String Output Parameters
Feb 23, 2008
Hi can any one explain why when I specify an outparameter as a string I only get back the first letter of the string when I call the procedure from .net?
my procedure is...
@UserGUID uniqueidentifier,
@UserPACSName varchar(32),
@PASName varchar(32),
@UserPACSPassword varchar(95),
@UserPACSPasswordIV varchar(95),
@UserFriendlyName varchar(32),
@Message varchar(32) OUTPUT,
@MessageNumber int OUTPUT
DECLARE @tmpGUID as uniqueidentifier /*stores the temp guid from the function */
DECLARE @ReturnDomainName as varchar(32) /*stores the tmp domainname of the user who has the PACS name */
SET @Message=CAST('' as varchar(32))
SET @MessageNumber= 0
/* first check if PACS user name already exists or not */
SET @tmpGUID = dbo.fncFindPACSName(@UserPACSName)
IF @tmpGUID IS NOT NULL /* if the value is null the the PACSusername doesn't exist
if its not null then does the current user already own that PACSUserName? */
/*if the users ids are different then another user already has the PACS name */
IF @tmpGUID<>@UserGUID
SELECT @ReturnDomainName = UserDomainName FROM tblUsers WHERE UserGUID=@tmpGUID
SET @Message=@ReturnDomainName
SET @MessageNumber = 1
/*now check the PAS name to see if it exists or is already in use by someone else
first check if PACS user name already exists or not */
SET @tmpGUID = dbo.fncFindPASName(@PASName)
IF @tmpGUID IS NOT NULL /* if the value is null the the PACSusername doesn't exist
if its not null then does the current user already own that PACSUserName? */
/*if the users ids are different then another user already has the PACS name */
IF @tmpGUID<>@UserGUID
SELECT @ReturnDomainName = UserDomainName FROM tblUsers WHERE UserGUID=@tmpGUID
SET @Message=@ReturnDomainName
SET @MessageNumber = 2
UPDATE tblUsers
SET UserPACSName=@UserPACSName,UserPACSPassword=@UserPACSPassword,
UserPACSPasswordIV=@UserPACSPasswordIV, PASName=@PASName, UserFriendlyName=@UserFriendlyName
SET @Message=CAST('' as varchar(32))
SET @MessageNumber=3
I call this proc via a program using a command.executenonquery and then look at the parameter.
For some reason I only get the first letter of the string back! i.e. if the string is LSDNET/nik I get 'L'.
If I run the proc from visual studio step in to procecure it works fine!
the vb I'm using is... (the createaddparameter simply creates a bunch of parameters to add to a command -with the specified names and dbtypes).
I'm obviously missing a trick but what it is I can't see.
I seem to be able to pass all other data types back easily!
Dim LoadUserCommand As New SqlCommand
'create add command
Dim CreateAddParameter() As String = {"@UserGUID", _
"@UserPACSName", "@PASName", "@UserPACSPassword", _
"@UserPACSPasswordIV", "@UserFriendlyName", "@Message", "@MessageNumber"}
Dim UpdateDBTypes() As DbType = {DbType.Guid, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, _
DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.Int32}
LoadUserCommand = lclSQLHelper.CreateOLEDBCommand("UpdateUserPACSPASDetails", CreateAddParameter, UpdateDBTypes, lclDBConn.DBConnection)
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(6).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(7).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
'update the data in the data table in the database
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(0).Value = lclUser.UserGUID
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(1).Value = lclUser.UserPACSName
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(2).Value = lclUser.UserPASName
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(3).Value = lclUser.UserPACSPassword
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(4).Value = lclUser.PACSPasswordIV
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(5).Value = lclUser.UserFriendlyName
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(6).Value = ""
LoadUserCommand.Parameters(7).Value = 0
Dim lclRet As Integer = LoadUserCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Dim tmpDomainName As String
tmpDomainName = LoadUserCommand.Parameters(6).Value.ToString 'read the name back
Dim tmpMsgNumber = LoadUserCommand.Parameters(7).Value 'read the message number back
Select Case tmpMsgNumber 'not written yet as I haven't got this far!!!
