I am using a sub-report to render a group which contains the detail lines in my report. The report works fine, however, it is not page-breaking, so the report is rendered in just one looonnnggg page with many detail lines.
How do I force the report to page-break when it hits the page length.
Thanks for your help or leads.
Hello SQL Server Experts, Data Analysts, and Report Writers et al:
re: Reporting Options with SQL Server
I wanted to propose an offshoot to the pryor thread:
Would anyone take a stab at comparing Access Reports, Crystal Reports, Cognos or other options to all the Reporting Services and its components offered as part ofSQL Server, especially as to extracting data from SQL Server into a report format?
I guess this is a far as capabilites, ease of use, limitations, and especially formatting or presentation of the end report product?
Thank you to all, and I hope this is a beneficial discussion to others.
I have an already published application running several MS SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report. I need a way to find from either the reporting services log or the application server (IIS) logs or windows log to know the frequency of each report being used.
Based on this info, the business needs to know which reports are being used and to what extend? How can I acheive this?
I have already got the IIS logs and it did not give the required info. I have looked into the Reporting Services logs but it does not provide the info either.
I have an already published application running several MS SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report. I need a way to find from either the reporting services log or the application server (IIS) logs or windows log to know the frequency of each report being used.
Based on this info, the business needs to know which reports are being used and to what extend? How can I acheive this?
I have already got the IIS logs and it did not give the required info. I have looked into the Reporting Services logs but it does not provide the info either.
My issue is with converting multi-value parameters:
In Crystal Reports, you can set a parameter to accept multiple vales (Discrete, Range or Discrete and Range).
As an example:
I have a database table with a column called ID. I can create a parameter called param_id and set the options of the parameter to "Allow multiple range values".
With this setup, I can limit the result set of the report by comparing the param_id parameter to the ID column in the database. Because param_id is a multi-value range parameter, I can pass it the following data: 1 - 50 60 - 80 150 - 127
This will only return results within those ranges.
Does anyone know if SSRS provides this kind of functionality?
Is there a way to copy reports from other users "My reports" folder? I am logging onto the management studio reporting services using an administrative account and I am able to view the reports from all users' "My Reports" folder. But I am not able to export them as an rdl file. I am able to export reports from other common folders, but not from the "My Reports" folder.
The reason I need to do this is some of the users have created some reports in one environment and the reports are available in their respective "My Reports" folder. I need to move these reports to their corresponding "My Reports" folder in another environment.
1. I downloaded ChartFXRSTrial and created one chart, and able to deploy it in ReportServer, but the problem is the reports are not showing there, i checked the configuration of .dll files in the help provided by chartFX, but couldn't get anything, so could help me on this.
2. How to give Tooltip for the X- axis or Y- axis values in the ReportServer , i tried using chartproperties of .rdl file, but didnt understand it. can help me on this, and one more i tried with Dundas too, If im giving tooltip as #valy then, it is showing samething in reportserver instead the values of 'Y-axis'.
Hi, I have all stored procedures for report for this month and previous month. Now my task is to generate report to find out the difference for all coulms those are same for both month reports. EX of final report
There are other colums in those rows too.. So could any one help me out. I want my out put in Excel sheet And its a recuant report ..so i have to use stored procedure.
Hi,I have some queries regarding SQL Reports.1. What is SQL Reporting Services?2. What is it's Architechture?3. When it gonna release?It is urgent.If somebody can give me answers quickly.....Thanks in advance,Pratik
Does anyone have any good examples or tutorials on how to use the C# Reports for the databases. Also what is the difference from a normal Microsoft Report or Crystal Report. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional if that helps or changes anything. I am trying to use these to view the report to created by a C# application that i ahave created.
I am generating a report based on certain criterias. Each task may report something. As of now I have created a report table and inserting data from each task into that.
At final stage I order the records and write to a txt file.The table I am using to insert is present in one of the database I'm using.
Is there any way I can store it a common repository [ I have to insert recs from diff dataflow task ]. At final stage group and sort it. Load into a text file?
Hi. I am trying to create a report that requires multiple select statements and I wish the results to be returned as one 'table'. The jist of what I am trying to do is as follows.
I am creating a report for a call centre. This report is to display results for the following columns in table format:
COLUMN A) Count of calls raised during this reporting period, COLUMN B) Count of calls open from the previous reporting period, COLUMN C) Count of calls worked on during this reporting period, COLUMN D) Count of calls closed during this reporting period.
These counts are all displayed by the severity of the call e.g. the rows will be titled 1 to 5. Each column is a select statement in itself, pulling data from various tables.
I have managed to get the results I desire when I return results from three queries (in the example below, REPORT 2, this is query A, query B and query D).
