Sql Server And Vpn: Performance/speed

Jul 23, 2005

Hello NG,

We have a performance problem in using a client
server solution based on MS SQL-Server 2000 through
a VPN tunnel (via broadband internet connection).

The SQL Server is running on a Windows 2003 Server
which is configured as VPN server as well.

We figured out that not the performance
of the VPN tunnel itself is the problem,
but the problem is the access to the MS SQL Server.

We tested it by executing sql statements on the Query Analyzer
on the VPN client (WIN XP built in) which is connected to the server
through the tunnel.

For example execution of the SELECT statement
"select TOP 1000 * from Items" on the
database trough the tunnel takes more than 30 times as much
than the same execution on the server itself or within the
server's local network.

But we can make FTP downloads from our server through
the tunnel with 600 KBit/s under same conditions
so the bandwidth of the tunnel should not be the problem.

Do you have any ideas how we can accelerate this
or does any one has made experiences
related to this topic?

Thanks for your help!


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¿What Improves SQL Server Performance? HD Speed, Processor Speed Or Ram?

Oct 18, 2007


I have several data bases on a server (SQL Server 2000 only, no web server installed) and lately, as the company keeps gowing, my users complain saying the server gets slow, (this dbs are well designed and recieve optimizations and integrity checks, etc) because of this, Im thinking about getting a new server to repleace my old ProLiant ML 330 which was bought 4 years ago but Im concerned about what server arquitecture or characteristic can help me best to improve response performance, is it HD speed? Processor speed? or more Ram? I want to make a good decision, so I´d really appreciate your help...

Thanks, Luis Luevano

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Why Does Restarting Speed Performance?

Dec 19, 2006

Why does restarting my server improve SQL's performance so dramatically? What can I do to achieve the same effect, without restarting? Thanks for any ideas.

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Recording Speed Performance

Jul 10, 2007


I am looking for information on the SQL server 2005 performance, mainly on the data recording speed. I have a project where I have to save approximately 20000 analogical value per second.



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SQL Server, C# .NET 2.0 -- Speed Best Practices

Feb 21, 2008


I'm developing a trading application in C# that processes streaming data that can be very heavy at times. Transactions are occuring, logging information is stored, etc., often at a very rapid pace. Up until recently, I had been storing all of this information in memory in DataSets -- upon a graceful exit, the application would call DataSet.WriteXml() to a file, and then next time the application was opened, it would consequently call ReadXml() to obtain its last state. This is all great in theory because it is super fast, there is negligible lag when I add a row to a DataTable that already has 12,000 rows (at a rate of 300 per second), however if the program were to crash, without a chance to write the data to file, then I'm screwed.

My solution is to have the various DataSets bound to a SQL Server database -- I've created strongly typed DataSets and TableAdapters to help aid this process. Because often I'm adding rows VERY quickly and in large numbers to these tables, having an INSERT command execute on the database for EVERY transaction is prohibitively slow.

What I would like is to have some mechanism in place where I only affect the local DataTables on the fly, and then occasionally make calls to TableAdapter.Update (on their respective TableAdapters) during slow periods (or lulls in the message traffic) so that any changes to the in-memory data is persisted on the database. I'm looking for general "best practices" in this regard -- nothing specific, just advice from people who have dealt with this type of application/environment before and might have some tips.

The first thing I thought about doing would be a relatively simple algorithm that, upon receiving a new transaction, sets a timer (for, say 500 ms). When this timer is triggered, it calls the Update command on the DataSet that was updated. If another update comes in before the 500 ms, it first checks to see if there's an active timer for this DataSet, if so, it cancels it, and sets a new timer for 500 ms. This way, if I have a very rapid set of transactions that all occur within a few ms of each other, it will not make any calls to the database during the "peak" of data -- only when there's a 500 ms gap will it make a call.

Does that seem like a viable approach?

Any help/direction is greatly appreciated.


