Tables For Cumulative Tally And Carrying Balances Forward?

Nov 14, 2014

I have a client that I provide financial modelling services to (using Excel). They have a requirement to start capturing subscriber movements in their SQL DB. how the table should be set-up and how to extract the necessary movements report. This is largely so that I may include these components in some of the financial models that I am working on.

Subscribers are reported as follows:

Opening subs (the prior periods closing balance; or the sum of new sales at point of 1st entry)

+ New Sales (new subs)

+ Upgrades (movement from a lower product package to the associated package)

- Downgrades (movement to a lower product package from the associated package)

- Churn (subscriber losses)

Closing Balance

All transactions are captured against a specific product package, on a specific date (ymd), and for an associated platform (e.g. digital TV, broadband TV, cable TV).

I believe we only need to capture new sales, upgrades, downgrades and churn. And then used a SP to compile the movements behaviour as described above.

So perhaps the table would appear as follows:


New Sales



So I am assuming that given a table such as the above, we could write a SP to produce an output such as (note, below looks at monthly total so will not agree back to sample above which contains only 2 days):



New Sales


how one is best to accumulate the balances given that the open date for any given reporting period is in fact an accumulation of all balances since day 1.

How does one typically capture this type of thing in SQL?

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Carrying Cumulative Totals Over Months

Apr 11, 2008

I am making a report for a car dealer. Each month a certain number of cars will be placed on the lot and a certain number will be taken off. I want to make a report that will show the inventory levels at any point in time. (I will further refine the report by color, origin, model, etc later.) I am currently listing each car in my inventory table, flagging it with a "removed" flag when it is sold. My flag for adding a car is 1 and removing a car is -1. It's easy enough to sum the table and get the current inventory level but I'm having trouble looking back over time.

Say in January I had 35 cars on the lot. I sold 20 and added 5. In February I sold 9 and added 10. In March I sold 12 and added 5.

I need the report to break every month. But on the break I need to add all the cars in the table minus cars sold. For the January report it should show a total (cars added - sold) in the table. Each month I need to take a new grand total of all cars added minus cars sold up to the end of that month OR cars added that month minus cars sold that month added to the running total from the previous month.

Is there some sort of calculate measure I could stick in my cube that would carry these totals? Or any other ideas?


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Tally In SQL

Jan 12, 2007

Person # date tally
1 1/2/06 1
1 1/2/06 2
1 1/2/06 3
1 1/2/06 4
2 3/4/06 1
2 3/4/06 2
2 3/4/06 3
3 2/3/07 1
3 2/3/07 2

A series of readings were taken per person #. I need to create a tally from the person # column and the date column. I already have person # = to the individual readings.

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Point In Time Balances

Aug 31, 2005

Hi, I am pretty new to Analysis Services and I have come across a small problem to do with point in time balances, I guess that this is similar shiver72's post titled 'Date Range Problem'. I am not really after a solution as such (although that would be great :-), more interested in a pointer to some resource(s) which I can read up on myself.

Here is the scenario:

A student enrols into a course that has a start and finish date. This enrolment has a certain value based upon its length, the course type etc which means that each
enrolment's 'value' can vary at any time between the start and finish dates.

For example a student may enrol in a full year basket weaving course with a value of 0.0500, they then enrol in a part year course titled 'Dimensional Modelling 101' with a value of 1.000

...and their enrolments would look like this...

01-JAN-2005 31-DEC-2005 0.0500
02-JAN-2005 15-JUN-2005 1.0000

The client wishes to know at any point in time the 'value' of their enrolments. These values can vary due to a student starting or finishing their enrolment, withdrawing, having their
enrolment suspended etc, etc

Now, in the Data Warehouse Toolkit it mentions point in time balances in the 'Financial Services' section but it uses SQL to prove the point which is no use to me because I am using MS Analysis Services to dynamically create the result.

As it says in the book its no use creating a row in the fact table to represent the value for each day that the enrolment is in effect because with 400,000 enrolments that works out to over 140 million rows. The alternative is to create one row for each occurence of the variation in the value of the enrolment and then the facts would be completely additive and useful.

