Still Can Not Acess Database. Help Needed. Thanks.

May 29, 2001

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Unable To Acess Database In Webpages.

Jun 8, 2007

 Hello,I am unable to access SQL Server 2005 (Express Edition) when i am creating wesites on localhost.But the same database can be accessed without any problem when websites are created on local file system.When creating the website on localhost and trying to access databse the following error is displayed: "
to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the
process for the user instance. The connection will be closed."Anyone plz help me out of this? Thanks.Ashu. 

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Database Acess Logscan Error

Aug 20, 2006

HI all,

I currently have an issue trying to access my database in SQLexpress2005. Whenever i try to start the service it errors out. I looked at the error in event viewer and it says says
"The log scan number passed out to log scan in database 'master' is not valid. This error my indicate data corruption or that the ldf does not match the mdf....."

How can i fix this problem seing as though i can not access studio manager to restore the db?


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Sql Acess

Dec 6, 2007

We are using SQl as the DB for our application. Now we lost direct acess to the DB, but we can acess through the application.
How we will get the direct acess back? The network side is ok.
We don't know how it happened. can anybody help me to resolve this?

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Why Do I Get Acess Denied

Apr 25, 2004


Im trying to insert data in a sql-table using a SP.
But it wont work!

here's my connectionstring (established in Page_Load()):

sqlconCon = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=dbJonas;Trusted_Connection=Yes");

and it executed like this (in a OnServerClick-eventhandler):

SqlCommand sqlcmdInsertNewsArticle = new SqlCommand(insertCmd, sqlconCon);
filling with parameters

The error I get point to the Connection.Open()-line and says :
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

does anyone know what I may have done wrong?

I have other connections to the server that works fine (Select-statements though)

anyone? thankful for tips...

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Acess I/O File

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to access a file (for example, to write in a text file)with transact-sql?.I've create a stored procedure and I'd like to write in a log filesome traces depends on the result of the statements executed in thisstored procedure.Thanks

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Convert MS Acess To SQL Server

Apr 21, 2007

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
{ if (Session["users"] != null && (Session[flag"] == "true"))
      String IP = Request.ServerVariables["remote_host"].ToString();
      String Datee = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString();
     OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source="
                                                                              + HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/result.mdb"));
     OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("Insert Into KullaniciSayisi (IP,Datee) Values (IPDatee)", con);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("IP", IP);
   cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Datee", Datee);
    intresultt = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    Session["flag"] = "false";
I want to convert this code to SQL sever . However I can not do it? Can you help me?

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Acess Tables From Different Databases

Jan 23, 2008

I am using Vista Business with Visual Web Developer and Sql Server Express 2005. I want to be able to access the data from two tables in a query. Both tables are attached to the application. 
To refer to the two databases I have used the following
DATABASE.OWNER.TABLE (specifically TaskMgr.dbo.TaskTable)
For both databases I get the error  "Invalid object name"
What am I missing?

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Data Acess Class

Jul 11, 2004

i was reading book about and i found example for a dataacess class but i didn't understand this part

Private m_FieldData As New NameObjectCollection
Private _m_ConnectionString As String
Private m_dbConnection As SqlConnection
Private Sub AddParameters( _
ByVal objCommand As SqlCommand, _
ByVal objValues() As Object)

Dim objValue As Object
Dim I As Integer
Dim objParameter As SqlParameter


I = 0
For Each objParameter In objCommand.Parameters
If objParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input _
Or objParameter.Direction = _
ParameterDirection.InputOutput Then

objValue = objValues(I)
objParameter.Value = objValue
I = I + 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub AddFieldParameters _
(ByVal objCommand As SqlCommand)

Dim objParameter As SqlParameter


For Each objParameter In objCommand.Parameters
objParameter.Value = _
_FieldData.Item(objParameter.ParameterName. _
End Sub
Public Function ExecDataReader _
(ByVal strStoredProc As String, _
ByVal ParamArray objValues() As Object) _
As SqlDataReader

Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
Dim objReader As SqlDataReader

objCommand = New SqlCommand

objCommand.CommandText = strStoredProc
objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
objCommand.Connection = dbConnection

If (objValues.Length = 0) Then
AddParameters(objCommand, objValues)
End If
objReader = objCommand. _
Catch ex As Exception
If objCommand.Connection.State.Open Then
End If
End Try

Return objReader
End Function
can anybody help me what the author want to do

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Problems To Acess Sql Server

Apr 4, 2006

Using Web Matrix I made and tested a query using the Sql wizard acessing a SQL server table and it worked fine.
Web Matrix created the following connection string, in the function to create the query :
"server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='AVAL_360'"
But when the function created to execute the same query,my application then the following error showed up.
Login failed for user
What is the matter ?
Can someone help me ?
Thanks in advance

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DB Acess Slowing Down Drastically

Jun 3, 2003

i am getting a problem

suddenly the DB in Sql2000 has slowed down drastically
and when i have checked the logs the error is

Supersocket info:[spn register]:error 1355

pls. help me


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Acess On Production Server

Jul 12, 2007


Presently our Organisation is in process of Implementing SOX.