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Possible To Speed Up The Decision Tree By Clustering The Server 2003

Aug 24, 2007

Dear All,

I have a dataminig programming that need to run for days. Is it possibile to speed up the training process by clustering several server by Windows 2003 clustering services? Is it actually that clustering 2 QUAD core computer is almost giving comparable performance as the sum of the speed of two (There must be some overhead, I know). I am actually familiary with the use of clustering. Is it just for making the server farm more reliable or it will collaborate and speeed up the whole training process?

If it is, is there any limit on the number of cluster is in the cluster. What version of Windows and SQL Server do I need to achieve speed up of data mining training process?

Thanks and regards

Tony Chun Tung Siu

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SQL Server 2008 :: Speed Up Text Search In Large Result Set?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a query below which filters detail field in the #TempLogins table. The details field is a text field which contains many types of text strings, some containing urls that have parts like "ResultID=5" which is what is contained in the ResultIDSearch and ResultSetIDSearch fields. The records with entries like "ResultID=5" are the ones I'm trying to filter for.

The problem I have is that the query takes way too long to run. The TempLogin table has around 200 K records and the TempSearch table has around 80 K records.

select * from #TempLogins a where exists
(select 1 from #TempSearch t1 where
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultIDSearch + '%'
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultSetIDSearch + '%')

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SQL Server 2012 :: Ways To Improve Record Deletion Speed

Oct 13, 2015

I have a table (F_POLICY_TRANSACTION).This table has a couple of million rows in it.I am using a column named POLICY_TRANSACTION_BKEY to select records to delete (approximately 750k using the code below)This column has a non-clustered index applied..This is the code I have used:

WHILE 1 = 1


Problem is, it takes around 10 minutes to run.Is there any way it can be made more efficient?I have tried varying the rowcount with no success

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Slow ADO Connection Speed Vista Vs XP To SQL2005 / Server 2003

Jan 31, 2008

I have an application written in VB6 that creates a ADO connection using the (native SQL2005 clien)t from the client to SQLServer 2005 on Server 2003 configured as a stand alone server. The application works great on XP and has for a number of years.

Now I am attempting to deploy in Vista and using the same code the connection speed CRAWLS. it's in the magnitude of atleast 10 times slower. It eventualy works but the selects and doing a readnext against the resulting record set is at a snails pace.

What am I missing. It's has to be some sort of configuration problem somewhere.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Improve Speed Of Initial Query Vice Subsequent Queries

Apr 23, 2015

I have a pretty large DB and a fairly complex query. If I drop buffers and clear cache the query runs in 20 seconds returning 25K rows. Subsequent runs are 2 seconds. Is this the result of the results being cached, execution being cached, other? Are there good ways to close the gap between the initial and later runs? Does the cache stay present until the service restarts or does SQL recycle the memory and if so, based on what criteria?

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SQL Speed

Sep 19, 2006

Andy writes "I have data with more than 4 milions. How to speed up query it ?"

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Mar 9, 2007

i need some opinion on how to sum up or group by more than 2k records faster.. eg, how do i optimize this?

SELECT DISTINCT r.ClientID,c.ClientName, r.ItemID, r.StockID,r.StockName, r.ExpectedQty,r.QCQty,r.AVAQty,r.PNDQty as pnd, r.VMIQCQty,r.VMIAVAQty,r.VMIPNDQty as vmipnd,

(Select isnull( SUM(d.HoldQty) ,0) FROM tblItemdetail d WHERE d.itemid=r.itemid AND d.ConsignorID=@ClientID AND d.Ownerstatus='VMI') AS VMIPNDQty,

(Select isnull( SUM(d.HoldQty) ,0) FROM tblItemdetail d WHERE d.itemid=r.itemid AND d.ConsignorID=@ClientID AND d.Ownership= i.Supplier AND d.Ownerstatus='VMI') AS PNDQty,

(Select isnull(SUM(d.OriginQty - d.PickQty -d.HoldQty -d.qcqty),0) FROM tblItemDetail d WHERE d.ConsignorID=@ClientID AND d.Ownership= i.Supplier AND d.Ownerstatus='OWN') AS StockAtCustAVAQty,