I would be looking at using something similar to the following:

fact table
<possibly some degenerate measure like the UID of the course enrolment held in the source system>

Student - and of course a whole heap of related dimensions like gender, age, ethnicity etc

For example given the above information the fact table would look like this:

(Student UID is 2005123, course UIDs are 1000 and 1001)

20050101 0.0500 2005123 1000
20050102 1.0000 2005123 1001
20050615 -1.0000 2005123 1001
20051231 -0.0500 2005123 1000

That way I can run a query at, say 15-JUN-2005 and sum the values and it will come out with the correct balance - and yes I know that this idea is straight out of the book :-)

OK, if you've read to this point then I take it that you are an extremely patient person and therefore will forgive my next question.

My question is this, my clients use simple tools like Excel pivot tables to gouge the information they want out of the warehouse, sure, I can write an MDX query to get a point in time balance (just as soon as I learn a bit more about it) but is there _any_ way/means/algorithm/trick/way to hold your head to one side, that I can use so that they can still just 'drag and drop' using the pivot table service as opposed to having to me having to create an MDX-based report for them ?


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Carrying Metric Through A Table

Apr 15, 2004

Hi. this is a tricky one to explain but I'm at a bit of a loss

Consider a product demand table such as
ProductDemand Qty
Prod 1500
Prod 2300
Prod 30

Now consider a Inventory table such as
Product BatchTotal qtyFree qty
Prod 1Batch 13000
Prod 1 Batch 2300100
Prod 1Batch 3200200
Prod 2Batch 22 600300

Wha I am trying to achieve is the "Free Qty" column such that, within each product, the demand is "comsumed" by each batch in turn until completly comsumed (or no batches are left). Hence the demand of 500 would result in 300 going to zero for batch 1, carry forward 200 demand which would be completly comsuemd by batch 2 leaving 100 "free". Subsequnet batches would remain all free for that first product. Then the operation continues for the next product.

How on earth do I do it ?????

Thanks for you thoughts


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What's Your Compensation For Carrying A Pager???

Jul 20, 2005

My employer currently pays me $1/hour when I carry a pager. I have tocarry the pager every fourth week. The problem is that my employerinsists that I be available when I'm carrying the pager. So, for $1/hrthey expect me to remain within pager range, remain sober, and beavailable to come to work. That really sucks on weekends. No goingto the beach (out of pager range) or out to a friend's cottage (out of pagerrange), etc. Declining to carry the pager is NOT an option.I'm curious what compensation others get and more importantly, what'syour employers expectation of your availability when you're on-call?Thanks.

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UDF With Tally Table Runs Slower Than While Loop

Aug 24, 2015

I'm migrating electronic records from a legacy system and the new system has strict requirements for ASCII characters in certain metadata fields. I wrote a UDF to display illegal characters, so I can work out how to map them.

The UDF used a while loop and to improve performance, I wrote the equivalent UDF using a tally table. The tally table version actually ran significantly slower. Query calling UDF using cross apply took 26 secsfor the while loop versus 119 secs for Tally table, for test data of 97000 rows

I would like to work out why, as I will use similar code to replace the illegal characters .

-- while loop version of UDF

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DisplayIllegalChars](@strText VARCHAR(4000))
RETURNS @TableVariable TABLE (
Chr CHAR(1)
,AsciiValue INT)

[Code] .....

View 9 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Query To Reflect Differences Instead Of Balances?

Oct 12, 2015

Got a table as:
   Report_Date [Date/Time]
   Customer_ID [nvarchar(50)],
   Manager [nvarchar(50)]
   Amount [Decimal(18,2)]

In this regard need to show the recoveries made by each Manager from their relevant customers? In other words, instead of the customer-wise balances  need to show the difference between the balances comparing the dates. The dates are in month-end formats.For example, if Customer A has a record of $10,000 as on January 10, 2015 and the same has two entries on February 28, 2015 with balances of $4,000 and $4,000, instead of balances, need to show ($2,000). Similarly, in case of March 31, 2015 reflecting three entries amounting to $3,000 each, need to reflect a positive amount of $1,000. And where the same customer has no entry on April 30, 2015, need to reflect a negative amount of $9,000.These entries thereafter being grouped on Manager level.

