Sql Stored Procedure - With In Cursor Get @@identity Value For Insert And Use That Again

Jun 11, 2008

I have stored procedure which contains follwing part of it. it says syntax when i worte line to get @@identity valuewhen delete that  line command succesful. but i need to get @@identity from the insert statement and assign it to a variable and use it after

any body pls tell me how to get this within a stored prosedure or what is the error of the following code bit.  (#tblSalesOrders is a temporary table which containsset of  records from orginal table )DECLARE @soNo1 INT



select fldSoNo from #tblSalesOrders

declare @newSONO1 int OPEN @CursorOrders

FETCH NEXT FROM @CursorOrders INTO @soNo1



----for each salesorder insert to salesorderline

insert into tblSalesOrders (fldWebAccountNo,fldDescription,fldSoDate,fldGenStatus) select (fldWebAccountNo,fldDescription,fldSoDate,fldGenStatus) from #tblSalesOrders where fldSoNo =@soNo1;



-------in this section again create another cursor for another set of records and insert to a table passing identity value return from the above insert --------------------------

SELECT @intErrorCode = @@ERRORIF (@intErrorCode <> 0) GOTO PROBLEM

FETCH NEXT FROM @CursorOrders INTO @soNo1

END CLOSE @CursorOrders

DEALLOCATE @CursorOrders

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Problem With @@identity Return In Stored Procedure Insert.

Nov 24, 2003

I'm having a problem I do an insert into a table but I want to return the value of the identity field of that insert so I can email a confirmation. For some reason this code doesn't work.
Below is the stored procedure I'm calling and below that the code I'm using. What am I doing wrong. The value I have returned is null when it should be a number. Any suggestions. Why does finalMagicNum2 come back null when it should grab the identity field of the inserted record.

@theSequence int,
@theSubject int,
@theFirstName nvarchar(50)=null
@theLastName nvarchar(75)=null


INSERT INTO employees([Sequence],subject,firstname,lastname)
SELECT @@identity AS finalNum

magicDataConnect = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myDataConnect")
magicCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("addMagicRecTest", magicDataConnect)
magicCommand.ConnectionType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
magicCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

' Sequence ID for request
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@theSequence", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 8))
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@theSequence").Value = "41833"

' Subject for new Wac Ticket
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@theSubject", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 8))
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@theSubject").Value = "1064"

' First Name Field
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@theFirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50))
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@theFirstName").Value = orderFirstName

' Last Name Field
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@theLastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 75))
magicCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@theLastName").Value = orderLastName

DSMagic = new DataSet()

If DSMagic.Tables("_smdba_._telmaste_").Rows.Count > 0 Then
finalMagicNum2 = DSMagic.Tables("_smdba_._telmaste_").Rows(0)("finalMagic").toString
End If

I need finalMagicNum2

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@@Identity Being Over-written By Insert Trigger In Stored Procedure.

Oct 6, 2004

Hi All

I have a problem with an existing stored procedure that is used to insert a new entry to a table (using an Insert statement).

I have been using the @@Identity global variable to return the identity column (id column) back to the calling routine. This has worked fine for years until recently an ‘after insert Trigger’ has been added to the table being updated.

Now the @@Identity is returning the identity value of the trigger that was called instead of the original table insert.

Does anyone know how I can code around this issue (without using a select statement within my stored proc, as these have been known to cause locks in the past).

Thank in advance.


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Grab IDENTITY From Called Stored Procedure For Use In Second Stored Procedure In ASP.NET Page

Dec 28, 2005

I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure.  The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page.  Here's where I'm stuck:    Public Sub InsertOrder()        Conn.Open()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        ' pass customer info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text)        ' pass order info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue)        'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc)   <-------------------------        Dim li As ListItem        Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)        For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items            If li.Selected Then                p.Value = li.Value                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            End If        Next        Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder)  and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)

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How Can I Assign A Stored Procedure As Cursor's Data Source In AStored Procedure?

Oct 8, 2007

How can I create a Cursor into a Stored Procedure, with another Stored Procedure as data source?