(Select isnull(SUM(d.HoldQty),0) FROM tblItemDetail d WHERE d.ConsignorID=@ClientID AND d.Ownership= i.Supplier AND d.Ownerstatus='OWN') AS StockAtCustPNDQty,

(Select isnull(SUM(d.qcqty),0) FROM tblItemDetail d WHERE d.ConsignorID=@ClientID AND d.Ownership= i.Supplier AND d.Ownerstatus='OWN') AS StockAtCustQCQty

FROM tblItemCrossRef r
INNER JOIN tblClient c ON c.ClientID=r.ClientID
INNER JOIN tblItemClients i on i.Supplier=r.ClientID
WHERE r.ClientID=@ClientID AND r.StockID LIKE @StockID+'%'

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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Speed Up UDF

Jun 22, 2006

Hello all-Given the following UDF, in sql 2000 can it be sped up, complied oranything of the like. A query returning 300,000 + rows times out whenran through the udf, inline case statements returns the rows in 5seconds.Thanks!JeffCREATE FUNCTION dbo.TimeFormat(@input datetime,@groupformatvarchar(20) --DAY, WEEK, MONTH)RETURNS datetimeASBEGINdeclare @dtvar as datetimeif @groupformat = 'DAY'set @dtvar = CAST(CONVERT(char(10), @input, 101) AS datetime)else if @groupformat = 'WEEK'set @dtvar = CAST(DATEADD([DAY], 1 - DATEPART(dw, CONVERT(char(10),@input, 101)), CONVERT(char(10), @input, 101)) AS datetime)else if @groupformat = 'MONTH'set @dtvar = CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(6), @input, 112) + '01' AS datetime)return @dtvarEND

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I Need BETWEEN On Speed

Jul 20, 2005

This is x-posted in:alt.php.sqlcomp.databases.ms-sqlservermicrosoft.public.sqlserver.programmingI have events that occur during the day. I want to be able to search thoseby a form with checkboxes (multiple select).Let's say for instance an event is happening from 3-10pm. When someonesearches for 4-6 (checkbox option) it needs to show up.I don't need code so much as I just need theory. My theory that I coded outand worked, just a missight in theory is as follows. I did a BETWEEN callthat pulled any event that began BETWEEN 4 AND 6 or ended BETWEEN 4 AND 6.As you can see. The event spans that time, but does not start or stopbetween 4 and 6, thus was not pulled. Ooops.So if someone call tell me of another function or perhaps just a better wayto use BETWEEN that would be great. I don't think that code is necessary atthis juncture, so save the 'Please post code' post :) Thanks.

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[Performance Discussion] To Schedule A Time For Mssql Command, Which Way Would Be Faster And Get A Better Performance?

Sep 12, 2004

1. Use mssql server agent service to take the schedule
2. Use a .NET windows service with timers to call SqlClientConnection

above, which way would be faster and get a better performance?

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Sp_executesql And Speed

Jul 12, 2006

I am using sp_executesql this to pass parameter to sql string and I am seeing deadlock between sp_prepexec which does UPDATE with another UPDATE done by another process. When it comes to speed and deadlock, would you recomand not using sp_executesql?

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Speed Up Query

Jan 17, 2007

Can anyone tell me a way to speed up these querys?
//This is selecting a number of records (sent by user) from a table and randomizing those
tempSQL.Text = "select top " + amount.Text + " number from [" + src.Text + "] Where pull='N' order by newID()";
SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(tempSQL.Text, conn2);
cmd3.CommandTimeout = 1000;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd3.ExecuteReader();
//Then I open a data reader that uses the records
SqlConnection conn2a = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString);
while (dr.Read())
//the records are then placed 1 by one into a temp table
string fillresultID = "Insert into [" + src.Text + "_Additional_Temp] (number) Values('" + dr["number"] + "')";
SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand(fillresultID, conn2a);
cmd4.CommandTimeout = 0;
//then the original table that held the numbers is marked as used(again one by one)
string update = "Update [" + src.Text + "] set pull='Y' where number='" + dr["number"] + "'";
SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand(update, conn2a);
cmd5.CommandTimeout = 0;

