Syntax Error With Unions?

Oct 2, 2001

I doing a union of two select queries, and I keep getting
the following error:

syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'foo' to a column of data type int.

I've tried using CAST and CONVERT in the select statement, but it doesn't change the outcome.

The table it's complaining about (the one containing the value 'foo'), is of data type nVarChar, so I don't have any idea why SQL server would try to convert it to an integer.

Is this a common problem? I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong.

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Syntax Error With Unions?

Oct 2, 2001

I doing a union of two select queries, and I keep getting
the following error:

syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'foo' to a column of data type int.

I've tried using CAST and CONVERT in the select statement, but it doesn't change the outcome.

The table it's complaining about (the one containing the value 'foo'), is of data type nVarChar, so I don't have any idea why SQL server would try to convert it to an integer.

Is this a common problem? I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong.

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Multiple Unions Where There Are No Results In First Set Causes All Following Unions To Return Nothing.

Mar 21, 2008

I have two tables one with current data and a second with the same design that holds purged history.

I was going to create view and then jsut use a where clause to filter both tables but I figured it would be faster if the where clause was passed into each query as opposed to the whoel view having to load and then be filtered.

Select PatientName, MemberId
WHERE MemberID = @MemberID
Select PatientName, MemberId
WHERE MemberID = @MemberID

But it appears that if there are no records in the first statement that the whole thing fails. I tried the union all operator with out any luck either.

Now if had a view like this;
Create view vAllClaims as
Select PatientName, MemberId
Select PatientName, MemberId

And said select * from vAllClaims where memberid = 12345 would the query optimizer put the build the where statement onto each subquery or pull all the data first and query it?

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How Many Unions?

Jul 18, 2000

I know the answer must be somewhere, but for the moment every place I look ...

How many tables can be unioned together (I think I remember that 6.5 had a limit of 16) in SQL7?


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Groupby Unions

May 6, 2004

I have MSSQL query that performs multiple UNION ,but I would like to perform a GROUPBY on the whole result set.
How Can i do this?
plz help...

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Creating Unions In TSQL

Aug 11, 2004

Hi everyone. I was wondering if I could get some pointers in creating a union between two tables. This is the sproc I currently have:

CREATE Procedure spGetReturnCheckForCriteria

@SearchCriteria VARCHAR(8000),

@SortOrder VARCHAR(8000),

@PageSize INT


-- Declare vars


DECLARE @bldSQLStatement VARCHAR(8000)


-- Initialize vars

SET @SQLStatement = ''

SET @bldSQLStatement = ''

SET @retValue = -1

-- Sanity Check(s)

IF (@PageSize IS NULL OR @PageSize < 1)

-- Paging Size can not be Null, nor less than One


SET @RetValue = -30 -- "Must have a valid Paging Size for pagination: Error (-30)



-- Build the Paging SQL Statement

SET @bldSQLStatement = 'SELECT TOP '

-- Add the Page Size

SET @bldSQLStatement = @bldSQLStatement + CAST(@PageSize AS VARCHAR)

-- Add Columns/Tables/Relationships

SET @bldSQLStatement = @bldSQLStatement + '

ReturnCheck.ReturnCheckID AS ReturnCheckID,
ReturnCheck.FiscalNumber AS FiscalNumber,
ReturnCheck.ReturnedDate AS ReturnedDate,
ReturnCheck.CheckNumber AS CheckNumber,
ReturnCheck.AssessPenaltyIndicator AS AssessPenaltyIndicator,
ReturnCheck.ReturnCheckCollectionStatusCode AS ReturnCheckCollectionStatusCode,
ReturnCheck.ReturnCheckReasonCode AS ReturnCheckReasonCode,
ReturnCheck.CentralCollectionsID AS CentralCollectionsReferralNumber,
TaxPayment.PaymentID AS PaymentID,
TaxPayment.DocumentLocatorNumber AS DocumentLocatorNumber,
TaxPayment.PaymentEffectiveDate AS PaymentEffectiveDate,
TaxPayment.PaymentAmount AS PaymentAmount,
TaxPayment.PaymentQuarter AS PaymentQuarter,
TaxPayment.PaymentYear AS PaymentYear,
TaxPayment.InternalReferenceNumber AS InternalReferenceNumber,
TaxPayment.PaymentTypeCode AS PaymentTypeCode,
TaxPayment.PaymentOriginCode AS PaymentOriginCode,
TaxPayment.VoucherNumber AS VoucherNumber,
TaxPayment.ReversedIndicator AS ReversedIndicator,
TaxPayment.PaymentDate AS PaymentDate,
DistributionPoint.UIDPrime AS UIDPrime,
DistributionPoint.UIDCheck AS UIDCheck,
DistributionPoint.UIDDistPoint AS UIDDistPoint,


