Suppress Messages In SSIS

Nov 28, 2007


I am running SSIS package using command line. However I want to suppress the messages that come and I want to display my own messages. How can I do that?

For eg: I am using File System task to transfer a file from source to destination. How will i tell this to the user who is seeing this executed at the command line?


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Suppress Warning Messages?

Feb 13, 2008

I have a Derived Column transformation that pads some string fields with spaces, out to the field's maximum length using an expression similar to

rt_tran_date_bill + REPLICATE(" ",20 - LEN(rt_tran_date_bill))

This gives me a warning

Warning: 0x800470D8 at Merge Assessments and Invoices, Derived Column 1 1 [11661]: The result string for expression "rt_tran_date_bill + REPLICATE(" ",20 - LEN(rt_tran_date_bill))" may be truncated if it exceeds the maximum length of 4000 characters. The expression could have a result value that exceeds the maximum size of a DT_WSTR.

Is there any way to suppress the warning, or construct the expression so that it doesn't generate the warning?

In this example rt_tran_date_bill will never exceed 20 characters

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Suppress Output Messages From A Query

May 16, 2008


Is there a way not to show the output messages from a query(eg. (1 row(s) affected)) when you send the query output to text? Thanks.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Can Suppress Messages After The Backup Database Statement Is Run

Apr 22, 2015

Wanted to check if there's any option to suppress message after the database backup statement is run like we have in dbcc checkdb by using NO_INFOMSGS?

Processed 448 pages for database 'master', file 'master' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'master', file 'mastlog' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 450 pages in 0.100 seconds (35.151 MB/sec).
Processed 280 pages for database 'model', file 'modeldev' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'model', file 'modellog' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 282 pages in 0.036 seconds (60.994 MB/sec).
Processed 1992 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBData' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBLog' on file 1.

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How To Suppress Whitespace In A Drilldown For Textboxes That Have Suppress Duplicates Applied

Jan 30, 2008

I'm trying to suppress whitespace in a drilldown for textboxes that have suppress duplicates applied.

I have a matrix report that is showing whitespace in a drilldown because I am supressing duplicates. Based on what I read in other forums, if I set the ToggleItem to Len(FieldName)=0 that should supress the whitespace, right?

I can see that I have a field in the toggleitem called: Firstname. If I put the value Len(Firstname)=0 in the toggleitem property, then I get the error: The textbox 'textbox21' has Len(Firstname)=0' as a toggle item. Toggle items must be text boxes that share the same scope as the hidden item. I think the code 'Len' is throwing it off.

If I put the value "Firstname" in the toggleitem property, then it doesn't return the error, so I know that firstname is a valid value for toggleitem, but setting the value to firstname doesn't suppress anything.

If someone can tell me how to supress a textbox based on a value, then this may get rid of the whitespace I'm trying to suppress. Any ideas? Thanks...

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Suppress A Row In A Table (mailing Address Report) - Suppress Like CR.

Mar 28, 2006

i'm retrieving addresses from a database and displaying them in my report. i have an addr line 2 for addition address data if needed. i have placed this addr line 2 on its own detail row. however i do not want that row to display if there is no data. the following is happening even though i have set the visibility on the row and text field to =iif(fields!addr2="",false,true)

the name prints on the first line, the main address on the second line, i have a space where addr line 2 would have been, finally i get the city, state, zip on the last line.

expected outcome i would like is that addr line 2 does not appear for those addresses that addr line 2 does not have any data. if addr line 2 does have data then print.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


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SSIS Retrieving Output Messages

Aug 29, 2007

I am designing a simple SSIS package that tests database connectivity. To use the same connection for each database, I am changing the "InitialCatalog" property of the Connection Manager object to test each database in a server.

When the connection fails, I can capture a generic error message from the exception in a Try...Catch block, but it doesn't tell me why a connection attempt failed. I have tried Package Logging as well and that was actually less helpful.

I would have stopped there except the Output Window and Progress/Execution Results tabs BOTH show that the reason for the error was a login failure. I am trying to capture the message that appears in either of these windows as they are the most helpful.

Has anyone been able to programmatically capture these messages?


