Sqlexpr.exe Is Not A Valid Win32 Application, I Downloaded The Sql Express 2005 Edition When I Click On Exe File. I Receive A
May 26, 2006
I am using a windows xp sp 2. I have visual web developer 2005 express edition. .net Framework 2. but when i downloaded the sql 2005 express edition. when i click on the sqlexpr.exe. I receive a message " sqlexpr.exe is not a valid win32 application".
just to try I downloaded the framework 2. for win32 , when i click on the exe file I receied the same message.
Well someone help me please with the sql server. i have almost given it up and using this tool for my last resort.
trying hard
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Feb 12, 2008
Today I ran into the error (see title of this post) while trying to execute a batch file using SSIS. If anyone else runs into this problem I want to point them to my post on the issue, as I did not easily find a solution when doing the search myself: http://blog.lyalin.com/2008/02/1-is-not-valid-win32-application-ssis.html
Summary (So you dont need to visit my blog):
I was trying to execute a totally empty placeholder batchfile and this produces the "%1 is not a valid win32 application" error when using Execute Process Task. Simply add something to your placeholder file (like DIR command) and you can continue running your package without error
I hope this saves someone time in the future.
Comments? If anything in my post is inaccurate I hope you guys post some corrections.
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Nov 13, 2006
New to SQL Server installations. I downloaded the SQL Server Express with Advanced; when I double click the Setup.exe, I get a pop-up "document path/file is not a valid Win32 application". I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro SP2.0. Any suggestions?
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Apr 22, 2002
Hi all,
I have a problem is that I cannot perform the transacional replication from one server (ms-sql2k) to other server (mssqlserver).
The error show below :
Log Reader Agent - Is not a valid win32 application.
I try to setup another server (mssql2k) to do the same thing, there is no error appeared.
Therefore, I have doubt that the name of the computer using "-" will have problem. Or the registry of (ms-sql2k) may have problem because it had wrongly installed personal edition and re-installed the standard verions afterwards.
Can anyone tell me the root of the problem ?
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Jan 1, 2008
Ok..So the story is I'm trying to install a SQL Server 2005 SP2 upgrade from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=d07219b2-1e23-49c8-8f0c-63fa18f26d3a&DisplayLang=en
I'm sure my computer is either x64 or ia64, and I have downloaded both the installation files but both of them give me the same error, when the installation bar at the start is pretty much full, it gives me a "hotfix.exe is not a valid Win32 application." error.
And instead of installing it to the usual C: directory, it installs to the F: directory..And it does not give me an option to choose which directory I want to install it into..
My operating system is a Windows XP Pro..
Hope somebody can help me out soon..
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 29, 2007
i'm trying to install MS SQL 2005 Enterprise Evaluation Edition, on my Win XP Pro SP2 (Intel Centrino 1.73Ghz, 1GB RAM)... i have downloaded the self-extractable file (SQLEVALX64.EXE) from MS website... After extracting this file to a folder and clicking on "setup.exe" - resulting in "setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" error message...
What wrong in my installation...
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Apr 22, 2002
Hi all,
I have a problem is that I cannot perform the transacional replication from one server (ms-sql2k) to other server (mssqlserver).
The error show below :
Log Reader Agent - Is not a valid win32 application.
I try to setup another server (mssql2k) to do the same thing, there is no error appeared.
Therefore, I have doubt that the name of the computer using "-" will have problem. Or the registry of (ms-sql2k) may have problem because it had wrongly installed personal edition and re-installed the standard verions afterwards.
Can anyone tell me the root of the problem?
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May 28, 2006
I have the sql server 2005 express edition. the software stops during the setup and gives me a "failed" message. All other software of express edition are working fine. I am getting the problem only when I am dealing with sql server 2005 express edition. I made sure to deleate all the old version of sql server. uninstalled all the sql server files which were in my computer prior to download the new one. However I am still in troulbe.
As someone suggested that one should uninstale the sqlmsi file so I did that too. Still samething. Any help please......
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Mar 31, 2008
I have two reports. I need to provide a service that when the user click one hyperlink (or button), then the program can export these two reports to two files as PDF and let the user save it one by one. Is it possible?
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May 7, 2008
Downloading and installing VS 2008 Express also created a Miscrosoft SQL Server folder. How do I install the SQL Server 2005 Express?The following is what I found from the HELP menu bar of the VS 2008 Express. Where can I find the sqlexpr.exe?
