Sql Server Membership Accounts And Another Database.

Jan 17, 2007

I hope this is in the correct category. I have two .mdf files. aspnetdb.mdf and emotiveonline.mdf. My host provider can only give me one database in sql server express 2005. Now I am no genius when it comes to programming and that kind of stuff but those two mdf files would be seen as 2 databases right?
What I would like to know is that if I can but everything into one mdf file and how would i go about doing that. My website is almost finished and just thought about this now. Would like to do the changes as soon as possible so that I won't sit with a humongous problem later on.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,

Ruan Rossouw

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Default NT Accounts Even If We Have Proper Service Accounts In Server?

Jul 23, 2015

Do we still need the below service accounts in SQL 2008+ version even if we have proper SQL service accounts added in the logins?

[NT SERVICEReportServer]

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Active Directory Accounts Need To See Only One Database Role

Apr 24, 2015

I have more than 3000 Active Directory Users, I have created Role Level Security on one table by using Suser_name(), Now all the active directory users need to connect sql server and access the database role object. How can I achieve that without Using .net?

I am able to add all active directory users to sql server in one go, but I am also trying to achieve same time to map with database role as well? Is it possible ?

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Server Error 1431 When Setting Up Database Mirroring Using Local System Accounts And Certificate Authentication

May 24, 2006

I attempted to setup database mirroring using a High Availability scenario but when I installed SQL is chose to use local system accounts for all the services. Consequently, I stubled upon a microsoft article explaining how to setup mirroring using local system accounts and certificate authentication but I am stil not able to get it to work. When I try ti initiate the mirror from the mirror server I receive an error stating "Neither the partner nor the witness server instance for database "EDENLive" is available. Reissue the command when at least one of the instances becomes available." I have checked all the endpoints and everything seems to be in order. I even checked to make sure that each server was listening on the appropriate ports and I AM able to telnet to the ports. Please help!

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Do Managed Local Accounts Remove Need For Multiple Domain Accounts

Aug 12, 2015

I cannot get a consistent answer as to how many domain accounts would be suggested in a SQL Server 2014 installation. Previously the recommendation was a separate account for each service to provide isolation and minimum permissions for each account. It seems from what I've read that a single domain account would have something added to make it unique from SQL Server's perspective. Several still advocate multiple accounts. I don't know if they are doing so because that's the way it's always been done or if there is still some compelling reason to do so. I don't want to create unnecessary accounts simply because something is "ideal."

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Membership Database

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,
First ASP.NET project - please be gentle !
OK. Ready to add personalisation and membership. I have VS2005 Professional, including SQL Server 2005 developer, but I understand that VS2005 defaults to creating a local SQL Express file in the App_Data directory and that suits me just fine for now. Unfortunately I can't get VS to create it for me and the ASP.NET Configuration tool complains it can't connect to the database.
First, some REALLY dumb questions to show how little I really know ...

if the application is using a SQL Express file, does the SQL Server 2005 process need to be started in order to access the local database file (or does it just get opened like an access database)
does the Broswer process need to be started - this is all just running on my local machine
when I finally publish this site on my hosted service I could do with understanding what will need to be done to get THAT database accessed ... maybe cross that bridge later
I can go to the VS command prompt and run aspnet_regsql.exe in wizard mode. Going through the steps on that I could give it my SQL Server 2005 server name (after I start it) but that's not what I'm trying to do. I just want it to create and connect to a local file in the App_Data.
machine.config shows ...
  <connectionStrings>    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    <!-- <add name="LocalSql2005" connectionString="Data Source=MICKSPCSSLMJ;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True"     providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />     -->  </connectionStrings> 
The commented connection string I used to temporarily prove that I could access SQL2005. It's no longer used and I've put the other references back to "LocalSqlServer" as below ... <membership>
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" applicationName="/" requiresUniqueEmail="false" passwordFormat="Hashed" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="7" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="1" passwordAttemptWindow="10" passwordStrengthRegularExpression="" />
<add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer"
applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<add name="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Security.WindowsTokenRoleProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
</roleManager>The profile provider is clearly pointing to "LocalSqlServer" which in turn points to : connectionString="data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
What am I missing please ?

