Strange Query Timeout

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everibody,
it's the first time i post on this newsgroup. I'm Stefano from Milano,
I'm a beginners with Sql2000. My problem is this.
I run a View using enterprise manager and after less then 20 second it goes
in error time out. I run this view using a VB application and the error
comes again .When i run it with Query Analyzer after 50 seconds it give me
the right result.
i've tried to change the value of querytimeout using sp_configure with the
same bad result.

i've tried to change the ado command timeout in visul basic but still
doesn't work.

any suggest ?

Thanks in advance

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Db Free Space And Login Timeout -strange

Feb 13, 2006

I saw something strange this morning that I can not work out in my head.

Customer contacted us saying that the login timeout for one of our web apps was timing out.

The login does a simple check of user name and password against a table and inserts the event into a tracking table. I traced the login routine and the query took zero seconds in the QA on the db server. Everything looked fine in the Task Manager and the Performance monitor except that the disk que spiked out when the login page was used. I pinged between the web and database server and that was fine. The disk had plenty of free space for the log and the mdf files. The db had about of 15mb of unallocated space. Nothing seemed to work until I allocated another 100 MB to the db on their test site. Suddenly no more time out. I tested the live site again and it was still happening (same db and web server). Bumped up the db size on the live site and boom no more problem.

The problem is "fixed" for the moment but I can not seem to reason why so I can actually fix the problem in the long run. I do not know why a simple little password routine would care about the difference between 15mb of unallocated space and 115 mb of unallocated space.

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Strange Timeout Problem When Executing Stored Proc

Jul 27, 2004

We have a stored procedure that will return at most about 600 records. In almost all cases it works fine, but in a few odd cases the command times out when used from a webform. We changed the CommandTimeout property to 120 seconds... no difference. If we run a query that times out in Query Analyzer, it runs in under 3 seconds (on the SQL Server machine). We also did a lot of profiling, and for any page that runs fine, the query takes about the same time when called from a webform and run in the Query Analyzer.
We ran our tests on the pre-production environment with absolutely no one else on the machines. We also created a test page that just fills a DataSet. Straightforward... get connection object, create command, set params, create data adapter, fill dataset. It suffers the same problem.

The web server and SQL server are two separate machines. Oh, and before I forget... This is SQL 2000. It used to run SQL 7, and all the queries there were (slightly) slower, but none timed out, not even the ones that do now.

Maybe the first question should be:
How can it be that a query that runs fine in Query Analyzer times out from a webform?

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SQL Server Error '80040e31' Timeout Expired Strange.

Oct 30, 2007

Hi All,

we are working on a web application created in ASP & SQL 2000 environment.
In the code , we have a single connectionstring to connect database.
The application was running fine for the past 3 years, but all of a sudden we are getting "timeout expired" error only in someparts of the application but not on all database access.
The code which raises this error is a bit large which need to look into table of 8k recs with more conditions.
The same sql query took 1:01 minutes to execute in query qnqlyser.
I changes the script timeout to 900secs,
I herd we need to upgrade MDAC or we need to change connection timeout or we need to cahnge the code.

we cannot change the query, it is the most possible way we could get that.

Can somebody help me with the possible solution.

Thanks & Regards,
Sai. K.K

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Difference Between Remote Login Timeout And Remote Query Timeout?

Mar 28, 2008

I just want to find out what the difference between a remote login and a remote query is. I'd have thought that a remote query inherently requires a remote login.