To install SQL Server Express To begin installation, double-click sqlexpr.exe. Note: SQL Server Express is available as a self-extracting executable file (sqlexpr.exe) from both the Visual Studio 2005 CD and the SQL Server Express Web site. SQLEXPR.EXE installs on x86-based computers and to the 32-bit subsystem (WOW64). For more information, see Hardware and Software Requirements (SQL Server Express)
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Jan 21, 2008
Hi there
I am new to SQL Server, but the current project that I am working on has the following requirement:-
1) Migrate the application (a servlet based web application on Apache Tomcat) from Solaris to Wintel
2) Migrate the supporting database from SQL Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005
3) Get IIS to communicate with Tomcat for serving servlet/jsp etc to the client
Though I successfully completed item 1 above, am stuck at item 2. Details are below
Actions taken for item 2
A. Installed MS 2005
B. Created new database in MS 2005 (logged in as user 'sa')
C. Generated SQL scripts (such as create table table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
D. Genearted SQL scripts (such as insert into table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
E. Created new schema in MS 2005
F. Ran scripts C & D in the new schema. All tables are records populated.
G. Obtained new JDBC driver and test run to see if connection is working fine, and it worked. Even ran an sql statment
Code Block[select count(*) from sa.table_A]
and got appropriate response.
H. When I made the application to talk to this new database (which is a copy of Production from step C, D above), it's behaving as though it cannot find the record.
I. When I further debugged, I realised that the web application is excuting queries without mentioning the schema. For eg.
Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from table_A]
Or rather it assumes that the user connecting to database is same as the schema name.
J. To further ascertain my point, I ran the query
Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from sa.table_A]
and it worked!
Now the real problem is that I cannot modify the existing code to append a schema name and this approach is rather not recommended best practise.
I tried to match the user name with the schema name, even made this schema as default to the user. But still not finding any luck.
I request all you experts out there to help me out with this problem.
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Nov 28, 2006
Hi All,
I have enterprise version software CD1 and CD2 of SQL server 2005
when i try to run setup.exe..the following error pops -up
The image file Setup.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine
MY OS version is windows 2003 32bit Operating system...
I am suspecting the binarie may be of 64bit.. How do we check the binaries are 32 bit and 64 bit software
Thanks for your Help
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Dec 14, 2007
I have just downloaded the last version of SQL 2005 EXPRESS, and then all my older applications I was using do not work.
The messages I obtain when I try to run some Visual Web Developer Application or Visual Basic 2005 Express that try to use SQL is that now "user instances are disabled. Try with sp_configuration "user instances enabled""
Can somebody explain how I can change the SQL configuration? I review it with the SQL Server Management Studio Express and it really has no users. How can I add an user?
Thanks to everybody.
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Dec 12, 2005
I am using installshield to distribute SQL Server 2005 Express. I have the SQLEXPR.EXE file and I want to run it in /qb mode so the user can see the pretty dialogs pop up but not have to click anything.
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Aug 9, 2007
Hi All, I have a .sql file with
all my queries written in it. Now I want to know, Is it possible to run
this sql file in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition like we can do in
Oracle? If it is possible then tell me how to do it?Thanx in advance for any kind of help.Regards,Paramhans Dubey.
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Dec 27, 2007
Dear Friends,
Now i am using Sql Server 2005 Express Editon SP2 to store data . Now the log file of this database is too big that use alot of disk space around 500MB . Now i want to clear this log file .do any one know how to clear this log file in the sql server 2005 express edition SP2 .
I hope you all friends will help me to solve this problem .Thanks
Best Regards,
Channarith Hun .
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Dec 20, 2006
I need to transfer dbf file to sql server 2005 express edition with some periodic interval. Can any one please recommend which is the easiest and efficient method to do?. Like polling every 5 to 10 seconds transfer data to sql server 2005 ex edition.
Is it recommend to do it visual basic program?, how to do it. pls help
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Jul 21, 2007
i have a database file backup which is having no extension (eg saims) . Can i create a database using this backup in sql server expression edition.
Or else is there any way to get the .mdf file from sql server 2005 full edition??????????????
Thanx in advance
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Dec 1, 2006
I've installed Visual Basic 2005 express edition & tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 express edition. I noticed that VB2005 Express Edition doesn't have any OLEDB provider for SQL Server. The only OLEDB Provider is for M.Access. Is this correct? if so, what should i do if i want to connect SQL Server 2005 express edition with VB2005 express edition by using OLEDB connection type?
I really appreciate any respond from you guys.. Thank's and waiting for the good news..