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ASP.NET Membership Database

Jun 9, 2008

Hello, I have an ASP.NET Membership Database that exists on a remote server.  I have been using this database as I developed my ASP.NET 2.0 application locally.  When I attempted to promote my ASP.NET 2.0 application to production, I am unable to connect to that same remote database.  Oddly, there is another database on that same remote server that I can access from my ASP.NET application in both development and production.
Can anyone explain to me what could cause this?
 Thank you!

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Membership Database

Dec 29, 2004

I need to create a membership database that includes levels and premiums for each level. Can anyone offer any examples of how this should be done? What tables I would need and how they would be related to each other?

Thank you for any suggestions,

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Database Permissions To Use Membership

Jan 22, 2008

I recently transfered my web app to my Windows 2003 server and am having difficulty getting the system to allow me to login.I am using MS SQL Express 2005 and the SQL Express Manager.I have a user/password setup with SQL Authentication.  It appears that I am connecting okay, but I am unable to login to the site.  I have tried three different accounts with no luck.  I know I am using the correct passwords.What permissions do I have to grant my database user to allow me to login to my site?As I am new to SQL Express and the manager, a more specific reply would be very helpful.Thank you,Joshua Foulk 

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Database Role Membership

Dec 12, 2007


I am using SQL server 2000 and when I look in the database role membership I have SuperUser as a role.

Can I have the definition of SuperUser?

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Importing Users Into Membership Database

Apr 25, 2007

Hi, i have a new site built in .net using the login/membership system. i have a legacy database (access) of users from the previous site with email, name, password, etc.Is it possible to import this data straight into my new membership tables through some insert statement, software or through some other way? 

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Membership Database Installation SQL Express

Jun 3, 2006

I am trying to run one SQL Express database for two separate applications that will also use the Membership framework. My database is set up fine and works between both applications 100% as needed with the exception of Membership which I am fairly new to.
From my understanding given the following link
I need to install membership on the database. So I did the following
 (allow remote connections with TCIP/IP and named pipes)
Started SQL and even re-booted
Ran: aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S localhost -A m
I even tried to run it by replacing localhost with MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
All attempts gave me an error saying it could not connect and most likely because remote connections is disabled.
I think the reason for all this is because I don’t actually have the “real� IIS installed but rather I am using the instantiated version that automatically comes up when starting a ASP.NET 2.0 application.
I am assuming I need to set everything up such that I am using the real IIS rather then the default one in visual studio.
Is this correct? Or do I have something else?

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Membership Database Question (Under A Deadline - Please Respond Soon!)

Aug 23, 2007

 So I can't quite understand what's going on here... I've watched the video tutorial on ASP.NET about creating and securing my site using Membership (configuring roles and users), and I noticed that it creates a database in my App_Data folder (ASPNETDB, I think it's called).  And I've got all that working on my local machine, but I'm confused as to how to move it to my server.My hosting provider is M6.net, and they've told me that if I want to upload a database to their server, I have to create it using my admin panel, then upload the file and they'll fill it in for me.  My question is this: if I give them the database that's automatically created when I use login controls on my website LOCALLY, will that database still provide the correct membership functionality for my website when it's run from the web server?  Such that I can give them (M6) the ASPNETDB (containing all the usernames/passwords/rules? I've already specified for my local site), have them populate the similarly titled database on the server, and have it still work with my pages?I'm also confused as to why that database doesn't have a connection string specified in the web.config file...can anyone shed some light on that?As I have no direct access to the database server on my hosting provider, I need to create the membership database with all the correct details prior to uploading it to my server - if simply using the locally generated copy won't work, what should I do?Lastly, the video tutorial says to go to the ASP.NET Configuration page to manage users, roles, security settings, etc., but I don't seem to have access to that through M6.  Instead, I have access to a FrontPage configuration page that is strikingly similar in content to that ASP.NET Configuration page featured in the video, in that it also allows user and role management capability - is this the same thing under a different guise?  