Under Compliance all the User have to be removed from the Production Server.

1.My Question is Do a DBA Should have Admin Privilages on the Production Server.

If yes then what are the Actitvies that a DBA has to perform only if DBA have admin privilages.



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How To Connect To Acess Databaseto Another PC?

Jan 17, 2008

1) I have two PC. PC A and PC B.

2) I have one Access database in PC A in the folder of C:TEMP

3) I have a website done using a visual studio in PC B.

Question is how do I connect the website in PC B to the Acess database (C:TEMPdata.mdb) in PC A??

Thanks in advance. really need some help cos I have really no idea to that, i'm really new.

If possible,give me in steps

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Permission Acess The Share Folder.

Jun 22, 2008

hi. i got a question regarding the permission on share folder.
i wonder i am able to do this as below..
if on runtime, after i export the data to xmlfile and i want it to auto save into the SHARE Folder in sql server. can i do that ?

** after press a button, auto export data to xml file, then auto save the xml file to share folder.

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Global Groups, Schema And MS Acess

Jan 17, 2007


We have a MS Access .adp app which is having some security problems. We have a windows global group which is a user - which is added to a role. The developers are having problems with unqualified sql statements trying to find user.table instead of dbo.table. It seems we are not able to specify a default schema for the global 'user' - the option is greyed out and a sql statement fails. MS says:
Default Schemas

A default schema is used to resolve the names of securables that are referred to without their fully qualified names. In SQL Server 2000, name resolution first checks the schema owned by the calling database user, followed by the schema owned by dbo.

In SQL Server 2005, each user has a default schema. The default schema can be set and changed by using the DEFAULT_SCHEMA option of CREATE USER or ALTER USER. If DEFAULT_SCHEMA is left undefined, the database user will have dbo as its default schema.

Is the default truly undefined in a global group user? We are not totally locked in to the global group solution, but it does make admin easier for us.

Thanks a bunch!

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How To Send Data From MS Acess To SQL Server 2005

Apr 29, 2008


I mistakenly deleted my source table data.

Now i want to again migrate the data from MS Aceess table to the SQL server table.

Please tell me

As far as i remember I used some export or import command.

Thank You
please dont send me link...i have to do it now so no time to read

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Acess Denied Starting MSDE 2000

Aug 6, 2007


We have a demo version of our SQL2000 application that uses MSDE. This has always worked sucessfully in the past.

However, at the most recent installation however there is a problem which I cannot seem to fix.

MDSE was installed on Windows 2000 using the Local Admin account.

When the user logs on to the PC, SQL will not start gives error message '5 Access Denied'.

I have given the local user read/write permission to the Data directory and mdf/ldf files that it contains.

I have tried starting SQL specifiying it to log on using the Local Admin account but it makes no difference.

Does anyone know what else can I do?

Thank you


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Paging: SQL Syntax For Acess Versus SQL Server 2005?

Feb 7, 2008

I'm using ComponentArt's Callback grids with Manual Paging.

The CA example grid uses Access:(

That SQL syntax produced is invalid in SQL Server 2005.

"SELECT TOP " & Grid1.PageSize & " * FROM (SELECT TOP " & ((Grid1.CurrentPageIndex + 1) * Grid1.PageSize) & " * FROM Posts ORDER BY " & sSortColumn & " " & sSortOrderRev & ", " & sKeyColumn & " " & sSortOrderRev & ") ORDER BY " & sSortColumn & " " & sSortOrder & ", " & sKeyColumn & " " & sSortOrder

So...This is what I have (simplified), and it appears return incorrect rows on the last few pages:
SELECT top 15 * FROM Posts where & sFilterString & " and Postid in (SELECT TOP " & ((Grid1.CurrentPageIndex + 1) * Grid1.PageSize) & " Postid FROM Posts where " & sFilterString & " ORDER BY " & sSortColumn & " " & sSortOrder & ") " & " ORDER BY " & sSortColumn & " " & sSortOrderRev

What other approaches has anyone used besides the "ID in (...)"?The examples I have included show the available variables: sort asc and desc, current page, number of rows on a page, etc.