Best regards,
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May 14, 2007
Fairly new to asp.net developers community. Can't believe I havent took interest in this before!
Please let me know what I need to learn in terms of resources for creating the mentioned functionality on my asp web page.
I already have a sqldatabase and tables created with data. (This database is reading from another system every 15 mins)The problem is not the database, its working fine, I even have a MS Access frontend that I use.
I want to take the query functionality on the web. ( par number look up to display description, price and unit of measure
I need to have a box for the user to enter a number (1-xxx)..Populate 4 columns with xxx rows.In column one enter 'partnbr"...that looks up the "partnbr' in the "partlist_table" and send back "description" "price" "unit of measure"
Once the info remains on the , I can create masterpages to resemble a quote.
Thank you much for your help.
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Mar 17, 2007
Hi i have two version of SQL server express (with Visual Studio 2005) and developer edition i am trying to access an sql database file -created by the express edition integrated with Visual studio- using a developer edition instance can i just attach it and access it. and can i use BI and reporting services on that file
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Jun 8, 2006
I used SQl Server replication to create a new database (as I did using Visual Studio 2003) but when I go the Pocket PC and click on the file I get a native error 25011 with a description
The file is not a valid database file
An Internal error has occurred[,,,Databasename,,]
Interface defining error: IID_IDBInitialize
When I check on my Pocket PC what programs are available I've got Query Analyser 3.0 and SQLCE Query. It appears that the .sdf file is associated with SQLCE Query because when I use that to try and connect to the same database I get the same error.
If I use Query Analyser 3.0 (after having copied the .sdf file) to the temp directory I'm able to open the database.
There is a similar post to this one but it doesn't help me.
Is it that SQLCE Query is wrongly associated with the .sdf file?
If so how do I change that?
Or is there some other problem preventing me clicking on the .sdf db to open it?
I have recreated my project in Visual Studio 2005 and rebuilt all my components in 2005. There are some external ones that I use that I can't do this for.
The following is the build output that I get when I deploy to a clean PDA with a hard reset performed
------ Build started: Project: Printing, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
No way to resolve conflict between "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, Retargetable=Yes" and "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes". Choosing "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, Retargetable=Yes" arbitrarily.
Printing -> C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePrinting.dll
------ Build started: Project: MobileSeller, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Data, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes"
from Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio
8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.Data.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Windows.Forms, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac,
Retargetable=Yes" from Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio
8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.Windows.Forms.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes" from
Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio
8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Microsoft.Common.targets : warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different
versions of the same dependent assembly.
MobileSeller -> C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerinReleaseMobileSeller.exe
C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(546,9): warning VSD101: Members not
supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this
C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(634,9): warning VSD101: Members not
supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this
C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(706,9): warning VSD101: Members not
supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this
C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(846,9): warning VSD101: Members not
supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this
Done building project "MobileSeller.vbproj".
------ Skipped Deploy: Project: BO, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
------ Skipped Deploy: Project: Printing, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
------ Deploy started: Project: MobileSeller, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseInTheHand.Data.Adoce.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseInTheHand.Interop.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePocketHTMLprint_NetCF.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevMILLAR CODE CABINETVS2003CFReferencesUSICF.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePrinting.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseBO.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerinReleaseMobileSeller.exe'
========== Build: 3 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 2 skipped ==========
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Sep 23, 2006
Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?
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May 10, 2007
Hello everybody,
I got a problem in my development phase. I'm developing a web-application system that running merge database technology which is centralized database and distributed database. This is because my customer want a highly optimum system standby.
My centralized database running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and the distributed database running SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (because it is free). Each of these database, the users can change the data on its database. So, every database must have the same data. from my understanding, each server must act as Publisher and Subscriber. Can SQL Server 2005 Express Edition be a Publisher?
If not, what the solution you all may suggest, because cost is the first factor. If my architecture is not correct, so what you all suggest to me to resolve the problem.
Thanks so much. Any suggestion and opinion is highly appreciate and I'm highly thanks to you all.
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Oct 25, 2007
I have:
A server computer running SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
A industrial computer running SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
And now also a Psion WorkAboutPro with CE 5 that should run SQL Server Compact Edition.
The industrial computer syncs its data with the server, basically saying "this has happened".
Now I want the Psion to sync with the industrial computer, but this sync must two-way.
I have tried to find a guide or something that can tell me "do this to sync" but the information i have found is sketchy at best.