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Creating Dynamic Email Messages On SSIS

Jul 20, 2007

Do you guys have any good links or suggestions relative to this?

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Cryptic And Useless SSIS Error Messages

Aug 22, 2007

First of all, please let me prefix this by saying AAARRRRRGGGGGHH!!!

Troubleshooting an SSIS package is not even close to easy. The error messages are incredibly cryptic and are anything but useful. It is absurd that for most of the errors that I get, I find myself putting the error codes into Google to find out what they mean and how to address them. Since there is indeed an known exception, why not include a "descriptive" description of the error?

Okay, enough with the venting. Sorry about that...

What I really came here to ask is this, what in the world does this error message REALLY mean? I have found nothing useful on the Internet so far. The resulting forums and blogs with the error code do not apply to what I am doing.

Error: The attempt to send a row to SQL Server failed with error code 0x80004005.

- - - -
- Will -
- - - -

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How To Get More Descriptive Error Messages In SSIS,Programatically?

Apr 28, 2008

hi all,
I am developing an application in C# which creates SSIS package programatically.These packages perform various activities like transfering data from one server to another,extract data from table,transfering data from sql to msaccess etc.Here I am using the following code to get the description of the SSIS errorcode.

Code Snippet
Public static String GetErrMesg(IDTSComponentMetaData90 MD,Exception Err)
COMException comEx=Err as COMException;
return MD.GetErrorDescription(comEx.ErrorCode);
return Err.Message;

For example if the error code is 0xC0204018,the application shows its equivalent description as
"The "%1!s!" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between %2!ld! and %3!ld! "

But the actual error message is "The Output column "fund" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 18"

My question is how to show more descriptive error how to replace "%1!s!" to the actual field.

Please give ur suggestions...

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Friendly Way To Look At Sqlagent Ssis Messages Without Exporting Rest Of Log

Apr 13, 2008

I just started playing with sqlagent and am finding that viewing a specific message from an ssis step is cumbersome when other entries are also in the log. Exporting seems only able to export all history entries. Viewing right in the log viewer leads to a series of boundary expansions and right scrolls that dont seem convenient for quick identification of a problem in a medium sized ssis message. Right clicking on the message in the viewer seems like it is preparing the message for possible copy but it seems to end there. I'm already familiar with the different levels of verbosity available in the command line. Dont see anything useful on the web.

Is there a user friendly way to copy the contents of a specific message for perhaps pasting to notepad , so that problem identification is facilitated? Is there a not so user friendly way available, one taht doest involve 1st exporting the entire log?

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Strange Error Messages Running SSIS Package

May 18, 2006

This package which is a child package has been running successfully for quite some time now. All of a sudden we are getting these intermittant error messages. Does anyone have any ideas what to do or check for?



Error portion

Error: 0xC0047012 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: A buffer failed while allocating 100483760 bytes.

Error: 0xC02020C4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, order line id [1]: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0x8007000E.

Error: 0xC0047011 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The system reports 30 percent memory load. There are 8587960320 bytes of physical memory with 5972680704 bytes free. There are 2147352576 bytes of virtual memory with 1324290048 bytes free. The paging file has 12673945600 bytes with 10005012480 bytes free.

Error: 0xC0047038 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "order line id" (1) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Error: 0xC0047056 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The Data Flow task failed to create a buffer to call PrimeOutput for output "Union All" (13359) on component "Union All Output 1" (13361). This error usually occurs due to an out-of-memory condition.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread2" has exited with error code 0x8007000E.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread3" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread3" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.


Complete child package log

Executing ExecutePackageTask: D:ssissrwpackagesSRW_ORACLE_SALES_FTBL.dtsx

Information: 0x40016041 at SRW_ORACLE_SALES_FTBL: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "D:SSISconfigurationCONFIG-STAGE1.dtsConfig".

Information: 0x40016040 at SRW_ORACLE_SALES_FTBL: The package is attempting to configure from SQL Server using the configuration string ""MSSQL-CONFIG";"[dbo].[SSIS_Configurations]";"System Configuration Settings";".

Information: 0x40016040 at SRW_ORACLE_SALES_FTBL: The package is attempting to configure from SQL Server using the configuration string ""MSSQL-CONFIG";"[dbo].[SRW_SSIS_Configurations]";"SRW Main Configurations";".