WHEN ReturnCheck.UpdatedDate IS NULL THEN ReturnCheck.CreatedDate

ELSE ReturnCheck.UpdatedDate

END AS ReturnCheckTimeStamp

FROM TaxPayment

INNER JOIN DistributionPoint

ON (TaxPayment.DistributionPointID = DistributionPoint.DistributionPointID)

INNER JOIN ReturnCheck

ON (TaxPayment.PaymentID = ReturnCheck.PaymentID)


-- Add Search Criteria

If (@SearchCriteria IS NOT NULL)

SET @bldSQLStatement = @bldSQLStatement + ' WHERE ' + @SearchCriteria

-- Add Sort Order

IF (@SortOrder IS NOT NULL)

SET @bldSQLStatement = @bldSQLStatement + ' ' + @SortOrder

-- Set the SQLStatement

SET @SQLStatement = @bldSQLStatement
-- Execute the Paging Query
EXECUTE @retValue = sp_executeSQL @SQLStatement

Look at the SQL build where I'm doing an INNER JOIN between TaxPayment and RefundCheck. Instead of this INNER JOIN, I'd like to do a union instead. If I can get any help on this I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers.

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Ordering In Conjunction With Unions

Oct 7, 2004

Why does this not work? When I run this query in Query Analyzer, I get the error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UNION'." This seems simple enough...

SELECT * FROM SalesLead WHERE Age = '50' ORDER BY FirstName


SELECT * FROM SalesLead WHERE Age = '60' ORDER BY FirstName

Thanks for any advice


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Performance Issue With Unions In Sp's?

Jul 20, 2007

I was having a chat with a chap over lunch today and he asked if I knew of any performance issues when doing unions in stored procedures. I couldn't think of anything but he seemed sure there was.

Is there such an issue I've missed?


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Doing Unions With Uneven Column Amounts

Mar 14, 2006

I'm creating a program that allows users to submit a report on equipment at regular intervals. If a piece of equipment has a problem, it is given a job entry that refers back to the report for various information.

However, there will be times when a problem is noticed, and someone wants to submit it immediately; these are made into extra jobs.

To this end, I have three tables:

Because ExtraJobs cannot be associated with a report, they have their own table, which holds information that would otherwise be grabbed from both Reports and Jobs. While there are seperate submission forms for regular jobs and extra jobs, I would like them to appear on the same query result when a user looks at submitted jobs or reports.

What I'm currently trying to do is this:

ON Reports.reportID = Jobs.reportID
SELECT ExtraJobs.*
FROM ExtraJobs

This won't work because the first half of the union has an extra column (reportID) that the second half does not. Is there any way to add in a value for that non-existant column (say, ExtraJobs.reportID = -1) to make sure that both sides have an equal number of columns?

If worst comes to worst, I could add a reportID column to ExtraJobs and have it set to -1 for everything, but I'd like to keep from adding fat, if at all possible.

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Unions Two Tables Into A Temp Table

Aug 31, 2007

How do I do this? I have two queries that create temp tables. I need to union them together and create one temp table. Anyone done this with success?

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Way To Group / Count Multiple Unions Together?

