System Time On Sql Server Is Wrong?
Jul 23, 2005
My sql server 2000 database is on a shared server that I have
absolutely no control over.
When i run query select getdate() it is reporting the wrong time!
I am pretty sure that the sql admin changed the date on the server last
night and now this is happening.
Is this possible. Shouldn't getdate() ALWAYS report back the date time
in my LOCAL time zone?
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Nov 28, 2007
I'm using an Access MDB as a front end to a SQL 7 database. When I place thesystem time in a field in Access, it used the user's clock. I'd like to usethe SQL Server system time, so that the times will be synchronized. Isuppose I can just do a pass-through query with "select getdate()." But Iwas wondering if there was some built-in method, either in Access or SQLServer. I'm concerned about the overhead of running a pass-through queryevery time I need the current time.Thanks.
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Feb 19, 2006
Im trying to insert a record in my sql server 2005 express database.The following function tries that and without an error returns true.However, no data is inserted into the database...Im not sure whether my insert statement is correct: I saw other example with syntax: insert into table values(@value1,@value2) not sure about thatAlso, I havent defined the parameter type (eg varchar) but I reckoned that could not make the difference....Here's my code: Function CreateNewUser(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String, _ ByVal Email As String, ByVal Gender As Integer, _ ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, _ ByVal CellPhone As String, ByVal Street As String, _ ByVal StreetNumber As String, ByVal StreetAddon As String, _ ByVal Zipcode As String, ByVal City As String, _ ByVal Organization As String _ ) As Boolean 'returns true with success, false with failure Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection() Dim bResult As Boolean Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblUsers(UserName,Password,Email,Gender,FirstName,LastName,CellPhone,Street,StreetNumber,StreetAddon,Zipcode,City,Organization) VALUES(@UserName,@Password,@Email,@Gender,@FirstName,@LastName,@CellPhone,@Street,@StreetNumber,@StreetAddon,@Zipcode,@City,@Organization)", MyConnection) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NChar, UserName)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Password", Password)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Email", Email)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Gender", Gender)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FirstName", FirstName)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LastName", LastName)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@CellPhone", CellPhone)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Street", Street)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@StreetNumber", StreetNumber)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@StreetAddon", StreetAddon)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Zipcode", Zipcode)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@City", City)) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Organization", Organization)) Try MyConnection.Open() MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() bResult = True Catch ex As Exception bResult = False Finally MyConnection.Close() End Try Return bResult End FunctionThanks!
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Dec 7, 2007
In my report I have two date parameters, both are of type DateTime.
The problem is that when the report is called for the first time the report parameter value is not shown in the expected format (de-DE, 01.01.2007) but in en-US 01/01/2007
Only when I change a Date using the calendar popup and click on the "show report" button, the right format will be taken over.
Language properties of the report are"=User!Language"
IE language is de-DE.
Report Server is a MS Windows Server 2003 R2 Standart Edition SP2
with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP2
on a server with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP1, this report works fine.
may be this bug is a new feature of SP2?
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Jun 3, 2007
Hi, I m using ASP.NET with C#. I m having one field which should store the datetime of the system. The datetime should be automatically stored for that entry when the user submits that record on the click event.Then it should display the date time on the gridview from database.I m using sqlserver 2005 and i have created the stored procedure for the insert command.This
is the sample sp what should be written here to insert system date time
automatically when the user submits the form ?Is there any code for writing directly in stored procedure or coding page... ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[StoredProcedure1]@salesid INT OUTPUT,@salesdate datetime,@customername varchar(20)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ONBEGIN INSERT INTO sales (customername) VALUES (@customername) SELECT @companyid = SCOPE_IDENTITY()END SET NOCOUNT OFFEND Thanxs in advance...
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Nov 22, 2006
Dear Friends,
I want to insert in my database, in a table field the system time value on that moment.
For example: I want to create the follow stored procedure:
UPDATE TABLE1 SET MyFieldTime=@MySystemTime WHERE MyFieldID=@ID
I want to save in my database th system time...
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Oct 12, 2004
I have a database on a SQL Server 2000 (sp3a) installation. For some reason it's reporting time that is 7 hours ahead of the system time.
The application is on one server the DB is on a shared production server. The app server and the DB server are reporting the same system time and are using a network time server. All the other db's on the shared production db server are reporting time correctly.
My questions:
Is there a T-SQL query to use to see what the time/timezone is for that database?
Is there a T-SQL query I can use to set the db time (not the system time)?
Anyone have any other suggestions as to what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help!
