Sql Question - Returning Multiple Rows As One Record
Jul 20, 2005
In the process of localizing the 'regions' table, we added three new
tables. The localized data will be stored in the TokenKeys and
TokenValues tables. It would be easier if we did away with the
TokeyKeys/TokenValues tables and just added a localeid in the regions
table, but this is the desired schema by the client. Here's the
Table: regions
id nameabbreviation
1 United StatesUS
Table: locales
id locale
1 en_US
2 fr_CA
Table: TokenKeys
id key
1 db.regions.name
2 db.regions.abbreviation
The old sql was simply this:
select name, abbreviation from regions
which returns:
United States, US
But the new sql needs to link in the localized data from the tokeykeys
and tokenvalues tables using the localeid... Im trying to figure out
what the sql statement would look like to return this:
Etats Unis, EU (This is supposed to be the French version)
My confusion is we are trying to return multiple column values from
the same column (TokenValues.value) and make them act as separate
columns in the same record, like it was with the original.
We have an archive table which keeps each instance of a sales order that was archived under a "Verion No" field. Each time the sales order is archived it is entered into the archive tables (Sales Header Archive, Sales Line Archive). What I am trying to do is write a query to return all sales orders but only the most recent archived version.
For example this table layout is similar to what I am working with. Version No, Order No and Customer No. are the keys between the Header and Line tables, Customer Name column in the output is from only the Sales Header Archive table
SALES LINE ARCHIVE TABLE Version No - Order No. - Customer No -----> (other columns) 1 s-5 1000
RESULTS OF JOINED TABLES Version No - Order No - Customer No - Customer Name ---> (other columns) 2 s-5 1000 Something, Inc. 1 s-6 2000 Acme 3 s-7 3000 Company, LLC 1 s-8 4000 Blah & Associates 2 s-9 2000 Acme
It should return the last Version No of each Sales order.
Does that make sense? It is something probably easy... But, I've spent two days using multiples and multiples of different ways, that just aren't working: I'm about to dropkick my server cabinet...
I have two tables and I want to return data from both. Currently my select statement is returning just 1 child record for each parent record and I want to return all child records that match the parent record.
This is probably very elementary to someone more experienced, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a way to do the following:
SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE MyField LIKE (SELECT MyValues FROM SearchValues)
But I can't because the subquery will return multiple rows. That's all I'm really trying to do - search all the rows in Transactions.MyField for any of the search values returned from the subquery.
And I can't restructure the SearchValues table to combine them into a single-row comma-delimited field or anything like that.
Hi,I have the following stored procedure that does some processing andputs the result in a temporary table. I tried several things thatprocedure to display output that I can access with ADO.Net, but itdoesn't work. It doesn't even display the result in the query analyzerunless I add SELECT @ReturnFullNameAny help?The stored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_SEARCH_MULTIPLE_NAMES @search4fatherOfvarchar(255), @maximum_fathers int = 100, @ReturnFullName varchar(255)Output....SELECT @ReturnFullName = name FROM #FULLNAME------------------------------------------------To Execute the stored procedure:DECLARE @test varchar(255)EXEC sp_SEARCH_MULTIPLE_NAMES @search4fatherof='Ł Ų±ŁŁ ',@returnfullname=@testPRINT CONVERT(varchar(255), @test)
I have a stored procedure which return a single value and one which return multiple rows between two colums. In my code for the procedure which returns a single value i use (executescalar) which works fine. I am not sure what command to use in my code when i am calling the stored procedure that returns multiple rows between colums. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi,I'm am looking for a little help. I need to create a SQL view whichjoins a few tables, and I need to return an average for a particularcolumn where a second duplicate ID exists...Heres an example of how the results could be returned...ID | Name | Order No. | Value---+------+-----------+---------5 | test | 1234 | 35 | test2| 1234 | 45 | test3| 1234 | 35 | void | 1235 | 55 | void2| 1235 | 65 | void3| 1235 | 55 | void4| 1235 | 7ID is my main join which joins the tablesName is a unique nameOrder No is the same for the different names, I only need to return onerow with this order no, and the first name (the rest are irrelevant)Value is the field which I wish to return as an average of all 3, 4 orhowever many rows is returned and share the same order no. This iswhere I get totally lost as I am pretty new to SQL. Can anyone provideany help on how I would go about limiting this query to the uniqueorder no's and returning the average of the value field, and I can takeit from there with my own tables.Thanks for your helpstr8
I have the following table. There are eight section IDs in all. I want to return a single row for each product with the various section results that I have information on.
INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache
When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."
Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.
The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.
Hellow Folks. Here is the Original Data in my single SQL 2005 Table: Department: Sells: 1 Meat 1 Rice 1 Orange 2 Orange 2 Apple 3 Pears The Data I would like read separated by Semi-colon: Department: Sells: 1 Meat;Rice;Orange 2 Orange;Apple 3 Pears I would like to read my data via SP or VStudio 2005 Page . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..
when this query is run it returns the max value for each of the activity types eg. phone calls, emails etc. what i want to achieve is for it to return only one record. whichever is more recent. but it only has to be either a phone call or an email.
SELECT regardingobjectidname, MAX(actualend) AS Last_Contacted_On, activitytypecodename, owneridname FROM FilteredActivityPointer AS A WHERE (statecodename = 'completed') AND (activitytypecodename IN (@activitytypes)) GROUP BY regardingobjectidname, activitytypecodename, owneridname
(SELECT MAX(TotalRating)FROM Recipe) AND published = 1 AND ReleaseDate <= @CurrentDate AND ExpireDate > @CurrentDate
This doesn't work good when the recipe having max total rating is not published & expired. I guess I need to first filter the recipes which are published & unexpired and then select the recipe having max total rating. But I don't know how to do that. Could anyone of you please help me doing this ?
Table has 10 fields and I need to return them all. The three most importaint, at least for the filter I need are:
id, studentid, date, canceled.
I need to return the last max(date) grater than or equal to @dateparam which is not canceled for each studentid
I have worked out some solutions but am not happy with them. Specially woried about performance when the table grows. I am expecting in full production a table growth of about 3 million records per month.
what would be grate is if there where a way of returning a the coresponding id like in:
select studentid, max(date), related(id) as ids from tablea where canceled=0 group by studentid
then I could do:
Select * from tablea inner join (select studentid, max(date), related(id) as ids from tablea a where canceled=0 group by studentid ) b on (a.id=b.ids)
There are loads of postings on the net about this problem but none I have found explain the cause. Whenever returning a value from a TableAdapter.Insert method followed by a SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() , the value returned is always 1. I have run the same select in SQL management studion and the correct value is returned but with a 1 showing in the column selector (just to the left of the first column. The column selector column is not data column. This must be the reason that issuing a SELECT after an INSERT does not work when using a TableAdapter isert method. Has anyone come across the solution for this issue? Thanks
I am storing product information in a SQL Server database table; the product information has no unique fields so I have created an Identity field called āuidā. Is there a way of querying the table to find out what value will be given to the next āuidā field before the next record is written to the table? I need to use this as a FK in other tables.
I need to do something sort of like the DESCRIBE function in MySQL. I need to return the table structure, AND the first row from each column sort of as an example of the data in each column.
then i would just need to run this query on each of my tables...
HiIs it possible to return the results of a query so that instead ofhaving say 10 rows its concatenated, egMy query returns 'M' 10 times, can this be returned as 'M M M M M M MM M M'?ThanksLee
Ok, this thing is returning the last record twice. If I have only one record it returns it twice, multiple records gives me the last one twice. I am sure some dumb pilot error is involved, HELP!
Thanks in advance, Larry
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.TestFoodDisLikes
@ResidentID int
RETURNS varchar(250)
DECLARE @RDLike varchar(50)
DECLARE @RDLikeList varchar(250)
SELECT @RDLikeList = ''
FROM tblFoodDislikes
WHERE (ResidentID = @ResidentID) AND (Breakfast = 'True')
I have a strange situation with an select. I've noticed that when I select top 100, a record is not returning from the database, but when doing top 101 the record appears on position 41.