Something like this:


FOR Exec xp_FixedDrives
-- The cursor needs a SELECT Statement and no accepts an Stored Procedure as Data Source

OPEN CURSOR HardDisk_Cursor

INTO @Drive, @Space



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Cursor With Stored Procedure

Aug 11, 2004

I have a stored procedure that basically recieves the where clause of a select statement and executes the new sql statement... ie:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[bsa_GetImportIDs]
(@FilterText varchar(1000))

DECLARE @MySQL varchar(1000)

SET @MySQL = "SELECT Import_ID FROM tblImport WHERE " + @FilterText


Now, in another stored procedure, I need to use the stored procedure above in a cursor so that I can execute an insert statement for each occurance of the Import_ID that appears in that dataset... ie:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[bsa_PutLargeCase]

DECLARE @CaseID uniqueidentifier
SET @CaseID = NewID()
Declare @ImportID uniqueidentifier

Declare curClient Cursor FAST_FORWARD for
SELECT Import_ID FROM dbo.bsa_GetImportIDs (@FilterText) <---- this does not work!!!

Open curClient

EXEC dbo.bsa_PutCaseDetail @CaseID, @ImportID


CLOSE curClient


How can I utilize my first stored procedure in the cursor of the second? ... or
Are there any other approaches that may be a better solution to what I am trying to accomplish?

Thanks in advance for any input.

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Out A Cursor From A Stored Procedure

Aug 17, 2000


any of you have an idea how i can declare an output parameter for my cursor which is inside a stored procedure. i would lik to see the output using the exec command but i don't know how to get the out from my cursor.
please help!


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Stored Procedure Into A Cursor

Jul 20, 2005

Hi guys!!I am trying to fill a cursor with the results of a StoredProcedured, but SQL give me an syntax error message , does any one cangive me some helpI am using SQL Server, this is the first lines of my codeDECLARE FRates_Cursor CURSOR FORexec GET_FJRs_Eng 'all'OPEN FRates_Cursorif I run just the exec GET_FJRs_Eng 'all' line it give me the dataresults I am trying to put into the cursor, what that means is thestored is working fineThanks in advance

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Stored Procedure Using A Declared Cursor

Nov 15, 2007

I need to write a stored procedure using T-SQL to declare a cursor for containing id(staff_no), names and specialism of all doctors that have specialism, The contents of the cursor then are to be displayed using a loop and print statement to give a formatted display of the output of each record within the cursor.

The doctors table has the following columns with specialism allowing NULL values

staff_no CHAR(3),
doctor_name CHAR(12),
position CHAR(15),
specialism CHAR(15),
PRIMARY KEY(staff_no)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Declare Cursor In Stored Procedure?

Jan 23, 2008

I am trying to decalare the cursor in the below stored procedure. Can any one please help me to correct the cursor declaration?? Basically, i am testing how to declare the cursor in stored procedure.

@empno int,
FOR SELECT empno FROM AdventureworksDW.dbo.emp
OPEN Employee_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor into @empno;
UPDATE emp set sal= sal+ 2000 where
empno = @empno and comm is null
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor into @empno;
CLOSE Employee_Cursor;
DEALLOCATE Employee_Cursor;

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Creating Cursor From Stored Procedure

Jun 20, 2006

Hi guys!i want to create one cursor in the t-sql. the problem is i want to usestored procedure instead of select command in cursor.can anyone tell me how can i use stored procedure's o/p to createcursor?i'm using sql 2000 and .net 2.0thanks,Lucky

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Stored Procedure Cursor Problem URGENT

Dec 14, 2000


I have created the following stored procedure to get the text from one table and compare with them with another table and the one's that match will assign the corresponding ID. But the problem is that it only assigns the last id in the table from the main table which new_cur2 holds. So the problem is that its not updating with the correct ID its just updating with the last ID the cursor holds. Does any one know what it could be.....I think it may just be a little coding error....thanks


Declare @pdesc nvarchar(30)
Declare @ssc int
Declare @myid int
Declare @name nvarchar(30)

Declare new_cur CURSOR DYNAMIC FOR
SELECT ProductDescription, SubSubCatID

Open new_cur
FETCH FROM new_cur INTO @pdesc, @ssc
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

Declare new_cur2 CURSOR DYNAMIC FOR
SELECT SubSubCatID, SubSubCategory FROM SSC

Open new_cur2
FETCH FROM new_cur2 INTO @myid, @name
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

IF PATINDEX ('@name%',@pdesc) = 0
Set @ssc = @myid
SET SubSubCatID = @ssc
FETCH NEXT FROM new_cur2 INTO @myid, @name


Close new_cur2
FETCH NEXT FROM new_cur INTO @pdesc,@ssc
Close new_cur

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Receiving And Sending A Cursor With(in) A Stored Procedure

Feb 23, 2005

Can someone post some code that shows a Stored Procedure receiving a cursor that it can process - lets say a group of order detail records are received that must be saved along with the single Order header record.

