Stored Procedure To Count Matching Words Between Two Strings
Jan 19, 2007
hi all,
I want to know that how can i write a stored procedure that takes an input param, i.e., a string and returns the count of the matching words between the input parameter and the value of a column in a table. e.g. I have a table Person with a column address. now my stored procedure matches and counts the number of words that are common between the address of the person and the input param string. I am looking forward for any help in this matter. I am using Sql server 2005.
My scenario is I have a web form with a textbox and a button.Once I enter a string and hit submit button, my stored procedure will have to return the result set.So if my search string is "text book title", then I have to execute the query like :select * from tab1 where col1 like '%text%" or col1 like '%book%" or col1 like '%title%"The problem here is I will never know how many words will be entered to search. So I have to make the statement dynamic.How can I do this in a stored procedure? Any help will be appreciated.Thanks.
I have a situation where I want to pull strings from one table of a SQL 2000database and find matches for it in other tables of the same database andhave those values returned. i.e. In one table I have prospects and I wantto match their names to a table that stores the names of prospects turnedinto customers. I want to write a query that looks through every entry andreturns a match for each corresponding value (from prospects to customers).So if "Smith" is found in prospects I want SQL to return "Smith" incustomers with full contact info.Any pointers on getting started on this is greatly appreciated. Or if youcould just point me to a reference. Obviously, I need to do some kind ofparsing. I just need to be pointed in the right direction.Thx.
I am a little stomped and wandering if someone might have an idea howto go about doing this.following on from this guide on matching acomma-delimited string, I would like to expand on this and match twocomma-delimited string in a sproc.In my database, table A have a city field containing a comma delimitedstring ie 'sydney, new york, chicago'. I am passing a similarcomma-delimited string to a sproc and returning matcheing, we have table A:id/city1/sydney, new york, chicago2/new york, san antonio3/beijing, sydney4/london,beijingpassing string 'sydney, new york'need to return: id 1,2,3 (1,2 match new york and 1,3 matching sydney)any ideas?
Basically I have two strings. Both strings will contain similar data because the 2nd string is the first string after an update of the first string takes place. Both strings are returned in my Stored Procedure For example:String1 = "Here is some data. lets type some more data"String2 = "Here's some data. Lets type some data here"I would want to change string2 (inside my Stored Procedure) to show the changed/added text highlighted and the deleted text with a strike though. So I would want string2 to look like thisstring2 = "Here<font color = "#00FF00">'s</font> <strike>is</strike> some data. <font color = "#00FF00">L</font>ets type some <strike>more</strike> data <font color = "#00FF00">here</font>" Is there an way to accomplish this inside a stored procedure?
Well, I managed to write a Stored procedure that updates some records in the Northwind Database based on the ProductIDs passed to the SP as a list of strings. This is the Alter version of the SP:USE [Northwind] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs] Script Date: 06/10/2007 12:07:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs] ( @IDList varchar(500), @ReorderLevel int, @ProductName nvarchar(30)
) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON EXEC('Update dbo.Products SET ReorderLevel = (' + @ReorderLevel + ') ,ProductName = (''' + @ProductName + ''') WHERE ProductID IN (' + @IDList + ')') END ---------------------- THis works fine inside Sql Server 2005 Query analyser. But when I setup an aspx page with an objectDataSource inside the page attached to an xsd file where the Products table is located. When I try to add new query to the tableadapter inside the Products table and point to the stored procedure in the wizard I get this error: " the wizard detected the following problems when configuring TableAdapter query "Products" Details: Generated SELECT statement. Incorrect suntax near ')'.
Any help would be appreciated And can someone convert it to support XML instead of list of strings. thanks.
Will the fuzzy grouping task match a null value to an empty string (or spaces)? I've got 5 columns I'm matching on, and one of them may be null for certain rows but an empty string for others. Given the 4 other columns may match, will this difference stop similar columns being grouped together?
(Someone's modified my grouped data since it was deduped, which takes a while, and I'm hoping for a quick answer on this).
Folks,Using NorthWind as Example: Parent Table derived from: Categories. I added a new Column E-Mail and Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Data.
