Hi,How do i connect tables so they are interrelated to each other. like the asp.net 2.0 membership tables have the "id" and how can i use that? i have multiple tables that are all connected.like i have a table for profile. and images profile with include their profile, while images will include there avatar.now when i display there profile on page, i need to grab the data from both the profile table and avatar. right now i've been using the "JOIN" statement. but is tehre any other way
Hi All, 1st of all happy New Year to all asp.net forum members I am new at asp.net. I want to design a website using asp.net as frontend and sql database as backend. I am able to connect and add,update as well delete records when I use MsAcess and Asp.net using the following connection strings... ********** sub Page_Load dim dbconn,sql,dbcomm,dbread dbconn=New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & server.mappath("/database/northwind.mdb")) dbconn.Open() sql="SELECT * FROM customers where city LIKE 'Berlin' order by city ASC" dbcomm=New OleDbCommand(sql,dbconn) dbread=dbcomm.ExecuteReader() customers.DataSource=dbread customers.DataBind() dbread.Close() dbconn.Close() end sub **********
But when I try to connect to sql database using the following connection strings I am unable to do so...
************** SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("server=PLATINUMVSdotNET;database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=yes"); SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(" * from Authors", myConnection);
DataSet ds = new DataSet(); myCommand.Fill(ds, "Authors");
************** I have written the servername as "PLATINUMVSdotNET" because when I installed SQL SERVER 2000 I found a tray icon where the server name was displaying the same (my computer name is PLATINUM). When I used webmatrix I enterd the same server name and windows authentication I was able to create a database but How to create table...
I've about read myself to death, and have yet to find the simple answer to the question of what is the best way to connect my MS Access 2003 front-end to an SQL 2000 back-end?
I'm using the gui to create a view which requires my connecting to another database on the same server. I've tried to create synonyms; however, I can not access them (they do not display) on the synonym tab when I try to add them to the view.
I'm a novice so any suggestions to get me on my way is greatly appreciated.
How do I search for and print all stored procedure names in a particular database? I can use the following query to search and print out all table names in a database. I just need to figure out how to modify the code below to search for stored procedure names. Can anyone help me out? SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
An IBM Global Services consultant is telling my client that in order to have SAP BI read any data from any other application supported by SQL Server 2005, that all tables and fields MUST be in UPPER CASE. This would mean that SAP BI could not read ANY data from AdventureWorks (which everyone needs ) but more importantly from 95% of applications written and stored on SQL Server. I find this to be ludicrious, frankly, but don't know how to find out if it is true. Anyone?
I have a stored proc that receives the connection string detials like servername, dbname, tablename,userid, pwd as parameters. how do i connect to that particular database on that server with the userid and pwd details ?
I'm new to 2005 (new to sql server in general). Up until now it's only been writing easy stored procedures. Read that it's a good idea to have a user who can only run stroed procedures (so aren't connceting with 'sa' privileges and such). How would I go about doing this?
The server I am working on has about 15 different databases on it. My database (named "myDBForTest") is the only one I want my end user to be able to connect on. I'm writing a .NET application that will have several users using it at same time. They will all be connecting with same information (limited to only running stored procedures and connecting/disconnecting). I basically want them to be able to run any stroed procedures that are part of my database. If I go back in 4 months and add 100 stored procedures, the next time the log on they should be able to use those new ones also.
Is there some kind of command I run to add a user (maybe with username of sprocUser?) who can do this? I'm interfacing with database using SQL Server Management Studio Express (from MS).
I'm new to SQL server, still in the beginning stage of learning SQL Server. I'm here would like know, besides using the Connectivity from the DTS Designer to connect to different databases, is it possible to connect the database, i.e: Access via stored procedure? and how? Pls advise...
I'm have been trying to look for the solution via a lot of SQL Server site, but fail to get what I want.
What I'm trying to do is something like : First connect to the Database and Query the data, after that insert it into another database....
Im trying to find a way without doing it in excel or something by hand to show what tables are used in each of my many stored procs. I didnt know if there was a way to do this with say another stored procedure or what not. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
SQL Server 2000:Question 1If you drop / rename a table and then recreate the table with the SAMENAME, what impact does it have on stored procedures that use these tables?From a system perspective, do you have to rebuild / recompile ALL the storedprocedures that use this table?I had a discussion with someone that said that this is a good idea, sincethe IDs of the tables change in sysobjects and from a SQL SERVER query planperspective, this needs to be done...Question 2If you Truncate a Tables as part of a BEGIN TRANSACTION, what happens if anerror occurs? Will it Rollback? The theory is that it won't becauseTruncate doesn't utilize the logs where as Delete From uses the SQL Logs?Thanks!
