i have the following stored proc which returns a resultset at the end, i have an SSIS package that calls this stored proc and outputs the result to a file. However, the package fails because it cannot pull the columns for the schema because of the return lines in the middle of the stored proc. If i remove the it works fine, pulls hte columns as normal. but if i leave them in ssis cannot get the columns. what can i do to get around this?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCreateBrightPointFile]
SET nocount ON
FROM brightpointfile)
TRUNCATE TABLE brightpointfile
-- Get the order information from the database where vendorconfirmationID = 0
INSERT INTO brightpointfile
SELECT o.orderid,
'295193' AS araccountnumber,
'PRIORITY' AS shipmethod,
'Asurion Dobson' AS billname,
'PO Box 110808' AS billaddress1,
'Attn Account Receivable' AS billaddress2,
' ' AS billaddress3,
'Nashville' AS billcity,
'TN' AS billstate,
'37222' AS billzip,
c.fullname AS shipname,
Replicate(' ',100) AS shipaddress1,
Replicate(' ',100) AS shipaddress2,
' ' AS shipaddress3,
Replicate(' ',40) AS shipcity,
' ' AS shipstate,
Replicate(' ',10) AS shipzip,
'1' AS linenumber,
ve.sku AS itemcode,
o.quantity AS qty,
0 AS addressfound
FROM [order] o WITH (NoLock)
JOIN request r WITH (NoLock)
ON o.requestid = r.requestid
JOIN customer c WITH (NoLock)
ON r.customerid = c.customerid
JOIN (SELECT [subequipid],
FROM subequip s1 WITH (NoLock)
WHERE s1.statusid = 1
AND s1.startdate = (SELECT MAX(s2.startdate)
FROM subequip s2 WITH (NoLock)
WHERE s2.statusid = 1
AND s2.subid = s1.subid)) se
ON r.subid = se.subid
JOIN vendorequip ve WITH (NoLock)
ON se.clientequipid = ve.clientequipid
JOIN clientequip ce WITH (NoLock)
ON ce.clientequipid = se.clientequipid
WHERE vendorconfirmationid IS NULL -- order was never sent to CellStar
AND ve.typeid IN (1) -- only pull direct fulfillment (not store fulfillment)
AND ve.vendorid IN (2) -- only pull vendor = CellStar Insurance
AND o.orderdate > '2007-08-01' -- only pull orders after 08/01/2007
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--First use the address types of 2
UPDATE brightpointfile WITH (ROWLOCK)
SET shipaddress1 = b.address,
shipaddress2 = b.address2,
shipcity = b.city,
shipstate = b.stateid,
shipzip = b.zipcode,
addressfound = 1
FROM customeraddress a WITH (NOLOCK),
address b WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE a.customerid = brightpointfile.customerid
AND b.addressid = a.addressid
AND a.typeid = 2
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--Update the rest where the address type is 1 and there is no type 2
UPDATE brightpointfile WITH (ROWLOCK)
SET shipaddress1 = b.address,
shipaddress2 = b.address2,
shipcity = b.city,
shipstate = b.stateid,
shipzip = b.zipcode
FROM customeraddress a WITH (NOLOCK),
address b WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE a.customerid = brightpointfile.customerid
AND b.addressid = a.addressid
AND a.typeid = 1
AND brightpointfile.addressfound = 0
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--Select all the records from the temp table, plus union in 2 extra records required by the client
In the below procedure definition, i need to find a way parse the definition and get the list of places where the where clause is being used.
[Code] ....
In the above query there are more than one places and the where clause may not have the same string the where clause it can be with a space between the "=" and the value in single quotes.
Result set should be in the below format:
I have set up an OLEDB data source with Command Text that calls a stored procedure. The rows and columns of data appear correctly when I preview the data but no external columns are available for mapping to output columns.
I was hoping to call the stored procedure and output the resulting data to an Excel destination. Am I tryig to do sornething that can't be done?
Please help. (I am using ASP, VB, SQL)I have a table with Office address information and it's ID. There could be a lot of offices in one city. But I would like to display only unique cities with certain names they start with and their id's.