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Stored Procedure Query Optimization - Query TimeOut Error

Nov 23, 2004

How to optimize the following Stored procedure running on MSSQL server 2000 sp4 :

@Franchise ObjectId
, @dtmStart DATETIME
, @dtmEnd DATETIME


SELECT p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec
, count(1) "Count"
, sum(Amount) "Total"
FROM tb_Event t
JOIN tb_Prod p
ON ( t.ProdId = p.ProdId )
JOIN tb_ACDef a
ON ( t.ACDefId = a.ACDefId )
JOIN tb_Curr c
ON ( t.CurrId = c.CurrId )
JOIN tb_Event e
ON ( t.EventId = e.EventId )
JOIN tb_Setl s
ON ( s.BUId = t.BUId
and s.SetlD = t.SetlD )
WHERE Fran = @Franchise
AND t.CDate >= @dtmStart
AND t.CDate <= @dtmEnd
AND s.Status = 1
GROUP BY p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec



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Strange In Query

Jul 9, 2005

I have a query as follow:
SELECT @resRate = (SELECT resRate FROM ProjectAssign WHERE proNo =                                                             (SELECT projNo FROM Timer_Cust WHERE refNum = @actProjNo  AND                                                                        username= (SELECT username FROM Timer_Emp WHERE refNum = @actEmployee)                                                             )                                        )
 the definition of table Timer_cust contains refNum(int),  projNo(varchar) and projName(varchar).Timer_cust table doesn't contain column username. So  this query shoud generate a runtime error. however it works fine without error.But if I run                      SELECT projNo FROM Timer_Cust WHERE refNum = @actProjNo  AND                                                                        username= (SELECT username FROM Timer_Emp WHERE refNum = @actEmployee)A runtime error message appears.Why?

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A Strange Query

Jun 8, 2007

hi there , i'm using sql server 2005 express and i have some problems with the two of my tables :), iwant to query both of my tables but the table entries are not in an equal count of rows for example:

incoming(table) outgoing(table)

money date corp money date corp
15 1,1,2006 ar 17 1,1,2006 ar
25 1,2,2007 ar 21 2,2,2007 es
35 2,2,2007 es
6 3,3,2007 ar

in this example the first table has more rows but the opposite is possible in my tables because this is an (account extract) query and here's my problem: first i used the "select as m1,incoming date as d1,incoming.corp as c1, as m2, as d2,outgoing.corp as c2 from incoming left outer join outgoing on incoming.corp=outgoing.corp where incoming.corp='ar'(or don't use the where eliminating)" any way i couldn't get the correct results, then i used the (union all) select , the result was ok but the results form is not what i want here's the form i want and is it possible to query to tables to get this?
in this query i just wanted the elements with the corporation named 'ar' for example:

m1 m2 d1 d2 c1 c2

15 17 1,1,2006 1,1,2006 ar ar
25 null(or (0)) 1,2,2007
6 null(or (0)) 3,3,2007

is it possible to achieve this form(and may be any of the tables may have more rows than the other, it's not exact) , i am in a very difficult position :) and now i need your help , thanks anybody to think of helping me

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May 17, 2006

When I try to execute the below query:

select * from jobmaster where status in ('Active') and materialtypecode in (1,2) and unit='IMPERIAL' and superusercode='S051000014' order by controllercode,jobname

through ADO I got the error message:

Invalid column name controllercode

When I execute the same above query in MS SQL Query Analyzer it is working.

Is there any workaround?

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A Simple Strange Query..........

Mar 7, 2007

I am having in writing a simple select's My ProblemI am using the ASP SQLDataSources in VS2005.... and my need is that i need to show Products details in a Gridview...... Actually through QueryString a StoreID is being fetched..... and the Products under those StoreID are shown..... if there is nothing in query string then it should show all the results... ........ It means that my querystring should be something like thisselect * from tblProducts where StoreID = <xyz>and <xyz> should be some thing that could show all the rows in that table ........ i mean that it should show all the possible results that can be shown * from tblProducts

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Strange Problem W/ SQL Query

Jun 24, 2004

Okay... here's the deal...

I have two pages that Im using the same query out of... one page returns results, the other page returns an error... SOMEBODY HELP!!! I just need a hint if nothing more!!!