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Deploying A Database Witch Uses The Membership Tables

Jan 15, 2006

I have a website that uses an SQL 2005 Express database, with the added aspnet_users, aspnet_roles tables etc'  inside it.
(That is not an .mdf file, but in the databse itself)

Are there any guidelines for moving this kind of database to the deployment server, which also has SQL Express ?

Is it just a case of  detach + attach ?

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Store Membership Information Using Access .mdb Database

Aug 1, 2007

I'm trying to create a web page that is protected by a user login. I want the user data to be stored in an access database file and not an SQL Server express database.

I was following this guide on msdn:

However, I was doing everything locally using a file system and not IIS. (Which seemed to work fine)

My main problem is that I cannot get the membership information stored in an access database. The only provider option was one for the SQL server express. I think I will have to make a custom provider? However, I read through some of that documentation and was equally confused. ( http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa479031.aspx )

Anyone have a solution?

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Putting User Accounts On The Database

Feb 18, 2006

hii all;

My question is from 2 sections:

1- Is it secure to put user accounts (userName and password ...) on the database?

2- How can I set username and password for SQL server 2005 express file?


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Using Membership UserId Guids With SqlParameters (Membership UserId Guid)

May 7, 2008

In my site, when a user registers, I need to create rows in additional tables besides aspnet_Users. So, I need to be able to pass the generated userId guid to subsequent SqlCommands. I'm having a terrible time with this. What's the correct way to set up a SqlParameter so that it will accept a guid? I keep getting this error: "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier."
I've tried creating the parameter both with and without a SqlDbType.
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, guid);
SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter(paramName);p.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Guid;cmd.Parameters.Add(p);
and I get the same error either way.
Driving me nuts! Any help appreciated.

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How To Grant 'Network Service' Or 'ASPNET' User Accounts Permissions To Connect To Database

Feb 18, 2008

set up asp .net user account on sql server 2005Question:

I've read the instructions in this article: http://www.netomatix.com/Development/aspnetuserpermissions.aspxBut do not know how to do this:You can grant 'Network Service' or 'ASPNET' user accounts permissions to connect to database.Please provide example on how to do this, thanks!

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Membership On Sql Server 2000?

May 9, 2006

Hello,I'm programming asp.net 2.0 with a mySql database.Now I want to implement membership-features.I consider converting mySql to SQL server 2000 because then I don't have to build a custom membershipprovider.my question is: does membership work as good on sqlserver2000 as it does on sqlserver2005? (my host doesn't support sqlserver2005 (yet).another question: can I expect problems converting the database from mysql to sqlserver2000?

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Sql Server And Membership Provider

Feb 19, 2006

Hello all,I need help with sql server which i was wondering if someone can shedsome light on my problemThe problem:Hello all,I need help with sql server which i was wondering if someone can shedsome light on my problemThe problem:i am using .net 2.0 membership provider interface to provide amembership in my website...now i also am using the sql server 2005 forthe backbone of the site..now when a new user is created theirinformation is saved into asp_ membership and their userid isautomactially saved into another table called asp_users...now these aredefaults by membership provider...what i would like to do is to createanother table which i have called "Rank" and i would a column in this"rank" table that would keep the user ids, now i have noticed that theasp_user.UserId has a releationship with asp_Membership.userId so when anew user is created asp_user.Userid automactially gets updated..i havecreated a colum called Rank.UserId which has a relationship withasp_users.userid and asp_membershi.Userid but it doesnot get updatedautomatically when a new user is created...what can i do so i can havethis table "Rank" also gets updated automactially as soon a a new useris created or a user has been deleted...just like asp_users gets updated...thanks in advance---Best RegardsAmir---Best RegardsAmir*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Membership And Report Server Access... Help!!

Feb 9, 2006

I have a problem that I'm hoping someone can give me some advice with: I have created a website that uses .Net 2.0, SQL 2005, and ASP.NET Membership to manage users. Everything works fine until it comes to calling reports, in particular setting report parameters:

Exception Details: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerException: The permissions granted to user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

Source Error:

Line 30: End If
Line 31:
Line 32: Me.rvInvoice.ServerReport.SetParameters(p)
Line 33: Me.rvInvoice.Visible = True
Line 34:

The report worked fine before the security model was changed to use the Membership classes which leads me to conclude that I have not configured the Report Server to deal with the network account that the ASP pages are now using.

