Sql2k: Increment Numeric Part In Arbitrary String
Apr 11, 2003
CREATE FUNCTION fctisnumericex(@c varchar(1))
CREATE FUNCTION fctstringincrement (@string varchar(255),@maxlen int)
RETURNS varchar(255) AS
DECLARE @@posr int
DECLARE @@posl int
DECLARE @@c varchar(1)
DECLARE @@token1 varchar(255)
DECLARE @@token varchar(255)
DECLARE @@token3 varchar(255)
DECLARE @@i int
/* emulates parts of the behaviour of s_modformatting::substringincrement */
/* 1. find the place where the numeric token starts from the right */
/* if we didn't find any non-numeric part then it might well be that the rightmost digit is already numeric */
IF dbo.fctisnumericex(SUBSTRING(@string,DATALENGTH(@string),1))=1
SELECT @@posr=DATALENGTH(@string)
SELECT @@c=SUBSTRING(@string,@@i,1)
WHILE dbo.fctisnumericex(@@c)!=1 BEGIN
SELECT @@i=@@i-1
SELECT @@c=SUBSTRING(@string,@@i,1)
SELECT @@posr=@@i
/* so have we got any numeric part inside that string? */
IF @@posr>0 BEGIN
/* yep. see how long it lasts */
SELECT @@i=@@posr
SELECT @@c=SUBSTRING(@string,@@i,1)
WHILE dbo.fctisnumericex(@@c)=1 BEGIN
SELECT @@posl=@@i
SELECT @@i=@@i-1
SELECT @@c=SUBSTRING(@string,@@i,1)
/* separate now the parts of the string */
IF @@posl>1 BEGIN SELECT @@token1=SUBSTRING(@string,1,@@posl-1) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @@token1='' END
SELECT @@token=SUBSTRING(@string,@@posl,@@posr-@@posl+1)
@@token3=SUBSTRING(@string,@@posr+1,DATALENGTH(@string)-@@posr) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @@token3='' END
/* increment the numeric part */
SELECT @@token=convert(varchar(255),convert(int,@@token)+1)
/* no numeric part at all. start with 1 at the end */
SELECT @@token1=@string
SELECT @@token='1'
SELECT @@token3=''
/* recompose the string and trim to max length if necessary */
RETURN SUBSTRING(@@token1+@@token+@@token3,1,@maxlen)
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Feb 3, 2005
I have always programmed my ASP pages with MS Access DB's and we recently got a SQL Server 2000. So, I'm totally new to SQL Server 2000.
I trying to retrieve data from a table in SQL, based on values from two input fields (text fields) on a form in the web page.
To process the form, I am using the following syntax:
SQL Fields in Table TESTdb are (BTWP = numeric field) and (BPARCEL = text field)
I realize that the problem is that I'm comparing a numeric field in my table, to a text field from my form, but don't know how to convert the text field to a numeric field, prior to the execution of the select statement. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!
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Oct 24, 2007
I have one column in which i have Alpha-numeric data like
+91 (876) 098 6789
so on.
I want to remove Non-numeric characters from above (space,'(',')',+,........)
i want to write something generic (suppose some function to which i pass the column)
thanks in advance,
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May 15, 2008
i am using a sqldatasource with a formview that has three stored procedures associated with it. when i update a record in my formview, i need to increase two parameters that are displayed as labels in the formview by their value plus one.
i can't figure out how to increase the value in the stored procedure, or using the codebehind, or with some script in the html. any solution works for me. any suggestions?
if i can figure out how to increment one of my fields, i can use the same logic for the other. below is an example of what i am trying to do.
in my formview i have three fields: Count, Rate, Price. Count is a label, Rate and Price are editable textboxes. once i commit the update for the values of Rate and Price, i need the value of Count to increase by 1, and then have that value updated in the data base along with the new values for Rate and Price.
is there a way to do this in the codebehind, or in my stored procedure?
i am using Asp.Net 2.0, vs2005, and sql server.
any help is greatly appreciated. thank you.
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Jan 25, 2006
Karikalan writes "We need alpha numeric auto increment code in sql server 2000.
(for eg.: ico1001, ico1002, ico1003,......)
Can any one send the code in MS sql server 2000? plz ..................
bcoz i am beginner in sqlserver 2000"
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Nov 20, 2007
I had a strange problem today with one of the identity fields in a frequently used table. It appears that the Identity column for a table had stopped incrementing after it reached 2147483585. Since I had inherited this table, I am not sure if the identity column type has been modified from int to numeric, but the current type is Numeric (9) which is 19 precision and 0 scale value.
When resetting the seed to 1, it started working. I tried creating a temp table with numeric value and it increments well beyond billions with no problems.
Has anyone encountered this? Any best practices around defining Identity data type (ie. use int or bigint and avoide Numeric)?
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Aug 18, 2006
I was trying to find numeric characters in a field of nvarchar. I looked this up in HELP.
