Summing Up Subgroup Totals

Nov 9, 2007

In below table, the light blue rows, represents the subgroup I am trying to sum up.

The value in the "Inventory Value" contains the latest inventory value for said inventory.
Light green row is grouped by Store name, Light blue is grouped by inventory name. the expression in Inventory row for the inventory value column is =First(Fields!InventoryValue.Value).

Doing a store summation, sums up all detailed values. For example in Store A, instead of 70K, the sum would be 130K... double summing the toy soldiers and cute dolls inventory. Is there a way to do the "correct" summation or a different approach to this? Thanks!
























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Summing Running Totals

Apr 22, 2008

Hi There,

I have the following query:

where amtbaldueh != .000
order by NATNLACCT

but i want to display the data something similar as below. How do I create a column to display with the natinlacct name(I have many) concatenated to Total and then sum amtbaldueh?

Natinlacct idcust textsnam amtbaldueh

Doda 1234 abcd $101

Doda 5678 efgh $200
Doda 9876 ijkl $300

Doda Total $601

Nava 5847 jhgf $230

Nava 5487 lfde $130
Nava 3587 lrsd $100

Nava Total $460


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Report Services 2000 Totals On Group Are Incorrect. Summing Duplicate Values

Dec 19, 2007

Hello Everyone
I've created a report with a simple dataset that is similar to this

City , RequestID, Request Amount, ClaimID, ClaimAmount
El Monte 791 52,982.00 2157 41,143.75
El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3140 8,231.14
El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3141 990.00
El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3142 2,615.00

So I group by City, RequestID. On the first group I specified the expression to be City and in the header I list the city and in the footer I list the sum of Request amount. On the second group I specified the group by Request so in the header I placed requestID and on the footer I placed Request Amount. I set request information to hide the duplicates and I even add =Sum(Fields!RequestApprovedGrandTotal.Value,"GroupByRequestID") the scope of the group. But this is what I get:

For requestID = 3691 for Request Amount is 35,514.00 not 11,838.00. All the claim sums are correct and they are located on the detail row.

I've read that a work around is to create multiple dataset but I honestly believe that something as simple as this should work on the reporting server 2000. So I've come to the conclusion that I must be doing something wrong. Can someone give me a hand on this. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: Calculating Grand Totals From Group Totals

May 9, 2015

I have some data grouped in a table by a certain criteria, and for each group it is computed a subtotal for the group. Of the values from each of the group, I want to create a grand total on the report by adding every subtotal from each group.

Group1              Value
Sub Total 1:         30

Group2                 Value
Sub Total 2:           40

Now, I would like to be able to add subtotal 1 (30) to subtotal 2 (40) and my grand total would be 70. Can I accomplish this task in SSRS?

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Trying To Get Daily Totals From Cumulative Totals In A Pivot

Oct 2, 2006

I have been providing sales data for a few months now from a table that is set up like this:

Date WorkDay GasSales EquipmentSales

9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00

9/4/2006 2 50.00 45.00


As can be seen, the data is daily, i.e., on the first workday of September we sold one hundred dollars in gas and two hundred dollars in equipment. On the second workday of September we sold fifty dollars in gas and forty-five dollars in equipment.

Now, however, the data I have to pull from is cumulative. So, using the last table as an example it would look like this:


9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00

9/4/2006 2 150.00 245.00


To make things more complicated, the powers that be wanted this data presented in this fashion:

Total Sales:


300.00 95.00 etc.

 So, I have been doing a pivot on a CRT to get the data to look like I want. The code is like this:

with SalesCTE (Month, WorkDay, [Total Sales])





cag.WorkDay AS [Work Day],

sum(cag.sales_gas + cag.sales_hgs) AS [Total Sales]


Branch ON CAG.[Oracle Branch] = Branch.OracleBranch

group by, cag.WorkDay


select * from SalesCTE



sum([Total Sales])

for WorkDay

in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],,[7],,[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23])

) as p

So, my question is:

How do I get the data to give back daily totals instead of the cumulative amounts for each workday? If the query was a simple one, I'd do something like

select [1] as [Day 1], [2]-[1] as [Day 2], [3]-[2] as [Day 3], etc.

but the query is far from normal, with the CRT and the pivot. I can't seem to get it to work how I'd like.

Any advice/answers? Thanks in advance!!!