The query is like this:
select top 100 GroupId, count(HouseId) from House h group by h.GroupId order by max([DateCreated]) desc
From all discussions about top 100 vs top 101 I've noticed that everybody is saying that top 101 is using another algorithm and we can have a speed problem, but my problem is not about this. With top 100 I'm missing a record that should appear at index 41.
I have SQL query/dual sub-query in MS Access that is returning data from the left side of the query FROM correctly, but is only returning one record from the right side of the query FROM. Furthermore, it repeats the display of the one record and it repeats the entire results set with a different one record each time until all the records have been displayed. I expect that problems described as āFurthermoreā will not exist by fixing the one record issue. I have tried using all the join types available in MS Access, but none change the result.
The desired output is:
Yellow Blue 11/23/201311/19/2013 11/19/210310/01/2012 10/01/210210/08/2010 10/08/201012/14/2007
The actual output is:
Yellow Blue 11/23/201311/19/2013 11/19/210311/19/2013 10/01/210211/19/2013 10/08/201011/19/2013 11/23/201310/01/2102 11/19/210310/01/2102 10/01/210210/01/2102 10/08/201010/01/2102
The same pattern is repeated 2 more times with Blue values of 10/08/2010 and then 12/14/2007.
Here is the SQL:
SELECT Long_List.Yellow,Short_List.Blue FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT BirthDate AS Blue FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT BirthDate FROM citizens
i recently found a little error in a stored procedure that was included in a project handed over to me....
the sp was rather simple. it just inserted a record into a table and returned the identity and the timestamp as follows
IF @@ERROR>0 BEGIN SELECT @int_InterventionID = 0 RETURN @@ERROR END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @int_InterventionIDReturned = MAX(InterventionID) FROM tblIntervention SELECT @ts_TimestampReturned = [Timestamp] FROM tblIntervention WHERE InterventionID = @int_InterventionIDReturned SELECT @int_InterventionID = @int_InterventionIDReturned, @ts_Timestamp = @ts_TimestampReturned RETURN 0 END
i figured that it should be using @@Identity for the interventionIdentity rather than max(InterventionID)
so i changed to...
IF @@ERROR>0 BEGIN SELECT @int_InterventionID = 0 RETURN @@ERROR END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @int_InterventionIDReturned = @@IDENTITY SELECT @ts_TimestampReturned = [Timestamp] FROM tblIntervention WHERE InterventionID = @int_InterventionIDReturned SELECT @int_InterventionID = @int_InterventionIDReturned, @ts_Timestamp = @ts_TimestampReturned RETURN 0 END
it returns the @int_InterventionIDReturned but the timestamp now comes back as null??? why??
how can i ensure that i always get the timestamp of the record it has just inserted
I have a table with the following structure in sql server 2005
create table app( sno int, name varchar(50), add varchar(50), city varchar(50), state varchar(50) )
it contains the follwing data ------------------------------------------ sno name add city state ------------------------------------------ 1 mark street no1 newcity newstate 2 mark street no1 newcity newstate 3 mark street no1 newcity newstate 4 mark street no1 newcity newstate 5 mark street no1 newcity newstate 6 mark street no1 newcity newstate 7 mark street no1 newcity newstate 8 mark street no1 newcity newstate 9 mark street no1 newcity newstate 10 mark street no1 newcity newstate 11 mark street no1 newcity newstate 12 mark street no1 newcity newstate 13 mark street no1 newcity newstate 14 mark street no1 newcity newstate 15 mark street no1 newcity newstate 16 mark street no1 newcity newstate 17 mark street no1 newcity newstate 18 mark street no1 newcity newstate 19 mark street no1 newcity newstate 20 mark street no1 newcity newstate
I want to retrive previous 5 records, next 5 records and the record that meet the where condition of a select query.
When I run
select sno,add,name,city,state from app where sno=7
I want the following result
------------------------------------------ sno name add city state ------------------------------------------ 2 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 3 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 4 mark street no1 newcity newstate | -- previous 5 records 5 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 6 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 7 mark street no1 newcity newstate --- searched record 8 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 9 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 10 mark street no1 newcity newstate |--- next 5 records 11 mark street no1 newcity newstate | 12 mark street no1 newcity newstate | ----------------------------------------
if there is a method to get the above result set, kindly post the query.