The Error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'WHERE'.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
at Global.Default_Search(Object Sender, EventArgs e) in C:InetpubwwwrootChampionRealtyINFOprojecttrackingglobal.vb:line 206

The SQL Query:

SELECT PT_JobCat.JobCat, PT_Job.JobID, PT_Job.Created, PT_Status.Status,
Offices.Name, Employees.First + ' ' + Employees.Last AS EmpName
INNER JOIN PT_Status ON PT_Job.StatusID = PT_Status.StatusID
INNER JOIN PT_Assign ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Assign.JobID
INNER JOIN Employees ON PT_Assign.AgentID = Employees.ID
INNER JOIN PT_Office ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Office.JobID
INNER JOIN Offices ON PT_Office.Office_ID = Offices.ID

The SQL Query Output By ASP.NET: (When an error is produced on the trouble page)

SELECT PT_JobCat.JobCat, PT_Job.JobID, PT_Job.Created, PT_Status.Status,
Offices.Name AS OfficeName, Employees.First + ' ' + Employees.Last AS EmpName
INNER JOIN PT_Status ON PT_Job.StatusID = PT_Status.StatusID
INNER JOIN PT_Assign ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Assign.JobID
INNER JOIN Employees ON PT_Assign.AgentID = Employees.ID
INNER JOIN PT_Office ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Office.JobID
INNER JOIN Offices ON PT_Office.Office_ID = Offices.ID

The Trouble Page:

Public Sub Default_Search(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
dim NeedAnd as boolean = False
dim strSQL as string = "SELECT PT_JobCat.JobCat, PT_Job.JobID, PT_Job.Created, PT_Status.Status, " & _
"Offices.Name AS OfficeName, Employees.First + ' ' + Employees.Last AS EmpName " & _
"FROM PT_Job " & _
"INNER JOIN PT_JobCat ON PT_Job.CatID = PT_JobCat.CatID " & _
"INNER JOIN PT_Status ON PT_Job.StatusID = PT_Status.StatusID " & _
"INNER JOIN PT_Assign ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Assign.JobID " & _
"INNER JOIN Employees ON PT_Assign.AgentID = Employees.ID " & _
"INNER JOIN PT_Office ON PT_Job.JobID = PT_Office.JobID " & _
"INNER JOIN Offices ON PT_Office.Office_ID = Offices.ID " & _
dim C as New SQLCommand(strSQL, Conn)
dim DR as SQLDataReader
If txtJobNum.Text <> Nothing Then
strSQL += "JobID=" & CInt(txtJobNum.Text) & " "
NeedAnd = True
End If
If ddlJobType.SelectedItem.Value <> Nothing Then
If NeedAnd Then strSQL += "AND "
strSQL += "CatID=" & ddlJobType.SelectedItem.Value & " "
NeedAnd = True
End If
If txtCreated.Text <> Nothing Then
If NeedAnd Then strSQL += "AND "
strSQL += "PT_Job.Created LIKE '" & txtCreated.Text & "' "
NeedAnd = True
End If
If ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value <> Nothing Then
If NeedAnd Then strSQL += "AND "
strSQL += "PT_Job.Status=" & ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value & " "
NeedAnd = True
End If
If ddlAssign.SelectedItem.Value <> Nothing Then
If NeedAnd Then strSQL += "AND "
strSQL += "Employees.ID=" & ddlAssign.SelectedItem.Value & " "
NeedAnd = True
End If
If ddlOffice.SelectedItem.Value <> Nothing Then
If NeedAnd Then strSQL += "AND "
strSQL += "Offices.ID=" & ddlOffice.SelectedItem.Value & " "
NeedAnd = True
End If


DR = C.ExecuteReader
If DR.Read Then
rptResults.Datasource = DR
End If
Catch Exc as Exception
'ErrorAlert(Exc, strSQL)
response.write("<p>" & Exc.ToString.Replace(Environment.NewLine(), "<br />") & "</p>")
End Try

End Sub

The Page That Works:

Sub LoadResults(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

' Clean up some things...
txtError.Visible = False
txtError.Text = Nothing

' Create database interaction objects...
dim Conn as Object
dim C as Object
dim DR

' Set database interaction objects...
Select Case CInt(DBType.SelectedItem.Value)
Case 0
Conn = New SQLConnection(txtConnString.Text)
C = New SQLCommand(txtSQL.Text, Conn)
Case 1
Conn = New OleDbConnection(txtConnString.Text)
C = New OleDbCommand(txtSQL.Text, Conn)
Case Else
txtError.Visible = True
txtError.Text = "Whoa... wierd error d00d... o.0"
End Select

' Open the database for reading...


' Load the datagrid with any information retrieved...
Select Case CInt(CommType.SelectedItem.Value)
Case 0
DR = C.ExecuteReader()
dgResults.Datasource = DR
Case 1
Case Else
txtError.Visible = True
txtError.Text = "That's some funky ****..."
End Select

Catch Exc As Exception

' Make the error viewable so we know what went on...
txtError.Visible = True
txtError.Text = Exc.ToString

End Try

' Close the connection to the database...

End Sub

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Strange Query Behaviour

Aug 12, 2000


Not sure what's wrong with the query or table, but I just can't get the result I want.

The column is varchar(35) and contains toll free no, like 18001234567...

But when I queried using the query below, I can't get any results. Same if I use 1*, 18*, 180*...

WHERE CONTAINS(toll_no, '"1800*"')

However, if I used 18001* I do get results.
Can anybody show me how to get result for these cases?


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Strange Query Needed

Apr 25, 2007

Hi Friends,

I need a very strange SQL query.
I have table structure like

cat_id, cat_name, cat_parent_id

Each cat has subcategories and those subcategories can have subcategories means

1, Cat1, 0
2, Cat2, 0
3, Cat3, 2
4, Cat4, 2
5, Cat5, 4

So Cat1 >> Cat2 >> Cat3

Now , I need a list of cat, subcat and subcat's subcat in a single query. e.g.
If I need all subcat of cat 2 then
result should be


Is it possible in a single query?

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Strange SQL Query Problem

Jan 18, 2006

Good Morning!

First off, let me get my disclaimer out of the way - I'm a relative newbie at this SQL lark, so please ignore the kludgy-ness of this code etc. Thanks ;-)

Firstly, here's my query:



declare @issuecounter int; -- Declare
declare @previssue int; -- Declare
declare @date smalldatetime -- Declare

DECLARE @issues TABLE (issues int, dates smalldatetime)
-- Declare

DECLARE issue Cursor scroll FOR -- Create the cursor
select articleIssue, articleDate from cr_newsletterArticles
where newsletter = @newsletter -- Which Newsletter
order by articleIssue desc ;

open issue -- Open the cursor
SET @previssue = 0 -- Set our comparison variable to 0

FETCH next FROM issue -- Grab the first recordset from the cursor
into @issuecounter, @date -- Stick it into our variable
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 -- While we're not at EOF
begin -- begin
if @issuecounter != @previssue BEGIN -- begin
insert into @issues(issues,dates)
values(@issuecounter, @date)
SET @previssue = @issuecounter -- set comparison variable to issuecounter
fetch next from issue -- Grab the next recordset
into @issuecounter, @date
END -- End
CLOSE issue -- close cursor
deallocate issue
select * from @issues

When I run this query in Query Analyser, it seems to work fine. IE. I get a table returned with the correct values. However, when I try and get this data into ASP via the old "EXECUTE stored procedure <value>" command, no data is returned...

I'm not sure if this is an ASP problem, or a SQL problem... So, I altered the query slightly, and instead of a temporary table, I used a static one in the database, and it still didn't work - even though when I open the table in Enterprise manager the content is there...

Also, if I run the query via an ASP objCommand.execute "procedure <value> " and then use "SELECT * from table" then it pulls the data in properly then...