Any string of zero or more characters.
Any single character.
[ ]
Any single character within the specified range (for example, [a-f]) or set (for example, [abcdef]).
Any single character not within the specified range (for example, [^a - f]) or set (for example, [^abcdef]).
Nowhere in the examples below it in Help was it explicitly detailed that a user could do this.
In MS Access the # can be substituted for any numeric character such that I could do a WHERE clause:
Gift_Date NOT LIKE "####*"
After looking at the above for the [ ] wildcard, it became clear that I could subsitute [0-9] for #:
Gift_Date NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'
using single quotes and the % wildcard instead of Access' double quotes and * wildcard.
Just putting this out there for anybody else that is new to SQL, like me.
Patrick Briggs,
Pasadena, CA
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May 22, 2007
Hello to all,
I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me.
i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships .
3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....)
4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...)
i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members.
Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567;
select *
from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in
(select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query.
Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
Best Regards
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Mar 21, 2007
I am trying to find a way to find a certian character in a string and then select everything after that character.
for example i would look for the position of the underscore and then need to return everthing after it so in this case
i would return no
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Oct 27, 2014
I am having a
Source Table: #test1(studID, FIrstNAme,LasteName)
Target Table: #Test2(StudID, UserName)
Now I want to create usernames from #test1 by considering first character of first name and last name and if same combination found then append with 01.
Example if #test1 contains data as below:
1,Abhas, Pawar
2, Arun, Pawar
3, Ashis, Panday
Then i want to create username like:
but if same username exists in #test2 then i want to inser records as below:
first apawar will check in #test2, if not exists insert as it is:
if apawar01 exists in #test2 then, cretae apawar02 instead of apawar01
for next create apawar03 and insert and so on...
In brief I want to check created username eith #table2 and if same exists then first check if lower value available if not then create with lower value and insert.
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Mar 3, 2006
can anyone help me with this query string?
String SQL = "INSERT Employee(Employee ID, UserName, JobRole, Department, Level, Email)(SELECT max(EmployeeID) + 1 FROM Employee) AS Employee ID, VALUES(EmployeeID, '" + newUserName + "', '" + newJobRole + "', '" + newDept + "', '" + newLevel + "', '" + newEmail + "')";
I am trying to insert values into a table, but i have an Employee ID field, which needs incrementing. How can i do this through my SQL query string? Is this possible? As it can't accept a NULL value.
Thanks, Sandy
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Nov 25, 2004
Need help..
I need to select from a text field (lastname, firstname) the first part which is the last name. The format is exactly like the parenthesis. Any ideas?
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Oct 12, 2007
The company for which I work did not have a DBA until I started a few weeks ago. Whoever installed SQL2K used the wrong CD so they have been running Personal Edition on their servers. I have installed a new SQL2K standard instance and have restored everything except the jobs and DTS packages. Can the msdb from the Personal edition be restored to the standard instance?
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Apr 1, 2015
I want the Numeric Value from Combination of alphabets(a-z,A-Z) , Special Characters and Numeric Value.
example ::
I have '13$23%as25_*' and query should return --> 132325 as result.
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Jul 29, 2007
Hi all,
I defined an user string type varible in the package as AccountLen. I am trying to use this varible in the Expression of Derived Column transformation.
I want to retrieve a part of column, i.e: Right(Column1, @AccountLen), this is always wrong because the AccountLen is string type. How I can convert it to the numeric so that can be used in the RIGHT function?
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May 30, 2006
I have a column Sports which contains a string.the string is comma delimited, so may contain e.g. 1,3,2,6,8,19 or 6,22,13 etc.What is (performance wise) the fastest way to select all the rows where the number 2 is in the Sports column.....?(I can't search on ",2," since "2" may also be at the start of the string....)
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Dec 4, 2000
I am trying to strip off 'XYZ' from column1 in table1 whenever it occurs
Any help appreciated
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a field in my table that includes free form text. Within this text are two five digit numbers seperated by a forward slash (/). I need to be able to locate the "/" and then return and display the numbers before and after the "/" seperately. For example:
"the text looks like this but has two numbers 55555/66666 within the string"
I need to get the "55555" and the "66666" in oprder to then display them. can anyone help? I am using ASP/SQL. Appreciated in advance!
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Mar 21, 2007
how can you return part of a string and convert it into an integer value? Maybe like this:
convert(left(column, 3) as int)
does that work?
The Yak Village Idiot
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a function that will extract part of a string when the data youwant does not occur in a specific position?Field "REF" is varchar(80) and contains an email subject line and the emailrecipients contact nameExample data:Rec_ID REF1 Here is the information you requested (oc:JohmSmith)2 Thanks for attending our seminar (oc:Peggy SueJohnson)3 Re: Our meeting yesterday (oc:Donald A. Duck)What I need to extract is the contact name that is in parenthesis after theoc:The name is always in parenthesis and occurs immediately after "oc:" - nospaces after the "oc:"Thanks.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have 2 questions.