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Jul 23, 2005
We have an application group that wants to pull date from SQL Server and write it to text file on the server. They want the file format to be 12100_YYYMMDDHHMM.fr1 for one set of data, 12100_YYYMMDDHHMM.fr2 for a second set...and so on. The '12100' is fixed, but the rest of the file name will always have to include the system date/time. Is there an easy way to do this within a DTS package (when writing to the output file)? I would really appreciate help on this. Thank you.
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Apr 3, 2007
Ok guys, I am trying to install Sql server 2005 on Vista but I am still stuck with this warning message in the System Configuration Check during Sql server 2K5 installation :
SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
* SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility
* Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.
Now, I know I need to install SP2 but how the hell I am going to install SP2 if Sql server 2005 doesn't install any of the components including Sql server Database services, Analysus services, Reporting integration services( only the workstation component is available for installation)?
Any work around for this issue?
P.S.: I didn't install VS.NET 2005 yet, can this solve the problem?
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Jul 20, 2015
I am trying to understand an environment and provide a solution to Banking system so that they can enter user data (transactions) online and at the same time we can provide users online reporting as well. Using same sql server or server/hardware on other machine.
There are so many branches/customers/ATM machines accessing online data as well as updating their balances. I want to understand how can we provide online reporting. Through replication, transaction log backup, log shipping or what other solution is available. I need to understand this and provide a solution that is already implemented running/successfully. Need some proposals and their pros and cons. cost and maintenance are the constraints with the real time reporting on live system/database.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have been searching for a means to change the System Failure Error Check policy that comes as part of the Best Practice policies. I want to look back 24 hours. The WQL query shipped with the policy doesn't have a WHERE clause component that looks at TimeGenerated. That query looks like:
IsNull(ExecuteWql('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System"'), 0)
After searching for an example of how to do this and not finding any that are specific to PBM, I decided to fall back to a very basic approach - use wbemtest.exe to try out where clause additions and see how they work, then plug the result into the policy and see if it works. As a start, I tried the following query using wbemtest.exe:
select Event Code
from Win32_NTLogEvent
where EventCode = 6008
and Logfile = 'System'
and TimeGenerated > '20130101010000.000000–000'
This works great in wbemtest.exe. My next step was to plug this into the policy condition expression as follows: IsNull(ExecuteWql ('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System" and TimeGenerated > "20130101010000.000000–000"'), 0)
When I try to manually evaluate this policy in SSMS, I receive an "Invalid Query" error message.I assume that SWbemDateTime isn't available to use inside Policy Based Management policies. All the examples of how to handle the kind of dynamic date creation I have seen are for use in PowerShell, VBScript, or SSIS. I've played with using DateDiff, DateAdd, and GetDate inside the query string, with no success.
Why does the ExecuteWql above fail?Is it at all possible to dynamically generate a datetime (say, 24 hours ago) as part of the query string parameter of the ExecuteWql call?What might that look like?
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Aug 21, 2006
I have created a windows library control that accesses a local sql database
I tried the following strings for connecting
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Trusted_Connection = true"
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TimeSheet;Integrated Security=SSPI"
I am not running the webpage in a virtual directory but in
and I have a simple index.html that tries to read from an sql db but throws
the error
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.PermissionSet.Demand()
at System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions.DemandPermission()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.PermissionDemand()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection,
etc etc
The action that failed was:
The type of the first permission that failed was:
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
I looked into the .net config utility but it says unrestricted and I tried adding it to the trusted internet zones in ie options security
I think that a windows form connecting to a sql database running in a webpage should be simple
to configure what am I missing?
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Jun 11, 2015
Is there a way to keep track in real time on how long a stored procedure is running for? So what I want to do is fire off a trace in a stored procedure if that stored procedure is running for over like 5 minutes.
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Oct 7, 2015
I have a table called employee_punch_record that we use to store employee time clock punches.
The columns are:
punch_type (In / Out),
closed (bit used as status for open or closed pay periods),
Here are some examples of a record:
bkingery62015-10-06 16:59:04.000In0
bkingery72015-10-06 16:59:09.000Out0
bkingery82015-10-06 16:59:13.000In0
bkingery92015-10-06 18:22:44.000Out0
bkingery102015-10-06 18:22:46.000In0
bkingery112015-10-06 18:22:48.000Out0
bkingery122015-10-06 18:22:51.000In0
tfeller52015-10-05 17:00:05.000In0
We are using SQL Server 2008 as our database and use Access as a GUI. I am looking to create a form in Access where employees can access their time card and request changes from management. I want to use the format from the attached screen shot for the form. I pretty much know how to do it all, the only point of complication is trying to figure out the easiest way to get the transaction punch record data on employee_punch_record into a format where I can easily populate the form in the horizontal format you see in the screen shot.