If I was dealing with millions of recordsets in my original table, then I can understand that maybe the ASP isn't waiting long enough for SQL to return its final table. But I'm currently only dealing with about 50... I'd rather use the temporary table route rather than static incase of multiple hits at the procedure at the same time...

Any ideas? Please go easy - I refer you back to my disclaimer ;-)


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Strange Query Plan

Mar 19, 2008

I have a query like below .. if i add where Served = 1 , the query takes foreever... if i remove it, it takes only 6 sec...

I am not sure why this is hapening?

select distinct a.Episode_Key,
case when ag.Category IN ('ASMI', 'COOC', 'SPCL') then 'SMI'
when ag.Category = 'SEDC' then 'SED'
when ag.Category = 'ACCA' then 'SA'
when ag.Category like 'CGA%' then 'Gam'
end as [Category],
ag.Agreement_Type_Name as [Agreement],
from dbo.Assessment a
select distinct Episode_Key, p.ServiceProvider, max(CSDS_Object_Key) as [Sequence]
from dbo.Assessment a
INNER JOIN dbo.CD_Provider_Xref p
ON a.Provider_CD = p.Provider_CD
where Creation_DT >= '07/01/2007'
and Reason_CD = 1
group by Episode_Key, p.ServiceProvider
) as s1
ON a.CSDS_Object_Key = s1.Sequence
INNER JOIN dbo.CD_Provider_XREF p
ON a.Provider_CD = p.Provider_CD
INNER JOIN dbo.CD_Agreement_Type ag
ON ag.Agreement_Type_CD = a.Agreement_Type_CD
select distinct Episode_Key, p.ServiceProvider,
1 as [Served]
from dbo.Encounters e
INNER JOIN dbo.CD_Provider_Xref p
ON e.Provider_CD = p.Provider_CD
where Encounter_Begin_DT between '01/01/2008' and '01/31/2008'
and Procedure_CD is not null
and Encounter_Units > 0
) as s2
ON a.Episode_Key = s2.Episode_Key
and p.ServiceProvider = s2.ServiceProvider
????---where Served = 1
group by a.Episode_Key, ag.Agreement_Type_Name, p.ServiceProvider, Served,
case when ag.Category IN ('ASMI', 'COOC', 'SPCL') then 'SMI'
when ag.Category = 'SEDC' then 'SED'
when ag.Category = 'ACCA' then 'SA'
when ag.Category like 'CGA%' then 'Gam'

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Strange Results From Not In Query

Jul 10, 2006

Hi all,Using SQL Server 2000, SP4.I have a table of street names (Rua) whose ids (cod_rua) are foreignkeys into a consumer table (Consumidor). It turns out that the "Rua"table has many unused records which I'd like to wipe out. For instance,there are some 2800 unused records in the "Rua" table, and only some200 records actually being used by the "Consumidor" table (which,itself, has some 5000 records).Attempting to find the unused records, I issued the following query:a)SELECT COD_RUA FROM RUAWHERE COD_RUA NOT IN (SELECT COD_RUA FROM CONSUMIDOR)To my surprise, the query came out empty. But the following queryshowed the 200 or so records which *are* being used:b)SELECT COD_RUA FROM RUAWHERE COD_RUA IN (SELECT COD_RUA FROM CONSUMIDOR)I've found two solutions for the query to list the records *notexisting* in the Consumidor table:c)SELECT COD_RUA FROM RUAWHERE COD_RUA NOT IN (SELECT COD_RUA FROM CONSUMIDORWHERE COD_RUA IS NOT NULL)d)SELECT COD_RUA FROM RUAWHERE COD_RUA NOT IN (SELECT COD_RUA FROM RUAWHERE COD_RUA IN (SELECT COD_RUA FROM CONSUMIDOR))I know that there are many other possible solutions to the query(including left joins), but what I don't understand is why the query a)failed.Can some of you, oh mighty gurus, enlighten me?For the record, here's how both tables are (partially) declared:CREATE TABLE Rua (Cod_Rua int NOT NULL ,Rua varchar (35) NULL ,-- ...-- other unrelated fields-- ...CONSTRAINT Pk_CodRuaPRIMARY KEY (Cod_Rua))CREATE TABLE Consumidor (Cod_Consumidor int NOT NULL ,Cod_Rua int NULL ,-- ...-- other unrelated fields-- ...CONSTRAINT Pk_CodConsumidorPRIMARY KEY(Cod_Consumidor) ,CONSTRAINT Fk_CodRua_ConsumidorFOREIGN KEY (Cod_Rua)REFERENCES Rua (Cod_Rua))Regards,Branco Medeiros