Dec 9, 2013

I have 4 archive tables and 1 active table that are created the same, but contain different data based on the date. I need to get results that have three columns: AuthorName, Month, Total. This is currently working, but through my research I can't find how to start going about dealing with the fact that each Author has some of his results from one month in one table and some in another table and how to add those together into one row. Example:

(What I'm Getting)
AuthorName Month Total
Test, Fred 3 43
Test, Fred 3 12
Test, Fred 2 56
Test, Fred 5 35


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View That Unions Two Other Views Does Not Work

May 1, 2006

I created a view V1 that uses an outer join with a table and calls a sub-view VS1 (ds_proj_report_date) which uses an inner join) and does an inner join with VS1. I also created another view V2 that uses inner join but does not call the sub-view VS1.

When I run the two views as below it works fine

Select * from V1
Select * from V2

I then created another view V3 of the above union as

Create view V3
Select * from V1
Select * from V2

Now when I run select * from V3, I get the following error.
Joined tables cannot be specified in a query containing outer join operators. View or function 'ds_proj_report_date' contains joined tables

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ERROR:Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String. With Stored Procedure

Jul 12, 2007

Hi All,

i have migrated a DTS package wherein it consists of SQL task.

this has been migrated succesfully. but when i execute the package, i am getting the error with Excute SQL task which consists of Store Procedure excution.

But the SP can executed in the client server. can any body help in this regard.

Thanks in advance,


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Getting Server Error Syntax Error Converting The Nvarchar Value 'Sonoma' To A Column Of Data Type Int.

Apr 20, 2007

Hi, all
I'm getting this error at runtime when my page tries to populate a datagrid. Here's the relevant code.
First, the user selects his choice from a dropdownlist, populated with a sqldatasource control on the aspx side:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlDataSourceCompany" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PayrollCompanyID], [DisplayName] FROM [rsrc_PayrollCompany] ORDER BY [DisplayName]">
 And the dropdown list's code:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPayrollCompany" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="sqlDataSourcePayrollCompany"
DataTextField="DisplayName" DataValueField="PayrollCompanyID">
Then, I use the selectedindexchanged event to bind the data to the datagrid. Here's that code:
 1 Sub BindData()
3 Dim ds As New DataSet
4 Dim sda As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
5 Dim strSQL As String
6 Dim strCon As String
8 strSQL = "SELECT [SocialSecurityNumber], [Prefix], [FirstName], [LastName], [HireDate], [PayrollCostPercent], " & _
9 "[Phone], [BadgeNumber], [IsSupervisor], [SupervisorID], [IsUser], [IsScout] FROM [rsrc_Personnel] " & _
10 "WHERE ([PayrollCompanyID] = @PayrollCompanyID)"
12 strCon = "Data Source=DATASOURCE;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;User ID=USERID;Password=PASSWORD"
14 sda = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, strCon)
16 sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PayrollCompanyID", Me.ddlPayrollCompany.SelectedItem.ToString()))
18 sda.Fill(ds, "rsrc_Personnel")
20 dgPersonnel.DataSource = ds.Tables("rsrc_Personnel")
21 dgPersonnel.DataBind()
23 End Sub

I'm assuming my problem lies in line 16 of the above code. I've tried SelectedItemIndex, SelectedItemValue too and get errors for those, as well.
What am I missing?
Thanks for anyone's help!

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Execute SQL Task: Executing The Query Exec (?) Failed With The Following Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation. Possible F

Jan 23, 2008

I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :

Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server

The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :

General Properties
Result Set : None

ConnectionType : OLEDB
Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1)
SQLSourceType : Direct Input
SQL Statement : exec(?)
IsQueryStorePro : False
BypassPrepare : False

Parameter Mapping Properties

variableName Direction DataType ParameterName

User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0

'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value
Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'

When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"

I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough
it gives the same parse error message.

I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.

Thanks in Advance.