I have an application that I inherited, and I have a annoying problem. We're using stored procedures to return most of our data, and occasionally we receive errors stating that a particular column cannot be found in the resulting data table. When I run the stored procedure against SQL Server I receive the expected output. What would make this random act happen, any ideas? Also, I keep receiving errors stating that a connection is already open and needs to be closed before an action to the database is performed. I'm explicitly closing each connection in a finally block for every method in my data access code, so a connection should always be closed, right?
The SQL below is the start of a massive Stored Procedure for Comparing two Datasets, which will be produced onto a report.
I was wondering if I could call an SQLserver Procedure that would tell me the names of all the Columns that are produced by this SP, so I can print them out and more easily code the report?
SELECT stk.StockNumber, stk.DefaultImageName, tVTP.Make as PolMake, stkV.VehicleMake, tVTP.Model as PolModel, stkV.VehicleModel, tVTP.ModelNo as PolModelNo, stkV.VehicleModelNo, tVTP.EngineNumber as PolEngineNumber, Stk.EngineNumber, tVTP.comHeadLightNumber as PolHeadLightNumber, Stk.comHeadLightNumber, tVTP.comTailLightNumber as PolTailLightNumber, Stk.comTailLightNumber , tVTP.comBumperLightNumber as PolBumperLightNumber, Stk.comBumperLightNumber, tVTP.comCornerLightNumber as PolCornerLightNumber, Stk.comCornerLightNumber, tVTP.Chassis as PolChassis, --Drive Train tVD.DriveTrainDescription as POlDriveTrainDescription, StktVD.DriveTrainDescription, --Body Type tVBT.BodyTypeDescription as PolBodyDescription , StkVBT.BodyTypeDescription
FROM tblStock Stk --JOINS FOR THE Policy Definition INNER JOIN tblVehicles V ON V.VehicleID = Stk.VehicleID INNER JOIN tblVehicleType_Policy tVtP ON tVTP.VehicleMaster = V.VehicleMaster AND tVTP.Make = V.VehicleMake AND tVTP.Model = V.VehicleModel AND tVTP.ModelNo = V.VehicleModelNo INNER JOIN tblVehicleDriveTrain tVD ON tVD.vehicleDrivetrainID = tVTP.DrivetrainID INNER JOIN tblvehicleBodyType tVBT ON tVBT.VehicleBodyTypeID = tVTP.BodyTypeID
--JOINS FOR the Stock Definition INNER JOIN tblVehicles STkV ON StkV.VehicleID = Stk.VehicleID INNER JOIN tblvehicleBodyType StkVBT ON StkVBT.VehicleBodyTypeID = Stk.BodyTypeID INNER JOIN tblVehicleDriveTrain StktVD ON StktVD.vehicleDrivetrainID = stk.DrivetrainID
Just wondering if i could get some help with this,
I have a large table of decimal values, many of the columns contain only zero values. I would like to write a stored procedure which loops through these columns, takes the SUM and if it returns zero , then deletes the column from the table.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance, this site has already helped me heaps
Hello,I've written an insert trigger to fill in data on 5 columns based on the keyfield column after a record is added to a table. The trigger works fine.But what I also want to do is to write a stored procedure that will updatethe 5 columns for the entire table based on the table key field column. I'mnew to both triggers and stored procedures and I can't figure out how tomake a stored procedure do what I want.Can someone help me to get me started? Here is the trigger code that I amtrying to get to work as a stored procedure. All I'm trying to do is tobreak up an entry that contains dashes into separate fields that aredelimited by the dashes. As an example if field CABLENO is equal toI-IJB-200-45, then I want to break that up into 4 separate fields containingI, IJB, 200, 45 respectively.Thanks,Al Willis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME='CABLE_SEGMENTS' AND TYPE='TR')DROP TRIGGER IM.CABLE_SEGMENTSGOCREATE TRIGGER CABLE_SEGMENTSON IM.CAB_MFOR INSERTASDECLARE @CABLENO_REMAIN VARCHAR(40),@DASH_POS SMALLINT,@SEG1 VARCHAR(40),@SEG2 VARCHAR(40),@SEG3 VARCHAR(40),@SEG4 VARCHAR(40),@SEG5 VARCHAR(40)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = CABLENO FROM INSERTEDSELECT @SEG1 = NULLSELECT @SEG2 = NULLSELECT @SEG3 = NULLSELECT @SEG4 = NULLSELECT @SEG5 = NULLSELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG1 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG2 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG3 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG4 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @SEG5 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG4 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG3 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG2 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG1 = @CABLENO_REMAINUPDATE IM.CAB_M SET CABLESEG1 = @SEG1,CABLESEG2 = @SEG2,CABLESEG3 =@SEG3,CABLESEG4 = @SEG4,CABLESEG5 = @SEG5FROM INSERTED INSWHERE IM.CAB_M.CABLENO = INS.CABLENOGO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm wondering if there is a single statement I can write to pull my data. Let's say my Order table has one field for userId and one field for supervisorId (among other fields) both of which are foreign keys into the Users table where their name, address, etc. are stored. What I'd like to do is to pull all the rows from Order and have a join that pulls the user name and supervisor name from the User table all in one go. Right now I pull all the Orders with just user name joined, and then go back over the objects to add the supervisor name as a separate query.
