Tech's Are So Funny

Aug 16, 2004

Ok a network tech put an executive assistants database on sql with the upsize wizard in access. Only problem is that she cant input anything into the database, my guess is that its due to no Primary key in the new sql table. I have had this problem before am I correct in my assumptions???

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Lecco Tech SQL Expert Pro

Jun 15, 2000

Is anybody out there using SQL Expert Pro? Can you give me some feedback please?

I've been evaluating it for two weeks now and am very pleased with the results but I'm a bit hesitant to spend $5000.


Pete Karhatsu

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Dba Interview Tech Question

Nov 1, 2005

i need some help. im going back for second interview for dba job and l am been told that there's going to be a test. Not writing but just task to perform. what should i expect? i want to be ready?
thanks for hint

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ApexSQL Lockwood Tech ,Anybody's Using It ?

Jan 9, 2004

I just got their demo but having problems with running ApexSQLDiff , any feedback how it works for others?
Maybe there are some other tools worth looking at ?
Thanks for any suggestions

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Tech-Ed 2004 - San Diego

Apr 20, 2004

Something happened, they are sending me to this conf on May 23-28. This is the first conference since 1999 that I would be attending. Personally I consider this to be the best conference, and I can attend it every day. But it would be interesting to see some of you. Anybody else going?

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Lockwood Tech Audit Toll

Jan 23, 2004

I am evaluating demo version of Lockwood Tech Audit Tool and having problems with "undo" module.
When I click "UNDO" it not only freezes application but entire PC, did any of you experienced same sort of problem ???

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Need Tech Information About DTS On Data Warehousing

May 12, 2004

Hello, everone:

Anybody can offer technical information about DTS appied in data warehousing? Website, tutorial, forum and books will be great. Thanks.


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Funny Search Error

Oct 28, 2004

I have two fields I am searching on .... address and zipCode

When I have both pieces of data, everything is fine, i get back the expected results, but i am unable able to search on the individual pieces. Here is the SQL I am using. It's placed within a store procedure in Sqlserver that I amreferencing from my code.... any help??

IF ((NOT @address IS NULL) AND( NOT @zipCode IS NULL))
SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_Address1 = @address AND ShpAddr_ZipCode = @zipCode

SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_Address1 = @address

SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_ZipCode = @zipCode

any help would be great. thanks

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Funny Network Behaviour

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,In order to establish a security enhanced SQL server setup, I triedto switch off network access by disabling all networking protocols,so that the server can only be reached through a pipe. Neverthelessthe server was visible in the network and could be accessed fromall clients. Does anybody know what is going on here?Georg

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Weird And Funny Question

Sep 22, 2006

I specified configuration like shown below

"select * from table where id<>***" always doesn't work

however i changed that like

"id != ***" working!

Who can tell me why?

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Funny Problem (bug?) Using MAX() On SQL Mobile

Feb 8, 2006

This sure looks like a bug, but I'm still new...

First I create a simple database:

SqlCeEngine eng = new SqlCeEngine(@"Data Source=My Documents est.sdf");

Then I put something in it:

SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=My Documents est.sdf");
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("CREATE TABLE myTable (ID int, name nchar(10))");
cmd.CommandText="INSERT INTO myTable (ID, name) VALUES (1,'bill')";

Then I try to get the maximum value from the first column.

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(ID) FROM myTable";
int index = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

At this point I get an InvalidCastException raised. Using the datareader to extract the value produces the same exception, however I can go through the Query Analyzer on the device and execute the query and it comes out fine...???

This has really got me confused. Any thoughts?

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Funny Error During Runs

Jan 26, 2007

Can any one please help explain why this error has happened, it is not a normal error of SSIS,

"SSIS Debug host has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"

It has 2 buttons Debug and Close, this error happened in the middle of a script task.

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BIG And Rapidly Growing Database, Inexperienced Tech Guy... Me!

Dec 3, 2007

We're a very small company, I’m the “technical” director who has evolved enough skill in a wide variety of tasks (network setup, machine config, email systems, html, asp, database...) and then one day you notice that parts of the system are starting to get way more complex and troublesome than the layman knowledge you have can cope with... Well, I think I’ve got to that point and I need some outside help to get our system to the next level!

