Hello,I am writing a query to select records added to a table today, in the last 3 days, in the last 7 days, and so on.Here is what I have (which seems that its not working exactly). -- total listed today SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 0-- total listed yesterday SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 1-- total listed in the last 3 days SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 3I'd like to be able to select the count for records added within the last X number of days. Can someone please help me out? Thanks so much in advance.
I am looking to write a query that returns all records Inserted in the last hour.
The problem, as I see it, is that the column I need to refer to is a VARCHAR() datatype. Can I convert from varchar (example 14:04:31)to a time value and calculate from this ?
I would like to subtract 1 hour from current_timestamp or similar, so that the query dynamically changed.
What I would like to do is to have a TSQL Select return the number of records in the Result as if TOP (n) had not been used. Example:I have a table called Orders containing more than 1.000 records with OrderDate = '2015/07/21' and my client application has a threshold for returning records at 100Â Â and therefore the TSQL would look like
SELECT TOP (100) *Â FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21'Â ORDER by OrderTime Desc
Now I would like to "tell" the client that only 100Â of 1.000 records are shown in the client application grid. Is there a way to return a value indicating that if TOP (100) had not been used the resultset would have been 1.000. I know I could create the same TSQL using COUNT() (SELECTÂ COUNT(*)Â FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21'Â ORDER by OrderTime Desc) and return that in a variable in the SELECT statement or even creating the COUNT() as a subquery and return it as a column, but I would like to avoid running multiple TSQL's. Since SQL Server already needs to select the entire recordset and sort it (ORDER BY) and return only the first 100 the total number of records in the initial snapshot must somehow be available.
SELECT table1.col1 ,€™n/a€™ _response FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2
This is the query that get the report data for my report. Now I need to replace the second column with an actual response like €˜accepted€™ and €˜rejected€™. And these values should be a result of evaluation of this form
If(Statusarray.count < 1) Set _response = €˜accepted€™ Else Get Statusarray[1] Compare this to Statusarray[0] Set _response = some result based on comparision.
The _response returned in the query should return the actual response based on this evaluation where ResponseStoredProcedure is sent the current row value for table1.col1.
How can this be done in sql(using SQL Server 2005)
Problem is that if the [Receiving] table doesn't have a match then no records are return. I want all matches from the [Orders Subtable] and any matches from the [Receiving] Table. If no [Receiving] table matches then I still want all matches from the [Orders Subtable]. Attached is the query.
Note: The query has to run in Access 2000 and I will be coding it in VB.
FROM (Orders LEFT JOIN Receiving ON Orders.[Orders ID] = Receiving.[Orders ID]) INNER JOIN [Orders Subtable] ON Orders.[Orders ID] = [Orders Subtable].[Orders ID]
GROUP BY Orders.[Orders ID], [Orders Subtable].ID, [Orders Subtable].Quantity, Receiving.Quantity, Orders.[Project #], [Orders Subtable].On_Order, [Orders Subtable].[Component #], Receiving.[Component #]
HAVING (((Orders.[Project #])="Speed1aaaaa") AND (([Orders Subtable].On_Order)=True) AND (([Orders Subtable].[Component #])="R02101A") AND ((Receiving.[Component #])="R02101A"));
I have received some data out of a relational database that is incomplete and I need to find where the holes are. Essentially, I have three tables. One table has a primary key of PID. The other two tables have PID as a foreign key. Each table should have at least one instance of every available PID.
I need to find out which ones are in the second and third table that do not show up in the first one, which ones are in the first and third but not in the second, and which ones are in the first and second but not in the third.
I've come up with quite a few ways of working it but they all involve multiple union statements (or dumping to temp tables) that are joining back to the original tables and then unioning and sorting the results. It just seems like there should be a clean elegant way to do this.
Here is an example:
create table TBL1(PID int, info1 varchar(10) )
Create table TBL2(TID int,PID int)
Create table TBL3(XID int,PID int)
insert into TBL1
select '1','Someone' union all
select '2','Will ' union all
select '4','Have' union all
select '7','An' union all
select '8','Answer' union all
select '9','ForMe'
insert into TBL2
select '1','1' union all
select '2','1' union all
select '3','8' union all
select '4','2' union all
select '5','3' union all
select '6','3' union all
select '7','5' union all
select '8','9'
insert into TBL3
select '1','10' union all
select '2','10' union all
select '3','8' union all
select '4','6' union all
select '5','7' union all
select '6','3' union all
select '7','5' union all
select '8','9'
I need to find the PID and the table it is missing from. So the results should look like:
Can Somebody please show me how to acheive this, using the order details in Northwinddatabase or any other good example. as much details as possible. Many Thanks!