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Carrying Values From A Subreport To A Main Report

Mar 22, 2007

How can I carry a value over from a subreport to a main report?

If I have a total in a sub report, I want to use that total in expression on the main report.

Any ideas?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Normalize Values From Column Split Using Tally Table?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a table that has the following structure:

EntryID int,
Categories varchar(200)

values look like:


what I want to do is extract the Categories column to a normalized separate table:

345,'B' ....

I found the split using the tally table useful to split one-by-one, but how can it be applied when you are referring to a table?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Populate Number Table Variation With Inline Tally?

Dec 27, 2014

I have to create a table like this across a bunch of servers. I'm thinking that I'm overlooking something with needing two additional CTEs, but maybe not. I have it at 17 seconds, which isn't much faster than a while loop solution that's currently in place.

@msg NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE dbo.EulerSource ( [SID] INT, Euler BIGINT )

[Code] ....

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Pls Help W/ A Query To Return Running Balances From The Previous Rolling 3 Month Period.

Oct 18, 2007

Please refer to this table in this discussion:


























What i'm trying to do is return a result with total charges from 3 months previous based on a date parameter or just as a whole for that matter. For example:

If my date parameter is 6/14/07, i'd like my total charges to be 15 (6+5+4).
If my date parameter is 7/10/07, the charges would be 18 (7+6+5)

I hope that makes sense of where i'm going with this. I've played with this using the "Guru's Guide" solution by Ken Henderson, but still to no avail yet. Here's his code syntax:

Code Block

SELECT a.DayCount, a.Sales, SUM(b.Sales)
FROM Sales a CROSS JOIN Sales b
WHERE (b.DayCount <= a.DayCount) AS RunningTotal
GROUP BY a.DayCount,a.Sales
ORDER BY a.DayCount,a.Sales
Here is the result set i'm looking for:


























Each date's charges are a culmination of 3 months worth of charges.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll be trying to figure this one out concurrently and if i do, i'll post back!

Thanks in advance!

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Forward Dependency

Jun 5, 2007

I am attempting to duplicate a nifty feature that one of my colleagues used:

We have parameters where a user can select a client or an individual account. There are available values for each parameter from two queries. I tried to have the available values in the account list dependent on the user's selection in the client list by passing the client parameter's value to the query for the account data set and using it in a where clause, but I get a "forward dependency" error.

The weird thing is that my colleague tried the same strategy and it worked. We together tried to set my report up the same as his, but cannot find why his works and mine doesn't. Any ideas?

His report works when deployed from my machine, so there must be something in the actual report that is different...

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Store And Forward Via OLE-DB?

Apr 3, 2008

Hello all - I am trying to come up with a reasonable solution to an intermittent network. Specifically, I have a SQL Server 2005 installation that receives data from a client across a wireless network via OLE-DB. There are times when the network connection may not be available, and I would like to buffer the transaction (somehow!) locally, and then have it passed to the database upon re-establishing connectivity.

Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


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Going Back Or Forward 1 Record

Jul 12, 2004

Does anyone know how to go back 1 record?

I know how to go forward 1 record:


FROM MyTable
WHERE [id] > 27

This will select the record with the id 28, if id 28 does not exist, then it will select the next available id.

however, then I try:


FROM MyTable
WHERE [id] < 27

It goes to the very first record in the table, becuase it selecting the TOP 1 record, How do I only go back 1 record, eg. id 26.

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Using LIKE With Underscore And Forward Slash..

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,DDL Statements:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ([MyDate] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOI have a varchar column which represents dates in YYYYMMDD and MM/DD/YYformats. If I query using:SELECT MyDate FROM Table1WHERE DOB LIKE '________'Why aren't the dates in MM/DD/YY returned ? Is the / a specialcharacter in T-SQL ?Thanks in advance

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Forward Looking Thought: Raw Files

Oct 6, 2006

I assume that MS has a directive never to change the format of SSIS raw files...

However, what I'd like to know is that when I'm planning long-term systems where I've got backups of data (staging, logging, whatever) using raw files, can I be assured that future versions of SSIS will be able to read those raw files?

I assume a certain level of backwards compatibility, however, I'm just curious if I should think about building processes into my projects that would factor that in and rebuild raw files everytime a new/major release of SSIS comes out.