Case 1 'pacs username already exists
Case 2 'pas username already exists
Case 3 'execute fine and all names updated
End Select
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Sep 21, 2015
Inside some TSQL programmable object (a SP/or a query in Management Studio)I have a parameter containing the name of a StoreProcedure+The required Argument for these SP. (for example it's between the brackets [])
EX1 :Â @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfResult 'Water type']
EX2 :Â @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult 'TABLE type', 'NODE XML']
EX3 :Â @SPToCall : [sp_GetSomeResult]
I can't change thoses SP, (and i don't have a nice output param to cach, as i would need to change the SP Definition)All these SP 'return' a 'select' of 1 record the same datatype ie: NVARCHAR. Unfortunately there is no output param (it would have been so easy otherwise. So I am working on something like this but I 'can't find anything working
DECLARE @myFinalVarFilledWithCachedOutputÂ
DECLARE @SPToCall NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult
''TABLE type'', ''NODE XML'';'
DECLARE @paramsDefintion = N'@CatchedOutput NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT'
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Mar 12, 2008
Hi all,
From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
RetValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
Dim auIDIN As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@au_idIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11)
auIDIN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Dim NumTitles As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@numtitlesout", SqlDbType.Int)
NumTitles.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
auIDIN.Value = "213-46-8915"
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = testCMD.ExecuteReader()
Console.WriteLine("Book Titles for this Author:")
Do While myReader.Read
Console.WriteLine("{0}", myReader.GetString(2))
Console.WriteLine("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value))
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Jul 13, 2006
I have a nasty situation in SQL Server 7.0. I have a table, in whichone column contains a string-delimited list of IDs pointing to anothertable, called "Ratings" (Ratings is small, containing less than tenvalues, but is subject to change.) For example:[ratingID/descr]1/Bronze2/Silver3/Gold4/PlatinumWhen I record rows in my table, they look something like this:[uniqueid/ratingIDs/etc...]1/2, 4/...2/null/...3/1, 2, 3/...My dilemma is that I can't efficiently read rows in my table, match thestring of ratingIDs with the values in the Ratings table, and returnthat in a reasonable fashion to my jsp. My current stored proceduredoes the following:1) Query my table with the specified criteria, returning ratingIDs as acolumn2) Split the tokens in ratingIDs into a table3) Join this small table with the Ratings table4) Use a CURSOR to iterate through the rows and append it to a string5) Return the string.My query then returns...1/"Silver, Platinum"2/""3/"Bronze, Silver, Gold"And is easy to output.This is super SLOW! Queries on ~100 rows that took <1 sec now take 12secs. Should I:a) Create a junction table to store the IDs initially (I didn't thinkthis would be necessary because the Ratings table has so few values)b) Create a stored procedure that does a "SELECT * FROM Ratings," putthe ratings in a hashtable/map, and match the values up in Java, sinceJava is better for string manipulation?c) Search for alternate SQL syntax, although I don't believe there isanything useful for this problem pre-SQL Server 2005.Thanks!Adam
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Feb 26, 2008
Hi everyone, can anyone help me please
I have a stored procedure that works quite well and returns one of the following codes, 1 2 3 or 4 which is dependant on business criteria. This sp works well and satsisfies all the criteria etc.
I am calling this SP in (c#) like this
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["blah"].ConnectionString)) { int? intSQLCheck = null;
con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("check_values", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@param_clothing_id", this.DropDownList2.SelectedValue.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empNo", this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@createdBy", this.txtEmpNo.Text.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@price", this.txtPrice.Text)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@qty", this.txtQty.Text)); //cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@returnValue", 0)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@returnVal", 99)); cmd.Parameters["@returnVal"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
What I would like to do know is use a variable intSqlCheck to hold the return value from the SP (and then do some processing of business logic using the variable)
Any ideas anyone please
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Mar 5, 2008
Hi, I have a form with a detailsview and a sqldatasource. The sqldatasource uses a stored procedure as the select command. This stored procedure requires 2 input parameters and returns 3 output parameters. A button on the form is enabled or disabled depending on the value of the output parameters. When the page loads, I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" message, caused by the null value of an output parameter. SQL Profiler shows that the input parameters are correct, and if I run the stored procedure directly, it's okay. Can anybody tell me why I wouldn't get the output parameters? Thanks,Neil
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Oct 16, 2007
I am new to SQL and trying to work out how to do this
i have a table called projectAllocationLog with 4 fields, there can be many users of any particular project, ie
ID,projectID, User, Date
4 5000, 6, 10/02/2007
3 5000, 12, 08/07/2005
2 5004, 13, 08/05/2003
1 5000, 14, 04/05/2001
I want to write a stored proceedure that I can pass in the projectID, and return the most current user, this will always be the user with the highest ID for the project
ie for project 5000 it will be user 6
I was thinking along the lines of for each project select the top 1 from the table. where I can pass in the projectID, and pass out the ID field of the table. i am just not sure how to start this.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Jul 31, 2007
I am trying to select multiple values from the row with the max id,and output them within my stored procedure. How would I combine thefollowing two rows so that I only need to use "from mytable whereIDnum = (select (max(IDnum)) from mytable))" once. I have at least 8other outputs I will be setting and would like this to work moreefficiently than setting each individually... if possible.set @outmtd = (select outmtd from mytable where IDnum = (select(max(IDnum)) from mytable))set @outytd = (select outytd from mytable where IDnum = (select(max(IDnum)) from mytable))Thanks for any help you can giveMatt
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Apr 3, 2007
how do i include output parameters from a stored procedure into a report?
