 TO 04-05...I want a select statement which will select the Item Name and Desc, the BEGINNING QUANTITY (in reference to the FROM DATE), the SUM of Adds and Less and the ENDING QUANTITY (in reference to the To Date) and then group by their Item ID
In this case, it will generate a table like this
---------------------------------------------------------- Item Name | Item Desc | Beginning | Add | Less | Ending | ----------------------------------------------------------- --Bolts---------35"---------30---------0-----10-----20 --Paint-----Gold Paint------40---------10----20-----30 --Screws-------30"---------50---------5-----15-----40
"SELECT A.Item Name, A,Item Desc, B.Beginning=(select B.Beginning from Table B where A.Item ID = B.Item ID AND Date = From Date), SUM(B.ADD), SUM(B.LESS), B.Ending=(select B.Ending from Table B where A.Item ID = B.Item ID and Date = To Date) WHERE A.Item ID = B.Item ID and Date(B.Date)>From Date AND Date(B.Date)< To Date group by B.Item ID order by A.Item Name, Item Desc"
My query returns the right Item Name, Desc, the Sum of Add and Less.My problem is that I can't get the value of my beginning and ending.I think I have a problem in A.Item ID = B.Item ID. As I tried a fixed value condition, (B.Item ID = 2), it will get the right result), I'm guessing the program is not getting A.Item ID.
Hi Group,My apologies for the lengthy post, but here goes...I have the following tables:TABLE Vehicles([ID] nvarchar(5),[Make] nvarchar(20),[Model] nvarchar(20),)TABLE [Vehicle Status]([ID] int, /* this is an auto-incrementing field*/[Vehicle ID] nvarchar(5), /* foriegn key, references Vehicles.[ID] */[Status] nvarchar(20),[Status Date] datetime)Here's my problem...I have the following data in my [Vehicles] and [Vehicle Status] tables:[ID] [Make] [Model]----------------------H80 Nissan SkylineH86 Toyota Aristo[ID] [Vehicle ID] [Status] [Status Date]----------------------------------------1 H80 OK 2006-10-012 H80 Damage 2006-10-053 H86 OK 2006-10-134 H86 Dent 2006-10-155 H86 Scratched 2006-10-16I need a query that will join the two tables so that the most recentstatus of each vehicle can be determined. I've gotten as far as:SELECT Vehicle.[ID], Make, Model, [Status], [Status Date] FROM[Vehicles] INNER JOIN [Vehicle Status] ON [Vehicles].[ID] = [VehicleStatus].[Vehicle ID]Of course this produces the following results:[ID] [Make] [Model] [Status] [Status Date]--------------------------------------------H80 Nissan Skyline OK 2006-10-01H80 Nissan Skyline Damage 2006-10-05H86 Toyota Aristo OK 2006-10-13H86 Toyota Aristo Dent 2006-10-15H86 Toyota Aristo Scratched 2006-10-16How do I filter these results so that I get only the MOST RECENT vehiclestatus?i.e:[ID] [Make] [Model] [Status] [Status Date]--------------------------------------------H80 Nissan Skyline Damage 2006-10-05H86 Toyota Aristo Scratched 2006-10-16Thanks in advance,Rommel the iCeMAn*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
I current have a SqlDataSource with a querystring that uses the following code:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SearchQuery" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Connect %>" SelectCommand="SELECT Title, ArticleID, REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Article,0,250), '<br />', ' ')AS Article FROM [Articles] WHERE FREETEXT([Article], @q)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="q" QueryStringField="q" DefaultValue="*" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>The string works fine, however is there a way to show how many results where found? Also is there are no results found, can I have it report that as well? Thanks!
I have a smart device project in Visual Studio 2005 that has a SQL Mobile data source. I am trying to create a parameterized query that utilizes 'LIKE' and wildcards. My query is below:
SELECT LocationID, StreetNum, StreetName, rowguid FROM tblLocations WHERE (StreetNum = @StreetNum) AND (StreetName LIKE '%' + @StreetName + '%')
However, when I test this on my PDA, I get the following error:
SQL Execution Error.
