To try to secure an outside web application we set up a user that
only has permission to execute a series of stored procedures that are
related to the appliation. Unfortunately a couple of those stored
procedures have to access system resources outside SQL Server so we
are using a call to xp_cmdshell from inside the stored procedure
SQL Server apparently won't let us do that unless we give our
restricted user (who is calling the initial stored procedure) execute
permission on xp_cmdshell. This, of course, negates most of the benefit
of setting up a restricted user. Is there some simple way I am missing
of running xp_cmdshell from inside s stored procedure without the user
calling the stored procedure having execute permission on xp_cmdshell?
I tried to create a CSV file using Bulk Copy Program (BCP) and Stored Procedures: BCP executed from T-SQL using xp_cmdshell. I have the following sql code executed in my SQL Server Management Studio Express and error message:
I copied this set of code from a tutorial article that says "@@servername". My Sql Server is SQLEXPRESS, so I put @@.SQLEXPRESS or @@SQLEXPRESS in the code of scBCPcLabResults.sql. I do not know why I got an error {Must declare the scalar variable "@@"} or {Must declare the scalar variable "@@SQLEXPRESS"}!!!??? Please help and advise me how to solve this problem.
First off I am a rookie at Sql Server. Ok let's give this a try. Mycompany has bought a new software package called Viewpoint. It's OnSql Server and written in VP. We do not have access to the code.There is a option in the software package called "ApplicationSecurity". When this is clicked you are unable to access the ViewpointDatabase from an outside application. Since I can't get to the code Ihave no idea how this feature works.I would like to keep the "Application Securty" ON so no one can accessthe Viewpoint Database from an outside application but I would like towrite my own outside application where I can access the Viewpointapplication tables while the Application Security in ON. Does anyoneknow what I am talking about? I know it is not very clear and I amworking with limited information, but any help would be appreciated.Thanks
Hi all,I know that it is possible to encrypt Stored Procedures using 'withencyption'.But my problem is that when there are so many decriptingmethods available how far will the encyption be secure.Is there any other method to encrypt the stored procedures that areresiding on the customer sites.We do not want the customers to meddle with the SPs.If anyone knows can u please let me know.ThanksDilini
Okay, I have sort of a peculiar permissions question I am wondering if someone can help me with. I'm suspect there's a simple answer, but I'm unaware of it. Basically, here's the scenario...
I have a CLR stored procedure which does some dynamic SQL building based on values sent in via XML. It's a CLR stored procedure using XML because I want to build a parameterized statement (to guard against SQL Injection) based on a flexible number of parameters which are basically passed in the XML.
The dynamic SQL ends up reading from a table I'll call TableX and I actually discovered an (understandable) quirk with security.
Basically, the connection context is impersonating a low-privilaged Windows account ("UserX") coming from a .NET application. UserX has no permission to the table referenced in the dynamic SQL and because of the dyanmic nature of the query, the stored procedure apparently adopts the security context of UserX. Naturally, this throws a security exception saying UserX has no SELECT permission on TableX.
Now, I can give UserX read permission to the table in question to get things running, but one of the points of using stored procedures is to defer security to the procedure level vs. configuration for tables or columns.
So in striving toward my ideal of security at the procedure level, my question is what is the best way to allow minimum privilege in this case?
I thought about having the internals of the CLR stored procedure run under a different (low-privalaged) security context, but I am wondering if there's an alternate configuration that may use the same connection, and be as secure, but simpler.
Our security team wants us to disable access to (or drop) all of the built-in extended stored procedures in MSDE 2000 as they feel it is a vulnerability. Where can I find out which extended procs are safe to disable or how we can disable them during install time? Or, is the security team being too cautious and we should just tell them to leave these intact?
Greetings Running SQL Server 2005. The developers on the project can see and edit stored procedures from within the Visual Studio IDE (via Server Explorer) but when they connect through management studio, the stored procedures do not show up at all.
Is there a seperate security setting specifically for management studio?