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Error 241: Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String

Jan 7, 2004

Hi All, can someone help me,
i've created a stored procedure to make a report by calling it from a website.
I get the message error "241: Syntax error converting datetime from character string" all the time, i tryed some converting things but nothig works, probably it is me that isn't working but i hope someone can help me.
The code i use is:

CREATE proc CP_Cashbox @mID varchar,@startdate datetime,@enddate datetime
set dateformat dmy
declare @startdate as varchar
declare @enddate as varchar

--print "query aan het uitvoeren"

select sum(moneyout) / sum(moneyin)*100 as cashbox
where machineID = '@mID' and njdate between '@startdate' and '@enddate'

Thanx in front

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Snapshot Agent Gives Error: Line38: Syntax Error Near 'tabl'

Oct 1, 2005

Hi all,

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Alter Table Syntax Error - Anyone Sees The Error?

Nov 24, 2004


the following alter table statement:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]

is answered with:

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PRIMARY'.

which I consider to be interesting. Anyone has an idea why? I checked documentation but I do not see an error.

Note that:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]
ALTER COLUMN [OID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL

DOES get executed, and

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CalCalendar]

produces the same error.

Now, in my understanding this has nothing to do with an index may already exist etc. - the eror indicates a SYNTAX error, before any checking. Makes no sense to me, though, reading the documentation.

So - anyone an idea?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Unions To Write Out Each Select Query As Distinct Line In Output

Aug 20, 2015

Basically I'm running a number of selects, using unions to write out each select query as a distinct line in the output. Each line needs to be multiplied by -1 in order to create an offset balance (yes this is balance sheet related stuff) for each line. Each select will have a different piece of criteria.

Although I have it working, I'm thinking there's a much better or cleaner way to do it (I use the word better loosely)

SELECT 'Asset', 'House', TotalPrice * -1
FROM Accounts
WHERE AvgAmount > 0
SELECT 'Balance', 'Cover', TotalPrice
FROM Accounts
WHERE AvgAmount > 0

What gets messy here is having to write a similar set of queries where the amount is < 0 or = 0

I'm thinking something along the lines of building a table function contains all the descriptive text returning the relative values based on the AvgAmount I pass to it.

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Error 0: Syntax Error Or Access Violation

Aug 1, 2004

I'm writing a stored procedure and when I click on the Check Syntax button its giving me the error in the subject. I'm not really sure whats wrong with this. Here is my Stored Procedure code. Any help wud be appreciated.

CREATE PROC CabsSchedule_Insert
@CalDayBillRcvd varchar(30),
INSERT INTO CabsSchedule
(JulianDate, SiteCode, CalendarDay, BillPeriod, WorkDay, CalDayBillRcvd, Remarks)
(@JulianDate, @SiteCode, @CalendarDay, @BillPeriod, @WorkDay, @CalDayBillRcvd, @Remarks)


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SQL Syntax Error

Apr 7, 2007

Hi Guys, I'm hoping somebody can help me with this really frustrating problem that I'm having.......
 I'm developing a peer to peer file sharing application (final year degree project) in which I use a web service & sql database as the management server. For some strange reason, I'm getting an SQL syntax error on some machines but not on others when I call the method to submit a file list to the server (see below for code for the method). Another strange thing is that on different machines, I'm getting a different error. I've seen "incorrect syntax near 'd' ". and also "incorrect syntax near 've' ", while on two other machines it works just fine - It appears that the connection to the webservice and to the database is working just fine on all machines as before this method I have a login which works perfectly and the data is represented in the database.
Does anybody have any pointers or even the slighest idea what can cause an error like this or have seen anything like this before. Hoping to get this sorted pretty soon as the deadline is nearing. All and any help is very much appreciated!!!!
public void submitFiles(FileObject[] files, string peerID)
foreach (FileObject fo in files)
{ System.Text.StringBuilder submit = new System.Text.StringBuilder("INSERT INTO SharedFiles (FileID, FileName, FileType, FileSize, PeerID) VALUES ('" + fo.guid.ToString() + "', '" + + "' ,'" + + "', '" + fo.size + "', '" + peerID + "')");
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(submit.ToString(), con);
try { con.Open();
 } finally { con.Close(); } 

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SQL Syntax Error

Aug 8, 2007

Hello, I have this sql quiery: sqlcommand2.CommandText = "Select Count(UserIP) From InboundTraffic Where InboundURL Contains('" & SiteDomain(i).ToString & "') and DateTimeReceived > " & Last30Days

SiteDomain is placing a string variable such as and Last30Days is a date variable which = now - 30days
Im getting this error "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'InboundURL Contains('') and DateTimeReceived > 7/9/2007 8:20:30 PM'"
What am I mising?  THANKS!

