Just a quick question to ask what is the best field to store the data held in a rich text box/control. Just want to make sure that i get it right first time you know. Not sure about the amount of characters that needs held but its going to be quite a lot as this field shall contain most of my pages content.
This question has been asked a lot, without a definitive answer. Can you tell me if SQL Server 2008 will support rich text. I believe the November CTP does not have this functionality. It is a pretty important decision regarding my organization's adoption of the new product. Thank you Jason
I currently have a simple project where we need to store paragraphs for letters that will be automatically printed and then mailed to cusomters. These letters will be created based on certain criteria.
I have the SQL database set up with two fields...the paragraphCode (which is the key) and then the paragraph. These paragraphs were originally created in Word and some of these paragraphs contain bulleting and other rich text features. I have built a small utility in ASP (using VB .Net) for our intranet to view / insert / edit these paragraphs. If a user is copying and pasting the paragraph from a Word document, what should this paragraph field's datatype be declare as? It is currently NVARCHAR(MAX).
Hey there - I have a textbox (C# 1.1 OR 2.0) that I want to take it's contents and post to a datatype of some sort in SQL2k5 and have it preserve the breaks (return keystrokes) so when the data is presented, it can hold a paragraph form. Is this possible?something like this: <asp:TextBox id="txtContent" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="10"></asp:TextBox>Right now, I'm using nvarchar(4000) as the datatype but if I were to type, say 3 paragraphs, the data returned in the datagrid I bind that data to shows only one long string of data. For the time being, I have been puttting HTML formatting tags in the content I'm posting to the DB, but ultimately don't want to have to do that. I don't want to have to use a Text Editor (like FTB or FCKeditor) if necessary because they seem very much involved for the simple need I have which is to preserve paragraph formatting.So, is there another datatype in SQL2k5 that I should be using? Or are there simple code snippets I can utilize that will recognize a carriage return as a </p><p> tag?I'm trying to migrate to 2.0 as much as possible, so any C# code would be greatly appreciated in 2.0!Thanks for your help!iSheahan
Sorry if this seems a little basic, but I'm putting together an applicationwhere large amounts of text will be required in a single record - way morethan 8000 characters.What's the normal way of coping with this? Splitting into multiple recordseach with a max of 8000 chars?Thanks,JC
I have a field where the data is stored with RTF. I know SQL Reporting Services cannot display it properly. Is there way to remove the RTF formatting codes through a function to just pull out the text and displya it in the text box?
Hi, I want to execute some queries inside a stored procedure, get the data and create from them some strings with formatted parts (bold, italic, underline, different color fonts) and save them in a text field. These strings are going to be displayed in some DBRichText control in a database application built with Delphi. Is there an easy way to create these complex rtf formats in MSSQL or some ideas regarding this problem?
(Note when I say "rich" text I don't specifically mean rich text, I'm refering to text with user defined bold, italic, numbered lists, colors, fonts, etc.)
We have a (new) system where we want a user to enter "rich" text notes into a single column using an editor embedded in our application (much like the editor I'm using for this forum) and have the notes displayed correctly in SSRS reports. We were thinking of storing the notes as HTML but I've just tried it and the report displays the whole HTML string, rather than marking up the text.
We are open to marking up the text using any mechanism, rich text, HTML, Word, etc. just as long as we can see it in the reports.
We also need to consider viewing the same notes via Crystal reports.
hi in my front end i have one text area where user can input his sql statements. for samller data its working. the data type of coulmn is Text in sql server 2005. but problem is when i try to store this data its showing error.i meant not storing data at all. if i cut some of line from this then in this case it stores the data .what should i do to overcome this problem
thanx a lot.
