Stupid Late Night SQL Question

Dec 27, 2003

How do I return the updated value to client for this update?

UPDATE table SET x = x + 1 WHERE idvalue = y

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Data Changes Made Late At Night Dissapear

Sep 10, 2005

Hi,Sorry for the obscure title but I'm afraid I can't think of a betterway to describe what happened to one of my clerks last night. The guy wasworking late, made a series of changes (accross a number of tables with adependant relationship structure - i.e. a customer linked to an order linkedto an invoice linked to a payments etc.) Now when he came back this morningnone of the work he did last night was still there. I'm by no means asql-pro - but I've managed to make do so far. Here's what I know:1) All of our records in all of our tables have date/time stamped. Once whenthey go in and once when they're changed. So with a little work I can buildup a good picture of what usage our database gets at what times. I've pulledup a query and there is a big fat hole between 8pm-10pm - stuff thathappened before that is still there, stuff that happened after that is stillthere - but all the changes that were put in between then just aren't thereany more. So it's not just insertions but updates as well.2) There is no perceivable break in our identity columns. So despite thefact that I know he entered 7 new customers, I can go back through thecustomers table and look at where those customers should sit visa vie entrytimes - and it's just as though the customers he entered never existed -sql server just keeps incrementing sequentially and there's no break - sothe last customer entered at about 6:50 pm was something like number 11912and the customers entered this morning have numbers that carry on from11913.3) I'm running in a shared environment - the server is hosted by awebhosting company (who shall remain nameless unless I can prove it's theirfault!) based in the US - the server has 100's of other Users databasesrunning on it.I just don't know where to begin diagnosing this sort of problem. But it hasme really running scared. It's not the first time something like this hashappened to me (i've noticed it once before when I had to get a connectionkilled by the people who manage our server because of a long-running querythat seemed to have just got bunged up and was locking a key table) - butthat was just a few records changed by the user who's connection got killed.Nothing like this... but it's pretty scary - I've got no way of knowing thatI'm losing changes like this on a continuous basis. It's my worstnightmare - like a pipe leaking underneath a floor board - and you only findout when the water starts running down the stairs!Has anyone got any ideas? Any starting places? Anyone else had anything likethis happen to them before?ThanksNick

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SQL Late Join With Case - Help...

Feb 6, 2006

All - I'm having some trouble, and I hope someone can give me some assistance. I've scoured Google, and have only found stuff similar to what I already have.

My company has an old commercial ERP package. The package has a table called 'Lot_Bin_Tran' that tracks movements of parts based on the part number and a 'Tran_code' - a one-character field that represents what kind of transaction it is (receipt, shipment, inventory adjustment, etc...). Using those two pieces of information, you can join this single table to any of the tables that hold the information (such as receipts). I tried to write a left join from my transaction table to my primary tables to look for transaction records that have no corresponding records in the primary tables. Some SQL might be helpful here...


WHEN 'I' THEN I.issue_no
WHEN 'P' THEN P.prod_no
WHEN 'R' THEN R.receipt_no
WHEN 'S' THEN O.order_no

when I run this, though - I get the following message...
Msg 301, Level 16, State 1
Query contains an illegal outer-join request.

If I change the Left join to an inner join (using = instead of *=), I get a resultset, but not the one I want (since I can't detect nulls in all tables using inner join). Any ideas on how I can restructure?


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Job Is Disabling Every Night

Apr 12, 2002

Please help if you can! I have setup a job that runs every day on an hourly basis. Every morning I find that it's been disabled. The funny thing is is that the schedule is disabled, but the job is not (you see 'Enabled' in the jobs list in EM, but when you view the schedules tab, it's disabled.) Also, it runs a several times before becoming disabled.



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UPDATE Trigger Firing Too Late?

Feb 5, 2004

Hi. This SHOULD be something simple, but I am apparently missing something. I have a Users table where a user's status is a varchar(100). I'm trying to implement a trigger so that when a user's status is changed to any string other than what it was before the update the trigger would change the LastUpdated field to current date/time.

Here's the trigger, I replaced the update of LastUpdated with a simple print statement. For some reason, it seems like the trigger is firing after the update statement has committed because the values of @m_status_new and @m_status_old are always the same so this trigger always prints 'status has not changed.' What am I doing wrong? Thank you greatly for any help provided.