Hi, I got a problem. I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version. And I created a Compact database. I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form. then, i run the following sql:
Select * from Table1
It returned 3 records to me. After that, I used program to insert record into this table. Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records. I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.
Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right? Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?
select count (*) from MEMBERS,dbo.MEMBER_PROFILE where MEMBER_PROFILE.member_no = members.member_no AND JOIN_DATE between '07-01-2013 00:01' and '07-31-2013 11:59' and email <> 'selfbuy_customer@cafepress.com' and ROOT_FOLDER_NO is not null and email not like '%bvt.bvt'
This returns the count for the month but I want to see what the total each day was.
I need to associate aggregate gross_revenue with calendar year, but do not have a date field that reflects payment dates, just contract periods a start_date and an end_date. The contract periods are typically 1 or 2 years and can start at any time I.e start_date 6/1/2012, end date 5/31/13. I think by finding the number of days that fall in each calendar year and storing in a temp table, I can create a simple formula to associate revenue to each year.
Hi Everyone,I use the following to get records from the last two days in MySql:where date_entered <= curdate() and date_entered >=DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 2 day)I'm looking to do the same in MS-Sql server but I'm just not getting it.I've got this so far which does not work:where hit_date <= GETDATE() and hit_date >= DATE_SUB(GETDATE(),INTERVAL 2day)then I tried this:WHERE hit_date >= DATEDIFF(GETDATE(), (GETDATE()-2)>Essentially, I need all records from the last two days.Any help or guidance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.-JohnyB
I have two tables that share a common identity row. I need to build a query where data that exists in one table does not contain data in the other table. For example, table 1 has columns of Owner_ID, LastName, FirstName and table 2 has columns Auto_ID, Owner_ID, AutoMake. Both tables are joined by the Owner_ID column. I need a query that provides all owners from table 1 who do not have an entry in table 2.
Hello,I am writing a SQL query to count records in a table from the last "X" number of days.There is a dateTime column that I want to base this off of:Lets say.. I want to count the records that were added in the last 3 days. What is the query I should use to get this value?Here is what I have and it seems to not be working correctly:SELECT @TotalListedLast3Days = COUNT (*) FROM myTable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, DateAdded, getdate() ) <= 3Can someone help so I am able to get the count of records added in the last "X" days?Thank you very much.
I have a query pulling all records with a disconnect date and a transaction date. However, I would like to retrieve any records that have a transaction date greater than 30 days from the disconnect date. I have been unable to figure out the correct formula to use. I think I need to use the datediff function in SQL, but I've never really used this function before.
What would my statement look like if I have a column in a table (SoftwareInstall) called InstalledOn which stores a date in shortDateString format and I want to select all the records where that date is <= 30 days previous to today's date. Any ideas?
I have a SQL Server 2K db with some 10 tables and I want to setup a nightly job to truncate all db records which are more than 15 days old. Can anyone provide me with steps involved? Any help will be highly appreciated.
On a webform, I have three button ... [7 days] [15 days] [30 days]When the user clicks one of the buttons, I want to return their orders for the past X days. The WHERE clause would include something like this (for 7 days):WHERE (Order_Date BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, GETDATE() - 7, 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, GETDATE(), 102))How do I parameterize the number of days?Thanks,Tim
I am little confused in writing the exact query i.e filling the correct details in the query . To simplify let me explain....
I am using the query as
delete MYTABLE where datediff(dd,loaddate,getdate())>5
I have a table now with loadate column which gets the default date and time . The loadate shows correct date and time when the data was imported in the table .
Now suppose if i want to delete previous 5 days records from today ( for e.g today is 20/08/2002 3:40:00 PM ) ideally it should delete all records which are 5 days older from today . i.e from 20/08/2002 3:40:00 PM to 15/08/2002 3:40:00 PM ) But when i execute the datediff command , it deletes the records previous than 15/08/2002 till 15/08/2002. The records from 15/08/2002 to 20/08/2002 remain intact .
