i've getting ready to implement encryption on a rather large database. I'd read that if performance is of utmost concert, you should use symmetric keys. I want to encrypt those keys by asymmetric keys. My code is working, but i'm just not sure if there is a quicker way? do you have to open and close the key each time you select/update/insert in a stored procedure that references an encrypted column, or is there a way to just modify the code by adding the encryptbykey/decryptbykey functions?
has anyone implemented encryption on columns in large tables? any suggestions for me?
here's my code to create the keys:
create asymmetric key ASK_Auto_Encrypt
with algorithm = RSA_512;
create symmetric key SK_AE
with algorithm = TRIPLE_DES
encryption by asymmetric key ASK_Auto_Encrypt;
here's my code to test this:
create table encryption_test (test varchar(50));
open symmetric key SK_AE
decryption by asymmetric key ASK_Auto_Encrypt;
insert into encryption_test
select encryptbykey(key_guid('SK_AE'),'test');
select convert(varchar(max),decryptbykey(test)) from encryption_test;
We have been playing around with encryption in 2005. I cannot find a BOL topic that discusses dropping encryption objects such as keys.
We do the followign steps:
Create master key with password, then we create a certificate using the master key, we then create a symmetric key using this certificate and encrypt data columns.
But what i find worrying is that you can then drop the symmetric key , there are no warnings that you have objects dependant on this key for decryption.
Once you have dropped the key you cannot decrypt the data anymore?
Also the key defults the expiration date to 1 year.
WHat happens after 1 year when you have encrypted data and an expired key, or someone drops the key ? How can you ever decrypt the data after that ?
You can backup master keys nd certificates but not symmetric keys?
It seems to be that youc an very easily orphan encrypted data by the loss of the symmetric key for whatever reason, is this correct ?
I have a question about the storage of symmetric keys in SQL Server 2005 due to the fact that I have read two conflicting statements on this.
In Laurentiu's blog located at http://blogs.msdn.com/lcris/archive/2005/10/14/481434.aspx, in regards to preventing symmetric key loss he makes the statement that "...Because the keys are stored in the database, they will be saved with the database....".
But in the white paper Improving Data Security by Using SQL Server 2005, which is located at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itshowcase/content/sqldatsec.mspx, in regards to symmetric keys the statement is made "...Note: The symmetric key is not stored in the database. Only the encrypted values of the symmetric key are stored in the database. Therefore, users who can access the database cannot decrypt the data without first decrypting the symmetric key....".
So I am just wondering which statement is correct, are symmetric keys stored in the database or not?
I am trying to implement the column encryption on one of the tables, have used the below link as the reference and got stuck at the last step.
[URL] ....
I have completed the following steps so far.
- CREATE CERTIFICATE MyCertificateName WITH SUBJECT = 'A label for this certificate'
- CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY MySymmetricKeyName WITH IDENTITY_VALUE = 'a fairly secure name', ALGORITHM = AES_256,
[Code] .....
Example by using the function
EXEC OpenKeys
-- Encrypting SELECT Encrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable
-- Decrypting SELECT Decrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable
When I ran the last command :
-- Decrypting SELECT Decrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable
I get the following error :
Msg 257, Level 16, State 3, Line 2 Implicit conversion from data type nvarchar to varbinary is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
Where will I use the convert function, in decrypt function or in select statement?
We are planning to encrypt few fields using asymmetric encryption. Tyring share public key with users and retain private key with us. How to generate keys? Haven't found any solid document on how to generate these keys.
Hi - this is a repost of a question that I originally posted in Security. Ok, I'm very new to this topic. I'm working on an application that requires that some information in the db be encrypted and then decrypted when retrieved. I have everything set up and it works fine except for one thing. I can't seem to be able to pass a parameter into the sp that is used to decrypt the key. It only seems to take the string when typed in. I really think I'm missing something here. It doesn't seem all that great to have your password hard-coded into the stored procedure. Maybe I'm just screwing something up? Anyway, I can't get it to work if it looks like this:OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY Key_NameDECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = @pwdThis does work:OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY Key_NameDECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password'This has to be some goof on my part right? If the db machine is compromised you're giving the keys to decrypt the data away as well - they just haver to open your stored proc. You should keep them separate imo and I hope someone can set me straight. Also, encrypting the stored procedure is an option, but it's very easy to decrypt from what I've read. Can someone help point me in the right direction? Thanks! And thanks to the mod that suggested moving this post. Any help will be appreciated.