P.S. I don't know how to get it to quit with the freakin' smileys.... I suppose you can figure out what my code is really supposed to look like above. Needless to say, it doesn't include a devil face and a damn music note...

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Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to check a list (MyList) against another List(SupplierList).I want sum the Qty's of UniqueID on MyList and extract the sum of thesame UniqueId's on SupplierList.BTW There are more than one instances of Unique Id on each list.The Script below is providing me with the correct answer for someproducts (UniqueId), but incorrect amounts for others.The incorrect answer is always a multiple of the correct answer.What am i doing wrong???Regards,CiaránSELECT MyList.[Unique ID], SupplierList.[Unique ID], Sum(MyList.[SHP_QTY]), Sum (SupplierList.[Qty new])FROM MyList LEFT OUTER JOIN SupplierList ON MyList.[Unique ID]= SupplierList.[Unique ID]GROUP BY MyList.[Unique ID], SupplierList.[Unique ID]

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Summing With A Sub-query?

Apr 30, 2008


I'm trying to get a sum but not doing too well. I think I need a subquery but am unsure how to phrase it.

I need to sum timesheet hours logged at work-code level to project-level (for named projects), where a project consists of 0-to-many work-codes. The 'Project' table is used for both projects and work-codes; the 'pr_code' contains the unique code (i.e. the work-code or the project-code), 'pr_master' field contains the parent. The Timesheet table will contain pr_code's for work-codes, but won't contain an entry for a work-code if no-one has logged any time to a work-code.

Sample input:

Timesheet table

Project table

Intended output:
For named projects QWER, QWET & QWEY:


I've got the following so far which almost gets there, but appears to be summing up as it goes i.e. QWER=16, QWET=18, QWEY=18:

SELECT p1.PR_Master AS Expr1, SUM(Timesht.TS_Hours) AS Expr2
Projects ON Timesheet.PR_Code = Projects.PR_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN
Projects p1 ON Timesht.PR_Code = p1.PR_Code
WHERE (p1.PR_Master IN ('QWER', 'QWET', 'QWEY'))
GROUP BY p1.PR_Master

Any help most appreciated.

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Summing An Equation

Jun 6, 2008

This is a working 12 month intrest equation. I used this for the layout section but I am trying to take this and it gives me the correct values. But what I need to do next is have it sum those values.

I tried =SUM( whole expression but that didnt work) you can laugh at me I know but any help would be great!

=Switch(Fields!eqprecdt.Value< CDate("1 Jan 2007"),Fields!bookvalue.Value*datediff("d",Now(),#1/1/2007#)* .07/365,Fields!eqprecdt.Value> CDate("1 Jan 2007"), Fields!bookvalue.Value * datediff("d",Now(),Fields!eqprecdt.Value)* .07/365)*-1

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Summing Prices Day By Day

Oct 23, 2013

Let suppose that we have a table which look like this

BillDate Price
01.01.2013 2.00
01.01.2013 1.00
02.01.2013 3.00
02.01.2013 2.00
03.01.2013 1.00

I would like to sum a prices day by day and output to be like this

BillDate SumDaylyPrice
01.01.2013 3.00
02.01.2013 5.00
03.01.2013 1.00

To point I’ve reached myself is a query:

SELECT BillDate, (SELECT SUM( Price) FROM Table1 ) AS SumDaylyPrice
FROM Table1
(SELECT Min(BillDate) FROM Table1)
(SELECT Max(BillDate) FROM Table1)

but this doesn’t work- summing everityng

I don’t know how to indicate in first row of query
SELECT BillDate, (SELECT SUM( Price) FROM Table1 WHERE DATE = ????) AS SumPrice
a WHERE clause for every day separately.

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Summing The Value Of A Text Box.

Feb 5, 2008

As my name shows I am about read to pull my hair out on this and will take any help that I can get.
I have a table with the following values
a | p | 1
a | n | 1
a | p | 2
b | p | 2

b | p | 2
b | n | 3

I am grouping by first column
p 1
n 1
p 2
a 3 1

p 2
p 2
n 3
b 4 3
What I want to do if it have a value of p I want the value in one column if it has a value of n I want it in another column.
The columns are not a problem, I use a iif statement iif( field2 = p, value, 0) iif ( field2 = n, value, 0)

the problem comes when I try to total the columns.
I was trying to use the =sum(field3) in my group total.
the above example is what I want to see the below example is what I get.
p 1
n 1
p 2
a 4 4

p 2
p 2
n 3
b 7 7

I hope this makes some since to someone out there that can help me out.
I am getting kind of thin in the hair department so I cannot afford to loose any more.