Executed SQL statement: SELECT LocationID, StreetNum, StreetName, rowguid FROM tblLocations WHERE (StreetNum = @StreetNum) AND (StreetName LIKE '%' + @StreetName + '%') Error Source: SQL Server Mobile Edition ADO.NET Data Provider Error Message: @StreetName : deerbrook - FormatException
Does anyone know how to add wildcards to a parameter?
I have a table with a column called Userdef. I is a user defined field. It looks like this ;;Polk;D-0002;;;;As you can see it is delimited by semicolons. I need to separate the semicolons into separate files like this Field1Field2Field2Field4Field5Field6<null><null>Polk<null>D-0002<null>How do I write this query in SQL Server?
Hi to everyone,My problem is, that I'm not so quite sure, which way should I go.The user is inputing by second part application a long string (let'ssay 128 characters), which are separated by semiclon.Example:A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREENNow: each from this position, is already defined in any other table, asa separate record. These are the keys lets say. It means, a have someproperities for A20, BU, aso.Because this long inputed string, is a property of device (whih alsohas a lot of different properities) I could do two different ways ofstoring data:1. By writing, in SP, just encapsulate each of the position separatedby semicolon, and write into a different table with index of device,and the position in long stirng nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other commentString data Tablefk_deviceId position value123 1 A20123 2 BU123 3 AC40.....123 8 GREENThe device table, contains also a pointer (position), which mightchange, to "hglight" specified position.Then, I can very easly find all necessary data. The problem is, I needto move the device record data (from other table) very often into otherhistory table (by each update). That will mean, that I also need tomove all these records from 1 -8 for example to a separate historytable, holding the index for a history device dataset. This is a littleinconvinience in this, and in my opinion, it will use to much storagedata, and by programming, I need always to shift this properities intohistory table, whith indexes to a history table of other properities.2. Table will be build nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3 stringProperty pointer123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 3124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other comment A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 2By writng into device table, there will be just a additional field forthis string, and I will have a function, which according to specifiedpointer, will get me the string part on the fly, while I need it.This will not require the other table, and will reduce the amout ofdata, not a lot ... but always.This solution, has a inconvinance, that it will be not so fast doing asearch over the part of this strings, while there will be no real indexon this.If I woould like to search all devices, by which the curent pointervalue is equal GREEN, then I need to use function for getting thevalue, and this one will be not indexed, means, by a lot amount ofdata, might be slow.I would like to know Your opinion about booth solutions.Also, if you might point me the other problems with any of thissolution, I might not have noticed.With Best RegardsMatik
hi everyone, i've added 2 tables one is on adding, the other one is on returning. but when i return, the dropdownlist keeps displaying those which are returned already. it shouldnt display because i've already returned. here are the codes that i add, "INSERT INTO record VALUES( '" + dateOfIncoming + "', '" + manifestNo + "', '" + hoName + "','" + hoRemarks + "', '" + toName + "', '" + toRemarks + "', '" + purpose + "', '" + timeEntered + "', '" + dateEntered + "', 'Out')" here are the codes that i return "INSERT INTO returnRecord VALUES( '" + dateOfIncoming + "', '" + manifestNo + "', '" + hoName + "','" + hoRemarks + "', '" + timeEntered + "', 'In')" here are the codes that i wanna display in the dropdownlist which i have set the status = IN. means they have returned already so it should display. this is wad i tried what its wrong ----> "select a.manifestNo from record a, returnRecord r where a.status = 'Out' And r.status = 'In'"
my dropdownlist cant retrieve those records that are already returned. i suspect is the select statement that is wrong. but i cant figure out how. please help me!