I am not super strong in SQL, but figure I can do it using a formatting table of some sort. quick and easy way to move transaction records into a more horizontally oriented record?
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Dec 19, 2006
I wanted to know how we can handle Time Zones and Daylight Savings Time in SQL Server 2000 as well as 2005.
Any pointers would be helpful.
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May 5, 2000
What Can Go Wrong With SQL Server?
I would like to gather a list of limitations that cause data corruption in SQL Server (documented and undocumented); the purpose is to educate myself and others about the behavior of this product, so measures can be taken to minimize data corruption problems in the future.
The sharing of your experiences is most welcome!
Thank you!
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Aug 10, 2004
Our SQL SERVER seems to be sick,all queries run very very slow since three days ago. SQL query analyzer can't select a efficient index to produce execute plan and the CPU is idle and lazy even if many proccess threads waiting for handle,it is very strange!! Otherwise,there are too many deadlock existing when the 2 third users use system at same time.
I have use DBCC REINDEX to re-build all indeies.
Total data used space :11.22G:
reserved index_size data unused
11220056 2053432 8945432 221192
data rows in some table up to 16009830,details of some table as follow:
Table_name Rows reserved data index unused
Worksheet_Fabric 4629414 1073568 KB 782504 KB 290360 KB 704 KB
Fab_Input_Detail 16009830 804512 KB 616896 KB 187248 KB 368 KB
Product_In 4385485 774048 KB 525896 KB 247880 KB 272 KB
Dw_note 9109810 741336 KB 736600 KB 72 KB 4664 KB
Instructions_Detail 1906960 663432 KB 592800 KB 69288 KB 1344 KB
Instructions_M_Detail 2328862 94128 KB 504824 KB 88656 KB 648 KB
Product_Out 4323939 575256 KB 364880 KB 210208 KB 168 KB
Worksheet_QC_Detail 3404309 561800 KB 507552 KB 54040 KB 208 KB
Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.623 (Intel X86)
Nov 27 1998 22:20:07
Copyright (c) 1988-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
result of sp_configure:
name minimum maximum config_value run_value
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
affinity mask 0 2147483647 0 0
allow updates 0 1 0 0
cost threshold for parallelism 0 32767 5 5
cursor threshold -1 2147483647 -1 -1
default language 0 9999 0 0
default sortorder id 0 255 197 197
extended memory size (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
fill factor (%) 0 100 0 0
index create memory (KB) 704 1600000 0 0
language in cache 3 100 3 3
language neutral full-text 0 1 0 0
lightweight pooling 0 1 0 0
locks 5000 2147483647 0 0
max async IO 1 255 32 32
max degree of parallelism 0 32 0 0
max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647
max text repl size (B) 0 2147483647 65536 65536
max worker threads 10 1024 255 255
media retention 0 365 0 0
min memory per query (KB) 512 2147483647 1024 1024
min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 0 0
nested triggers 0 1 1 1
network packet size (B) 512 65535 4096 4096
open objects 0 2147483647 0 0
priority boost 0 1 0 0
query governor cost limit 0 2147483647 0 0
query wait (s) -1 2147483647 -1 -1
recovery interval (min) 0 32767 0 0
remote access 0 1 1 1
remote login timeout (s) 0 2147483647 5 5
remote proc trans 0 1 0 0
remote query timeout (s) 0 2147483647 0 0
resource timeout (s) 5 2147483647 10 10
scan for startup procs 0 1 0 0
set working set size 0 1 0 0
show advanced options 0 1 1 1
spin counter 1 2147483647 10000 10000
time slice (ms) 50 1000 100 100
two digit year cutoff 1753 9999 2049 2049
Unicode comparison style 0 2147483647 196609 196609
Unicode locale id 0 2147483647 1028 1028
user connections 0 32767 0 0
user options 0 4095 0 0
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Nov 18, 2002
We installed an Enterprise version onto a server that only needs Standard. Unfortunately an outside supplier installed software and databases on it before we realised our mistake. Is it safe to just install Standard 'over the top'and what would that do to the application's databases ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi there,I have an Access front end application that uses a SQL Server 2000Desktop Edition backend. I have created a package with the Access2003 runtime that I'd now like to deploy. I have created a globalgroup in the domain and placed the users that I'd like to give accessto the database (via my application front end) in that group. I'vethen created a local group on the SQL Server machine and added myglobal SQL Server group to it. I've also added that local group asdatabase user from SQL Server. From my reading of the variousmaterial on the Internet this should work but it doesn't. I can'taccess the database via the application from any machine other than mydevelopment machine. My VBA code specifies integrated security forthe connection string.Help please! I'm so close to deploying this and now I'm bogged downin security. Any ideas anyone has would be appreciated. Accountadministration and Windows security is not my strong suit.Barb
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Dec 10, 2007
My db version is sqlserver2005 sp2
Now, I need to install report services
However failed when i specify the report server database after report services was installed
It prompt the database version(C.0.8.40) does not match the report services installation.You must update your reporting services installation.