And, in another example, a SP returns a result set to the calling program. - For example, a particular sale receipt is pulled up on the screen and the order detail is needed.

Thanks for help on this,


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How To Call A Stored Procedure In T-SQL And Pass It To A Cursor

Dec 2, 2007


I have a kind of problem. In SQL Server I have a stored procedure ressembling this:

Code Block

@param int

SELECT * FROM table WHERE param = @param

Now I want to call this procedure and pass it to a cursor. We all know you can do this:

Code Block

DELCARE cursor1 CURSOR for
SELECT * FROM table WHERE param = @param

.. , but I want something like this:

Code Block
DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR for
EXEC procedure1 @param

Is it possible? I could solve it in another, but then I have to connect 2x to the database, which is less performant.

I have also tried something like this:

Code Block

@param int
SELECT @test = id FROM table WHERE param = @param
RETURN @test


@param int
DECLARE @var varchar(100)
EXEC @var = procedure1 @param

But then it returns always 0.

So is there a way to pass a procedure's select to a cursor?

Thanks in advance


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Make A Dynamic Cursor In A Stored Procedure

Jul 9, 2006

I need im my aplication to meke a "Cursor" in a execution of a stored procedure.

For sample:

In a table with a report definition I have the "Fileds, From, Group, Order " clausulas and I need make a cursor with a contents of this fileds.

How can I do ???

My code:

Declare @idRelat int, @cmd_FROM nvarchar(1024), @cmd_Det nvarchar(50)
SELECT @idRelat = idRelat, @cmd_Det = cmd_DET
FROM Relatórios WHERE Nome = @p_Relat

Declare @Tot_Col smallint, @Tot_Lin smallint, @Campos smallint,
@Aux_Select nvarchar(1024), @Aux_Group nvarchar(1024), @Aux_Order nvarchar(1024)

Select @Tot_Col = 0
Select @Tot_Lin = 0
Select @Campos = 0
Select @Aux_Select = "SELECT " + @cmd_DET + "AS Soma"
Select @Aux_Group = "GROUP BY "
Select @Aux_Order = "ORDER BY "
Declare @a_Local char(1), @a_Linha smallint, @a_Campo nvarchar(50)
Declare cur_Aux insensitive cursor for
SELECT Local, Linha, Campo
From Relatórios_Margens
WHERE (idRelat = @idRelat)
ORDER BY Local, Linha
Open cur_Aux
Fetch cur_Aux into @a_Local, @a_Linha, @a_Campo
While @@FETCH_status = 0 begin
If @a_Local = "C"
Select @Tot_Col = @Tot_Col + 1
Select @Tot_Lin = @Tot_Lin + 1
Select @Campos = @Campos + 1
If @Aux_Group <> "GROUP BY " begin
Select @Aux_Group = @Aux_Group + ", "
If @Aux_Order <> "ORDER BY " begin
Select @Aux_Order = @Aux_Order + ", "
Select @Aux_Select = sSelect + ", " + @a_Campo + " AS Campo" + @Campos
Select @Aux_Group = @Aux_Group + @a_Campo
Select @Aux_Order = @Aux_Order + @a_Campo
Fetch cur_Aux into @a_Local, @a_Linha, @a_Campo
Select @Aux_Select = @Aux_Select
Select @Aux_Select = @Aux_Select + " " + @cmd_FROM + " " + @p_Filtro + " " + @Aux_Group + " " + @Aux_Order
Declare @Cursor_Aux cursor
Set @Cursor_Aux = cursor for @Aux_Select
Open @Cursor_Aux

Not working !!!!

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Problem When Invoking Stored Procedure With Cursor From Inside .net

Nov 7, 2007

Dear all,i'm facing a problem with my storedprocedure which happened when i ran my web application and reach to the point where my class invoke this storedprocedure,my SP contains a cursor that built his sql according to certain condition, so i put the "SET @cur Cursor For....." inside the if block (definitely i've declared it under AS keyword directly) and this SP is working well inside sql server(I've tested it), BUT when my ASP.net code invoke this SP it gives me the following error : "The Variable @cur does not currently have a cursor allocated to it" repeated as much as there are IF clauses in my SP,Please Help.Regards,

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Cursor Works In Query Analyzer But Not In Stored Procedure