The user has:
The dbCreator Server Role
Is mapped to the development database as dbo with datareader/datawriter/db owner/public role Is mapped to master reader/writer/public Is mapped to model reader/writer public Is mapped to msdb reader/writer public Is mapped to tempdb reader/writer publuc
This is probably more security than the user needs, but was grasping at straws to let them edit stored procedures...
We have a generic sql login "prduser". Applications use this login. We want the login NOT to have ALTER PROCEDURE and DROP PROCEDURE permissions only on the stored procedures(there are thousands of them).
I don't know what category would be appropriate for this question but security seems to be close enough.
I have this case scenario: I am running an automated application that extracts data from a web site and stores the data into a table on SQL server 2005. This information is not confidential in the extreme of social insurance #'s, bank account #s, but should not be seen by a typical employee (it has no use for them). After the data has been stored, it retrieves the data from the same table, processes it, and updates the same table. This application runs every hour infinitely.
Should all the insert, update, and select queries be stored under a stored procedure? I am not concern with performance. My concern would fall under design and security.
Is it worth to hide the details of inserting/updating/selecting behind a stored procedure? Or should I just allow the program to send select/update/insert SQL queries?
No employee (other then the developer and the DB admin) or customer ever access this table (They do not have permission from SQL). The username and passwords were created with security in mind.
I have a stored procedure that creates an xml file. It executes a SELECTstatement with the FOR XML clause and then writes the xml file using bcp andxp_cmdshell. I am calling this procedure by passing it a parameter via ADO.I have configured the SQL Server Agent with a proxy account so non-SysAdmincan execute xp_cmdshell.I'm concerned about giving non-SysAdmins execute on xp_cmdshell. I'm alsoconcerned about having to maintain the password on my proxy account whenthat users' password changes.Is there a better, more secure way to generate this xml file.Thanks
The objective is to programmatically create an IIS virtual directory from within a stored proc. I already have a proxy account configured using the sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account proc. The SQL server is a member server to a domain and the proxy account is a member of Domain Admins (per iisvdir.vbs requirement). When I login to the server as the proxy account and run the dos command in a window it executes just fine. However, the above SQL statements result in the following in server management studio:
"You cannot run this command because you are not an administrator on the server you are trying to configure."
If the xp_cmdshell runs under the proxy account, and the proxy account has been verified to be able to login and run the script independently, what gives?
Edit: Just to make sure the proxy account was setup properly, I used the following cmd
select @cmd='set'
and it's results set shows
which is indeed the name of the proxy/windows account that I can run the dos script under when logged into windows...
Our system is MS SQL Server v7 and NT 4. We have a stored procedure that exec's xp_cmdshell to run an external program located on the server. When a user who has 'sa' rights runs this stored procedure it works fine. When a 'non-sa' user (via the "BuiltinUsers" NT account) runs it, xp_cmdshell produces the following error:
Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001 xpsql.c: Error 1385 from LogonUser on line 476
Is there an NT security or SQL Server setting I've overlooked that can be changed to allow non-sa users to xp_cmdshell programs?
n.b. The BuiltinUsers account does already have execute permission on the xp_cmdshell procedure.
I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!
This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.
How would you set up a group of developers-application programers in SQL 6.5 to let them have authority so that they all can store, update, delete, & execute each others stored procedures, within a particular database. They are not permitted to modify the table structures within a data base, but I can not seem to let them have authority so that they can work on and execute any of their sp's unless the DBO actually does the sp modifications? They do not want to modify any code by putting the sp owners name in front of the sp name (I don't blame them), otherwise Error 2812 results.
I have a question regarding the extended SPC 'xp_cmdshell'.
Basically I want to determine the username and userdomain in a stored procedure and what I know is that you can get this information in a "DOS-Box" with 'Set username' or 'Set userdomain'.
But if I use the above mentioned extended stored procedure in the following way:exec master..xp_cmdshell 'set username'I don´t get any resultset.