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Strange Slow Query

Mar 26, 2007

Hi all,

Last week we've made some modifications to our 20 GB database(with 2 huge tables (around 30 million rows)):
we've created 8 filegroups on 8 physical disks with RAID 1+0. In each
of them we have one big table and others small tables unrelated with
the big table. We've also created a filegroup for the nonclustered
indexes from those big tables.
2. The Server is running SQL Server 2000 with SP3a
3. We've reindexed the database, updated statistics on all tables
Now, we have a SP that on the old configuration took about 20 min to complete.
But now, on our new configuration with the modifications listed above it's taking about
This is the SP's body: is calling a function:
create proc X
Select dbo.myfunc(mytable.field)
from mytable

The function used in select statement is querying those 2 huge tables.

If the select statement is runned for only one record it's done instantly, but for 20000 recs it is taking almost 3 hours.
I must specify that also the function is running instantly, but in that select statement something is happening and we don't know what!!!

If you have any ideeas on what to do or what to check
Thanks a lot

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Strange Query Behaviour

Nov 15, 2006


I am seeming strange results with a query. I have two tables, lets call them Table1 and Table2. Table1 has an ID field, Table2 does not have an ID field. To be sure I wasn't blind, the query


returns: Invalid column name 'ID'. OK. Now when I run the query


it returns all the records from Table1.

What gives? Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

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Strange Query Performance Issue

Nov 23, 2006

No, the number of reads is approximately the same. I can also confirm the disk read speed is the same on the test vs. production server. Update stats is run regularly on the production server - as I test, I ran sp_updatestats and then immediately ran the query a few times but it didn't affect the duration. Apart from the durations in the profiler traces, I can't see any differences. Clearly, something is causing the increased duration on the prod server but I don't know where to look to find it. It's definitely within SQL Server 2000.


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A Strange Problem With SQL Query Fro Getting Field Names

Aug 9, 2004

Hello All,

I have been trying to get this code work, but I could not. Every thing seems going well. However, The result of running the sql query is strange. It shows the field names twice.
Eg:) if you have a table called "newtable" that has two fields[Custnumber, Custname], you will get somthing like this [Custnumber, Custname Custnumber, Custname]. I have tried many times, but I couldn't fix it.

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) handles Mybase.Load

if not page.Ispostback then

Sqlconnection = New Sqlconnection (connectionString)

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Newtable'"

SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(queryString, Sqlconnection)


dataReader = SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

while dataReader.Read()

Tablefields_txt.text += dataReader.Getstring(0) & ", "

End while

catch ex as Exception

msgbox("An error has occured: " + ex.Message,0, "Error Message")



End try
End if

Any help , please

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Strange Query Analyzer Decision - Question