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Database Problems. Help Needed Please

Jan 6, 2008

Here my trouble I have for the weekend. I am working with SQL express in my local machine and everything is doing well. However, when I transfer the database to SQL 2005 in my host machine, I have this error. I checked on the internet and follow some of the suggestion I have, but not seems working. I ever remove the script I create using the aspnet_regsql, but still keep getting the same error. Please help. Any help is appreciated.
Below is the errors:
The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version.

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Help Needed For Database Design!!

Jan 21, 2008

Hi Friends,
I need to use UML  for designing the database in my application.
I am using sqlserver2005 database.
can somebody help me in this regard?
thanks in advance.

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Current Database Name Needed...

Apr 10, 2002


I need to know the current database name in executing a stored procedure,
which will trancatte the log of that database.
(in a dynamic multiple customerID oriented database environment,
ex. custID_101_db, custID_102_db, .....)

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Help Needed To Restore Database

May 4, 2007

Hi All,

I am trying to restore MSSQL database (dunno the version) into MSSQL 2000. I am getting the following error:

Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)
The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 539. The server supports version 538 and cannot restore or upgrade this database. RESTORE DATABASE terminating abnormally.

Is there any way to restore it?
Please guide.

Thanks in advance.

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Help Needed To Restore SQL Database

Jan 11, 2006

Hi Gurus,

Can anyone assist?

How to recover the database if I have only the current transaction log and a older version of .mdf & .ldf files. No backup had being performed via Enterprise Manager.

I have installed MSSQL2000 on Windows 2003 Server. Created a new database 'sample' and inserted some data into the 'sample' db. Afterwhich, I offline the 'sample' db and copied the .mdf & .ldf to another backup directory.

Restart the database by bring it online again and continue to insert more data ... (approx 100,000 rows of data).

Afterwhich, I tried to damage the running database .mdf file and the database went into offline / suspect mode.

How can I recovered to the point in time of failure based on just current transactional log & older version of .mdf & .ldf files?

Can any gurus out there advises?

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Database Owner Is Needed

Jul 16, 2006


on 1 of my servers (actually, the dev. server I have setup up here at home), I must included the database owner everytime I select something or make a db call.

for example

select from K inner join T on =

must actualy be written like:

select from dbo.K inner join dbo.T on =

or else it wont work

what did I do wrong for this database owner thing to be a "must" when writing queries on this server.

sql 2000 sp4

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Much Needed Advice About Database And Javascript

Feb 27, 2008

iam thinking of changing my ajax slideshow so that it gets the data from the databse. currently i am finding it hard to add text functianlity the way i want with the slide show.
what my query is, that if i to using a datalist can i add javasscript functionality to the data being retrived. for example, currently i have written some javascript so that a series of text is diplayed one after the other in a sequence from just one button click. so if im pulling data out of a databse can i still add this javascript functionality to it? i hope this makes sense, if it doesnt then i am willing to elaborate. please can any one offer any advice or examples or any suggestions on how i can do this. any help is much appricated as i am struggling to find a solution as i orinally wanted to be able to add this javascript functionality with the play button of the slide show but i couldnt find a solution.also i think its better to use some kind of database as i can use the editing funtions visual web developer offers
thank you

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2005 Walkthrough Database Needed.

Apr 5, 2006

How can I get Northwind into SQL Server 2005 Development?
In working through Visual Studio 2005 Pro Walkthroughs the next one needs Northwind.  Is it straight forward to add in?

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Database Reporting Tool Needed

Apr 20, 2006

I need software that will write a report on the following items that I can have prepared to show our auditors. Any suggestions ??? OUr databases are SQL*Server 2000, SP 3a / SP4

1) database consistency checking
2) re-indexing
3) shrinking
4) allocation of growth boundaries
5) backup routines
6) disk space
7) table space
8) processing speed

Thanks so much,

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Urgent Help Needed -- Database Mirroring

Jun 20, 2008

Seek expert’s advice on database mirroring
in high safety mode when safety is full if for some reason communication between principal and mirror is broken for say 2 days then principal will keep working but in disconnected mode. When communication link will establish again then principal can see the mirror server
1. Will establish the mirroring automatically?
2. Then will it synchronise the mirror databases automatically?
3. If it will synchronise databases automatically then principal will process transaction
or wait till principal-mirror will be in synchronised state which again depends on
number of transaction need to redo on mirror?

Thanks in advance

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What Permissions Are Needed To Drop All Connections On A Database?

