Ssis Connection Loss Every Time
Mar 30, 2007
Dear friends,
everytime i used to open the package has a sql server configuration file saved and also has loggin enabled, with password for sensitive data storage given, it shows some errors and all the time the errors are with the created connection.
yes, i have given the right password at the time of opening it.
any idea?
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Jun 15, 2007
If I have 6-8 queries running in parallel, Whether having a Single connection Manager (for the same source) for all the Extract performs faster or having Distinct Connection Manager for each of the extract performs faster ?
Subhash Subramanyam
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Mar 3, 2006
With my SSIS package, I want to import data from a flat file (TXT- delimited with ?) to a table in my database in sql server 2005. The problem is that I have a column of type datetime in my table. But as you know, the data in txt is string. First I created my package through importing data and using import/export wizard in management studio to my database and selecting flat file connection. There, I selected my txt file and column delimiter as ?, then suggested types for the columns. There it selects 8 byte signed integer type for the datetime column in my table. After these steps I create my package and execute it. But it does not put data in my table in the database. It gives the error of "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data" or "cast conversion failed" . I tried other types of date, timestamp, string but none of them was successful. What should I do to put data in my table from txts. Please can you help me urgently!!!
Thanks a lot
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Aug 3, 2006
I have an odd problem that is driving me nutz. I have a very simple SSIS package that imports a 5 colum flatfile into a sql Server 2005 Table.
When I created this package with the wizzard, it will execute perfectly fine and processes all rows into the destination table.
But when I hit F5 to execute it manually it will fail before inserting a single row.
The error it generates is (Spalte 5 is a Datetime in the format DD.MM.YYYY) :
Error: 0xC02020A1 at Datenflusstask, Source - Daten_NC_1_txt [1]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Spalte 5" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
Error: 0xC0209029 at Datenflusstask, Source - Daten_NC_1_txt [1]: The "output column "Spalte 5" (25)" failed because error code 0xC0209084 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Spalte 5" (25)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
Error: 0xC0202092 at Datenflusstask, Source - Daten_NC_1_txt [1]: An error occurred while processing file "C:WorkDaten_NC_1.txt" on data row 177.
Edit: Modified the Title so it properly reflects the Problem & the Solution
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Oct 22, 2015
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
How can i do this?
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Jul 26, 2006
How would one go about using an ODBC connection with SSIS. I'm trying to ETL some Sybase ASE data, but I get the error when I try it:
"cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager"
This wasn't any help:
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Jan 22, 2007
running ssis package with ssis run time compoenents and sql server 2000...
Is it possible to run ssis packages that point to servers on sql server 2000
without installing sql server 2005 ?
Can we just install runtime for ssis and run the packages ?
Please explian with links if possible
thanks a lot
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May 21, 2008
A few pointers would be appreciated.
I am looking at building multiple SSIS packages. There will be some similarities. Flexibility is of highest importance. The main packages will need to connect to SQL Server1 as a source and SQL Server2 as a destination to transfer over dimenion data from multiple databases. (other SSIS packages may need to use SQL Server2 as a source and SQL Server1 as a destination)
For a single dimension table containing column dim_id on the target server (SQLServer2). I need to pass the results of the following SQL and insert into SQLServer2.database.dim_table
from SQLServer1.database08.dim_table
from SQLServer1.database07.dim_table
from SQLServer1.database06.dim_table
Now next year the names of the databases on SQLServer1 will be database09,database08,database07!
Now so far my best thought is creating views in my destination SQL Server. So I need some way of dropping and recreating the views. Previously in DTS I would expect to see SQL Server connection that I could use as source and destination. Now I can see SQL Server destination but not source? Also How do I just use SSIS to run some SQL. i.e execute a stored procedure, drop and creat views?
Many thanks,
p.s Flexibility is the key, in the last three months all the ip and server names have changed more than once so need to be as flexible as possible.
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Apr 7, 2008
When running the project in debug mode or non-debug mode, I get the following error from MS Visual Studio:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Package [Connection manager "SYBASE_CONNECTION"]: The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction.
Any ideas???
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Mar 29, 2007
Both the OLE DB Connection and ADO.Net Connection in SSIS Package does not remember password.
Im connecting to a SQL Server 2000 box using its sa password as test.
The SSIS package runs fine when you first set up the connection in bids
The bottom line is that SSIS keeps forgetting the password I feed into
the two Connections that I'm using. I double-click a connection,
type the password in, check "Save my password" and hit "OK" but the
password disappears from there whenever I run the package or
double-click the connection again.
is there any known workaround for this issue as I would like to schedule my SSIS package using a SSIS Step in a SQL Server 2005 Agent job.
the only thing I found when googling this error was link below but the workaround described here is a little harsh
thanks in advance
the box SSIS is running on is Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition latest service pack
SQL Server 2005 (no service packs )
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Mar 1, 2006
I'm getting "Access denied" error when I try to connect to SSIS from my desktop (Database Engine is fine). I'm a member of sysadmin within SQL, as well as an administrator on the server. I don't have any problem when I log on to the server directly via Remote Desktop and open SSIS.