Hi, I'm trying to do insert some data to the database through typing the a number in a textbox. But i will get this error message whenever i tried putting a number that will be inserted to the database. Sorry that the codes are quite messy. Please do let me know which part of the coding contains the errors. Please help me. Thanks. Server Error in '/WSD Project - Cam-Mart' Application.
String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.Source Error:
Line 26: Line 27: Protected Sub add_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles add.Click Line 28: SqlDataSource2.Insert() Line 29: Response.Redirect("Checkout.aspx") Line 30: Source File: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopWSD Project - Cam-MartOrder.aspx.vb Line: 28 Stack Trace:
Protected Sub add_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles add.Click SqlDataSource2.Insert() Response.Redirect("Checkout.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub Back_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Back.Click Response.Redirect("Catalogs.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub checkout_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles checkout.Click Response.Redirect("Checkout.aspx") End Sub End Class
instesd of displaysing GroupId, SystemId,DeviceId i need to diplay the SensorName,GroupName,SystemName,DeviceName. so please give me some example query to join multiple tables please
I am trying to make a database that is used as a tool in a glazing company.
I don't know if I am doing this the right way or not.
I have broken down the different products into 7 different tables as I believe they should not all be togeather as they all have different information.
(SQL 7 on NT Server) I want to append a table with 1200 rows, using DTS. While I know it is better to do while no one is using the database, exactly what impact will it have if I do this while the database is online? Which leads me to my next question: Exactly what operations can I do while the db is online, and what ones should I not even think of. Most of my needs are data imports and exports. I haven't found much in Online Books about this. Any help would be appreciated very much.
I have two tables in seperate dbs that I need to match up users and update the passwords in the second db table. I know how to match up the data and I'm sure I can do this using a cursor but I was wondering if there is a way I can do this with an update statement. Any suggestions(including telling me I'm stuck using a cursor) would be great.
I am trying to do here is to load different flat files to different tables: For example, if the file name starts with "enrollment", then it goes to table "enrollment" table; if the file name starts with "student", then it goes to "student" table.
For now, I created a foreach loop container for the each different files. So it ended up using several foreach loop containers. I am wondering if there is a way just to use one foreach loop containters to process the loading.
Anyone shed some light on this?? Thank you very much for your help!
Greetings all: I am looking for a way to get detailed information about each created table (regardless of permanancy) in a stored procedure, similar to the information one received from using sp_help on an individual table.
Does anyone know of such an animal?
Thank you, and Happiest of New Years, Jack Cole Magellan Healthcare, Inc.
Help - I need to import data into an existing table. Most import rows were unique, so I had no problem using DTS and appending. However, some import rows match existing rows except for one column/field that contains updated/new data, and I have to either replace the entire row with the imported row, or replace the individual field with the new data. How do I do that when there are many rows to import? It would take forever typing in all the data using UPDATE. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello to all, I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me. i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships . 3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....) 4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...) i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members. Query: Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567; select * from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in (select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query. Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
There is a view in our replicated SQL-2000 database, that returns all user tables and views with replication state (0 if not included into publication, 1 if included):
Code Snippet
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewREPL_PublishedObjects]
CASE [xtype]
WHEN 'U' THEN 'Table'
WHEN 'V' THEN 'View'
ELSE NULL END AS [Object Type],
[name] AS [Object Name],
CASE WHEN [replinfo] = 0
END AS [Replicated]
FROM [sysobjects]
[xtype] in ('U', 'V')
AND [status] > 0
(CASE [xtype]
Now we need to upgrade our database to SQL-2005, but [sysobjects] table have been changed, so neither Replicated state could be determined according on [replinfo] column value, nor User/System object according on [status].