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Grouping And Summing

Jul 20, 2006

I need help in summing a column by dates in the format of "YYMMDD". We have multiple orders of the same product each day. I am importing this table to Excel and creating a dashboard. My ultimate goal is to reduce the size of the imported table and still have daily totals of each product. We run thousands of line orders per class which really bogs down Excel. My table in MS Query is as follows (the actual table contains approximately 8,000 lines per month):

date prod class qty
060101 a101 1a 100
060101 a101 1a 100

I would like to have the following:

date prod class qty

060101 a101 1a 200

Any other suggestions would be greatful!!
Thanks in advance

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Problem Summing Each Column

Jun 4, 2007

 Hi,I need some help in summing each column in a    name    sun    mon    tue    wed    total1      Tim       5        6        5      10      263      Sam      6        6        6      5        23The above is how the gridview looks like. In the database, I have all the fields except for total. So, I know I have to use the SUM function in SQl to get the Total. So, I am wondering how do I sum each column to get the total. I have something like this but it doesn't work:"SELECT ID, name, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, SUM(Sun + Mon + Tue + Wed) AS Total FROM testTable"Please helpahTan 

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Summing Different Combinations Of Selections

May 7, 2008

I am quite new in sql. I am writing a report which takes data of one same column and summing them according to the type as described in another column("TR_1"."TTYPE"). So far I have succeeded to get the sum of only one type at a time (by putting WHERE "TR_1"."TTYPE" = or not equal the desired type). For example: I want to create two columns, one showing the sum of the budget and the other the some of the actuals: here is my SQL instruction (the column "TR_1"."TTYPE" give the record type):
SELECT SUM("TR_1"."AmountLCU")*-1 "Budget",rtrim("TR_1"."COSTCENTER") "Cost Centre",rtrim("TR_1"."ACCOUNT") "Account Num",rtrim("TR_1"."DONOR") "Donor Num", "TR_1"."AmountLCU"*-1 "Amount","TR_1"."TTYPE", rtrim("TR_1"."ACTIVITY") "Activity Code" FROM "scalaDB"."dbo"."A_GL0601_PREVIOUS" "TR_1"
WHERE NOT ("TR_1"."TTYPE"='' OR "TR_1"."TTYPE"='a' OR "TR_1"."TTYPE"='c') AND NOT ("TR_1"."COSTCENTER"=N'' OR "TR_1"."COSTCENTER"=N'0000') AND (("TR_1"."ACCOUNT">=N'26' AND "TR_1"."ACCOUNT"<N'7100') OR ("TR_1"."ACCOUNT">N'7100' AND "TR_1"."ACCOUNT"<=N'7999'))

Note: the report is written in Crystal reports and the database is SQL Server (not sure of the version)

Thanks in advance

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Summing Rows Into A Column

Mar 16, 2006

Hello, This is my first post so please be kind. I have been attempting to convert a query I built in MS Access for use in MSSQL 2000, the syntax for these is different so I was frustrated to find out I could not use the access query.

I have 4 columns one containing a user Id and the others costs, I wish to total the costs per user ID at the end of each row.

So far I have managed to convert about half of my access query, this gives mev the clientID's and costs in columns but I cannot for the life of me get the costs in a total. It's annoying because my access query works perfectly.

This is my Access query:
SELECT DISTINCT Holiday_Bookings.ClientID, Holiday_Bookings.Booking_Cost, Room_Facilities.FacilityCost, Rooms.CostPerNight,
Rooms!CostPerNight*Nights_Stayed+Holiday_Bookings!Booking_Cost+Room_Facilities!FacilityCost AS TotalCost,
[TotalCost]*17.5/100+[TotalCost] AS [Total+VAT]
FROM Room_Facilities INNER JOIN (Hotels INNER JOIN (Holiday_Bookings RIGHT JOIN Rooms ON Holiday_Bookings.ClientID = Rooms.ClientID) ON Hotels.HotelID = Rooms.HotelID) ON Room_Facilities.FacilityID = Rooms.FacilityID;

And this is what I have been able to salvage into MSSQL format:

INNER JOIN Room_Facilities ON (Rooms.FacilityID = Room_Facilities.FacilityID)
INNER JOIN Holiday_Bookings ON (Rooms.Clients_ID = Holiday_Bookings.ClientID)

How can I total the three columns and add the tax?