Information: 0x4004300A at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x802092A7 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, TEMP OUTPUT [998]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 240 to database column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 1.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "SERIAL_NUMBER" (2680) on output "Sort Output" (2453) and component "Sort 1" (2451) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "ORG_ID" (13377) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13428) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Data Conversion 1.Copy of CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13443) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "GL_ID_REV" (13449) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Copy of GL_ID_REV" (13458) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Information: 0x4004300A at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x802092A7 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, TEMP OUTPUT [998]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 240 to database column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 1.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "SERIAL_NUMBER" (2680) on output "Sort Output" (2453) and component "Sort 1" (2451) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "ORG_ID" (13377) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13428) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Data Conversion 1.Copy of CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13443) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "GL_ID_REV" (13449) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Copy of GL_ID_REV" (13458) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Information: 0x4004300A at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x802092A7 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, TEMP OUTPUT [998]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 240 to database column "IC_ORDER" with a length of 1.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "SERIAL_NUMBER" (2680) on output "Sort Output" (2453) and component "Sort 1" (2451) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "ORG_ID" (13377) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13428) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Data Conversion 1.Copy of CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" (13443) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "GL_ID_REV" (13449) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Warning: 0x80047076 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The output column "Copy of GL_ID_REV" (13458) on output "Union All Output 1" (13361) and component "Union All" (13359) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance.

Information: 0x40043006 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043007 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x400490F4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, REV GL SEGS [307]: component "REV GL SEGS" (307) has cached 780 rows.

Information: 0x400490F4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, get oper unit [813]: component "get oper unit" (813) has cached 12 rows.

Warning: 0x802090E4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, get oper unit [813]: The Lookup transformation encountered duplicate reference key values when caching reference data. The Lookup transformation found duplicate key values when caching metadata in PreExecute. This error occurs in Full Cache mode only. Either remove the duplicate key values, or change the cache mode to PARTIAL or NO_CACHE.

Information: 0x400490F4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, get header txn type for IC flag [13685]: component "get header txn type for IC flag" (13685) has cached 768 rows.

Information: 0x4004300C at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004800D at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager failed a memory allocation call for 100484768 bytes, but was unable to swap out any buffers to relieve memory pressure. 83 buffers were considered and 83 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough are installed, other processes were using it, or too many buffers are locked.

Error: 0xC0047012 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: A buffer failed while allocating 100484768 bytes.

Error: 0xC0047011 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The system reports 31 percent memory load. There are 8587960320 bytes of physical memory with 5869387776 bytes free. There are 2147352576 bytes of virtual memory with 1223802880 bytes free. The paging file has 12673945600 bytes with 9901600768 bytes free.

Information: 0x4004800D at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager failed a memory allocation call for 100483760 bytes, but was unable to swap out any buffers to relieve memory pressure. 162 buffers were considered and 162 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough are installed, other processes were using it, or too many buffers are locked.

Error: 0xC0047012 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: A buffer failed while allocating 100483760 bytes.

Error: 0xC02020C4 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, order line id [1]: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0x8007000E.

Error: 0xC0047011 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The system reports 30 percent memory load. There are 8587960320 bytes of physical memory with 5972680704 bytes free. There are 2147352576 bytes of virtual memory with 1324290048 bytes free. The paging file has 12673945600 bytes with 10005012480 bytes free.

Error: 0xC0047038 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "order line id" (1) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Error: 0xC0047056 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: The Data Flow task failed to create a buffer to call PrimeOutput for output "Union All" (13359) on component "Union All Output 1" (13361). This error usually occurs due to an out-of-memory condition.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread2" has exited with error code 0x8007000E.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread3" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread3" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Error: 0xC0047039 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.

Error: 0xC0047021 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Information: 0x40043008 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DF at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, TEMP OUTPUT [998]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, TEMP OUTPUT [998]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x40043009 at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300B at CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact, DTS.Pipeline: "component "TEMP OUTPUT" (998)" wrote 0 rows.

Task failed: CF-DFT Oracle Sales Fact

Warning: 0x80019002 at SRW_ORACLE_SALES_FTBL: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (15) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.