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Forward All SQL Traffic Through A Single Point.

Jun 15, 2007

Hello, we are trying to find a way to send all SQL traffic from multiple machines in a DMZ trough only one point. This way the firewall doesn't need to be opened to each and every machine.

This may be a simple question but I have never done it before. Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

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/ Forward Slash Escape Character?

Feb 19, 2008

im having trouble getting this to work:

alter proc [ProGeneral_College_Structure] @Year nvarchar(4)
DECLARE @SQLStatement nvarchar(1000)

Set @SQLStatement = 'SELECT School AS Level1Code, DIVISIONS.Div AS Level2Code,
DIVISIONS.ProgArea AS Level3Code, DIVISIONS.progName AS LevelName
, ' + SUBSTRING(@Year,1,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(@Year,3,2) + ' AS AcademicYearID FROM DIVISIONS
WHERE (((DIVISIONS.[' + @Year + '])=1))


It's something to do with the / concatenation I think, is it an escape character or something tried // obviously and CHAR(47).
before I get comments I know it's dynamic sql and it's not great but I can't edit the divisions table so have to use a dynamic column.

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How Do You Know What Transation ID To Play Forward After Restore?

Jul 20, 2005

When you restore a backup from a point in time, how do you then knowwhich transaction ID to start with when you want to roll forward fromthat point in time to another point in time?

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Error: Forward Dependencies Are Not Valid

Jan 12, 2007

I want to set a Report Parameter on a field. The Report Parameter is called 'filter'. In the statement I put the Report Parameter in the WHERE-part:
WHERE ([DatabaseName$TableName].[FieldName] = @filter). After this I set the 'Available values' on the Report Parameter in the lay-out to Non-queried.
When the report is running, no problems.


Now I want to set 'Available values' on 'From Query' and refer to the data set, so the user can choose on which value he want to filter. But now, after running the preview the following error displays:
Error 1 [rsInvalidReportParameterDependency] The report parameter €˜filter€™ has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter €œfilter€?. Forward dependencies are not valid.

Why can't I set the Report Parameter to 'From Query'? Anyone any suggestions???

(you can see the rest of my statement here:

Thx a lot of helping me out with this topic.....

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How To Add The Total Balances Of Previous Year Into The Next Year?

Apr 13, 2006

I'm working with a table called SALFLDGAMS where it has two columns that I need to work with. One of the columns is Period which has years from 2000 to 2005 and the other column is called amount which has the balance for that year. Let me explain in a little more detail. There are account codes associated with the years as well so there will be many places where for example the year 2000 will show up with a given value. What I'm trying to do is to create a view which has a BeginBalance column which adds lets say all the values for 2000 and sticks them to 2001. So what I'm saying is all the values from the previous year I want them in the current year. All in one column. Thanks for the help guys.

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SQL2000 - Forward Events To Named Instance?

Jun 4, 2007

I am trying to get Event Forwarding to work between two SQL 2000 servers. Both are running SQL 2000 Enterprise SP4 and Windows 2003 Enterprise SP2. I am managing them from my local desktop running XP. I have both servers registered in Enterprise Mgr.

<Server XInstance Z> (named instance) is the server on which I have a MAPI client installed and configured along with SQL Operators and SQL Alerts. <Server Y> (default instance) is the server from which I want to forward events > Sev 17.

<Server XInstance Z> is set up to receive error msgs 9002 and 1105 and email operators that either a log is out of space or a data file is out of space. It has been verified on <Server XInstance Z> that it will send locally generated errors to the operators correctly.

<Server Y> is set to forward to <Server XInstance Z> any event that is sev 17 or greater. However, when I simulate an 1105 on <Server Y> I get this error msg in its Application Event log:

Event Type: Error
Event Category: Alert Engine
Event ID: 316
Date: 6/4/2007
Time: 11:37:55 AM
User: N/A
Computer: <Server Y>
Unable to open the eventlog on forwarding server '<Server XInstance Z>' (reason: Sockets error 11004).