but how to update reporting services installation?
Thanks a lot
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Jan 7, 2007
I cant get SQL Server Management Studio installed. The install completes but Management Studio is unavailable in my program files list. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and even been through "How to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually" . But no matter how many times I run ARPWrapper.exe 5 items are still present:
<img scr="">
I'm tempted to use MSIZAP but it doesn't apply to sqlserver. How can I get rid of SQL Server and start again without rebuilding my pc?
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Aug 7, 2007
Hi all,
I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.
I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.
For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,
then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.
Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.
Is this possible in SSRS 2005?
Any pointers will be usefull...
Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a relatively simple SQL Server 2000 database which I amquerying from a VB.NET application. The query is very simple, such asSELECT * FROM tblSystems. Let's say there are 10 records in the tabletblSystems. I expect to get 10 records from this query, and sometimesdo. But for some reason, I start getting 0 records from my app. If Irun the same query in SQL Server's Query Analyzer, it works fine. IfI reboot my machine, then it seems to work fine for a while, thenstarts giving me bad results again. I am running my app on the samemachine as SQL Server, although I can connect to my database remotelythrough my app, and I get the same results either way. Anyone seenanything like this? Was this fixed in a service pack (I'm using SP1,and don't want to install a newer one unless it's a known fix)?Thanks,Andrew
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Dec 22, 2006
A couple of days ago I installed SQL Server Developer Edition onto my server "DELLNOV2006" which already had an instance of SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition.
All seemed fine, but today trying to use SQL SMAS, I received the error "This version of SQL server is not supported. You must upgrade to an instance of SQL server 2005.
So I opened MSFT SQL Server Management Studio and in object explorer saw the highest object was "DELLNOV2006 (SQL Server 8.00.2039 DELLNOV2006MST).
In the query window SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') is returning 8.00.2039
That's SQL Server 200 SP 4, so it looks like SL Server 2005 is either not installed or is somehow not the default.
According to 'Remove Software' window, I have both SQL Server 200 and 2005 installed.
How can I get SQL 2005 as the default? Then I can get rid of 2000.
Mike Thomas
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Nov 6, 2014
I'm looking at various methods for deleting duplicate rows. Among the alternatives, one works just fine but gives me results that make me go?.
Consider this script:
declare @t table (a int, b int, c int, d int, e int)
insert into @t (a, b, c, d, e) values
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
(3, 4, 2, 3, 4),
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
select a,b,c,d,e, rn = row_number() over (
partition by a,b,c,d,e
[Code] ....
The code works -- that is, the duplicate row is deleted. However the output clause returns:
So....why? Why does the output clause show that the row with rn=1 was deleted, when the where clause stipulates rn > 1?
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Jan 15, 2007
I am having a query
SELECT Dur1.rootId
FROM DurableEventTab Dur1
WHERE (Dur1.dev_ReferenceClusterRoot = 'iyrwd.52' )
AND Dur1.dev_Action = 'Order:Ordered')
AND (Dur1.dev_Active = 1) AND (Dur1.dev_PurgeState = 0)
AND (Dur1.dev_PartitionNumber = 0)
This table has a primary key : aribapk11
and the indexes on the dev_ReferenceClusterRoot,
dev_Action,dev_purgestate .
Now when I fire this query
the query execution plan is actaull doing a Clustered Index scan on the PK :aribaPK11 . What I was expecting was an index seek on the key defined on dev_referenceClusterRoot. Please not the index seek is the behaviour in sql server 2000.
Any idea what is going wrong ?
Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[AribaPK7] AS [Dur1]), WHERE:([typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_Active] as [Dur1].[dev_Active]=(1.) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_PurgeState] as [Dur1].[dev_PurgeState]=(0) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_PartitionNumber] as [Dur1].[dev_PartitionNumber]=(0) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_ReferenceClusterRoot] as [Dur1].[dev_ReferenceClusterRoot]='iyrwd.52' AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_Action] as [Dur1].[dev_Action]=N'Order:Ordered')) 0 0 Clustered Index Scan Clustered Index Scan OBJECT:([typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[AribaPK7] AS [Dur1]), WHERE:([typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_Active] as [Dur1].[dev_Active]=(1.) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_PurgeState] as [Dur1].[dev_PurgeState]=(0) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_PartitionNumber] as [Dur1].[dev_PartitionNumber]=(0) AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_ReferenceClusterRoot] as [Dur1].[dev_ReferenceClusterRoot]='iyrwd.52' AND [typhoon1902].[dbo].[DurableEventTab].[dev_Action] as [Dur1].[dev_Action]=N'Order:Ordered') [Dur1].[rootId] 1 0.00386574 0.0002263 71 0.00409204 [Dur1].[rootId] PLAN_ROW 0 1
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Dec 3, 2006
I am running MS SQL 2000.I recently ran a procedure in Query Analyzer from the Master db toclear out all replication information so I could start/recreate itagain.After I ran this procedure Enterprise Manager no longer showed theregistered server in the tree. When I tried to re-register it gave methe following message:"A connection could not be established to ([Database Name])""Reason: [SQL-DMO]Sql Server ([Database Name]) must be upgraded toversion 7.0 or later to be administered by this version of SQL-DMO""Please verify that sql is running and check your SQL serverregistration properties (by right click on the ([Database Name]) node)and try again."I ran the following procedure:<code>exec sp_configure N'allow updates', 1goreconfigure with overridegoDECLARE @name varchar(129)DECLARE @username varchar(129)DECLARE @insname varchar(129)DECLARE @delname varchar(129)DECLARE @updname varchar(129)set @insname=''set @updname=''set @delname=''DECLARE list_triggers CURSOR FORselect distinct replace(artid,'-',''), fromsysmergearticles,sysobjects, sysusers wheresysmergearticles.objid=sysobjects.idand sysusers.uid=sysobjects.uidOPEN list_triggersFETCH NEXT FROM list_triggers INTO @name, @usernameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping trigger ins_' +@nameselect @insname='drop trigger ' +@username+'.ins_'+@nameexec (@insname)PRINT 'dropping trigger upd_' +@nameselect @updname='drop trigger ' +@username+'.upd_'+@nameexec (@delname)PRINT 'dropping trigger del_' +@nameselect @delname='drop trigger ' +@username+'.del_'+@nameexec (@updname)FETCH NEXT FROM list_triggers INTO @name, @usernameENDCLOSE list_triggersDEALLOCATE list_triggersgoif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[syspublications]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable')= 1) begin DECLARE @name varchar(129)DECLARE list_pubs CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM syspublicationsOPEN list_pubsFETCH NEXT FROM list_pubs INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping publication ' +@nameEXEC sp_dropsubscription @publication=@name, @article='all',@subscriber='all'EXEC sp_droppublication @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_pubs INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_pubsDEALLOCATE list_pubsendGODECLARE @name varchar(129)DECLARE list_replicated_tables CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE replinfo <>0UNIONSELECT name FROM sysmergearticlesOPEN list_replicated_tablesFETCH NEXT FROM list_replicated_tables INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'unmarking replicated table ' +@name--select @name='drop Table ' + @nameEXEC sp_msunmarkreplinfo @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_replicated_tables INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_replicated_tablesDEALLOCATE list_replicated_tablesGOUPDATE syscolumns set colstat = colstat & ~4096 WHERE colstat &4096<>0GOUPDATE sysobjects set replinfo=0GODECLARE @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_views CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type='V' and (name like 'syncobj_%'ornamelike 'ctsv_%' or name like 'tsvw_%' or name like 'ms_bi%')OPEN list_viewsFETCH NEXT FROM list_views INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping View ' +@nameselect @name='drop View ' + @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_views INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_viewsDEALLOCATE list_viewsGODECLARE @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_procs CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type='p' and (name like 'sp_ins_%'ornamelike 'sp_MSdel_%' or name like 'sp_MSins_%'or name like 'sp_MSupd_%' ornamelike 'sp_sel_%' or name like 'sp_upd_%')OPEN list_procsFETCH NEXT FROM list_procs INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping procs ' +@nameselect @name='drop procedure ' + @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_procs INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_procsDEALLOCATE list_procsGODECLARE @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_conflict_tables CURSOR FORSELECT name From sysobjects WHERE type='u' and name like '_onflict%'OPEN list_conflict_tablesFETCH NEXT FROM list_conflict_tables INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping conflict_tables ' +@nameselect @name='drop Table ' + @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_conflict_tables INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_conflict_tablesDEALLOCATE list_conflict_tablesGOUPDATE syscolumns set colstat=2 WHERE name='rowguid'GODeclare @name nvarchar(200), @constraint nvarchar(200)DECLARE list_rowguid_constraints CURSOR FORselect'.'