I have looked at the example project for configuring extensions with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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MS SQL Server 2000, And ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Controls (login)

Dec 14, 2007

when my ASP.NET 2.0 web site working against MS SQL Server 2000,I Usually have a connection string to the DB, I create a connection, and start working on the data.
While reading about the MemberShip provider of ASP.NET 2.0 (Login control, Forgot password, etc.),I read that it's possible to save the MDF file of the membership controls, within the APP_DATA folder.
But how can it be ? the MDF file must be at the server folder,How can I access this MDF file ? with which connection string ?How does MS SQL Server 2000 syncronize against this MDF file within my APP_DATA folder ?
And by the way, if my hosting company allow me to use 1 db schema of the MS SQL Server 2000 server,Does this method (saving the MDF file within thr APP_DATA folder) allow me to use multiple schemas ?

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SQL Server Logins And User Accounts

May 2, 2007

We are moving from Oracle to SQL Server 2005 for our next release and I'm looking for content that describes creating Logins, creating User accounts and what approach to take if the database is using windows authentication vs. SQL authentication.

Any suggestions?

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SQL Server 2005 Setup Of 2 Vista Machines, Can't Get Individual Network Login Accounts To Work On Each Others SQL Server

Apr 16, 2008

Hello all,

I have 2 networked PC's both running vista ultimate

1st is Laptop and is running its own SQL Server at laptoplaptopSQL
2nd is Desktop and is running its own SQL Server at desktopdesktopSQL

Now both machines have seperate windows login accounts.

When I go SQL Server management studio I go to browse and each machine can see the other machines SQL Server, but when I go to login I get SQL Login falied for users" The user is not associaed with a trusted SQL server connection".

So I then go to logins new login and try to add my other pc's user account.
The problem I see is that when I go to search and then location it only shows its own PC's location and not the location of my other networked pc? So if I am on Desktop and in my theory want to add laptopuser to the desktop SQL Server logins I get:

"create failed for login laptopuser

An exception occurred while executing Transact SQL statement laptopuser is not a valid windows NT name. give the complete name

Not sure on where to go from here.

Any help would be great

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Membership, Roles And Login Controls With Sql Server 2000

Jul 4, 2007

 hello, I have developed a website using asp.net 2.0 and sql server 2005 express edition. I have used the built-in membership, roles and login controls in my website. now i need to change the database server. i have to use sql server 2000 instead. as asp.net 2.0 uses the ASPNETDB.mdf for member,roles and login controls, so how can i do it? i can easily export the database from 2005 to 2000 but how my application controls will know where to look at for those data. I am clueless. please help me. thanks in advance. 

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Implementing Membership And Role Management On SQL Server 2005?

Feb 22, 2006

How can I implementing Membership and Role Management on SQL Server 2005 (not Express)? Anyone have any documentation? Are there any scripts to run that will basically set up the same Database schema on SQL Server 2005 that Express uses?

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SQL Security :: Check Server Accounts Permissions

Jun 25, 2015

I'm trying to harden our SQL Server environment to improve overall security of our systems. I would like to check what specific permissions are granted to SQL Server, SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Integration Services account. I've tried with the "sc qprivs <service_name> " command, but it returns an empty privilege list. Is there a way to retrieve the permissions using a cmd or powershell command?

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Sql Server 2005 Servcie Domain Accounts

Jul 12, 2006

Hi There

Currently we run a certain instance , agent under local system on a server.

I want to create specific domain accounts for the sql server service and agent, now i know that one should create these accounts with the least priviledge for security reasons.

cannot find the topic in BOL, can some please give me the BOL topic or a link to exactly what the least priviledge is for the domain accounts for sql server services.