I went into the surface area config tool, and I see that Database Engine and Analysis Services both expand and have a sub tabs to enable Services and Remote Connections, but Integration Services does not expand to a Remote Connections option, just Services. We're running MSDN Enterprise edition.
Does it matter if all the SQL services are using "Local System" for the logon ? I use an administrative logon on my SQL2000 boxes, and was fiddling with them on the 2005 box yesterday, but it seemed to cause more problems, so they are all Local System for now.
Am I missing something obvious ?
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Jun 30, 2007
This is driving me nuts..
I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.
I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.
I tried the oracle query something like this,
this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000
the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley
I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error
The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data
I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.
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May 22, 2007
Can someone help me on this
When I run simple select query "Select * from Aadata" it works but when I filter with date it doesn't work please see below error:
Error Source : .Net SqlClient data provider
Error Messge: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding
I fixed connection properties:
Connection timeout = 30000
Execution timeout = 30000
Thanks in advance
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May 22, 2007
Can someone help me on this
When I run simple select query "Select * from Aadata" it works but when I filter with date it doesn't work please see below error:
Error Source : .Net SqlClient data provider
Error Messge: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding
I fixed connection properties:
Connection timeout = 30000
Execution timeout = 30000
Thanks in advance
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Sep 5, 2007
Hello, All!
Good Afternoon!
I'm having a strange situation in my SQL SErver 2000 SP3a with 4 Processors, 4GB of RAM and high-end disk sub-system.
I migrate a specific database from another instance with SQL SErver 2000 SP3a too to this new server with more hardware resource than another one.
The application that access this DataBase stablish a connection with SQL SErver using TCP/IP, everything works fine. So, if I let the connection "sleeping", or better, if I let the connection idle for amount of time, I need to stablish the connection to ther SQL SErver again.
I hadn't the same situation in the old instance as I having. I think that it's happening because the other instance was dedicated to this application and that new Instance don't.
In this new Instance I have many other connections simultaneously, about 200 processes.
Anybody knows what's going on? Are there any settings to change this time-out configuration just for a specific connections?
Best Regards
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May 25, 2004
I am sure I am using the same connection string for all, and closing all connections as soon as possible… but
When I try to debug my web app with vs, it runs for some time then I get:
The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached exception
However, if I just access the application normally form the url (not using it runs flawlessly.
Has some one had the same problem? i can't debug help!!
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Apr 2, 2008
I have Mirroring setup for 3 databases without a witness.
The database mirroring monitor shows me that both Principal and Mirror are "Synchronized".
SSMS also shows that the both instances are "Synchronized".
However, the following error message appears couple of times in the event viewer:
The mirroring connection to "TCP://" has timed out for database "DB" after 10 seconds without a response. Check the service and network connections.
Also came across this article.
Should i be worried?
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Jun 3, 2008
Hi all
My application having connection string which having Server Name --Erlier it is working fine.
Now IP got chaged Server name is same but now Iam unable to connect server.
Please help me regarding.
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Nov 30, 2006
Hi Friends,
Is it possible to create single sql connection and running several transaction at the same time? If so, can you explain?
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Apr 2, 2004
every time we develop new dts and move it to production we have to MANUALY
modify data source.
I can submit data source as input parameter to dts and using global variable assign it connection data source.
Could it be done at run time ?
if dts start on dev1 server all
connections points on dev server
if dts starts on prod server all
connection point on prod
Thank you
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Jul 23, 2005
When I login using QA to my SQL Server database, it takes 15-20 secondsto establish a connection and open a query window. Drilling into adatabase via Enterprise Manager is similar. Once the connection isestablished, the server runs plenty fast however.Can someone tell me why it could take a long time for a connection tobe established?This behavior occurs when I am local on the box.Thanks,John
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Feb 22, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I have been requested to create an application for a client that will use a database of my choice. I have considered using sql compact 3.5 but i feel it might be best to go ahead and start with express until the client wants to upgrade to workgroup or higher. So the problem i have is that the connection always takes 12 to 25 seconds to connect on every first connection. I guess this is because it creates an instance of the server each time. So my question: is there a way to have it ready all the time besides leaving the application open? I have it attached through management studio express on my server computer. And i need to be able to support several users reading and modifying records.
Thank you
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Jul 15, 2006
When I enable MultipleActiveResultSets in the "context connection" (SqlConnection), I get an error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The only additional connection string keyword that may be used when requesting the context connection is the Type System Version keyword.