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Syntax Error

Jan 17, 2008

Could someone help me with this error message:
Syntax error converting the varchar value '180 Ways to Walk the Leadership Talk by John Baldoni' to a column of data type int.
Getting error on the Titles.title column.  Tried casting it but it still does not work.  What am I missing? 
CREATE procedure GetRequestInfo@Requestorid int
ASselect distinct requestors.Requestorid, CAST(Titles.title AS VARCHAR(255)), requestors.requestorEmail,Requestors.requestdate, fname, lname, phonenum,StreetAddress1, City, State, Zip,LibraryRequest.ShipDate,LibraryRequest.DueDate,LibraryRequest.ReturnDate,
Cast(DATEPART(m, requestors.requestDate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' +Cast(DATEPART(d, requestors.requestDate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' + Cast(DATEPART(yy, requestors.RequestDate) as Varchar(5)) as 'RequestDate'
from Requestorsjoin Titles on titles.Titleid = requestors.Titleidjoin libraryRequest on LibraryRequest.Titleid = LibraryRequest.Titleidwhere Requestors.requestorid = requestors.requestoridGO

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Syntax Error In IF ELSE

Apr 17, 2008

Can anyone tell me why I get a syntax error on the THEN and the ELSE?
@Start datetime,@End datetime,@EmailAck bit,@SelectedProcess nvarchar(25)ASBEGINIF @SelectedProcess = 'Monthly' THENUPDATE tblReminderSchedule SETPrintedDate=GETDATE(),[Status]=1FROM  tblReminderSchedule INNER JOIN  tbllOAN ON tblReminderSchedule.lOAN_ID = tbllOAN.lOAN_IDWHERE (tblReminderSchedule.ReminderDate BETWEEN @Start AND @End) AND (dbo.tblReminderSchedule.ReceivedDate IS NULL) AND   (tbllOAN.ReminderByEmail = @EmailAck) AND (tbllOAN.Frequency = 'Monthly')ELSEUPDATE tblReminderSchedule SETPrintedDate=GETDATE(),[Status]=1FROM  tblReminderSchedule INNER JOIN  tbllOAN ON tblReminderSchedule.lOAN_ID = tbllOAN.lOAN_IDWHERE (tblReminderSchedule.ReminderDate BETWEEN @Start AND @End) AND (dbo.tblReminderSchedule.ReceivedDate IS NULL) AND   (tbllOAN.ReminderByEmail = @EmailAck) AND (tbllOAN.Frequency <> 'Monthly')END 

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Syntax Error

Mar 21, 2004

I am trying to open a table in my DB to check for login ids:

The code I used is below> I will appreciate any help on this matter

Public Function Authorize(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String) As Integer
Dim sql As String
Dim con As New SqlConnection("data source=localhost; initial catalog=Jasist; Integrated Security = SSPI")
sql = "Select * from USER Where User_Name = '" & Username & "' and User_Passwd = '" & Password & "'"
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)
Dim Id1 As Integer
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.Read Then
Id1 = 1
Return Id1
Return 0
End If
End Function


Server Error in '/Jasist' Application.

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'USER'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'USER'.

Source Error:

Line 19: con.Open()
Line 20: Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)
Line 21: Dim Id1 As Integer
Line 22: Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
Line 23:

Source File: C:InetpubwwwrootJasistClass1.vb Line: 21

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

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Syntax Error

Mar 27, 2001

Hi, hope someone can spend a minute checking out my script error. The following is part of my SQL statement. It has got syntax error near "="
I was hoping the script could run 100 times and print number 1 to 100.