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How Can I Speed Up This Query

Apr 22, 2008

Hi, how can i speed up this query, it seems to be taking a very long time to bring back the reults;
--This stored procedure retrieves access rights for usersCREATE PROCEDURE wc_User_Access_Right_List 
ASSELECT      dbo.tblRep.Rep_ID, RTRIM(dbo.tblRep.Rep_Forename) + ' ' + RTRIM(dbo.tblRep.Rep_Surname) AS User_Full_Name, dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right, dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right_IDFROM         dbo.tblRep LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblAccessRight ON dbo.tblRep.Access_Right_ID = dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right_ID ORDER BY User_Full_Name
--Make sure this has saved, if not return 10 as this is unexpected error
IF @@rowcount = 0 return 10 
DECLARE @RETURN_VALUE tinyintIF @@error <>0 RETURN @@errorGO

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Variables And Speed

May 28, 2002

I have a select statement that has many 'ands' where one side uses the same thing for ex.

t1.column1=r3.other and
t1.column1=e5.new and
t1.column1=k9.old etc...is there any speed gained by putting the value for column one into a variable and using that variable each time instead of t1.columns1?


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Optimizing Speed

Sep 4, 2001

I have indexed my SQL Server tables to gain some speed on calling up tables and queries ( using VB and ADO ). It is still very slow...Is there a move I have to make once my tables are indexed or is there any tricks to improve the speed cause I am getting kinda desparate right now :(

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Tables And Speed

Dec 10, 1999

I am in the planning stages of a website and want to design my database to allow for optimum performance in case the site becomes popular. In my database I will have around 5 main categories with each category having around 25 or 30 subcategories and each subcategory having around 100 to 300 items. I plan to use MS-SQL Server7. Would it be best to have one large table or have 5 tables for the main categories or have around 100 tables one for each subcategory? Database usage will be simple (no complex queries) but most pages will hit the database and I need to allow for a potential of 4 or 5 million page views per month. The SQL Server will be a shared one.


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Speed Up Blobs

Jan 4, 1999


Any one got any tricks on speeding up storing and retrieving image data? I have a typical 2MB image and I am trying to improve speed... it now takes 8 seconds to store the blob.


Dick Butler

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Speed Issues With MS Sql

Jul 15, 2003

I have migrated a database from ms access to ms ms sql. But I am encountering a problem with the website loading speed. It was running much faster with ms access then it is running with ms sql.

Any inputs or thoughts are appreciated.

Treat it as urgent.

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Backup Speed

Apr 1, 1999

We are currently running Backup Exec v7.0 and are backing up two SQL 6.5 servers on our network. The backups
have begun taking excessive amounts of time considering the limited amounts of data on the servers. Does anyone have
an idea of parameters we could check on the servers or other settings that should be checked in Backup Exec? Also, this
problem seems to have surfaced after we loaded Network Associates VirusScan NT onto our NT Servers and Workstations.
Has anyone had problems with this product on their SQL servers?

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Aug 1, 2006


I've recently been given the task to maintain a website that runs off mssql using vb and asp .net. One of the main task is to improve the mssql access time. I am fairly new to mssql, can anyone give me some insight on the procedure to improve access time to mssql. Obviously sql query plays a big part, but what about database config, asp/vb .net commands or design patterns (for large amount of data pulling and join?)

Any suggestions or pointer will be greatly appreciated.

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How Do I Speed Up An UPDATE?

Aug 28, 2004

I have a single UPDATE statement that has been running for 13+ hours and I have no idea of when it will complete.

Recipients has 80 million records
UpdatedStagingRecipients has 34 million records.

Why would this possibly take so long? Is there anything that I can do at all?