Mar 7, 2008

Hi i have a script works in sql query analyzer;

declare @id decimal

declare mycur CURSOR SCROLL for select myRowID from myTable order by myRowID
open mycur;

Fetch ABSOLUTE 30 from mycur into @id
close mycur;
deallocate mycur;

select @id
this script turns me a value.

i create a stored procedure from above script and its syntax is ok;
declare @cur cursor
declare @RowID decimal
set @cur = CURSOR SCROLL
for select myRowID from myTable order by myRowID
open @cur
Fetch ABSOLUTE 30 from @cur into @RowID
close @cur
deallocate @cur
select @RowID

my c# code using stored procedure is below;

Code Snippet

OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT_MyRow", myconnection);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
MessageBox.Show(reader.GetName(0));//here fails
while (reader.Read())

catch(Exception ex)


The code above fails because reader reads no values, error message is "No data exists for the row/column"
but i know exists. Can anyone help me, what is the difference between stored procedure and script ?

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Transact SQL :: Creating Stored Procedure With Cursor Loop

Sep 18, 2015

I appear to be having an issue where the @LetterVal and @Numeric variables aren't resetting for each loop iteration, so if no results are found, it just returns the previous loops values since they aren't overwritten.  Below is the stored procedure I've created:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ap_CalcGrade] 
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@studId int,
@secId int,
@grdTyCd char(2),
@grdCdOcc int,
@Numeric int output,

[Code] ....

And below is the "test query" I'm using: 

--  *** Test Program ***
Declare @LetterVal varchar(2), -- Letter Grade
        @Numeric   int,        -- Numeric Grade
        @Result    int         -- Procedure Status (0 = OK) 
Execute @Result = dbo.ap_CalcGrade 102, 86, 'QZ', 3, 

[Code] ....

This is resulting in an output of: 

A+ 97
A+ 97
C- 72

but it should be returning the output below due to the 2nd data set not being valid/found in the sp query:
A+ 97
No Find
C- 72

I'm sure this is sloppy and not the most efficient way of doing this, so whats causing the errant results, and if there is any better way I should be writing it.  Below is the assignment requirements:

Create a stored procedure using the STUDENT database called ap_CalcGrade that does the following:

2. Outputs the numeric grade and the letter grade back to the user
3. If the numeric grade is found, return 0, otherwise return 1
4. You must use a cursor to loop through the GRADE_CONVERSION table to find the letter grade

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@@Identity In Stored Procedure

Jun 28, 2007

Hi,I have a stored procedure  that insert data into 2 temp tables. The problem that I have is when I insert a data into a first table, how do I get the @@identity value from that table and insert it into the second table?? The following code is what I have:Create #Temp1    @StateID Identity,    @State nvarchar(2),    @wage moneyINSERT INTO #Temp1 (State, wage)SELECT State, Wage FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Table1_ID = Table2.Table2_IDCreate #Temp2    @ID Identity    @EmployeeID int        @StateID Int    @Field1 Money    @Field2 MoneyINSERT INTO #Temp2 (EmployeeID, StateID, Field1, Field2)SELECT EmployeeID, StateID, Field1, Field2 FROM SomeTable 

So, The first part I created a #Temp1 table and insert data into the table. Then after the insert, I want the @@Identity value and insert into the #Temp2 table. This is my first time doing stored procedure, so, I am wondering how do I retrieve the @@identity value and put into the second select statement. Please help. ahTan 

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Problem With @@IDENTITY In Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2007

Hello !
I just can't access @@IDENTITY in my requests !Here is my stored procedure : (I removed a few lines for clarity)set ANSI_NULLS ON
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AssignerLicence]
@Apprenant int = 0


SET @NBLICENCES = (SELECT SUM(commande_licences_reste)
FROM Commande
WHERE commande_valide = 1)


UPDATE Commande
SET commande_licences_reste = (commande_licences_reste - 1)
WHERE commande_id =
(SELECT TOP 1 C_min.commande_id
FROM Commande AS C_min
WHERE C_min.commande_licences_reste > 5
ORDER BY C_min.commande_licences_reste ASC,
C_min.commande_date ASC);


INSERT INTO Licence (licence_date_debut, commande_id)


UPDATE Apprenant
SET licence_id = @LICENCEID
WHERE apprenant_id = @Apprenant


But it always throws an error saying that I can't insert null into commande_id (basically, I think @@IDENTITY isn't executed at all)
Any idea why it doen't works ?
Thanks !