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I figured this may be due to the fact that SQLAgent is trying to forward a Windows event to another Windows server running SQL but there is no default instance of SQL Server. So I thought I would add a bogus entry to my Enterprise Manager that was just <Server X> with no instance name. Obviously, EM failed to connect but asked if I wanted to register anyway. I chose Yes. So I was then able to change the server in Forward To on <Server Y> to <Server X>.

That actually worked and it began forwarding error messages to to <Server X>. But the error messages are going to the System error log as opposed to the Application error log where I need for them to go. This is the message from the System error log on <Server X>:

Event Type: Error
Event Category: Disk
Event ID: 17052
Date: 6/4/2007
Time: 11:32:40 AM
User: N/A
Computer: <Server X>
The description for Event ID ( 17052 ) in Source ( MSSQLSERVER ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 2
Could not allocate space for object 'MyTestTable' in database 'Northwind' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full..
0000: 51 04 00 00 11 00 00 00 Q.......
0008: 0c 00 00 00 43 00 48 00 ....C.H.
0010: 41 00 52 00 4c 00 45 00 A.R.L.E.
0018: 53 00 53 00 2d 00 58 00 S.S.-.X.
0020: 50 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 P.......
0028: 48 00 4f 00 55 00 34 00 H.O.U.4.
0030: 51 00 31 00 31 00 30 00 Q.1.1.0.
0038: 35 00 00 00 5...

I'm stuck here now. Anyone else run into this problem?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Carry Forward Values From Previous Rows

Mar 23, 2014

I am working on a rewards program and I have a table whenever customer completes a trip, his total fare,business points earned for that particular trip and respective Promotional points gets inserted.

Now I have a scenario whenever customer business points accumulates to 10 then need to award 3 promotional points.

If Business Points=14 for a single trip then for the first 10 points respective Promo points will be awarded and the remaining 4 points should get carry forward for the next trip and this 4 points should get accumulated with the next trip Business Points and so on.

Basically need to check for every 10 Business points accumulated award some Promo points and carry forward remaining points.

Here is the sample table structure and data :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRedeems]
[Mobileno] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[TripNo] [int] NOT NULL,
[CustomerName] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Code] .....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Fast Forward Cursors Are Read Only But Are They Insensitive

Oct 2, 2014

A fast_forward cursor is read only by definition, meaning the rows can't be updated, but I'm not sure if they are insensitive or not. Do they reflect the changes in the database after the cursor is opened?

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AutoFetch Option With Fast Forward Cursors With SQLOLEDB

Jan 24, 2007


I am using the AutoFetch Option with Fast Forward Cursors with SQLOLEDB to access SQL Server 2005. This really works out but for the first I execute the query only.

But as I use parameterized statements, when I re-use the cursor, just re-binding new variables and re-executing it again, the AutoFetch does not work any more.

I noticed that thru the SQL Server Profiler. I see a sp_cursorfetch been called at the second time the cursor is re-executed.

Does anyone know how to work it out?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: Restore Fails - No Files Ready To Roll Forward

Feb 17, 2014

1. Created a database with a couple of tables with no data.

2. Taken a full database backup - db.bak.

3. Deleted the database.

4. Restored the database db.bak and filled the tables with some data.

5. Taken log backup - dblog.trn

BACKUP LOG <dbname> to DISK='D:Demodblog.trn' WITH NO_TRUNCATE, INIT

6. Dropped the database again.

7. Restored the database again from db.bak.

8. But when I am trying to restore log file dblog.trn on this database, i keep getting this error :

The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

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Database Mirroring. Asp Application (IIS 6.0) Does't Forward Connections To Mirror Server

Mar 28, 2007


I have setup a database mirroring session without witness - ServerA is the principal, ServerB is the mirror,. Each SQL Server instance is hosted on its own machine on sql2005 EE SP2. The mirroring is working correctly. If I submit to server ServerA command:


, ServerB becomes the principal, it means that mirroring works correctly.

My issue is with the SQL Native Client and a front-end ASP application (actually IIS 6.0 site) that needs to make use of this database. I have setup my front-end application to use SQL Native Client and specified the failover server in connection string. Here is the connection string that I am using :

PROVIDER=SQLNCLI.1;Server=ServerA,1433;Failover Partner=ServerB,1433;Database=MYDBNAME;Network=dbmssocn;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Everything works perfectly on my front-end application when ServerA is the principal. If I execute on server ServerA command:


, ServerB becomes the principal, and the failover occurs correctly on the database side. The problem is that my front-end application is not able to query the database on ServerB. The error appears:

Microsoft SQL Native Client error '80004005'

Cannot open database "MYDBNAME" requested by the login. The login failed.