OK, some rough details to start with. We run a small but fast-growing vehicle tracking system that sends back a LOT of data via GPRS to our SQL 2000 Enterprise server hosted on a dedicated server in London. The physical machine is a P4 3.2Ghz Dual-core Dell rackmount with 2GB RAM and 2 x 76GB SCSI disks in a RAID 1 array. This is partitioned into a 15GB C: partition and a 51GB D: partition. The system paging file is set to be 1536MB and is on the C: partition. The server is used for everything we do... it runs Smartermail email server (only about 5 or 6 domains and a few users, hardly used at all), SQL server as mentioned, web server & the proxy software that receives incoming data from our tracking devices.

There are 9 or 10 active databases on the SQL server. 8 of them take up less than a gigabyte between them and are sparingly used. The main “active” database on the SQL server is the tracking system – and this is big... As our tracking devices send in data every 10 – 30 seconds, the database is hit with hundreds of thousands of events per day. On a weekday, some half a million rows of data are written to the main “events” table on the database. Over 7 days from 26th November to 2nd December, almost exactly 3 million rows of data were written to the events table. We undertake to hold 3 months or so of data “live” for our customers and I periodically archive data off. I’ve been too busy to archive recently and the database is holding data on the events table going back to July 1st. The physical .mdf file is just under 30GB on partition d: at present. The plan is to drop the active data stored to only 1 – 2 months, but this still leaves a 12GB .mdf file.

The worrying thing with this is that this is only 700 or so devices writing to us at present... we aim to have thousands out there soon! We are looking into how we can hugely improve system performance and look to the future. Our hosting company is recommending VMWare virtual servers and SAN storage, but I’m not entirely sure that is the best way forward.

Our non-tech MD thinks the way forward is to have one database per customer and can't understand when I tell him I think that's bad as it will create all the system tables and bits & pieces for EVERY customer if we do that, right? Also it would be a nightmare to add a new column to a table as I'd have to update every single version of the database too... I want to avoid this unless I'm missing something and this is actually the best way to go forward?

I've had someone mention horizontal partitioning to me? not sure what implications this has to coding and table naming? Or is it all one big database spread among separate servers?

Currently our server is drowning on disk access and it's only going to get worse... any suggestions or links to reading online that I can do would be great, thanks!


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Query Return Funny Characters

Apr 18, 2006

I run a query in QA which return funny characters (suppose to be chinese characters). I try saved as CSV and open in excel, still it remain as those funny characters... What can I do to get those output into the chinese character. It doesn't need to be in QA... but I need it in Excel.

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Funny Characters And Repeating Digits

Jan 17, 2003

How do l filter out funny characters in a field like (',','@','#','"'.'/')etc And Repeating digits Like 5555555,2222,111111,00,

Tried using the patindex but my method is too long.How do l do that ?

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Purchase Order Query: Very Funny And Challenge ^_^

Mar 1, 2006

i query a purchase order table, there is one column called PO_No, format: LP-0245111-0004
i make following statement to query: the middle code act as my id, using it search my records, the last 4 digit used to find the last purchase order number
SqlSelectCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT PO_No FROM [PURCHASE ORDER] WHERE PO_No Like '%" & GetYearCode() & "%' ORDER BY Right(PO_No, 4) DESC"
i checked my database, last record is LP-0545381-0300
in my debuging process, surprisingly found that selected record is LP-0545381-301   !
any one hav any suggestion? ^_^

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Funny SQL Server Error Messages - Anyone Has An Explanation?

Apr 3, 2006

I am getting a new server online at a customer, and our system shows very funny erorrs under full load. No explanations could be found. Anyone has some?
Here we go:
Server failed to resume the transaction, desc: 360000054a. The transaction active in this session has been committed or aborted by another session.,
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor.
I am a little lost on those. Simple fact is that I do not find any description of those. Anyone an idea what causes these?

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Need Tech Review Of MSSQL Backup Chapter For O'Reilly Book

May 28, 2006

My name is W. Curtis Preston, and I'm the author of "Backup & Recovery"(formerly "Unix Backup & Recovery") from O'Reilly & Associates.( )We're updating the book for 2006 and adding a chapter on SQL Serverbackup and recovery. Someone has already written what appears to be astrong chapter. The problem is that I'm not qualified to review it,since I'm not that familiar with SQL ServerCan anyone in this group step up to the plate and review the SQL Serverchapter? You would be mentioned in the acknowledgments of the book andreceive an autographed copy of the book.We're looking for two tech reviewers.

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Jan 30, 2008

Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.

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