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Feb 21, 2008
Hi all,I have a stored procedure which sets an output variable. How could I access this after calling an SqlDataSource.Select()? ThanksChris
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Sep 9, 2004
Hello, i got this working using but becuase I'm learning I thought it would be a ggood idea to replicate the same function using C# as well1
The problem is I receive an output parameter through a stored procedure which is the users id.
I want to add this to a cookie as I know I'll be using it again and again, but the error I keep getting is cannot cxonvert type 'string' to type 'int'.
I've tried using conversion functions to make the value returned into an int value but I had no success!
I did this -
int id = (int)mycommand.Parameters["@id"].Value;
and then try to save that to the cookie but the error keeps appearing, I've also tried using the parse and ToInt32 function but the same/similar problems - any ideas?
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Oct 10, 2005
Hi all,Is there a data transfer difference between returning a datareader that only has one row or using output parameters? For instance, I have a login page that shows the last login, member since, display level, number of file views, etc. Currently I am returning a datareader that reads one row and assigns this data to labels. But would it be quicker to use OUTPUT parameters instead of using a dataread and just get the values from the command object?ThanksJosh
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Feb 8, 2005
When I call a proc with one input parameter and two output parameters, (all the three parameters having defaults in the proc), I was expecting to see these values defaulted to in the proc. But apparently, this not the case. Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong here? Appreciate your time.
USE Pubs
(@InputParamVARCHAR(30) = 'Input',
@OutPutParam1VARCHAR(30) = 'OutputParam1' OUTPUT,
@OutPutParam2VARCHAR(30) = 'OuputParam2' OUTPUT)
SELECT @InputParam, @OutPutParam1, @OutPutParam2
-- Call to the proc
USE Pubs
SET@I1 = 'PassedInput'
SELECT@I1, @P1, @P2
EXEC dbo.MyTestProc
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Sep 4, 2007
can somebody let me understand how this Output parameters works in sp_executesql / Dynamic TSQL
I want to store a integer value resulting from executing a dynamic query. I was trying to follow the syntax but to be honest I didn't get it, and resulted in err. So can somebody help me in understanding how it works and how and where to declare the variables to be output and what command does that Output etc.
Thanks a lot in advance
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Jun 16, 2006
I'm trying to output all the values selected through a multivalue parameter, but I am having difficulties. In the text box, the parameter contains only four member functions (value, label, count, ismultivalue). However, to output a value or label for the parameter you need to specify an index in the form of:
Ideally, I would like to be able to obtain all these values with a function call, but it doesn't look like there is one. Any ideas of how to get all the values?
Thank you!!
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Feb 11, 2008
i built a stored procedure with inserting in to customers table.
i have one column with identity.
so want to take that identity column value in the same stored procedure.
so how can i write that procedure with insert in to statements in that stored procedures.
can any one tell me.
also how to get that value in 2.0.
friends please tell me.
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Feb 17, 2008
I am able to perform my Stored Procedure, but I can't figure out how to get access to the OUTPUT parameters!Here is my code: Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim mySqlDataSource As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource
mySqlDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
mySqlDataSource.ConnectionString = "my connection string"
mySqlDataSource.InsertCommand = "MyStoredProc"
mySqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("someId", TypeCode.Int16, 166)
mySqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("someNumber", TypeCode.Int16, 4)
' Add Some Parameter
Dim someParameter As Parameter = New Parameter("someParameterName", TypeCode.String)
someParameter.DefaultValue = New String("Some Value")
someParameter.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output
End Sub
Any ideas as to how I get the new value that was "hopefully" assigned to someParameter??? Thanks for any help
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Mar 17, 2004
thanks for reading!
Here is my problem: I have a strored procedure that inserts some records
into one table and then selects some records from another table at the end.
The stored procedure takes several parameters, first one of them is marked as
OUTPUT. I'm using it to return an id of the inserted record. The procedure is called from code with first parameter set as ParameterDirection.InputOutput (tried with just Output as well). Now for the problem: if the the select statement at the end returns 0 records everything works and i my first parameter contains the @@IDENTITY value from the insert statement like it is supposed to.
If the select statement at the end returns 1 or more records my output parameter is not updated at all and contains the same value as before the procedure was run. All the records are inserted correctly.
if i try to return the @@identity as a plain select statement instead of through the parameter
i get System.DBNull.