UPDATE Recipients
SET Recipients.First = UpdatedStagingRecipients.First
, Recipients.Last = UpdatedStagingRecipients.Last
, Recipients.StreetAddress = UpdatedStagingRecipients.StreetAddress
, Recipients.City = UpdatedStagingRecipients.City
, Recipients.State = UpdatedStagingRecipients.State
, Recipients.Postal = UpdatedStagingRecipients.Postal
, Recipients.Country = UpdatedStagingRecipients.Country
, Recipients.DOB = UpdatedStagingRecipients.DOB
, Recipients.Obscene = UpdatedStagingRecipients.Obscene
, Recipients.Gender = UpdatedStagingRecipients.Gender
, Recipients.IPv4 = UpdatedStagingRecipients.IPv4
, Recipients.NameSourceID = UpdatedStagingRecipients.NameSourceID
, Recipients.NameLine = UpdatedStagingRecipients.NameLine
, Recipients.AddressSourceID = UpdatedStagingRecipients.AddressSourceID
, Recipients.AddressLine = UpdatedStagingRecipients.AddressLine
, Recipients.RecordCreationSourceID = UpdatedStagingRecipients.RecordCreationSourceID
FROM Recipients INNER JOIN UpdatedStagingRecipients ON (Recipients.UserName = UpdatedStagingRecipients.UserName AND Recipients.DomainID = UpdatedStagingRecipients.DomainID)
TRUNCATE TABLE UpdatedStagingRecipients

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Any Ideas On How To Speed Up This Sp?

Jan 18, 2006

it is working but takes about 3-4 seconds per exec.

CREATE PROCEDURE isp_ap_calc_apt_totals
@p_comp char(2),
@p_vend char(6),

if (@p_asofdate <= '00000000')
set @p_asofdate = '99999999'

delete from XAPAPTTOT
where xapt_comp = @p_comp and xapt_vend = @p_vend and xapt_asof_date = @p_asofdate

insert into XAPAPTTOT
select apph_comp, apph_vend, apph_type, apph_id, @p_asofdate,
sum(apph_paymnts)+ sum(apph_discts) + sum(apph_adjts) +
max(str(yy,4) + replace(str(mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(dd,2),' ','0'))
from APPHISTF.a join APTRANF.b on b.apt_comp = a.apph_comp and b.apt_vend = a.apph_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id
where ((a.apph_comp = @p_comp) and (a.apph_vend = @p_vend) and (a.apph_unpost_dt = 0)
and (str(a.yy,4) + replace(str(a.mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(a.dd,2),' ','0') <= @p_asofdate))
or ((a.apph_unpost_dt > 0 and a.apph_unpost_dt <= @p_asofdate and b.apt_unposted_fg = 1 and b.apt_comp = @p_comp and b.apt_vend = @p_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id))
or (((str(a.yy,4) + replace(str(a.mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(a.dd,2),' ','0') <= @p_asofdate) and a.apph_unpost_dt > @p_asofdate and b.apt_comp = @p_comp and b.apt_vend = @p_vend and b.apt_type = a.apph_type and b.apt_id = a.apph_id))
group by apph_comp, apph_vend, apph_type, apph_id

set xapt_last_payck =
(select max(apph_payck) from APPHISTF
where apph_comp = xapt_comp and apph_vend = xapt_vend and apph_type = xapt_type
and apph_id = xapt_id
and str(yy,4) + replace(str(mm,2),' ','0') + replace(str(dd,2),' ','0') = xapt_last_paydt )
where xapt_comp = @p_comp and xapt_vend = @p_vend and xapt_asof_date = @p_asofdate

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Increasing Speed

Jan 25, 2006

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I have a general question about running/storing databases. I have been running a process with 60+ million records in one table and another 16 million in another table and it is taking forever to get everything imported in and run the appropriate queries. I've been doing this all on a desktop and I am anxious to learn of a more efficient, faster method of processing this amount of data.

What solution should I pursue if I am doing this work a few times a year so that it doesn't take three full days of processing to reach an answer with the data?


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Encryption Speed?