SET @id = 1
EXEC (' WHILE ' + @id + ' <= 100 ' + ' BEGIN SELECT ' + @id +
' SET ' + @id + ' = ' + @id + ' + 1 ' + ' END ' )

Any input is most welcome.


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Need Help With Syntax Error.

Oct 17, 2000

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the script below?


This is the error I am getting.

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Line 5: Incorrect syntax near ','.

Thanks in advance.


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Syntax Error Near '='

Aug 31, 2004

i am getting this error while running SQL query : syntax error near '='

Query is :

SELECT People.People, People.Name,
Sum(([ProjectStatusReport].[Week]), 0, ([ProjectStatusReport].[Week] = #8/27/2004#, 1, 0)) AS Created,
Sum((ProjectStatusReport.Week), 0, (ProjectStatusReport.Week = #8/27/2004#, (ProjectStatusReport.Accomplishments) Or (ProjectStatusReport.Plans), 0, 1, 0)) AS Complete, FROM Register INNER JOIN SR_Status ON Register.SR_Status = SR_Status.SR_Status
LEFT JOIN ProjectStatusReport ON Register.Register = ProjectStatusReport.Project INNER JOIN StakeHolders
ON Register.Register = StakeHolders.Register INNER JOIN People ON StakeHolders.People = People.People
WHERE SR_Status.Status='Active' AND StakeHolders.Status = 'Yes' GROUP BY People.People, People.Name,
HAVING (Sum(ProjectStatusReport.Week), 0, ((ProjectStatusReport.Week) = #8/27/2004#, 1, 0) > 0))
AND Sum(ProjectStatusReport.Week),0,((ProjectStatusRep ort.Week) = #8/27/2004#,(ProjectStatusReport.Accomplishments) Or (ProjectStatusReport.Plans),0,1,0)>0
ORDER BY People.People

Any help


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Syntax Error

Feb 6, 2007

Hi All,

When I run the following portion of my stored procedure, I get the following error message:

Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

Here is the script:

set @dttimestr = 'select @dttime = substring(convert(varchar(11),getdate(),120),1,4)+

EXECUTE sp_executesql @dttimestr, N'@dttime datetime output', @dttime output
print @dttime

Can you please tell me how to fix it?

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Syntax Error...

Jul 1, 2004

Quick question..

SELECT * FROM Table_3;

Syntax error in FROM clause, and it highlights the second select.. whats wrong with this statement? does it not like the *'s?


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Syntax Error

Sep 14, 2004

I get the following errors with the script below:

I am novice with SQL and have been unable to figure out the syntax just yet. The line for the errors are marked blue

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'user'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 26
Line 26: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 29
Line 29: Incorrect syntax near 'auto_increment'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 44
Line 44: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 53
Line 53: Incorrect syntax near '='.


user varchar(100) NOT NULL default,
pass varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''

INSERT INTO admin VALUES ( 'admin', 'pass456');

CREATE TABLE affiliates (
refid varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
pass varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
company varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
title varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
firstname varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
lastname varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
website varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
email varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
payableto varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
street varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
town varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
county varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postcode varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
country varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
phone varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
fax varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
date varchar(40) NOT NULL default ''

CREATE TABLE banners (
number int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
image varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
description varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (number)

CREATE TABLE clickthroughs (
refid varchar(20) default 'none',
date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
time time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
browser varchar(200) default 'Could Not Find This Data',
ipaddress varchar(50) default 'Could Not Find This Data',
refferalurl varchar(200) default 'none detected (maybe a direct link)',
buy varchar(10) default 'NO'

refid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
time time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
browser varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
ipaddress varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
payment varchar(10) NOT NULL default ''


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Where's The Syntax Error????