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Set Identity Not Working For Stored Procedure

Jan 31, 2008

Hi can someone tell me whats wrong with this stored procedure. All im trying to do is get the publicationID from the publication table in order to use it for an insert statement into another table. The second table PublicaitonFile has the publicaitonID as a foriegn key.
Stored procedure error: cannot insert null into column publicationID, table PublicationFile - its obviously not getting the ID.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureUpdateDocLocField
@publicationID Int=null,@title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@filePath nvarchar(MAX)=null
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Publication WHERE title = @title)SELECT @publicationID = (SELECT publicationID FROM Publication WHERE title = @title)SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITYEND
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM PublicationFiles WHERE publicationID = @publicationID)BEGININSERT INTO PublicationFile (publicationID, filePath)VALUES (@publicationID, @filePath)END

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Stored Procedure And Assigning @@IDENTITY Value

Nov 3, 2003

In the following stored procedure I would like to test whether @TopCategoryID is null. If so I would like to insert the @CategoryID value into the @TopCategoryID value. So, once @CategoryID recieves the @@IDENTITY value, how do I enter this same value into @TopCategoryID as well???


@Description varchar(250),
@topCategory bit,
@ParentCategoryID int,
@TopCategoryID int,
@CategoryID int OUTPUT


INTO CT_Category
(CategoryName, CategoryDescription, topcategory, parentcategoryid, topcategoryid)
(@Name, @Description, @topcategory, @ParentCategoryID, @TopCategoryID)

SET @CategoryID = @@IDENTITY

IF @@ERROR > 0

RAISERROR ('Insert of Category failed', 16, 1)



SET @CategoryID = -1


Thanks in advance

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Return Identity In Stored Procedure

Mar 23, 1999

I have a stored procedure where I am passing in several strings which are concatenated to form an Insert SQL statement. I then return the identity value from the insert - problem is, the identity value is coming back NULL.

Here is the sp. Any ideas?

@pIdentity int OUTPUT,
@pSQL1 varchar(255),
@pSQL2 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL3 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL4 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL5 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL6 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL7 varchar(255) = NULL,
@pSQL8 varchar(255) = NULL

EXECUTE (@pSQL1 + @pSQL2 + @pSQL3 + @pSQL4 + @pSQL5 + @pSQL6 + @pSQL7 + @pSQL8)

SELECT @pIdentity = @@IDENTITY

FYI, the real problem I am trying to solve is simply to return the identity after an insert. I could write a simple insert sp that returns the identity, but my code is written to handle generic situations and build an INSERT statement as needed. So if there are any other ideas of executing an insert statement and getting the identity, please let me know.


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Stored Procedure Conditionally Using @@Identity

Feb 21, 2006

Im having a play using @@identity

I want to insert some data into a table

Get the AutoID value on the inserted data

then insert some other data into another table
and set its id value to the captured @@identity

My question
I only want to do the second insert only if
@FieldValue2 contains a value ie not empty

below is a basic procedure without conditonal part


CREATE PROCEDURE conditional_Insert

@FieldID As int,
@FieldValue As Nvarchar(50),
@FieldValue2 As Nvarchar(50)

declare @id int

set nocount on

INSERT INTO Table1(fieldID,fieldvalue)
VALUES( @FieldID, @FieldValue)

set @id = @@identity

INSERT INTO Table2(fieldID2, FieldValue2)
VALUES(@id, @FieldValue2)

select @id

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IDENTITY Values In A Stored Procedure

Oct 18, 2005

Hi All,
This is my stored procedure

INSERT INTO #tblTest(Col1)


This is my simple procedure, I wanted to know whether the IDENTITY values created in #tblTest will always be consistent, I mean without losing any number in between. i.e. ID column will have values 1,2,3,4,5.....
or is there any chance of ID column having values like 1,2, 4, 6,7,8....

Please reply...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Take Data And Execute Stored Procedure With Parameters - Remove Cursor

Jun 26, 2014

I currently have a process that has a cursor. It takes data and executes a stored procedure with parameters.

declare @tmpmsg varchar(max)
declare @tmpmsgprefix varchar(max)
declare @cms varchar(20)
create table #tmpIntegrity(matternum varchar(10),ClientName varchar(20))
insert into #tmpIntegrity(matternum,ClientName)

[Code] ....