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Difficult Summing Query

Nov 23, 2005

Hello,Here is a brief summary:Table 1 = All Accounts- with fields such as Customer ID and Account #Table 2 = Deposit Balance Table- with fields such as Account #, BalanceTable 3 = Loan Balance Table- with fields such as Account #, BalanceAll accounts are either deposit accounts or loan accounts. What I needto do is to gather information about total balances in both depositsand loans for each customer. I haven't been able to hit the right queryfor doing this. I can easily get information about one or the other,such as the following:SELECT All_Accounts.Customer_ID, COUNT (DISTINCT(Deposit_Balance_Table.Account_Number)), Sum(Deposit_Balance_Table.Balance)FROM Product_Table, Deposit_BalanceWHERE (Product_Table.Account_Number=Deposit_Balance.Acco unt_Number)GROUP BY Product_Table.Customer_ID ORDER BY 1Which will give me one row for each user, and show me the total numberof deposit accounts each customer has and a sum of the balances in eachof those accounts. I can make a similar query involving Loan Accounts.As soon as I try to draw both, however, I wind up below my depth.Something to do with the handedness of my joins, I believe. Often Iwill get one column of information (either deposits or loans), or thequery will fail because the join I'm attempting is invalid, etc. I needto take every row in the All_Accounts table, match each one to itsbalance in either the Deposit or Loan table, and then group them all bythe Customer ID and sum them, so that I can find out the totalrelationship balance per customer. Any help would be appreciated.

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Summing From Multiple Tables

Jul 20, 2005

We recently added a new database at the company. It has only onepurpose - to hold massive amounts a daily data generated by telephonecalls on a network.The amount of data was so large (several gigabytes a day) that the guywho set up the database creates a new table for it each day.His thinking was that if we only need to query one day's worth of datathen it would be a lot faster to query a table with one day's datathan having to query many days of data in one table.I see his reasoning. Any comments or alternatives to this schemewould be appreciated.Here's the question though...I'm writing a front end for this and waswondering if the most efficient way to query and sum data acrossmultiple tables (days) is in the form of the following statement.Suppose three days of worth of data are wanted:select sum(ET) from (select sum(vc_elapsed_time) AS ET fromswitch2030608 where init_cell_info_cell = 196 union all selectsum(vc_elapsed_time) as ET from switch2030609 whereinit_cell_info_cell = 196 union all select sum(vc_elapsed_time) as ETfrom switch2030610 where init_cell_info_cell = 196 ) tIn my front end, based on user input, I plan to keep extending thisstatement with more union alls. Is this the best way to implement thegoal of this query?-David

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Summing Up Based On Value Of Another Column

May 12, 2008

I have a report with several columns which include Status(0,1,2) and Time in hours. I want to be able to total up the time for each status. I Sum up the all of the fields fine. I'm new to reporting services so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Summing Across Reporting Tables

Apr 14, 2008

Hi, I'm converting an existing report to an RDLC report using VS2008 C#. I'm a relative newbie to creating RDLC files, and I'm having a problem with one part of the report. I have three Table controls on the report. Two show detail breakouts from different data sources and the third Table is supposed to show some grand total information by summing the totals of the first two tables. Since it appears that a table can only be bound to one datasource, I can't seem to figure out how to get a sum by peaking into the totals of the first two tables. How can I do this?



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Summing Volume By Date Range

Jun 16, 2008

I have a question on how to sum data by a certain date range. Here is the data I'm looking at. I have volume measured usually (but not always) every day. I want to sum the volume from the 2nd of the month to the first of the next month. I want to do this for every month. I have the columns of my data listed below. Can anyone help me with this? I've been trying to read up on it, but I'm not finding anything.