The reason I'd like to do this is to simplify the objects I'm passing to the GridView by doing a single fetch instead of multiples. I'm using SQL Server, .NET 2.0 and VS.NET 2005.
I have a very large SQL Server table and want to pull all 50 columns that are in a certain row because something in that row has invalid varchar and is causing runtime errors. It is row 9054378701 and I am not sure how to create a query to pull that specific row and all 50 columns.
I want to have a Stored procedure call another stored procedure gathering the info from some of the information SP#1 and use it calling SP#2... For example sp_Help returns columns when executed (Name, Owner, Object_type). So how can I reference the Name column and pass it to SP#2
How can I find the result columns from code? Visual J++ Seems to be able to do that. ADO doesn't want to do it for me, neither does ODBC's SQLProcedureColumns().
I am imagining something you might pass the names of 2 stored procs (an old version and new one), and a query to produce valid parameters. It would then fire off each proc for a set number of executions, while storing off the results in temp tables, and at the end it would do a data compare, and store off performance data from dynamic management views.
Now I know how to get the parameters for a stored procedure out of the catalogue views, but is SQL Server aware at all of the schema of the results of stored procedures that return result sets, becuase I was thinking of doing something like...
INSERT INTO #datacompare(col1,col2) EXEC mystoredprocedure
... but I can not seem to figure out how to dynamically gather the schema of the result set.
I have a question. I know its possible to create a dynamic query and do an exec @dynamicquery. Question: Is there a simpler way to update specific columns in a table at run time without doing if else for each column to determine which is null and which has a value because i'm running into a design dilemna on how to go about it.
FYI: All columns in the table design are set to null by default.
I need a query to pull the data from Sql server. my requirement is i need to pull the data from multiple columns, in that there are three email fields are there like email1, email2, email3. i need query to retreive the data from table first it search for email in the above 3 fields if any one of the fields contains the record the it display as Main mail id.
We are facing an issue while executing a stored procedure which uses a table of current database with INNER JOIN a table of another database in same instance.
Per our requirement, we are inserting select statement output in table variable. Then applying business logic and finally showing the data from table variable.
This scenario is working exactly fine in Dev environment. But when we deployed the code in quality environment. Stored procedure does not returning OUTPUT/ (No column names) from table variable.
During initial investigation, we found that collation of these two databases are different but we added DATABASE_DEFAULT collation in the JOIN.
I have a stored procedure which returns a result set as follows:
(Headers)Total,WV1,WV2,WV3,WV4,WV5..... (Example data) "Some total name",1,2,3,4,5.....
The WV1, WV2, WV3 column names will be different depending on parameters passed to the stored procedure. In other words, the column names or number of columns aren't fixed (apart from "Total").
What I would like to be able to do is to just force SSRS to use the column headers supplied by the stored procedure as the column names in the report.
I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.
What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.
1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains" 2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.
The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.
After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.
Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!