Warning: 0x80019002 at CF-SQC Facts: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (15) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

Warning: 0x80019002 at SRW_MAIN: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (15) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "SRW_Main.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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How To Write .net Code To Place XML Messages On Queues And Retrieve XML Messages From Queues.

Apr 2, 2008

Hello, please help!!

I have spent days searching the web and forums for an answer to this simple question and cannot find an example.

I have built a service broker application on sql server 2005. The application puts some xml on an incoming queue which is basically a few parameters to be used in a query. This queue will then call a stored proc which does some business logic and puts the resulting results in another queue also in xml.

I have written a test harness in SQL to put messages on the inbound queue and then some sql to retrieve the returned code from the outbound queue.

What I want to do is be able to convert the SQL which does this into .net code to be used by an application. i.e. write in .net some code to put xml on a queue and then write some .net code to retrieve xml from another queue.

I wouldn't have thought this would be a difficult thing to do and would have been done hundreds of times, but unable to find anything to simply send and retrieve XML to service broker queues....

thanks for your help.. its really needed. I found some links, but they are really vague and often doing select statments in service broker or something like this. I don't want to call any sql, just send and recieve XML on the queues.

any example code that does this, would be really helpfull

kind regards,
David Weeden
Database Developer

View 2 Replies View Related

Suppress Text Box

Nov 28, 2007

Is there a way to suppress a text box if there is no data to display. I've created a letter that may or may not have address2 address3. The format looks odd with a bunch of blanks lines in the company info section. I use to be able to do this in crystal don't know how to do this in SRS.


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Suppress Bdd Replication On Distributor

Apr 24, 2002

Hello, I have 3 servers sql 7 sp3, 1 editor, a distributor and an subscriber. the base on the editor is removed, how to make to remove all traces of replication on the distributor and the subscriber.
thank you. Pascal

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Suppress DBCC Output

Aug 19, 2001

I wrote a stored procedure that executes a dbcc sqlperf(logspace) statement many times. Therefore, I would like to suppress the output, "DBCC execution completed...". Can this be done? I have checked Books Online for a trace flag or set command to no avail.

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Possible To Suppress DOS Windowns In OSQL?

Apr 24, 2006

I just scanned the OSQL articles in BOL and I am not sure if there is a way to do this but I want to suppress the empty black DOS windows when calling my batch files that contain osql commands. Any ideas?

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How To Suppress Osql Feedback 1&> 2&> Etc

Jan 12, 2004

When I call osql -S server -E -h-1 with a -i option, the feedback I get is prefaced with "1> 2> 3>".

The test script is simply:

set nocount on
use master
select name from sysdatabases

How can I suppress the "1> 2> 3>"?


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FTP Task: Suppress Error

Sep 18, 2007

Is there any way to suppress the whole package from failing when a file is not found while doing an FTP get (other then setting the MaxErrorCount higher)?

My situation is that I know what a file is named but the file may not exist yet on the server. So, I use an FTP task to do a Get on that file. If the file does not exist then the FTP Task increments the error count even if I force the ExecutionResult and/or ExecutionValue.

This wouldn't be a very big deal but I am looping to getting and processing multiple files. It's acceptable that the file does not exist, but I want to be able to have the package actually error in other places. So far, the only thing I can do to stop the package from failing is setting the MaximumErrorCount for the Loop and the Package which isn't going to cut it.

I am hoping there is away around this without having to use a 3rd party FTP Task.



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Suppress Warning Messageboxes

Apr 8, 2008

Hello All,

I have an SSIS package which uses a third party RMS driver. It is not licensed and so it throws a warning messagebox when the package is run and every time the connection is used. Is there a way to suppress these messages so that the package can be scheduled and run without user interaction?


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SQL Way To Suppress Repeated Values

Feb 26, 2007

This is a problem I usually solve with procedural code, but I am wondering how/if it could be done with SQL queries.