I am working to set up encryption of my database. am trying to implement a process proposed by the DoD Standard Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) and cannot figure it out. I am using SQL 2012 and the requirement is to
A: Run the following to create a certificate: USE <'database name'> CREATE CERTIFICATE <'certificate name'> ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<'password'>' FROM FILE = <'path/file_name'> WITH SUBJECT = 'name of person creating key', EXPIRY_DATE = '<'expiration date: yyyymmdd'>'
This script did not work – I did not know what file it was referencing and it kept erroring out, so I used my own process as follows
USE master GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'mY_P@$$w0rd' CREATE CERTIFICATE certificate_name WITH SUBJECT = 'Certificate for my database'
This also error out, but my questions are the following:
-What would the symmetric key be encrypting? -The application that is using the database is IIS, so would there be a problem with it communicating with the database? -Does the key need to be installed on that IIS server? -Do I need to apply the encryption to the database, column or table.
I'm trying to develop a procedure for re-encrypting data with a different symmetric key, but I need the new key to use the old key name. I want to do this without leaving the data in clear text at any point. I would think the process would work like this:
1.Create a new key 2.Decrypt data w/old key and encrypt with new key. 3.Drop old key. 4.Rename new key using the old key name.
However, I can't find that there's a way to rename a symmetric key. Is this correct? If that is the case, I believe I have to do an additional round of encryption:
1.Create a temp key 2.Decrypt data w/old key and encrypt with temp key. 3.Drop old key. 4.Create a new key with the old key name. 5.Decrypt data w/temp key and encrypt with new key. 6.Drop temp key
Please be gentle...I am very new to working with SQL.
I have the need to encrypt my columns in SQL 2005. I have created a symmetric key 'SecureKey' as well as a secure certificate 'SecureCert'
I have ran the script to create the key and the certificate successfully. When I run "select * sys.symmetic_keys;" the key shows up...when I run "select * sys.certificates;" the cert shows up.
Here is my issue, in the security folder under my database, these two things do not show up in the appropriate folders. Also when I run my encryption scripts, I am getting an error of
"msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
cannot find the symmetric key 'SecureKey', because it does not exist or you do not have permission"
I'm having some issues restoring a backup of database that uses native encryption onto another server. I know there are a couple of articles on this but I seem to be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Current Server Windows 2000 Destination Server Windows 2003
The original key setup for the current server was achieved by something like this:
CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY HR01 WITH algorithm=DES encryption BY password = 'HRpassword'
Running the command select * from sys.symmetric_keys on the current server I get the following:
name principal_id symmetric_key_id key_length key_algorithm algorithm_desc create_date modify_date key_guid
HR01 1 256 56 D DES 2006-11-22 16:36:01.883 2006-11-22 16:36:01.883 BBD80500-338F-47D7-B336-85D46E00F2F0 So I restored the database onto the new server and ran this script:
I don't have a master key... so I go back to the original server and ran this script and did another backup:
Running select * from sys.symmetric_keys on the current server now looks like this:
name principal_id symmetric_key_id key_length key_algorithm algorithm_desc create_date modify_date key_guid
I've played with various configurations of the MS SQL Server encryption functionality, and come across an embarrassingly easy question that I cannot seem to resolve. How do I retrieve the actual symmetric and asymmetric keys out of the database?
I'd like to explore the possibility of off-loading the encryption/decryption work from the database server to a load-balanced pool of servers. For this model to work the pool would need access to the keys. The symmetric keys currently are generated with the command...
why my script is not allowing me to DECRYPTBYKEY once I restore my DB from PRODUCTION BACKUP....