1. I have a table with a column for region names. Region Names are in 2 formats basically - "NAME-BU*RM" OR "NAME*RM".
I want to extract just "Name" from this string.
The length of "Name" varies and I want to extract all characters included for "Name".
Can anyone advise what the query/SQL statement would look like?
2. I wrote a VB code to generate a xls file. Users are able to run it fine but if they have another file with same name already open, then it just crashes excel.
So I want to include a code that checks if file "file.xls" is open on user's machine.
If file is open, then message "file "File.xls" is already open. Generating File_1.xls"
Run the code but create the file with file name "file_1.xls"
If file doesn't exist, then run code and create file with file name "File.xls"
Please advise.
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Apr 10, 2001
This statement works fine in T-SQL, but when executed thru ODBC results in a <NULL>. How can I get this to work thru ODBC....? Im guessing I need to use CAST, but not sure how the sytax would be, my attempts have worked but still resulted in a <NULL>...
UPDATE mytable SET
switch = left(switch, 3) + '1' + right(switch , len(switch) -4)
WHERE blah = blah
(switch is a Numeric field)
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Sep 15, 2014
I have one question what is performance difference between cluster index on numeric field or string field? I know that numeric is faster but why it is faster?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello All,I'm trying to parse for a numeric string from a column in a table. WhatI'm looking for is a numeric string of a fixed length of 8.The column is a comments field and can contain the numeric string inany positionHere's an example of the values in the column1) Fri KX 3-21-98 5:48 P.M. arrival Cxled ATRI #27068935 3-17-982) wed.kx10/26 Netrez 95860536Now I need to parse through these lines and return only the 8 digitnumbers in itThe result set should be2706893595860536This is what I've done so farDeclare @tmp table(Comments_Txt varchar(255))Insert into @tmpselect Comments_Txt from Reservationselect * FROM @tmp where Comments_Txtlike ('%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0**9]%')But it returns the entire comments field in the result set. What I needis a way to return just those 8 digits.Any Ideas??Thanks in advance!!!
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Jan 12, 2006
Hello,I need to be able to select only the numeric data from a string that isin the form of iFuturePriceID=N'4194582'I have the following code working to remove all the non-numeric textfrom before the numbers, but it is still leaving the single quote afterthe numbers, i.e. 4194582'Any ideas or suggestions how to accomplish that? Thanks in advance.Declare @TestData varchar(29)Set @TestData = "iFuturePriceID=N'4194582'"Select Substring(@TestData, patindex('%[0-9]%', @TestData),Len(@TestData))TGru*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
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Mar 17, 2008
Hi All,
I want to extract a numeric value from a string. Example, in a string like - Mgmt Pack: Processor Exception Threshold >80% Every 10 Minutes. - I want to extract that number 80. Since, later I'll want this number to plot a graph.
Since this is going to be an alert pulled from OnePoint (MOM Operational Database), the number will vary, and so I cannot look for the same number. So, can anyone help me how to get this working?
Thanks a lot in advance and let me know if the question is not clear.
Manoj Deshpande.
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Dec 23, 2013
I'm trying to form a query that will select part of a result.I'm trying to take out the ending of results that end in '-PR'.
Example: The original result is 'Jbbx32-PR'. I want to select it as 'Jbbx32'.
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Aug 7, 2007
I'm passing a variable to SQL and I want it to query a column (IP_user), but query any part of what is given. For example if I given Chris it would bring up Chris, Christian, Christine, etc. What is the syntax to do this?? thanks
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Jul 9, 2002
As part of a data search project I need to be able to strip all non numeric characters from a text field. The field contains various forms of phone number in various formats. In order to search on it I am going to remove all non numeric characters from the input criteria and from the data being searched.
In order to do this I decided on using a SQL Server custom function: Pass in field. Loop through all chars, test against asci values for number range. return only numernic data concatenated into a string.
Are there any other more efficient ways of going about this?
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Sep 13, 2001
hi I have a table which contain an id field as a char(20)
The content of this field is combination of string and numbers as follow
id flag
--------- -----
I need to update the flag field where first character in the id field is not numeric. HOw can I do that.
thanks for your hlep
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Jul 29, 2015
Why can i get the numeric values from this string?
{_cpn}=1743; {_cpnll}=4511
Result: 1743, 4511
Position and len of the value can be different...
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May 28, 2006
Sorry to raise a stupid question but I tried many methods which didwork.how can I conserve the initial zero when I try to convert STR(06) intostring in SQL statment?It always gives me 6 instead of 06.Thanks a lot.
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Jul 27, 2015
If I have a string with the following values, I’d like to replace the non-numeric characters with a space.
01234 ext 65656
Tel 0123456
012345 898989
01234 987
01234 65656
012345 898989
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