+object_name(sysobjects.parent_ob j),sysobjects.namefrom sysobjects, syscolumns,sysusers where sysobjects.type ='d' sysusers.uid=sysobjects.uidand'rowguid'OPEN list_rowguid_constraintsFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_constraints INTO @name, @constraint WHILE@@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGINPRINT 'dropping rowguid constraints ' +@nameselect @name='ALTER TABLE ' + rtrim(@name) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@constraintprint @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_constraints INTO @name, @constraint ENDCLOSE list_rowguid_constraintsDEALLOCATE list_rowguid_constraintsGODeclare @name nvarchar(129), @constraint nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_rowguid_indexes CURSOR FORselect'.'+object_name(, sysindexes.namefromsysindexes, sysobjects,sysusers where like 'index%' and sysusers.uid=sysobjects.uidOPEN list_rowguid_indexesFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_indexes INTO @name, @constraint WHILE@@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGINPRINT 'dropping rowguid indexes ' +@nameselect @name='drop index ' + rtrim(@name ) + '.' +@constraintEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_indexes INTO @name, @constraint ENDCLOSE list_rowguid_indexesDEALLOCATE list_rowguid_indexesGODeclare @name nvarchar(129), @constraint nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_ms_bidi_tables CURSOR FORselect'.' fromsysobjects,sysusers where like 'ms_bi%'and sysusers.uid=sysobjects.uidand sysobjects.type='u'OPEN list_ms_bidi_tablesFETCH NEXT FROM list_ms_bidi_tables INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping ms_bidi ' +@nameselect @name='drop table ' + rtrim(@name )EXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_ms_bidi_tables INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_ms_bidi_tablesDEALLOCATE list_ms_bidi_tablesGODeclare @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_rowguid_columns CURSOR FORselect'.'+object_name( from syscolumns,sysobjects,sysusers where like 'rowguid' andobject_Name( not like 'msmerge%'and sysusers.uid=sysobjects.uidand sysobjects.type='u' order by 1OPEN list_rowguid_columnsFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_columns INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping rowguid columns ' +@nameselect @name='Alter Table ' + rtrim(@name ) + ' drop column rowguid'print @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_rowguid_columns INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_rowguid_columnsDEALLOCATE list_rowguid_columnsgoDeclare @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_views CURSOR FORselect name From sysobjects where type ='v' and status =-1073741824 andname<>'sysmergeextendedarticlesview'OPEN list_viewsFETCH NEXT FROM list_views INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping replication views ' +@nameselect @name='drop view ' + rtrim(@name )print @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_views INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_viewsDEALLOCATE list_viewsgoDeclare @name nvarchar(129)DECLARE list_procs CURSOR FORselect name From sysobjects where type ='p' and status = -536870912OPEN list_procsFETCH NEXT FROM list_procs INTO @nameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT 'dropping replication procedure ' +@nameselect @name='drop procedure ' + rtrim(@name )print @nameEXEC sp_executesql @nameFETCH NEXT FROM list_procs INTO @nameENDCLOSE list_procsDEALLOCATE list_procsgoif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergepublications]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergepublicationsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergesubscriptions]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergesubscriptionsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[syssubscriptions]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM syssubscriptionsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysarticleupdates]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysarticleupdatesGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[systranschemas]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable')= 1)DELETE FROM systranschemasGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergearticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergearticlesGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergeschemaarticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergeschemaarticlesGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergesubscriptions]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergesubscriptionsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysarticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') =1)DELETE FROM sysarticlesGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysschemaarticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysschemaarticlesGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[syspublications]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable')= 1)DELETE FROM syspublicationsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergeschemachange]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergeschemachangeGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysmergesubsetfilters]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM sysmergesubsetfiltersGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSdynamicsnapshotjobs]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSdynamicsnapshotjobsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSdynamicsnapshotviews]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSdynamicsnapshotviewsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_altsyncpartners]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_altsyncpartnersGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_contents]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_contentsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_delete_conflicts]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_delete_conflictsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_errorlineage]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_errorlineageGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_genhistory]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_genhistoryGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_replinfo]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_replinfoGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSmerge_tombstone]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSmerge_tombstoneGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSpub_identity_range]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSpub_identity_rangeGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSrepl_identity_range]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSrepl_identity_rangeGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSreplication_subscriptions]') andOBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSreplication_subscriptionsGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[MSsubscription_agents]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)DELETE FROM MSsubscription_agentsGOif not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[syssubscriptions]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)create table syssubscriptions (artid int, srvid smallint, dest_dbsysname,status tinyint, sync_type tinyint, login_name sysname,subscription_typeint, distribution_jobid binary, timestamp timestamp,update_modetinyint,loopback_detection tinyint, queued_reinit bit)CREATE TABLE [dbo].[syspublications] ([description] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[name] [sysname] NOT NULL ,[pubid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[repl_freq] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[sync_method] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[snapshot_jobid] [binary] (16) NULL ,[independent_agent] [bit] NOT NULL ,[immediate_sync] [bit] NOT NULL ,[enabled_for_internet] [bit] NOT NULL ,[allow_push] [bit] NOT NULL ,[allow_pull] [bit] NOT NULL ,[allow_anonymous] [bit] NOT NULL ,[immediate_sync_ready] [bit] NOT NULL ,[allow_sync_tran] [bit] NOT NULL ,[autogen_sync_procs] [bit] NOT NULL ,[retention] [int] NULL ,[allow_queued_tran] [bit] NOT NULL ,[snapshot_in_defaultfolder] [bit] NOT NULL ,[alt_snapshot_folder] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[pre_snapshot_script] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[post_snapshot_script] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[compress_snapshot] [bit] NOT NULL ,[ftp_address] [sysname] NULL ,[ftp_port] [int] NOT NULL ,[ftp_subdirectory] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[ftp_login] [sysname] NULL ,[ftp_password] [nvarchar] (524) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[allow_dts] [bit] NOT NULL ,[allow_subscription_copy] [bit] NOT NULL ,[centralized_conflicts] [bit] NULL ,[conflict_retention] [int] NULL ,[conflict_policy] [int] NULL ,[queue_type] [int] NULL ,[ad_guidname] [sysname] NULL ,[backward_comp_level] [int] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOcreate view sysextendedarticlesviewasSELECT *FROM sysarticlesUNION ALLSELECT artid, NULL, creation_script, NULL, description,dest_object,NULL, NULL, NULL, name, objid, pubid, pre_creation_cmd, status, NULL,type,NULL,schema_option, dest_ownerFROM sysschemaarticlesgoif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysarticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[sysarticles]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysarticles] ([artid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[columns] [varbinary] (32) NULL ,[creation_script] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL,[del_cmd] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[description] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[dest_table] [sysname] NOT NULL ,[filter] [int] NOT NULL ,[filter_clause] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[ins_cmd] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[name] [sysname] NOT NULL ,[objid] [int] NOT NULL ,[pubid] [int] NOT NULL ,[pre_creation_cmd] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[sync_objid] [int] NOT NULL ,[type] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[upd_cmd] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[schema_option] [binary] (8) NULL ,[dest_owner] [sysname] NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[sysschemaarticles]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[sysschemaarticles]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysschemaarticles] ([artid] [int] NOT NULL ,[creation_script] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL,[description] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[dest_object] [sysname] NOT NULL ,[name] [sysname] NOT NULL ,[objid] [int] NOT NULL ,[pubid] [int] NOT NULL ,[pre_creation_cmd] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[status] [int] NOT NULL ,[type] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[schema_option] [binary] (8) NULL ,[dest_owner] [sysname] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOdeclare @dbname varchar(130)select @dbname ='sp_replicationdboption'+char(39)+db_name()+char(39)+',''merge publish'',''false'''exec (@dbname)select @dbname ='sp_replicationdboption'+char(39)+db_name()+char(39)+',''publish'',''fals e'''exec (@dbname)reconfigure with overridegoselect db_name()</code>Can any one please help me as this is a production machine and needsfixing ASAP.Regards,Ben
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Feb 2, 2006
I am developing a mobile application with Visual Studio 2005 RTM. I created a .SDF database from scratch within the Server Explorer window. Based on the properties of the database, this is a version 3.0 DB. I then deploy the application to the Pocket PC 2003 SE Emulator and I receive an error when trying to open the database from my app. It's a very generic error:
I trap the error in my code, but there is no message in the exception object.