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'tr_update_users' AND type = 'TR')
DROP TRIGGER tr_update_users

CREATE TRIGGER tr_update_users
on dbo.Users

DECLARE @m_status_new varchar(100),
@m_status_old varchar(100),
@m_UserID int

SELECT @m_status_new = UserStatus,
@m_UserID = UserID

SELECT @m_status_old = UserStatus
WHEREUserID = @m_UserID

IF @m_status_new != @m_status_old
print 'status has changed'
print 'status has not changed'

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Package Is Getting Parent Variables Too Late?...

Sep 10, 2007


I am sending variables from package to package by configuration parent packages in each package...
I usually set logging to text files in a certain path that should be received from the parent variable... the strange thing is that if i let the variable in the child package with an incorrect path, my package just through an error even if i am passing the variable from the parent with a correct value...

So... my question is... does my package starts execution without any synch over the parent packages? When are they set? How can i be sure to start my logging with the right parent variable settings?

You can try for example to create a package... add a new variable like "A" and "B" set its value to a default string like "I DONT WANT THIS", add an Execute SQL Task that will record the values of "A" variable to a temporary table...
Then use dtexecui.exe to execute the package and set variable "A" to "THIS IS WHAT I NEED" you will see that in the table will appear one record with the "I DONT WANT THIS" value...

I can't understand this...

Also... if i have 100 variables configured to get values from the parent... is the execution synch or asynch?

Best Regards,

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Need Help With Late Binding On Bindingsource Field

Nov 7, 2007

This is an error that popped up with after setting option strict to on

option strict disallows late binding

The error is on the field in red

If customer_data_reader("CustID") = (customer_bindingsource.Current("CustID") Then

i was looking at this but i cannot find what type this is exactly

If CStr(customer_data_reader("CustID")) = Ctype(customer_bindingsource.Current("CustID"), ????????) Then

It is a field, but how would i set the type for this?
Or do i need to do something different?


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Shrinking A Log File Every Night

Dec 13, 2007

I have a relatively high usage 2005 database whose transaction log grows every day.

Untill now I have been manually shrinking the log files .. but I would like to automate this process.

In the maintenance schedule that runs every night

1 Do a full backup to disk
2. Do a transaction log backup to disk
3. run the following TSQL


4. Backup disk files to tape.

however it doesn't work !! the TLOG file does not shrink, even though its the same as the manual job that I run?

There is nothing in the SQL logs .. but in the event log I get

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLISPackage
Event Category: None
Event ID: 12291
Date: 13/12/2007
Time: 00:50:10
Computer: ALGSQL1
Package "MyDB_FULL_BACKUP" failed.
For more information, see Help and Support Center

any ideas ?

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Timeouts Like Clock-work Every Night.

Sep 21, 2007

We get the following errors at the same times every night (between about 3AM and 4AM) on our distributor (ss2000). The publisher and subscribers do not log anything unusual during this time period but are busy. The distribution agents time-out with:
Timeout expired (Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver (ODBC); Error number: S1T00)

exec sp_MSadd_repl_commands27hp 2, N'pacefs', 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

exec sp_MSadd_distribution_history 7, 3, N'The process is running and is waiting for a response from one of the backend connections.', 0x0000000000000000000000000000, 0, 0, 0.00, 0x00, 1, 0x0000000000000000000000000000, 0, 0x01, 0x01

This is driving me crazy as there appears to be little to go on and I don't know what to do next.

Any useful suggestions?



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Creating A Report That Is Emailed Every Night

Oct 10, 2007


Some of you might remember me posting a question about importing data from a csv. Well I've managed to do that now by writing a service.

Now all I need to do is have some kind of method of exporting the data as a report via email every night.

The tables are as follows...



Disb_2 - Disb_20
"Same as Disb_1"

The report structure I need is...

cNumber ClName FE type dateReq payee amount vat total chequeReq

With data from each disb on a new line, i.e. cNumber could be the same for 20 rows! (don't blame me, it's what they want!)

The records should only be shown though when the dateReq is equal to today. I think I can do that with the DateDiff function.

The problem I have is knowing how to set the report up and what to do it in, Reporting services or Business Intelligence. The report only has to be an email, would it even be simpler to write an extra class into my service?


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DB Engine :: Query To List Out Late Running Jobs

Nov 11, 2015

Any sql script or powershell script which outputs late running jobs? Currently I am using the below script to find out currently running jobs along with duration. But my requirement is to add few more columns to the query which indicates whether jobs is running fine or running behind expected time.

-currently using query to pull running jobs
    ja.job_id, AS job_name,
    ISNULL(last_executed_step_id,0)+1 AS currently_executing_step_id,

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Vista Installs SQL Server 2005 SP1 Every Night!!