How can we insert multiple records in a OLEDB destination table for each entry from the source table. To be more clear, for every record from source we need to insert some 'n' number of records into the destination table. this 'n' changes depending on the record. how is this achieved.
I need to run a select statement that only returns 50 rows. How do I limit the amount of rows returned? Normally the query will return hundreds of rows but all I need is the first 50 it retrieves. I have looked in the BOL and can only find help with a block cursor not just a query.
Is there a way to create a query that will return only 1 row within a join for example:
select a,b,c,d from tbl1 inner join tbl2 on top 1 tbl2.a = tbl1.a <-- return only the top record here...
I dont have too much of a problem with joins... however I was wondering if there was a mechanism to just specify what would be the top most record from a join clause.
I have a query set up that returns the data that I would like, but Iwould only like the latest data for each vehicle number. The query Ihave set up isSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.vwEvents.EventName,dbo.luSessionAll.SessionName, dbo.luOuting.OutingNumber,dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName, dbo.luOuting.OutingID,dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTime,dbo.tblSessions.Ses sionDate,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTimeFROM dbo.vwSessions INNER JOIN dbo.vwEvents ONdbo.vwSessions.Event = dbo.vwEvents.EventIDINNER JOINdbo.luSessionAll ON dbo.vwEvents.EventID =dbo.luSessionAll.Event INNER JOINdbo.luOuting ON dbo.luSessionAll.SessionID =dbo.luOuting.SessionID INNER JOINdbo.luVehicle ON dbo.luSessionAll.Vehicle =dbo.luVehicle.VehicleID INNER JOINdbo.tblOutings ON dbo.luOuting.OutingID =dbo.tblOutings.OutingID INNER JOINdbo.tblSessions ON dbo.tblOutings.[Session] =dbo.tblSessions.SessionIDGROUP BY dbo.vwEvents.EventName, dbo.luSessionAll.SessionName,dbo.luOuting.OutingNumber, dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName,dbo.luOuting.OutingID, dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTime,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTime, dbo.tblSessions.SessionDateORDER BY dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName, dbo.tblSessions.SessionDate,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTime, dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTimethis returns all the outings. I would like the outing that has, inorder of importance, the latest session date, latest session time andlatest outing start time. Outing start time can sometimes be <<Null>>but the other two always have values. How would I go about doing this?thanks in advance for any help
I have a stored procedure below that returns a table of coaches. It worked before now it does not. It returns nothing, in vistual studio 2005 and on my asp.net webpage. But when I execute it in query analyzer with just SELECT * FROM Coaches it returns the rows. There is no error just will not return what I need. I recreated the database and stored procedure still doing the same thing. Any ideas? Would this be on my server hosting side? ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCo]ASSELECT * FROM Coaches
Hi All: My below sub in application is returning only the Header Row instead of the relevant rows I guess therez problem in my "str" Syntax. However I fail to understand where exactly is it faultering. Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click Try con.Open()Dim empID As String = txtEmpID.Text Dim FName As String = txtFName.Text Dim LName As String = txtLName.TextDim str As String = "Select Emp_ID, Emp_FName,Emp_LName,Emp_Address1,Emp_HNo,Emp_MNo from Emp_Details where Emp_ID='" & empID & " ' Or Emp_LName='" & LName & " ' Or Emp_FName=' " & FName & "'"""Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(str, con) da1.Fill(ds, "Emp_Details") dgEmp.DataSource = ds dgEmp.DataMember = "Emp_Details" dgEmp.DataBind() Finally con.Close() End Try End Sub
Thanks in Advance for your quick help. Regards, Brandy
TotalSelected.Value = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblNews";
the reason i am tring to do this is so if i can find out the amount of rows before sqldatasource selects for details view then i can make the sqldataesource select depends on total minus 5 so e.g. if total 200 then - 5 so i can select bottom 195 so it misses top 5 for details view any1 any ideas? Thanks Andy,