This behavior my appication till I unload IIS 6.0 pool application. After that my front-end application becomes work correctly with ServerB.

When I swap server, I execute on server ServerB command:


my IIS 6.0 application automaticly turn back to ServerA without any action on my side.

I am using SQL Native Client last version (issued in February 2007). Has anyone experienced this issue? I'm thinking that it's a problem in the SQL Native client

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Forward Dependency Error In SQL Server Reporting Services Table Names

Aug 27, 2007


I am creating a report on a database where some of the table names start
with the @ sign - ie @table1.

Reporting services picks this up as a parameter, instead of a table name in
my query, even though I am encapsulating the table name in square brackets
eg. [@table1]

I have several data sets in the report that i am using to populate valid
parameters. These datasets are all variations of queries from tables that
have @ as the first character.

When i then try to run the report i get an error message as follows:
"The report parameter pool has a default value or a valid value that depends
on the report parameter SD_POOLCONTRACTS. Forward dependencies are not valid"

This is frustrating as SD_POOLCONTRACTS is not a report parameter but one of
the database tables that has @ for it's first character.

here is the query that i use to obtain the valid values for the pool report
parameter that i am trying to set up.

SELECT distinct u_poolcode as Pool
CRD1 ON OCRD.CardCode = CRD1.CardCode inner JOIN
case when len(ocrd.fathercard) = 0 then ocrd.cardcode
else ISNULL(OCRD.FatherCard, OCRD.CardCode) end = [@SD_CONTRACTS].U_CardCode
WHERE (OCRD.CardType = 'c') AND (OCRG.GroupName LIKE N'producer%') AND
(CRD1.AdresType = 'b')
ORDER BY OCRG.GroupName, FatherCard, OCRD.CardCode

Any help would be appreciated.

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Recovery :: Log Or Differential Backup Cannot Be Restored Because No Files Ready To Roll Forward

Oct 30, 2015

I missed the ability to restore based on a time (10/23 6pm) due to our purge cycle in our production environment, but I was able to obtain the 10/18 full backup, the 10/23 differential backup, and the 4, 10/23 trans. log backups.  I moved all the fore mentioned files to a staging environment, and now I am trying to restore all of the files to 10/23 6pm and I get :

"The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward" error.

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How To Not Auto Generate A Report, How To Use A Null Checkbox On A Param With Available Values, How To Add Back/forward Buttons?

Apr 3, 2008

Hey all,

1) I have a report with many parameters that I want users to be able to pick from. Allow them to pick 1, many or all to build their report dynamically. I'm all set on the TSQL side, but on the Reporting Services side I have to allow each parameter to be null with a default of NULL. In by doing this, the report will auto run, which I do not want to happen. The only resolution I've found thus far was by adding a parameter that does nothing, with a NULL default value. Yet It sticks out like a sore thumb on the report and I want to get rid of it. If I check in "Hidden" in the parameter options, my report errors out stating that the parameter requires a value.

2) Is it possible to have a parameter that has available values from a dataset have a NULL checkbox like those of parameters that do not have available values?

3) Is it possible to add back/forward buttons inside of a report instead of just at the report header by default?


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Cumulative Log

Sep 7, 2007

Is it possible to create a cumulative log using SSIS? basiclly I have 5 logs which hold failed records. I would like to create a cumulative log and send it via email using SSIS.


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Cumulative Sum(Urgent)

Apr 26, 2000

I'm trying to get the final result using an aggregate function.

Table looks like below;
ID ACRE Probability
1 3 0.3
2 1 0.6
3 6 0.2
4 5 0.5
5 2 0.1

First, I want to descend by probability then select all records that cumulative acre <= 8

So, final result will be:

ID ACRE Probability
2 1 0.6
4 5 0.5

Any idea how to write a script?

Thanks in advance,

Mike Jun
GIS reserch Group
University of Colorado

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