Jan 12, 2007

With Vista Ultimate (release), I installed SQL server 2005 Developer edition. I installed SP1, apparently successfully. But my Windows update history shows the SP being installed successfully every night. I have automatic updating turned on (via AD policy).

Has anyone seen this, and does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


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Replication :: Undistributed Transactions Build Up At Same Time Each Night

May 12, 2015

There is a database "Foo" sitting on server "A". There is a database "Bar" sitting on server "B". A.Foo publishes a subset of its schema. B.Bar subscribes to A.Foo's publication. The distribution database is on "B" (B.distributor). This a push subscription (transactions are pushed to the subscriber from the distributor). Every day (including the weekend) I get the following alert:

"5/12/2015 3:53:16 AM, Unsubscribed Transactions (Count) on "B" is Warning.

SQL Server instance "B" has 636771 unsubscribed replication transactions received by the Distributor and not received by a Subscriber.

Unsubscribed Transactions (Count): Number of replication transactions received by the Distributor and not received by a Subscriber."

The number of transactions will vary. The alerts will be sent between 1:20 AM (EST) and 3:30 AM (EST). I'm trying to figure out what is causing the backup of transactions. I assume the issue precedes the alerts by 30-minutes or so.

There are no backups occurringNothing is blocking the distributor agent in the subscription databaseJob activity is at a minimum; the few jobs running run throughout the dayThe machine has plenty of resources -- CPU, RAM, etc.The publisher database shows no signs of stress.

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I Did Something Stupid....

Oct 12, 2001

OK, I did something stupid and now cannot get access to my server...

I was experimenting with the security/login settings and denied access to BUILTINAdministrators. Now I cannot get on my server.

Anyone else ever done this? What can I do to get back on without loosing some of my data?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Stupid Q No.2

Aug 15, 2006

Still in the world of SAMS Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours with SQL 2000. The book says:


Query Analyser says:
Server: Msg 2716, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Column or parameter #8: Cannot specify a column width on data type int.

If I take the (5) off the end of the INTEGER data type it runs through but how come you can't specify the width of an integer column?

Ta muchly.

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Impossible SQL, Or Am I Being Stupid?

May 7, 2001

I have a table that has three fields:


Some categories have sub-categories. Therefore, some entries will have null
for parentID while others will point to another category.

I need to select all of the categories, but have them returned in the
correct parent/child order (parents BEFORE children). I can't seem to get this to work correctly. Is this not possible or am I just being stupid?? :)

Thanks for any assistance.

Mike V.

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Stupid DTS Question???!!

Sep 10, 2004

Just a simple one I think?!!!!!

Is there any way of copying a DTS from one server to another?

I just need to play with this DTS on our test server but can't copy the thing!!!


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Stupid Question I'm Sure

Oct 25, 2004

is there a way to format data on the tables. Such as Social security numbers 00/00/0000 or formating of dates 99/99/0000;0;_

is there a way of doing that on a sql table maybe??

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Okay I Know This Is A Stupid Question!

May 12, 2004

What is the "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit"

I was persuming it was a programme or patch for SQL server, however it's lookign more and more like a book.

Could some please clarify and if it is a programme/patch how can I get hold of it?

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I Know I'm Stupid .. Please Help Me Correct Me.

Apr 13, 2008

I have two tables:
1) Table that holds all available ports.
2) Table that holds users for each port.

There may be times where one user is getting more than one port at a time.

I've built up an ASP .NET page that will display each user its port/s in one table.
On another table I want to display all the other available ports which the user doesn't posses and can buy to own.

My problem is where I try to build up the query. I just can't get all the other ports in normal display.

For example, this is what I need:

Ports table:

Users table:
User A , 1/1
User A , 1/2

ASP page display:

User A Holds:


Of course the Available option is derived from the User Holds query, and just getting the opposit not equal ports, but I just can't get it !
I've tried all kinds of Joins and nesting SELECT queries with no luck.

I hate SQL. I want to die.

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Stupid Question Of The Day...

Nov 24, 2005

Afternoon everybody...

Here is my noob question of the day, is there a query I can run to display the STRUCTURE of a table? fieldnames, datatypes, sizes etc?

Select * from users where clue > 0

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The Most Stupid Sum Question

Apr 5, 2006

here is my problem.

i have a table that looks like this

barcode |movetype | qty

as3 | T | 4

as3 | R | 2

as3 | T | 1

here is my problem and i am probably just stupid. i need the total amount Transfered minus the Received per barcode. so here i would need to see a total of 3.

i don't know how to do this.