I hope you can shed some light on this for me. Here is my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE cwSaveProductInquiry
@inquiryId int OUTPUT,
@libraryName nvarchar(500),
@contactName nvarchar(200),
@address nvarchar(100),
@city nvarchar(50),
@state nvarchar(3),
@zip nvarchar(10),
@phone nvarchar(50),
@email nvarchar(100),
@comment nvarchar(3000),
@productIds nvarchar(2000)
INSERT INTO INQUIRY (LibraryName, ContactName, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email, Comment) VALUES(@libraryName, @contactName, @address, @city, @state, @zip, @phone, @email,@comment)
--i tried including this statement at the end as well but that did not do the
--trick either
select @inquiryId=@@IDENTITY FROM INQUIRY
set nocount on
declare @separator_position int -- This is used to locate each separator character
declare @objectId varchar(200) -- this holds each array value as it is returned
if(@productIds is not null)
while patindex('%,%' , @productIds) <> 0
select @separator_position = patindex('%,%' , @productIds)
select @objectId= left(@productIds, @separator_position - 1)
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_INQUIRY_LOOKUP (ProductId,InquiryId) VALUES(@objectId, @inquiryId)
select @productIds = stuff(@productIds, 1, @separator_position, '')
set nocount off
Select Distinct Email from vPRODUCT_CONTACT WHERE ProductId in
(Select ProductId From Product_Inquiry_Lookup Where InquiryId=@inquiryId)
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Aug 3, 2004
I've an existing SQL 2000 Stored Procedure that return data in many (~20) output parameters.
I'm starting to use it in a .Net c# application and it seems to insist that I setup all the output parameters:
SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@BackgroundColour",SqlDbType.TinyInt);
even if I only need the value of a single one.
Is this right? Is there a way to avoid coding every one every time?
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Dec 3, 2005
EXEC('SELECT COUNT(docid) AS Total FROM docs WHERE ' + @QueryFilter)I want to get the cound as an output parameter.I can get output parameters to work only when I dont use EXEC. I need to use EXEC for this case since @QueryFilter gets generated in the stored procedure based on some some other data.How can I get that count using ouput parameter?
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May 13, 2006
I am using SqlDataSource programmatically in my data access layer - mainly for convenience but it does generally work fine with no obvious performance issues.
The problem I have is with getting back an output parameter. I have an insert-type stored procedure (in Sql Server 2005) operating on a table with an identity column as the primary key:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertAlbum](@ArtistID int, @Title nvarchar(70), @NewID int OUTPUT)ASDECLARE @err intINSERT INTO dbo.ALBUMS (ARTISTID, TITLE)VALUES (@ArtistID, @Title)SELECT @err = @@error IF @err <> 0 RETURN @errSET @NewID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
This works fine when run from Sql Server Management Studio and @NewID has the correct value.
My data access code is roughly as follows:
dsrc = New SqlDataSource()dsrc.ConnectionString = ConnectionStringdsrc.InsertCommand = "InsertAlbum"dsrc.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedureDim parms As ParameterCollection = dsrc.InsertParametersDim newid As IntegerAddParameter(parms, "ArtistID", TypeCode.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, album.ArtistID)AddParameter(parms, "Title", TypeCode.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, album.Title)Dim p As New Parameter("NewID", TypeCode.Int32)p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Outputparms.Add(p)Try Dim rv As Integer = dsrc.Insert() newid = parms("NewID") Return newidCatch ex As Exception Return -1End Try
The row is inserted into the database, but however I try to define and add the NewID parameter it never has a value.
Has anyone tried to do this and can tell me what I am doing wrong?
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Dec 12, 2005
I have the following stored procedure working with an Access 2000 front end. The output parameters returned to Access are both Null when the record is successfully updated (ie when @@Rowcount = 1), but the correct parameters are returned when the update fails. I'm a bit new to using output parameters, but I have them working perfectly with an insert sproc, and they look basically the same. What bonehead error have I made here? The fact that the record is updated indicates to me that the Commit Trans line is being executed, so why aren't the 2 output parameters set?
EDIT: Solved, sort of. I found that dropping the "@ResNum +" from "@ResNum + ' Updated'" resolved the problem (@ResNum is an input parameter). This implies that the variable lost its value between the SQL statement and the If/Then, since the SQL correctly updates only the appropriate record from the WHERE clause. Is this supposed to happen? I looked in BOL, and if it's addressed there I missed it.
Various input parameters here,
@RetCode as int Output, @RetResNum as nvarchar(15) Output
Declare @RowCounter int
Begin Tran
UPDATE tblReservations
SET Various set statements here, LastModified = @LastModified + 1
WHERE ResNum = @ResNum AND LastModified = @LastModified
If @RowCounter = 1
Commit Tran
Select @RetCode = 1
Select @RetResNum = @ResNum + ' Updated'
Rollback Tran
Select @RetCode = 0
Select @RetResNum = 'Update Failed'
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Nov 15, 2005
The dynamic SQL statements with output parameters, unfortunately, in the documentation are not described.