Category ID Category Name Category E-mail
1 Beverages
2 Condiments
3 Confections Child Table derived from: Products. I am Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Sample Data.
Category ID Product Name Quantity Per Unit
1 Chang 24 - 12 oz bottles
1 Côte de Blaye 12 - 75 cl bottles
1 Ipoh Coffee 16 - 500 g tins
1 Outback Lager 24 - 355 ml bottles
2 Aniseed Syrup 12 - 550 ml bottles
2 Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix 36 boxes
2 Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra 24 - 8 oz jars
2 Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 - 12 oz jars
3 Chocolade 10 pkgs.
3 Gumbär Gummibärchen 100 - 250 g bags
3 Maxilaku 24 - 50 g pkgs.
3 Scottish Longbreads 10 boxes x 8 pieces
3 Sir Rodney's Scones 24 pkgs. x 4 pieces
3 Tarte au sucre 48 piesI would like to read 1st Category Id, Category E-Mail from Categories Table (ie. Category Id = 1), find that in Products Table. If match, extract matching records for that Category from Both Tables (Categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductName, Products.QuantityPerUnit) and e-mail them based on E-Mail Address from Parent (Categories ) Table. If no E-Mail Address is listed, do not create output file. In this instance Category Id = 3.Basically I want to select 1st record from Parent Table (Here is Category) and search for all matching Products in Products Table. And Create an E-mail and sending just those matching records. Repeat the same process for remaining rows from Categories Table. I am expecting my E-Mail Output like this: For Category Id: 1
2 Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 - 12 oz jarsI am not extracting the Data for any user Interface (ie. Grid View/Form View Etc). I will just create a Command Button in an ASP.NET 2.0 form to extract Data. My Tables are in SQL 2005. I was thinking to read the Category records in a Data Reader and within the While Loop, call a SP to retrieve the matching records from Products Table. If matching records found, call System SP_Mail to send the E-mail. The drawback with that for every category records (Within While Loop) I need to call my SP to get Products Data. Will be OVERKILL? Ideally I would like extract my records with one call to a SP. Is there any way I can run a while loop inside the SP and extract Child Data based on Parent Record? Any Help or sample URL, Tutorial Page will be appreciated. Thanks
Hello,I have a sqlserver stored procedure that calls the stored procedure sp_send_cdosysmail_htm to send reminder emails to customers. I am experiencing problems when trying to concatenate the id being renewed in the subject field. I'm always getting the message "error 170: line 10: Incorrect syntax near '+'."Does anyone know what the error means or can point me to a resource on the web? Many thanksRitao CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SendRenewalEmail @ID INT AS BEGIN exec dbo.sp_send_cdosysmail_htm @From = '', @To = '', @Cc = null, @BCC = null, @Subject = 'Order ' + @ID + 'Renewal Reminder', @Body = 'Hello roadrunner....' ENDGO
All of a sudden hen I script out a Stored Procedure it encloses strings (edit) in Double Quotes?
For example ANDPromo.[Group] IN (''FL_Small'',''FL_Large'')
Also it generates this code that I do not want. I just was Create Procedure...
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_IncentiveReport]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'
Hello, I use the full-text search utility in SQL Server 2005 to find word in PDFs document. This is my 'Documents' table:
id (PK), data (VarBinary(max)), extension (nvarchar(4))
My full-text catalog on 'data' column works fine because when I search 'Microsoft', my document containing this word is returned as result.
SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE freetext([data], 'Microsoft'); 1 , 0x255044...., .pdf
But I need to know how many times 'Microsoft' word appears in this document. Do you have any idea how can I retrieve this information? Thanks in advance!
I want to create a trigger that, when a field is updated or a record is inserted, counts the number of words in "field1", inserting this numeric value into another field in the same table. What would be the most efficient, fastest method for doing this?
I have a stored procedure that among other things needs to get a total of hours worked. These hours are totaled by another stored procedure already. I would like to call the totaling stored procedure once for each user which required a loop sort of thing for each user name in a temporary table (already done) total = result from execute totaling stored procedure Can you help with this Thanks
Hello, I use the full-text search utility in SQL Server 2005 to find word in PDFs document. This is my 'Documents' table: id (PK), data (VarBinary(max)), extension (nvarchar(4)) My full-text catalog on 'data' column works fine because when I search 'Microsoft', my document containing this word is returned as result.
SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE freetext([data], 'Microsoft'); 1 | 0x255044.... | .pdf
But I need to know how many times 'Microsoft' word appears in this document. Do you have any idea how can I retrieve this information? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I would like to add custom paging to my ASP.Net pages. How can I use Count(*) in a query such as below to retrieve a record count? set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[view_icon_photos] @Filenumber int = '0' , @Location nvarchar(50)= '-1' , @Rubric nvarchar(MAX)= '-1' , @Author nvarchar(75)= '-1' , @startRowIndex int= '-1' , @maximumRows int= '0' As IF @Filenumber = '0' AND @location > '-1' AND @Rubric = '-1' AND @Author = '-1' AND @startRowIndex > '-1' AND @maximumRows >'0'Select Icon, Filenumber, RowRankFrom(Select Icon, Filenumber, Row_Number () Over ( Order By Filenumber ASC ) AS RowRankFrom dbo.photosWhere Location = @Location)As IconRank Where RowRank > @startRowIndex AND RowRank <= (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows)
hello, i have a list of Categories and each one contains a list of SubCategories, and i use a nested Repeater to show each Category with their SubCategories, but because are to many to show verticaly, i want to make 2 nested repeaters and in the first one to show only the first "n" Categories with their SubCategories and in the second Repeater should be the last n Categories, and like so they will be in 2 colums How can i use the COUNT function in my stored procedure to take only first n Categories? I used SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID <= 5 but i don't want to order by the primary key i want to order by a COUNT or something like this... here is my stored procedure (i use it for two nested Repeaters)ALTER PROCEDURE SubCategoriiInCategorii CategoryID int) AS SELECT CategoryID, Name, Description FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryIDORDER BY Name
SELECT p.SubCategoryID, p.Name,p.CategoryID FROM SubCategorii p ORDER BY p.Name i hope you understand what i mean, thank you
what's wrong with the following code? COUNT for completed and exempted doesn't return correct values. they return same values. but when i remove one count it's returning right COUNT. i need to return the COUNT from two tables with a single query. how can i accomplish that??? is there anything wrong with my code below? <code> CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Test AsSELECT s.StudentIdNum, c.[Name], COUNT(*) AS Completed, COUNT(*) AS exempted FROM StudentEnrolled AS s JOIN StudentCourse AS sc ON s.StudentKey = sc.StudentKey JOIN Courses AS c ON sc.CourseID = c.CourseIDLEFT JOIN ModuleEnrolment AS m ON sc.StudentCourseID = m.StudentCourseIDLEFT JOIN ModuleExemption AS e ON sc.StudentCourseID = e.StudentCourseIDWHERE m.Status = "Completed"GROUP BY s.StudentIdNum, c.[Name] </code>
I have the following for sql server 2000... Select b.courseName, a.courseId, count(a.courseId) as [count], avg(convert(INT, a.fldScore)) as [average], count(fldPass) as [passed], count(fldPass) as [failed] From tblTest a inner join tblTest2 b on a.courseId = b.courseId Group by a.courseId, b.courseName Problem is the [passed] and [failed] As it is, it's counting all of them. I need to adjust it so passed will only read where fldPass = 'yes' and fldPass = 'no' for the passed and failed. Suggestions? Thanks, Zath
Hi all, I'm using sql 2005. Can some one please tell me how to write dynamic sql for count. What i want is that i want to count the number of employees existing for the given department names and get the counted values as output into my 2.0 project. If any one know who to write this please send the code.. Please help me.. I want the below code to change to dynamic sql: Alter proc GetCountforemp @DestName varchar(200)=null, @total int output as begin SELECT @total = Count(distinct Employee.EmployeeID) FROM Employee INNER JOIN Dest R on R.DestID=Employee.DestID WHERE R.DestName in ('''+@DestName+''') end
Would like to get a total count from Quantity Column for (Each individual ProductID # entered) from the ProductID Column. And insert (the New total Value count into the QtySold Column.
Does anyone have an idea how to write a stored Procedure for this?