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Sorry For Stupid Question.

Aug 23, 2007

I've getting the error message at the time ntbackup starts the backup of the server:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLWRITER
Event Category: None
Event ID: 24579
Date: 22-Aug-07
Time: 20:00:26
User: N/A
Computer: DBS
Sqllib error: Database DYNAMICS of SQL server instance XXX is stored on multiple volumes, only some of which are being shadowed.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 51 4c 53 4e 41 50 43 SQLSNAPC
0008: 33 36 31 00 00 00 00 00 361.....
0010: 53 51 4c 53 4e 41 50 43 SQLSNAPC
0018: 32 34 36 00 00 00 00 00 246.....

Where is the problem?
How to fix this?
Does this mean that I would not be able to restore server in the case of failure?

SQL - version SQL Server 9.0.3054 (2005 SP2)
OS - 5.2.3790 (W2k3 R2 SP2)

MS Dynamics GP 9 is installed on this platform.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Stupid Replication Q

Jun 28, 2005


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This Is Probably A Stupid Question But....endulge Me Please...

Mar 7, 2007

I am trying to insert form data...three form sections into three different tables....i can insert into one table just this not possible ...or what? If so can someone please send me a small sample... thank you the way i am using visual studio...vb 2.0 with ajax. Thanks in advance!

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Stupid DBNull Question

Jan 3, 2006

I haven't tested it, because at the moment I can't access my SQL database
I know this is probably a stupid question, but...How can I test for DBNull when I'm using SqlDataReader.Item(string)?
I use to check it using: if(!reader.IsDBNull(2)) ...But I have found that can not count on a particular ordinal reference because some of the stored procedures select the columns in different orders.
can I do something like: if(reader["Column1"] != DBNull.Value)or with the reader["Column1"] throw an error because it is not found??
I too hate when people ask questions that they could test themselves...but I can't really test it at the moment.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Stupid Backup Question

Jun 8, 2000

I'm trying to backup a database onto a different server
within the same SQL Server Group, but the Enterprise
Manager only offers the drives on the local server as
destination options. Do I have something configured
incorrectly or is there a way to do this manually?
Thanks in advance.


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Stupid Security Question

Mar 10, 2001

Ok, I'm trying to understand how the db user corelates to the SqL login. Can one db user have multiple logins attached to it (like dbo with sa and nt admins).

This is in reference to the issue of broken chains of ownership problems that pop up from multiple users creating tables in a single database. I would like to be able to make all the developers be the dbo user of a given database without making them a sysadmin of the entire server. Is this possible?

If not, is there a sp that fixes a db so that all ownership reverts to dbo?

Thanks in advance

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Where Question (stupid Newbie)

Oct 27, 2003

What does "WHERE 1=1" do?

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Maybe Is A Stupid Question.. About CASE

Mar 29, 2006

I have a little query in access i must write it in T-Sql

the original...
[@idLingua], LDEF.IDLINGUA))

I can't be able to assign a select value at my field... IDLINGUA to perform another select..
Of course I have used the "select case when exists"

Anyone could be help me ?

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Stupid Question TIME!

Sep 7, 2007


I want to run SQL Server 2000 at home, on my PC. I dont have a server. My OS is Windows XP. Is this possible? Or do I have to use something like Access. If so then that sucks.

I use SQL Server at work and I want to practice at home.

please help

p.s i have Personal ed and standard ed.


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Stupid Northwind Question

Mar 3, 2004

I have installed MS SQL server eval edition and read through a lot of BOL, just about got my head around users and authentication etc and have a pretty good grounding on db design and architecture.

I now want to mess around with the sample databases a bit to get used to the SQL server interface before I start creating new ones etc but beyond random simple queries that I make up i'm struggling with what to do. I'm sure there are some microsoft tutorials based on the northwind and pubs databases I just cant seem to find any anywhere.

Any suggestions greatfully recieved, Cheers


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I Am Suffering With A Stupid Problem.

Jun 18, 2007

Dear Sql server experts
I am suffering with a stupid problem in login into SQL server using SQL authentication method
Well here is the case.
When I start SQL server management studio of sql server 2005
A connect to server dialog comes up with 3 enabled combo box's for server type , server name and authentication
If I connect to server via windows authentication then every thing goes fine but when I use the damn sql authentication so this alert occurred "Login failed for user 'toolbox', The user is not associater with a trusted SQL Server connection."
Even with sa.
Does any body has idea what to do? How to fix it? Please.

this is the alert when i use "sa"
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to myserver
Login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452)

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