À) Simple example of the dynamic SQL statement with output parameters
-- dynamic SQL statements expects parameter of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'.
declare @SQLString nvarchar(4000), @ParmDefinition nvarchar(4000)
-- the third parameter passed in the dynamic statement as by output, returns the length of
-- the hypotenuses of a right triangle, two first parameters are lengths of legs of a triangle
declare @nHypotenuse float
select @SQLString = 'select @nHypotenuse = sqrt(square(@nLeg1_of_a_triangle)+square(@nLeg2_of_a_triangle))',
@ParmDefinition = '@nLeg1_of_a_triangle float, @nLeg2_of_a_triangle float, @nHypotenuse float out'
-- we call the dynamic statement in such a way
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @nLeg1_of_a_triangle = 3.0, @nLeg2_of_a_triangle = 4.0, @nHypotenuse = @nHypotenuse out
-- or in such a way
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, 3.0, 4.0, @nHypotenuse out
select @nHypotenuse -- Displays 5.0
B) Example of usage of the dynamic statement with output parameter and the function GETALLWORDS.
The following stored procedure get all words from a field of the type text or ntext, the word length should not exceed 4000 characters.
@TableName sysname, @FieldIdName sysname, @FieldIdValue sql_variant, @FieldTextName sysname, @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) = NULL
-- this Stored procedure inserts the words from a text field into the table.
-- WORDNUM int – Sequence number of a word
-- WORD nvarchar(4000) – the word
-- STARTOFWORD int – position in the text field, with which the word starts
-- LENGTHOFWORD smallint – length of the word
-- Parameters
-- @TableName name of the table with the text or ntext field
-- @FieldIdName name of Id field
-- @FieldIdValue value of Id field
-- @FieldTextName name of field text or ntext
-- @cDelimiters Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in the text field
set nocount on
declare @k int, @wordcount int, @nBegSubString int, @nEndSubString int, @nEndString int, @divisor tinyint, @flag bit, @RetTable bit,
@cString nvarchar(4000), @TypeField varchar(13), @SQLString nvarchar(4000), @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500), @nBegSubString1 smallint, @nEndSubString1 smallint
select @TableName = object_name(object_id(lower(ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))))), @FieldIdName = lower(ltrim(rtrim(@FieldIdName))), @FieldTextName = lower(ltrim(rtrim(@FieldTextName))),
@cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, nchar(32)+nchar(9)+nchar(10)+nchar(13)), -- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs, carriage return and line feed to delimit words.
@nBegSubString = 1, @nEndSubString = 4000, @flag = 0, @RetTable = 0, @wordcount = 0
-- If the temporary table is not created in the calling procedure, we create the temporary table
if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is null
create table #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT (WORDNUM int, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD int, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
select @RetTable = 1
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the exact name of text field
-- as we can write names of fields by a call of the given stored procedure in the arbitrary register
-- in the string of parameters definition @ParmDefinition we use a keyword output
-- and by a call of the dynamic SQL statement exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldTextName = @FieldTextName output
-- Also we use a keyword output for definite before parameter
select @SQLString = 'select @FieldTextName = name from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldTextName+''''
select @ParmDefinition = '@FieldTextName sysname output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldTextName = @FieldTextName output
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the exact name of Id field
select @SQLString = 'select @FieldIdName = name from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldIdName+''''
select @ParmDefinition = '@FieldIdName sysname output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldIdName = @FieldIdName output
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the type of field (text or ntext)
select @SQLString = 'select @TypeField = name from systypes where xtype = any ( select xtype from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldTextName+''')'
select @ParmDefinition = '@TypeField varchar(13) output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @TypeField = @TypeField output
select @divisor = case @TypeField when 'ntext' then 2 else 1 end -- 2 for unicode
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive a length of the text field
select @SQLString = 'select @nEndString = 1 + datalength('+ @FieldTextName+')/'+cast( @divisor as nchar(1)) +' from '+@TableName +' where '+ @FieldIdName+' = ' +cast(@FieldIdValue as nchar(50))
select @ParmDefinition = '@nEndString int output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @nEndString = @nEndString output
-- We cut the text field into substrings of length no more than 4000 characters and we work with substrings in cycle
while 1 > 0
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive a substring of a type nvarchar(4000) from text field
select @SQLString = 'select @cString = substring('+ @FieldTextName+','+cast( @nBegSubString as nvarchar(20)) +',' +
cast( @nEndSubString - @nBegSubString + 1 as nvarchar(20))+') from '+@TableName +' where '+ @FieldIdName+' = ' +cast(@FieldIdValue as nchar(50))
select @ParmDefinition = '@cString nvarchar(4000) output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @cString = @cString output
select @nBegSubString1 = 1, @nEndSubString1 = @nEndSubString - @nBegSubString +1
while charindex(substring(@cString, @nBegSubString1, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) > 0 and @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString -- skip the character not in word, if any
select @nBegSubString = @nBegSubString + 1 , @nBegSubString1 = @nBegSubString1 + 1
while charindex(substring(@cString, @nEndSubString1, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) = 0 and @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString -- skip the character in word, if any
select @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString - 1, @nEndSubString1 = @nEndSubString1 - 1
if @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString
select top 1 @wordcount = WORDNUM from #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT order by WORDNUM desc
select @cString = substring(@cString, @nBegSubString1, @nEndSubString1-@nBegSubString1+1)
-- we use a function GETALLWORDS which one works with strings of a type nvarchar(4000)
-- we add outcome result in the temporary table
select (@wordcount+WORDNUM), WORD, (@nBegSubString+STARTOFWORD-1), LENGTHOFWORD from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, @cDelimiters)
select @nBegSubString = @nEndSubString + 1, @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString + 4000
select @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString + 4000 -- In a case if the substring consists of one delimiter
if @flag = 1
if @nEndString <= @nEndSubString
select @flag = 1, @nEndSubString = @nEndString
-- If in a calling procedure the table was not created, we show the result
if @RetTable = 1
Example of the call Stored procedure SP_GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT
declare @cDelimiters nvarchar(256)
select @cDelimiters = '"-,.:!?«»()'+SPACE(1)+CHAR(9)+CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)+CHAR(12)
if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is not null
create table #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT (WORDNUM int, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD int, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
exec dbo.SP_GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT 'Your Table name', 'Your Id field name', Value of Id field, ' text or ntext field name', @cDelimiters
if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is not null
-- GETALLWORDS() User-Defined Function Inserts the words from a string into the table.