Output from code:

The following Client1 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3,Ac4,
The following Client2 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3,
The following Client3 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3,
The following Client4 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts:

Desired output (no trailing comma):

The following Client1 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3,Ac4
The following Client2 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3
The following Client3 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts: Ac1,Ac2,Ac3
The following Client4 accounts have A1 value and a blank A2 field. Accounts:

Next, how do I call the stored procedure without doing it RBAR? Is that possible?

execute usp_IMessage 832,101,@tmpmsgprefix,@tmpmsg,','

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Stored Procedure With CURSOR OUTPUT Parameter, Using JDBC And A Callable Statement

Feb 13, 2007

My server is MS Sql Server 2005. I'm using com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver as the driver class. I've established a connection to the database.

I'm trying to invoke a stored procedure using JDBC and a callable statement. The stored procedure has a parameter @CurOut CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT. How do I setup the callable statement so the output parameter is accepted by the driver?

I'm not really trying to pass a cursor up to the database Server but I'm wanting a cursor back from the stored procedure that is other than the result set or other value the stored procedure returns.

First problem: What java.sql.Types (or SQL Server specific) value do I specify for the out parameter I'm registering on the CallableStatement?

Second problem: What do I set the value of the parameter to?

The code looks like:

CallableStatement cstmt = myConnection.prepareCall(sQuery);

cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER); // What is the right type?

cstmt.setNull(1, Types.OTHER); // What is the right type?

if (cstmt.execute()) {

ResultSet rs = cstmt.getResultSet();


Execution results in a NullPointerException from the driver.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your assistance.

Jon Weaver

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Identity Column Set Not For Replication And A Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2015

I have a table, which is being replicated with the identity column set "not for replication" and a stored procedure, which is also replicated (execution) which inserts into this table. When the execution of the stored procedure happens, the replication monitor complains about identity value not being provided.other than removing the stored procedure from replication?

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How Do I Return The Identity From Stored Procedure To Asp.net Code Behind Page?

Jun 2, 2006

how do i return the identity from stored procedure to asp.net code behind page?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[myInsert] ( @Name varchar(35),   @LastIdentityNumber int output)AS insert into table1 (name) values (@name)
DECLARE @IdentityNumber intSET @IdentityNumber = SCOPE_IDENTITY()SELECT @IdentityNumber as LastIdentityNumber
code behind:
public void _Insert(
string _Name,
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("name_Insert");db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "name", DbType.String, _userId);
db.AddParameter(dbCommand, "@IdentityNumber", DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output, "", DataRowVersion.Current, null);
int a = (int)db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand,"@IdentityNumber");
whats wrong with to the above code?

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Problem With Stored Procedure And Retrieving Inserted Identity Value

Jul 11, 2006

Hello!I use a procedure to insert a new row into a table with an identitycolumn. The procedure has an output parameter which gives me theinserted identity value. This worked well for a long time. Now theidentity value is over 700.000 and I get errors whiles retrieving theinserted identitiy value. If I delete rows and reset the identityeverything works well again. So I think it is a data type problem.My Procedure:create procedure InsertProduct@NEWID int outputasbeginset nocount oninsert into PRODUCT(D_CREATED)values(getdate()+'')set nocount offselect @NEWID = @@IDENTITYendMy C# code:SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("InsertProduct", sqlCon);comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;comm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NEWID",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)).Direction =System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;try{SqlDataReader sqlRead = comm.ExecuteReader();object o = comm.Parameters["@NEWID"].Value;//...}catch ( Exception ex ){throw ex;}The object o is alwaya System.DbNull. I also tried to use bigint.Any hints are welcomeCiaoSusanne

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Java Code To Retrieve Data From Stored Procedure Which Returns Cursor Varying Output?

May 11, 2015

java code to retrieve the data returned by SQL server stored procedure which is of CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT type and display the details on console.

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Replicating Tables With An Identity Column Fails Even With Custom Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 1999

When replicating a table which has an identity column I get the error: "Procedure cp_insert_tblname expects parameter @C1, which was not supplied.". The stored procedure appears to be called without any parameters so my insert stored procedure does not work. I know I'm missing something basic here!! Do I have to add the field names when telling replication to use a custom stored procedure. If not, how do arguments get passed to my SP, as globals somehow?

Any info greatly appreciated!!

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Last GASP On Insert Row In Table With Identity Field, And Get New Identity Back ?

Jul 9, 2006

While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.

.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.

To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.

1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.

2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!

3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?



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