A simple one to many query like:

Select inv.invnbr, inv.freight, invline.quantity, invline.partnbr, invline.cost from inv inner join invline on = invline.InvID

Returns something like:

invnbr freight quantity partnbr cost

100 50 3 abc 50
100 50 6 def 65
100 50 10 ghi 70

Is there way I can rewrite the query, or add a subquery such that the result set would be:

invnbr freight quantity partnbr cost

100 50 3 abc 50

100 0 6 def 65

100 0 10 ghi 70

Eg, the freight value, which comes from the one/header table, would show up in only one of the lines for invnbr 100?

Many thanks
Mike Thomas

View 9 Replies View Related

How To Suppress The Subreport When There Is No Data In It?

Jan 30, 2006

Since there is no way to pass value from subreport to the main report, how to suppress the subreport when it is blank?


View 29 Replies View Related

How To Suppress Error Message

Mar 31, 2008


I have a sequence container with a bunch of tasks in it. Right now, it's set up so that if any of the tasks in the sequence container "errors out" it sends out an email. However, there are certain tasks in the container that I would prefer NOT to send an error message out if/when they fail. How do I turn off the error message for certain tasks?


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Suppress Duplicates In Join Results

Sep 2, 2004

I really must be missing something here...

Trying to cross-update 2 tables.
Picture a checkbook reconcilliation without common check numbers. The checkbook has uniqueids and the bank has transaction ids but they are different. So the match is on date/payee and amount. So I wrote 2 checks to the same person, on the same day, for the same amount but forgot to enter one in the register.

when i run the update statement:
update b set b.bankid=c.myid
from checks c
join bank b on c.cdate=b.cdate
and c.payee=b.payee
and c.cost=b.cost

Both bank statement records would be updated to my one check record [can't happen]
Also: this will be running on a hundred thousand records per month with potential for duplication/ommission on either side.

What's a poor newbie missing??
I'm doing something similar on a lesser volume by running sequential statements through an ASP script but performance is poor. I know SQL can do this, just not how to approach it.

Thanks for any guidance

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Suppress Error During Update Process

Jun 27, 2014

I have a simple update statement that will update one field, and that field is part of the primary key. During the update process, some of the rows will cause duplicate error. Is there a way to update the table and suppress the error? What I am looking for is a way to update the records that it can and ignore those it cannot. Right now, the entire process is terminated if duplicate error occurs.

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Suppress Output For One Column...SOLVED

Sep 14, 2006

Is there a way to supress output on one column in a SP, using data from the same row?

Like This:
SELECT Last, First, DOP, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 3, GETDATE()) AS NextQDue, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 6, GETDATE()) AS NextNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP)AS InitialNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialAssessDue, DOT, DisReason, DATEADD(m, 1, DOT) AS DisSummDue, Facility, Active
FROM dbo.tblResidents

But which returns null for some of the columns if DOT is not null?
DOT is the Termination Date, so the only columns that have any meaning once there is data in the DOT column are DisReason and DisSummDue. Also, if DOT *is* null, then the above columns also have no meaning.
I tried several variations of the following, but I can't figure it out

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTesting] AS
SELECT Last, First, DOP, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 3, GETDATE()) AS NextQDue, dbo.fnDueDate(DOP, 6, GETDATE()) AS NextNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialNSPDue, DATEADD(m, 1, DOP) AS InitialAssessDue, Facility
FROM dbo.tblResidents A
SELECT Last, First, DOP, DOT, DisReason, DATEADD(m, 1, DOT) AS DisSummDue, Facility
FROM dbo.tblResidents I


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Suppress Repeating Data In SQL Report