Oct 6, 2006

I'm looking for the correct permissions to grant a user the ability to be able to drop all connections on a database.

The following code throws an exception:

Dim srv As New Server(SqlServerName)

If srv.Databases.Contains(siDBName) Then
srv.KillAllProcesses(siDBName) '== the srv.KillDatabase will not work here, we must kill the processes first
Dim db As Database = srv.Databases(siDBName)
End If

Throws the Exception:
Drop all active database connections failed for Server 'xxxx'.
The user does not have permission to perform this action.

This code DOES NOT throw an exception when run as an Administrator.
Any Ideas?

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Database Administration/Maintenance - Guidance Needed

May 16, 2006

I have been working SQL server for many years as a web developer, however in my current position we are lacking an expert in maintenance and admninistration as the company has recently switched over to SQL Server 2005.

I therefore need to develop a greater understanding of the best practices with regards to administration and am a bit lost as there are so many options which seem like they might match my requirements. As I have never looked beyond the basic administration/maintenance side of things before I have no idea which options to investigate.

Basically I want to clear any records older than 3 months old on a scheduled/automatic basis. There seem to be various options that could do this, however I want to know what the best option is, rather than waste a lot of time and risk problems by resorting to trial and error.

We are already backing up this data, however I am not sure if I should combine these tasks. It is highly unlikely that we will ever have to restore these older records, however we do need to store the data for legal reasons.

I dont expect anyone to tell me everything, as I am happy to investigate, I just need a nudge in the right direction.



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Help With The Design/creation Of A Database For My Application. [Experts Needed]

Apr 17, 2004

Hello, I was wondering if any of you experts might assist me in properly creating a database for my application. I've been pondering for a few days on how to accomplish this, but it seems that it doesnt have to be as complex as I am thinking...I just have to know how.

First off, I want to populate a dataset from a database in which I can databind to a datalist or repeater control. My datalist or repeater will have the following information in the ItemTemplate. Each ItemTemplate will consist of a table with 1 row with 3 columns cells. In each cell, the data will be laid out as accordingly.

[Unique Number] [Description ][Price ]
1000 XYZ $100.00
1001 ZXY $250.00

When the datalist or repeater is populated, it will need to be tried against a value that the user selects. For instance, the user selects 100,000 from a listbox and fetches the next page which will show the diagram above...he/she will see those results. However, if the user selects 110,000, the diagram above will have for the most part the same Unique Number and Descriptions, but the prices will vary. The reason I say for the most part with the Unique Number and Descriptions, is because I want to later be able to add admin access to add additional rows and appropriate prices to each Unique Number and Description.

Now the tricky part is, I could just add the listbox values to a table as a unique key and associated them with the Unique Number, Description and Price, however there are about 50 different options the user can select from and approx 50 different rows of Unique Numbers, Descriptions and Price . So you can see, I would have to set up the diagram each time for every possible selection from the listbox, which wouldnt really be efficient I presume.

I want to be able to populate the datalist or repeater so it could have say 50 Unique Numbers with Descriptions and Price at selection 100,000. And also that it might only populate with 45 Unique Numbers and Descrptions and Price at selection 110,000 because the 5 missing dont pertain to the selection of 110,000. I am trying to do it this way because at sometime, I want the admin to be able to add/delete a Unique Number, a Description for it and a corresponding price that correlates to the selection from the listbox.

Thanks for all your help guys. I really appreciate it. For the most part I understand what Im doing, I just need to be walked thru it a bit. Thanks again!

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Export Wizard Disturb The Order Of Data While Exporting Data To Acess 2003 From SQL Server 2005

Feb 24, 2007

I am using the following query to export data from sql server to ms access in export data wizard:
SELECT * FROM myView where myID = 123
Order by varcharColumnName1,varcharColumnName2 ,intColumnName3
This query will fetch about 7, 00,000 records.
SQL server 2005 shows the correct order, but Data in access table shows Incorrect data.
Please give me the solutions.

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Question-Advice Needed: Creating A System To Synch Handheld Entered Data With Main Database.

Jan 30, 2008


I would like to create a database for keeping track of payroll data for employees where the supervisors (job coaches) on our workshop floor can use a Pocket PC device to record the hourly employee data on the fly. Then at the end of the day, the supervisor can place the device in a cradle of some sort and synch the newly entered data into the main database.

I'm guessing that SQL Server Compact edition would be perfect for this type of task? Is that correct? Can someone give me recommendations on how to go about setting this up? What should I use as the main database? SQL Server? Access? Any advice is appreciated!

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