Mar 20, 2001

We have SQL server 7 installed. And we experiencing the performance problem.
When I tried to solve this problem I have found the interesting thing:
We have the table S_EVT_ACT with the non clustered index
S_EVT_ACT_F4 created on [OWNER_PER_ID], [APPT_REPT_FLG] fields and another clustered one
S_EVT_ACT_M4 created on [ROW_STATUS], [OWNER_PER_ID] fields
I use the next select statement and before run this statement I declare the variable @P1 - @P5 and set the values to them:

declare @P1 as char(1)
declare @P2 as char(1)
declare @P3 as char(1)
declare @P4 as varchar(10)
declare @P5 as char(1)

set @P1 = 'Y'
set @P2 = 'Y'
set @P3 = 'N'
set @P4 = '1-K56'
set @P5 = 'Y'

dbo.S_EVT_ACT T1 --(index = S_EVT_ACT_F4)

In this case Query Analyzer uses S_EVT_ACT_M4 index and the performance is bad!

But when I try to run the same statement and use hard code 'Y' instead of the variable @P2 the Query Analyzer uses the S_EVT_ACT_F4 index and performance is PERFECT.

Question: What the difference between using variable @P2 and hard code 'Y' in the select statement and how to configure SQL server to use the right index in the situation when I can't change the Select statement and use the hard coding?

Any Idea will be very Appreciated.

Dmitri Denejkine
(514) 426-0822 ext. 2676

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Simple Query Causing Strange Problem.

Feb 11, 2004

declare @l decimal(38,2)
select @l = 24.35

if @l - convert(int,@l) = 0
select floor (@l)
select @l

select case
when @l - convert(int, @l) = 0 then floor (@l)
else @l

The if statement is giving correct result, but the case statement is not. I am fed up why it is so. Please advise.

View 14 Replies View Related

Query Timeout???

Jul 8, 2007

I try to run a sql query locally and iget the results, but when i try remotely from my website, after 10 seconds i get a query timeout. The query timeout is set to 0, i do not know what am i doing wrong?

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Query Timeout

Aug 17, 2006

I need to figure out if my query is timing out due to row lock contention. The SqlException trapped in my client C# application contains Error Number 1205 but sometimes it contains -2.

I guess the SqlCommand timeout and the server timeout are the two possibilities. Is there a definitive way to find out that the SqlException was thrown due to one of these two reasons? Because if it's some other reason, I want to excute a different logic.



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Query Timeout Setting

Oct 29, 2007

SQL Server 2005 is timing out when running loooong queries.Is there a global place I can extend the timeout for queries? I do not mean in code but just in general use?Thanks

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SQL Query Analyzer Timeout

Jan 9, 2002

I was working remotely with few SQL Servers for a while without any problem.
The Servers are configured to use TCP-IP for the connection.

Then suddenly today I can connect to the servers in the Enterprise manager , but
not through the SQL Query Analyzer.

The error I am getting after waiting for a while the login ... Timeout Expired.

I've tried changing the Connection Settings under Options, but it did not help.

Nothing was changed in the Server/Client configuration.

Please advice

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SQL Query Analyzer Timeout

Jan 8, 2002

I was working remotely with few SQL Servers for a while without any problem.
The Servers are configured to use TCP-IP for the connection.

Then suddenly today I can connect to the servers in the Enterprise manager , but
not through the SQL Query Analyzer.

The error I am getting after waiting for a while the login ... Timeout Expired.

I've tried changing the Connection Settings under Options, but it did not help.

Nothing was changed in the Server/Client configuration.

The Servers affected are SQL 7.0. and SQL 2000

Please advice

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How To Change Query Timeout?

Feb 9, 2005


I have encountered the following problem:

I currently develop an application for my company that actually uses rather long queries, with many records.

I have a particular query (Written using SQL string inside the .NET application rather than Stored proceedures),that needs to run in 2 databases (both SQL Server):

The first one is a test database that we use when in developing time quota to test our data

The second one is the real thing a data base that contains lots of records.

When criteria are placed in the query, it returs few records in both the databases , but if no criteria are placed (So it fetches all the records..) In the test Database works ok, but in the real one it "jams" till 30 seconds pass and I get a time out message...