If someone could point me in the right direction of a guide or something else it would be much appreciated.
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Jul 24, 2006
I have a database working on SQL Server 2005 Standart Edition and i want to create a client windows form aplication.
My problem is where to do it? Im trying to use MS visual basic 2005 express edition but it doent support SQL Server 2005 Standart Edition, it only supports SQL 2005 express edition.
What should i do ?
And in the visual studio 2005 that comes with the package of SQL Server 2005 standart edition there is no project of a winodws form.
Please help
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May 29, 2007
Hi all,
I have a database name MyDatabase (SQL Server Express Dabase File). Is there anyway that I could convert it to SQL Server Compact Edition File?
By the way does anyone here got any problem with programming in SQL Server Compact Edition? It troubles me.
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Aug 13, 2007
I have been unable to create a replication from an SQL Server 2005 standard edition database to remote SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The remote express edition is on a Virtual Private Server we are leasing from a hosting company. The name of the remote DB is similar to vs572.si-vs572.com. I can connect to this with SQL server authentication through Management Studio and also with SSIS. But, I have been unable to create a push subscription (I have tried a test push subscription with the same publication to a local SQL Express server here in our office and this works fine).
Here is the error message: SQL Server Replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'VS572SQLEXPRESS'.
The hosting company had originally installed a shared SQL server which would not support replication. They then installed SQL Express edition and I was hoping this would allow us to run a replication.
I tried to connect to VS572SQLEXPRESS with out any luck. I check the remote connections, made sure replication was installed, etc., but no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
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Feb 20, 2007
I have uninstalled the SQL Server Express Edition that I have installed from the CDs that were given to me during a Chicago Conference when READY TO LAUNCH Visual Studio 2005, SQL SERVER 2005, and Biz Talk 2005.
Then I went to microsoft website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/sql/register/default.aspx and downloaded and installed the so called Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I got the messages Error that you read below. Then I Uninstalled Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and went again to msdn website and downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Advanced Services SP1 and installed it. I got again the same message as below.
1. First comes a window with the title: €œsetup.exe €“ Unable to Locate Component€?
And it displays a message:
This application has failed to start because MSTDCPRX.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
2. After I click the OK button of this window it comes another window with the title: €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Server Setup€?
And it displays a message: Failed to load SqlSpars.dll
Does anybody can tell what is going on with the 3 times I tried to installed different SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I get the same message?????
Thanks for your help and support when you have time to respond.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFiles
1. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core.txt
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 87
Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed
Message pump returning: 87
2. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core(Local).txt Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:8
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution.
Unable to load setup helper module : 87
Message displayed to user
Failed to load SqlSpars.dll
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_.NET Framework 2.0.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSqlSetup0001.cab" Error Code : 2
Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:17
Message pump returning: 87
3. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Datastore.xml
<S,<Scope Type="SetupStateScope" Id="">
<Property Id="machineName">B3-XP</Property>
<Property Id="logDirectory">C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOG</Property>
<Property Id="logSummaryFilename">C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt</Property>
<Property Id="logSequenceNumber">1</Property>
<Property Id="primaryLogFiles">{ ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_.NET Framework 2.0.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Support.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core(Local).log"] }</Property>
<Property Id="watsonFailedAction">InvokeSqlSetupDllAction</Property>
<Property Id="watsonFailedActionErrorCode">87</Property>
<Property Id="watsonFailedFunction">sqls::InvokeSqlSetupDllAction::perform</Property>
<Property Id="watsonFailedFunctionErrorCode">87</Property>
<Property Id="watsonSourceFileAndLineNo">setupsqlsetupactions.cpp@1709</Property>
<Property Id="watsonModuleAndVersion">setup.exe@2005.90.3042.0</Property>
<Property Id="watsonMsi">None</Property>
<Property Id="watsonMsiAndVersion">None</Property>
<Property Id="watsonSourceFile">setupsqlsetupactions.cpp</Property>
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Nov 14, 2005
I wish to know if there is a way to react to when a file is placed in a specific directory, what I have at the moment is a scheduled task which runs every 30 minutes, checks whether a file exists and if it does and isn't empty it imports the XML file, however instead of waiting 30 minutes I wish to rn the import as soon as the user creates the file in a specific location, is this possible, can you monitor the directory constantly and then react once file appears ??
any assistance is greatly appreciated.
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Jan 8, 2008
I am trying to "import" a .dbf into SQL Server Compact Edition, but I cannot find a way to do so. Can someone tell me how this is done?
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