DECLARE @sTemp VARCHAR(10) DECLARE @nMemberID INT DECLARE @nPartnerID INT DECLARE @nDocumentTypeNo INT DECLARE @nDocumentFormat INT DECLARE @sEmailAddress VARCHAR(200) SET @sTemp = '{*MEMBERID*}' IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL' SET @nMemberID = NULL ELSE SET @nMemberID = CAST(@sTemp AS INT) SET @sTemp = '{*PARTNERID*}' IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL' SET @nPartnerID = NULL ELSE SET @nPartnerID = CAST(@sTemp AS INT) SET @sTemp = '{*DOCUMENTTYPENO*}' IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL' SET @nDocumentTypeNo = NULL ELSE SET @nDocumentTypeNo = CAST(@sTemp AS INT) SET @sTemp = '{*DOCUMENTFORMAT*}' IF UPPER(@sTemp) = 'NULL' SET @nDocumentFormat = NULL ELSE SET @nDocumentFormat = CAST(@sTemp AS INT) SET @sEmailAddress = '{*EMAILADDRESS*}' IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ProtocolSettings WHERE ((@nMemberID IS NULL AND MemberID IS NULL) OR MemberID = @nMemberID) AND ((@nPartnerID IS NULL AND PartnerID IS NULL) OR PartnerID = @nPartnerID) AND ((@nDocumentTypeNo IS NULL AND DocumentTypeNo IS NULL) OR DocumentTypeNo = @nDocumentTypeNo) AND ((@nDocumentFormat IS NULL AND DocumentFormatNo IS NULL) OR DocumentFormatNo = @nDocumentFormat) AND ProtocolSettingNo = 307) BEGIN UPDATE ProtocolSettings SET SettingValue = @sEmailAddress WHERE ((@nMemberID IS NULL AND MemberID IS NULL) OR MemberID = @nMemberID) AND ((@nPartnerID IS NULL AND PartnerID IS NULL) OR PartnerID = @nPartnerID) AND ((@nDocumentTypeNo IS NULL AND DocumentTypeNo IS NULL) OR DocumentTypeNo = @nDocumentTypeNo) AND ((@nDocumentFormat IS NULL AND DocumentFormatNo IS NULL) OR DocumentFormatNo = @nDocumentFormat) AND ProtocolSettingNo = 307 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO ProtocolSettings (ProtocolSettingNo, MemberID, PartnerID, DocumentTypeNo, DocumentFormatNo, SettingValue) VALUES(307, @nMemberID, @nPartnerID, @nDocumentTypeNo, @nDocumentFormat, @sEmailAddress) END
Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?
I was planning on running a service where thousands of text messages are stored. Obviously I'd want to make the most of my DB space, and was wondering if there's some way for SQL to compress text down to the smallest space possible. If not, is there some kind of ASP component I could download to do this? Failing that, I could always write a simple one, which takes the most common letter combinations, and shortens them down to a single character.
In SQL 2005, what is the best way to take a text file and store it in a table field, then later extract that file to a directory with original name and format intact?
Hi Everyone, I have a simple webform with a text box with multiline enabled and a submit button, in vb.net. Inside the text box, when you are typing text with let's say adding carriage returns, spaces etc. How to i save the text to a database? By that, i mean, how to i declare the column in my database, varchar, text ...? Also, when retrieving the saved text back to the textbox, will it keep the formatting because that's what i am trying to do? Or, what is the best way to keep text formatting in a database? Thanks for the help, Kevin
Hi!I want to store some really big text in my database (for my articles). The approximate size will be from 500 to 40000 characters. I was thinking of using the database 'text' datatype.I have heard that reading these text fields is slower and decreases the performance. Moreover is it advisable to index this for searching purposes?
"[Flat File Destination [13]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "SDATA" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". " "[Flat File Destination [13]] Error: Cannot copy or convert flat file data for column "SDATA". " "[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (13) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. " "[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC02020A0. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. " "[DataReader Source [207]] Error: The component "DataReader Source" (207) was unable to process the data. " "[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source" (207) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. " "[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. "
I am selecting data from an OBDC then copying it to a text file an I always get this error, but when I change the destination to a excel file it works perfectly. But the whole point of the package is to copy to a text file.
Please could you help me, your replies will be greatly appreciated.
This may be a stupid question but I can't find an easy answer for what Iwant to do. I need a blob data field that can store both binary and textdata like the sql_variant field. I am using vb.net to populate a sql table.I want to store both string and binary data.