-- SET Staging to Single User Mode to be able to RESTORE DB---
-- STEP 1 (Works No Problems Here)
--If the above is successful the DB sets itself back to MULTI_USER
--------------- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IMPORTANT UNCOMMIT AND RUN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MANUAL STEPS ---------------------- -- RBD - Recreate Security ID'S AND PERMISSIONS FOR Stored Procedure EXECUTE RIGHTS, because PASSWORDS are different on lower -- environments --USE [Staging] --GO --/****** Object: User [WebUser] Script Date: 4/13/2015 11:15:51 AM ******/ --DROP USER [WebUser]
Hello. I have a problem that spans VB.net, SQL Server and SSIS but is rooted in the need to encrypt column data in SQL Server.
I would like to encrypt data that I am bringing into SQL Server in the Data transformation script component of an SSIS package. I have achieved this but I can't decrypt the data because the keys don't match. I would like to use symmetric key encryption but I don't see how to get the symmetric key that I created in SQL Server available to the VB.net script component in SSIS.
Please advise me if my approach is correct and what steps I need to take.
I can't seem to use symmetric keys in stored procedures. I am trying to decrypt a column in my stored precedure but the values are all NULL. First I tried a symmetric key that required a password but I kept getting simple syntax errors when I tried to send the password to the stored precedure as a parameter. Now I am trying a symmetric key that uses a certificate.
I also tried using WITH EXECUTE AS SELF and WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER but that made no difference.
Hey I had a table with a column of data encrypted in a format. I was able to decrypt it and then encrypt it using Symmetric keys and then updating the table column with the data. Now, there is a user sp which needs to encrypt the password for the new user and put it in the table. I'm not being able to make it work. I have this so far. Something somewhere is wrong. I dont know where. Please help Thanks. I used the same script to do the encryption initially but that was for the whole column. I need to see the encrypted version of the @inTargetPassword variable. But it's not working. It doesn't give me an error but gives me wrong data...
We had a server give out on us completely. All that is left is a back up of the SSRS database. We have been able to get a new SSRS environment working but the symmetric key doesn't seem to work. Reports will run if we delete all sensitive data through the Config manager and reenter the connection strings into the datasource but if we can get the symmetric key saved in the ReportingServices database to work correctly it will save us a ton of effort. Can we make use of the symmetric key saved in the ReportServer.dbo.Keys table?
I currently have a login page in asp.net 2.0 linked to a SQL 2005 database table that holds the usernames and passwords. At present, I am on an "honor system" where I do have access to the passwords of the other users but would like to change it so that I cannot know what the users' passwords are. Thank goodness that there is no personal information within the pages and the logins were created to keep a log of who logs in and what not. However, I would like to soon hold more personlized information, hence the need to encrypt each user's password even from myself. I have read up on Symmetric Encryption for SQL 2005 but I would like to know if there is anything else available, any good proven methods that someone else has already tried. Also, while testing out Symmetric Encryption, I noticed that I have to supply the encryption password for the decryption. However, if I know what the password for the encryption/decription is, does it not defeat the purpose of having the encryption at all, in terms of the "Admin" having access to sensitive information? Just curious if I understood the concept correctly or not. Thanks in advance to all.
Is it possible to load data into MSSQL 2005 that has been encrypted externally with a symmetric key algorithm, such as AES, and then import the key to SQL Server? After browsing through Books Online, I don't see any way to import a symmetric key from an external file, but maybe I'm missing something.
Hi, I would like to encrypt data in my database. I want encrypted column value to be viewable only for certain group of users. Users that has access to my database doesn't meant they can access to my encrypted data.
Currently, I am using the following "approach" as my key management.
create master key encryption by password= 'MasterKeyPass'
My data will be encrypted using Symmetric key MySymmKey.
User who want to access my data must have MasterKey and MyAsymmKey password. Is it OK? Any better way?
I just installed Reporting Services (2005) in a "distributed installation" mode. That is, I have sql server 2005 on a separate server. I installed the Report Server on its own server where I already had IIS running.
That all seemed to go well and I didn't get any errors or anything. After the install process was done, I ran the RS Configuration Manager tool. Since "Install but do not configure" option was automatically selected for me, I started working through all the pages from top to bottom. Again everything worked, and I have green checkboxes next to all of the nodes in the left except...
When I get to the Encryption Keys page, it has a blue exclamation icon next to its icon in the left pane. On the page itself, the Backup and Change buttons are disabled, greyed out.
And, the next item down, Initialization, is shown with a greyed out "x" icon. It's not red, but greyed out.