If I try to open it with Query Analyzer on the device, I get an error stating "The file is not a valid database file". It appears that SQL CE 2.0 was deployed to the emulator.
I noticed that when I add a reference in my project to the System.Data.SQLServerCE namespace, it defaults to this DLL:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev2.0System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
I tried removing that and manually adding a reference by browsing to this 3.0 DLL:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
I then receive the following build error:
Unable to load referenced library 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll': Version 2.0 is not a compatible version.
If I build the database in my application from scratch from within my code, everything works fine, which I believe is because it is a 2.0 database that is generated.
To make a long story short:
How do I get my project to reference the 3.0 SQL Server CE namespace and deploy it to the emulator?
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Jan 10, 2008
I created a SSIS package which logs to the event log (containing a script task and a file system task). I deployed the package using the manifest utility on a 2003 server. If I run the package using the DTexec utility logged on with a domain user account it works fine but if I use the same domain account as credential for my proxy used to run a job with the SQL Server Agent, the job fails. The log viewer tells me the following:
Started: 13:07:19 Error: 2008-01-10 13:07:19.97 Code: 0xC001403D Source: Description: The log provider type "DTS.LogProviderEventLog.1" specified for log provider "SSIS log provider for Windows Event Log" is not recognized as a valid log provider type. This error occurs when an attempt is made to create a log provider for unknown log provider type. Verify the spelling in the log provider type name. End Error Error: 2008-01-10 13:07:19.97 Code: 0xC0010018 Source: Description: Error loading value "<DTS:LogProvider xmlnsTS=""><DTSroperty DTS:Name="ConfigString"></DTSroperty><DTSroperty DTS:Name="DelayValidation">0</DTSroperty><DTSroperty DTS:Name="ObjectName">SSIS log provider for Windows Event Log</DTSrop" from node "DTS:LogProvider". End Error Could n... The package could not be lo... The step failed.
The job succeeds if I grant the domain account local administrative rights.
What's wrong, who can help? Thanks.
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Feb 18, 2015
I've got a partitioned table where I am trying to switch the first partition into a staging table, merge the first boundary and later drop the file and the file group.
This is my starting point:
11/09/2012 0:002
21/10/2012 0:003
After I switch partition 1 to a staging table I run:
ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION My_pf() MERGE RANGE ('2012-09-01 00:00:00.000');
I expect the 300 records from the former 2nd partition to stay in AdtLog_Archive_201209, however I get this:
How do I make sure that the data stays in AdtLog_Archive_201209 file group?
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to rebuild from a meltdown. I'm using disk backup files. Icould have sworn that I had SQL Server 2000 SP3 installed on the oldmachine, but maybe not.With SP3 installed, I get a message along the lines that the restorecan't be done because the backup was created using server version134218262 and this server is version 134218488.I've searched the documentation and can't find any reference to thoseversion numbers.In any case, I thought SQL Server 2000 could restore backups createdon any SP level to any SP level.Any ideas?--Regards.Richard.
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Mar 16, 2007
Hi am very new with (Visual Studio 2005) and the first time try to use the sql server 2005 express. I did create a trial.mdf (local server) and complete procedure to attach the trial1.mdf in Microsoft SQL Management Studio Express.
I try to use VB to connect /open/close it with the following codes: (but failed)
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
'Link database
Dim DB_Location = "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTrial1.mdf"
Dim MyConnection = "Server=localhost; DataBase= " & DB_Location & "Integrated Security=SSPI"
Dim sqlConnection As New SqlConnection(MyConnection)
'Use database
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT FROM Trial1 WHERE col2 = 'trial' "
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, MyConnection)
sqlConnection.Open() ' ----> error
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() ' ----> error
sqlConnection.Close() ' ----> error
End Class
At the last 3 line of codes I got the errors ... can someone explain why & help me to correct it?
Thanks for any help
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Apr 2, 2007
Visual Studio 2005 shows SQL Server 2005 installed product versions differently than the actual. As seen below VS2005 displays 9.00.3042.00 as the version of SQL Server 2005 however it is 9.00.3050.00 in SQL Server Management Studio. [Look at Installed Products section after selecting About MS Visual Studio from Help menu ]
SQL Server Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 9.00.3042.00
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.3042.00
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.3042.00
I have VS2005 SP1 and SQL2005 SP2 installed. Why VS2005 reports versions wrong?
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