I am trying to execute a stored procedure that runs a SSIS package. This package imports a .csv flat file (from a different server) and appends to an existing table. When I run the package from SQL Server Management Studio it works great. When I execute the Stored Procedure, I get an error stating "The system cannot find the file specified." Eventually, I would like to execute the Stored Procedure from an asp.net webpage button click event. The code for the stored procedure: USE [JElog]GODECLARE @return_value intEXEC @return_value = [dbo].[importGLJEdata]SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_valueGO asp.net VB code: Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim myconn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("JElog-SQL").ConnectionString)
Dim MyCmd As New SqlCommand("importGLJEdata", myconn) MyCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Hi I use a stored procedure which uses its source as a database. It returns 3 outputs ie 2 int's and one datetime . I need to use these as the input columns to map to the destination coulmns in another stored procedure. Help!!
I've been tasked to do some investigation at my workplace as to the best way to move forward with changing from our SQL 2000 DTS' to SQL 2005 SSIS packages.
Our main issue at the minute seems to be that we are using ODBC drivers to pull many of the raw tables which we then manipulate into our own SQL Server tables.
I've been looking about and am I right in saying there is an issue with this in SQL 2005?
Also, I've been looking for some Tutorials to help me on this, would anyone be able to push me in the right direction of any good tutorials that would help me in fixing these issues?
Please anyone help me with my question How do I execute a stored Procedure using SSIS ? I have a stored procedure in SQL SERVER 2005 database that I need to execute using a SSIS package using Execute SQL Task from Toolbox in Visual studio 2005
Is there a programatic way to execute an SSIS package (passing the appropriate parameters) from within a stored procedure. I've seen some examples using xp_CmdShell, but would rather not go that route if possible
I need to know whether changing/migrating process in SP to SSIS is a good idea to enhance performance in datawarehouse. My client want to do this because they have problems in performance while executing SP from dts 2000 packages. So they don't want to use SP anymore. They want to use all SSIS features. Since I'm newby with SSIS, I don't have any idea how to implement SPs in SSIS, especially while working with temporary tables. Btw, this is snippet of the SP I want to change :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DBAS_BBCBG_DataDaily] @CustomDate datetime = null AS BEGIN -- Begin Procedure- --15 Minute DECLARE @date datetime SET @date = isnull(@CustomDate, (SELECT top 1 Reporting_Date From DBDS..DataDate)) SELECT * INTO #TbDataDaily FROM DBABC.dbo.TbDataDaily WHERE 1=2
BEGIN INSERT INTO #TbDataDaily ( Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, ValDate ) SELECT CD1,CD2,CD3, CD4, @date FROM DBAS..HDKFS CREATE INDEX IDX_ABC_DataDaily ON #ABC_DataDaily (Col3,Col4) ON [PRIMARY] END
... and so on...
all other processes in the SP are just about to SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE temporary table, and finally fill the data to physical table.
So how can I change this SP to SSIS package? (of course if this is the best way to improve performance)
I am currently trying to write a number of processe's to keep track of what information is held in my SSIS package. The package I have created is rather large and it would prove a long labourious process to look through every task to see what stored procedure has been used.
What I wanted to do was write a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 that pick's up each package name and checks for any stored procedures used and returns the names of these stored procedures and any other relevant information i.e required variables.
So far I have managed to create a stored procedure that picks up the name(s) of the packages but I am stuck after this.
I have to transfer data from source to destination using stored procedures result set. There might be some more transformation needed to store the final result in the destination table.
I am trying to call a stored procedure which akes 1 input param from SSIS. I am using Execute SQL Task->Expressions->"exec s_Staging '"+ @[User::tblName] +"'"
@[User::tblName] is the variable with Data Type:String ,Value:My_table
SQLStatement->Stored Procedure Name
But It throws an error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "exec s_Staging 'My_Table' " failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near 'My_Table' ". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I am using execute sql task to run a stored procedure in oracle database which returns a resultset. This works. Now I need to send the ouput to a destination table in a sql database. Should I use for each loop to pick the resultset and insert it into the destination one by one (which I dont think is a great idea) or is there a better way to accomplish this task (in data flow task) ?
When I use dataflow task instead of execute sql task, the main issue is I am not able to see the output columns when I execute an oracle stored procedure, but when I see the preview I can see the resultset . But I can see the output columns for a sql server stored procedure.
Anyone have any experience in connecting to a Basis database? I want to build an SSIS package to ETL data out of a Basis database and into a sql server 2005 db. I have downloaded the ODBC driver, but am not usre how to plug it in to SSIS to do teh extraction.