The tables name is OrderItems which contains the following columns:
Having a little trouble with this sp... just need to return the count.....CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.getTotalObjectives @courseId VARCHAR(20) ASBEGIN DECLARE @errCode INT SELECT count(*) FROM objstructure WHERE courseId = @courseId SET @errCode = 0 RETURN @errCode Can only return one thing, @errCode, but can return others in the select statement....I did it before like.....SELECT @lessonLocation = lessonLocation FROM cmiDataModel WHERE studentId = @studentIdand got the lessonLocationAnd, in code behind, I know this may be off as well....sObjNum = command.Parameters[ "@courseId" ].Value.ToString();The @courseId should be the count????Thanks all,Zath
I am trying to determine the number of columns that are returned froma stored procedure using TSQL. I have a situation where users will becreating their own procedures of which I need to call and place thoseresults in a temp table. I will not be able to modify those usersprocedures. I figure if I have the number of columns I can dynamicallycreate a temp table with the same number of columns, at which point Ican then perform an INSERT INTO #TempTableCreatedDynamically EXEC@UserProcCalled. With that said, does anyone have any idea how todetermine the number of rows that an SP will return in TSQL?Thanks!
SELECT task1_.Start as y0_, count(this_.FirstName) as y1_ FROM t_contact this_ inner join t_task task1_ on this_.TaskId=task1_.Id GROUP BY task1_.Start
Hi again, and so soon...Having just solved my previous issue, I am now trying to call this stored proc from my page.aspx.vb code. Firstly the stored proc looks like this:----------- ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CountTEstAS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @sql nvarchar(100); DECLARE @recCount int; DECLARE @parms nvarchar(100); SET @sql = 'SELECT @recCount1 = COUNT(*) FROM Pool 'SET @parms = '@recCount1 int OUTPUT' exec sp_executesql @sql, @parms, @recCount1 = @recCount OUTPUTRETURN @recCount -------------When tested from the stored proc, the result is: @RETURN_VALUE = 4 My code that calls this stored proc is: Dim connect As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") connect.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("CountTEst", connect) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim MyCount As Int32 MyCount = cmd.ExecuteScalar connect.Close() So I expext MyCount = 4 but this code returns MyCount = 0 With the RETURN statement in the stored proc, and then calling it via MyCount = cmd.ExecuteScalar, I didn't think I need to explicitly define any other parameters. Any help please. thanks,
I seem to have a little problem with my SQL. I'm attempting to use a an .NET grid-view to page a list of search results using an ObjectDataSource (ODS). It's a very simple search setup. The ODS retrieves the Search keyword from the query-string sending it to the BLL's GetResult method which then utilises the DAL's version and retrieves the result. Not all of them of course because I'm paging so it only retrieves the first page (Lets say the first 10 items). This part of the SQL works fine as the same SQL method is used else where on the site and it's well tested. But to to use the Paging function I'm using the SelectCountMethod attribute of the ODS. Again this gets the Search term from the QueryString and sends it too the BLL which retrieves the information from the DAL. Now this is where it starts playing up. The Sql count method is as follows and is run as a Stored Procedure: 1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoreName_Store_GetProductSearchCount 2 ( 3 @SearchQuery nvarchar 4 ) 5 AS 6 SET NOCOUNT ON 7 8 SELECT COUNT(*) 9 FROM StoreName_Products 10 WHERE Title LIKE '%' + @SearchQuery + '%' Nice and Easy. Not a Problem... Isn't it? When I run this query by selecting the database in the Server Explorer in VS2005 and running a 'New Query', it retrieves the correct results. (I only run this query from the Start of the SELECT Query in this mode, don't add the stuff above it)When I run this query through the website as intended and retrieves the int from the Stored Procedure, it always returns the entire count of the number of products in the table.At first I thought It might be a simple error with my caching system. Nope, it's not as after I purged it, it still returns the same value. I thought, well maybe just maybe the BLL or the DAL are some point converting it to this number but I'm quite sure it wasn't... and nope it wasn't that either because the ExecuteScalar method was found to be returning this number. So I ran the Stored Procedure by opening it up and simply right clicking the SQL Query and Executing it adding a value for @SearchQuery when it requested. Bingo. It's returning the full number of the products.So my question is... What's the deal? How can the same query return two completely different results? and most of all... How do I overcome this? Is this because it's in a stored procedure and I should be executing it as a SqlCommand from my DAL? I'm a bit confused. Is there a problem running this sort of query in a stored procedure that I don't know about and probably really should?Thankful for any answers,Regards,Luke