Aug 28, 2006

Has anyone started using encryption yet? Is it noticably slower than not using it? For the record Im not refering too column encryption, but "network" (not sure what else to call it) encryption when it's encrypted between SQL Server and the client.

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Speed Tests (in Vs. Specified)

Jul 30, 2007

Hi Everyone -

We were discussing select speeds the other day,
the question comes in at...

what is faster, a standard query with specifies the search critera
i.e. select * from xyz where a='A' or a='B'
or is the IN a better way to go....

select * from xyz where a in ('A', 'B')

we ran the tests in performance analyzer,
but they were the same results....

maybe i'm smoking the stuff - but i thought the
useage of the IN causes a full table scan for each
of the items in the in clause

please advise

take care

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DB Connection Speed

Mar 1, 2004

This may be more appropriate on another forum, but wanted to see if anyone could give me any ideas.

We have SQL 7 on NT4. We are restricted from upgrading for a couple of particular reasons, but things nevertheless run fairly stable.

We have roughly 100 - 140 simultaneous connections.

Some users have very slow access times where others have a fast connection time. This is not restricted to DB access, but also for file transferring.

Just like you can test your DSL/Cable speeds, are there any similar tests that can be ran on client machines to find their access speeds to the SQL database server?

I really appreciate your suggestions!

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I Need To Speed This Process Up

May 6, 2004

I need to speed this process up.

Insert into dbo.temp_table
(record_number, etc....)
select record_number, etc....
set Indentity _insert temp_table on

It's about 10 million records and usally runs 2-3 hours. Any ideas???????????

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Query Speed

May 20, 2008

I am working with some third party software and trying to rebuild my own queries for my own reports but using the business logic that is behind their queries so that I can be sure the numbers still match up and are useable. The reports in the third party software seem to be built on the fly as I am finding when I run sql profiler because there are no stored procedures. I have a query which returns a basic result set but it takes 52 seconds to get it back and I feel like that is way to long for such a simple result set of returning a count by location. The query creates a few temporary tables and combines and updates some data. I want to update this query to make it faster but am not sure of the best approach to take. The temporary tables create alot of columns that I am not even going to need in the final result set or the update statements so I thought by removing some it would help. I am going to paste in the original query and if anyone has any ideas to make this more up to date with sql 2005 standards and just faster please feel free to let me know. Thanks! :)

(practice_id char(4) null, location_id uniqueidentifier null, rendering_id uniqueidentifier null, service_item_id char(12) null, service_item_lib_id uniqueidentifier null, service_item_desc varchar(80) null, cpt4_code_id char(12) null, charge_amt numeric(19,2) null, quantity dec(19,2) null, begin_date_of_service char(8) null, closing_date char(8) null, create_timestamp datetime null, rvu1 float null, rvu1_total float null, rvu2 float null, rvu2_total float null, rvu3 float null, rvu3_total float null, rvu4 float null, rvu4_total float null, end_date_of_service char(8) null, midlevel_id uniqueidentifier null, unit_price numeric(19,2) null, override_ind char(1) null, modifier_1 char(2) null, modifier_2 char(2) null, modifier_3 char(2) null, modifier_4 char(2) null, link_id uniqueidentifier null, source_id uniqueidentifier null, enc_nbr numeric null, source_type char(1) null, name varchar(150) null, person_id uniqueidentifier null, date_of_birth char(8) null, patient_age char(8) null, address_line_1 varchar(55) null, address_line_2 varchar(55) null, city varchar(35) null, state varchar(3) null, zip char(9) null, country_id uniqueidentifier null, county_id uniqueidentifier null, county_desc varchar(100) null, sex char(1) null, sex_desc varchar(30) null, batch_info varchar(40) null, override_closing_date char(8) null, ud_demo1_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo2_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo3_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo4_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo5_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo6_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo7_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo8_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo9_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo10_id uniqueidentifier null, icd9cm_code_id varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_2 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_3 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_4 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_desc varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_2 varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_3 varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_4 varchar(255) null, quadrant char(2) null, tooth char(2) null, surface_description varchar(200) null, form char(4) null, fin_class_id uniqueidentifier, person_payer_id uniqueidentifier, department_id uniqueidentifier, outsource_ind char(1) null, outsource_date char(8) null, outsource_agency_id uniqueidentifier, outsource_agency_desc varchar(40) null, fqhc_enc_ind char(1) null, fin_class varchar(100) null, payer_name varchar(40) null, person_nbr char(12) null, pat_prov_name_1 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_2 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_3 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_4 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_5 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_6 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_7 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_8 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_9 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_10 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_11 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_12 varchar(75))