As we all know, there is a 8060 bytes size limit on SQL Server rows. Ihave a table which requires a number of text fields (5 or 6). Each ofthese text fields should support a max of 4000 characters. We currentlystore the data in varchar columns, which worked fine untill ourappetite for text fields increased to the current requirement of 5, 6fields of 4000 characters size. I am given to review a design, whichesentially suggests moving the text columns to a separate TextFieldstable. The TextFields table will have two columns - a unique referenceand a VARCHAR (4000) column, thus allowing us to crossreference withthe original record. My first impresion is that I'd rather use the SQLServer 'text' DB type instead, which would allow me the samefunctionality with much less effort and possibly better performance.Can anyone advise on advantages and disadvantages of the two optionsand what the best practice in this case would be.Any advise will be well appreciated.Tzanko
I have a system that basically stores a database within a database (I'msure lots have you have done this before in some form or another).At the end of the day, I'm storing the actual data generically in acolumn of type nvarchar(4000), but I want to add support for unlimitedtext. I want to do this in a smart fashion. Right now I am leaningtowards putting 2 nullable Value fields:ValueLong ntext nullableValueShort nvarchar(4000) nullableand dynamically storing the info in one or the other depending on thesize. ASP.NET does this exact very thing in it's Session State model;look at the ASPStateTempSessions table. This table has both aSessionItemShort of type varbinary (7000) and a SessionItemLong of typeImage.My question is, is it better to user varbinary (7000) and Image? I'mthinking maybe I should go down this path, simply because ASP.NET does,but I don't really know why. Does anyone know what would be the benifitof using varbinary and Image datatypes? If it's just to allow saving ofbinary data, then I don't really need that right now (and I don't thinkASP.NET does either). Are there any other reasons?thanks,dave
best way to store questionnaire data in a database.Since different questionnairs have different questions and formats i.e dropdown, radio, checkboxes etc building such a database model becomes highly complex.
I've read that if data schema is complex and higly variable it may be better to use an xml document and store that in a databse. However I dont quite understand how you store xml to a database. Do you simply store the entire structure in something like a nvarchar column or is there some other way to store xml to a database.
If you store the entire structure to the databse then how do you query the content to generate reports.
I have a bit of a dilema, that maybe someone can give a reccomendation on. I have a vb app that will calculate a duration that a process runs in hours:minutes:seconds. My question is should I store this in the database as a date/time field or calculate total seconds and store it as an integer field? I will be using this field for basic summing calculations in the future. Thanks for any help.
Im currently storing an account id in a sql table. Is there any column data type that would presere the numbers but make it appear as a series of letters and nmumbers when someone looks at the database table?
Hi, can we keep a file like word file or html file in the sql server database? if yes, then can we search any thing in these stored file? regards mihir
hello ... i have a project this semester and i had to study is storing images in a database ( using Microsoft Access ) is good or bad ? so any one could tell me the advantages and the disadvantages please ... thanks bye
An odd question from me, I know, but this time, I assure you a twist.
I have a group that wants to store images in either a database or a file share, in order to make a certain website able to run on a load balanced web farm. These images are around 1KB each in size, and have a lifespan of exactly one use (think of graphs). I went a-googling, and found no shortage of articles that say "don't do it, but here's how you can do it", but I did not find any real hard statements as to why to not do it. Needless to say, this is hurting the case for not putting these images in the database. I have found an article that says images over 8KB will have worse performance, but I can not use that factoid here. For the moment, I have the developers leaning toward the fileshare, because they will be writing transaction logs all day, which will be more work than the fileshare needs to do....I think. The best I can do, is cut the text/image datatype overhead, and have them create the table as varbinary(2000), but even then, I don't like the look of the idea.
Anyone out there have good articles/whitepapers that detail the differences between writing single-use images to a fileshare vs. a SQL database? <baiting=blatant>Failing that, do any of the Microsoft development team have an opinion?</baiting>
Alternatively, what is the general opinion of keeping session state information in a database (because I bet that will be my next battle). I see .NET includes a session state server, but not being a programmer, I can not create an opbjective test.
Hy, could someone help me in this:In design mode, i want to put pictures in database. I made column namedpics, and its type as image. How can I put pictures or some address of thesepictures in that column, or i maybe need to put pictures in Add_Data folderand make reference from there, or what I need to do?could someone explain me that process of putting at least one picture indatabase, I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005thanks everyone
hi,I would like to store windows passwords and usernames in database.Please tell me where to start?What database can I use?Can I use free microsoft database?ThanksBart
Hey I currently have a foreach loop container working which scans a folder, loops through the files in this folder and then moves them to a new folder.
At the same time I also do an SQL insert into a table logging the details of the transfer.
What I would like to do next is to store the actual PDF in binary in my DB (varbinary format). How would I go about this ?