I have a stored procedure named mySP that looks basically like this:Select Field1, Field2From tblMyTableWhere Field 3 = 'xyz'What I do is to populate an Access form:DoCmd.Openform "frmMyFormName"Forms!myFormName.RecordSource = "mySP"What I want to do in VBA is to open frmContinuous(a datasheet form) ifmySP returns more than one record or open frmDetail if mySP returnsonly one record.I'm stumped as to how to accomplish this, without running mySP twice:once to count it and once to use it as a recordsource.Thanks,lq
Hi Guys, I have a sql procedure that returns the following result when I execute it in query builder: CountE ProjStatus 6 In Progress 3 Complete 4 On Hold The stored procedure is as follow: SELECT COUNT(*) AS countE, ProjStatusFROM PROJ_ProjectsGROUP BY ProjStatus This is the result I want but when I try to output the result on my page I get the following error: DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count.Source Error:
Line 271: </asp:TemplateColumn> Line 272: <asp:TemplateColumn> Line 273: <itemtemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Count" )%> </itemtemplate> Line 274: </asp:TemplateColumn> Line 275: </columns> My page is as follows: <script runat="server"> Dim myCommandPS As New SqlCommand("PROJ_GetProjStatus")
' Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommandPS.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim num as integer num = CInt(myCommand.ExecuteScalar) 'Set the datagrid's datasource to the DataSet and databind Dim myAdapterPS As New SqlDataAdapter(myCommandPS) Dim dsPS As New DataSet() myAdapter.Fill(dsPS)
I have a process that keeps check on the row counts of about 100 stored procedures. The input parameters and "certified" row counts for all of the stored procedures are stored in a database. The process runs every day and executes all of the stored procedures using the parameters from the database with syntax below. The row count returned is compared against the known "certified" row count. If the counts are different, we receive an email alerting us that something has changed with the data or the sp query.
(This code is dynamically generated for all 100 + stored procedures)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OPENQUERY(SQLSERVER,'EXEC 'usp_HR_My_Stored_Procedure @inputparam1="12345",@inputparam2="12345"')
This worked well until I upgraded from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2014. Evidently Microsoft fixed this for me. The error below is now received anytime we attempt to execute a stored procedure with dynamic SQL through OPENQUERY.
The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXEC (@sql_str)' in procedure 'usp_HR_My_Stored_Procedure ' contains dynamic SQL. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set.
The stored procedures that are monitored change frequently, so it isn't reasonable to create tables with fixed column structures for all for all of the stored procs.
I need to create a stored procedure for total count of the user's. If User from front end invites other user to use my tool, that user will be stored into a table name called "test",lets say it will be stored as"Invited 1 User(s)" or if he invites 2 users it will store into table as "Invited 2 User(s)."
But now we have changed the concept to get the ISID (name of the user) and now when ever the user invites from the front end, the user who have invited should stored in two tables "test" and " test1" table .
After we get the data into test and test1 table i need the total count of a particular user from both tables test and test1.
if i invite a user , the name of the user is getting stored in both test and test1 tables.Now i want to get the count of a user from both tables which should be 1,but its showing 2.
Reason: Why i am considering the count from 2 tables is because before we were not tracking the usernames and we were storing the count in single test table.,but now we are tracking user names and storing them in both tables(test and test1).
Here is my sample code:
I need to sum it up to get the total user's from both the table but I should get 1 instead of 2
SELECT (select distinct COUNT(*) from dbo.test where New_Values like '%invited%' and Created_By= 'sam' + (select distinct count (*) from dbo.test1 where invited_by ='sam'
Stored procedure A calls another stored procedure B. Rowcount is set properly in called procedure B, but does not seem to return it to calling procedure A. Otherwise the two stored procedures are working correctly. Here is the relevant code from the calling procedure A:
Print statement prints @NumBufferManagerRows as 0.
Here is the called stored procedure B:
CREATE PROCEDURE [persist].[LoadBufferManager] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @StartTicks bigint, @EndTicks bigint, @TimeDiff decimal(9,2), @NumRows int OUTPUT