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, fin_class_id, person_payer_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, fqhc_enc_ind)

SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, p.financial_class, pe.cob1_person_payer_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, pe.fqhc_enc_ind

FROM charges c, patient_encounter pe, payer_mstr p

WHERE source_type = 'V' and c.practice_id = pe.practice_id and c.source_id = pe.enc_id and pe.cob1_payer_id = p.payer_id and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, fqhc_enc_ind) SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, pe.fqhc_enc_ind FROM charges c, patient_encounter pe

WHERE source_type = 'V' and c.practice_id = pe.practice_id and c.source_id = pe.enc_id and pe.cob1_person_payer_id is null and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, outsource_ind)

SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, c.outsource_ind FROM charges c

WHERE source_type = 'I' and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

SET name = isnull(per.last_name,'') + ', ' + isnull(per.first_name,'') + ' ' + isnull(per.middle_name,''), date_of_birth = per.date_of_birth, patient_age = per.date_of_birth, city = per.city, zip = per.zip, country_id = per.country_id, sex = per.sex, address_line_1 = per.address_line_1, address_line_2 = per.address_line_2, state = per.state, county_id = per.county_id, person_nbr = per.person_nbr
FROM person per
WHERE #FI28EF3WE3DN.person_id = per.person_id

SET name = emp.name, city = emp.city, zip = emp.zip, address_line_1 = emp.address_line_1, address_line_2 = emp.address_line_2, state = emp.state, county_id = emp.county_id
FROM invoices inv, accounts ac, employer_mstr emp
WHERE #FI28EF3WE3DN.source_type = 'I' and #FI28EF3WE3DN.practice_id = inv.practice_id and #FI28EF3WE3DN.source_id = inv.invoice_id and inv.practice_id = ac.practice_id and inv.acct_id = ac.acct_id and ac.guar_type = 'E' and ac.guar_id = emp.employer_id

(practice_id char(4) null, location_id uniqueidentifier null, practice_name varchar(40) null, location_desc varchar(40) null, rendering_id uniqueidentifier null, attend_first_name varchar(25) null, attend_middle_name varchar(25) null, attend_last_name varchar(25) null, service_item_id char(12) null, service_item_desc varchar(80) null, cpt4_code_id char(12) null, cpt4_desc varchar(50) null, charge_amt numeric(19,2) null, quantity dec(19,2) null, begin_date_of_service char(8) null, closing_date char(8) null, create_timestamp datetime null, rvu1 float null, rvu1_total float null, rvu2 float null, rvu2_total float null, rvu3 float null, rvu3_total float null, rvu4 float null, rvu4_total float null, end_date_of_service char(8) null, midlevel_id uniqueidentifier null, unit_price numeric(19,2) null, override_ind char(1) null, modifier_1 char(2) null, modifier_2 char(2) null, modifier_3 char(2) null, modifier_4 char(2) null, link_id uniqueidentifier null, mid_last_name varchar(25) NULL, mid_first_name varchar(25) NULL, mid_middle_name varchar(25) NULL, link_ind char(1) null, name varchar(150) null, date_of_birth char(8) null, patient_age char(8) null, address_line_1 varchar(55) null, address_line_2 varchar(55) null, city varchar(35) null, state varchar(3) null, zip char(9) null, country_id uniqueidentifier null, county_id uniqueidentifier null, county_desc varchar(100) null, sex char(1) null, sex_desc varchar(30) null, batch_info varchar(40) null, override_closing_date char(8) null, location_subgrouping1_id uniqueidentifier null, location_subgrouping1_desc varchar(100) null, location_subgrouping2_id uniqueidentifier null, location_subgrouping2_desc varchar(100) null, provider_subgrp1_id uniqueidentifier null, provider_subgrp1_desc varchar(100) null, provider_subgrp2_id uniqueidentifier null, provider_subgrp2_desc varchar(100) null, ud_demo1_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo1 char(100) null, ud_demo2_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo2 char(100) null, ud_demo3_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo3 char(100) null, ud_demo4_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo4 char(100) null, ud_demo5_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo5 char(100) null, ud_demo6_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo6 char(100) null, ud_demo7_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo7 char(100) null, ud_demo8_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo8 char(100) null, ud_demo9_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo9 char(100) null, ud_demo10_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo10 char(100) null, icd9cm_code_id varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_2 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_3 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_4 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_desc varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_2 varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_3 varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_4 varchar(100) null, quadrant char(2) null, tooth char(2) null, form char(4) null, quad_desc varchar(200) null, tooth_desc varchar(200) null, surface_description varchar(200) null, form_desc varchar(200) null, department_id uniqueidentifier, fin_class varchar(100) null, payer_name varchar(40) null, department varchar(100) null, outsource_ind char(1) null, outsource_date char(8) null, outsource_agency_desc varchar(40) null, fqhc_enc_ind char(1) null, person_nbr char(12) null, pat_prov_name_1 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_2 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_3 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_4 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_5 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_6 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_7 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_8 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_9 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_10 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_11 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_12 varchar(75))

(practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_desc, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1, rvu1_total, rvu2, rvu2_total, rvu3, rvu3_total, rvu4, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, name, date_of_birth, patient_age, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state, zip, country_id, county_id, sex, override_closing_date, batch_info, ud_demo1_id, ud_demo2_id, ud_demo3_id, ud_demo4_id, ud_demo5_id, ud_demo6_id, ud_demo7_id, ud_demo8_id, ud_demo9_id, ud_demo10_id, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, department_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_desc, fqhc_enc_ind, fin_class, payer_name, person_nbr, pat_prov_name_1, pat_prov_name_2, pat_prov_name_3, pat_prov_name_4, pat_prov_name_5, pat_prov_name_6, pat_prov_name_7, pat_prov_name_8, pat_prov_name_9, pat_prov_name_10, pat_prov_name_11, pat_prov_name_12)

SELECT practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, null , null , null , sum(isnull(charge_amt,0)), sum(isnull(quantity,0)), begin_date_of_service, null , null , null , sum(isnull(rvu1_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu2_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu3_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu4_total,0)), null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , name, date_of_birth, null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null

FROM #FI28EF3WE3DN group by practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, begin_date_of_service, name, date_of_birth


SET attend_first_name = pm.first_name, attend_middle_name = pm.middle_name, attend_last_name = pm.last_name, provider_subgrp1_id = pm.provider_subgrouping1_id, provider_subgrp2_id = pm.provider_subgrouping2_id FROM provider_mstr pm

WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.rendering_id = pm.provider_id

SET practice_name = p.practice_name FROM practice p
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.practice_id = p.practice_id

SET location_desc = l.location_name, location_subgrouping1_id = l.location_subgrouping1_id, location_subgrouping2_id = l.location_subgrouping2_id
FROM location_mstr l
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.location_id = l.location_id

UPDATE #GP28EF3WE3DQ SET link_ind = 'Y'
WHERE link_id is not null


SET #GP28EF3WE3DQ.department = ml.mstr_list_item_desc
FROM mstr_lists ml
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.department_id = ml.mstr_list_item_id and mstr_list_type = 'department'

SET county_desc = ml.mstr_list_item_desc
FROM mstr_lists ml
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.county_id = ml.mstr_list_item_id and ml.mstr_list_type = 'county'

select location_desc,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null, count(*) from #GP28EF3WE3DQ GROUP BY location_desc Order By location_desc

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