REPORT 1 SELECT COALESCE (A.severity, B.severity, D.severity) AS Severity, ISNULL(A.QUERYA, 0) AS [Calls Raised during this Reporting Period], ISNULL(B.QUERYB, 0) AS [Calls Open from Previous Reporting Period], ISNULL(D.QUERYD, 0) AS [Calls Closed During this Reporting Period] FROM (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYA] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE A> GROUP BY severity) A FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYB] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE B> GROUP BY severity) B ON A.severity = B.severity FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYD] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE D> GROUP BY severity) D ON A.severity = D.severity ORDER BY COALESCE (A.severity, B.severity, D.severity)
Calls Raised during this Reporting Period
Calls Open from Previous Reporting Period
Calls Closed During this Reporting Period
However, when I join a 4th query to the above, query C (as in REPORT 2, below) I get repeated rows.
REPORT 2 SELECT COALESCE (A.severity, B.severity, C.severity, D.severity) AS Severity, ISNULL(A.QUERYA, 0) AS [Calls Raised during this Reporting Period], ISNULL(B.QUERYB, 0) AS [Calls Open from Previous Reporting Period], ISNULL(C.QUERYC, 0) AS [Calls Worked on During this Reporting Period], ISNULL(D.QUERYD, 0) AS [Calls Closed During this Reporting Period] FROM (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYA] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE A> GROUP BY severity) A FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYB] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE B> GROUP BY severity) B ON A.severity = B.severity FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYC] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE C> GROUP BY severity) C ON B.severity = C.severity FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT severity, COUNT(*) AS [QUERYD] FROM dbo.opencall WHERE <WHERE CLAUSE D> GROUP BY severity) D ON A.severity = D.severity ORDER BY COALESCE (A.severity, B.severity, C.severity, D.severity
Severity A B C D 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 3 0 4 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0
Has any body ay idea of how to join a 4th query and further queries without getting these repeated rows?
Does Anyone has any idea that how do we extract the log reports that are generated whenever we run a package onto a text file , i mean the whole report rather than just a single message.
I have some reports whcih contain sub reports My users when they export these reports in to excel, sub reports never get exported "There is a Sub Report error" in that space.
I did figure out a workaround for this issue. They can always export the report into WebArchive format and open it before they save the report, once opened in web archive format, give a right click to export into in Excel, this works great but as always this is not a permanat fix
Or does anyone have a better workaround to export an report into excel which has subreports ?
I have a number of reports that can be somewhat wide. When viewing some of them in the report manager, using IE6, the right side of the report gets cut off. There are no horizontal scroll bars or anything. If I just refresh the page from the toolbar, my report displays how it should.
Has anyone had this problem, or have a solution so that I don't have to refresh my page every time?
I keep getting an error around the where statement can some one help me Sql Reports what is missing
A long shot but someone may have experienced same problem. We are using Crystal Info to run reports against a SQL 7 database. Reports that usually take 1 or 2 minutes to run are taking up to 15 minutes to run. The database is fine ie you run the query through the query analyser and it runs in 1 or 2 minutes. Any ideas... I've spoken to Seagate but not making much progress. Thanks in advance..
I am trying to run a report off a crosstab query. The report calls for columns A - F, which are returned from the crosstab query. The only problem is that at times some of the columns are not returned by the query because there is no data associated with them. The report asks for column X, and no such columns exists in the query result; thus, an error is generated. My question is: how do I deal with this problem? I would like to avoid having to build the report from scratch. Is there some way that at runtime I could programatically tell the report to ignore these fields?
I have built an ADP for an internal project. The rpoblem I'm having is that one computer is not displaying reports. No matter who the user is it will not show the reports. I thought it might be a software issue/conflict, so I changed out the hardrive and started with a clean OS with only MS Office installed on it. I have also made sure that the users have access rights to SQL along with all sprocs used in the reports. But I'm still having the same problem. There are four other computers in the office that use the application and all work fine. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would be glad to hear them.
Hi everyone I have a database that I am creating for another department. He emails applications to potential vendors. And I was wanting sql to do this for him. I was reading about xtended procedures XP_Sendmail, but this is the first time I have created an extended stored procedure. I need for it to email an attachment (the report)
I have an interview tomorrow for a dba position and they make frequent mention of this Actuate e.Report stuff and it looks like Crystal Reports from the web site. Any opinions? Is it garbage? Should I run and hide or chase and embrace? If its crap, I can blow this off. I have a few more things cooking.
I am moving my Access DB to SQLServer, is it possible to use access for reports with SQL Srver ? if so what topic should i start searching or any link would be apreciated.