I tried to change the Query time out time from inside the SQL Server from


but it doesn't seem to work out... it still times out after 30 secs

Any Ideas?

Thanx in advance :D

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Query Timeout Problems

Jul 23, 2005

Front End: Access 2000 Project (.adp)Back End: SQL Server 2000I have an application that keeps timing out. I have opened theDataLink properties in the front end (File, Connection, Advanced tab)and set the timeout to 999. But the connection still occasionallytimes out.Any ideas? Some of the SQL is pretty horrible (multiple sub-queriesetc.)TIAEdward--The reading group's reading group:

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SQL Timeout Through ADO But Not From Query Analyser

Jan 12, 2007

I have a strange problem running a stored proc in SQL 2000. The proc returns XML and I'm using ADO to call the proc and return the data as a stream. When I call the proc through ADO, it times out because it is taking 40 seconds to run and my command timeout is set to 30. I can increase this no problem but the strange thing is that when I run the same proc from within query analyser, it completes in under a second.

I put profiler on it tracing the command start and finish events and it's definitely taking 40 seconds between start and finish. The proc is used with various input parameters and the timeout is only occurring for some combinations of inputs, but it always seems to take much longer than it does when run from query analyser.

Can anyone suggest what might be causing the delay, or where I might look to find the problem?


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Problem With Query Timeout

Jan 15, 2008


I have the following Query running on my local SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on Windows XP, and it needs only 2 sec. to execute. Then I transfered it to our production database, which is an SQL Server 2005 Datacenter Edition on a quad-core Xeon with 4GB Memory and the Query always runs in a Timeout. The version of my local Database is 9.0.3054 and the Production Version is 9.0.3042. 3042 seems to be SP2.

Here the Query:

SELECT i.lid AS userlid, i.lgroupid AS grouplid, i.strgroupname, j.xgssnid

FROM (SELECT kruser.lid, kruser.stremployeeno, krgroupusers.lgroupid, krusergroup.strgroupname

FROM kruser INNER JOIN krgroupusers ON kruser.lid = krgroupusers.luserid

INNER JOIN krusergroup ON krgroupusers.lgroupid = krusergroup.lid

WHERE (NOT (kruser.strusername LIKE 'i_%')) AND

(kruser.stremployeeno <> '') AND

(kruser.stremployeeno IS NOT NULL)

) AS i


(SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT xgssnid, AppRolle

FROM (SELECT DISTINCT xwebmodul + '_' + xrolle AS AppRolle, xgssnid

FROM xzztmpuserimport


SELECT DISTINCT 'nav_' + xwebmodul AS AppRolle, xgssnid

FROM xzztmpuserimport AS a

) AS b

ORDER BY xgssnid, AppRolle

) AS j

ON i.stremployeeno = j.xgssnid AND i.strgroupname = j.AppRolle

WHERE (i.lgroupid > 105) AND (i.lid > 100) AND

(NOT (i.strgroupname LIKE 'i_%')) AND

(j.xgssnid IS NULL)

This Query filters all internal Applicationroles of a user which must be deleted for the specific user, because he didn't need them longer. Can it be, that it was a bug in the older Servicepack and it runs on my PC because of the newer one? My problem is also, that I didn't know what ServiecPack brings Version 3042 to 3054.

I also tried splitting the Query in 3 subqueries and using this 3 in a resulting 4th. It's the same!

Has anyone an idea

Thanks for your help

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Datareader Query Timeout

Oct 4, 2005


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Query Timeout Expired

Jan 16, 2006

Using VB, I am running a bulk insert query from csv file into a newly created table. It works fine on small test files; but when I try it on the production data, I get a "query timeout expired" message and processing ends. The text files contain several hundred thousand lines.

How can I resolve this problem. I have several hundred of these csv files and more coming.

Here's the code:

Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "BULK INSERT " & TableName & " "
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM '" & DataPath & "' WITH "

DbConn.Execute sSQL

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