Does anyone know why I get different results depending on the fact if I call the 'set'-command in a "DOS-Box" or with the appropriate stored procedure?
Is there any way to allow a user to use the xp_cmdshell extendedstored procedure without giving that user execute permissions toxp_cmdshell in SQL server 6.5? Let me clarify. Lets say I (as thedbo) create a stored procedure called sp_send_err:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_send_err @CompID varchar(20) ASdeclare @strCMD varchar(255)select @strCMD = "master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net send " + @CompID + """ERROR!""', no_output"execute (@strCMD)GONow lest say I give "user1" execute permissions on sp_send_err, but nopermissions on xp_cmdshell. When I run sp_send_error I get thefollowing error:"EXECUTE permission denied on object xp_cmdshell, database master,owner dbo".Why doesn't this work? What else can I do?
I am currently developing a project that requires a server level permission for one stored procedure (ALTER ANY LOGIN)
To this effect, I plan to create a certificate, sign the stored procedure with it, import the certificate into the master DB and assign privileges.
I also understand that modification to the code invalidates the signature (after all thats the point of signing something).
But what about user defined functions and stored procedures referenced by the signed procedure? Does SQL server follow the dependancy chain and include referenced procedures in the signature? Or does the privilege assigned to the certificate not apply when the nested procedure is executed?
If this is not the case couldn't a restricted database user just alter a nested stored procedure they have been granted ALTER access to and make themselves SA or something?
So to sum up, do you have to duplicate the functionality of otherwise nested procedures into a certificate signed procedure to protect server security?
Using SQL 2005, SP2. All of a sudden, whenever I create any stored procedures in the master database, they get created as system stored procedures. Doesn't matter what I name them, and what they do.
For example, even this simple little guy:
Gets created as a system stored procedure.
Any ideas what would cause that and/or how to fix it?
How do I search for and print all stored procedure names in a particular database? I can use the following query to search and print out all table names in a database. I just need to figure out how to modify the code below to search for stored procedure names. Can anyone help me out? SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID, S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName', T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails I INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts?
I have MSSQL 2005. On earlier versions of MSSQL saving a stored procedure wasn't a confusing action. However, every time I try to save my completed stored procedure (parsed successfully ) I'm prompted to save it as a query on the hard drive.
How do I cause the 'Save' action to add the new stored procedure to my database's list of stored procedures?
We recently upgraded to SQL Server 2005. We had several stored procedures in the master database and, rather than completely rewriting a lot of code, we just recreated these stored procedures in the new master database.
For some reason, some of these stored procedures are getting stored as "System Stored Procedures" rather than just as "Stored Procedures". Queries to sys.Objects and sys.Procedures shows that these procs are being saved with the is_ms_shipped field set to 1, even though they obviously were not shipped with the product.
I can't update the sys.Objects or sys.Procedures views in 2005.
What effect will this flag (is_ms_shipped = 1) have on my stored procedures?
Can I move these out of "System Stored Procedures" and into "Stored Procedures"?
I am writing a set of store procedures (around 30), most of them require the same basic logic to get an ID, I was thinking to add this logic into an stored procedure.
The question is: Would calling an stored procedure from within an stored procedure affect performance? I mean, would it need to create a separate db connection? am I better off copying and pasting the logic into all the store procedures (in terms of performance)?
Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly. For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created' returns an int value as 1 (performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie: exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1' which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID) I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc): SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID) This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example). My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?
i have created the folowing function but keep geting an error.
Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.
Why am i getting this error!
Create Function myDateAdd (@buildd nvarchar(4), @avdate as nvarchar(25)) Returns nvarchar(25) as Begin declare @ret nvarchar(25) declare @sqlval as nvarchar(3000)
set @sqlval = 'select ''@ret'' = max(realday) from ( select top '+ @buildd +' realday from v_caltable where realday >= '''+ @avdate +''' and prod = 1 )a'