Entity Date Measured Volume
1 4/01/2008 5
1 4/02/2008 4
1 4/03/2008 6
1 4/04/2008 5
1 4/08/2008 7
1 4/12/2008 8
1 4/13/2008 5
1 4/14/2008 7
1 4/25/2008 8
1 4/30/2008 9
1 5/01/2008 6
1 5/02/2008 8

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Summing Multiple Rows In Columns

Jul 9, 2014

I am working with a MS SQL database associated with SCCM 2007. SCCM collects software product usage data, and I am tasked with generating a report that will return results between two user-chosen date ranges. I set up prompts for month, year, endmonth, endyear. They would enter 2, 2014, 4, 2014 for example. Timekey would equal 201402, endtimekey = 201404. The tables I am concerned about look like this:


TimeKey ResourceID FileID UserID UsageCount TSUsageCount UsageTime LastUsage
201402108343 253362240038122 0 2550272014-02-28 13:29:39.000
201402108340 253362240665 2 0 122014-02-27 15:58:13.000
201402108932 253362231708 0 10 216702014-02-14 20:41:35.000
201403124035 504006542145 15 0 1756292014-03-31 19:37:37.000
201403124036 504006537579 46 0 7737112014-04-01 00:00:00.000


TimeKey IntervalStart
2013102013-10-01 00:00:00.000
2013112013-11-01 00:00:00.000
2013122013-12-01 00:00:00.000
2014012014-01-01 00:00:00.000
2014022014-02-01 00:00:00.000
2014032014-03-01 00:00:00.000
2014042014-04-01 00:00:00.000
2014052014-05-01 00:00:00.000
2014062014-06-01 00:00:00.000
2014072014-07-01 00:00:00.000

The problem is I only know how to grab one timekey, but I need to combine multiple timekeys to sum up the usage counts for each workstation.

Here is the full query.

declare @TimeKey int
declare @months float
declare @endTimeKey int
set @TimeKey=100*@Year+@Month
set @endTimeKey=100*@endYear+@EndMonth
select @months=DATEDIFF(d,@timekey,@endTimeKey)

[Code] .....

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Summing Only The Greatest 5 Values In Each Group

Jan 10, 2008

Here's one way to sum only the top 5 (greatest 5) values per group.
I assume there is a table called IdValues that contains two columns: id int, value int.

declare @lastId int
declare @value int
declare @count int
declare @idList varchar(5000)
declare @valuelist varchar(5000)
set @count=0
set @lastId = -1
set @value = 0
set @idList=''
set @valuelist=''

@count=(case when @lastId<>id then 1 else @count+1 end),
@value=(case when @lastId<>id then value when @count<=5 then @value+value else @value end),
@idList=(case when @lastId<>id then cast(id as varchar)+','+@idList else @idList end),
@valuelist=(case when @lastId<>id then cast(@value as varchar)+','+@valuelist else cast(@value as varchar)+','+right(@valuelist,len(@valuelist)-charindex(',',@valuelist)) end),
from IdValues
order by id desc, value desc

select @idList,@valuelist

It's a funny approach. I'd be interested to see a better method. In MySQL it is possible to do this much better and have it produce an actual resultset (since MySQL allows you to assign variables and product a resultset in the same query).

I also noticed something interesting. If you do any operation on the order-by columns, the query doesn't work. For example, if I do:
order by id+0 desc, value desc
something funny happens and you only get one id and one value in the list variables. Maybe someone else who actually some idea of how SQL Server works can explain this.


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Question About Summing Up Different Fields In Different Records

Jul 28, 2006

Hi everyone, I have some trouble writing a SQL stored procedure thatcan do the following:We have data in one table in numeric form, but we want to sum the datain this table based on the values of two different alpha fields. Toillustrate, let me write the following example:Table with these records:A B 1.1 2.2 Blah1 Blah1A B 2.3 5.6 Blah2 Blah2B C 7.8 9.1 Blah3 Blah3B C 4.5 1.0 Blah4 Blah4R F 1.1 4.3 Blah5 Blah5B A 3.1 2.7 Blah6 Blah6I need to write a query that will return the following result set fromthe above table:A B 3.4 7.8 Blah1 Blah1B C 12.3 10.1 Blah3 Blah3R F 1.1 4.3 Blah5 Blah5B A 3.1 2.7 Blah6 Blah6If the alphanumberic keys are the same, the sum the numeric columns upwhilst displaying one one of the records, the blah fields don't matterif one only one is displayed. Can anyone recommend the best way to dothis? I'm running MS SQL 2005.Thanks,Herman

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Transact SQL :: Summing With A Function In Grouping

Jun 23, 2015

I have a table with duration values for different machine states. I 'm trying have a sum of the duration value of each state ( the duration sum , was an earlier question).



I want the output to have sum of the duration ( from my function ), grouped by the state.So output should be :

Breaks 00:02:03:40
Meetings 00:00:01:50
Running  15:21:07:16

I think this can be done with windows functions, but how I don't know.