-- GETALLWORDS(@cString[, @cDelimiters])
-- Parameters
-- @cString nvarchar(4000) - Specifies the string whose words will be inserted into the table @GETALLWORDS.
-- @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) - Optional. Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in @cString.
-- The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. Note that GETALLWORDS( ) uses each of the characters in @cDelimiters as individual delimiters, not the entire string as a single delimiter.
-- Return Value table
-- Remarks GETALLWORDS() by default assumes that words are delimited by spaces or tabs. If you specify another character as delimiter, this function ignores spaces and tabs and uses only the specified character.
-- Example
-- declare @cString nvarchar(4000)
-- set @cString = 'The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. If you specify another character as delimiter, this function ignores spaces and tabs and uses only the specified character.'
-- select * from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, default)
-- select * from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, ' ,.')
-- See Also GETWORDNUM() , GETWORDCOUNT() User-Defined Functions
CREATE function GETALLWORDS (@cString nvarchar(4000), @cDelimiters nvarchar(256))
returns @GETALLWORDS table (WORDNUM smallint, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD smallint, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
declare @k smallint, @wordcount smallint, @nEndString smallint, @BegOfWord smallint, @flag bit
select @k = 1, @wordcount = 1, @BegOfWord = 1, @flag = 0, @cString = isnull(@cString, ''),
@cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, nchar(32)+nchar(9)+nchar(10)+nchar(13)), -- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs, carriage return and line feed to delimit words.
@nEndString = 1 + datalength(@cString) /(case SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@cString,'BaseType') when 'nvarchar' then 2 else 1 end) -- for unicode
while 1 > 0
if @k - @BegOfWord > 0
insert into @GETALLWORDS (WORDNUM, WORD, STARTOFWORD, LENGTHOFWORD) values( @wordcount, substring(@cString, @BegOfWord, @k-@BegOfWord), @BegOfWord, @k-@BegOfWord ) -- previous word
select @wordcount = @wordcount + 1, @BegOfWord = @k
if @flag = 1
while charindex(substring(@cString, @k, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) > 0 and @nEndString > @k -- skip break characters, if any
select @k = @k + 1, @BegOfWord = @BegOfWord + 1
while charindex(substring(@cString, @k, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) = 0 and @nEndString > @k -- skip the character in the word
select @k = @k + 1
if @k >= @nEndString
select @flag = 1
For more information about string UDFs Transact-SQL please visit the,54,33,27115
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Mar 23, 2007
I hope someone can help.
I've written a stored procedure that returns a value via an output parameter.
I'm calling the stored procedure in an sql session is a loop, and it passes the value back correctly the first time, but all subsequent calls the output parameter appears to have the same value. I believe that I'm making some very basic mistake, but I can't work it out.
Here's how I'm calling the stored procedure several times
declare @instrumentid int
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDCHF,p,1,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.1', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDUSD,c,2,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.2', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid
exec GetInstrumentId 'OFX,AUDCHF,p,3,2007-03-20 16:54:21.843,2007-06-20,100.3', @instrumentid output;
select @instrumentid
And this is the start of the stored procedure
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetInstrumentId]
(@Ticket varchar(250), @InstrumentId int output)
If I call the stored procedure once it gives the corect output, if I call it several times the output parameter (@instrumentid ) never changes.
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Nov 19, 2006
Hi All,
The following is a code snippit. My main interests are the OUT and OUTPUT parameter keywords. One returns a single value, and the other seemingly a resultset. OUTPUT returns a single value, however OUT seems to return a list of values. Could I please get this confirmed?
Also, I cannot see how the value being returned by OUT is being iterated...
Any help on the obove two matters is appreciated.