Can we have MARS in the "context connection"?
note: I'm doing this to support multiple open datareaders in a CLR stored procedure.
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Dec 7, 2007
I am using MS JDBC driver 2005 1.2 and in-house written connection pooling that was working fine for a number of years. This combination worked OK with SQLserver 2000. But recently we switched to SQLServer 2005 (x64) on WIN Server 2003 Standard x64 eddition. Everything seems work OK during business hours, however, after business hours when there are lesser users and connection stays idle for sometime, I am getting the following error: The connection is closed.
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.nms.serverframework.dbaccess.OnlineTransactionManager.freeConnection(
at com.nms.serverframework.dbaccess.OnlineTransactionManager.releaseConnection(
at com.nms.serverframework.dbaccess.OnlineTransactionManager.releaseConnection(
at com.nms.serverframework.dbaccess.OnlineTransactionManager.finalize(
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(
Any help would be appreciated
thanks in advance
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Jan 15, 2007
I want to learn access connection gives how many user to connect at the same time.
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Apr 19, 2008
Hi Champs,
Scenario Configuration : 2005 Code, WebService for Executing SSIS on Server, SSIS deployed on the Database Server
Problem Description : We are developing windows applicaiton in which we call webservice which was deployed on the same server where SSIS packages are deployed.
Now from Code we are passing FilePath name in variable and execute the Package. But the SSis result says that
The file name "\computernamefol1fol2fol3fol4abc.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.
More Information:
1. Full Permission are given on this network folder.
2. Package executes successfully from SSIS development solution (BIS solution)
3. Deployed packed executes successfully from the Database Server.
4. From Development pc packege executes successfully.
5. Other packages deployed on the same server executed suucessfully with same configuration and scenario.
Only this package is not executing.
-- the only differece with this package with other is -
using ".txt" extension in Flat file connection and using VB Script task
Can any one suggest the appropirate solution for this problem...
Tarang Pandya
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Jan 6, 1999
If I have unregistered a server for some time and I forget the sa password ,how can i register the server again.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I have a big problem with a database in MS SQL SERVER 2000.the rows into the some tables, for the second time, have been mixed betweenthey without appearing reason.the application that uses the db is totally TRANSACTIONAL and they do notexist query that they do not have clause WHERE.The database is on a computer with NAS architecture.I have this problem for the first time in 5 years of use of MS SQL SERVERCan someone help me?TIA
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Dec 18, 2007
its meant to be so simple .. yet i just can not get this to work. i have a Sequence container which has a execute SQL task in it. The SQL query is simple . 'Select companyname from clientadmin where Licence = '217514'
Connection is Native OLE DBSQL Native Client. When i test connectio it succeeds
I used the build query option to build and test the SQL Query and it returned the company name
but when i execute the task i get the following error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "" failed with the following error: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {7816B7A3-CD60-4539-BD38-C35AFC61F200} failed due to the following error: 80040154.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Once that hurdle is over how can i get the result into a variable called 'company' , type string ??
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Oct 15, 2006
Hi, I have the following problem
In a flat file I have 250000 rows when I them go on to the DB only 249995 come, 5 got lost
Not where it can spend the mistake the loggind does not say anything of mistake
Not which can be the reason of the problem
If someone save for that it can be spending this???
helps please.
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Jan 28, 2006
Is there a way to dynamically create a connection manager @ run time? I would like to do this from a data set of connection strings so I can link them into a union all component.
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Dec 12, 2013
I'm trying to use SSIS in MSSQL 2012 to extract data from MAS90 database.The connection string is tested to be working, because I can extract successfully using the same one in Excel.I follow the wizard of import data in management studio, but after selecting the tables and mapping all those things, when clicking finish, the management studio always freezes.
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Jul 17, 2006
Hi All,
I have C# application which will create normally 200 pool connection with SQL server. Previously i was using the SQL Server 2000.I don't have any issue. Recently i have upgraded the Database to SQL Server 2005 with SP1. After that problem Started. I was getting the Timoout problem and due to this my application getting crahsed.
To give about the Detail about my SQL sever 2005 Database: i have six merge Subscribers and three Transactional Publishers. I don know that "is the Replication giving all the time Out issue for my C# application?".
And i was using the below Connection String :
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=sa;Data Source=
so by default i beleive it is 30 seconds as the Time Out. I don know why within this period there is no response from SQL server 2005. My application Server and Database Server are in the Same network with 100Mbps.
What is the wrong here ? Is it SQL server 2005 with the Replication gives the problem to me ?
Can anyone help me. I assumed that SQL server 2005 will work without issues and we have implemented in prod. now in prod i am getting this Error.
Thanks for your help.
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