So, I'm not sure what this all means, but I'm guess it means that I don't have RS set up yet...! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm just getting my feet wet with how encryption works in SQL 2005. With regards to the encryption of primary / foreign keys, I'm not entirely clear on the best approach. Below are three examples of typical table structures I currently have:
The Customers and Orders tables use identity values as their primary keys. From what I can tell, CustomerID in the Customers table cannot be encrypted and OrderID in the Orders table cannot be encrypted because they are identity values. In these cases, would it be safer (in terms of security) to create a separate, meaningless identity key column in the Customers table and then remove the identity attribute from CustomerID so I can encrypt CustomerID?
Similarily in the OrderDetails table, OrderID and ItemNumber form a composite key. These values are important in that I don't want them to be tampered with. Am I better off creating a separate identity key column which becomes the table's primary key ... then encrypt both the OrderID and ItemNumber columns in this table?
There is all kinds of great info out there about the mechanics behind column level encryption in SQL2005, but it all seems to assume I only have 1 or 2 database servers. If I am using an X509 certificate to encrypt my data, it looks as if I can script the administration of this fairly easily.
But what if I have 1000 SQL Servers?
Is there any guidance/best practices/tools out there that will help me manage the 1000 certificates that I would need to deploy in such a scenario. Also, what if I need to 'rotate' the certificates for some reason. Can a PKI for the domain help me to automate and manage this?
It seems as if the management of these certificates is purely 'manual' at this point.
Say i have some symmetric keys encrypted by other symmetric keys , is there some way to find the relationship of these key?
I know i can find the certificate or asymmetric key through sys.key_encryptions catalog view by "thumbprint" column, but the thumbprint column is null when the key was encrypted by a symmetric key.
Hi I created an sqlserverproject successfuly ( just has one CLR stored proc) (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql90/html/mandataaccess.asp) i followed above steps to create the project. when i tried to deploy the same to sql server VS studio threw below error CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly 'MySqlServerProject' failed because assembly 'MySqlServerProject' is not authorized for PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS. The assembly is authorized when either of the following is true: the database owner (DBO) has EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission and the database has the TRUSTWORTHY database property on; or the assembly is signed with a certificate or an asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission. MySqlServerProject then i realized i will have to either sign the assembly or create an asymmetric key. i decied to follow the latter. so i tried below t-sql statements in sql sever 2005 use master GO CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY SQLCLRTestKey FROM EXECUTABLE FILE = 'C:myWorkSQL2005DBProMySqlServerProjectMySqlServerProjectinDebugMySqlServerProject.dll' when i execute the above, SQL Server threw below error The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format. What i am i doing wrong. please advise THNQDigital
Hi, I am trying to create an asymmetric key to have EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY for an SQL login. When I try to run following script. it gives error 1 User master2 GO 3 CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY SN FROM EXECUTABLE FILE = 'D:Partners.dll' 4 CREATE LOGIN TestLogin FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY SN 5 GRANT EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY TO TestLogin6 GO7 Error is "The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format." Any help how can I fix this error. The database already have Trustworth ON.
How to backup asymmetric key in SQL 2005 created in the following way so it can be copied to another server ? Also can you copy it to the other server after backing it up.
I'm trying to create assembly with "PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE". For that I've signed assembly's .dll and installed root certificate to €œTrusted Root Certificate Authority.€?: http://www.sqljunkies.com/WebLog/ktegels/articles/SigningSQLCLRAssemblies.aspx now I'm trying to create login from asymmetric key:
USE master GO
but I'm receiving error: "Cannot find the asymmetric key 'SQLCLRTestKey', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
I have created two user defined functions for encryption and decryption using passphrase mechanism. When I call encryption function, each time I am getting the different values for the same input. While I searching a particular value, it takes long time to retrieve due to calling decryption function for each row.
best way to encrypt and decrypt using user defined functions.Below is the query which is taking long time.
SELECT ID FROM table WITH (NOLOCK) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â WHERE dbo.DecodeFunction(column) = 'value'
When I try to use symetric or asymetric encryption, I am not able to put "OPEN SYMETRIC KEY" code in a function. So, I am using PassPhrase mechanism.