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Summing Items From A Conditional Statement

Jun 29, 2007

What I need to do in seperate a group of numbers into two different categories based on a phase code. I have acheived this through two conditional statements, but when I try to total the numbers that were returned for each group I receive an #error.

This is an example of the switch statement I used in order to return the correct values for the Implemenataion.

=Switch(Fields!Phase_Code.Value="PILOT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value, Fields!Phase_Code.Value="DATAMIGRAT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value/2, 1=1, "")

I've tried several different methods for aggregating the numbers that are returned.

=SUM(Switch(Fields!Phase_Code.Value="PILOT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value, Fields!Phase_Code.Value="DATAMIGRAT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value/2, 1=1, ""))

I've tried substituting a 0 in for the "" at the end of each statement. I've also tried to take the first statement and put it into its own table field named ImplementationLedger, and them summing it. ie. =SUM(Fields!ImplementationLedger.Value)

Please Help!

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Summing And Grouping Numeric Fields

Nov 6, 2006

Hello again

How do I sum up and group numeric values into one output column in SSIS?

I have data that looks like this:

Refno date credit amount

11675 1987-04-23 7.03 13501.27

and I want to add the credit and amount columns together and output them as one column, In T-SQL, i'd do this:

SELECT Refno, SUM(Credit + Amount)

FROM Transfer

GROUP BY Refno, Date

I could add this SQL into my SSIS package easily enough but I wan't to learn how to do it the SSIS way

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Summing - Adding A Negative And A Positive

Mar 20, 2014

I have a query that brings in a result from a table that I have to display as a negative, so I use ABS (tbname.fieldname) *-1

This works fine. (Learnt it here from a previous post.)

I have another query that brings in a result from the same table but as a postive. So that works fine too.

Now, I need to sum them together in a new query. If the total value is a positive, fine. If the total value is a negative, it displays as a positive.

My question. Is it actually possible to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Output example below - narrow result for testing.

idpt2 Value2SumQty
N1141307-80970 3.80 2
N1141S2G00009D070 26.16 2

The 3.80 is correct, it is a positive.

The 26.16 is incorrect as it is the output from sum 235.44 -261.6 so I need it to display as -26.6

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Summing Time Span (for Total Per Hour)

Sep 12, 2013

field prodDate puts out values as such:

8/12/2013 7:50:15
8/12/2013 7:51:03
8/12/2013 7:53:42
8/12/2013 7:54:12
8/12/2013 7:56:02
8/12/2013 14:57:57
8/12/2013 14:59:59

I'd like to get a time span sum beginning with the first prodDate entry and ending with the last.

The idea is I'll then use that to divide lbs produced, thus giving me a gauge for lb per hour.

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Running Total: Summing On Distinct Amount

May 9, 2007

I am trying to do a sum on a goal amount that is repeated for each record. But what is the the forumla to only sum on the distinct goal amount.


Month Year Goal Other Value

March 2007 500 5568

March 2007 500 5568

March 2007 500 5569

April 2007 600 5568

April 2007 700 5569

Total (I am receive)

March-April 2007 1600 5568

March-April 2007 1200 5569

Total (I excpect)

March-April 2007 1100 5568

March-April 2007 1200 5569

I haven't found anything online to help.



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Summing Textboxes With Values From Diff. Datasets

Apr 28, 2008


I have the following and what to do SUM the valueS in each in another textbox, what is the proper method?

=count(Fields!Month_Submitted.Value, "SALES")

=count(Fields!Month_Submitted_1.Value, "SALESDIR")

=count(Fields!Month_Submitted_2.Value, "SALESVP")

=count(Fields!Month_Submitted_3.Value, "CREDIT")


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Summing A Column, Using A Pivot Table, Accounting For NULL

Sep 13, 2006

hello, i'm using sql200 and i am attempting to create a table that has an hourly-incrementing 'Date_Time' column, with a corresponding 'Total' column (which keeps a running total of values off of another table) . The code I am using right now is...