Thank You
BEGIN SNIPPET----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--The following example creates the Production.usp_GetList
--stored procedure, which returns a list of products that have
--prices that do not exceed a specified amount.
USE AdventureWorks;
IF OBJECT_ID ( 'Production.uspGetList', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE Production.uspGetList;
CREATE PROCEDURE Production.uspGetList @Product varchar(40)
, @MaxPrice money
, @ComparePrice money OUTPUT
, @ListPrice money OUT
SELECT p.[Name] AS Product, p.ListPrice AS 'List Price'
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS s
ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID
WHERE s.[Name] LIKE @Product AND p.ListPrice < @MaxPrice;
-- Populate the output variable @ListPprice.
SET @ListPrice = (SELECT MAX(p.ListPrice)
FROM Production.Product AS p
JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS s
ON p.ProductSubcategoryID = s.ProductSubcategoryID
WHERE s.[Name] LIKE @Product AND p.ListPrice < @MaxPrice);
-- Populate the output variable @compareprice.
SET @ComparePrice = @MaxPrice;
--- USE
DECLARE @ComparePrice money, @Cost money
EXECUTE Production.uspGetList '%Bikes%', 700,
@ComparePrice OUT,
IF @Cost <= @ComparePrice
PRINT 'These products can be purchased for less than
$'+RTRIM(CAST(@ComparePrice AS varchar(20)))+'.'
PRINT 'The prices for all products in this category exceed
$'+ RTRIM(CAST(@ComparePrice AS varchar(20)))+'.'
--- Partial Result Set
--Product List Price
---------------------------------------------------- ------------------
--Road-750 Black, 58 539.99
--Mountain-500 Silver, 40 564.99
--Mountain-500 Silver, 42 564.99
--Road-750 Black, 48 539.99
--Road-750 Black, 52 539.99
--(14 row(s) affected)
--These items can be purchased for less than $700.00.
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Oct 24, 2007
Hi All,
We seem to have an problem with using sp_executesql and retrieving back NVARCHAR output parameters. We are trying to dynamically set string values using string templates ( for English and other languages that require using NVARCHAR parameters ). A test case is:
DECLARE @Description NVARCHAR(400)
SET @Template = N'''ПричинÑ?ет ''' -- this string is in Russian
SET @Template = N'SET @DescriptionOUT = ' + @Template
EXEC sp_executesql @Template, N'@DescriptionOUT NVARCHAR(4000) OUTPUT', @DescriptionOUT = @Description OUTPUT
PRINT @Description
If you print @Description it appears as: ????????? instead of the Russian text.
Any thoughts or ideas on why this isn't working as the BOL indicate that everything should correctly handle NVARCHARs?
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May 28, 2015
I am trying to create a proc and at the end of the proc I want to call another proc and pass to one of the parameters to proc using the result from the "OUTPUT". Is it possible to use the results from the "OUTPUT" and use them as parameters?
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Oct 10, 2007
myprocedure(@Cusname varchar(50), @Cusid int output)as
Insert into Customer(Cusname) values (@Cusname)SELECT @cusid = @@IDENTITY
i add the query to my adapter called CreatCustomer (@Cusnam,@Cusid)private Merp_CusListTableAdapter _CuslistAdapter = null;protected Merp_CusListTableAdapter Adapter
{if (_CuslistAdapter == null)
_CuslistAdapter = new Merp_CusListTableAdapter();return _CuslistAdapter;
Now how i write function in BLL to receive output paramter from creatcustomer function?
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Jan 25, 2008
I am stuck on how to syntactically retrieve an output value (@ProdCount) from a stored procedure. The SPROC works fine: the value of @ProdCount appears correctly in the output window. However, I can't retrieve it in the DAL handler (value remains 0). Does anyone have an idea on how to properly extract the return value. TIA for any pointers.SPROC (abridged): ALTER PROCEDURE and_Store_GetProductsByProdCatID_SortPage (@ProdCatID INT,...@ProdCount INT OUTPUT
ASSELECT @ProdCount=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM and_StoreProduct WHERE ProdCatID= @ProdCatID)DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)SET @SQL = 'WITH tmpProd AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() etc.. )SELECT ProdID, etc..FROM tmpProdWHERE Row BETWEEN etc..ORDER BY etc..'
EXECUTE(@SQL)RETURNDAL handler (abridged): Public Overloads Shared Function GetProductListByCatID(ByVal ProdCatID As Integer, ..., ByVal ProdCount As Integer) As List(Of Product) Dim productList As List(Of Product) = New List(Of Product) Try
Using con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("conAnders").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("and_Store_GetProductsByProdCatID_SortPage", con) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdCatID", ProdCatID) '...
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdCount", ProdCount) ' Output parm. Add dummy value.
Dim objProduct As Product 'Temp Product.