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Problems With Creating SQL Server Accounts With SQL Express Edition

Jul 17, 2006

I installed Visual Web Developer on my laptop running on Windows XP Professional (SP2). With this SQL server express edition too got installed. Then I installed SQL server management studio express to manage the databases
I used “windows authentication� to login the SQL server for the first time. Then I found sa password is already there. I was never given the opportunity to set this sa password during the installation. I tired to change it to my own password but I found that it’s not accepting any changes.
Then I tired to create a SQL server account and try to login. I was not allowed. Then through MSDN I got to know that Express Edition does not support mixed mode authentication by default but I have to select that during the installation. But the problem is I was never given the opportunity to select this authentication mode during the install ion.
I tired changing the registry values ( set LoginMode to ‘2�) as instructed in the MSDN to allowe mixed mode. Even after that still I’m not allowed to create sql server accounts with my own passwords. I’m allowed to create accounts but it doesn’t allow me to set the password; every time I check it had replace the password I set to some unknown password which I cannot see due to masking.
Can anyone offer me some advice to understand what’s happening?

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SQL 2k Linked Server Login Mapping For NT Group Accounts

Feb 29, 2008

Hi Folks SQL2k on NT4 Domain I have a UserDB on SvrA - Access to UserDB is Via a DomainGroup and is assigned db_owner role UserDB Executes a local SP which in turn Executes a remote SP on SvrB via a Linked Server The Linked Server Login Security is via mapping to a remote account which has db_owner on the remote DB. I would like to. a) stop ALL users on SvrA from being able to use this linked serverb) tightly restrict permissions of the remote account to the remote db Is it possible to MAP above local server login to remote server login as the local login is via a domain group. I cannot significantly alter UserDB current Login Security I'm also worried that another system/db is utilizing this Link (legally) but I'm not allowed on the production box to monitor it (Hhrummphh - but unfortunately I have the job of providing scripts to tighten security :rolleyes: - hence the prefference for mapping local to remote users I'm sorry I'm not well versed in SQL Security & this is only a central part of my bigger security job(involving horrible RPC's, dynamic SQL, heteregeounous joins, double hops, delegation etc) Any help appreciated GW

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SQL Server Express 2005 Local Accounts Problem. Please Help!

Apr 6, 2006

Hi all,After working for weeks on a project in VB.Net, I decided to deploy atest version on a user's computer.The user's XP SP2 computer has sql server xpress 2005 installed, and myVB.net creation. Everything works without problem when the user's XPaccount is set with Administrator permissions. But when i change theuser account to Limited, the program fails with the following message:"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL server due to a failure instarting the process for the user instance. The connection will beclosed."The connection string I'm using is: "DataSource=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="|DataDirectory|DbTrial1.mdf";IntegratedSecurity=True;User Instance=True;Connect Timeout=30"Is there a workaround to get access for XP users with limited accounts?Many thanks :)p.s. allready tried changing in the connection string to "UserInstance=False", but then i get the error "An attempt to attach anauto-named database..... failed.. etc"And I've already tried the most common suggestion to delete the"SQLEXPRESS" folder in local settingsapplication data... but thatdoesn't do anything either :(

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Setup And Upgrade :: Server Installations Use The Same Domain Service Accounts?

May 21, 2015

My company doesn't allow using Local Service / Network Service accounts for SQL Server. So I created domain service accounts. Can multiple SQL Server installations use the same domain service accounts ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Balance Sheet Query Showing Wrong Amounts On VAT Accounts Only

May 21, 2015

I have one query which is pulling Balance sheet amounts from SAP Business One database. The query is giving the correct figures for the rest of the accounts except for the VAT Input refundable account 123600 and VAT Output Payable account 221400. The query sums up totals at Title account level(FatherNum) and the above accounts are the title accounts:

SELECT CAST(T0.TransId AS Varchar(30)) AS TransId, CASE WHEN t3.FatherNum IN ('100000', '350000') THEN '-3 OK' ELSE CAST(T0.TransType AS Varchar(30))
END AS TransType, CAST(T0.BaseRef AS VarChar(30)) AS BaseRef, T0.RefDate,T0.Number as Docnum, DATEPART(Month, T0.RefDate) AS JrnMonth, T0.FinncPriod, T1.Account, T1.Debit,
T1.Credit, T1.Debit - T1.Credit AS JrnAmt, ISNULL(T1.SYSCred, 0) AS SysCred, ISNULL(T1.SYSDeb, 0) AS SysDeb, T1.ShortName, T1.Ref1, T1.Ref2,


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