Hi,I'm trying to insert some values into 2 tables using stored procedures (which should be pretty straight forward) but I'm running into problems.Given below are my 2 sp that I'm using:
I am currently building an electricity quoting facility on my website. I am trying to insert the data which the user enters into 3 linked tables within my database. My stored procedure therefore, includes 3 inserts, and uses the @@Identity, to retrieve the primary keys from the first 2 inserts and put it as a foreign key into the other table. When the user comes to the quoting page, they enter their contact details which goes into a client_details table, then they enter the supply details for their electric meter these get inserted into the meter table which is linked to client_details. The supply details which the users enters are used to calculate a price. The calculated price, then gets put into a quote table which is linked to the meter table. This all seems to work fine with my stored procedure. However I want to be able to allow a user to enter more than one meter supply details and insert this into the meter table, with the same client_id for the foreign key. This will also generate another quote to insert into the quoting table. However I do not know how to get this to work. Should I be looking at using Sessions and putting a SessionParameter on the client_id for the inserts for these additional meters??
hi I'm working in VS2005 with SQL server Express database.How can I copy some tables, stored procedures and diagrams from one database to another? thanks
Hello, Is it possible to search in two tables, let's say table # 1 in specific field e.g. (age). If that field is empty then retrieve the data from table #1, if not retrieve the data from table # 2. Is it possible to do it by using SQL Stored Procedure?? Thank you
Hello all! What I need to do is take a site that I have and make 3 copies of it so I will have 4 separate sites with 4 separate DB's but running on the same server. One of the sites is complete but what I need to know is how do I make a complete copy of the DB including all stored procedures and populate a blank DB that has a different name with contents from the master DB??? So if DB1 is complete and I want to now populate DB2, DB3 and DB4 with everything from DB1 (tables, stored procedures, data etc.) what would be the best way to do this? The new sites are already setup in IIS and I have already transferred the files to each sites root, so all that is left is to setup the new DB's. They are all running on the same server… I think that is about everything someone would need to know to help me! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with creation of a stored procedure. What i would basically like to do is have a SELECT stored Procedure that gets values from one table and then uses these values to retrieve data from another table. i.e. I would like to retrieve 2 dates from another table (the table has a single record that holds the 2 dates) then I would like to use those two dates to retrieve all records of another table that fall between those 2 dates. As I know nothing about stored procedures I'm not even sure how to go about this?? Regards. Peter.
Basically, I want to be able to have a stored procedure that will search through all the stored procedures looking for a given string and returning the names of all the stored procs that contain that string value.
I know I can script it off and then do a text search in Notepad or whatever, but I figured there must be a more elegant way to do it. More than likely dealing with the DB sys tables.
Is there already a tool in SQL Server that does this? Or has anybody had a chance to roll their own?
ok, ill lay it out like this, and try not to be too confusing.
I need to check my trasaction table to see that the user with a UserID bought, keeping track(adding up) of how many times they bought the Product with a productID, , then i need to selcect items from product table with the productID for the items the user bought,
i know how to return the product information, and how to check the tranaction table and i think how to add up the amount of tranastions for that item
so bacially i need to select data from a product table, for the products that the user bought tahts stored in the transaction table.
well i tried not to be confusing, but i think i failed
Is there any oen can tell me how i can run some system sp or exec something to list all tables or stored procedures in a database, like i use select statement to list some coulmn data? thanks in advance.
Hi,If one uses a temporary table/ table variable within a storedprocedure, will it use the compiled plan each time the stored procedureis executed or will it recompile for each execution?Thanks in advance,Thyagu
I am using multiple stored procedures which are using same set of tables at a time . As stored procedures dont have any DMLs. they are just select statement copied into a temporary table for further processing. My issue is ,I dont want to wait one stored procedure until the other stored procedure is completed.
as one stored procedure is taking 43 secs and another sp is taking one min .they are conmbinely taking 1:43 mins where i want to take just 1 min which is the time took by second sp
I want this because i am calling all the stored procedures more than 5 in my reporting services to show in one report which is taking huge time
Please suggest me how to proceed here.i am stuck
what should i do with the tables or stored procedures?
If you use a stored procedure that references one or more temp tables as data dource for a report, you get an error saying that the temp tables cannot be found when you click on the Layout tab. This happens even if you have executed the query in the Data tab before going to the Layout tab. The work around is to simply ignore the error but it is a distraction for the user. Is this a known big that is going to be fixed in a future release?
I have a Report which has 8 stored procedures to get 8 resultant data sets . the stored procedures are almost similar such that they have only difference is the where clause and column getting returned.
So ,every stored access same set of tables and temporary tables getting created to store some set of active data derived from big table.
what happening is ,when i run the stored procedures individually in query analyser ,it is taking the time which is accepatable individually,but when i keep them in the same report. it is taking the time which is equal to sum of all the times taken by the stored procedures ran individually in query analyser which is some what not acceptable
can anybody through an idea,what can be done here. i already thought of locks and kept set transaction isolation level read uncomitted for all the stored procedures.but the time taking is same.
I designed the AlwaysOn wrong, but every time we fail over from primary server to another server, my applications cannot connect because the sql logins cannot connect to their default databases. Once I run the command to link the login with the user in the default database then the users are able to connect. Did I do something wrong when designing AlwaysOn?