I am getting some different results .
Am i missing something in the query or i am confused about the calculation of the dates the datediff command performs .
Is the logic correct or i am missing someting important ?
This is a follow on from one of my earlier threads where I was trying to return one specific record. In this case I am trying to return multiple records for the same person ID and within a number of days range. Snapshot of my date with same PersonID:
And from this I want to check if one record's leaving date of the record is within 7 days of another record's arrival date. I also want to return the record that had a leaving date within 7 days of the next arrival date.I understand that if I self join on personID with the data above I will get 9 rows, for each row I will get 3 matches, I am using INNER JOIN to join to the same table but with a different alias so I assume this is the self join I should be using.
But then how do I process this? I would want to say for record 1 check the leaving date is within 7 days of arrival date of any other record matching that PersonId but not ArrivalID, and return both records.From my snapahot of code I would eventually want to return:
But can't seem to get this using a self join query like this:
select a.PersonID, a.Leaving_date,a.Arrival_Date,a.arrivalID from arrivals a INNER JOIN arrivals b ON b.personID = a.personID WHERE a.arrivalid != b.arrivalid and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) <=7 and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) >=0
I want to get all records that are 7 days pass today's date and not equal to today's date. Don't know how to write it so I can get records 7 days old but with this procedure I'm still getting records that are due today. Hope this makes sense. Can someone assist me. select * from libraryrequestwhere duedate > getdate() and duedate != getdate()
I have a scheduled job which does an text file import in my database . The data gets appended in my table every day from this import job .
Since my table is growing every day , i want to truncate the table after the data has been collected for three months i.e 90 days . The table will be empty and the new data will flow in through the import .
Any thoughts how to do it through query and schedule it ???
I want to split the data every employeid wise based on fromdate and todate if totaldays>1.
sample output specified below ....but same output required for allthe empid's
create table attendence(EmployeeID nvarchar(20),[From] datetime,[To] datetime,TotalDays float) insert into attendence values('1417','2015-11-02 22:48:49.450','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450',3) insert into attendence values('1418','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450',1) insert into attendence values('1419','2015-11-03 22:48:49.450','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450',2) insert into attendence values('1420','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450','2015-11-05 22:48:49.450',2) insert into attendence values('1421','2015-11-01 22:48:49.450','2015-11-04 22:48:49.450',4)
 OP  -------------------------  EmployeeID   [From]              [To]                TotalDays  1417      2015-11-02 22:48:49.450     2015-11-02 22:48:49.450       3  1417      2015-11-03 22:48:49.450     2015-11-03 22:48:49.450       3  1417     2015-11-04 22:48:49.450      2015-11-04 22:48:49.450       3
I have these columns. TicketID, User, Date...I want to select 10 random tickets for each user for the past 30 days. I not sure whether to do this via sql or using VB in the report design.
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
i have written a sql function which returns only number of working days (excludes holidays and Weekends)  between given StartDate  and EndDate.           USE [XXX] GO /****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[CalculateNumberOFWorkDays]   Script Date: 10/28/2015 10:20:25 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
I need  a function or stored procedure which will return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given future Date? the future date should be passed as a parameter to this function or stored procedure to return the date.  Example scenario:  If i give date as  12/01/2015, my function or stored procedure should return the date which is 15 working days (should exclude holidays and Weekends) prior to the given date i.e 12/01/2015...In my application i have a table  tblMasHolidayList where all the 2015 year holidays dates and info are stored.
I have table that I need to retrieve the top 2 records, the issue is I have 3 records with the same date, but I only want the first 2. Each record looks something like this.
I have to be able to add the series up of only the first two records for each id based on date. Here is a sample query
select sum(series), date from table group by date order by sum(series) desc
This gives me the total for all three and gives it to me in descending order. I need the records for set 1 and 2 of each of the Id. There are many records but the date and the setnr doesn't duplicate.
Hello experts,I'm trying the run the following query with specific intentions.I would like the query to return 5 results; i.e., 4 distinct and oneduplicate. I am only getting, however, 4 distinct records. I wouldlike the results from the '007' id to spit out twice.I'm not using 'distinct,' and I've tried 'all.' I realize that Icould put my 5 employee id's in a table and do a left or right join; Iwould like to avoid that, however. Any thoughts?SelectEmployee_last_name,Employee_first_name