So, I need a view with same functionality, that will work under SQL-2005 and 2008.
i have marked in bold the query in question ..whch gives me the the runtime error mentioned at the below , i double checked everything all the table names and the field names are correct so whats the problem , please anyone??im really stumped! if (Radio_Btn_Book.Checked == true) { string book_query = "update Issue_Book_Reserve I set I.Issue_Book_Reserve_state = 1 where I.Book_Id = Books.Book_Id and Books.Book_Name = '" + Session["Book_name"].ToString()+"'"; SqlCommand Cmd_book = new SqlCommand(book_query, con); con.Open(); Cmd_book.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } ERROR: The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Hi, TABLES (Association CONTAINS COLUMNS AssociationID), (Group CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupName, AssociationID), (GroupMembers CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupMemberID, UserprofileID, DateCreated, DateRemoved), (UserProfiles CONTAINS COLUMNS UserProfileID, UserID), (AllUsers CONTAINS COLUMNS UserID, FirstName, LastName) I am trying to write a query to collect information about from the tables. I need to collect all the Users who are not members of Group A in Association I. Note that Users can belong to more than one group and have more than one profile. I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out how to deal with this logic. Thanks in Advance
Hi I have a function which returns the periodId from the period table and the function is as follows: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_Quarter] (@Date datetime) RETURNS int AS
DECLARE @month int SET @month = Month(@Date) RETURN CASE WHEN @month BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN 5 WHEN @month BETWEEN 4 AND 6 THEN 6 WHEN @month BETWEEN 7 AND 9 THEN 7 WHEN @month BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN 8 END END Which works fine but i want to do the following with it. We produce quarterly statements.. So the user comes in jan or the begining of Feb to upload and process and order Statements from 10/31 to 12/31 the the 4 quarter data.. So Is there a way i can check if the user orders the statement in between jan and feb it has to reture PeriodId 5.
I have three parameters called @rsLengthofservice, @rsLengthofServicematch and @rsLenghtofservicePS. How do i check if all the three parameters have the same value.. Any help will be appreciated.. Regards, Karen
Hi, I have this query SELECT o.OrderId, o.OrderDate, o.CreatedByUserId, c.LoginId, o.Quantity, o.RequiredDeliveryDate, cp.PlanId, cp.ClientPlanId --cp.ClientId FROM [Order] o Inner Join Plan cp on o.PlanId = cp.PlanId and o.CreatedByUserId = cp.UserId Inner Join User c on o.CreatedByUserId = c.UserId WHERE --cp.ClientId = @ClientId --AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate ORDER BY o.OrderId DESC Which gives the list of order from the start date to the end date..but it doesnt List the orders which are some mins apart. For eg. 16524/24/2008 10:48:05 AM4252840 16534/25/2008 10:15:42 AM378550 16544/25/2008 10:51:24 AM3147110 16614/25/2008 1:35:54 PM425045 16624/25/2008 2:30:43 PM4174387130 16634/25/2008 2:47:14 PM154825 16644/25/2008 2:49:10 PM265085 it listed order no. 1652 and 1654 but not 1653 and in the next 4 it didnt list 1663.. why is this happening.. I am using a reports in the report server. any help will be appreciated. Regards,Karen
my app contains one form (aspx) and it has different controls to be filled by user (textbox,radiobutton ..etc)it has one button which i want to use to pass values entered in these controls to other page and do some queries to sql server there (2nd page)Now the thing is ...my controls can have NULL values ...like user could enter just one parameter and hit button or user can fill 2 parameter and hit enter so on the other hand (2nd page) how should i query the database accordingly ....
I have some data that looks like this: field1(pk) field2 field3 563136 199535840A D2119562408 199615461C D2119562806 199748610A D2119547463 199748610A D2368562278 200255598A D2368562286 200255598A D2468 Field2 can have the same value. What I need is to return all records where field3 is not 'D2468' ever for field2. So with the above data, I'd want the first 4 records returned, but not 5 and 6 because for those field2 is the same value and in 6, field3 is 'D2468'. So, I can't simply say: SELECT a.field2FROM table1 a inner join table2 b on a.field2 = b.field2 and a.field5 = b.field5where a.field3 not like 'D2468' because it will still return record 5. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you!