declare @date as smalldatetime

set @date = dateadd(yy, -1, cast(convert(char(11), current_timestamp, 101) + '00:00:00' as smalldatetime))

select dateadd(hh, i, @date) as Date_Time, sum(Subtotal) as Total

into #POGtable

from Pivot, OrderGroup


i between 0 and 24 and

CreationDate between @date and dateadd(hh, i, @date)

group by i

select dateadd(hh, i, @date) as Date_Time, 0 as Total

into #Ptable

from Pivot

where i between 0 and 24

group by i

select *

from #POGtable


select * from #Ptable p

where not exists(

select * from #POGtable pog

where p.Date_Time >= pog.Date_Time)

the solution is ugly, but the problem i'm having is that values for 'SubTotal' don't usually appear before 8 or 9 am. what you see above is me getting all the times (hours) that a subtotal present, creating another table with every possible hour in it (and with a 'Total' column as just zero), and then combining the two tables to create one flowing table over a 24-hour period.

there has GOT to be a better way to do this; the main point being that i want the sum( ) function to start adding up values immediately so i don't have to union two tables

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DB Design :: Summing From Two Tables Then Performing Operation With 2 Sums

Jun 17, 2015

I am using sql server and I have a table called accnt with the fields ven1 and amnt1 and a table called acc1167 with fields ven, job#, and amnt. for this example these tables look like this

       accnt                          acc1167
    ven1     amnt1              ven     job#   amnt
    1167     100                1167     1      200     
    1152     50                  1167     2      300
    1167     110                1167     3      100
    1167     300                1167     4      200
    1252     1050              1167     5      200
    1167     210                1167     6      150
    1167     1150 
    1167     130 
    2113     800 
    1167     550
    1167     1200

I need to sum amnt1 for all the records in accnt with the ven1 of 1167, we will call this sumA. Then sum amnt in acc1167 for all records, we will call this sumB. next I need to divide sumB by sumA to get a ratio. finally I need to multiply each amnt value from acc1167 by the ratio and get a number that will then replace the acc1167 amnt value.

for example, sumA = 3750, sumB = 1150. taking these values, sumB/sumA = 0.307. I then replace every value in acc1167 amnt with 0.307*itself, so the final table should look like this:

    ven   job#    amnt
    1167   1      61.4
    1167   2      92.1
    1167   3      30.7
    1167   4      61.4
    1167   5      61.4
    1167   6      46.05

i have tried to use the sum function and and some insert, but i am very new to SQL and have never used sum before and don't know how to call from multiple tables, or how to store a ratio. Ive tried this:

    UPDATE     acc1167
    sum1 = sum amnt1 where ven1 = '1167'
    from accnt
    sum2 = sum amnt
    from accnt
    SET        amnt = sum2/sum1*amnt
    FROM       acc1167

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Test Portfolio Data Summing To 100%?

Feb 5, 2015

I'm building a proc to generate fake stock portfolios for testing. I have a list of thousands of symbols, and I want the tester to be able to select how many symbols they want in their fake portfolio, and then give each symbol a random weighting (i.e. percentage held in that security) which, across all the symbols, sums to 100%. The securities here are not the part I care about, it's the weightings summing to 100 that's important.

So test data would look something like this:

--This is the repository of potential symbols I can add to a fake portfolio.
-- So the simple part is basically select top (@symbolCt) from #PossibleSymbols, plus some magic I have yet to determine
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#PossibleSymbols') is not null drop table #PossibleSymbols
create table #PossibleSymbols
SymbolID int
insert into #PossibleSymbols (SymbolID)


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SQL Server 2012 :: Admission Dates Overlap And Summing Of Inpatient Costs

Jun 28, 2015

I've been struggling with this for some time. we have to group data based on Patients admission date and discharge date. If any Patients discharge date + 1 = admission date then we have group both rows into one row and sum costs from both the rows. Please check out the sample input and expected output for details.

Sample Input
PatientID AdmissionDate DischargeDate Cost
1009 27-07-2014 31-07-2014 1050
1009 01-08-2014 23-08-2014 1070
1009 31-08-2014 31-08-2014 1900
1009 01-09-2014 14-09-2014 1260
1009 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 2090
1024 07-06-2014 28-06-2014 1900
1024 29-06-2014 31-07-2014 2900
1024 01-08-2014 02-08-2014 1800

Expected Output
PatientId AdminssionDate DischargeDate Cost
1009 27-07-2014 23-08-2014 2120
1009 31-08-2014 14-09-2014 3160
1009 01-12-2014 31-12-2014 2090
1024 07-06-2014 02-08-2014 6600

Please Use the below script to generate the source table and fill them up with the sample data.

--Create Table
CREATE TABLE PatientProblem
PatientID INT,
AdmissionDate DATETIME,
DischargeDate DATETIME,

[Code] ......

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