
Jan 6, 2008


What does "sysname" type indicates. 



USE <database, sysname, AdventureWorks>


IF OBJECT_ID('<schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name, sysname, sample_table>', 'U') IS NOT NULL

DROP TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name, sysname, sample_table>

GOCREATE TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name, sysname, sample_table>

(<columns_in_primary_key, , c1> <column1_datatype, , int> <column1_nullability,, NOT NULL>,

<column2_name, sysname, c2> <column2_datatype, , char(10)> <column2_nullability,, NULL>, <column3_name, sysname, c3> <column3_datatype, , datetime> <column3_nullability,, NULL>,

CONSTRAINT <contraint_name, sysname, PK_sample_table> PRIMARY KEY (<columns_in_primary_key, , c1>)



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What Is Sysname?

Oct 23, 2006

USE <database, sysname, AdventureWorks>

What is "sysname" object? I frequently see it among parameters for stored procedures.


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Newbee Q: What Is Sysname?

Feb 12, 2003


I`m new to MS Sql and have been studying some tutorials and stuff.

What I can`t get a hold of is this sysname-thing. I see it is referenced to when i.e you create a new table...

Can anyone help me?


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What Is It Mean That User_name Is A Sysname?

Apr 25, 2007


In SQL Server 2005 Express BOL,

it says in 'Arguments' description part like this.


Specifies the name by which the user is identified inside this database. user_name is a sysname.
It can be up to 128 characters long.

What 'user_name is a sysname' imply?

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Collation Conflict On Sysname?? Really?

Nov 9, 2006

Okely dokely, here it is.I have a database that has a differing collation to that of the tempdb. And obviously because of this I've run into problems when referencing table variables and temp tables. BUT! Given the following example, what am I doing wrong, or is there no solution to this. <Start Example>/*================================================= ================================================== ==========================fnPM_ForeignKey ================================================== ================================================== =========================*/IF exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnPM_ForeignKey]')) BEGINDROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fnPM_ForeignKey]ENDGOCREATE FUNCTION fnPM_ForeignKey (@ChildTable as sysname, @ChildColumn as sysname)RETURNS @ForeignKey TABLE (FKName sysname,ParentTable sysname,ParentColumn sysname,DescriptionColumn sysname COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)ASBEGININSERT INTO @ForeignKey (FKName, ParentTable, ParentColumn)SELECT FK.Name, Parent.Name, ParentCol.NameFROM sysforeignkeysINNER JOIN sysobjects FK on sysforeignkeys.constid = FK.IDINNER JOIN sysobjects Parent on sysforeignkeys.rkeyid = Parent.idINNER JOIN syscolumns ParentCol on = and sysforeignkeys.rkey = ParentCol.colidINNER JOIN sysobjects Child on sysforeignkeys.fkeyid = Child.idINNER JOIN syscolumns ChildCol on = and sysforeignkeys.fkey = ChildCol.colid WHERE Child.Name = @ChildTable and ChildCol.Name = @ChildColumn--> UPDATE @ForeignKey Set DescriptionColumn = syscolumns.Name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASFROM @ForeignKey ForeignKeyINNER JOIN sysobjects on ForeignKey.ParentTable = sysobjects.NameINNER JOIN syscolumns on = sysobjects.idWHERE syscolumns.Name like '%Name%'UPDATE @ForeignKey Set DescriptionColumn = syscolumns.NameFROM @ForeignKey ForeignKeyINNER JOIN sysobjects on ForeignKey.ParentTable = sysobjects.NameINNER JOIN syscolumns on = sysobjects.idWHERE ForeignKey.DescriptionColumn is null and syscolumns.Name like '%Description%'RETURN ENDGO< end example >So here I'm defining my function which basically returns the parent table details of a given foreign key relationship. But when trying to run the above script I get this,Server: Msg 446, Level 16, State 9, Procedure fnPM_ForeignKey, Line 22Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation.First up I find this weird because isn't sysname equvalent to nvarchar(128)? And aren't nvarchar fields independant of collation? But it gets better,I thought, ok maybe I'm wrong about sysname needing collation, so I figured I'll check the collation of the column,Heres the queryselect sysobjects.Name,, syscolumns.collationfrom sysobjects inner join syscolumns on = syscolumns.idwhere ='syscolumns' and = 'name'This is what it returns,syscolumnsnameSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASSo, let me get this straight, I've explicitly stated that the table variable column is collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASand the column I'm comparing it to also has a collation of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, and it doesn't work. . . .I smell Microsoft, or is there something equally as hideous going on here.RegardsAdam.

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