Using myReader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) While myReader.Read() objProduct = New Product() With objProduct .ProdID = myReader.GetInt32(myReader.GetOrdinal("ProdID")) 'etc..
End With
End While Dim tmp As Object = cmd.Parameters("@ProdCount").Value ' <-- Not updated
myReader.Close() End Using End Using Catch ex As Exception Throw ' Pass up the error.
End Try Return productList End Function
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Jul 6, 2004
I have written a simple C# console application that create my own Stored Procedures
the code is here
static void Main(string[] args)
SqlConnection cn;
string strSql;
string strConnection;
SqlCommand cmd;
strConnection="server=(local);database=Northwind;integrated security=true;";
strSql="CREATE PROCEDURE spmahdi @CustomerID nchar(5) @counter int OUTPUT AS SELECT OrderID, OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID ORDER BY OrderID SET @counter=@@rowcount";
cn=new SqlConnection(strConnection);
cmd=new SqlCommand(strSql,cn);
Console.WriteLine("Procedure Created!");
but it has some errors becuase of my strSql
strSql="CREATE PROCEDURE spmahdi @CustomerID nchar(5) @counter int OUTPUT AS SELECT OrderID, OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID ORDER BY OrderID SET @counter=@@rowcount";
I mean in creating the stored procedure
if i delete the Output parameter from my stored procedure
and my strSql would be somethimg like this
strSql="CREATE PROCEDURE spmahdi @CustomerID nchar(5) AS SELECT OrderID, OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID ORDER BY OrderID ";
There will be no errors
I use Visual Studio.NET 2003(full versoin)and MSDE(not Sql Server)
Could someone help me solve this problem?
Thanks and Regards.
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Oct 26, 2000
How I building a stored procedure that
return a output parameter and value return that I can
call from other stored procedure or VB ?
thank you in advance
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Nov 14, 2007
I'd like to incorporate search functionality (SQL Server 2005 Full-Text Search) into a web application, so I want to be able to return a paged list of results based on the user's search terms. I already have a parameterized stored procedure that returns a list of products when a category ID is supplied. I modified this procedure to use a different input parameter (@SearchTerms), but I'd still like to return the number of records, as in the original stored procedure.
However, I'm getting this error: Invalid object name 'ProductEntries'.
Here's the original stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetProductsByCategoryID
@CategoryID INT,
@PageIndex INT,
@NumRows INT,
@CategoryName VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT,
@CategoryProductCount INT OUTPUT
SELECT @CategoryProductCount = (SELECT COUNT(ProductID)
FROM Products
WHERE Products.CategoryID = @CategoryID)
SELECT @CategoryName = (SELECT CategoryName
FROM Categories
WHERE Categories.CategoryID = @CategoryID)
DECLARE @startRowIndex INT;
SET @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;
WITH ProductEntries AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ProductID) AS Row, ProductID, CategoryID, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost
FROM Products
WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryID
SELECT ProductID, CategoryID, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost
FROM ProductEntries
@startRowIndex AND @startRowIndex + @NumRows - 1
And here's the modified one:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetSearchResults
@SearchTerms VARCHAR(200),
@PageIndex INT,
@NumRows INT,
@ProductCount INT OUTPUT
SELECT @ProductCount = (SELECT COUNT(ProductID)
FROM ProductEntries)
DECLARE @startRowIndex INT;
SET @startRowIndex = (@PageIndex * @NumRows) + 1;
WITH ProductEntries AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ProductID) AS Row, ProductID, CategoryID, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost
FROM CONTAINSTABLE (Products, *, @SearchTerms, 25) AS c, Products p
WHERE c.[KEY] = p.ProductID
SELECT ProductID, CategoryID, Description, ProductImage, UnitCost
FROM ProductEntries
@startRowIndex AND @startRowIndex + @NumRows - 1
I thought I might be getting this error because SELECT @ProductCount occurs before the ProductEntries table is created, but when I move that SELECT statement further down, I still get the same error.
How can I get the value of @ProductCount in this scenario so that I can display it in the UI of the web app?
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May 30, 2006
I am using version 9.00.2047.00 SP1 of Visual Studio 2005.
Using ADO.NET, I have been unable to get the Execute SQL task to successfully return the value of an output parameter defined as varchar or nvarchar when the value is null. No other data types seem to have this problem, including the sql_variant data type.
Here is the stored procedure I am calling:
create proc spx
@in int = null output,
@vc nvarchar(10) = null output,
@dt datetime = null output
@in = null,
@vc = null,
@dt = null
The variables to which the three output parameters return their values have a data type of Object. The task runs fine when the integer or datetime parameters are used, and the variables can be identified as null using IsDBNull. But as soon as the nvarchar (or varchar) parameter is included, the task fails with this message:
"The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 1 ("@vc"): Data type 0xE7 has an invalid data length or metadata length."
I have seen a couple of postings that sound similar to this problem, but so far I have found no resolution. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Ron Rice
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