Also I am totally new to Basis...it is not an RDBMS at all but the literature says it supports SQL queries, so I am not sure about where to start.
I want to automate SSIS package to pull data from SAP ECC 6.0 on monthly basis.
I am trying to use Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite which will call RFC_READ_TABLE function in SAP.
i.e. Source SAP Table: CE1LSC0 SAP Field: Budat (Calendar Date Field) Data Type : varchar Format: YYYYMMDD
Interface Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite
Destination SQL Table: TCE1LSC0
Right now I am pulling data manually from Import / Export task
SQL Script which i am to using to pull last month data: Filter: To bring data on monthly basis ( If i run the package in May then i will like to pull data for month of April)
Code Snippet select * from CE1LSC0 where CE1LSC0.BUDAT between 20080401 and 20080430
Now to automate Call SAP Function Module: RFC_READ_TABLE requires following variables @QUERY_TABLE @DELIMITER @OPTIONS @FIELDS
Script: Code SnippetEXEC rfc_name[{value | @variable [OUTPUT]}][,...n][@parameter = {value | @variable [OUTPUT]}][,...n] [;] SQL Stored Procedure to get variable: @LastMonthFirstDay , @ LastMonthLastDayCode SnippetCreate proc sp_GetDateasDECLARE @Today datetime, @FirstDay datetime , @LastDay datetime , @LastMonthFirstday int, @LastMonthLastDay intSET @Today = CAST(CONVERT(nvarchar(10), GETDATE(), 120) AS datetime) -- strips time offSET @LastDay = DATEADD(day, - DAY(@Today), @Today) -- last day of previous monthSET @FirstDay = DATEADD(month, -1, DATEADD(day, 1, @LastDay)) -- first day of previous monthset @LastMonthFirstday = Cast(Replace(Convert(varchar(10), @FirstDay, 120), '-', '') As int)--@FirstDay set @LastMonthLastDay = Cast(Replace(Convert(varchar(10), @LastDay, 120), '-', '') As int)--@LastDayselect @LastMonthFirstday as 'LastMonthFirstday', @LastMonthLastDay as 'LastMonthLastDay' My problem is that i am not able to provide my stored procedure variable to SAP RFC to automate my ssis package. Can anyone suggest something or advice how to automate my package... I have went through all the sap.net connector site and related documents but it of no use as it work with visual studio 2003 and I am using visual studio 2005 / MS SQL SERVER 2005....
END I'm then using a tableadapter to execute this from my ASP.NET page using the following code, Protected Sub ExecutePackage() Dim ExecuteAdapter As New SCC_DAL.RunSSISTableAdapters.SSISRunBuildSCCDWTableAdapter() ExecuteAdapter.SetCommandTimeOut(0) Dim strResult As String strResult = ExecuteAdapter.Execute() lblResult.Text = strResult End Sub If I remove 'NO_OUTPUT' from my stored procedure and run it the results contain a field named 'output' with all the steps from my package. Then below this is my return value. In my code I can only return the first step of the package results - which tells me nothing useful. I need to be able to return the return value (0-6) in my code. When I have 'NO_OUTPUT' in my stored procedure and execute it I am left with just the return value. However no value is returned in my code at all although the package does run. I've tried bother RETURN @ReturnValue and SELECT @ReturnValue to no avail. Can someone suggest how I can get the value 0-6 to my code?
Hello friends! I have one query regarding execution of SSIS package through Stored Procedure.
I have created SSIS package which extract data from database and put that into various text files.Here I am using two global variables one is for Department ID and another is path where I wanna to place my text files as per departments.When I ran it through command prompt it works fine but now I want that dtsx package to run from stored procedure with same input parameters
Source: {8A27E8DF-051B-4F6B-9538-85BED1F161D8} Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted. End Error Error: 2007-02-22 11:31:37.32 Code: 0xC0011002 Source: {8A27E8DF-051B-4F6B-9538-85BED1F161D8} Description: Failed to open package file "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" due to error 0x80070003 "The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loadin g a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format. End Error Could not load package "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002. Description: Failed to open package file "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" due to error 0x80070003 "The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
And also I am not understand where i should pass my two input parameters which I used in SSIS package variables???????