Jan 10, 2007

I am trying to write a report that displays a hierarchy such as:Director, Manager, EmployeeI want to suppress the repeating Director, Manager for the employees.This is my code:sSQL = "SELECT FY99Info.MDName, FY99Info.MgrName, FY99Info.firstname,FY99Info.lastname, FY99Info.gradeFROM FY99InfoWHERE left(FY99Info.orgcode,5) = '" & left(session("MOrg"),5) & "' andFY99Info.mgmtlevel < 4ORDER by FY99Info.MDName, FY99Info.orgcode, FY99Info.mgmtlevel desc "This is the SQL table layout (FY99Info).Emp#OrgDirectorManagerEmployeeMgmtlevel110336088Brian SmithMichael SmartBill Mitchell0210336088Brian SmithMichael SmartHeidi Rainey0310336088Brian SmithMichael SmartPonita Asnor2410336088Brian SmithMichael SmartMarcus Jones0510607655Rick DoeGlenn ThomasHelen Kelley0610607655Rick DoeGlenn ThomasGaston Knight2710607655Rick DoeHelen BlackPrentis Parker0810607655Rick DoeHelen BlackBillie Spike0910739900Jason SmartTim SnowJoe Monty31010739900Jason SmartTim SnowRandi Bull31110739900Jason SmartTim SnowMisty Wonton2This is how I want it to display on the reportMDManagerEmployeeBrian SmithMichael SmartBill MitchellHeidi RaineyPonita AsnorMarcus JonesRick DoeGlenn ThomasHelen KelleyGaston KnightHelen BlackPrentis ParkerBillie SpikeJason SmartTim SnowJoe MontyRandi BullMisty Wonton

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NOCOUNT Not Working? Suppress Resultset

Jan 16, 2008

I have a SP that has a cursor, and loops. Each loop executes SQL, and inserts values into a temp table on each loop. I want to just have the values in the temp table to show up in QA not the loop's sql results.

I thought:

at the begining of my proc would suppress the results, and then

prior to my select on my temp table would do this, but the resultset of the loop still shows up in QA. It does suppress the count values on the message tab of QA, but that is it.

I tried something simple like:

SELECT * FROM [Contact]

And it still show the results in the grid

Any thoughts?

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Analysis :: How To Suppress Rows With 0 Values

Jul 2, 2015

The cube going into browser or Excel, shows the following.

Measure  Measure Calculated  TotalRevenue(measure)  TotalCost(measure)  GrossMargin(calculated)  Gross Margin%(calculated)                   
    $#,##0;($#,##0)         $#,##0;($#,##0)   "$#,##0;($#,##0)"              "#,##0.0 %;(#,##0.0 %)"

The excel gives me..

A   $552,198                      ($437,190)                     $115,008                                              20.8%
B             $0                                  $0                                $0                                        

How can I suppress/hide the row with $0 values and NULL.  So the user does not need to filter, in Excel.

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How To Suppress Warnings From A Data Flow Task

Jul 6, 2007


I am getting unusable warnings from dataflow task while running. Say for example I am getting column A, B, C from source and I am using only column C in destination. Whenever I run the package, I am getting a warning saying that

"The output column "A" (67) on output "Output0" (5) and component "Data Flow Task" (1) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance."

Can any one help me how to resolve these warnings?

Thanks in advance.

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Suppress Automatic Rendering Of Reports On Startup

Dec 19, 2007


We're using Reporting Services for lots of different reports at the moment.
Some of these reports are quite big with thousands of pages.
To speed them up I'd prefer using snapshots, but if I do so, it is necessary to defined a default-set of report parameters.

Unfortunately most of the reports parameters are query based, therefore I cannot choose a default parameter set for startup.
If I start one of my reports it always displays the whole bunch of data and it is rendered immediately after clicking the link.

I have two ideas how this problem can be solved, but I don't know if MSSQL Reporting Services supports my ideas

1) Suppress automatic rendering on report startup somehow. Is it possible to set a parameter somewhere to suppress this "feature" ?

2) Use query based parameters to limit the default startup parameters to only a subset of the available data

Does anyone have an idea how this could be done ?

Best regards

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Suppress DTexec Windows Event Logging

Mar 27, 2007

When using Dtexec to run a package, is there a way to prevent/suppress the windows event log information messages:

- Package "Xyz" started.

- Package "Xyz" finished successfully.

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Suppress Results From Running DTS Package Within Stored Procedure

Apr 6, 2015

I've created this stored procedure to run two DTS packages which pull in data from two Excel files. I'd like to supress the Results tab since the results from the DTS packages are fed to it. I'd like to keep the Messages tab visible.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ImportHelpDeskTickets]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

[Code] ....

For those of you like me who will spend 8 hours trying to figure out how to get this working... Double up on the quotes as shown above. Also, be certain that NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER has been granted appropriate rights to the folders with the the saved packages and the Excel files. You may also need to download the Access Database Engine.

Keywords: run dts package from stored procedure xp_cmdshell

'C:Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.'

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