Jun 30, 2004


str_IntroducerInfo = "UPDATE tblPolicy SET " & _ "Saluation = '" & saluation & "', " & _
"ClientName = '" & tempName & "', " & _
"ClientNRIC = '" & nric & "', " & _
"Submitted = '" & submitted & "', " & _
"Inforced = '" & inforced & "', " & _
"PolicyNo = '" & policyno & "', " & _
"ProductName = '" & productname & "', " & _
"ProductProvider = '" & productprovider & "', " & _
"ModalPremium = '" & modalpremium & "', " & _
"Freq = '" & freq & "', " & _
"Method = '" & method & "', " & _
"NextBirth = '" & nextbirth & "', " & _
"PremTerm = '" & premiumterm & "', " & _
"PolicyTerm = '" & policyterm & "', " & _
"Status = '" & pstatus & "', " & _
"ApplType = '" & appltype & "', " & _
"ApplType(A&H) = '" & appltypeah & "', " & _
"SupervisorAgree = '" & supervisoragree & "', " & _
"SupervisorRemarks = '" & superremarks & "', " & _
"Remarks = '" & remarks & "', " & _
"DateSig = '" & datesig & "', " & _
"AuthPerson = '" & authPerson & "', " & _
"CorFax = '" & corfax & "', " & _
"Contact = '" & number1 & "', " & _
"Contact1 = '" & number2 & "', " & _
"CorAddress = '" & address & "', " & _
"CorEmail = '" & email & "', " & _
"CorNature = '" & nature & "', " & _
" WHERE ID = '" & introducerID & "';"

set rs_IntroducerInfo=conn.Execute(str_IntroducerInfo)

The output from the line


UPDATE tblPolicy SET Saluation = 'Miss', ClientName = 'Karlam Pte Ltd', ClientNRIC = 'S7908121X', Submitted = '24 February 2003', Inforced = '25 February 2003', PolicyNo = '30', ProductName = 'Shop Care', ProductProvider = 'Liberty Insurance', ModalPremium = '50000', Freq = 'Yearly', Method = 'Cheque', NextBirth = ' ', PremTerm = '5', PolicyTerm = '2', Status = 'EE', ApplType = 'AWS', ApplType(A&H) = 'A', SupervisorAgree = 'Yes', SupervisorRemarks = 'Good', Remarks = 'Bad', DateSig = '21 March 2004', AuthPerson = 'Ho LiLi', CorFax = '68525687', Contact = '68523652', Contact1 = '65825588', CorAddress = '20 Robotson Road, Robot Tower B, #03-98, S(263673)', CorEmail = '', CorNature = 'Trading', WHERE ID = '80017-S7908121X';

The error

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

/Ivan-Test/ops/comm.asp, line 1851

My Access table fields

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Bcp Syntax Error Help?

Jun 6, 2004

I have finally created (with your help) a stored procedure that is working and giving me the correct results,but when I have included the last part of my select statement where I am always trying to grab dates for the previous month it gives me the following syntax error "Incorrect syntax near '01'."

Here comes the precudere:
DECLARE @returnDay int
DECLARE @query varchar(8000)
--Looking at current date,
SELECT @returnDay = DatePart(day,GetDate())
If @returnDay = 8
SELECT @query = 'bcp "SELECT a.HospitalName,a.HospitalCode,c.ProductName,b.Unit sDiscarded,d.FateOfProducts,b.DateEntered,b.DateCo mpleted,b.CompiledBy FROM Ivana_test.dbo.Units b INNER JOIN Ivana_test.dbo.Hospitals a ON (a.HospitalID = b.HospitalID)INNER JOIN Ivana_test.dbo.Products c ON (b.ProductID = c.ProductID)INNER JOIN Ivana_test.dbo.FateOfProducts d ON (d.FateID = b.FateID) where b. DateEntered = DateAdd(month, -1, Convert(CHAR(8), GetDate(), 121) + '01')ORDER BY a.HospitalID" queryout c: est.txt -c -test -Usa -Ptest'

EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @query

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail',
@copy_recipients =',
@message='Submitting BloodBank Results for the previous month.
@subject='BloodBank results for the previous month',@attachments = '\testc$ est.txt'

SELECT @@ERROR As ErrorNumber

Could somebody help me and suggest something as I am going

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